What does indus mean, king dadon cried. See what "inda" is in other dictionaries

Parents of elementary school students are faced with an unexpected, at first glance, problem. Children have difficulty memorizing poetry. And in this case, it is not related to the abilities of a particular student.

In order to learn a poem, a child must memorize its content and the meaning of individual words. Without this, memorization turns into cramming. In order for a student to memorize a text, images must be fixed in his memory that will help him reproduce it. And if the baby does not understand the meaning of individual words? The images associated with them are not formed. For example, not indus, the child will not be able to remember it.

Why words are falling out of circulation

There are many words that our grandparents used, but are no longer used by us in everyday life. We know their meaning, we are not surprised when we meet them in fiction, but we do not use them in colloquial speech. Therefore, for our children, these are completely unfamiliar, meaningless terms. This is the so-called passive vocabulary. There is also an active one, which is used by the majority of the population.

This division of the vocabulary is typical for each era. Words leave our speech for various reasons. Some go out of circulation when the object or phenomenon associated with them disappears. They are called historicisms. For example:

  • caftan, kokoshnik, torch - disappeared household items;
  • cubit, sazhen, arshin - designations of a measure of length;
  • clerk, sergeant, policeman - officials.

Other terms are gradually becoming obsolete, as new names of the same object, action, feature appear. They are called archaisms:

  • eyes - eyes;
  • lanitis - cheeks;
  • mummer - actor.

The word "inda" in Russian literature

Reading classical works, we encounter similar historicisms and archaisms:

  • in the tale of A.S. Pushkin about the Golden Cockerel: "Tsar Dadon cried out of anger in the Indus";
  • at M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "Poshekhonskaya antiquity": "Indus longing will take";
  • at I.A. "For joy, the indo threw me into a sweat."

The meaning of the word indus, or indo, is found in Ushakov's dictionary. It expresses the relation of the consequence, is used to strengthen and highlight the words after it. For example: "He hit his forehead, sparks fell from his eyes." Synonyms are:

  • even;
  • so that;
  • occasionally;
  • places;
  • somewhere;
  • important;
  • even;
  • though;
  • so that.

Why do we need obsolete words

Do I need to explain to the child the meaning of the word indus in a fairy tale? Why do we need obsolete words?

They are used in fiction to convey the originality of the era, to give loftiness, solemnity to style, to create a satirical and comic effect. In Pushkin's fairy tales, they enhance the accuracy and brightness of the characteristics, give them lyricism, folk flavor.

Do we need to know their meaning? Yes. In the end, without their understanding, the works of art of the past will turn into a set of words incomprehensible to the contemporary.

It depends only on us whether our children will be able to enjoy the beauty of the immortal creations of Pushkin, Gogol, Tyutchev, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and a whole galaxy of Russian poets and writers.

Somewhere, in the distant kingdom,
In the thirtieth state,
Once upon a time there was a glorious king Dadon.
From a young age he was formidable
And the neighbors every now and then
Inflicted grievances boldly;
But under old age I wanted
Take a break from military affairs
And make yourself calm.
Here the neighbors disturb
Became an old king
Doing terrible harm to him.
So that the ends of their possessions
Protect from attacks
He should have kept
Numerous army.
The governors did not doze off,
But they didn't make it:
They used to wait from the south, look, -
An army climbs from the east.
They will do it here - dashing guests
They come from the sea. Out of spite
Indus wept King Dadon,
Indus also forgot sleep.
What is life in such anxiety!
Here he is asking for help
Turned to the sage
Stargazer and eunuch.
He sends a messenger after him with a bow.

Here is the wise man before Dadon
Stood and took out of the bag
Golden cockerel.
"Put this bird, -
He said to the king, - on the knitting needle;
My golden cockerel
Your faithful watchman will be:
As long as everything is peaceful,
So he will sit quietly;
But only a little from the side
Expect war for you
Or a raid of belligerent power,
Or another uninvited misfortune,
Instantly then my cockerel
Raise the comb
Scream and freak out
And in that place will turn around.
The king of the eunuch thanks
He promises mountains of gold.
"For such a favor, -
He says in admiration,
Your first will
I will perform as mine."

