Wall decor in the children's room. Walls in the children's room: a few DIY decor ideas (81 photos) Paintings in the nursery on the wall with your own hands

Decorating the walls in a child's room is a creative and exciting process that will give you and your baby a lot of pleasant moments. Let your imagination run wild or use our tips! Look for inspiration in this article.

Decorating the walls in the children's room is an interesting and creative process that can captivate you and your child. Today, designers and manufacturers offer a huge range of paints, wallpapers, vinyl stickers, paintings and other wall decoration options for a nursery. Let's study this issue in more detail together and see a lot of photos of beautiful interiors for kids and teenagers.

These tips will help you make the right choice when buying finishing materials for a child's room.

  • Consider the opinion of the future inhabitant of the room. Your child, like no one else, knows in which interior it will be comfortable for him to live.
  • When choosing wallpaper for the walls of a children's room, look at their environmental friendliness. Paper wallpaper is a great option, but you can stop at other material. The main thing is that the wallpaper is breathable.
  • If you decide to paint the walls in the children's room, you should carefully study the composition of the paint and ask the seller for a quality certificate for its products. Save the rest of the paint - most likely, you will have to eliminate the consequences of children's creativity pretty soon.
  • Choose a way to finish the walls in the child's bedroom, which will be easily cleaned. Even better if the wall covering is washable.
  • Do not spend a lot of money on decorating the walls in the room of a child under 10-12 years old. Often, children paint, stain, spoil and scratch the coating, so repairs in the nursery have to be updated quite often.

Wall color in the children's room

Paintable wallpaper is one of the most common finishes. Low price, environmental friendliness and ease of renewal make them a good solution for decorating walls in a nursery.

Plain wallpaper or a large geometric print is also good for a baby's room. Do not choose too colorful or bright patterns - they can irritate the child and get bored very quickly.

Light walls in the nursery

In order to calm a hyperactive child, you can resort to such tricks as a light design. A children's room, the walls of which are painted in white, beige or any other light pastel shades, calms the violent temper and makes the child more attentive, focused and balanced.

Important: Children need bright accents in the interior, color spots on which the eye focuses. Such spots can be hand-made pictures and placed on the wall in the children's room. Drawings on the walls allow children to concentrate, increase attentiveness and have a positive effect on vision.

The light walls in the children's room for a boy can have a bluish, gray or pale green tint, then the furniture should be chosen from natural wood. For a girl, pinkish, peach or yellow walls are suitable, and white furniture will harmoniously complement the fresh interior.

Pastel wallpaper with a discreet pattern can be complemented with brighter textiles with a repeating pattern.

Bright walls in the nursery: pros and cons

Too bright walls in a child's bedroom are not the best idea, and red is generally strictly prohibited by child psychologists. Saturated colors can irritate the baby, distract attention, make the child more capricious and depressed. However, highlighting one wall with color is an excellent technique that will allow you to zone the room and make the interior more multifaceted, modern and interesting. Usually, the wall behind the bed is chosen for this purpose, but you can implement your own option.

Wall decor in the children's room

Painting the walls in a nursery or pasting a room with plain paper wallpaper may seem boring to some, but in fact it turns out to be the most advantageous design solution that allows you to give free rein to your imagination and create a truly stylish and modern nursery interior.

Wall mural

Wall mural in the nursery is a great option to create an accent on one of the walls. A geographical map, a mountain landscape, sea spaces, favorite cartoon characters, animals and even photos from the family archive - here you are limited only by your own imagination and the wishes of your child.

Nursery wall stickers

Wall stickers are a great option for decorating walls in a child's room. Funny images and inscriptions can be the highlight of the whole interior.

Great idea - zoning the room with stickers. Stick cartoon characters in the play area, letters and numbers, arithmetic and punctuation marks in the work area, and a cute story near the bed.

Today there are coloring stickers on which the child can write and draw. Such a tricky decoration option will allow you to protect the wall covering from children's art. The stickers themselves are easy to clean or remove.

Wall painting in the children's room

One of the most beautiful and unusual wall decor options in a nursery is painting. Here you can show all your imagination and creativity. Entrust the plot to the child to choose, and you can bring it to life together.

If you do not know how to draw, you can always choose a simple drawing, a geometric landscape, or apply an image using special stencils.

When there is a desire to create a separate world in the children's room, in which the child will feel love and care, the development of the entire room as a whole begins. If the situation is simpler with the situation, if only because the furniture can be seen before purchase, then there are problems with decorating the walls, because you can evaluate the chosen shade only after painting the walls, completely drying the paint and installing all the furniture.

