Watering Victoria for the winter. Strawberry care and processing during fruiting

Strawberries are one of the most popular varieties of berry crops among gardeners. In general, it is not so demanding to care for, but feeding the strawberries during flowering and fruiting is necessary to keep the plants in good condition.

Strawberries are not only the most delicious, but also very healthy. They contain a lot of iron, potassium, calcium, so the berries will also serve as a tasty medicine for anemia. The use of strawberries is indicated for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, gout. Berries are rich in vitamin C, in some varieties of berries its amount reaches 80 mg, and in order to fill the daily need, you need to eat 100-150 berries.

Strawberries are also high in vitamin B6, also known as folic acid. During the fruiting season, with the active consumption of strawberries, the blood is renewed and the lack of vitamin B6 is replenished.

Strawberries are an excellent raw material for making jam, jam, syrup, and jelly. If you process the berries using the quick freezing method, then they will remain fresh for the whole year. But eating berries isn't the only way to use strawberries. Almost all parts of the plant are used in preparations for the treatment of various diseases.

Strawberry fruits and juice from them will help to cope with colds and increase immunity; have a diuretic effect. Strawberries are one of the most popular ingredients in beauty care products. Face masks are made from the pulp of the berries.

In folk medicine, strawberry leaves are mainly used, from which decoctions are made. These folk remedies are effective against high blood pressure, kidney and liver diseases, atherosclerosis. Even strawberry roots will not remain idle - they can cure hemorrhoids or colitis.

General information on plant care

To know how to care for strawberries during fruiting and in other periods of development, it is useful to read general information about the structure and characteristics of the plant.

Strawberry belongs to perennial herbal plants, occupying an intermediate form between herbaceous and subshrub plants. The height of the plant is no more than 20 cm, the width is up to 40 cm.

The root system consists of one rhizome and many small roots. Their number differs depending on the age of the plant, most of all fibrous roots in 2-year-old and 3-year-old plants. In plants older than 2 years, the root system consists of 2 tiers: from above - branching of the stem (horns), from which adventitious roots extend, from below - roots diverging from the rhizome. In this case, the lower tier dies off over time, and nutrition continues at the expense of the upper adventitious roots.

The stem of the strawberry is shortened, as a rule, no more than 12 cm. Horns, short branches, begin to form on the stem. In general, the growth of the horns and the growth of the bush itself runs from the center. The number of branches increases every year, reaching 40 (in some varieties).

From the lateral buds on the stem, deceit, or stolons, are formed. They are filamentous shoots on which there are plant rudiments: leaves and root rudiments. When in contact with the soil, the plant grows, especially well - in rainy weather. After that, the sockets are disconnected from the uterine bush, becoming an independent plant. Then they can be used as planting material.

The appearance of weasels can negatively affect the state of the mother plant, since many useful substances are required to maintain the shoots. As a result, the number of colors becomes smaller.

The strawberry has trifoliate leaves on a long petiole. Leaves that appeared in spring die after harvesting, instead of them "autumn" leaves appear.

About a month after the beginning of the growing season - in mid-spring - flowering begins. Depending on the variety, up to 25 flowers are formed. The duration of flowering varies with the weather, usually lasts up to 20 days, flowering is faster in the heat. One flower can bloom for up to 6 days.

Features of the growth of strawberries

Another point that affects the care of strawberries during fruiting is the peculiarities of its development.

The active growth of strawberry bushes begins in early spring and stops only before the first berries ripen. At this time, leaves are actively growing (the amount per bush can reach 40), roots, suction roots grow, peduncles grow. The growth of strawberries during this period is largely due to those substances that accumulated during the last fall and winter.

Leaf growth occurs simultaneously with the formation of peduncles and flowers. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that too many leaves are not formed: they can "stifle" the growth of peduncles and flowers. This is facilitated by dry weather, established after flowering, as well as the introduction of fertilizers based on nitrogen and excessive watering. Thus, contrary to the opinion widespread among inexperienced gardeners, lush foliage does not provide any guarantee of an abundant result, and, rather, will hinder it.

The growth of strawberry leaves during fruiting slows down sharply, and in some varieties it stops altogether. This is due to the fact that during the ripening of the fruit, most of the nutrients are spent not on the leaves, but on the ripening of the berries. Towards the end of fruiting, the leaves begin to dry, but after harvesting the berries, active growth begins again. This time, nutrients that are collected over the summer are used for growth.

