How to make sliding windows for a terrace. Do-it-yourself balcony glazing: tips and tricks for preparation, step-by-step installation instructions How to make an aluminum window with your own hands

Balcony glazing is one of the most important activities in the process of apartment renovation. Firstly, it is necessary for the insulation of housing, because a significant part of the heat comes out through the balcony. Secondly, after installing windows there, you get additional space that can be used for certain residential or household needs. But, before starting work, you need to decide what material the glazing should be made of. And one of the popular options is aluminum windows to the balcony.

Installation of aluminum windows on the balcony is gaining more and more popularity today. And for those who are just thinking about this, we will give the pros and cons of such glazing. Let's start with what advantages aluminum windows have on the balcony.

  1. Availability. Often people prefer aluminum windows just because of the low cost. On average, the price for them is 1.5-2 times cheaper than for similar glazing with PVC windows.

  2. Light weight. Aluminum itself is a very light metal. Accordingly, all structures made from it are not heavy, including window frames and sashes for balconies. And because of this property, window structures exert little pressure on the parapet. Therefore, aluminum windows are suitable for installation on balconies located in emergency houses. In addition, it is much easier to carry and install.
  3. High sound insulation. Due to the hermetic frame and tight closing of the sashes, aluminum glazing will protect your home from extraneous noise from the street.

  4. Attractive appearance and the possibility of painting aluminum windows in different colors.
  5. Ease of care– the outer surface of the aluminum glazing frames and sashes is covered with a water-repellent film. Due to this, the product is less prone to pollution from dust and precipitation. Therefore, caring for such frames is much easier than for wooden structures - you just need to wipe the inside and outside with a wet cloth once every few weeks.

  6. High strength and durability- aluminum windows, despite their relative lightness and cheapness, are very strong structures. Their service life is measured in three to four decades.

Important! For owners of small apartments, it makes sense to consider the option of glazing the balcony with aluminum windows with a perimeter exceeding that of the parapet. As a result, the useful area of ​​the balcony increases and it can be used for indoor plants in the warm season or as an additional refrigerator in winter.

Also, when thinking about purchasing aluminum windows for a balcony, you should be aware of their shortcomings. The main disadvantage of such structures is the insufficient degree of thermal insulation. A balcony with aluminum windows, as a rule, will be "cold" - in winter the temperature in it will exceed that on the street by no more than 5-6 ° C.

The design of a balcony or loggia in Provence style is becoming fashionable among our compatriots. They are attracted by low-key elegance, French simplicity, natural finishing materials and the presence of vintage elements. For a more detailed acquaintance with the issue, we recommend reading.

Another disadvantage is that aluminum frames and sashes are installed only on perfectly flat and pre-prepared surfaces. Therefore, before the installation process begins, the parapet will either have to be leveled with a cement mixture, or a wooden board should be placed under the structure and all the glazing elements should be installed on it.

Video - Installation of an aluminum balcony frame

Window prices

Aluminum windows to the balcony - step by step installation instructions

Now that you know about all the features, advantages and disadvantages of aluminum windows to the balcony, let's look at how the installation takes place.

List of tools

But before starting work, any master needs to stock up on a set of tools. You can get acquainted with the list of what you need to install aluminum windows on a balcony from the table below.

Table. Installation of aluminum windows on the balcony - the necessary tools.

Tool nameWhat is used for

Dismantling of old glass elements

Driving fasteners into dowels, fitting, dismantling old sashes and frames

Dismantling the window sill and low tide

Dividing the old frame into several parts for easier dismantling

Measurement and control of flatness vertically and horizontally

Screwing in self-tapping screws and other fasteners used when installing aluminum windows on a balcony

Used to loosen or, conversely, tighten fasteners more strongly

Making holes in the parapet to secure some of the aluminum glazing pieces

Working with some aluminum window mechanisms

Processing the joints of various glazing elements and sealing the gaps that could remain after the installation of aluminum windows on the balcony

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers

Important! It is desirable that the screwdriver has two batteries - while one is working, the other is charging. After they change places. Thus, the continuity of the workflow is achieved.

Dismantling old glazing - step by step instructions

Before proceeding with the installation of new aluminum windows on the balcony, it is necessary to get rid of the old glazing.

Step 1. The dismantling of the old glazing begins not with the breaking of window frames, but with preliminary measurements. Using a tape measure, the length, height and depth of the opening on the balcony are determined. Without these data, it is impossible to choose an aluminum glazing that is suitable in size.

Step 3 The building level is carried out along the upper part of the balcony opening - it is necessary to find out how even the concrete slab is, whether there are distortions there. Such defects are characteristic of old houses in disrepair, and this must be taken into account when installing aluminum windows on a balcony.

Prices for building levels

Building levels

Important! In the process of performing all measurements, it makes sense to record the results of the work. Craftsmen working in window and balcony glazing companies use standard forms for this purpose, as in the image below. You can also use a regular piece of paper for notes.

Step 4 Only after all measurements have been completed, you can begin to dismantle the old glazing. Work begins with the removal of the sashes from the hinges. If they (sashes) are in a satisfactory condition, then the process is done carefully, using a screwdriver. But more often, the sashes of the old balcony glazing are removed using scrap. Much faster, more efficient and safer, such work is done in pairs.

Step 5 The window sill and the ebb are tucked in and removed with a crowbar. If they hold on too tightly and tightly and simply cannot be dismantled, then the craftsmen resort to using a hammer and a chisel - the latter is driven in between the parapet and the window sill (or low tide) in several places. Then scrap is inserted into the gaps formed, the glazing part is hooked and removed from the fasteners.

Step 6 Then, with a conventional wood saw, cuts are made at several points on each side of the window frame. This operation greatly facilitates the subsequent process of dismantling the structure, making it possible to remove it in small parts.

Step 7 The sawn parts of the balcony glazing frame are removed from their place and removed to the rest of the construction debris. If necessary, resort to the use of scrap.

Step 8 After removing all parts of the old glazing, the opening on the balcony is protected from concrete fragments, individual small parts of the frame or from fasteners. Then small irregularities are cleaned. All construction debris resulting from the dismantling of the old glazing is disposed of.

Important! Before installing aluminum windows, serious defects and unevenness of the window opening are eliminated with cement mortar.

Installation of aluminum windows on the balcony - step by step instructions

Now that the balcony opening is free of old and worn-out glazing, new aluminum windows are being installed. As in the previous section, information about this case is presented in the form of a step-by-step instruction.

Step 1. In this example, the alignment of the edge of the parapet is done by installing wooden planks. They are fixed on long self-tapping screws screwed into the concrete. In this case, the boards are aligned horizontally using the building level.

Step 2 Delivered aluminum window parts are unpacked, counted and checked for defects. Then frames are assembled from individual elements - while rubber gaskets are inserted between them, necessary to seal the connection. The parts are connected to each other with self-tapping screws.

Step 3 According to the same principles that were outlined in the previous operation, all other frames are assembled. As for the sashes, they are usually delivered ready-made - assembled and glazed.

