What glue for assembling plastic models. Review of the best types of glue for plastic models

Glue for assembling models is made as a specially developed means of the primary stage of the work of fans of a worldwide popular hobby, which is able to captivate both a child and an adult.

Means for gluing prefabricated models are divided into several species that differ in the chemical and physical properties.

The most famous and familiar, basic, or universal, glue with a jelly-like consistency is widely used by lovers of this hobby for many decades. This composition has a paired effect of two chemically active substances - butyl acetate and polystyrene. In short, the first substance melts the upper layer of the surface of the detail, and the second - enhances molecular ties, helping to create a single whole. When using such a means, it is applied on the surface of both stuck details before the connection.

Experienced experts are recommended to connect parts with an applied tool not immediately - it is better to wait 1-2 minutes to be partially dissolved. Then you need to docile and press the items to each other, and the surplus of plastic, which can drop a little, later, when it hardens, remove a special knife.

Many experienced pro use liquid, or superfluid, tool. As a rule, it is produced along with a synthetic tassel, as it is applied to the place of dusting already connected parts. It is necessary to get used to such a composition, as it is a little more difficult to use it - there is a risk to shed it to the model. However, in a dried state, it does not leave significant traces that can interfere with primer and painting. Its so-called capillary action, that is, independent and fast penetration directly into the joint, occurs instantly.

For gluing transparent details, of course, a third type of funds is needed - the so-called invisible composition. It has a transparent look and has no less powerful fixing properties. However, in contrast to the universal means, this species does not make the effect of welding, it simply freezes and turns into a transparent basis. When using it, you need to apply the composition on both parts, and then press them to each other.

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It is very difficult to find a good glue, which glued two plastic surfaces very quickly and kept for a long time. In order not to look for a reliable manufacturer and not throw money on various brands, make glue yourself.

We suggest you watch the video, how is the glue for the manufacture of parts from plastic yourself at home, with the help of sweater materials.

For the manufacture of glue for plastic, we will need:
- technical acetone;
- Styrofoam;
- a small glass bubble;
- tape;
- Polystyrene chips.

Pour acetone into a bubble. We need to fill the third part of the bubble.

Add some foam plastic into a bubble with acetone. The foam can not be chosen into small pieces, under the influence of acetone, it will dissolve independently. We will have enough piece, which in size will be like our little finger.

Cut by scissors several such pieces of their foam and dissolve them in a bubble in acetone. No matter how much you have added foam plastic there, it will dissolve, the liquid inside the jar will be a muddy color.

After you are all dissolved, the jar must be sealed. For this, the tape cover is tightened to the jar.

Next, you need to make additives from polystyrene. As an example, in the photo you are shown glue from acetone, foam and polystyrene.

We return again to our until the finished glue. We have to add some chips to it, which was taken from a plastic polystyrene bush.

Fill the jar with acetone and foam chips and let it dissolve. We do not forget to make a jar of hermetic and again we wrap all the tape.

Assembling plastic models - this fascinating hobby combines several generations over one thing. Even in our age of computer technologies and three-dimensional printers, many people give all their free time creating large-scale models. But it is not enough to collect all the details in the correct order, they must be securely glued together. What glue to use for models from plastic We will try to understand this article.

Today, a large number of glue varieties are represented on the market, which are designed only for plastic elements. We will look at the most common and popular of them.

Varieties of glue for plastic

Today specialized shops are ready to offer a wide variety of glue for plastic models. The newcomer model is very difficult to choose the appropriate option.

For plastic models, it is important to use only special adhesives, because not every composition will be tightly kept on smooth surfaces. But even with special adhesives, when connecting parts it is necessary to be as neat as possible, because even the smallest part, glued incorrectly, can spoil the entire appearance of the model.

Adhesive can be both Russian and imported production. The most popular in our country is the glue star for plastic models. This glue has many advantages, but not suitable for all materials.

Often materials are combined and added to the plastic parts:

Depending on the properties of the material and destination, all the fasteners can be divided into several types:

  1. Based on which epoxy resin;
  2. Water-based;
  3. Polysterol, when working with which the product melts;
  4. Cyanacrylic.

How to choose suitable glue?

All types of fasteners for plastic are similar in their properties, they are separated by its density into three groups:

  1. Liquid consistency. For ease of use, they are sold in polyethylene bottles and have a special applicator.
  2. Middle consistency. They are usually released in glass jars with a plastic lid, on which there is a special tassel for applying.
  3. Thick. They are sold in tubes. Unlike other species, these dry sufficiently long, which is very convenient when the calculation is not the speed, but accuracy.