Watering strawberries during fruiting is of particular importance. The plant really needs moisture, as it consumes a lot of water. After the end of this period, the leaves begin to grow again, the root branches, and the dormancy grows quickly. This stage is very important, as it precedes the emergence of buds for the next harvest next year. For this reason, it is very important to support the plant during this period: to improve growth, you need to loosen and fertilize the soil.

As the strawberry bush grows, there is a strong difference between the number of roots and leaves. The lower layer of roots begins to die off, which can greatly weaken the plant. For this reason, good strawberry care is essential during and after fruiting for plants over 2 years old. With normal care, strawberries bear fruit without big problems for about 5 years, while in the absence of such, no more than 3 years.

Like other plants, strawberries need water. Despite this, the question often arises whether it is necessary to water the strawberries during fruiting. On the one hand, abundant watering can provoke the growth of leaves, which will adversely affect the harvest. On the other hand, the plant needs more water to ripen the fruit.

Strawberries are moisture-loving plants, so they should always be watered abundantly. But at the same time, excessive watering should not be allowed so that the water stagnates. It is more dangerous for plants from 2 years old due to the structure of their roots. At this time, the lower roots gradually begin to die off, and the roots extending from the horns are very small and short. Therefore, the plant is not able to take water from the depths of the soil, and roots located close to the surface can rot in stagnant water. Therefore, you need to water the strawberries only as the soil begins to dry out.

The frequency of watering and the amount of water required is largely determined by the type of soil. Plants planted on loamy soil require more frequent watering, while strawberries planted on black soil can be watered a little less frequently. For 1 sq. m requires 14-15 liters of water. During the fruiting period, strawberries need to be watered more often: 3 times a month (while in other periods, once a month is enough).

An important point is watering time. It is undesirable to water during the day, as drops of water falling on the leaves can cause burns. The optimal watering time is morning. In this case, burns can be prevented, as well as stagnation of water in the garden, which means rotting of the roots.

Proper care of strawberries during fruiting is impossible without observing the rules regarding water temperature. It is worth remembering that strawberries really do not like cold water. In many areas, barrels are placed in which the water for irrigation is heated in a day. But at night it usually cools down, and in the morning the water often does not have time to heat up.

Cold water can have a negative effect on the condition of the strawberry root system - it begins to weaken. Therefore, it is recommended to heat the water at least a little.

To facilitate the care of strawberries during fruiting, it is recommended to mulch the soil - that is, close it with bundles of straw or pine needles. This will reduce the evaporation of moisture during extreme heat and avoid weeds.

Top dressing of plants of the first year of flowering

Another popular question is whether it is possible to feed strawberries during fruiting. It all depends on the fruiting period. Usually the first harvest is good even without feeding: the berries are large and bright. But then the size of the fruits decreases, they become no longer so beautiful. Therefore, if you want to get a good harvest, the berries should be fed.

Here it is only important to decide how to feed the strawberries during fruiting. Usually, different compositions are used for this purpose:

  • Chicken droppings. This fertilizer must be diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10 and left to infuse for 3 days. Then the plants are watered, trying to make sure that no water gets on the leaves.
  • The mullein is dry. For feeding, you need 3 kg of mullein. It needs to be filled with water and infused for several days. Fertilizer is recommended to be applied at the root so as not to damage the leaves.
  • When choosing how to feed strawberries during fruiting, you can stop on ordinary compost (4 kg). It also needs to be filled with water and carefully applied under the root of the plants.

It is worth giving up feeding strawberries during fruiting or not - it is up to the owner of the plot, but if you need to get a good harvest with beautiful large berries, then it is really better to feed the plants. In this case, you must follow a number of rules.

If, in addition to the listed compositions, it is decided to use another top dressing, then it is better to choose an organic one. It will allow you to get not only good, but also completely "safe" berries, without any chemistry. As already mentioned, the solution must be poured under the root of the plants so that the fertilizer does not fall on the leaves - otherwise, burns may occur. Finally, fertilization is recommended only after good watering or after rain. Application of top dressing to wet soil contributes to better nutrition of the plant roots.

Having dealt with the question of how you can feed strawberries during fruiting, it is important to choose the right dosage. The instructions for top dressing sold in the store always indicate a limit value that cannot be exceeded. Overdosing will only harm the plants. It manifests itself by changing the color of the leaves of the plant to dark brown, and when spraying, the appearance of brown spots.

