Proper fastening the TV on the wall with your own hands. Which height hang a TV on the wall

Today, televisions for their technical and external characteristics have far left their predecessors with kinescopes and a bulk rear. The current video equipment more resembles the panel, as, however, is called - it is wide enough, has minimal depths and frames. It is these features of the design of modern TVs that make it possible to place equipment anywhere and as if - on the bedside table, in the living room, even on the ceiling. However, the most common option is the location of this device is the usual wall. On how to properly hang the TV, and it will be discussed in this article.

TV selection

Since the wall-mounted television panel is in most cases attached to a sufficient long term and subsequently rarely changes the place of its deployment, then choose the corner for its placement is not easy. Especially if the apartment has small size and forced furniture. Therefore, before or angle, it is necessary to carefully think about the place where it will be located.

When choosing a place to be guided by the following factors:

Volume and dimensions of the television panel;

When it is planned (or as far as it is often conducted) the rearrangement of furniture in the room where the TV will be;

The quality and technical characteristics of the wall, where we hinder the TV (on plasterboard, for example, is not the most successful option, but the monolithic concrete wall is ideal);

Narrow and close niches should be avoided, as well as standing close furniture (as the technique will be constantly limited to the walls located on four sides, the likelihood of premature output is due to overheating);

As far as the TV fit into the interior of the room, as subsequently it is planned to arrange it.

How to hang LCD TV or plasma panel

Of course, you can hang the TV with specialists. As a rule, such services for an additional fee can be ordered in the same store, where the technique was purchased. Professionals will help decide what height hang the TV and which way. However, it costs very tangible money, and the greater the panel, the higher the price of this service.

If you know how to handle measuring instruments and a screwdriver, it is quite able to cope with this procedure yourself, spending no more than two hours. After the place of the future disclocation of the TV is selected, you can proceed directly to the process of installing it.

TV characteristics

Carefully examine the rear panel of the TV. Pay attention to how much recesses are for fasteners, as well as their location. The next point is the weight of the device itself and its size. The heavier panel, the more reliable the mounting should be.

Mentally "Scroll" the TV on the wall and determine how convenient will connect it to the network, antenna and additional equipment, as well as hide the wires. At the same time, do not forget about the ventilation holes - air access to them should be maximally open. All of the above characteristics can be found in the passport to your technique.

Choosing mount

The next step will be the choice of fastening or bracket, with which the TV will stay on the wall. In general, for each specific brand and model, there are or at least recommended by the manufacturer a separate fastening type. All of them are standardized, but the most popular is a category with VESA abbreviation.

All fasteners are several types:

  1. Hard.
  2. Inclined.
  3. Turning.

Hard fasteners is a console system, the elements of which will always be in the same strictly fixed position. Inclined and swivel types are meant by a moving system, that is, the bracket. Consider each type of fasteners in more detail.

Hard fasteners

Upon the condition of the tv squeeze on hard fasteners between the device and the wall will be a gap of several centimeters. Since it is impossible to regulate the tilt of the panel, it is necessary to solve at once, at what height should be hung up, so that you do not interfere with the sun's rays, nor the rearrangement of furniture in the room. The main advantages of this type of fastening are in its reliability and low cost.

Inclined brackets

This type of brackets can be set slightly higher than usual. The angle of inclination at this system is quite acceptable (about 15 degrees, depending on the bracket model), so watching TV will be comfortable both sitting on the sofa and lying on the floor. Regardless of what level to hang the TV, the distance between it and the wall in any case will be at least 10 centimeters.

Rotary brackets

Rotary brackets are the most functional of all of all of the above. They allow you to tilt, rotate and shift the panel in all directions. Since the entire system consists of moving elements, the swivel bracket should be chosen from as reliable materials as possible. It should also hold the weight of the panel, a little superior weight of your video devices. The only minus of such a fastener is a high price.

What height hang TV?

The question of what height hang the TV is completely reasonable. First, a comfortable height for everyone is different, and secondly, it depends on the type of room where the panel will be.

The most optimal is the location of the LCD television or plasma panel at the eye level. However, nothing prevents you to hang it slightly higher or slightly lower - depending on how you are used to watching TV, what sizes has the room and the technique itself.

So, the panel with a very impressive diagonal in a large room is recommended to hang higher than usual, since the viewing angle is narrowed. However, too highly located the TV will soon cause pushing and pain in the neck and back.

If the room is low seats furniture, or you prefer to watch TV, lying or sitting on the floor, lower it down. In any case, try to estimate different options and place video equipment as it will be convenient for you.