Cockerel with high knitting needles
He began to guard his borders.
A little danger where visible
Faithful watchman as from a dream
Moves, stirs,
Will turn to that side
And shouts: “Kiri-ku-ku.
Reign lying on your side!”
And the neighbors subdued
Don't dare to fight anymore.
Such is their king Dadon
He fought back from all sides!

A year, another passes peacefully;
The cockerel sits quietly.
One day King Dadon
Awakened by a terrible noise:
"You are our king! father of the people! —
Governor proclaims,
Sovereign! wake up! trouble!
— What is it, gentlemen? —
Dadon says, yawning: —
And? .. Who is there? .. what's the trouble? —
Warlord says:
“The cockerel cries again;
Fear and noise throughout the capital.
The king to the window - en on the spoke,
He sees a cockerel beating
Turning to the east.
There is nothing to delay: “Hurry!
People, get on the horse! Hey, come on!"
The king sends an army to the east,
The eldest son leads him.
The rooster calmed down
The noise subsided, and the king forgot himself.

It's been eight days
But there is no news from the army;
Was it, was it not a battle, -
No report to Dadon.
The rooster crows again.
The king calls out to another army;
He is now the smaller son
He sends to the rescue of a big one;
The cockerel is quiet again.
No news from them again!
Again eight days pass;
People spend their days in fear;
The rooster is crowing again
The king calls the third army
And leads her to the east,
Himself not knowing whether to be useful.

Troops march day and night;
They become uncomfortable.
No battle, no camp,
No grave mound
Tsar Dadon does not meet.
"What a miracle?" he thinks.
This is the eighth day already,
The king leads the army to the mountains
And between high mountains
He sees a silk tent.
All in silence wonderful
Around the tent; in a narrow gorge
The beaten army lies.
King Dadon hurries to the tent ...
What a terrible picture!
Before him are his two sons
Without helmets and without armor
Both are dead
The sword plunged into each other.
Their horses roam in the middle of the meadow,
On trampled grass,
On the blood ant...
The king howled: “Oh, children, children!
Woe is me! caught in the net
Both of our falcons!
Woe! my death has come.
Everyone howled for Dadon,
Moaned with a heavy groan
The depth of the valleys, and the heart of the mountains
Shocked. Suddenly a tent
It swung open ... and the girl,
Shamakhan queen,
All shining like the dawn
Quietly met the king.
Like a bird of the night before the sun,
The king fell silent, looking into her eyes,
And he forgot in front of her
Death of both sons.
And she is in front of Dadon
Smiled - and with a bow
She took him by the hand
And she took her to her tent.
There she put him at the table,
She treated me to every meal;
laid to rest
On a brocade bed.
And then, exactly one week,
Submit to her unconditionally
bewitched, enthralled,
Dadon feasted with her