Step 4 Anchor plates are installed on the upper part of the frame, with the help of which the structure will be connected to the ceiling on the balcony. Places for installation are not chosen by chance - from the edge of the frame to the anchor plate should be no more than 20 cm, and the interval between the elements should not be more than 40 cm.

Step 5 A window sill is installed on top of the board laid on the parapet. For starters, it aligns horizontally.

Step 6 Then the window sill is fixed on the board with self-tapping screws screwed into the part.

Step 7 By the same principle, the second window sill is laid and fixed. In this case, both parts should fit tightly with each other, and their edges should lie on the same line.

Step 8 A metal tide is laid on the outer side of the parapet over the newly installed window sill. It is fixed with small screws.

Step 9 Another low tide is laid nearby, while it not only joins with the previous one, but overlaps with it, as shown in the image below.

Step 10 From one of the edges of the balcony, the installation of the aluminum window frame begins. One of its components is inserted into the opening and fixed there from the bottom up. Its vertical position is controlled by the building level.

Step 11 Part of the aluminum frame is attached to the parapet with self-tapping screws. They are inserted into the corresponding holes in the bottom part and twisted with a screwdriver.

Step 12 Another part of the frame is installed next to it. Then it joins with the glazing element installed in the previous operation. Fixation is carried out using self-tapping screws screwed into the side parts of both parts of the aluminum frame.

Step 13 Holes are drilled in the concrete slab on the ceiling of the balcony for attaching the anchor plates. Then dowels are inserted there and self-tapping screws are hammered. The latter fix these plates, and at the same time parts of the aluminum frame from the upper side of the opening.

Prices for popular models of rotary hammers


Step 14 Between the ceiling of the balcony and the upper edge of the aluminum frame, a visor is wound up and installed from the outside, which is necessary to protect the glass from pollution during rains and other precipitation. The visor is fastened with self-tapping screws, screwed through the holes in the anchor plates.

Step 15 The “visor-frame” and “frame-outflow” joints are treated with silicone sealant - not a single drop should penetrate through them into the balcony, even with the heaviest downpour.

Prices for silicone sealants

Silicone sealant

Step 16 On special fasteners and guides of the aluminum frame, the shutters are installed - both rigidly fixed and movable. At the same time, it is checked whether the latter can walk freely and how well the windows on the balcony open and close.

Upon completion of all the above operations, the installation of aluminum windows on the balcony can be considered successfully completed. Now you can get all the benefits of modern and high-quality glazing.

However, there are still differences. Read about them in our article.

Before installing aluminum sliding windows, it is necessary to check the windows for the presence of various defects: cracks, curvature and scratches. The possible gap between the window frame and the wall varies - about 15-55 mm.

Also remember that the cost of installing aluminum sliding windows does not exceed the cost of installing window structures made of other materials: plastic and wood.

The frame for the sliding profile is mounted in the same way as for the plastic one. Therefore, we proceed immediately to the installation of sashes.

Installation of aluminum window sashes:

First, guides are fixed, and then sashes are installed in them.

1. The first step is to install the guides along which the sashes will move. To do this, measure the length of the inner side and horizontal sides of the window frame with a tape measure. Make appropriate markings on the guides. And then - cut them according to the markup. Using a file, smooth the sides of the cut.

2. The guides are fixed on the frame. To do this, drill holes in the window opening with a gap of 30 cm from each other. Fasten with screws first the upper and lower guides. And then the sides.

Remember that the distance between the guides and the outer (end) edge of the frame should be no more than 5 cm, otherwise the wall will freeze in winter.

4. Shlegel (brush seal) is attached to the horizontal and vertical sides of the window sash.

5. Install the sash in the upper guides, and then in the lower ones - with rollers.

Insulation and finishing of slopes are the final, but also important operations when installing a window.

6. Adjust the rise of the sashes if they close with difficulty. The adjusting screw is located at the bottom of the sash end. To raise the latter, the screw is turned with a hexagon (4 mm) clockwise.

How to install aluminum sliding windows? Assembly of aluminum sliding windows video

Preparing to assemble an aluminum sliding window. The general progress of the installation of a sliding aluminum window. Video with instructions.

How to assemble a sliding window from an aluminum profile

Modern window frames made of aluminum alloy are gaining more and more popularity. They are reliable, durable and aesthetic, meet the most stringent sanitary standards. Most often, their installation is trusted by professionals, but self-assembly is not so complicated. Let's look at how to properly assemble aluminum sliding windows with your own hands.

Sliding structures are used in conditions of limited space. This is the best model for installation on balconies or loggias. The frame opens according to the “compartment” principle, which is very convenient for these premises.

In apartments, a “warm” type of aluminum profile is used, equipped inside with inserts of heat-insulating material.

Working principle and advantages of sliding windows

Such systems are sometimes called sliding windows. Their opening is carried out by moving the shutters on rollers along the guides. On one profile, several guides can be placed at once, which makes it possible to install up to 5 sashes.

When choosing such a window, close attention should be paid to the mechanism of the rollers: the most durable ones are equipped with a sheath made of polymeric materials.

The sliding window system has a number of advantages:

  • Due to the use of aluminum, from which the frames are made, the design weighs little.
  • The strength of the material makes it possible to make window sashes narrow, so they let in more light.
  • Double-glazed windows and hollow profiles improve the heat and sound insulation of the window.
  • The resistance of aluminum to the external environment makes the window durable.
  • The roller system does not require the presence of free space in the room for the full functioning of the window. At the same time, the joint use of deaf and opening window openings becomes possible.
  • A special coating makes the appearance of the window aesthetic and attractive.
  • The simple design is convenient to use and easy to repair.
  • When using shut-off valves, such as bolts, latches or even locks, such windows will ensure the safety of the home.

Dismantling the old frame, preparing the opening

Before installing the window, you need to remove the old frame and prepare the window opening.

Wooden frames are sawn in several places. For this, it is most convenient to use an electric jigsaw, but a regular carpentry hacksaw will do. Frame elements are removed with a small crowbar. Using a chisel and hammer, remove the sill plate.

The opening must be cleaned of concrete fragments, old fasteners. If it is severely damaged or skewed, leveling with cement mortar will be required. You can proceed to the next step only after the leveling mixture has completely hardened.

Before installation, carefully check the completeness of the product and carefully read the attached instructions. In most cases, frames, double-glazed windows and fittings are separately included in the scope of delivery.

Frame installation process

The scheme for installing sliding windows is as follows:

  • If the windows are already assembled, double-glazed windows are taken out of them, the sashes are removed.
  • In order to further attach the frame to the wall, holes are drilled into which screws are screwed. It is recommended to mark the removed glazing beads. This will help to install them back and not mix them up.

  • In the window opening, with the help of wedges, the frame is leveled. Adjustment of its position and preliminary fixation is carried out using wedges. In this case, bending of the frame structure should not be allowed.
  • Having fixed the anchor plates on the wall with dowels, they screw the frame to them using self-tapping screws: one of them is screwed into the wall, and the other into the window profile. Slots are sealed with mounting foam. Anchor bolts can be used for fastening. But in this way there is a risk of damaging the surface of the profile.