Caring for strawberries during fruiting involves not only watering and fertilizing, but also protecting against pests.

During all growing seasons, the appearance of pests or diseases of strawberries is possible. But the time of flowering and fruiting is considered the most "dangerous". If you do not try to fix the problem, then it will capture the neighboring bushes, and the strawberry harvest this year will not please.

The most common pests for strawberries are:

  • strawberry mite;
  • strawberry nematode;
  • spider mite;
  • raspberry-strawberry weevil;
  • ants, snails, millipedes;
  • wireworms.

The greatest danger to strawberries is posed by strawberry mites that feed on young leaves. Leaf plates affected by strawberry mites change shape and become yellow. Pest control of strawberries during fruiting can be carried out using chemical or folk remedies. A decoction of tops (1 kg per 10 L) or infusion of dandelion (800 g per 10 L) is well suited.

Chemicals are more effective against strawberry mites. It is recommended to use the drug karbofos. 3 tbsp. l. Karbofos needs to be diluted in 3 liters of water (per 1 sq. M) and pour strawberries with this solution. Then close the bed with foil and leave for a while. Then the plants are mowed down. You can process strawberries with karbofos after the final harvest, in August. Then new leaves will have time to form, and the strawberries will safely survive the cold.

The spider mite enmeshes the plant, especially the lower part of the leaves, with cobwebs and draws sap from it. An infusion of wormwood or tobacco helps against this pest. There is another, radical way - processing strawberries with Fitoverm.

Against the raspberry-strawberry weevil, a decoction of cheremitsa (only after collecting the last berries, since the plant is poisonous) or a decoction of wormwood helps.

To prevent slugs from attacking strawberries, you must first of all choose the right place - well-lit and not thickened. To protect plants from slugs, soil mulching can be carried out. Places of accumulation of ants that infect strawberries can be poured with vinegar mixed with sunflower oil.

Strawberry nematodes are small worms (up to 1 mm in length) that affect all aerial parts of the plant. To prevent the appearance of nematodes, weeds need to be removed regularly, and calendula should be planted next to the garden bed. Damaged plants need to be burned, and the bed should be treated with bleach.

The post-harvest period is essential for the future harvest. At this time, active plant growth begins again, roots grow. Therefore, care for strawberries after fruiting should be of no less quality than before flowering and fruiting.

After the end of the harvest, you need to thoroughly weed the garden bed, remove the weeds. The soil must be loosened, excess mustache and yellowed or dried leaves must be removed. It is recommended to process each plant separately, then it will be possible to achieve an excellent harvest next year. Some gardeners prefer a more radical method of processing strawberries after fruiting: they simply mow all the leaves to renew the bushes.

After the end of fruiting, many deaths appear with the rudiments of new strawberry bushes. New plants in the garden are needed, but the mustache can greatly weaken the mother plant, so the excess must be removed. If you need to plant new plants, then it is best done at the end of July, August or September. Then young plants will have time to take root and be able to endure the winter.

After harvesting the last harvest, you can add soil to the rhizome of the plant, since during fruiting they become very bare. You need to pour the earth very carefully so as not to fill up the heart. If the strawberry bushes are not huddled, then the next harvest will be less.

After the end of fruiting, strawberries also need feeding. First of all, you need to purchase mineral fertilizers. Special fertilizers for berries are best suited. For each square meter, you need about 40 g of fertilizer. In addition to them, you can use compost, ammophoska or humus.

Please note that the main enemy of strawberries is chlorine. Therefore, you should avoid drugs that include this component.

After harvesting, an important period begins - the preparation of the bushes for winter. You need to start it closer to autumn. At this time, you need to stop watering the strawberries, but all the weeds need to be weeded out. Pests also need to be eliminated. It is advisable to mulch the soil: straw will help protect the strawberries from the cold. You can put grass between the rows of strawberries. It will provide warmth in winter, and in spring it will be an additional fertilizer.

Victoria is a beautiful, tasty and aromatic berry. It grows not only in the southern regions, but also in the European part of Russia. Thanks to its amazing taste, Victoria has become one of the most favorite berries among children and adults. The article will focus on how to properly process Victoria so that from year to year it brings a big harvest. They take care of her in spring and autumn.

How to handle Victoria in the fall

Plant care consists of three stages. This is a mandatory pruning of bushes, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and preparation of Victoria for the winter period. Let's consider in detail each of the stages.


