How to close sewer pipes in the toilet. How to hide pipes in the toilet? Video how to close the riser

The question of how to close the pipes in the toilet , Interested in real estate owners are still at the repair plan. People want any room in their apartment not only functional, but also beautiful. Modern technology facing various surfaces provide an extensive choice of methods, with the help of which you can beautifully and practically hide vertical and horizontal highways designed to remove the drain. There are many options for how to close the pipes in the toilet Using various materials and technologies.

Along the back wall of the bathroom there are 50 mm pipes, along which drains from the bathroom or kitchen are discharged. Even modern aesthetic plastic products will not decorate the room shining a new trim. Hide them in various ways, depending on the structural features and layout of the building.

You can use such campaigning options for horizontal communications:

  1. Remove them in a niche passing in the stove. If there is no niche, it can be done independently with the help of a grinder and a perforator. Previously need to clarify the thickness of the slab of the overlap. If it is too thin, then the longitudinal niche can weaken her carrying ability. After stacked, the shtroba is filled with a starting or finishing putty.
  2. Cover communication tiles. Depending on the design, the finish is used, which is covered by the floor or the one, which is planned for wall decoration. In order to facilitate the subsequent replacement of pipes, it is not recommended to fill them in full swing.

It is necessary to close the drains with such a calculation so that it was possible to quickly get to them when an emergency or repair.

Ways to closing the sewer riser

Thinking how to close the sewer riser in the toilet , you need to take into account a number of nuances.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that it is a construction of common use. On each floor, the standing is equipped with revision hatches to eliminate blockages. At any time, these hatches must be available to representatives of utilities.

Near the riser passes a water supply. It is equipped with shut-off cranes and counters that should be open to removal of readings. It is impossible to tightly close.

If the sewage is subject to replacement in the near future, it makes no sense to build a capital construction for masking of risers. You can use a light temporal design or a removable device that will not be required to be destroyed.

It is worth considering the options for closing the riser, which are tested by time and earned positive reviews of masters and their customers.

Testing riser plasterboard

The most simple, but not the fastest way to disguise the toilet riser is the manufacture of a box of plasterboard. This material today is widely used in all spheres of construction and repair.

Close pipe in the toilet plasterboard There may even be a novice master using the minimum set of household tools that are in each apartment.

For work it will be necessary:

  • perforator;
  • scissors for metal;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • level;
  • a hammer;
  • thin knife;
  • sherryanka grid;
  • putty;
  • primer.

It is necessary to equip the plasterboard box only when the floor and wall finishes are finished. For the construction of the frame, it is better to use a metal profile, as a wooden bar may be deformed with time.

The sewer of the sewer riser is carried out in such a sequence:

  1. Applying markup on the floor and walls. Drilling holes for fastening the guide profile.
  2. Build frame. The sequence of this event, regardless of the configuration of the box, one is the installation of vertical racks and the connection of their jumpers from carrier profiles.
  3. Saving frame of plasterboard. Billets are made by cutting along the markup line. After that, the desired fragment is shaken. Screening of the blanks is performed by a screwdriver and screws. The edges of the plasterboard bands must be attached to the profiles with a range of 10-15 cm.
  4. Pluckle box from GLK. When the solution is driving, it is processed by primer deep penetration. If the box is preparing under painting, then polishing its surfaces is carried out.
  5. Arrangement of doors or observation hatches. The door is made in the place where the audit hole is located. Instead, you can equip the plug, applying a ventilation grid for this. The counter and ball valve is better to close the light door made of plastic.

The manufactured box can be trimmed with ceramic tiles, painted and damage with wallpaper. The disadvantage of this choice is that, if necessary, replace pipes, the design will have to break without the possibility of recovery.

Closing of sewer riser plastic

Close Pipes in the toilet with plastic panels You can, using a frame or connecting the bands directly to the walls and together. The advantage of choosing this material is the ease of its processing and installation, the possibility of rapid dismantling in the occurrence of production necessity. Another advantage of the use of plastic panels is the complete lack of wet works and garbage during the installation process. A certain disadvantage is the difficulty in the selection of the desired color and the shade of plastic so that it is combined with the wall finish of the toilet.