There are a lot of options for decorating walls in a children's room, it all depends on your financial capabilities and the limits of your own imagination. If there are problems with the latter, the idea can be gleaned from the photo of the walls in the children's room.

Before starting repairs, you should think about the quality of the materials used, all the same, the children's body is more susceptible to chemical components.

Some manufacturers, especially for such situations, produce the most environmentally friendly building materials. Take for example paint, if it is water-based after it is applied, there will be no smell in the room, and it will dry much faster than usual.

Basic knowledge

For wall decoration, you can use many materials, wood, fabrics or decorative bricks. However, all this is more suitable for an adult room and has a small color range. If you decorate the walls with a cloth, the walls themselves must first be upholstered with foam rubber, later, it will be convenient to attach additional decorations on top of the fabric.

The fabric is hypoallergenic material, but at the same time easily soiled, estimate your time for future cleaning. Brick and wood are wear-resistant elements, but decorative brick is a fragile material, one blow with a toy or a constant hit by a ball can split the decor element.

Wood is not necessarily wooden beams, laminate panels are also used for beautiful wall decoration. It is convenient to attach drawings and photographs to such a wall, and the damaged element is quickly replaced, but the wood has few facets of color, it is unlikely that it will be possible to create a colorful atmosphere with its help.

The simplest material is wallpaper for painting, they are not expensive, they perceive all colors well, and it is always possible to repaint them.

You should not paste over the entire room with wallpaper with a large pattern or bright-colored wallpaper, if you still want to have such a wall design in the nursery, decorate some part in this way, for example, a play area.

If you decorate the walls in the room of a small child, you can use several different shades at the same time, but not very bright ones, children's vision will only be able to perceive very saturated colors over time, but one or two bright accents should be made, looking at them the child will focus vision.

For an active child, it is worth choosing pastel shades, they soothe and help to concentrate. For the development of creativity, and just for fun, the drawings on the walls in the children's room, inserted into a frame, can be placed on the wall as a collage or separately.

A children's room for a boy can have shades of blue and gray, wood-colored furniture is combined with such shades. A room for a girl decorated in pink and peach colors can be complemented with white furniture.

If you decide to resort to an ornament on the walls, it will be interesting to complement it with the same ornament on pillows or a blanket. An original solution would be a combination of a ceiling pattern and upholstery elements for small items, such as a pouf or chair. In general, a combination of decoration and furniture elements must be present in the room, otherwise it will just be a set of everything you want.

What not to do

There are wall colors in the children's room that are not advised to be used in children's rooms, these are red, burgundy and black. According to psychologists, such color shades exacerbate unstable mood, make the child capricious and passive.

You can use a very bright color, but only in one part, paint one wall or part of it with it, and paint the rest in a more muted shade.

No matter how much you would like to increase the space of the nursery, do not use mirrors for this. They will certainly complete the task, but they can also injure the child. Convex and especially sharp decorations should also be excluded, again because of possible injuries.

It is desirable that all furniture used in the room be as safe as possible, even if it is combined with decoration, discard it.

Something other than wallpaper

For decoration, not only children's drawings are used, the image of a favorite character or a frame from a cartoon is a great solution for a small child. You can draw on your own, if you have such opportunities, or invite an artist who specializes in painting walls in a children's room.

If there are problems with the artist, then you can paint the walls using stencils. Involving a child in such a process, you will teach him many things, and you will also have a fun time when the work is completed, the child will be happy to demonstrate to everyone his success in wall painting.

When the latter options are not acceptable, wall stickers for the wall in the children's room or 3D wallpaper will come to the rescue. 3D wallpapers decorate and at the same time increase the space of the room, and the variety of images will satisfy the taste of the most demanding child.

As for stickers, their choice is also unlimited, color and black and white, of any shape and volume. With their help, you can write a name or a phrase, create a whole fantasy world, and neon star-shaped stickers will decorate the ceiling and the child will not be so scared on a dark night.

The most original solution would be to decorate the walls in the children's room with wallpaper that can be painted. Here, the choice of color schemes depends only on the child's imagination and the number of pencils, and the ability to draw on the wall in your own room will save you from possible drawings on the wallpaper in other rooms. The child will learn independence and perseverance, will be able to decorate his room at his own request.

In addition to wallpaper, there are also slate boards, they are also attached to the wall, you can draw and write on them with crayons, they are susceptible to magnets, with which ordinary paper is attached to the board. The presence of such elements in the children's room will definitely delight the child.

It is possible to decorate the walls with the help of lamps, wall sconces of various shapes and colors will save your imagination and brighten up the evening.