If the gap between the frame and the wall exceeds 5 mm, then additional plates are used. One foam in this case will not be enough.

  • After the foam has hardened (usually it takes about two hours), its excess is cut off, and the wedges are also removed. The holes from them are foamed, after drying, excess foam is removed.

Installation of a window sill and low tide:

  • The outer perimeter of the frame is pasted over with a special tape. It is impervious to water, but breathable.
  • An ebb is attached to the lower edge of the frame. All gaps are filled with foam. A pause is taken for the time of its hardening. After that, cut off the excess with a paint knife.
  • At the bottom of the frame there is a special groove. A window sill is inserted there and leveled with the help of a building level.
  • The gap between the window sill and the wall is filled with foam, and the gaps between it and the window frame are sealed with silicone sealant.
  • After the foam dries, its protruding excesses are removed.

Installation and adjustment of sashes

We proceed to the installation of guides, sashes with glass.

  • Prepare the guides: measure the frame horizontally and saw off the profiles of the desired length. The cut points are cleaned of roughness with sandpaper or a file.
  • The guides are fixed with self-tapping screws on the upper and lower edges of the frame. Mounting step - 30 cm.
  • The sashes are being assembled: double-glazed windows are inserted into them.

The easiest way is to assemble the three parts of the sash in the form of the letter "P" lying on its side. The glass is pre-pasted with a rubber seal, which is notched at the corners. After inserting the double-glazed window, the second side post is carefully screwed.

  • The rollers are fixed in its lower part, at a distance of at least 5 cm from the edge of the sash. It is better to use a screwdriver for this operation, and not a screwdriver, so as not to crush them.
  • Along the entire perimeter of the sash, a special brush seal is attached to the grooves - a shlegel - the bristles of which must be turned towards each other. The shlegel itself should protrude 2-3 mm beyond the borders of the sash.

  • The assembled sash must be inserted into the frame first into the upper guides, and then with rollers into the lower ones.
  • The rise of the sashes, if they do not close well, can be adjusted with a screw. It is located at the bottom end of the sash.

The screw is turned with a hex key. To raise the sashes, it is rotated clockwise, to lower it - against.

  • Adjust all accessories, achieving its perfect work.

Sliding aluminum windows are easy to install yourself. Strict adherence to the installation instructions and rules guarantees long and trouble-free operation.

How to assemble aluminum sliding windows (video)

How to assemble aluminum sliding windows: video, step by step instructions. Features of sliding windows, installation. Frame, sash installation, adjustment.

How to assemble an aluminum sliding window

Sliding aluminum windows not only create a cozy atmosphere in the house, but also do not take up an extra free centimeter of space when opened. Due to the strength of aluminum profiles, sliding windows are reliable and durable, and also have maximum light transmission. These windows look great in any interior.

Similar to a closet, sliding windows are ideal for balconies and loggias. They do not interfere with free movement in a small room. You can arrange a whole greenhouse on the balcony, forcing the window sill with flowers, while not worrying about the constant rearrangement of flowerpots when you open the window. The sash of the sliding window is equipped with a special lock that fixes the window in the closed position, protecting the apartment from dust and precipitation.

In this article, we’ll take a step-by-step look at how to assemble an aluminum sliding window yourself.

What you need to know before assembling aluminum sliding windows

Before assembling an aluminum sliding window, it is very important to inspect the surface of the double-glazed window and the frame for cracks and scratches.

A defective sliding window is returned to the company where it was purchased.

Starting the installation of aluminum sliding windows, you need to carefully dismantle the old window with a window sill and prepare a window opening.

We recommend that you consider frameless glazing of a balcony or loggia as an option, as well as pay attention to remote glazing of a balcony, which will help you increase the space. However, do not forget about the disadvantages that this or that type of glazing has. For example, if you want the balcony to be warm in winter, frameless glazing will not work in this case.

The wooden frame from the old window must be sawn in several places to make it easier to remove the structure from the window opening. Then, prying the place of the cut with a crowbar, carefully remove it. The window sill is removed with a chisel and hammer.

Having dismantled the old structure, the remaining fragments of concrete and fasteners are removed from the window opening. Heavily damaged, as well as skewed openings are leveled with cement mortar and left until it is completely hardened.

Before installing aluminum sliding windows, it is better to prime the opening.

Scheme of assembly of aluminum sliding windows - general progress of work

Frame installation

Installation of aluminum sliding windows begins with the installation of the frame. The video below shows the aluminum sliding window frame assembly process in detail.

1. Basically, the details of the design of sliding windows come already disassembled, the frame is separate from the double-glazed window with fittings. In the assembled structure, the frame is released from the double-glazed window and sashes, and with the help of wedges it is placed in the window opening and leveled.

2. Holes for fasteners are drilled along the length of the frame and wall, into which screws are screwed in order to insert the double-glazed windows back in the future. In order not to get confused with the glazing beads, they can be marked with a marker.

3. If the gap between the side opening and the frame of the sliding window exceeds 5 mm, additional plates must be used.

4. The frame is attached to the wall with an anchor bolt or with an anchor plate. It is better to use an anchor plate, it does not damage the profile so much. It is fastened with two screws. One is screwed to the frame, the second - to the wall.

5. The installed frame is foamed with mounting foam all over the window from the bottom up. After two hours, wedges are carefully removed from under the frame. The resulting voids are again filled with mounting foam.

The remains of the frozen foam are cut off. Also, outside the window along the length of the structure, you can stick a special film that allows air to pass through and retains water.

Installation of aluminum window sashes

The sliding aluminum window is a rail system with built-in sashes. Sliding sashes move in the desired direction with the help of rollers and can be combined with fixed sashes.

1. Installation of sliding window sashes begins with the installation of rails. Using a tape measure, the length of the top and bottom of the window frame is measured and markings are applied to the guides, along which the required length is cut off. The saw cut is smoothed out with a file.

2. Finished guides are attached to the frame with screws, first at the top and bottom of the frame, then on the sides. The gap between the screw holes is 30 cm.

The gap between the guides and the frame should not exceed 5 cm, since in winter the wall can freeze.

An analogue of aluminum sliding windows is Slidors windows with a plastic profile. This type of glazing is considered warm, although less efficient than standard metal-plastic windows. However, for glazing balconies and loggias Slaydors has established itself as the most optimal type.

3. Further, a U-shape is formed from the upper and lower and one side elements of the sash, where a double-glazed window or single glass 4-5 mm thick is inserted. The sides of the glass must be glued with a rubber seal in advance. For a better fit of the seal to the surface, cuts are made in it in the corner parts of the glass. The finished window glass is inserted into the sash, to which the second side of the sash is fixed with screws.

The sash rests on 2-3 rollers, which are fixed at the bottom of the sash with screws 5 cm from the edges. Screws should be driven at low speed.