Consider the options for making frame and frameless box:

The frame option applies in cases where the internal volume of the toilet is sufficient for the construction of spatial structures. In order to make a frame for PVC panels, you can use a steel profile or profile. Since plastic is a flexible material, it does not affect it changing the configuration of the tree from moisturizing or drying. Therefore, you can choose material for the frame, based on your preferences and existing experience.

For the manufacture of plastic box, it will be necessary:

  • perforator;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • stationery knife;
  • marker;
  • wooden timber or steel profile;
  • plastic profiles (starting, external and internal angular).

Do not use brackets for fastening the panels to the frame. In the humid environment, the metal is destroyed in 2-3 years. It is better to use self-drawn, equipped at the ends of drills for screwing.

Work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. A drawing of the box is drawn up. Calculation of building materials.
  2. On the walls, the floor and the ceiling are marked. A holes are drilled in which plastic dowels are inserted.
  3. Side frame racks attached to walls. If the riser is in the corner, then the central rack is attached. Its fixation on the ceiling and gender is performed using metal corners.

  4. The starting plastic profile is attached to the frame of self-drawing. Depending on the project, a decorative plinth can be used.
  5. A fit of plastic panels in length and width is carried out. Cut them best with a sharp stationery knife. It should be trimmed by 3-4 mm more from the resulting distance at the calculation of the thickness of the profile walls.
  6. Panels are installed in the cavity of plastic profiles. When assembling the corner design of the edge of the panels, it is screwed to the central support and close to the angle of polymer or MDF. You can make a non-rigid fastening in the outer corner.

The manufactured box is beautiful and gently looks. It can be easily and quickly disassembled for maintenance or repair.

The frameless method of masking the riser is applied when working in very close rooms, in which scale is located in one of the corners. As a rule, to attach the support supports is not possible because of the toilet tank. In this case, the starting profiles are screwed directly to the cafes. The panels are inserted into the circuit formed by them and fixes on the junction of brackets or long screws. The jock is stuck with an angle of plastic or MDF. The design has sufficient strength and reliability.

Clicking the Blinds and Roleats

The use of rollers, horizontal and rolled blinds, allows you to solve the problem of masking sewage riser and water supply quickly, beautiful and efficiently.

The advantages of such a decision are obvious:

  • high speed performance;
  • significant savings;
  • the possibility of obtaining full or partial access to communications;
  • beauty and ease of construction;
  • relatively low installation cost.

A certain disadvantage of blinds is that they are darked over time and have insufficient strength (especially steel). You can solve this problem with the installation of plastic structures that are durable, resistant to fading and corrosion.

It should be remembered that rolling and blinds do not provide complete isolation. They cannot be used as a partition between the toilet and the shared mine, which pass sanitary communications.

In order for the blinds to watch presentable, you need to make a box that will pass pipes. There it is advisable to install cranes and counters. Free space can be used to install shelves on which household chemicals can be stored, tools and fishing facilities. Rollstitch will look much presentable, since their design provides for tough fixation, not only from above, but also on the sides. Accordingly, the service life of such a device will be much longer than that of ordinary window blinds.

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Rear wall in the toilet: Finishing rules

This article is how you can arrange the rear wall in the toilet or combined bathroom. In it, I will give several options for finishing and using the wall, and I will also share my considerations about whether water supply and sewage risers can be hidden, and when it is completely contraindicated.


For the houses of the Soviet construction, the most typical toilet layout with the rear wall of water supply and sewage stands is most typical. Steel pipes with time rust, even with regular paint perennial layers of paint represent a dubious decoration of the bathroom.

It is not so ruthless to the cast-iron sewer pipe, however, it rarely shakes the beauty after 20 to 40 years. In such conditions, the temptation is quite understandable to hide risers, building a light partition between them and toilet.

Partition? Dissaming-S.

What is this instruction? There are several reasons.

A solid partition means full absence of ventilation. Without it, condensate will be formed without it on the riser of cold water (the water vapors penetrate perfectly through drywall and aerated concrete, which are commonly used when creating a partition). Permanent contact with moisture will repeatedly reduce the service life of the steel pipe.

Moreover: hardly your neighbors will be happy to make a wet spot that appeared on them on the ceiling and started to peel down the plaster.

In addition, the partition will have to disassemble when it will arise need for access to risers.