At what distance do you hang a TV in the kitchen? If you want to hang the panel in the kitchen, place it above the average level and as far as possible from the plate and the cutting table. In this room, the TV, as a rule, serves as a background, and look there from the case towards the case. In addition, a higher location will protect it from splashing and fat spots in the process of cooking.

And how to hang a TV in the bedroom? Since this is a place for physical and psychological recreation and relaxation, then the TV has a TV here with special comfort. The less the bedroom, the more modest should be the dimensions of the panel.

The way you used to watch the TV in the bedroom will directly affect the height of its position. If the most familiar for you is the post-half-duty post, hang the TV opposite the place where you are usually sitting at the eye level. On the side of the bed, the panel is placed if it is more convenient to watch your favorite movies and programs lying on the side. It is best to use inclined brackets.

In the large bedroom with a wide bed, the TV can be hung in the corner, slightly higher than usual. If you still use a multifunction bracket, the appearance of any inconvenience when viewing, regardless of your posture, will be unlikely.

To determine correctly, at what height should be tested in the living room, there is one simple way. Sit the place where it is planned to look at the screen, and close your eyes. After a few seconds, open them and look right in front of yourself. Note the place where the first thing was rushed by your view - it is there that the middle of the television panel screen should be located.

How to hang a TV on the bracket?

Regardless of what type of bracket you choose, it will consist of two parts: the first is installed on the wall, the second is on the TV. The entire process of fastening the television panel is as follows:

  1. A portion intended for fastening to the device itself is screwed to the back of the housing with screws, which are included with the bracket.
  2. Measure the distance between the edges of the TV and fasteners.
  3. Follow the place on the wall under the second part of the bracket using information with measurements.
  4. With the help of a drill, make holes in the wall at the site of the future fastening of the second part and screw it with screws.
  5. The last step is to install the TV on the wall part and fixation of both parts of the bracket according to the instructions.

For greater safety and facilitating the installation process of the TV on the wall, we recommend using the following councils of specialists:

To reliably install the design on the wall, use 1/8 inches drills less than the diameter of fastening screws;

Do not hang TVs weighing more than 30 kilograms on plasterboard partitions and walls;

The panel weighing more than 20 kilograms and width more than 1.5 meters easier to establish paired;

Connect cables only after the TV will be fixed on the wall;

When turning the TV on the inclined or swivel bracket, the power cable should not be launched and being stretched - otherwise it is possible and, as a result, ignition;

Before installing the TV, specify where the wiring is passed in the wall; You can do this with the help of special equipment and the technical plan of the apartment;

For each type of wall, use specially designed dowels;

Wires from the TV can be hidden in the stroke or in the box.

A TV, which can be hanging on the wall, solves many problems: With it, it is easy to hide the cosmetic defects of the masked area, it saves space, and it looks completely different, rather than on a stand on the bedside table. In addition, the panel on the wall can always be played with the decor and create a special emphasis on its premises in the room, setting the tone of the whole room and implementing interesting design solutions.

Many designers resort to a practical and budget variant of alignment and facing the surfaces of the drywall plate. This provides freedom for designer fantasy in the decoration of the interior. But when the works are completed, other problems arise, for example, how to fix a large wall-mounted TV on the finished wall of GLC. Below are the features of the installation, it is described how to do it, and the councils of specialists are given.

TV on plasterboard

There is no definite answer to this question, as it's all about the nuances. An important factor is a model and dimensions of the TV. The plasma with a large diagonal is risky to trust the wall of GLC, since the material will start crumble over time. But everything is possible if you resort to tricks - to organize an internal strengthening.

If the model is light, then you can do without gain. In this case, the TV is hanging with special fasteners - butterflies dowels. This item is well fixed from the turnover of the GCL leaf. But the technique of large dimensions should not hang on them, it is available for models up to 30 kg weighing.

Thus, there are two vessels of the technician:

  • With the internal frame enhancement. This method will require a dismantling of the crooking material in the area of \u200b\u200bthe television.
  • Installation on the skeleton profile of a plasterboard wall.

Types of brackets for canopy TV on GLC wall

It is permissible to use brackets: hard and movable. The first type is more reliable, and therefore more suitable for fastening massive techniques. A movable brackets are more convenient for the original rooms in the form of rooms or small to rotate the TV in the desired side.

Preparation and organization of wiring

Before starting the installation of technology, prepare the "territory". If it is possible to start training still at the stage of mounting the walls of plasterboard, it is preferable. Then you can make strengthening the profile frame under GKC through wooden bars or metal elements or organize a niche with strengthening.