4. A brush seal is inserted into the grooves of the sliding window sash with the bristles facing each other. Shegel should protrude beyond the dimensions of the workpiece by a couple of millimeters.

5. The sliding window sash is placed first in the upper part of the frame, and then placed on the lower guide rails.

6. Once the aluminum sliding window is fully assembled, the height of the rollers for better sliding of the sashes on the guide rails is adjusted at the bottom of the sash with an adjusting screw.

For greater comfort, a mosquito net can be installed on the aluminum window. The grid moves with the help of rollers along a separately provided guide.

The first closing of an aluminum sliding window will require a lot of effort to get the sash into place. The fact is that the holes in the upper corners of the sash are made larger than the lower corners in order to prevent incorrect setting.

Aluminum sliding windows are easy to maintain. A beautiful appearance is ensured by wiping the double-glazed window and the frame with soapy water or special detergents.

For a longer service life, the fittings must be cleaned of dirt once a year and the moving parts lubricated with oils.

Sliding aluminum window structure stands out not only for its durability and strength, it contributes to the creation of non-standard structures. As additional components, windows are offered with ebbs, shutters, mosquito nets. When ordering an aluminum sliding window, ask in advance about the completeness.

Installation of aluminum sliding windows

Installation of aluminum sliding windows is carried out in compliance with certain operations.

During installation, small gaps between the elements are allowed.

How to assemble aluminum sliding windows?

Sliding windows are installed in the same way as other windows made of other materials (wood, plastic).

The difference is that the products are delivered unassembled to the place of assembly: guide rails, double-glazed windows, sliding rollers.

It should also be borne in mind that before the installation of the structure, it is imperative to check the integrity of the components and the absence of defective parts, failures, chips and other damage.

Assembly and installation of windows consists of a number of operations:

1. Installation of guides for moving the sashes. The dimensions of the length and height of the sides of the glazing structure are taken. The profile is cut to size with a fitting operation.

2. The rails are fastened to the frame using screws.

3. A double-glazed window is inserted. At the bottom of the sash, sliding rollers are attached.

4. The sealant is fastened to the sashes of the window frames.

5. The sashes are installed in the guides (located at the top and bottom of the opening).

6. Adjustment of installed sashes is carried out by adjusting the screw located at the bottom of the profile.

How to install aluminum sliding windows?

Upon delivery of windows to the installation site, the structure is in a disassembled state. The frame, parts of the double-glazed window and fittings are packed separately.

For complete installation of the structure, several operations must be performed:

1. Install the window frame into the window opening and secure with wedges.

2. Align the frame using a measuring tool and drill holes in the frame for further fastening.

3. According to the marks in the wall, we drill holes for fastening the frame.

4. We insert the anchor plates, which are fastened with dowels to the wall. We manufacture frame fasteners.

5. We form a mounting seam in 2 stages:

We carry out an assessment of the installation of the structure;

We interrupt the installation for 2 hours;

Remove the leveling wedges;

We seal all holes with mounting foam;

We maintain a pause for the hardening of the foam.

To give the necessary tightness, we mount the ebb, and for this we perform the following operations:

1. Glue with a special tape around the perimeter (outer) of the frame.

2. We fasten the ebb to the bottom of the frame.

3. The resulting gaps between the frame and the ebb are sealed with mounting foam.

4. After the foam has hardened, remove the excess.

5. We install the window sill in a special groove at the bottom of the frame.

6. We make adjustments according to the level of the window sill.

7. We process with foam all the cracks and voids between the window sill and the wall of the building.

8. Using a sealant, we fill the voids between the frame and the window sill.

How to adjust sliding aluminum windows?

The final installation of windows is the installation of a double-glazed window, hanging the shutters and adjusting all fittings. For the installation of a double-glazed window, at least a team of 2 people is required.

When adjusting windows, it is necessary, firstly, to carefully read the instructions for adjusting the design, which is mandatory included in the delivery set.

It is necessary to pay attention, and if available, eliminate the following shortcomings using a special adjustment tool - a hexagon.

By alternately inserting the hexagon into the adjusting screws, we adjust the frames, achieving a snug fit of all structural details.

Sequence of operations:

1. We place the liners around the perimeter of the structure.

2. Carefully mount the double-glazed window.

3. We fix the double-glazed window.

4. Install the sashes.

Before installing a double-glazed window, an audit of all fittings is carried out.

We carry out adjustment of fittings for the correct installation of all components of the structure with the help of adjusting screws.

Installation of aluminum sliding windows

Installation of aluminum sliding windows is carried out in compliance with certain operations. During installation, small gaps between the elements are allowed. How to assemble aluminum sliding windows? Sliding windows are installed in the same way as other windows made from another

Sliding windows on the balcony and loggia save space

Readers are often interested in how to remove sliding plastic windows on a balcony or loggia and how to install new ones. The key to answering these questions lies in knowing the rules of installation. Therefore, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the installation algorithm on one specific example, where an aluminum structure is installed on a loggia. In addition, you will learn about the advantages of compartment windows and you can watch the video in this article.

Installation, adjustment and repair of plastic and aluminum windows is done in almost the same way. That is, the principle of assembly and installation of the structure remains the same, only the material for the frame changes.

Window installation

Making the foundation

We can say that installing a sliding window on a balcony or loggia with your own hands is quite simple, but certain rules must be observed. In this case, we will mount the structure on the loggia, but in the course of the description I will make remarks on the difference with the installation on the balcony.

Through the board we make holes in the fence

We fix the board with dowels with screws to the fence

Regardless of whether we will mount aluminum or PVC, warm or cold profiles, we need a base, and in this case we will use a 30-40 mm board for this, which will need to be screwed to the fence with dowels. You see that this is not difficult to do - drill holes through the board and drive dowels there, which you fix with thick and long screws.

On the balcony, in such cases, a stretcher is made of metal profiles, and fasteners are not made into a board, but into metal - everything is the same, only the base material changes.

Aluminum frame assembly

If your window is made of an aluminum profile, then the frame will have to be assembled at the installation site - it’s much more convenient, but the PVC has already been assembled and you just have to hang the sashes and insert double-glazed windows. For assembly, all profiles are numbered, so you only need to fasten them together with the screws that are included in the kit.

But the dimensions of the frame are determined even earlier - to make a window. You need to remove them yourself or invite a representative of the company that will manufacture your order.

Tape fasteners will help to make the initial fixation

If the installation takes place on the loggia, then the instruction recommends using a perforated tape for temporary fixation - that is, while you are screwing this tape to the profile. In order to raise the frame in the opening, plastic adjusting blocks are used - they are also used for subframes in order to clearly set the horizontal.

Laying out the parts of the window sill

We have already prepared the frames, and you can lay them out along the fence and screw the window sill to it - in this case it will be made of parts, but for the balcony you can get by with one panel, since the windows are much smaller there. Here you have the opportunity to screw it to the board with screws, but in the stretcher, of course, you will need to screw it to the metal.