Reasons for this mass:

  • Steel pipes periodically give leaks - on the seam of electric welding pipe, on a thin section of the welded joint or simply in the place where the pipe was exposed to the longest;
  • There is such a thing as planned replacement of risers and water supply liner. Sooner or later, friendly plumbers will come to you and, seeing, upset and tell a lot of offensive words to the address of the unlucky builder;
  • Sewage squabbles are often destroyed by weight of pipes based on them. This requires replacement of the rising area or at least the installation of the bandage;
  • By leaks on the sewer rim, there may be a grab drawdown in the overlap. What is especially unpleasant, this flow occurs periodically, when overflowing the riser with simultaneous plums in a pair of toilet bowls or foam generated when washing. Repair work and in this case will require access to the riser;
  • With some stamps, the only way to clean is to open the riser and remove from it the stuck item with your own hands;
  • Finally, on the extreme floors (and in high-altitude houses - every three floors) on the sewage riser, revisions are installed for cleaning. They (as, in fact, the risers) belong to the total property of residents at home, and free access to them is necessary.

Sometimes you can still

Is the only decoration that the owner of the apartment can afford - a shutter in the toilet on the back wall?

Camrads, not everything is so without it. Attaching your risers still can be hidden. But with several very serious reservations:

  1. Steel corrosion-unstable pipes must be replaced by resistant to overheating and hydrowood Material with maintenance-free connections. In homes with central hot water supply for this purpose, only corrugated stainless steel and copper pipe on the soldering fittings can be used. In buildings with boilers, polypropylene and metal-plastic can be added to the list of members of the club;
  2. Risers should be replaced not from overlapping to overlap, but at a minimum from being over your toilet before the sorter of the lower neighbor. Steel pipes faster rust in the overlap;
  3. Cast-iron sewage riser changes on plastic, and all the crop are necessarily fixed by the clamps in order to avoid spontaneous dusting;
  4. In the presence of revision opposite it in the partition mounted luke. Its sizes must provide free access to the audit lid;

  1. Below and above the partition is supplied with a pair ventilation lattices.

Options for registration


So, how to make the rear wall in the panel toilet of an apartment building? Here are a few ideas.

The partition is completely consisting of revision hatches under the tile (elders). They provide access to risers throughout their height. In the closed position, the door is absolutely invisible and no different from the capital wall covered with a cafeter.

The space near the risers is used to store the washing powder, cleaning agents and other household chemicals. High doors and removable shelves allow you to get full access to risers if necessary.

Another locker is out of the lining.

Variation to the same topic. The front wall of the cabinet is assembled from the lining and is covered with furniture varnish. Ventilation is provided by gaps between the wall and the door.

This idea can only be approved. Plastic is more appropriate indoors with high humidity: it does not swell and is easy to clean.

Instead of doors - blinds.

If for some reason you do not like the idea of \u200b\u200bdoors for a locker for the toilet - there are no problems: hang the blinds instead. They will hide the pipes, without preventing their ventilation.

A private house

How to make the back wall in the private house?

Here, our fantasy is not shy here: the sewage and eyeliner of water supply can be simply made in the next technical room or a basement.

When installing the water supply from scratch, you can immediately use materials that do not require the maintenance of fitting compounds. In this case, the water supply and sewage can be hidden behind the unintended partition.

I will share with you the design of the rear walls in the toilets of my house.

In the photo - the toilet of the attic floor.

Attic with a broken roof allowed me to use the space between the vertical wall of the toilet and the inclined roof for creating a pair of niche from GCL. Shelves coating - tile. Niche is used to store toilet paper and notorious household chemicals. Plasterboard is painted with "rubber" waterproofing, making it resistant to splashes.

Wall finished with a cafeter. Sewerage is collected on sealant and embedded in the box. It is removed by a polypropylene water supply liner.


I hope that my recommendations will help a respected reader in the finishing of their own housing. As always, the video in this article will offer you additional thematic information. Do not hesitate to share our own experience in comments. Successes, Camrads!

Noticeable communications in the San.Uzl do not add attractiveness to the premises. How to close the pipes in the toilet? We offer for you somewhat simpler and reliable options for finding the room without prejudice to its functionality.

We have already considered how you can. The same methods are suitable for the toilet. Let's remember them.