Finally, on the way back
With your military strength
And with a young girl
The king went home.
Rumor ran before him,
Fact and fiction divulged.
Under the capital, near the gates,
The people greeted them with noise, -
Everyone runs after the chariot
For Dadon and the queen;
Welcome to Dadon...
Suddenly he saw in the crowd
In a white Sarachin hat,
All like a gray swan,
His old friend, the eunuch.
"Ah, great, my father, -
The king said to him, what do you say?
Come closer! What do you order?"
- Tsar! The sage answers
Let's get it over with at last.
Do you remember? for my service
Promised me as a friend
My first will
You perform as your own.
Give me a girl
Shamakhan queen. —
The king was extremely surprised.
"What you? he said to the old man,
Or the demon has turned into you,
Or are you out of your mind?
What did you take into your head?
Of course I promised
But everything has a limit.
And why do you want a girl?
Come on, do you know who I am?
Ask you from me
Though the treasury, even the rank of the boyars,
Even a horse from the royal stable,
At least half of my kingdom.
- I don't want anything!
Give me a girl
Queen of Shamakhan -
The sage speaks in response.
The king spat: “So dashing: no!
You won't get anything.
You yourself, a sinner, torment yourself;
Get out, whole for now;
Pull the old man away!"
The old man wanted to argue
But with others it is costly to quarrel;
The king seized him with a rod
Forehead; he fell down
And the spirit is out. - the whole capital
She shuddered, and the girl -
Hee hee hee! yes ha ha ha!
Not afraid to know sin.
The king, although he was greatly alarmed,
He chuckled softly at her.
Here he enters the city ...
Suddenly there was a slight ringing
And in the eyes of the whole capital
The cockerel fluttered from the knitting needle,
flew to the chariot
And sat on the crown of the king,
Startled, pecked at the crown
And soared ... and at the same time
Dadon fell from the chariot -
He gasped once, and he died.
And the queen suddenly disappeared,
It was like it didn't happen at all.
The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!
Good fellows lesson.

Analysis of "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" by Pushkin

"The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" was Pushkin's last fairy tale. He created it in 1834 in Boldino. There were many versions about the source of the work. The most convincing was the version of A. Akhmatova. She proved that Pushkin used the work of W. Irving "The Legend of the Arab Stargazer", which is included in the collection "Tales of the Alhambra". The main storyline is very similar. Pushkin took the image of the Shamakhan queen from the fairy tale "Princess Milusha". The name of Dadon is mentioned in the extremely popular in Tsarist Russia "The Tale of Bova the Prince".

Despite borrowing the main plot and main images, Pushkin created a completely original work, saturating it with the spirit of Russian folk tales. In Irving's "Legend ...", the cockerel is not golden, but copper. He is not an independent character and serves only as a symbol. Pushkin's cockerel lives its own special life; at the end of the tale, it becomes the astrologer's instrument of revenge.

Pushkin's fairy tale, in contrast to the "Legends ...", has a significant instructive character. The king dies from the golden cockerel not just because he undeservedly offended and killed the astrologer. His death is a natural retribution of fate for the fact that the king consigned his sons to oblivion, having been seduced by the Shamakhan queen. Another crime was the failure to fulfill one's own word, and the royal word was considered holy and infallible.

The work contains attacks on royal power. When publishing, the censorship deleted the line “reign, lying on your side” and the final moralizing conclusion: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.” In Pushkin's draft, comparisons with the political situation were more transparent: instead of "there is a hint in it" - "a lesson for us", "it is unprofitable to quarrel with others" - "it is bad to quarrel with tsars." Amendments were made by Pushkin to mitigate the sharp anti-tsarist orientation of The Tale of the Golden Cockerel.

Among the rest of Pushkin's tales, this work is cut off from the original folklore source more than others. Magical elements are designed to hide the real meaning, which is a violation of the royal word. This theme is not found in Russian fairy tales and legends. In the traditional confrontation between good and evil, the king either represents goodness or symbolizes the highest justice. In The Tale of the Golden Cockerel, the tsar himself transgresses the highest law, violating this word. His death symbolizes a just punishment, which cannot be avoided either with the help of power or wealth.



(very much even)

Quote from M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “Lord Golovlevs”: “She wanted to make a reprimand for them; and choked." What did the heroine want to do? (Bow, Reprimand, Compliment)




“And you know, you can’t neglige with this: practice suffers from this,” wrote I.S. Turgenev in “County Doctor”. What does "negligate" mean? (Play. Speculate. Neglect)

In M.Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Borodino”, someone is mentioned who “cleaned the shako all beaten up”. Shako is: (Clothes. Weapons. Headgear)




(Villain. Fool. Everyman.)