Low tide installation

In this case, the ebb is installed directly on top of the window sill and in the future it will be pressed against the glazing. But I'm generally a supporter of ebbs that are screwed directly to the frame - they do not have to be sealed with silicone to prevent leakage.

Assembly of frame sections

Now you can install the frame - in our case, since the opening is large enough, it consists of several sections. These sections are screwed through the profile with self-tapping screws to the board, and then twisted together, as shown in the photo above. In the subframe, the assembly takes place in a similar way, only it has to be screwed to the metal profile.

Fixing the top

Now we need to align the assembled structure and for this we previously screwed the perforated strips. We apply the level to the profile vertically and drill holes for the dowels in the right places. After fastening the upper part, we fix the sides and blow out the gaps with mounting foam.

We fix the visor

We insert the visor over the slats and fasten it to them with metal screws - it is also desirable to blow out the remaining gap at the top with mounting foam. If you have a balcony, then the visor is installed with your own hands on top of the stretcher, but this is more related to the design of the balcony, and not to installing the window.

Small gaps need to be sealed

Do not blow out all the gaps with mounting foam, as it is suitable for gaps of at least 3 mm. Anything less you can seal with silicone sealant.

Sash installation

Now it remains only to insert the sashes - this is easy to do - insert the upper part, slightly press the sash up and insert the lower part. In exactly the same way, insert all the other sliding elements. There is no difference between a balcony and a loggia here - only the price differs, but this is due to the size of the structure.

Mosquito net installation

After assembly, you only have to install a mosquito net, which is also called an "anti-cat" and in this case you see a simplified and therefore cheaper option. The mosquito is inserted in the same way as the sash and is pressed on the one hand by the movable sash, and on the other by the fixed frame profile.

Horizontal blinds

To protect from the sun, it is very convenient to use horizontal blinds on sliding windows on the balcony and on the loggia. They take up very little space and are easily fixed to the plastic and aluminum frame.

Sliding window care

Window cleaners

Now, let's figure out how to wash the sliding windows on the balcony outside and inside:

  • if you close a balcony or loggia, then some part of the sunlight remains inaccessible to your room and you need to use ultraviolet radiation to the maximum;
  • to do this, keep the glass clean - even a slight layer of dust will cut off daylight;
  • for washing windows in such cases, the most common household glass cleaners are used;
  • in addition to this (liquid preparations), you will need rubber gloves, a sponge, napkins and slime, since it is extremely difficult to wash windows from the outside in such situations;

Here you see how to wash sliding windows on the balcony and loggia with the help of a slip

  • of course, if you live no higher than the second floor, then you can wash the window from the stairs, but even then not always;
  • in such cases, you can hire a team of washers who descend on slings and perfectly process every centimeter of both glass and profiles for you, but this is too expensive;
  • in order to wash the glass from the outside, you can use the slide on an elongated handle - with such a device you can easily get any centimeter of the surface for cleaning.


I hope that you understand how not only the sashes on sliding windows are removed, but the entire frame - this happens in exactly the same way as installation, only exactly the opposite. I invite you to discuss this topic in the blog or in the comments.

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In most cases, balconies in apartments are the smallest in size than other rooms. Therefore, in order to save space, residents have to use various tricks.

To ensure that being on the balcony gives us maximum comfort, we glaze it, protecting ourselves from external irritants. Naturally, in order to provide ourselves with a portion of fresh air, we equip the frames with window blocks.

However, swing doors take away the already missing balcony space, causing us some discomfort. Windows and sliding systems can solve this problem once and for all.

Reliable and convenient

Sliding windows are becoming increasingly popular these days. They are practical to use and very easy to maintain.

According to the way of opening, sliding windows are divided into designs of parallel, vertical and inclined opening. In all cases, the system works on the principle of compartment doors.

The most common materials from which sliding windows are made are plastic and aluminum, they provide strength and durability to the structure. Least of all, wood is used in the manufacture of such systems.

How to install sliding windows

The design of sliding windows in the presence of all mounting elements is very simple. A person who has initial skills without the involvement of specialists will be able to install such a system on his balcony.

First of all, you need to prepare the workspace. To do this, you need to dismantle the old windows, if any. After all the preparatory work has been carried out, you can begin to install the sliding window elements.

In order for the design after assembly to provide all the necessary comfortable conditions, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  • before installation, it is necessary to carefully check the mounting gap between the window frame and the blocks in order to ensure the tightest fit of all structural elements;
  • then we fix the guides on the frame, previously cut to the desired size;
  • these elements should be aligned with a level to ensure the system has a flawless geometry;
  • after mounting the rail, install window blocks;
  • for safe operation with a sliding structure, the ends of the guides must be provided with travel stops;
  • after the installation of the system, you need to take care of its sealing with foam and rubber gaskets.

Now you can check the operation of the sliding windows. If you did everything right, the system will delight you with its impeccable operation for many years.

See also:

How to make a gate for a house

Interesting on the topic: What wallpaper is suitable for wenge-colored furniture

Tips in the article "How to install a granite curb" here.

Sliding glazing on the balcony, we watch the video with our own hands:

When repairing an apartment, a home master is faced with the issue of convenient use of the space of a loggia or balcony. Installing window frames allows you to exclude the ingress of rain, snow, dust from the street, close the property from the wind, and partially solve the issue of insulation.

Among the various balcony systems, the use of sliding plastic windows is now very popular. Their installation is carried out by specialized construction teams. But it is not so difficult to do such work with your own hands.

The article describes how to select a suitable design, the principles of its installation for further reliable and safe operation.

Types of sliding windows

Moving the sash along the window line along the guide rails allows you to save space on the windowsill, place decorations and indoor plants on it. They do not need to be removed when airing the premises.

For the manufacture of sliding frames use one of the materials:

  • aluminum profile;
  • wooden bars;
  • metal-plastic.

Each of them has individual performance properties.

Aluminum profile

The protective oxide film on the metal surface, reinforced by the treatment with special compounds, gives the frames a decorative look, well protects against atmospheric influences. Due to this, the metal structure can be intensively exploited for decades.

The disadvantage of aluminum is a high coefficient of thermal conductivity, due to which cold bridges form in frost. To reduce their influence, polyamide inserts are mounted in the window structure. But even without their use, such a profile is popular with those apartment owners who are not going to be on the balcony for a long time in winter.

wooden frames

Wood has long been popular as a building material, retains heat well. But under the influence of atmospheric precipitation and solar radiation, it quickly loses its strength and size, is subject to shrinkage and decay.

Therefore, wooden frames are treated with special compounds and painted with durable paints. This allows you to operate them for a relatively long time, but requires periodic inspection and preventive maintenance.

Metal-plastic modules

Metal-plastic is a type of composite material consisting of several layers:

  • aluminum or soft steel alloys that can withstand the mechanical load of the structure;
  • protective polymer coatings.

Due to this, the window frame has high rigidity, is not subject to deformation and at the same time is well protected from corrosion, looks beautiful, and provides thermal protection in cold weather.