In the case of the organization, the niche accurately calculate its dimensions to fit freely and did not overheat when working. Good ventilation is important here.

Niche under the TV

At the preparation stage, it is necessary to foresee the fastening of the required posting and the organization of the rosette device. For a room, a TV will take 4-5 outlets. The perfect accommodation is under them - at a distance of 10 cm from one of the edges TV.

The wiring is mounted in two ways:

  • Hidden. When the wire is closed, the wire is removed in the corrugation in the wall and remove on the surface in the right places.
  • Open.

Installation of sockets

The second way is easier and provides for the fastening of cables by means of special elements right on a plasterboard wall. Placing wires in this way less aesthetically, but modern designers resort to original tricks that make the electrical wiring decor element.

Preparation of equipment

For durable mount, it is important to prepare not only the wall, but also the TV itself. Here are the nuances right Preparation TV:

  • Equipment parameters.

Before building brackets or strengthen the frames, determine which machine is hung, find out the exact weight, screen diagonal, type and other features. This is recorded in the documentation of technology.

  • Amount of workers.
  • Type of wall.

Depending on the finish, a set of fasteners, tools for work and accessories are selected.

  • The presence of electrical wiring in the wall.

How to fix TV on the wall from GLC?

For partitions from plasterboard, you will need such a set of fasteners and materials:

  • Drill.

This tool will be needed when the frame is strengthened under plasterboard facing.

Possible set of tools
  • Screwdriver.
  • Dowels like "Butterfly" or nails. Sometimes an anchor can come in handy.
  • Bruks from wood or metal in the event of a frame strengthening.
  • Bracket.
  • Metal corners.

The TV from the manufacturer often goes already with a bracket and fasteners. But they are attached from plastics, which in the case of a concrete basis is permissible, but there is no drywall. Such dowels can break down and deprive the owner of expensive technology. Therefore, it is better to get more durable.

Installation on the bracket:

  • Before fastening the bracket to the wall, mark the surface with a marker where TV will be.
  • Drill holes on the diameter of the dowels.
  • Place the "butterfly" from the self-press, then screw the self-tapping screw.
  • Remove the screws and make sure that the fasteners are omitted.
  • Attach the technique to the bracket.

Installation on the bracket

Despite the fact that in the instructions attached to the technique, they say that it is necessary to fix the bracket with the technique, so it will not work. A corner screwdriver is needed for a television cannon.

Mounting on the suspension:

  • Installation of suspension by means of fastening "butterflies" and dowels.
  • Fastening the TV, including using the bracket.
  • Check the horizontal placement level. Only after this TV is finally fixed.

Installation on the partition without a bearing basis

If the canopy assumes the presence of a carrier wall, then everything is clear here. But when it comes to a partition, especially already mounted without a reinforced frame, you will have to resort to special tricks. For this, additional external bearing racks organize. For GLC in this role, tubes made of metal, chawllers, and downtime and other rolling metal goods are used.

Canopy on the partition

These supports are installed along the partition in a vertical position and attached to the floor and the ceiling is rigidly. This installation will allow the hardest TV, the technique attached to it and so on. As for the aesthetics, this installation can always be decorated under the interior decor.

One of the ways to fastening the video:

Methods for fastening the wall of foam block

Standard attachment methods are not always relevant here. For surfaces from foam block, the following three methods of fastening TV are possible:

  • Fastening on anchors.

Anchor attachment is enough for the wall to withstand the weight of the technique without damage.

  • Bolts.

In the wall drilled holes and the bolts are fixed with the TV. The prominent part of the bolt in this case is sweeping for aesthetic.

  • Mounting bracket.

This method is perhaps the most reliable and practical. It does not disturb the decorativeness of wall decoration. On the foam wall fasten the technique with the same bolts or screws.

In contact with

The appearance of LCD and plasma TVs made it possible to install them not only on traditional bedside tables or stands, but also to attach to the walls. A flat screen of such models does not violate the overall interior of the room, and the placement of the TV on the wall saves a lot of space.

Especially often this advantage of flat TVs is used in kitchens, where family members, especially the hostess, spend quite a long time. Conventional small devices are attached to the walls. But here's how to fix the TV on the wall - we will talk about it today.