Riddles for connoisseurs of classical literature. And clues
In "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" A.S. Pushkin writes: "Indus wept King Dadon..." What does "indus" mean?
(Lots of)

Quote from M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “Lord Golovlev”: “She wanted to make a reprimand for them
b; and choked." What did the heroine want to do? (Bow, Reprimand, Compliment)
Answer - Reprimand
"; Your fanabery is dear to you, you don’t want to apologize,; the captain continued. This is a quote from Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. What is Fanaberia? (Fear, Fear, Arrogance, Snobbery)
The answer is arrogance, snobbery
4. "After the bullshit - we will build a lamppost of my invention." P. Boborykin. China town. What is lampopo? (Game. Drink. Hot dish)
the answer is a drink
A.P. Chekhov, “Confession”: “Kazusov’s daughters (the eldest; mine) dazzled with their outfits.” Obzhe is: (The object of love. The object of ridicule. Muse, inspirer)
The answer is the object of love.
A quote from F.M. Dostoevsky's novel "Demons": "No, sir, it wasn't there! Race has begun! God, what was not here! What is racea? (Business. Persuasion. Edifying speech)
The answer is edifying speeches.
“And you know, you can’t neglige with this: practice suffers from this,” wrote I.S. Turgenev in “County Doctor”. What does "negligate" mean? (Play. Speculate. Neglect).
Answer - Ignore
In M.Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Borodino”, someone is mentioned who “cleaned the shako all beaten up”. A shako is: (Clothes. Weapons. Headdress).
The answer is headwear.
In N.A. Nekrasov’s poem “Who should live well in Russia” there is such an enumeration: “... a dozen damask shops, three inns, and a “Rensky cellar” ...” What is a “Rensky cellar”?
(Tavern. Shop where wine was sold. Restaurant)
Answer: A store that sells wine.

“After all, what is important here: it is not stinginess, not stinginess that is important, but the tone of it all.” This is a quote from "Crime and Punishment" by F. M. Dostoevsky. What is this quality - skaldyrnichestvo?
(Bribery. Litigation. Avarice)
The answer is miserliness.
M.A. Bulgakov, “The Master and Margarita”: “; Spectator mass,; Sempleyarov was interrupted by an impudent gaer; as if she didn't say anything? Who is Gaer? (A jester, an impudent person. An ill-mannered person. Insolent.)
Answer - Jester
M.M. Prishvin wrote in the Diaries: “There is, however, in life the necessary combination of a genius with a philistine: a philistine can be in one person with a genius and separately.” Philistine is:
The villain. Fool. Common man.)
The answer is the common man.

In the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" there are such lines: "Touchingly they shed three tears on a beam of dawn." What is a "beam of dawn"? (The first rays of the morning sun. A variety of field grass. A flash of light.)
Answer - A variety of field grass.

The heroine of "Crime and Punishment" Sonechka Marmeladova, as you know, wore a "green draded kerchief." What kind of material is this - dradedam? (A kind of silk. It was a knitted scarf, shawl. Woolen fabric.)
Answer: Woolen fabric.
In The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, a quarrelsome old woman, who has become a pillar noblewoman, “pulls the chuprun” and beats the servants. Chuprun is: (Collar. Belt. Strand of hair)
The answer is a strand of hair.