Plastic panels or plasterboard

You can close the communications in the toilet with the help of plastic panels. They are suitable regardless of the walls of the walls, gender and ceiling. The main thing is to pick up the color and drawing.

The advantages of this material:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • simple installation;
  • fast installation;
  • low cost;
  • ability to install the door to access meters or spikes, where breakthroughs are possible;
  • the ability to install collapsible design;
  • no additional finish is required.

The second convenient variant of the material for the design, with which the pipes will be masked, - plasterboard. Toilet is not a bathroom, but still it is better to use moisture resistant. Benefits:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • simple installation;
  • low cost;
  • the possibility of mounting the collapsible design;
  • ability to install the door to access communications.

The only lack of plasterboard is the need for his finish. But, on the other hand, you can make it the same as the rest of the walls in the toilet.

When decide on the material for the box, it will be necessary to choose its design. Below we describe all possible options for mounting designs from drywall and PVC panels.

Regardless of the selected way, do not forget about access to meters and spikes. To do this, you need to mount the door. It can be hidden, or maybe the usual white metal, such sold in almost any construction store.

The whole wall closes

The first option to hide the communication pipes in the toilet is to close the entire wall with pipes. It is done on a box of metal products. In that space, where there will be no pipes behind the decorative wall, you can make storage for small objects (toilet paper, household chemicals, etc.).

Between the wall-mounted wall to close the pipes and the pipes themselves should be at least 3 cm! It does not depend on the selected type of construction.


If the pipes take place only on the side, then you do not need to close the entire rear wall of the room, it is enough to close only an angle with communications.

Square box

If you are interested in how to close the pipes in the toilet and leave more space, then the answer is simple: do the box only around the pipes. If they go in the corner along the walls, then a peculiar column indoors will be. If they go on the floor, then it will look like a step.

Multi-level box

If the pipes are not clearly for some kind of wall, and for example, only before its middle, then you can make a multi-level box and use it as a shelf for decor, household chemicals, or something else. This method is not suitable for mounting from plastic panels.

Roller shutters

Foliths are successfully used for hiding pipes. They are mounted less often than designs from drywall or PVC panels, because the installation itself takes more time, the design is more expensive, and the appearance is an amateur, that is, not too attractive. But so you get the opportunity to access any pipes behind the panel and space for storing small things. Of course, for the latter will have to do several shelves.

Economic locker

A very convenient and pretty way to close the pipes in the room of the toilet is to put lockers from chipboard, wood or plywood. The lower part of the pipes can be closed with a plastic screen suitable for color. So you kill two birds with one shot: Create additional storage space and decorate communication.

The only minus of this method is the isna. It is the highest compared to all other options, even if you mount everything yourself.

Diaphrination of pipes

Using some ammunition and skills in the manufacture of various hand-maid products, you can reap the pipes that pass through the room with mosaic, decorative painting, rhinestones and other interesting techniques or materials.

The choice of methods and materials for decorating or hiding pipes in the toilet always remains for the owners. No one of the above options are not strict recommendations or contraindications. Even in a small room, it is usually possible to set the design of plasterboard, PVC panels or chipboard.

How to close the sewer riser in the toilet ways

In a regular apartment with a separate bathroom, almost all pipes are located in the toilet. Here, as a rule, counters are worth the counters. And without that little toilet looks like a technical room. And the toilet here turned out to be completely accidental.

There are several ways to conceal all this disgrace.

1. Construction of falseland.

One of the easiest and most common options is to completely close the riser in the guiton toilet. It should be borne in mind that Fallestin takes out a half-meter of free space. The toilet room and so small, and after the firmware, the standing is free to sit on the toilet, it turns out not for everyone.

Exit - suspended toilet. Special frame for which the sanitary device is attached, and the drain tank will be hidden behind the plasterboard. This will save space.

Falsten may not only be attractive, but also functional. If equipped with a free space of shelves, then you can store economic trivia.

2. Construction of a square box.

This method is suitable if all pipes are in one corner. The box saves free space. And with this option you need to leave the door opposite the meters and valves.

3. Equipment of oblique rashland.

It goes under an acute angle to the side or rear wall. It is advisable to refer to this method of disguise the riser in the case when thinner pipes are departed from the main pipe. The toilet will have to shift a little to the side.

