Entrepreneurial networks in the modern Russian economy. Entrepreneurial networks Entrepreneurial networks, alliances



annotation scientific article on economics and business, author of scientific work - Klimchuk Elena Gennadievna

Presented characteristic entrepreneurial networks in the modern economy. The concept is given entrepreneurial network» depending on the field of activity and the form of economic relations of business entities entrepreneurial network. Presented modern classification entrepreneurial networks, differing in the goals of creation, in industry affiliation, in areas of interaction network partners, according to the degree of mutual participation in capitals network partners, by the level of corporate governance, by the number of participants, by territorial distribution, by the integration tool. The processes and stages of their formation are considered, which include a set of management decisions and actions for their implementation, as a result of which several business units begin to function as network partners. The state, conditions and problems of development are considered entrepreneurial networks in the modern Russian economy. Yes, until now entrepreneurial networks in Russia they were used to solve tactical problems and create a strong market position for companies. Today, network relations make it possible to unite their participants into a single technological complex and receive added value through the sharing of innovations at several enterprises. Combining the efforts of a group of enterprises in the development of innovations reduces the cost of each participant in their financing.

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The characteristics of business networks in the modern economics is presented. The concept of “business network”, depending on the scope and form of economic relations business of business network, is given. Modern classification of business networks , differing objectives of the creation, by industry sector, in areas of interaction network partners by raising capital in network partners , the level of corporate governance, the number of participants on the territorial placement on tool integration is presented. The processes and stages of their formation, which include a set of management decisions and actions to implement them, which resulted in several business units begin to function as network partners are considered. The state of the conditions and problems of development of entrepreneurial networks in modern Russian economy is considered. So far business networks in Russia used to solve tactical problems and the creation of companies a strong position in the market. Today the network relationship can combine their participants into a single technological complex and receive added value by sharing innovations in several enterprises. Combining efforts with the group of companies developing innovation reduces the costs of each participant on their funding.

The text of the scientific work on the topic “Entrepreneurial networks in the modern Russian economy. Types, processes of formation and functioning of business networks”

UDC 330.334.7



Tambov State University G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov, Russian Federation, PhD student, Department of Political Economy and World Global Economy, e-mail: [email protected]

The characteristics of entrepreneurial networks in the modern economy are presented. The concept of "entrepreneurial network" is given depending on the field of activity and the form of economic relations of business entities of the entrepreneurial network. A modern classification of entrepreneurial networks is presented, which differ in terms of the purpose of creation, by industry affiliation, by the areas of interaction of network partners, by the degree of mutual participation in the capital of network partners, by the level of corporate governance, by the number of participants, by territorial location, by the integration tool. The processes and stages of their formation are considered, which include a set of management decisions and actions for their implementation, as a result of which several business units begin to function as network partners. The state, conditions and problems of the development of entrepreneurial networks in the modern Russian economy are considered. Thus, until now, entrepreneurial networks in Russia have been used to solve tactical problems and create a strong position for companies in the market. Today, network relations make it possible to unite their participants into a single technological complex and receive added value through the sharing of innovations at several enterprises. Combining the efforts of a group of enterprises in the development of innovations reduces the cost of each participant in their financing.

Key words: entrepreneurial networks; network partners; cluster; business unit; classification feature of entrepreneurial networks.

The concept of "network" in domestic economic science is mainly used to describe the activities of the company in the field of distribution. This is primarily due to the active expansion of marketing theory developments into related sciences, including economic theory. Therefore, a business network is often understood as trading networks. Such an approach to the definition of this concept does not reflect its essence, since entrepreneurial networks are, first of all, a form of economic connection between independent business entities based on social mechanisms. Distribution networks are also a form of economic communication, but it is based on an administrative mechanism, in most cases based on the interweaving of property rights.