Somewhere, in the distant kingdom,
In the thirtieth state,
Once upon a time there was a glorious king Dadon.
From a young age he was formidable
And the neighbors every now and then
Inflicted grievances boldly;
But under old age I wanted
Take a break from military affairs
And make yourself calm.
Here the neighbors disturb
Became an old king
Doing terrible harm to him.
So that the ends of their possessions
Protect from attacks
He should have kept
Numerous army.
The governors did not doze off,
But they didn't make it:
They used to wait from the south, look,
An army climbs from the east.
They will do it here, dashing guests
They come from the sea. Out of spite
Indus wept King Dadon,
Indus also forgot sleep.
What is life in such anxiety!
Here he is asking for help
Turned to the sage
Stargazer and eunuch.
He sends a messenger after him with a bow.
Here is the wise man before Dadon
Stood and took out of the bag
Golden cockerel.
"Plant you this bird,
He said to the king, on the knitting needle;
My golden cockerel
Your faithful watchman will be:
As long as everything is peaceful,
So he will sit quietly;
But only a little from the side
Expect war for you
Or a raid of belligerent force,
Or another uninvited misfortune,
Instantly then my cockerel
Raise the comb
Scream and freak out
And in that place will turn around.
The king of the eunuch thanks
He promises mountains of gold.
“For such a favor,
He says in admiration,
Your first will
I will perform as mine."
Cockerel with high knitting needles
He began to guard his borders.
A little danger where visible
Faithful watchman as from a dream
Moves, stirs,
Will turn to that side
And shouts: “Kiri-ku-ku.
Reign lying on your side!”
And the neighbors subdued
Don't dare to fight anymore.
Such is their king Dadon
He fought back from all sides!
A year, another passes peacefully;
The rooster sits quietly.
One day King Dadon
Awakened by a terrible noise:
"You are our king! father of the people! ¡
The governor proclaims,
Sovereign! wake up! trouble!
What is it, gentlemen? ¡
Dadon says, yawning:
And? .. Who is there? .. what's the trouble? ¡
Warlord says:
“The cockerel cries again;
Fear and noise throughout the capital.
The king to the window, en on the spoke,
He sees a cockerel beating
Turning to the east.
There is nothing to delay: “Hurry!
People, get on the horse! Hey, come on!"
The king sends an army to the east,
The eldest son leads him.
The rooster calmed down
The noise subsided, and the king forgot himself.
It's been eight days
But there is no news from the army;
Was it, was it not a battle,
No report to Dadon.
The rooster crows again.
The king calls out to another army;
He is now the smaller son
He sends to the rescue of a big one;
The cockerel is quiet again.
No news from them again!
Again eight days pass;
People spend their days in fear;
The rooster is crowing again
The king calls the third army
And leads her to the east,
Himself not knowing whether to be useful.
Troops march day and night;
They become uncomfortable.
No battle, no camp,
No grave mound
Tsar Dadon does not meet.
"What a miracle?" he thinks.
This is the eighth day already,
The king leads the army to the mountains
And between high mountains
He sees a silk tent.
All in silence wonderful
Around the tent; in a narrow gorge
The beaten army lies.
King Dadon hurries to the tent...
What a terrible picture!
Before him are his two sons
Without helmets and without armor
Both are dead
The sword plunged into each other.
Their horses roam in the middle of the meadow,
On trampled grass,
On the blood ant...
The king howled: “Oh, children, children!
Woe is me! caught in the net
Both of our falcons!
Woe! my death has come.
Everyone howled for Dadon,
Moaned with a heavy groan
The depth of the valleys, and the heart of the mountains
Shocked. Suddenly a tent
It opened up... and the girl,
Shamakhan queen,
All shining like the dawn
Quietly met the king.
Like a bird of the night before the sun,
The king fell silent, looking into her eyes,
And he forgot in front of her
Death of both sons.
And she is in front of Dadon
Smiled and with a bow
She took him by the hand
And she took her to her tent.
There she put him at the table,
She treated me to every meal;
laid to rest
On a brocade bed.
And then, exactly one week,
Submit to her unconditionally
Bewitched, enraptured
Dadon feasted with her
Finally, on the way back
With your military strength
And with a young girl
The king went home.
Rumor ran before him,
Fact and fiction divulged.
Under the capital, near the gates,
The people met them with noise,
Everyone runs after the chariot
For Dadon and the queen;
Welcome to Dadon...
Suddenly he saw in the crowd
In a white Sarachin hat,
All like a gray swan,
His old friend, the eunuch.
“Ah, great, my father,
The king said to him, what do you say?
Come closer! What do you order?"
King! the sage answers,
Let's get it over with at last.
Do you remember? for my service
Promised me as a friend
My first will
You perform as your own.
Give me a girl
Shamakhan queen. ¡
The king was very surprised.
"What you? he said to the old man,
Or the demon has turned into you,
Or are you out of your mind?
What did you take into your head?
Of course I promised
But everything has a limit.
And why do you want a girl?
Come on, do you know who I am?
Ask you from me
Though the treasury, even the rank of the boyars,
Even a horse from the royal stable,
At least half of my kingdom.
I don't want anything!
Give me a girl
Shamakhanskaya queen,
The sage speaks in response.
The king spat: “So dashing: no!
You won't get anything.
You yourself, a sinner, torment yourself;
Get out, whole for now;
Pull the old man away!"
The old man wanted to argue
But with others it is costly to quarrel;
The king seized him with a rod
Forehead; he fell down
And the spirit is out. The whole capital
She shuddered, and the girl
Hee hee hee! yes ha ha ha!
Not afraid to know sin.
The king, although he was greatly alarmed,
He chuckled softly at her.
Here he enters the city ...
Suddenly there was a slight ringing
And in the eyes of the whole capital
The cockerel fluttered from the knitting needle,
flew to the chariot
And sat on the crown of the king,
Startled, pecked at the crown
And soared... and at the same time
Dadon fell from the chariot
He gasped once, and he died.
And the queen suddenly disappeared,
It was like it didn't happen at all.
The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!
Good fellows lesson.