Photo of wall decoration in the children's room

Parents strive to arrange the personal space of the baby with maximum comfort. The theme of the design sets the character of the room, accessories add comfort to the interior. To bring a touch of individuality to the child's room will help painting the walls in the nursery.

Under such a design element is meant the application of drawings or paintings directly to the surface. In a room for children, walls are most often painted. There are quite a few ways to paint them. Can be used:

  • wallpaper with ready-made traced contours, which can be painted with paints or felt-tip pens;
  • stencils;
  • airbrushing;
  • wall paintings on wet or dry plaster;
  • frescoes;
  • artistic painting.

Drawings on the walls can be both complex and very simple. They can be entrusted to professionals or do it yourself. Undoubtedly, a beginner cannot master airbrushing or grisaille technique, but, armed with an idea and some technological basics, everyone can do wall painting.

screen painting

The easiest way to paint the walls in the nursery is to use stencils. You can buy ready-made blanks at any building supermarket or make them yourself. For self-production enough:

  1. prepare cardboard or thick PVC film;
  2. find the desired image on the Internet and print it;
  3. cut out the pattern and attach it with tape to the prepared cardboard or film;
  4. trace the outlines of the image and cut out with a clerical knife.

The finished stencil is attached to the wall and, depending on the plan, is outlined for subsequent decoration or covered with a single-color paint using a sponge or spray.

When choosing a drawing, it is important to take into account the general interior of the room and the interests of its inhabitant. For example, you can make ornaments with butterflies at the head of a girl's bed, or marine or pirate attributes in a boy's room.

Plant-themed drawings will perfectly complement any interior of a children's room. It will not be difficult to make a tree stencil on your own. By adding a few decorative gizmos to the wall, it can be turned into:

  • cherry blossoms in the girl's bedroom;
  • family tree in the boy's room.

DIY drawing

For young children there is no word "professionalism". For them, it is more important that the images are kind and cheerful. And if they themselves take part in their embodiment, then a positive charge from every look at their creations is guaranteed!

An original way to decorate the walls and diversify the interior is to let the kids draw with their palms. Here, parents will have to turn on their imagination and translate the wishes of their children into reality, armed with paints that are safe for contact with their skin. By immersing your palms in the desired color and leaving prints on the wall at different angles, you can draw real masterpieces.

Girls will be delighted with the opportunity to depict a bright butterfly or flower on the lawn, and boys will not refuse to create a fabulous tree and a hedgehog under it. Older children can be helped to depict more complex compositions: waves, wings, intricate ornaments.

The do-it-yourself drawing technique will require some skill, which is easy to acquire with a little practice on whatman paper. Drawings created in this way are never repeated. The main secret of their implementation is not to apply too much paint to the surface of the palm or fingers, otherwise the clarity of the image will be disturbed by streaks.

Art painting

Parents with basic drawing skills can do their own wall painting. You can depict not only cute animals or favorite fairy-tale characters, but create a whole plot. Such a drawing can safely serve as the basis for the future interior of the room and the theme of its design.

Beginners in artistic creativity will certainly like the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdrawing a tree. Firstly: it is not difficult to draw it, and secondly: how many interesting details you can come up with on its basis!

The decoration of the girl's room will be birds, fairies, butterflies, flowers painted on a tree. With it, you can highlight the recreation area in the nursery by placing a play rug, a soft sofa next to the wall painting, or by placing your favorite toys.

In the boy's bedroom, a tree can be depicted near the sports corner - it will be much more interesting to climb the Swedish wall or practice on the rings.

If it is depicted in the working area of ​​a student’s room, then it would be appropriate to place “tips” on its leaves:

  • multiplication table or formulas;
  • favorite sayings or wise proverbs.

You can resort to functionality and place small shelves or pockets for books and cute trinkets in the crown of the tree.

Image selection

When choosing a drawing, it is important to take into account the age category of the child. So, a preschool boy will certainly like a wall painting with the characters of his favorite cartoon or LEGO game. Girls will appreciate drawings with a Teddy bear, fairies, princesses. In the baby's nursery, you can create an atmosphere of a fairy-tale forest with numerous forest inhabitants.

Jungle and savannah are the favorite themes for young schoolchildren. Such a theme does not require a change of interior, it is enough to add a few bright thematic touches: a bedspread, a small rug, a pencil holder.

In second place in popularity is the marine theme. Here, the preferences of boys and girls coincide and images of palm trees, sandy shores, ships, and inhabitants of the underwater world are welcome.