Entrepreneurial networks can be viewed as economic clusters. Cluster - an association of individual elements (composite particles) into a single whole to perform a specific function or achieve a specific goal. Clusters can cover various business structures, representatives of public authorities, institutions of science and

education, standardization centers, trade associations, etc. A.N. Asaul gives the following definition of this concept: "A cluster is a group of close, geographically interconnected companies and organizations cooperating with them, jointly participating in entrepreneurial activities, characterized by common areas of this activity and complementing each other" . These entities are united on the basis of long-term contracts with the aim of efficient use of resources and specific advantages for the joint implementation of entrepreneurial projects. Complementing each other, they get the opportunity to achieve better results. Despite the proximity of the concept of "cluster" with the concept of "entrepreneurial networks", they reflect fundamentally different coalition formations of entrepreneurs. In clusters, subjects are united on the basis of formal contracts that prevent the possible manifestation of opportunistic behavior of participants. In business networks, the basis of economic integration is a non-economic mechanism - trust. Formal contracts

between participants in entrepreneurial networks are nothing more than compliance with the conventions required by representatives of public authorities.

An entrepreneurial network is a complex of business units (network partners) that operate independently in the mode of interaction with their network partners. They carry out their production and economic activities with a certain degree of consistency, developing tactical and strategic management decisions that are common to all participants in the business network. Thus, it (the network) acts as a control object.

For a more complete understanding of the processes of formation and functioning of entrepreneurial networks, it is necessary to take into account their typological features.

Most often, when classifying corporate structures (closest to the business network), the degree of property control within the group, the organizational and legal form of participants, and the rigidity of relationships are used as basic classification features.

This approach does not reflect the peculiarities of entrepreneurial networks, which, as a rule, retain the organizational and legal forms of network partners and does not exhaust all of their varieties.

The tasks that business units set when they enter the entrepreneurial network can be the following: survival, increase in profits, further development.

The task of survival is set by the business unit in case of adverse changes in the factors of the external or internal environment. In this case, the entry of the business unit into the entrepreneurial network should either avoid or minimize future losses.

The task of increasing profits is associated with a decrease in production and purchasing and marketing costs or with an increase in the production and sales of products of a business unit.

The task of further development is related to the choice of effective business strategies, the design of a new product or the development of new areas of activity and the creation of a base for its implementation.

The formation of an entrepreneurial network is relevant for business units of any

branches carrying out any kind of activity. At the same time, industry specialization determines the uniqueness of needs and opportunities in the interaction of relevant enterprises and organizations. Business units in the process of interaction carry out various types and methods of cooperation in order to achieve their goals.

The whole variety of entrepreneurial networks in the modern Russian economy is different:

1) according to the purposes of creation:

Aimed at increasing the production efficiency of network partners;

Aimed at increasing sales efficiency;

Aimed at improving the efficiency of resource provision;

Aimed at improving management efficiency;

Aimed at improving the efficiency of research and development;

Aimed at obtaining additional financial resources (access to investments);

Aimed at reducing risks, dangers, threats;

Aimed at strengthening competitive positions;

Aimed at strengthening the security of the entrepreneur and business;

Aimed at achieving several of the above goals;

2) by industry:

Entrepreneurial networks in industry;

Construction of other industries;

3) in the areas of interaction of network partners:





Cooperated in the field of R&D;

Financially cooperative;


4) according to the degree of mutual participation in the capital of network partners:

With autonomous capital, without its consolidation;

With private pooling of assets of individual participants;

With the parent company owning a controlling, blocking or full stake in other participants;

5) by the level of corporate governance:

Networks in which network partners agree on elements, sections of their plans that are of mutual interest;

Networks in which network partners integrate individual functions (elements) of management on a contractual basis;

Networks in which network partners jointly implement a corporate program through certain centralized controls;

6) by the number of participants:



7) by territorial location:

In one city (region);

In one region;




8) by integration tool:

Business units interact on the basis of contracts concluded between them;

Based on strategic agreements; based on targeted programs.

The enterprise network parameters must meet the following efficiency requirements:

1) the target orientation of the entrepreneurial network must correspond or be combined with the goals of business units, network partners;

2) the industry affiliation of the business network is determined by the specialization of the business units included in it and must correspond to the goals and objectives of the network partners included in it;

3) the direction of interaction of network partners should provide the type and depth of cooperation necessary to achieve the goals of entering business units into the network;

4) the degree of mutual participation in the capital of the participants is associated with the personal strategy of the owner. A high degree of mutual participation reduces the freedom of action of network partners, partial mutual participation contributes to their cohesion.