Choose a TV bracket

At present, quite a few models of various brackets appeared on sale, for any options for placing the TV: on the wall, in the corner, with different raising radius and turn. The selection of such a bracket is made under a specific TV, since the mounting holes of the bracket and the device may not coincide. Although firms are manufacturers and adhere to general standards, make sure that you buy exactly the bracket that is suitable for your TV will not hurt. And still need to consider whether this bracket will withstand the weight of your device. If the TV is ordinary, not flat, then such a bracket has a kind of shelf.

Krepim TV with bracket

The work on the tv mount should be carried out together, even if it is small. It should be noted that if the material of the wall is plasterboard, it is better not to risk and pick up another place. And if you fix on this wall, the weight of the TV with a bracket should not be more than 20 kg. For the usual small-sized TV, the location of the stand is easy to choose. Flat - somewhat harder. Here you need to take into account the limits of the turn of the TV itself horizontally and vertical. This is especially important if the place of the attachment is chosen in the corner or not far from it.

It is better to start with the fact that the bracket is slightly screwed to the TV. After that, you need to select the position of the apparatus both in height and horizontally. When you chose a place, attach a TV to the wall so that the bracket is supervised into it. One person keeps the bracket, and the other tries to brighten the device itself. In this way, the optimal embodiment of the bracket is selected, it remains only to schedule a place on the wall for it. After that, you need to remove fasteners from the TV, attach according to the markup to the wall and outline

If you purchased a wall-mounted TV, then the question arises: how to hang it on the wall? In general, there is nothing complicated in the installation of the device. If you know how to use a drill, a hammer and a screwdriver, then it is quite able to cope with this on our own. For a Samsung TV receiver or any other to secure on the wall, special devices are used: to properly hang the TV on special fixtures - brackets. They are different in shape, size and functionality.

If after purchase you cannot decide where to place the TV, then think about the pluses of its suspension on the wall.

  1. Aesthetics. Flat modern TV on the wall will decorate any interior of the room. It will not look inappropriate in almost any style of room design, and in some cases can set the tone to the entire room.
  2. Availability. If there is no suitable furniture in the room where TV will be, there is no suitable furniture, then buying the bracket will cost much cheaper than the cabinet.
  3. Security. If there are animals or children in the apartment, then reset the TV screwed to the wall, they will be much more complicated than standing on the end or desk.

As with any solution, hanging the TV on the wall there are flaws.

  1. Put the TV on the tube or the table is much easier than hanging on the wall. In the second case, a tool and skill work with it will be required.
  2. Not any wall will fit - it must be free from heating equipment.
  3. If it is decided to dismantle the TV, the holes from the attachment will have to be embedded.

Types of brackets

Do not worry if the appropriate place is slightly above eye level - adjust the slope You can use a tilting bracket. It is best to choose this one: in it you can adjust the position of the device for maximum comfort when viewing, and the back will place place to accommodate wires.

Important rules of installation

Start by S. studying the Wall. It can be concrete, brick, wooden or plasterboard. For the last option, it is not worth mounting the TV - with a probability of 99% after a while he will break out a piece of such a wall and breaks. Know the material from which the wall is made is necessary for understanding, which drill will be needed to produce holes. But worry about the fasteners to fasten the bracket to the wall, and it is not necessary to it, it is not necessary - everything you need in a set of suspension and television.

Important! When determining the place of the bracket on the wall, consider the presence of hidden wiring and distance to sockets. Also, do not forget that there should be no heating devices nearby.

TV hanging on the bracket

In order not to break your head like hanging a TV on a wall with a bracket, you will need to make simple steps.

  1. Place points under the chalkboard on the wall. To do this, measure the tape measure from the holes for the bracket on the rear panel of the device to its lower edge. Then mark from the floor of 1 m + value obtained when measurements on the TV. You will get the height on which will be drilled fastening holes. After this point, swipe the horizontal using the level.
  2. Now attach the mounting (wall) for the TV so that the battered line passes through the lower holes of the suspension.
  3. The next step will be drawn through the holes in the mounting places for the drilling.
  4. Before installing a TV bracket on a prepared wall, in some cases it is required to check the installation site for item hidden wiring (using a special device). With the help of a drill (and better - perforator), drill holes on the tags made.
  5. In the resulting holes using a hammer score dowels.
  6. Attach the bracket to the wall and tighten the bolts (in some cases - self-tapping screws) in the scored dowels with a wrench.
  7. After the bracket is securely fixed, it is possible to use third-party help, bring the device to the mount and hang on it.