The situation is more complicated with the choice of painting in a teenager's room. Here it is important to listen to the opinion and hobbies of the child. Perhaps it would be relevant for a boy to depict a drum set of his favorite rock band or football attributes.

A teenage girl will appreciate the romantic theme that will successfully complement any design. And again, an image of a tree will be appropriate, on the branches of which you can place a photo collage.

The idea of ​​using a painted tree for a collage

The idea with the help of a stencil to decorate the wall with notes

Color palette

Ideas for painting walls in a nursery involve the use of bright colors. But here it is important not to overdo it, because the child will be in this room for a long time. The colors of the wall paintings in the baby's bedroom should be dominated by soft pastel colors so as not to overly excite the fragile psyche.

If the wall image is planned in the game room, then there are no obstacles to using bright colors.

Young rebels - teenagers cannot do without bright elements in wall painting, but do not overdo it, because the general concept of design can be lost from the abundance of colors.

When choosing an image and color palette, it is important to take into account the temperament of the child. Tikhon will benefit from a little brightness for courage. A plot with sea expanses or space distances, which is based on shades of blue, gray and blue, will allow the dreamer to dream freely, and soothing green shades will suit the young fidget.

When doing wall painting on your own, the most difficult thing will be transferring the sketch to the surface. But here you can resort to a little trick and use the projector. It is enough to direct the image you like with it to the wall and circle the contours.

Decorate the resulting sketch, taking into account the color scheme of the interior. This technique will allow you to create a masterpiece even for a beginner with a minimum investment of time and effort.

When painting, it is better to give preference to acrylic paints. They are non-toxic, dry quickly and are odorless.

Do-it-yourself drawing on the wall should be covered with matte varnish. This will allow you to perform wet cleaning without the risk of damaging the image and save you from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

What parents don't go to to make their child's room interesting. Sometimes, thanks to creative experiments, trees bloom on the walls of the nursery, exotic birds fly and African predators settle. We have prepared an overview of the most unusual ways to decorate the walls in the nursery, which are easy to repeat for your baby.

One way to make the nursery more interesting is to choose wallpapers with a funny story. In this case, you need to opt for washable options, as some kids like to show their artistic talents using wallpaper on the walls as a canvas. You can also purchase coloring wallpapers that are interesting to decorate with the whole family.

Drawings and photos of the baby

Decor that will delight not only the child, but also the parents - photos and drawings of the child. For a small exposition, you can take a separate wall, and place the "paintings" of the young artist in beautiful frames or home-made colored baguettes made of cardboard. If the kid doesn’t know how to draw yet, parents can also show their creativity, for example, draw some funny posters with lions, hippos, flowers or butterflies.

wall painting

If the creative impulse goes beyond the scope of one poster, and the walls are an excellent canvas for artistic experiments, then you can decorate the nursery with wall paintings. The most appropriate motifs for a baby's room: flowering trees, green lawns, scenes from favorite cartoons, images of animals, birds, butterflies and flowers. For wall painting, it is recommended to use water-based acrylic paints.

Paper applications and garlands

Sometimes a few paper applications or garlands on the wall are enough to create a good mood. It is best to draw and cut them together with the baby. Let him take a direct part in decorating his room. This process disciplines children, teaches order, and gives unforgettable moments of communication with parents.

Hoop with bright fabric

The decor of the hoop and pieces of fabric attached to them looks rather unusual. You can pick up hoops of different diameters and textiles in bright colors, make a beautiful composition out of them, for example, above the baby's bed.

Decorations should be light and be at such a level that the child could not reach them;
The decor can be bright or soft pastel, most importantly, interesting;
Large drawings on the wall, which is located near the baby's bed (if we are talking about a baby), should be avoided so that he is not afraid of them when he wakes up.

If a child grows in a family, it is very important to design the interior in such a way that the baby lives comfortably in it. We have prepared .

When the repair in the children's room is completed, the next stage comes - decoration. In this article we will tell and show how to make a nursery unusual and bright.

1. Window to another world

The 3D effect is no longer new. The image on the entire wall will become the main theme-forming element of the children's room.

Frames from your favorite cartoons- a classic win-win option.

Pink tones for a girl

Gain popularity imitation of children's drawings on the wall.

Photo printing is possible in any part of the room, even on pieces of furniture.

Interior vinyl stickers- a quick way to make the room cozy. Stickers adhere well to almost any surface, and if necessary, they can be easily removed and do not leave marks.

2. Warm memories

Photos in the interior of any room are pleasant memories of the brightest and most joyful moments in life. Children love to look at photos and recognize themselves in them. If you want, this decor will fit perfectly.