In the context of the joint implementation of numerous complex projects, on which all activities are largely closed,

network partners, mutual participation in their capital seems appropriate if:

1) the number of network partners is sufficient to solve their problems on the basis of maximum cooperation of their capabilities, limited in terms of the possibilities for effective coordination of their activities and management without creating special structures;

2) the state and size of the potential of the business network is determined by the local potentials of the network partners and the conditions of their cooperation. They must ensure the achievement of the set goals;

3) the territorial location of the business network ensures controllability or coordination, traffic flows that are affordable and reliable, and the favorable environment.

The process of forming business networks includes a set of management decisions and actions for their implementation, as a result of which several business units begin to function as network partners.

The process of forming an entrepreneurial network includes the following main stages:

1) identifying the problems of the business unit and creating opportunities to solve them within the network partnership;

2) formulation of the goals of entering the entrepreneurial network;

3) selection of network partners (or business network): whose goals are compatible or adequate, the parameters of which ensure effective cooperation and interaction of business units.

4) substantiation of the structure of the formed business network and methods of interaction, development and implementation of common management decisions (management and cooperation).

The foregoing characterizes the types and principles of the formation of entrepreneurial networks, which is the basis for their functioning and development in the modern Russian economy.

The growth of competition in the Russian market is gradually increasing the number of campaigns focused on long-term goals, using modern technologies, Western management standards and focusing on creating high customer value in order to preserve the

existing and attracting new customers.

Entrepreneurial intercompany networks have a good resource base, are focused on increasing profits, achieving a favorable market position for the company, as well as developing innovations. Long-term cooperation and experience gained as a result of regular interaction of business units of entrepreneurial networks allows them to study each other's needs and jointly solve market problems. At the same time, networks remain dynamic due to the need to find solutions that would suit each of their participants.

So far, entrepreneurial networks in Russia have been used mainly to solve tactical problems and create a strong market position for companies.

Network relations make it possible to unite their participants into a single technological complex and receive added value through the sharing of innovations at several enterprises. Combining the efforts of a group of enterprises in the development of innovations reduces the cost of each participant in their financing. Inter-firm relations also allow the participants to concentrate the resources of their participants on the development and implementation of innovations and distribute the jointly obtained benefits among all business units. At the same time, a firm producing high-tech products, as a rule, is central in inter-firm relations.

A special form of development of intercompany relations is the organization of business by large corporations in the form of a network of interconnected subsidiaries or completely independent firms. By acting as the central firm in the network, corporations thus form new centers of growth. The network form of business organization allows them to use the advantages of a small business to develop a large one. However, in Russia the development of this form of business organization is constrained by the reluctance of large companies to delegate their powers to network partners. Therefore, as an alternative, authoritarian holdings are formed, in which there is a single center and many independent from each other.

ha of business units capable of working in project mode.

New knowledge and innovation determine the competitiveness of enterprises, but in Russia, innovation activity is developing at a slow pace. The main factors hindering the innovative activity of Russian enterprises are financial, organizational and legal problems. Among them are the lack of own financial resources, limited investment, unfavorable conditions for long-term lending, imperfect legislation in terms of guarantees to investors, legal regulation of relations regarding intellectual property, as well as unsettled relations between enterprises and scientific organizations and venture structures.

Surveys conducted by the Center for Economic Research under the Government of the Russian Federation of 800 heads of enterprises in eleven industries confirmed the low level of innovation activity in the industry of most regions of Russia. More than 30% of business leaders do not see the need to innovate due to the low level of competition in the market. 60% of managers explain the innovative passivity of their enterprises by the presence of external difficulties. More than 90% of innovative projects are financed by enterprises from their own income. At the same time, the main source of innovation financing for 80% of Russian enterprises is their own profit. This is explained primarily by the lack of credit resources and budgetary investments.