Double glazing or single glass

Window sashes can be made:

  1. from one or more double-glazed windows;
  2. or a single sheet of glass.

For balcony sliding systems, a second simplified installation option is usually ordered. It is cheaper and more justified.

A double-glazed window, even in severe frost, reduces heat removal from the living room, working as an intermediate insulation for the main plastic window of the apartment. With this property, it better prevents the formation of condensate on the glass, reduces fogging of windows in the apartment.

How to measure the dimensions of the window frame for the balcony

Sliding window systems are manufactured at the factory according to the dimensions taken by the master at the place of their future installation.

So that the installation does not complicate the work, and the window is securely installed, it is necessary to specify 3 parameters in the application with an accuracy of mm:

  1. the width of the balcony;
  2. window height;
  3. protrusion depth from the base surface.

In addition, you will need to determine:

  • the width of the wall, ebbs and windowsills;
  • take into account all kinds of protrusions and sagging of the top plate.

When measuring, it is enough to use construction tapes or metal meters, and the results should be immediately recorded on paper.

Choosing a Sliding Window Pattern

The dimensions of a balcony or loggia can have a different shape, dimensions. location. The home master must take into account in the design:

  • the scheme of moving the valves along the guides;
  • type of window construction;
  • way of moving and fixing the valves.

Sash movement methods

According to this indicator, there are 2 main design options for sliding windows in:

  1. horizontal plane;
  2. vertically.

For a balcony, the first installation method is better suited.

The picture shows seven popular schemes, but in fact there are many more. The principles of their construction are:

  • sliding the sash into the pocket of the building structure (Fig. No. 1 and No. 2);
  • moving one sash to the location of the other (Fig. No. 3 and No. 4);
  • shift behind the fixed sash (Fig. No. 5 and No. 6);
  • combined method.

The design principle of sliding devices

The movable window sash moves along the lower guides with supports due to the rollers fixed at the bottom. From above, the frame profile with a limiter keeps the block in a vertical plane. For sealing, rubber and brush seals are used.

The design can use a holding unit with a roller and a latch located on top of the window unit.

Profile fastening method

The principle of placement of the main elements is shown in the picture.

The stationary frame profile is mounted on the balcony wall support.

All voids are filled with mounting foam, which is located between the layers of diffusion and vapor barrier tape.

Preparatory work

You need to do:

  • dismantling the old window system, if it was used;
  • complete cleaning of the wall block from debris and dust;
  • eliminate irregularities that will interfere with the installation of the frame;
  • prepare the instrument.

The sequence of installation of a sliding plastic windowInstallation of the frame

Preparatory work

First, the geometry of the balcony opening is checked by level, and if it is not maintained, then wooden wedges or metal plates are placed at the points where the dowels are attached.

The frame of the sliding system is connected to the profile. To do this, the inner cavity is inserted into the protrusion of the body and set in place with light blows of a rubber hammer, which cannot deform the metal.

Then both structures are fastened with self-tapping screws into a common part. To do this, it is convenient to use a screwdriver or an electric drill.

On the reverse side, which will be attached to the ceiling building element, anchor plates are fixed.

Their distance from the edge of the frame must be less than 200 mm, and the distance between the plates should be ≤70 cm.

Mounting to the opening

The prepared frame is lifted into the opening of the balcony and mounted in it with a mandatory check of the creation of a vertical plane on both sides.

For fastening in a horizontal plane, dowel-nails are used. They are placed at a distance of ≤20 cm from the edge and up to 70 cm between them. Holes in concrete are punched with a perforator.

In the same way, installation is carried out vertically. The indents of the dowels from the corners and between themselves are the same.

Top tide installation

The prepared structure is brought in from the side of the street, located above the frame at the same distance, which ensures reliable removal of moisture from atmospheric precipitation.

The ebb is fastened with dowel-nails to the ceiling along both edges of the sheet and in the holes of all anchor plates.

Window sill installation


The final dimensions are measured using a construction tape measure and the required length is cut off with a grinder or a hacksaw.


The window sill prepared along the length is installed in its place and screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws.

Bottom tide installation

The assembled ebb starts from the side of the street under the frame and is attached to it with self-tapping screws in several places along the center and edges.

Final work

Sticker PVC flashings

From the side of the street, it is necessary to protect the building foam from the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays. For this, a PVC tape with a special adhesive is used.

It is applied with the inner side on top of the installation site. First, a small piece of the protective strip is removed from its adhesive part. The top of the tape is straightened in place, ironed by hand and released from protection in small areas. At the expense of gluing it between the frame and the wall.

This technique is performed from top to bottom from all sides, where direct sunlight will reach the foam. If PVC stickers are not made, then after foaming the cracks, all these areas must be plastered outside the balcony.

Finishing the edges of the ebb with silicone

To prevent moisture from entering the balcony through the upper ebb, its upper edges on the inside are securely treated with silicone glue.

Fastening elements to the sash

A cover and a docking profile are placed on the upper part. Hooks are mounted on the side. The rest of the hardware is installed.

Door installation, finishing work

The prepared sash is inserted from the bottom up into the frame and shifted to its edge.

T1 fasteners are mounted at the junction of the leaves at the top and bottom of the frame.

All shutters are installed.

M2 fixing locks are mounted on the sashes.

The joint between the frame and the window sill is treated with white PVC glue.

The gaps between the frame and the wall are sealed with construction foam around the entire perimeter of the window.

Sliding window installed. There is a protective film on the frame and doors. It must be removed.

We express our gratitude to Balkonka OTK for the material prepared by it.

Sliding plastic windows can be equipped with a mosquito net, which is permanently installed for the entire period of operation. To do this, it is ordered according to the size of the opening sash and mounted through clamping devices directly to the window frame. Fixed installation of the mosquito net prevents the penetration of mosquitoes, midges, flies.

If you are planning to do a major overhaul yourself, you will face an urgent question: how to remove windows on the balcony with your own hands?

It all depends on the type of windows, or rather on their frames. They are plastic, aluminum and wood. Also, in addition to the standard swing window, there are also sliding windows. At this point, beginners have a question: how to remove sliding windows from a balcony, given the design features. Each type has its own characteristics, and they all require a separate dismantling scheme. We will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to remove windows on the balcony, and tell you about the nuances that usually arise in the process of work.

Preparation for work

The first step is to prepare the space. Often, everything that has not found a place in the apartment is stored on our balconies. It can be conservation, household items, old trash. And no matter how important and necessary we all these things, definitely, they all have to be removed! In the process of work on the balcony, a huge amount of construction debris and dust is generated. And in order not to wipe every jar and drawers, it is worth bringing everything into the apartment. The same goes for the adjoining room. This is necessary so that you can walk freely, take the necessary things, tools and at the same time not dirty everything around. If you have only one room in your apartment, cover the furniture with construction film and put the carpets away. To protect your furniture as securely as possible, glue the edges of the film with tape. So the dust does not penetrate inside and does not settle on soft surfaces from which it is quite difficult to remove it.