Furniture stickers and frames on the wall - an option for a teenage girl

Classic photo frames can be hung asymmetrically or in chronological okay.

Another variant - garland of decorative braid, clothespins and photo. This solution is suitable for those who like to change something in the environment from time to time. Photos on clothespins can be changed to other images of the desired color and theme.

family tree- an ornament that from early childhood will remind the child that he has a big and loving family. The tree itself can be painted or glued on. If the child has already grown up and is engaged in creativity, you can involve him in decorating the wall.

3. Holiday every day

Traditionally, the garland is associated with the holiday. But in recent years, there has been a tendency among designers to decorate the everyday interior of children's rooms with garlands and pendants, and not only.

The Scandinavian style loved by many makes the interior simple and harmonious thanks to natural shades and materials. Unobtrusive and stylish flag decor is often used. If you like to do needlework, you can make a garland yourself. The use of handmade items in a Scandinavian interior is always encouraged.

4. Bright accent

Any ceiling lamp in the center of the room draws attention to itself. Therefore, it is worth choosing the one that will really become the highlight of the interior of the nursery.

5. Magic world

Almost anything can become the basis of the interior theme - let your imagination run wild. Connect your child to the creative process. Draw a sketch, take measurements, decide on the materials - and that's it.

Unusual and atmospheric room in a marine style.

Vinyl stickers and flower baskets for cyclists.

Fabulous painting of the wall and niche-shelves for books.

You will find more ideas on how to make the atmosphere fabulous.

6. Fabric Magic

Textile decoration of the ceiling, walls and adds coziness and warmth to the home environment.

Curtain composition, pillow decor, textile letters in classic tones of the Scandinavian style make the interior gentle and cozy. A great option for a nursery for a girl.

Even the storage system can become an elegant decoration on the wall in the girl's room.

7. Canopies and tents

Tents and canopies are an unusual and stylish element of decor. Such a design will be an excellent way of zoning space: a canopy will define a sleeping place and a tent - a play area.

8. Favorite hobby

When a child grows up, he has more stable interests than at a young preschool age, various hobbies. The design and decor of a teenager's room can reflect their personality and favorite activities.

The decor of the young athlete's room.

Surfing is an extreme sport. The room reflects the rebellious spirit of a teenager and a craving for adventure.

Panel with bright color abstraction refresh the interior with a little gloomy color scheme, which is so often chosen by teenagers. The work can be performed both by the owner of the room, and be made to order.

Anime can also become a decor theme

9. Handmade

Nothing makes an interior as unique as handmade or bought from a master craftsman. The advantages of this decor are the uniqueness of each thing and a large selection of colors, materials, design designs. Decorative handmade gizmos, boxes, boxes for storing accessories and materials for creativity will become a useful and elegant decoration for a girl's room.

Shelves-houses, wardrobe, print on the wall- symbols of the hearth, coziness and comfort.

10. Travel Romance

A full-wall world map will be a great gift for a child who is fond of geography, cultural studies, or simply dreams of distant wanderings.

11. Slate board

If you are in doubt about what kind of interior your child needs, cover part of the wall with slate paint. Children will create the rest of the decor themselves. And if necessary, they will erase failed masterpieces and draw new ones.

12. Paper decor

Simple paper silhouettes can turn into whole compositions that will become the highlight of the interior.

Paper butterflies on the wall - decorate both the room of a child and a teenager

You can make a garland of circles yourself - just cut blanks from thick colored paper or cardboard. If there is not much time, you can buy a ready-made kit for creativity in the store.

Letters can be not only from fabric, but also from paper. Here is a simple guide on how to make them yourself.

We will need: sheets of cardboard, scissors, a stationery knife, adhesive tape, paper or fabric for decoration.

  1. Cut out two letter templates (Pic 1, 2), rectangular strips from the same cardboard (Pic 3, 4, 5).
  2. Glue the parts (photo 6, 7, 8).
  3. Decorate to your liking.
  4. Ready.

You can also make a bright color panel out of paper. For him, you will need cardboard flat boxes for sweets, scissors, colored paper, glue.


  1. Consider how the frames will be placed. Fold the future composition.
  2. Measure and cut out the paper pieces that will be the background inside each frame. The length and width of the element should not exceed half the height of the box walls.
  3. Glue each background onto the blank from the box.
  4. Glue the boxes together. Add a loop to hold the panel on the wall.
  5. Fill each frame to your liking.

Bonus: a few tips on the intricacies of organizing the space of a child's room in the video.