The participation of the state in financing innovations and implementing their results is limited to 6-9% and tends to decrease. There are no tax and other benefits for enterprises implementing innovative projects. Bank loans are still inaccessible for most campaigns. Less than 10% of firms develop innovations together with foreign partners, introducing new technologies, machines and equipment. Only 3% of enterprises got access to new technologies of foreign partners, less than 5% mastered new sales markets.

The share of spending on research and development in Russia's GDP is much lower than in development.

th countries. In terms of funding for science, Russia fell into the group of countries with medium and even low scientific potential. At present, science accounts for 2% of the total expenditure in the federal budget of Russia. The state practically does not stimulate the development of innovative projects. The main innovation resources and innovation costs, according to experts, are concentrated in medium and small private firms, many of which have a mixed (with foreign) form of ownership. At the same time, intercompany relations are one of the mechanisms for transferring knowledge. Network links between firms that produce, distribute and use knowledge, as a rule, make it possible to implement joint projects with less risk and cost, not only on a bilateral but also on a multilateral basis.

Thus, in the modern Russian economy, entrepreneurial networks serve as a convenient form for the implementation of innovations and innovative projects, as they allow combining the financial and intellectual resources of partners.

1. Asaul A.N., Skumatov E.G., Lokteeva G.E. Methodological aspects of the formation and development of entrepreneurial networks: monograph / ed. A.N. Asaula. SPb., 2004.

2. Morkovina S.S., Azarova N.A. The mechanism of network development of entrepreneurial structures. M., 2011.

3. Popova Yu.F. Entrepreneurial networks in the modern Russian economy // Creative Economy. 2008. No. 8 (20). pp. 32-38.

4. Oreshenkov A. Integrated chains of production and the practice of their creation // The Economist. 2006. No. 11. S. 22-26.

5. Beketov I. Prospects for the development of the national innovation system of Russia // Questions of Economics. 2004. No. 5.

6. Federal State Statistics Service. URL: http://www.gks.ru/ (date of access: 04/12/2014).

1. Asaul A.N., Skumatov E.G., Lokteeva G.E. Methodological aspekty formirovaniya i razvitiya predprinimatel "skikh setey: monografiya / pod red. A.N. Asaula. SPb., 2004.

2. Morkovina S.S., Azarova N.A. Mekhanizm setevogo razvitiya predprinimatel "skikh struktur. M., 2011.

3. Popova Yu.F. Predprinimatel "skie seti v sovre-mennoy rossiyskoy ekonomike // Kreativnaya ekonomika. 2008. No. 8 (20). S. 32-38.

4. Oreshenkov A. Integrirovannye tsepochki proiz-vodstva i praktika ikh sozdaniya // Ekonomist. 2006. No. 11. S. 22-26.

5. Beketov I. Perspektivy razvitiya natsional "noy innovatsionnoy sistemy Rossii // Voprosy eko-nomiki. 2004. No. 5.

6. Federal "naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki. URL: http://www.gks.ru/ (data obrashcheniya: 04/12/2014).

Received May 7, 2014


Elena Gennadyevna KLIMCHUK, Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov, Russian Federation, Post-graduate Student, Political Economy and World Global Economy department, e-mail: [email protected]

The characteristics of business networks in the modern economics is presented. The concept of "business network", depending on the scope and form of economic relations business of business network, is given. Modern classification of business networks, differing objectives of the creation, by industry sector, in areas of interaction network partners by raising capital in network partners, the level of corporate governance, the number of participants on the territorial placement on tool integration is presented. The processes and stages of their formation, which include a set of management decisions and actions to implement them, which resulted in several business units begin to function as network partners are considered. The state of the conditions and problems of development of entrepreneurial networks in modern Russian economy is considered. So far business networks in Russia used to solve tactical problems and the creation of companies a strong position in the market. Today the network relationship can combine their participants into a single technological complex and receive added value by sharing innovations in several enterprises. Combining efforts with the group of companies developing innovation reduces the costs of each participant on their funding.