Hanging tv without bracket

Flat TV panels with a diagonal 42" (and especially) are ready for installation without using special fasteners. The manufacturers of devices have already provided, how to hang the TV on the wall without a bracket. To do this, on the rear panel of the device made special "ears" (grooves). Therefore, the installation of a TV with "ears" is not much different from hanging a picture or mirror. The main thing is that the fasteners fit the weight of the device. If the ears for hanging are not provided, then you can make fastenings with your own hands.

How to hide wires

Having decided to hang the TV on the wall, the user will definitely think about how to hide the wires. Obviously, if they are simply stitching, then all the beauty of this installation method is reduced.

Still at the stage of repair it is worth considering a place where there will be a TV in the future. It is advisable to place an electrical outlet and antenna socket behind the rear. First, it is better to do a little: you may have to connect a smart console with external power or other equipment. If the tube is standing under TV, part of the sockets can be mounted at a distance of 30 cm from the floor and a couple more directly behind the screen.

Tip! Pre-predict in advance what exactly will be connected to the TV, it is quite difficult, so ideally it is necessary to take care of the presence of 5-6 outlets. This number is obviously enough for any devices that may be needed in the future.

If the repair is already done, then it will come to the aid block for wires. It can be neutral white or decorated in interior colors. If there is a window nearby, the cable can be hidden behind the curtain, raise the rosette to the ceiling, and to start the wire to it.

Below are interesting ideas for decorating wires.

The following tips are obtained from service specialists who are engaged in installation and configuration of television equipment. Thanks to these recommendations, the risk of performing the TV suspension on the wall is incorrectly reduced to a minimum.

  1. The selection of the bracket must be carried out necessarily taking into account the weight and diagonal TV.
  2. When choosing a bracket with swivel and inclined elements, make sure that they made from metal. Even the highest quality plastic can come into disrepair over time.
  3. When installing TV in a niche, make sure that dimensions have a reserve. Otherwise, air circulation can be broken, which can affect TV service life.
  4. Installation is made as follows: First, the bracket is attached to the wall, then the removable site is attached to the TV, and only after that both elements are connected to each other. The last step is to connect the wires.
  5. If the bracket has swivel or inclined mechanisms, then ensure in the reserve of wires - They should not be pulled out or bend in case of changing the position of the device.

Make the bracket with your own hands

If you are not going to change its position during the operation of the TV, then you can make a simple and inexpensive mount for the TV on the wall with your own hands.

To mount the device with a 32 or 42 inches screen, you will need to prepare 4 corners of aluminum or steel (will be used in the manufacture of a TV bracket) and 1 knitting knitting. It is recommended to use aluminum cornerSo it is easier to handle it. The dimensions of the segments are not important, the main thing is to match the holes on the body of the apparatus and in the corner.

For fastening parts on the wall, you can use dowels from the plastic of the desired diameter and length (depending on the weight of the aggregate).

Before attaching TV to the wall, you need to decide on corner width. It should be such to ensure normal ventilation between the wall and the television. Otherwise, your 42 inch telly will overheat, which will affect its service life. All wires, electrical and antenna, can be hidden into the cable channel.

Table hanging on a plasterboard wall

Regarding how to fix the TV on the wall of plasterboard, there are many opinions. Some say that you can apply a butterfly dowel, others - that this is not a reliable fastening. From the practice it is noticed that it is possible to hang on the "butterfly" a tanks weighing no more than 15 kg (diagonal of 42 inches). This option can be used for a TV on a 32 or 42 inches wall. Otherwise, for TVs with a larger mass, there is a risk of drywall destruction. For clarity, how to use a butterfly dowel, you can watch a video:

It is possible to hang the TV on the wall of plasterboard with a more reliable way: it is necessary to find screws with a strong magnet that the sheet is fastened to the guides, and the bracket is fixed to the metallic profile. You can also hang the TV on a plasterboard wall using hairpins-screw.

Such anchor as a fastening element can be screwed into both concrete and brick wall (the hole of the unit of the desired diameter is pre-drilled). The length of the heel should be selected, taking into account the distance of the leaf of plasterboard from the main wall. The anchor will be screwed into a large depth of brick or concrete, the greater weight it can withstand, since the entire load will be on the carrier wall, and not on the facing sheet.

How to install a TV on the wall, it was discussed above. But what if the sheet of drywall is not used as a cladding, but as partition? Bashed to such a plane, expensive device is extremely recommended. In this case, TV can be installed on a special countershown in the figure below. Thus suspended tv on the bracket can be rotated to any side (thanks to the rollers on the rack), that is, the whole design becomes mobile.

It is possible to fasten the TV to the wall of plasterboard, fasten to it pipes for installing bracket.