In order to protect the floor, we recommend using self-adhesive polyethylene instead of a film. It is dense enough not to tear, and at the same time it will serve as the best protection against scratches on your flooring. If you have a lot of plywood or cardboard on the farm, you can use those as well.

Be sure to prepare all the necessary tools in advance.

You will need:

  • saw;
  • sandpaper;
  • screwdrivers;
  • putty knife;
  • Bulgarian;
  • a hammer.

Security measures

Window removal is best done with two people. So, one person will remove the window, and the other will insure it. In addition, it is better to stock up on safety elements, as the frame can simply slip out of your hands.

It will not be superfluous to also protect the area under the balcony with the help of a brand of tape. In this regard, it is better to play it safe, since even a small piece of concrete, when falling, can lead to injury and even death of a bystander.

Do not start construction work at very low and high temperatures. They can negatively affect both the quality of work and your well-being.

How to remove plastic windows on the balcony

You can remove plastic windows leaving them intact or damaged. If you plan to reinstall them in the country or sell them as used, you should remove them carefully. To do this, first remove the sash. If the loops are adjustable, remove the lining and separate the halves of the loops. To do this, you need to remove the connecting rod - just press it and carefully pull it out. Further, holding the sash, we do the same with the lower loop.

If the hinges are not adjustable, then the pins just need to be knocked out. After that, we remove the double-glazed windows. For this we use a spatula. With it, we press the glazing bead into the frame. After running a spatula along the entire length, we get a large gap, after which the glazing bead can be removed by hand.

If, along with the balcony windows, you also change the windows in the apartment, another stage awaits you - the dismantling of the slopes. Decorative ones are easily removed, and plaster will require effort. You can remove it with a puncher, but do not forget about the safety of the frame. When you complete the work with the slopes, you can remove the window sill, fasteners and mounting foam. All these elements can also be present on the balcony if you have a concrete floor and a window sill made of stone or porcelain stoneware. After carefully remove the frame. Make sure it doesn't fall on you. It is best to dismantle with a partner. We figured out the question: how to remove plastic windows on the balcony, now let's talk about aluminum ones.

How to remove aluminum windows on a balcony

Removing aluminum windows is similar to removing plastic ones. You also need to get rid of the glazing beads, and then remove the double-glazed windows. The sashes are removed first, and then everything else. If you do not need an aluminum frame, you can make cuts in it. Oddly enough, it is best to do this job with a regular hand saw. If you are an experienced craftsman - use a grinder, but with a circle on concrete. It is forbidden to use a grinder with a circle on a tree, as this can complicate the dismantling process, as well as be traumatic.

Remember, if initially you were only concerned with the question: how to remove aluminum windows on the balcony, then later you will come across another one: how to install a new window. To do this, it is best to prepare the surface at the dismantling stage: carefully clean the opening from concrete particles, get rid of the remains of mounting foam and irregularities. The smoother the surface you get, the easier it will be to install new windows on the balcony later.

How to remove the windows on the balcony sliding

If your windows have a sliding design, you must first dismantle the sashes. This can be done manually. At the next stage, double-glazed windows are dismantled. First you need to cut or disassemble the window frame. Next comes the dismantling of balcony windows. If you plan to save them, remove the windows from the fasteners with a grinder.

If you are faced with the question “how to remove windows on a p44t balcony”, you just need to unscrew the plugs (they can be found on the top and bottom at the ends of the wings), and then just pull to the end and take the bottom inside the room. If this did not work out manually, use a 4 mm imbus key. Use it to loosen the screw located in the sash.

The question that you initially faced “how to remove sliding windows on the balcony” has been resolved! At the last stage, preparations are made for the installation of new windows. To do this, again, we thoroughly clean all surfaces.

How to remove sliding plastic windows on the balcony

Plastic sliding windows are removed in almost the same way, with the exception of a few nuances. Use a self-adhesive protective film. It will protect you from injury in case the glass breaks. After that, you can remove the mounting strips. Be sure to do this work with a partner, as the second person must hold the glass. After, squeeze out the double-glazed window.

Another question: how to remove the sash of a sliding window on the balcony.

To do this, you need to find the screws that are screwed into the frame. They must be unscrewed, after which, with a sharp object, you can remove the mounting foam poured into the seams. An important point: be sure to insure the frame so that it does not fall down, as this can lead to an accident.

Another tip will answer the question: how to remove sliding windows on the euro balcony so that you can quickly install new ones afterwards. This is especially true for the late autumn and early spring period, when the apartment is cold enough and you want to quickly repair and insulate the balcony (in winter, such work is carried out extremely rarely and at a temperature not lower than -5 degrees).

We have already mentioned more than once the need to create a flat surface for the further installation of new windows. In order for the result of this process to be of the highest quality, we recommend covering the irregularities with cement. If your walls are loose enough, use a primer, which will provide a better "seizure" of materials.

How to remove wooden windows with your own hands

In rare cases, wooden windows can be found in modern houses, they are removed along with glass, and most often scrap is used for this. However, the glazing of balconies was massively carried out in the late 90s and early 2000s. Therefore, we are dealing with relatively new, not Soviet designs. In addition, the windows on the balcony are quite thin and single-chamber. With the dismantling of such windows, there will be no problems. All you need to do is to remove the frames from the hinges, the glass does not come out. Further, with the help of a crowbar and a saw, you can remove the entire wooden structure, including the window sill (if provided) and the lining, since most often the balconies were completely sheathed from the inside with either plastic or wooden lining.

How to remove windows on the balcony with your own hands: video

September 20, 2016
Specialization: master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing work and laying flooring. Installation of door and window blocks, facade finishing, installation of electrics, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

If for one reason or another ordinary windows do not fit or you are looking for a cheaper option, then this review will suggest an interesting solution. You can make ordinary or sliding polycarbonate windows with your own hands, the material is easy to work with, weighs a little and has a democratic cost. Let's figure out how to organize the workflow and what you should pay close attention to.

Manufacturing technology

Before writing this review, I decided to see what other resources say about this. As a result, I saw that all articles on this topic were rewritten from one source, and the people who talk about how to carry out the work have no idea how the process actually looks like. Therefore, we will deal with you from beginning to end, since there is still nothing worthwhile on the network.

Preparatory stage

Before starting work, you need to carry out a number of important activities and understand the many nuances. To begin with, you must decide which polycarbonate will be used.

There are two main options:

  • Cellular polycarbonate consists of two polymer sheets, between which there are jumpers-ribs that give the material strength. Due to the air channels inside, this option has good heat and sound insulation performance. The standard sheet width is 2.1 meters, the length is 6 meters, 6-10 mm, more is not needed for windows, the price of a sheet 6 mm thick is about 3000, and 10 mm thick is about 4300 rubles;

  • Monolithic polycarbonate resembles glass, it is completely transparent, but it also has a number of additional advantages - the material is flexible, impact resistant and can have different colors. The thickness varies from 2 to 8 mm, which allows you to choose the best solution, the standard sheet dimensions are 2.05x3.05 mm.
    The only negative is the high price, a sheet 3 mm thick will cost about 7,000 rubles, and if the thickness is 6 mm, then you will have to pay 13-14,000 rubles;

Both options bend well, but a monolithic one can be bent in any direction, and a honeycomb one can only be bent across the ribs, if you bend it along, it will break.