4. Creating a multi-level box.

When the pipes are "scattered along the walls" of the toilet room, it is better to build a multi-level construction. Each of its element will cover a separate section of the network.

The box can be two-level, three-level. Build it, of course, more complicated. But the space is saved and coasters are obtained for important trifles.

How to get rid of the pipe once and forever

For those who are not looking for light paths, prefers to do everything overhahnight, there is a cardinal way to get rid of the riser - transfer it to the wall. As a result, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room does not decrease, the smooth and smooth wall fits perfectly into the interior concealed by designers.

Walls will become smooth and nothing will break the harmony

This option is not possible in every home, but only where the thickness of the partition allows you to cut the shoes. The capital method will require a complete replacement of communications, including passages through overlaps, will have to notify neighbors, carry additional costs.

Another way to remove unsightly detail is to install suspended plumbing. This process requires a professional approach, not always the wall thickness will allow it.

Suspended plumbing not only aspiring ugly pipes, but also adds lightness

Simple Protection of Plastic Panels

Plastic is the perfect option for the facilities of the false wall, it is not afraid of moisture, temperature drops, mold. rot, it is easy to wash, quickly disassembled if necessary. The essential advantage of the panels is that they do not have to spit and paint - it is enough to choose the shade and drawing under the color of the tile.

Panel color is easy to choose under the tint

For mounting panels, it is required to build the same frame as for a gypsum width. This way, make a fake wall, and a box. Cover with ceramic tiles or apply textured plaster on a plastic coating will not work, for these cases there will have to choose plasterboard.

Actually work

All verified, invented, materials purchased. Now the work itself.

1. Mounting frame.

If an oriented chipboard will be used for the trim, then the frame is made from wooden bars. For drywall, we use a metal profile. And how to close the riser in the toilet with plastic panels? Better on a wooden frame.

  • We set up the level vertical guides.
  • Fresh transverse jumpers for giving hardness. The step is determined by the size of the material of the plating, as well as taking into account the size of the audit hatch.

2. Testing.

For deaf designs, drywall is more suitable. To create a removable trim, it is preferable to use an oriented chopboard. She is stronger. And disassembly will not harm her.

3. Finish.

A tile is fixed with glue, plastic panels by brackets. You can simply sharpen and paint and paint.

If located in the bathroom and strongly noticeable communications spoil the interior of the room, then this is not a problem. Find out how to close the riser in the bathroom, and proceed to the work.

In order not to mask numerous and long pipes, prepare the scheme of all communications and try to place them and plumbing so that in the end all utilitarian parts remain as imperceptible and hidden from the eyes. But still, it is not always possible, and often hide the riser is completely simply impossible. But such a problem is not as complicated, as it seems, if you know the ways to solve it.

Channel connection circuit

Wiring sewage

Even at the design stage of the house, a wastewater system should be developed, which would harmoniously fit into its structure. Initially, the scheme marks the location of the total vertical riser. It is usually located in the bathroom or toilet. Horizontal drain pipes are diverged from its lower part. It is to these pipes that all plumbing devices are connected through the siphons.

The bathroom usually has a sink, bathtub and washing. The toilet is connected to the toilet and bidet (if any). The kitchen is usually one washer or together with a dishwasher. The diagram of the sewage in the house provides the inclusion of all horizontal pipes towards the riser of at least 3 degrees to provide a sulking drainage.

Elements of the sewer system

Installation of internal sewage is performed using key elements without which it is impossible to do.

The elements of house sewage elements include plumbing devices, connecting pipes, fittings, splitters, siphons, elements of the pipeline fasteners to the walls. Pipes are now used primarily polypropylene or metal-plastic. Steel pipes have already come out of everybody. The exceptions are copper pipes or stainless steel products. However, their cost is very high. Connecting elements are made of the same material.

Racing are also used plastic. However, if you do not change the main riser made of cast iron, then you will need additional rubber adapters for connecting plastic pipes and cast iron risers. The riser has a standard size of 100 mm. In some cases, when it comes to a multi-storey building above five floors, a riser with a diameter of 150 mm can be used.

Appointment of the riser - compensation of hydrowards in the system and the absence of strangers in the house. If there is no possibility of removing the rising up, beyond the limits of the house, then at its outlet, the vacuum valve is installed, which solves the same tasks. The diameters of drain horizontal pipes are usually 50 mm.