Another option, how to hang a TV on a fragile wall, maybe strip and LDSPwhich can be well strengthened on it. And already on the strip you can attach the shelves, bracket and install the device. With this option, you can hang the panels of large sizes and a large mass, for example, by applying 2 parallel stripes from LDSP.

If the installation of the TV on the wall is impossible, the ceiling mount will be a good option.

Having considered different options for mounting a television, one can understand that the main difficulty that may arise before the home master is the drilling of the holes, the choice and use of the right fastener. If you doubt your abilities, it is better to entrust work to specialists.

Flat panels, replaced bulky televisions with a kinescope, technically perfect - the three-dimensional image of the image with natural shades, excellent sound and maximum functionality. Undoubted plus - aesthetic appeal. Laconic glossy panels will decorate a modern home or apartment interior. How to hang tv: on the wall with a bracket, on the ceiling, or in a niche? Or maybe hide the technique in the closet? Options for placement, ways to disguise or put a technical novelty for universal review - mass!

Selecting the TV for different premises, it is necessary to take into account the conditions in which the technique will have to work, the intensity and duration of the daily viewing, and the distance from the installation point to the eye of the viewer.

Installation of a TV on the wall in the kitchen-dining room

Correct selection of height and distance

In spacious living rooms and bedrooms can be saved by installing liquid crystal panels. Such TVs are able to withstand many hours without "burnout" of individual sections of the screen, consume less electricity in comparison with plasma models. The disadvantage is a limited viewing angle without distortion of quality and color reproduction. Advantage - Democratic price. But with a reasonable choice of place for mounting, all flaws are leveled: if you hang the panel opposite the sofa and choose the optimal height, then there will be no complaints about the picture quality.

Scheme for determining the optimal distance from the screen to viewing area

Expensive LED panels are advisable to install in rooms where there is no fixed place to view. The viewing angle is from 120 o. The quality of the image does not suffer from the overaction of light in the room. Energy consumption is at a minimum.

Plasma panels are considered a benchmark in the naturalness of color reproduction. Disadvantages - uneconomical energy consumption, limited service life, strong heating of the back surface during operation, high weight.

Basic rules for choosing a place to accommodate a TV:

  1. The distance from the screen to the eye should not be less than 2 diagonals in centimeters. Comfortable distance - from 2.5 to 4 sizes of the diagonal.
  1. The height of the fastening of the TV on the wall should not be overestimated. Ideal if the center of the screen will be on the line of the person's eye sitting opposite the panel.
  1. If you cannot comply with the rules of distance and height, choose adjustable installation to make the view comfortable.
  1. Cannot be installed technique near heating radiators.

Unsuccessful place selection: Light from the window will interfere with viewing

  1. The screen should not be under the right sunlight, opposite the window. The darker in the zone where the technique is, the better the picture: you do not have to set the maximum brightness.

Kitchen TV: Selection Settings and installation options

If the living room and bedrooms have to choose only the technology and the size of the diagonal, then another one is added to the list of possible options - the special panels for embedding. Options for TVs in the kitchen are standard models and moisture and heat-resistant panels.

Size: which diagonal is enough for a comfortable viewing

The kitchen does not equip the long-lasting zone. Sick diagonal, focusing on remoteness from the sofa should not. It is enough to choose a point where the panel will be visible to all family members gathered at the table.

Small tv on the wall in the dining area

Practice proves that sufficient size is diagonal for kitchens, not connected to the living room:

  • In compact rooms with an area of \u200b\u200b9 - 12 square meters. m is enough TV with a diagonal of up to 20 inches (50 - 51 cm).

For the hostess: suspension over the working area

  • For kitchens in size 12 - 16 m. Pickup 25 - 27-inch TV. Diagonally at 71 cm more than enough.

TV with large diagonal in the kitchen

  • In spacious kitchens, the dining panel with a diagonal of 81 cm will not seem too cumbersome.

Built-in models for kitchens: non-standard solutions

Manufacturers offer special models created specifically for installation in "complex" kitchen conditions. The body of TVs is sealed, with a protective moistureproof coating. Feature panels - Installation on any surfaces of the kitchen without restrictions: you can hang equipment over a cooking surface, over a sink or embedd in a decorative hood. The housing will protect the internal parts from overheating.

Special model for mounting in the kitchen

If you plan to hide the technique in the closet, instead of hanging the TV on the wall, select Special panels for embedding. Why not mount standard technique in niche? Everything is simple - for permanent cooling of the housing, air flow is necessary.