Polyster or universal glue

This glue is widely used by model stores from Soviet times. Preference is given to him both lovers and professional models.

This glue includes two main substances: butyl acetate and polysterol. The mount occurs as a result of melting plastic. Under the influence of active substances, the top layer of plastic becomes liquid and when connecting parts, the elements are reliably "welded" to each other. After that, the polyster is additionally bonded by the details, forming durable molecular ties between them.

To glue the plastic parts with polyterol glue, you must apply it on both surfaces and wait a bit. When it is noticeable that the upper part of the parts was bored, it is necessary to connect them firmly together. With a strong squeezing details, part of the liquid plastic can find out, but it can be easily removed.

Transparent glue for models

Often the elements of the models have transparent details. In order for them to carefully glue the special glue, which remains invisible when used. This glue does not smear plastic, and the fastening occurs due to substances penetrating into the structure of the elements and thereby connecting parts with each other. After drying, glue becomes transparent and inconspicuous.

Cyanoacillalalate Glue

This glue is widely known to consumers called "Super - Glue." Its main advantage - to reliably glue different materials among themselves - it has long been known to almost every ordinary.

At the modelilors, he also enjoys great success for the speed of drying and reliable fastening of parts. But it is necessary to use it very carefully, since an inaccurately glued part will be glued very quickly and it will be impossible to correct it. And when hitting the glue to other elements, he leaves footprints.

It is believed that not only for the full development of the child need a hobby. Even an adult requires some kind of recovery, a change in the situation, the sphere of activity. Someone likes to collect brands, someone prefers to spend their bike leisure, and someone loves to collect models. It is characteristic that the last hobby is suitable for adults and children.

Like any occupation, the assembly of models requires certain knowledge and experience. In particular, it is not always easy to choose glue for gluing plastic parts. Moreover, the market today is quite saturated with various models that have different properties.


To bind plastic elements of models you need glue. It allows you to collect one full-fledged product from a set of different parts. For high-quality assembly of models, you need to be attentive, neat and consistent. Any error, for example, if incorrectly dilute the mixtures or connect the parts, can lead to a disruption of stability, the defect of the appearance.


If the details are bought, and the glue is no, you need to think about what the mixture is suitable more. It is known that most of the masters prefer domestic producers. A good is the option - a star used to build models.

However, this does not mean that you need to immediately flee such a glue. First you need to determine the material from which the model will be made:

  • paper;
  • plastic;
  • resin;
  • metal.
  • epoxy resin;
  • cyanacryl;
  • based on water;
  • polystyrene.

We will understand a little in principle of polystyrene glue. It is based on the melting of the surface of polystyrene, which glues with a similar surface. During the contact of the parts, mutual melting of coatings occurs, the agent penetrates into the structure from one product to another.

When the mixture evaporates, the molten zones are hardened. The product will be ready for use in a few hours. However, the manufacturer is recommended still squeeze the day. In addition, the drying of the glue is determined by the thickness of the glue layer. After the readiness of the product is ensured by high connection strength.

It should be noted that a good adhesive connection will not work if it is not polystyrene. In this case, it is better to use dichloroethane. This is a caustic substance that requires accuracy in circulation. With it glue provides a good connection. For these purposes, glue star.

Another group is cyanacryl. Provides a quick and durable connection. However, the rate of strength is not very good. If there is high humidity, such adhesive quickly freezes, poorly stored. Therefore, you need a low moisture level and a small temperature corridor - from plus 5 to plus 10 degrees. At home can be used to store the household refrigerator.

If during installation it is necessary to move the item, adjust the position, then it is worth choosing a gel. There are also to help masters of moderators or activators, respectively, slowing down or accelerating the process of gluing products. Working with such a mixture, steams allocated to the substance should be avoided. Therefore, you need to try not to inhale the air while working with this glue. You can get irritation of the mucous membrane, if the composition falls on the skin - an allergic reaction.

The principle of operation of epoxy mixtures is based on interaction with the hardener. In this case, the resin is frozen, it turns out a durable surface contact. This glue option is used to glue parts of radio-controlled models.

There are epoxy resins that give the ability to create whole models or cloning parts. Such a composition cannot be used for gluing plastic parts. The plastic resin will not hold.