In addition to the polycarbonate itself, other materials are also needed:

Materials used Description
frame material In general, if you already have windows, and you only want to change the glazing, then you can use the old frames, they are perfect for our purposes. If you are assembling a new design, then the material of manufacture can be wood, aluminum, plastic or metal elements. It all depends on your capabilities and features of the structure.
Profiles If the sheets are connected, then a special bar is needed, there are also other accessories for the ends and junctions. You can do without them, but then the result of the work will not be very accurate. Alternatively, you can use ordinary wooden glazing beads, they also fix the sheets well.
Sealing materials Dust and dirt are very heavily clogged into the voids of cellular polycarbonate, and condensation can also form there, therefore, a special perforated vapor-permeable tape is used to protect and strengthen the ends. If it is not there, then get at least a silicone sealant, in any case, you need to close the ends
fasteners Polycarbonate can be fastened with special self-tapping screws with rubber washers, or it can be pressed with planks. Frames and other structures need to be assembled and installed, so stock up on self-tapping screws of the required length

You can’t do without a certain set of tools, it all depends on what you will make frames from. Most often you need the following:

  • Screwdriver;
  • Hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • Perforator (if you need to put windows on concrete or brick);
  • A tape measure and a pencil for marking, as well as a level for controlling the installation plane of the structure.

If you are making a sliding structure, then you will need to purchase a roller mechanism or put the frames in guides so that they can move.

Sometimes it is necessary to make a window in a polycarbonate greenhouse for ventilation, in this case the entire surface is covered with material using standard technology, after which a frame is made, which is attached to the curtains and sheathed with polycarbonate.

The working process

Now let's figure out how to make windows. The instruction for the work is quite simple:

  • To begin with, you should take measurements to determine what sizes the individual elements will be. All results must be recorded, otherwise you can mix something up and spoil the materials when cutting. It is very important to know exactly the dimensions of each window in order to achieve the best result;
  • Next, you need to make a sketch of the future design, this will allow you to clearly present the final result and save you from many questions during the work. This is especially important if you are building a greenhouse, you should take into account the width of the sheets and make the project so that the minimum amount of waste remains during work;

  • Then you need to cut the material to assemble the structure, it is best to cut the elements at an angle of 45 degrees for perfect joining and fasten them with self-tapping screws and flat window corners. To perform this type of work you will need a miter box. You can assemble the structure even easier without cutting corners, it all depends on the installation location and your preferences;

If you do not like the option of attaching polycarbonate from the outside with roofing screws, then you need to make a groove of the required depth along the perimeter of the frame in order to insert the material into it and fix it.

  • Polycarbonate is cut with a construction knife - mark the dimensions, draw along the ruler, after which the sheet is easily broken and cut off on the other side, it is even easier to cut along. The ends are either sealed with a special tape, or closed with an end plate, which must be planted on;
  • As for fastening, you can make it easier and screw the material on the outside, or you can do it, as I wrote above - insert the polycarbonate into the groove and press it either using a special bar or using a wooden glazing bead. It all depends on the size, only small elements can be fastened with glazing beads; for strength, a sealant is applied around the perimeter, which will also serve as glue;

  • As for installation, it can be done in different ways, if it is a wooden frame, then self-tapping screws are enough, anchors are needed for concrete and brick structures, and if you have a sliding system, then you need to install guides and rollers for movement. It all depends on you, you can do it easier, or you can make a convenient and functional design.


Polycarbonate windows can be assembled even without the skills of a builder: it is enough to fasten 4 bars and screw a sheet on top - and the simplest design is ready. More complex solutions will require a more thorough approach, but they are also not very complex. Watch the video in this article and you will understand some important nuances even better, and if something is still unclear, then write questions in the comments below the review.

Reading 9 min.

Recently, among residents of apartment buildings, there is an increasing tendency to equip the balcony space with benefit. You can come up with many options for using a balcony, ranging from banal storage of unnecessary things to original recreation areas and mini-greenhouses. In addition, more and more balconies are attached to rooms and kitchens, thereby expanding the living space. But few can afford a radical redevelopment, and you just don’t want to clutter up the extra few square meters. Then all possible ways to equip this space as practical and functional as possible come to the rescue. One of these ways is to install sliding windows on the balcony.

What is the advantage of sliding windows on the balcony?

It would seem, what difference does it make which windows will be installed on the balcony? But few people think that with the help of high-quality windows, you can not only protect the room from the influence of various weather conditions and keep it warm, but also slightly expand the space and create more comfortable conditions for using the balcony.

Advantages of sliding windows on the balcony:

  • They are much more convenient to use. You don't have to reach up to the tall window handles to open it;
  • The service life of such systems ranges from 20 to 50 years;
  • Open sashes will not occupy the space of the balcony, as they move apart to the sides;
  • Such windows have a larger glazing area than ordinary ones, so more light will penetrate the balcony;
  • Possibility to choose various color schemes for the design of such windows;

Before ordering the installation of sliding windows for your balcony, you need to understand how this design works and what types of sliding windows exist.

Sliding window types

All sliding windows have a similar design. But they can be made from different materials. There are only two types of such windows: aluminum and plastic. We will analyze the design features, advantages and disadvantages of each of these types.

Aluminum sliding windows

Sliding windows made of aluminum profiles have the following design: guides are installed on the frame, along which the window sashes move. The sashes are equipped with special rollers with a polymer coating, which ensure smooth movement of the sash. They are closed with a latch mechanism, and fittings in the form of handles are also installed on the doors. The entire system is sealed with brush seals.

For this type of windows, two types of profiles are used: regular and reinforced. The second is used in cases where the glazing is planned to be taken out of the balcony railings, or on high floors of buildings.

The advantages of aluminum sliding windows are:

  • Low price;
  • The possibility of moving the glazing beyond the perimeter of the balcony using a system of brackets, which allows you to expand the free space of very small balconies;
  • Aluminum is a durable material that is not susceptible to corrosion, which means that structures made of it have a long service life;
  • Such windows are lightweight, so it is not necessary to strengthen the structure of the balcony ceilings for their installation;

But this type of glazing also has its drawbacks, which in many cases turn out to be significant:

  • Since aluminum is a metal, in the winter season it quickly freezes, and in this case it will be almost impossible to open the doors;
  • Not only the guides freeze, but also the window lock;
  • The only glass, although it reduces the weight of the structure, does not provide high-quality noise and heat insulation of the balcony room;
  • We can also note the low waterproofing of the structure, as well as the likelihood of drafts in windy weather;
  • Such windows do not allow the use of "non-native" bay windows and ordinary mosquito nets;
  • You can not insert a double-glazed window into.