Key words: business networks; network partners; cluster; business unit; classification feature of enterprise networks.

additional literature

Main literature


Title, bibliographic description
D1 Shiryaev V.I., Shiryaev E.V. Making decisions. Mathematical foundations. Static tasks. Moscow: Librocom, 2009
D 2 Saaty T.L. Decision making under dependencies and feedbacks. M: Librokom, 2009.
D3 Shapkin A.S., Mazaeva N.P. Mathematical methods and models of operations research. M.: Publishing house "Dashkov and K", 2007
D4 Yudin D.B., Holstein E.G. Problems and methods of linear programming. Mathematical foundations and practical problems. Moscow: Librocom, 2010
D5 Ashmanov S.A., Timokhov A.V. Theory of optimization in tasks and exercises. M.: Nauka, 1991.
D6 Owen G. Game Theory. Games of two persons with tasks. Games n persons. M.: LKI, 2007
D 7 Wentzel E.S. Operations research. Tasks, principles, methodologies. . - M. : Nauka, 1988. - 207 p.
D8 Volkov N.V., Mustafin N.G., Pirog V.P. Methods and algorithms for solving linear optimization problems / Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute. IN AND. Ulyanov (Lenina) (Leningrad). - L.: LETI, 1983. - 64 p.
D9 Ashmanov S.A. Linear programming. M. : Nauka, 1981. - 304 p. : ill. - Bibliography: p. 301-302
D10 Vorobyov N.N. Fundamentals of game theory. non-cooperative games. M. : Nauka, 1984. - 495 p.
D11 Shikin E.V. From Games to Games: A Mathematical Introduction. M.: Publishing house LKI, 2008.-112p.

Under the influence of globalization processes in the world economy, there are changes in the object of economic management. So, in an industrial society, companies that included several enterprises acted as this object of management. In the post-industrial, informational, entrepreneurial networks become the main object of economic management.

Entrepreneurial networks represent a network of organizations systematically organized on the basis of long-term contracts involved in the design, production, sales and service of the product. In traditional type associations (holdings, concerns, trusts, etc.), organizations may completely or often lose their legal, economic independence, etc. Such associations, as a rule, have a cumbersome management structure, which does not always allow them to be sufficiently clear and timely respond to changes in the external environment. In addition, they tend to monopolize. World and domestic experience shows that the network form of organization of the scientific and production cycle is deprived of these shortcomings.

Combining the efforts of entrepreneurs. governing bodies. The subjects of entrepreneurial activity in a certain territory gives significant advantages in competition and rationalization of production and market processes. Such a pooling of efforts in some countries turned out to be quite effective in terms of implementing programs for the economic development of regions, and sometimes even national systems.

Entrepreneurial networks can be grouped without relying on property ties, and combine elements of the market and hierarchical coordination of actions. Cooperative and information ties come to the fore in it, while property ties can be present in the form of equity participation. The formation of entrepreneurial networks is associated with the integration behavior of the subjects of the entrepreneurial system.

Entrepreneurial networks in general can be formalized (form independent organizational forms) and non-formalized.

The lack of standardized rules in the field of network associations leads to the fact that all researched and emerging business networks have an individual and unique character.

An entrepreneurial network can be identified as a group of organizations of participants in a particular market, united for the efficient use of resources and specific advantages for the joint implementation of entrepreneurial projects. Using predominantly horizontal connections and mechanisms of specialization and complementarity, they get additional opportunities to achieve better results.

An entrepreneurial network brings together a set of network partners. Network partners - These are organizations that form an entrepreneurial strategy based on the provisions of the network approach and in accordance with the principles of functioning of entrepreneurial networks in which they are members.

The entrepreneurial network is characterized by:

ü a single goal;

a clear internal structure;

ü high degree of interrelation of structural elements;

the relationship with the external environment.

A distinctive feature of entrepreneurial networks is entrepreneurial goal orientation.

Entrepreneurial structures included in entrepreneurial networks retain their autonomy, but through entry, the emergence of new managerial ideas and decisions is activated and the restraining influence of interorganizational and intrafirm subordination is weakened.