Laying sewer pipes in the house

Prepare everything you need for the installation of the sewer system.

Installed sewer pipes

The rules for the installation of sewage pipes provide for the use for the following tools:

  • Scissors for cutting polypropylene pipes.
  • Perforator.
  • Hacksaw for cutting metal.
  • Level.

Initially, all the elements of the system are collected together. That is, they are pruning them and fitting. Cut pipes are better than special scissors, but you can apply both a hacksaw.

Installation of sewage pipes in the house is produced at the bottom of the wall, observing the necessary slope to the riser. After docking the pipes, the pipeline is fixed on the walls using a perforator and special round latches. Connecting fittings also have crop with seals, so all connections are performed easily.

In this way, literally in one day, you can fully mount the sewer system in your home. Now on sale there is everything you need for these purposes.

The easiest way out

Faster to solve the problem of calming the sewage using rolling shutters. This design maximizes access to the pipes, while there are no clutter doors space. To hang blinds, you do not need experience, and beautiful curtains do not need any additional finish.

Plumbing roller shutters not only beautiful, but also practical

By taking into account the increased demand, manufacturers produce special plumbing rolling shutters, hanging them noise insulating and heat by saving properties. If desired, it is easy to choose a color that is harmonizing with the finish of the entire room.

Saving Places Conspiring

The wall completely closes the economic part of the room, but significantly reduces the useful area. In order to save space, as well as to cover the protruding risers, build a conspiracy box, hiding the sewer pipe. Make a frame for a box will be somewhat more complicated, as you have to tinker with corners. A durable angle is easy to obtain from two bonded UD profiles directed by the shelves at right angles.

By the location of the elements in need of the decor, the protection system may be trigger or tetrahedral. When there are many protruding parts at the bottom, and only the riser is located at the top, you can build a multi-level box. So there will be more places, an additional shelf for storing small things is formed.

Select galvanized profiles for frame. For a separate toilet where humidity is significantly less, it is allowed to use wooden bars.

Capital Method of Plasterboard Wall

The easiest way to hide the sewage extending in the technical niche, with the help of a false wall. Use the Phaneur or Chipboard as a material, but the optimal option is the plasterboard. One sheet of dry plastering will be enough to work, it must be reduced green - so the moisture-resistant drywall is suitable for use in wet rooms.

Fully closed technical niche difficult to consider the naked eye

The frame of the fake wall is performed from galvanized profiles (which is preferable) or wooden bars. Placing the fastening of profiles, it is necessary to take into account that the distance between the partition and the rudder must be at least 3 cm. First, the guide profiles are fixed to the walls, then to the floor.

If you plan to decorate a plasterboard with a tile, then it is necessary to provide a distance between the rack profiles not more than 40 cm. In cases where there is already a ceramic tile on the walls, it follows in intercutric seams.

Gypsumkerton is dismissed according to pre-prepared drawings and attach to the frame with the help of self-samples. The finished wall is putty and decorated with your own wishes, a common design. To simplify work with the observation door, make it less noticeable, take advantage of simple, but convenient magnetic fastening.

Video how to close the riser

If one's own experience is missing for quality repairs, you can always seek qualified help to specialists. Professionals will quickly appreciate all possible options, hold calculations and forever hide an ugly sewer in the most suitable way.

Is it possible to close the sewer riser? Yes, it is possible, the main thing is to do it right. There are several ways to make this work.

The use of false walls. This is the most overhaust. In order to make it, you will need plywood or chipboard

Use galvanized profiles to execute the Falc wall frame. Secure profiles to the walls, after the floor. Between the partitions there should be a distance of 3 cm. Plasterboard is fixed to the frame by means of screws. The box hides the sewer pipeline. This design may be trigger and tetrahedral. Sometimes multi-level cobes are mounted. This method is the optimal option if you close the riser in the bathroom. If you have a separate toilet, you can use wooden bars instead of galvanized profiles.

Plastic panels. This is a very practical material to which external irritants do not apply such as humidity, temperature differences, mold. They are also just disassembled and assembled, no need to paint and put. It is enough to simply choose the plastic panels of the required color. You will need to build a frame for the wall and box, lay panels.