In a niche on the bracket: the technique is put forward when turned on

When installing in a narrow close niche, the technique will overheat during long work and fails. The case is not a warranty.

Models for embedding are more expensive than standard by 50 - 100%, depending on the type and size of the diagonal. TVs for hidden editing do not require external cooling. Included - niche and retainers, frame. The size of the diagonal is limited only by furniture dimensions or drywall construction, where the installation is scheduled.

Mounting methods: where to build and at what height hang the panel

If it is decided to install a classic TV in the kitchen, you will have to choose a safe place:

  • At a distance of 50 cm from the water source - shells.

Near washing: only special kitchen appliances with waterproof housing

  • To retreat from the gas stove or the cooking surface to the side by 60 - 100 mm.
  • Ignore the traditional location on the refrigerator: the vibration with the compressor turned on will not extend the life of the plasma panel.

Between the upper wall of the refrigerator and the TV requires a hard jumper

Among the points available for self-installation:

  1. Wall in front of a dining group or a soft corner.

Corner cabinet with deep niche: perfect choice

  1. Any free angle.

The options for placing the built-in TV in the kitchen are several. The panel can be hiding in one of the cabinets of the upper tier. With tight fixation of the panel, you will have to watch TV with the open door of the cabinet.

Built in the cabinet door panel

There is an alternative option for the door opening on 180 o. When you open the cabinet, the panel is deployed.

New on the market - TV built into the factory exhaust box. At the same time, the question is solved with the place of installation and there is no need to order a decorative disguise for an exhaust pipe.

Are there free walls? Form a niche for a TV from plasterboard sheets.

Extraordinary solutions:

  • Retractable and rotary built-in panels traveling from under the bottom of the top tier.

  • Hidden TVs on the island of televisions on an electric bracket.

Mounting of the TV on the bracket: types of fasteners

To hang a TV on the wall, select the appropriate bracket. Most panels that are presented on the market are equipped with the preparation for fastening the international VESA standard.

Rigid fixation on the wall panel

Depending on the size and weight of the panel, the system is selected with a suitable distance between the centers of the mounting holes. In models with a small diagonal, only 2 holes for the fixture can be provided. In most panels - 4 holes in the form of a square. The standard distance between points of attachments is 75, 100, 200, 300, 400 mm. To not be mistaken with the choice, you need to find information about the standard in the instructions or simply measure the distance between the holes on the rear panel.

Installation in niche

By the number of planes turning the brackets class:

  • Tough fixation.
  • Inclined.
  • Swivel.

Rigid frame mounts

Hard mount preferably choose for TVs with large diagonal. The weight of the panel can reach 40 kg, and the excess turning arm of the bracket will only enhance the load at the fasteners in the wall and the rear lid.

Also use fixed not rotary brackets to install the TV on the wall, when there is a long-lasting zone, and there is no need to change the position of the panel.


  • Reliability and simplicity of installation.
  • Low cost.

The disadvantage: ocked with the installation site, you will have to shift the frame attached in the wall and hold a new installation. Adjust the position of the panel is impossible.

Inclined Brackets for Flat Panels

Inclined or semi-rigid fastening type - bracket with tilt adjustment mechanism. Mounts are distinguished by a democratic price and the possibility of minimal adjustment of the installed panel position.

The frame installed on the wall and part of the bracket attached to the back cover are connected using the mechanism with a free move in the vertical plane. The panel hung on the wall can be tilted down the book. The maximum angle of inclination does not exceed 20 o.

It is preferable to use such fasteners for medium-sized panels that are mounted above the level of the viewer's eye. Light tilt of the TV increases the viewing angle.

Rotary Brackets for Large Premises

Rotary brackets are used to mobile TV fixation on the wall, in a niche, on the ceiling.

There are fasteners with different number of rotary mechanisms:

  1. Turn in 2 planes. The TV can be rotated in the horizontal plane and tilt or lift in the vertical.

  1. Changing position in 3 planes. In addition to the horizontal and vertical position change, the distance change function from the fixation point is added. Such systems are designed for fastening in niches when during the viewing time it is necessary to increase the distance between the panel wall and the niche to provide air access. Brackets also use brackets for fixing equipment in the corners, under the ceiling - at considerable height.

Mechanical mounting with multiplossous adjustment

  1. 4 direction directions. In addition to 3 standard direction directions, a turn around the own axis is added.

Fastening for installation in niche or under the ceiling

Mechanical mounts are adjusted manually. Complex systems with an electric motor are adjusted from the remote control.