Basic principles for the formation and functioning of business networks:

  • the need to implement the principle of interest of all participants in the business network:
  • consideration of the integration activities of the organization as innovative:
  • the need for a new kind of coordination of means of production, going beyond a single entrepreneurial entity:
  • consideration of the possibilities of integrated behavior in entrepreneurial
  • networks for the transfer of part of the functions from the owner to professional managers:
  • use of entering the entrepreneurial network for more effective regulation of relations with the external environment:
  • using the possibilities of the entrepreneurial network for the division of labor, specialization, cooperation as a production process, and management processes occurring in business entities.

At present, the so-called shell organizations that implement a specific business idea based on network organization. In their arsenal they have a trademark, a management team and working capital. Everything else (from project development to sales and service) such an organization acquires from specialized companies that are part of business networks.

In the course of its activities, a business entity faces various problems, entering the business network provides some opportunities for solving these problems.

Over the past decade, significant changes have taken place and continue to take place in the behavior and consciousness of citizens of the CIS countries. They are caused primarily by the transition to a different system of social development, built on the introduction of market relations and the revitalization of entrepreneurial activity. At the same time, relationships become important.

and the behavior of people at different levels of their participation in entrepreneurial activity: between entrepreneurs and employees, entrepreneurs and government agencies, entrepreneurs and higher education institutions, etc.

Under the influence of globalization processes in the world economy, there are changes in the object of economic management. So, in an industrial society, companies that included several enterprises acted as this object of management. In the post-industrial, information society, the main object of economic management is entrepreneurial networks, which are systematically organized on the basis of long-term contracts, a network of organizations involved in the design, production, sale and service of the product. In associations of the traditional type (holdings, concerns, trusts, etc.), organizations may completely or partially lose their legal and economic independence. Such associations, as a rule, have a cumbersome management structure, which does not always allow them to respond clearly enough and in a timely manner to changes in the external environment. In addition, they tend to monopolize. World and domestic experience shows that the network form of organization of the scientific and production cycle is deprived of these shortcomings.

In economics, a network is understood as a way to regulate the interdependence of participants in a single technological process (different from the coordination of their activities using market mechanisms), based on a cooperative "game" and special relationships.

Combining the efforts of entrepreneurs, government bodies, business entities in a certain territory gives significant advantages in competition and rationalization of production and market processes. Such a pooling of efforts in some countries turned out to be quite effective in terms of implementing programs for the economic development of regions, and sometimes even national systems.

When merging, property ties play a significant role, however, entrepreneurial structures can be grouped without relying on these ties, thus forming an entrepreneurial network that combines elements of the market and hierarchical coordination of actions. Cooperative and information ties come to the fore in it, while property ties can be present in the form of equity participation. The formation of entrepreneurial networks is associated with the integration behavior of the subjects of the entrepreneurial system.

Entrepreneurial networks in general can be formalized (form independent organizational forms) and non-formalized.

The characteristics of the activities of individual domestic organizations united in entrepreneurial networks testify to the suitability of these concepts for application in the Russian market. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the lack of standardized rules in the field of network associations leads to the fact that all researched and emerging business networks have an individual and unique character. Despite the general directions of development and behavior in the production of the product, the uniqueness of each region leads to different end results.

An entrepreneurial network can be identified as a group of organizations - participants in a particular market, united for the efficient use of resources and specific advantages for the joint implementation of entrepreneurial projects. Using predominantly horizontal connections and mechanisms of specialization and complementarity, they get additional opportunities to achieve better results.

An entrepreneurial network brings together a set of network partners. Network partners are organizations that form an entrepreneurial strategy based on the provisions of the network approach and in accordance with the principles of functioning of entrepreneurial networks in which they are members.

An entrepreneurial network (like any other network formation) is characterized by: a single goal; clear internal structure; a high degree of interconnection of structural elements; relationship with the external environment.

A distinctive feature of entrepreneurial networks is entrepreneurial goal orientation. Entrepreneurial networks are always aimed at solving the problems of market management based on the activation of entrepreneurial initiatives, flexibility, strategic maneuverability and the permanence of innovation. Entrepreneurial structures included in entrepreneurial networks retain their autonomy, but through entry, the emergence of new managerial ideas and decisions is activated and the restraining influence of interorganizational and intracompany subordination is weakened.