Roller shutter. If you do not want to spend time on complex ways, you can close the sewage pipes by rolling shutters. They do not require trim, simply install them, as these are ordinary blinds, and they open the maximum access to the riser. Now there are special designs, for example, with noise insulation and heat saving.

  • Pile of plasterboard or plastic. Use a metal profile and just cut it with plastic.
  • Economic cabinet. This is a great option to disguise the valves, filters, counters and pipes and store cleaning products, business items. Make a frame of wood bars, secure it with a dowel to the toilet walls, set the loops and doors. Laminated chipboard and plywood are suitable for the manufacture of the locker.

Ways to mask standing

So how can you close the riser in the bathroom? This can be done with a variety of ways:

  • Masking in the walls. In this way, you can hide the riser only at the stage of its installation. And work is very difficult and time-consuming, be prepared for this. First you need to make up and move the location of all communications on the wall. Then, with the help of a perforator, deepening should be made, slightly exceeding the diameter of the pipes. Next, the pipes are stacked. Then it is desirable to close the entire surface with a plasterboard sheet, chipboard, plywood or PVC panels to make a peculiar false wall. It is not recommended to fill in the deepening concrete, when damaged and dismantle you can hurt the riser.
  • Cupboard. Yes, it is possible to hide the riser in the closet. Moreover, you can get ready-made piece of furniture with a missing back wall and slots in the shelves, and make it yourself from the usual one. You will need to dismantle the back. Then, using a crown and drill, make holes in the shelves of the corresponding pipes of diameter. This method will allow not only to hide the riser, but also provide an extra room for storing products or hygiene items.
  • The box is the most common way to mask communications. It is convenient because you can purchase the design of the desired size in the plumbing store. It is easy to install, so that its installation will not be difficult. In addition, there are different options for forms and configurations: triangular, rounded, rectangular cortic, as well as consisting of one or more levels.
  • Plasterboard partition. To mount it, you must first install a durable frame, which is usually made from galvanized profiles. Although some use wooden bars, but this material requires additional processing by moisture protection and antifungal agents. Next, the frames are attached to the frame with the help of self-tapping screws and the plasterboard sheets themselves, and it is desirable to use moisture resistant, as the humidity in the bathroom is significantly increased. The next stage is a finish. You can use different materials, but the most practical and preferred panels are PVC panels and ceramic tiles.
  • Design of plastic panels. Plastic panels are practical, inexpensive, moisture-proof, lungs and relatively simple in the installation, as they have comfortable joints. But the only lack of using them is a complete lack of noise insulation, any sounds will penetrate. If it does not confuse you, then proceed to the work. First, set the frame that can be manufactured as well as for a plasterboard partition. But in this case it is desirable to use metal-turn. Install plastic panels on it. The joints of the joints can be masked by corners.
  • Roller shutters will allow not only to hide all communications from the eyes, but also leave unimpeded access to them. At any time, you will be able to push the shower to, for example, open or close the valve or eliminate the problems that occurred. Roles are installed in guides. At the same time, the riser itself should be located in the deepening so that it does not interfere with the movement of the shutter. And on the edges of such a deepening, the frame of the future design is exactly mounted. Currently, you can purchase special roller shutters intended for bathrooms and toilet rooms. They not only play the role of disguise, but also perform hydro and noise insulating functions, since they are equipped with an additional inner coating.

In front of many owners of apartments or private houses, the question arises how to close the sewer pipe in the toilet. She looks too technologically, spoils her face finishing of the room. Solutions of the problem is not too much.

Most often set the decorative box. It is separated in general style with a toilet design and hides the pipes. It is important to remember that one day you need access to wiring or rising. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the ability to quickly dismantle the box. Consider this question more.

Masking materials

Before hiding the sewer pipe in the toilet, you must select a suitable disguise method. The materials used for this must comply with the following requirements:

  • environmental purity and harmlessness. The room is small, the concentration of unwanted discharge increases very quickly;
  • resistance to moisture, lack of corrosion or other reaction;
  • compactness, small weight design.

These requirements are more compliance with the following materials:

  • plastic panels;
  • MDF;
  • plywood;
  • plasterboard.

All sheet materials must have moisture-resistant performance. The design of the sewage riser must preserve the appearance for a long time.