Fiberglass, resin, wood - this is what the epoxy glue mixtures are well glued. Metal parts can also be glued to these materials. The composition can dry from 1 to 24 hours. To reduce the period, you can act warmth.

Note that all the options presented are toxic, so you can work with them only in a well-ventilated room, and better - on the street. The mixture should not get into the skin, in the eye, mouth. Otherwise, it is necessary to quickly rinse the organ with water, it is recommended to appeal to the doctor.


Such adhesives may have different density:

  • Thick. Produced in small tubes. It dries relatively long, but you can safely work hard, without thinking that the adhesive mixture can grab ahead of time.
  • Middle density. Supplied in glass bubbles. The plug is provided for a brush-applicator.
  • Liquid. It is usually implemented in polyethylene bottles with an applicator. This refers just glue a star.


This composition is very highly popular, refers to a polystyrene group. It has three important characteristics for this:

  • high quality glues the surface;
  • there are in most model stores;
  • it is inexpensive.

However, there are some drawbacks. For example, users complain about the shape of a bottle, which has a low level of stability, as a result of which the composition is often distinguished. In addition, there are no additional means that facilitate the procedure for using glue.

The glue star penetrates the inside of the glued surfaces, hardens, gripping the details. The initial use of the model is possible in an hour, however, to acquire due specifications, it is recommended to wait for a day.


The star is a really affordable leader for gluing plastic parts. However, sometimes it is not possible to purchase it, what to do? There is a way out. Some users recommend mixing solvent with foam. In such a composition, you can replace glue star to glue plastic surfaces. If it turned out thick, you can dilute a little solvent.

Additionally about the use of glue, you can watch the video.

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It is impossible to make an aircraft model without glue. But not all glue is suitable for aircraft model. Especially when working with foam and ceiling tiles.

I prefer to make aircraft models from foam and ceiling tiles (ceiling), at the beginning I used only the glue for the ceiling tile - "Titan". But this glue models is not limited.

In this article, I will consider the following adhesives and their use in aircodellize:


In business stores and construction workers, various types of "Titan" glue are sold, but as practice has shown, the specific differences between the titanium titan SM or TITAN S are actually no.

They are polymerized equally. Form equally solid transparent mass.

If the difference is present, then it is impossible to see it with the naked eye.

The glue seam of titanium after drying is much stronger than foam and ceilings. When the break, it takes off without a seam, but along with the upper layer of the ceiling. Despite the strong seam, the titanium is elastic enough that when gluing long parts could work on bending and do not break.

When gluing wood: after drying (at least 24 hours), it is not inferior to epoxy glue by tensile strength, i.e. A force is needed about 150-200 kg.

When you try to flexing two glued wooden lines titanium, it was not possible to break through the glue seam - the rules burst.

Tithan glue technique: Before gluing, be sure to clean the sandy paper glued surfaces. Especially when gluing ceiling tiles.

"Gloss" on the ceiling is bluffing poorly to the titanium and if it is glued without stripping "gloss", then Titan can easily bounce at the most inappropriate moment - for example in flight.

Titan is applied with a thin layer on both sides of the parts glued. It is enough to drop titanium and smeared with a segment of a flat piece of plastic. To wait a bit (2-3 minutes), connect the parts bondable, press and fix for 30-40 minutes. After that, it is possible to continue to work on the manufacture of aircraft model. But it is better to leave in a fixed state for 24 hours.

I did not notice a special difference between the thick and thin layer of the glue titanium after gluing. The only thing - the thick layer of adhesive dries much longer, to several days and weighs much more.

And since in aircodellize the smaller the weight of the aircode - the better, then it is desirable to do the seams as thin as possible.

If Titan thickens, it can be diluted with alcohol or denatant. In a strongly liquid state, titanium glues badly, but it is perfect for the surface of the surface. The primer ceiling titanium gives the last rigid crust that works well on the gap and compression. Lobik Wing Aviamodemnel I always soil titanium before tightness.

Titan has analogue - glue master. Honestly, the master is not very. He dries longer and after drying it does not have a clear fixation of the seam, and the glue seam itself has much less strength. It is better to use titanium, the more the price they are approximately the same.

After the polymerization of the seam is not amenable to handling sandpaper. The foam plastic around the glue is elapsed. Therefore, if you need to process the glued parts after gluing, it is better to do it 40 minutes after connecting the parts. Or take advantage of the nozzle with sandpaper on the bobbishka for the minider or dremel. On large revolutions, titanium is easily processed.