Basic principles for the formation and functioning of business networks:

  • - the need to implement the principle of interest of all participants in the business network;
  • - consideration of the organization's integration activities as innovative;
  • - the need for a new kind of coordination of the means of production, going beyond the scope of a single business entity;
  • - consideration of the possibilities of integrated behavior in the business network for the transfer of part of the functions from the owner to professional managers;
  • - use of entry into the business network for more effective regulation of relations with the external environment;
  • - using the possibilities of the entrepreneurial network for the division of labor, specialization, cooperation of both the production process and management processes occurring in business entities.

So-called shell organizations began to develop, which implement a specific business idea based on a network organization. In their arsenal they have a trademark, a management team and working capital. Everything else (from project development to sales and service) such an organization acquires from specialized companies that are part of business networks.

The possibilities of solving the problems of business entities by entering the business network are presented in Table. 4.1.

In the process of long-term functioning of business entities, various kinds of changes in the parameters of the organization and the external conditions of its existence occur. These changes occur both spontaneously and under the regulatory influence of authorities.

Many modern problems of development of business entities, especially small ones, can be successfully solved by concentrating production, deepening specialization and division of labor.

Table 4.1

Opportunities for solving the problems of a business entity through its entry into the business network


1. Problems of improving the efficiency of the functioning of a business entity

1.1. Reduced production costs

Optimization of technical capabilities (P t) based on industrial cooperation; strengthening of personnel potential (P c) and growth of labor productivity due to the deepening of the specialization of production; increase in financial potential (P f) through access to financial resources of partners; increasing the competitiveness of products (prices) due to its modernization with the participation of partners engaged in research and development

1.2. Improving the quality of management

Development and implementation of a joint strategy with partners;

centralization of individual management functions (information accounting, marketing service, etc.)

1.3. Improving sales efficiency

Entry into the entrepreneurial network of sales organizations;

marketing network optimization; cooperation and concentration of sales processes within the business network

1.4. Risk reduction

When purchasing raw materials, materials and components; during sales operations

2. Problems of effective development of a business entity

2.1. Creation of a new product (new lines of business)

Establishing partnerships with organizations that have R & D units; establishing partnerships with innovative organizations; attracting investments from business network partners

The end of the table. 4.1

As the main methods to reduce the cost of production, we can offer:

  • - optimization of production capacity utilization (increase in shifts, load factor, etc., reduction of equipment downtime);
  • - increasing labor productivity through the introduction of rational labor practices and the elimination of lost working time;
  • - ensuring the optimal use of all production resources (raw materials, space, energy);
  • - optimization of warehouse stocks;
  • - improving quality and reducing waste.

Reducing management costs can be achieved through:

  • - rationalization of the organizational structure of a business entity;
  • - rational division and cooperation of managerial work;
  • - optimization of the administrative apparatus;
  • - automation and computerization of managerial work.

The entry of a business entity into an entrepreneurial network allows you to optimize the economic potential of all participants in the business network, obtain a synergistic effect from combining their resources, transfer intercompany competition into competition of associations (networks).

A number of organizations engage in inter-firm alliances to deprive a competitor of access to resources and create barriers for a third company. At the same time, it should be taken into account that inter-company cooperation is expedient only while maintaining control over their own business, otherwise a business entity may find itself in a situation of ignoring its interests for the sake of another participant in the business network.

In modern conditions, institutions are being formed that determine the basic properties and rules for the relationship between subjects of a market economy.

One of the main integrating elements is an agreement that legally ensures the fulfillment of mutual obligations in the process of developing the production and marketing of goods and services.

The transition from purely market to network relations of cooperating organizations at the end of the 20th century is called the network revolution. In recent years, more than 100 monographs have been published on this problem (mainly in the USA, Great Britain, Germany). These works are devoted to the analysis of competition in network organizations, the nature of supply chain management and cooperative strategy in networks, the dynamics of interfirm cooperation in network alliances.