Choosing than to close the sewer pipe in the toilet, you need to remember the need to repair or clean pipes. It is not recommended to close the wiring tightly so that it does not have to break everything in urgent order. If necessary, the design is dismantled in a predetermined order. After completing the work, the box put in place without producing repeated closure of pipes with new materials. Since it is possible to close the sewer tube in the toilet in different ways, it is important to carefully analyze your capabilities. Do not choose complex methods without having special training, experience and skills. It is necessary to ensure a decorative form, a combination with the rest of the interior elements. Most often, the manufacture of the box is combined with a shared finish to result in the same design of all surfaces.

Ideally, the box must completely close the pipes and merge with the finish, without standing out on a general background. In addition, it is necessary to provide free access to the valves and water meters. To do this, install a special hatch, plastic or metallic. There are ready-made elements on sale, you just need to choose the right size.

Hidden installation of pipes

One way to hide the sewer tube in the toilet is a hidden laying of wiring and other pipelines. For this, at the installation of communications, the wall is deepened (shit).

With hidden installation, it becomes possible to avoid creating unnecessary structures. The walls of the room remain smooth. However, there are limitations. If you have to stick the carriage wall, the depth of the groove should not exceed 15% of its thickness. This requirement of SNiP, which is mandatory for all.

In addition, the sealing into the wall of the already valid sewage riser is a complex engineering task. If the pipeline is already installed, it will have to be shifted relative to the vertical axis. This will create difficulties in the passage of effluent and may cause blocking formation. Therefore, deciding than to close the sewer pipe in the toilet, you must refine all the nuances in advance and the possibility of using techniques. Most often, the hidden installation is used by the owners of private houses, which this moment is taken into account even at the design and construction stages.

Marking box

Before closing the sewage riser in the toilet, you need to perform a number of preparatory actions. To install the design, the reference system is needed - the framework. Its dimensions must be carefully calculated, given the thickness of the material of the reference design of the support structure and the sheath itself. It is recommended to make a plan of the room on the scale, mark on it all available pipelines and distances from them to the walls. This is pre-measurements with a ruler or roulette.

By drawing up a drawing of a frame, you need to immediately mark the landing site on it. To do this, you need to have a ready knot to know exactly its size and installation features. In addition, you need the right or left element so that it was convenient to open and close it.

Wooden planks or metal guides for drywall are usually used to assemble the framework. Their size should be chosen so that the box is not too big. Given the thickness of the casing and the decorative tile (if its laying is planned), the size of the box can be too big.

Using plastic panels

Deciding than to close the sewer pipe, it is recommended to consider plastic panels. This is a successful way to solve the issue for inexperienced people. Advantages of plastic panels:

  • low price. For the assembly, only 3-4 panels will be required;
  • a wide selection of color, width, drawing. You can choose the material under the finished finish;
  • easy installation. The assembly of plastic panels is performed quickly, and does not require any skills. All accompanying profiles are on sale, you can make corners and adjoining to the walls;
  • the material does not create load on the supporting structures;
  • there is no reaction to the impact of moisture;
  • cutting and processing panels are performed by simple tools and is not difficult.

These advantages made material most popular. The low price and simplicity of assembly can often change the trim, updating the appearance of the toilet. Panels are used in different cases, from installing apron in the kitchen, to the walls of the walls. Plastic is not afraid of any impacts other than mechanical. However, when dents appear, the trim can be replaced quickly and cheap.

Dancer from plasterboard

The gypsum cabarton box assembly is usually done for further laying of tile. The process resembles the installation of plastic design. First collect the frame, then it is squeezed with plasterboard sheets. The last stage is the finish coating (tile, decorative plaster, painting, etc.). It is necessary to choose moisture-resistant varieties of material, as it is impossible to close the sewage pipe in the toilet in conventional plasterboard. He will gain moisture and loses its strength, tile or plaster will be detached.

It must be remembered that the quick disassembly of the box in this case is not possible, so it is necessary to pre-give all pipes in order.

Other ways of disguise

Solving how to close the sewer tube, it is not necessary to limitate well-known techniques. You can hide pipelines for different designs. Some users install rolling shutters that provide access to pipes without dismantling the entire design. Others install a plywood box and are covered with a mosaic. There are craftsmen establishing a semicircular case with textured plaster, mosaic tile or other types of finishes. It is important to avoid excessive decoration or design design. The box should not stand out or look like an alien element.