How to handle Victoria in the fall? Where to begin? The most important and necessary thing in the process of caring for garden strawberries is timely. As a rule, leaves and whiskers are removed. This procedure is necessary in order to give the plant rest after active fruiting and growth. This stimulates the preparation of the plant for the next year and rejuvenates it. Such processing allows you to improve the condition of each bush. Over the summer, pests could accumulate on the leaves. By pruning, you naturally heal the plant. Leaves and whiskers can be removed as early as September. For this, it is most convenient to use a pruner or a sharp knife. Cut the leaves about 10 cm from the ground, being careful not to damage the growing point. After the procedure, weeding the rows should be carried out. The ground between them must be loosened and, if necessary, add fresh soil to cover the bare roots.

Top dressing

How to treat victoria in the fall after the pruning stage? To improve the formation of leaf and fruit buds in a plant in the new season, it is necessary to feed it. During the winter, Victoria will accumulate the required amount of organic and mineral substances. You can spread fertilizers immediately after the end of the mustache and leaf trimming procedure, that is, in September. The best types of plant nutrition are humus, compost, and a barn. From mineral fertilizers, it is recommended to use either superphosphate. You can prepare this mixture yourself: 2 large spoons are mixed with 200 g of wood ash. The resulting powder must be dissolved in 10 liters of water. Pour this mixture over each bush. Mulch the soil after watering.

Preparing for the cold

How to treat Victoria in the fall so that it overwinters well? In areas where there is a lot of snow, Victoria is not afraid of cold weather. But its absence can be detrimental to the plant. Therefore, it is recommended to cover strawberries for the winter. Straw is suitable for mulching. Each bush is carefully covered with it. You can use peat, tree leaves (fallen), or corn stalks - anything that can be found in your area and garden. Sometimes a special covering material is bought for Victoria - lutrasil or spunbond. Knowing how to properly process Victoria in the fall, you will save the plants from severe frosts, and next year you will get a rich harvest of tasty and large strawberries.

If you are reading this article, then, of course, you are a lover of delicious, juicy and sweet strawberries. It is almost impossible not to love her, especially if she is grown by her own hands. This berry is called differently, either strawberry or victoria. In fact, Victoria is not a variety or a kind of berry culture. So it is customary to call a massive strawberry bush with ripe berries.

Gardeners also liked this delicacy because it itself is not whimsical and bears fruit even in the most unfavorable weather conditions. This perennial variety hibernates under cover and produces a rich harvest year after year.

To avoid the invasion of pests, diseases and just to harvest the perfect strawberry harvest, you need to properly care for and fertilize it. Victoria prefers sunny and calm places, where she takes root and bears fruit faster. Damp soil can make the berries small and sour.

Every year the bushes give "tendrils", which must be carefully removed and planted in the ground. They will also grow and bear fruit. Every 4 years, it is necessary to transplant strawberries to another place, since during this time its root system sucks out almost all the substances necessary for the development of plants from the soil.

The main methods of caring for strawberries are weeding, loosening, watering and, of course, feeding. The size, juiciness and taste of the berries largely depend on the application of fertilizers. But before you do this, you need to find the right substances that will benefit.

There are two types of Victoria:

  1. Single fruiting. The crop is harvested in the summer, after which the bushes rest until next year;
  2. Multiple fruiting. Plants begin to bear their first fruits from late spring. After harvesting, the bushes again and again gain inflorescences, which also ripen into berries.

For each of the species, the following feeding scheme is relevant:

  • In the first year, the bushes have enough of those fertilizers that you put into the hole when planting;
  • In the second and fourth years of plant life, they need a union of minerals and organics;
  • In the third year, only mineral fertilizing is necessary.

Once all the snow in your area has melted, it's time to start fertilizing your strawberries. First you need to cut off all sluggish leaves, dry shoots, in a word, put things in order. At this stage, it is important to select a fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. It is this element that ensures the active development of new leaves.

Ammonium nitrate for the first portion of fertilizer is ideal. To do this, dissolve a tablespoon of powder in a bucket of water. Watering is carried out strictly in the soil, trying to avoid getting on the bush. On average, one plant accounts for 500 grams of solution.

A large amount of fertilizer applied will not bring any benefit, rather the opposite. With an excess of nutrients, the berries will be small and tasteless.

A solution of chicken manure can also serve as a good alternative to saltpeter. To do this, 1 kilogram of raw materials is insisted in a bucket of water for 5 days. Solution consumption - 500 grams per bush.