Installation instructions for mounting and installing TV

Before hanging a TV on the wall, be sure to inspect the rear panel and study the instructions. The expensive panels can be protected from non-professional installation. Screws covering holes for mounting the bracket can be flooded with plastic, and factory hardware are equipped with a special form for which a special tool is intended. You should not install such panels on your own: in the event of a damage to free repair, warranty will refuse.

Professional installation

Important! The need for certified installation should be clearly spelled out in the installation instructions or in the provision of warranty.

Tools and preparation: what you need to buy

Fastening hardware for the back cover of the TV must be included. Use only original factory details. Additionally select silicone or soft rubber gaskets to protect plastic from scratches. What for? Everything is simple: when contacting the service in case of breakdown, you can get a failure in warranty repair if mechanical defects are noticeable on the case: scratches and scratching.

To hang on the wall of the TV, prepare:

  1. Perforator or drill. Perforator - for walls of concrete, drill - for brick and block partitions.
  1. Bracket.
  1. Hardware with dowels. Dowels use steel if the wall is porous. Plastic products may not cope with the load.
  1. Level level. Besides Waterpas, you will need a pencil.

To secure the panel securely, choose the screws and dowels of the correct size: for small TVs with a diagonal of up to 25 inches enough hardware with a diameter of 4 mm. Deepening into the wall:

  • Up to 4 cm in concrete base.
  • Up to 6 cm in a brick wall.
  • Up to 10 cm in the design of the PGB.

For the medium screen size panels (diagonal to 82 cm), you will have to buy a screw with a diameter of up to 7 mm. Deepening into the wall (the length of the methiza) is from 80 mm for concrete bases, up to 100 - 155 mm for brick and block partitions.

Installation frame on walls from different material

Before starting work, it is worth taking care that after installation in the field of view did not remain hanging wires. You can solve the question in two ways. Included with a bracket, it is advisable to buy a decorative coating box and mounted shelves. Install the tuner, modem on the shelves. In the box to hide the cable.

Niche from GLK: Wires are hidden under the sheets

If the wall is made of plasterboard sheets, then a niche for cables can be made after it. When the wizard is fixed, settings and connectors are installed directly near the mounting point of the bracket. The disadvantage - you will have to stick in the wall of the channel for cables, and after putty and paint the wall. In addition, this method is not suitable for fixed fasteners due to the fact that the distance from the rear panel of the TV to the wall is too close - the socket with a fork just does not fit.

Wall markup and selection of space for socket

In order not to make a mistake, you should correctly define the place of attachment. Some manufacturers are equipped with a bracket with special cardboard templates. Cut paper template can be independently, drawing on the sheet of contours and noting the centers of the holes.

The main thing is to check the line of the upper fasteners level. The deviation horizontally is unacceptable, especially if not the rotary bracket is mounted.

Drill holes on the markup. In order not to clean the cleaning, you can use a special nozzle or vacuum cleaner, which will collect dust from the wall.

When mounting on a plasterboard wall, it is better not to fix the frame for sheets. Fastening options:

Special dowel for GLK: only for easy equipment

  • On the crate under the trim.
  • In the capital wall using long hardware.

Frame attached to the wall. Part of the bracket that is mounted on the back wall is set separately. Under the screws put soft gaskets, tighten the connections without excessive effort so as not to damage the plastic socket.

Installing TV and Cable Disguise

Fastening part of the bracket to the rear lid

After checking the attachment, you can hang the panel on the frame. TVs with a large diagonal is better to mount to the suspension together. It is advisable to lay on the floor under the installation site soft plaid.

Only after the installation is complete, the cables can be connected. First fix connectors and a power cord on the rear panel.

Important! When installing the TV immediately after purchase, especially in the cold season, postpone the connection for several hours. Condensate can cause closure.

The excess length of the cord can be collapsed by an incomplete ring and fix the clamp. Place the cable into a special box.

How to choose a TV bracket:

Correct installation of oblique fastening:

Installation of the TV on the wall Stepha:

Rigid frame and small diagonal - conditions, subject to which you can start an independent installation. When installing heavy panels it is worth ordering a professional installation. The masters will advise what bracket to choose, and help you find the perfect place for fastening. Be sure to check whether the bracket will withstand the weight of the panel: information about the permissible load should be on the package.

If you are planning to repair in the kitchen, consider embedding technology before ordering furniture. TV will have to choose before the start of work so that the furniture makers were able to realize the attachment under the specific panel at a suitable place.