The immortal Russian poet left a great literary legacy to great Russia. Each line, written by a brilliant writer, became a valuable pearl in the treasury of dramatic prose and romantic poetry.
Pushkin A.S. - the author of an unusual fairy tale about the golden cockerel. The narration is set out in verse, and while reading, the words merge into a clear, sonorous stream. Historians testify that the plot described in the fairy tale is taken from Arab legends and Egyptian folklore, where the golden rooster turns in the direction from which trouble threatens the kingdom.
Writers claim that the beautiful fairy tale was written in 1835 and soon published in the Russian journal Library for Reading. An entertaining story carried a deep meaning and found a lively response from representatives of different generations from preschoolers to gray-haired grandfathers.
What is remarkable about the fairy tale about the golden cockerel? It is important to take a closer look at the characters in order to understand their main characteristic features:

Glorious king dadon - the ruler of the thirtieth state. In his younger years, he loved to fight and damage neighboring lands. When Dadon got old, he wanted rest and tranquility in the state, but now the enemies decided to take revenge and attacked the borders of his vast possessions. The glorious king is a collective image. He is lazy and greedy, avid for rich feasts and entertainment. He did not keep his word given to the astrologer, for which he paid with his royal head.
Eastern sage - a fictional image from oriental tales. The kings from the western lands were very fond of magical curiosities that were brought by Indian or Arab traders. For such an unseen thing as a golden cockerel, the king could give both a palace and a large piece of land. But the sage demanded an exorbitant fee - a real overseas princess, and for this he paid with a gray head.
The Golden Cockerel - a magical bird invented by craftsmen from the eastern lands. A watchman, called upon to protect the borders of the state, and in case of injustice, he can punish a stupid deceiver and a villain.
Shamakhan queen - Princess and warrior from the Caucasian lands. She killed the sons of Dadon by witchcraft and deceit. And with sweet speeches, dances and feasts, she circled the king himself around her finger. When her terrible revenge was accomplished and Dadon died from the beak of a golden cockerel, the girl melted like a cloud.

As the great poet writes at the end: “The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! Good fellows lesson. Any fairy tale story is fictional, but it always carries a deep meaning and teaches children real life wisdom.
Fascinating narration on the page is accompanied by interesting drawings and colorful illustrations. Masters from the village of Palekh, from the villages of Mstera and Kholuy through a magnificent lacquer miniature convey the beauty and depth of the Russian fairy tale. The text, written in large print, and unusual pictures between the lines will surely be remembered by the children, and remain in memory for many, many years.