Mullein, nitrophoska, a mixture of humus and ammonium sulfate and urea are also suitable.

How to fertilize Victoria during flowering

Strawberries need additional substances not only in spring. During flowering, she needs no less nutrients. Especially if the plant has been living in this garden for more than a year.

There is an opinion among gardeners that the introduction of any fertilizers during flowering is not at all correct. After all, the inflorescences absorb strength from the root system and will also feed on these additives.

In fact, this opinion takes place. Therefore, it is better to introduce top dressing just before the beginning of flowering. At this stage, plants are deficient in potassium-containing elements.

During flowering, you can feed the soil with natural fertilizers:

  1. Chicken droppings. Pour 2 kilograms of raw materials in a bucket with water to the top. Cover and leave to infuse for 3-4 days. Then dilute the resulting mixture with two more buckets of water and water the soil at the rate of 500-600 grams per plant. It is important to irrigate only the soil without getting on the leaves or inflorescences;
  2. Mullein or humus. Insist 2.5 kilograms of manure in a bucket of water for 4 days. To avoid a fetid odor, you can add Baikal humate to the mixture. Bring the mixture with two buckets of water, like chicken droppings. Water, too, directly under the root.
  3. Wood ash. There are 9-10 glasses of ash per bucket of water. You need to fill it with boiling water. Once the mixture has cooled, the strained solution is ready to fulfill its mission.

These fertilizers are suitable for feeding plants during the flowering period. In addition, in stores you can find several varieties of ready-made fertilizers that you just need to dissolve in water. If you decide to use commercial substances, make sure that they are free of chemicals. This will have a bad effect on the quality of the fruit.

Fertilizing after harvest

Top dressing in the fall is very important. During the period of growth, flowering and fruiting, strawberries and the soil in which they grow have exhausted their reserves of nutrients. We just need to help them fill them up.

As soon as the plants stop bearing fruit, usually in August-September, it's time to start the first stage of fertilization. For this, solutions such as:

  1. Manure infusion. You need to dilute it like this: pour 2 kilograms with a bucket of water and insist for 4-5 days. Then add 1 glass of solution with 10 glasses of water. In addition, you can use mullein infusion with the addition of ash in a ratio of 10: 1;
  2. Chicken droppings. Instructions for use do not differ from the one described above for manure solution. It is important to remember that it is absolutely impossible to use dry litter. In the presence of sunlight, soil and bushes can burn out;

Manure, as a method of feeding, must be rotted. Otherwise, the risk of developing fungal diseases is high.

At the end of October, by the beginning of the first frost, after removing the leaves, you can proceed to the second stage of feeding. Here, ammonium nitrate and wood ash will be your faithful helpers. We will consider the ways to use them below:

  • Saltpeter. It is especially relevant in the second year of the development of the bushes. Can be used dry or as a solution for watering. Make grooves between the rows and add granules there. Sprinkle the top with earth. For 10 square meters, 100 grams of the substance will be required.
  • Ash. Dissolve 200 grams in a bucket of water and water the bushes at the rate of half a liter per bush.

Now your strawberry beds are ready for wintering and will not experience nutrient deficiencies during this period. And you, at the same time, can feel calm knowing that next year you will receive a rich Victoria harvest.

Yeast Fertilizer for Strawberries

In addition to standard and well-known fertilization methods, modern gardeners surprise everyone with new discoveries. For example, in recent times, new characteristics of yeast have been discovered. With their help, you can not only prepare delicious pastries, but also water the plants with the aim of their active growth and fruiting.

The fact is that yeast contains many components that are exactly what strawberries (and not only!) Need during the growing season. There are many advantages to this method, here are some of them:

  • When planting Victoria's antennae in the soil, yeast helps them quickly take root in a new place of residence;
  • Watering the soil with a yeast solution provides strawberries with a full range of nutrients;
  • This product contributes to the active strengthening of the root system, which is one of the main keys to the success of an excellent harvest;
  • Strawberries become immune to disease development and receive a set of beneficial bacteria.

How to prepare yeast fertilizers for strawberries?

  1. Soak 50 grams of active yeast in 1 liter of warm water. Stir and let it brew for 2 hours. Then add water in a ratio of 1: 5;
  2. Pour a pack of dry yeast into a bucket, add 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar there and pour warm water. Mix well and leave for a couple of hours. Then dilute with water 1: 5;
  3. Dilute 100 grams of live yeast in 10 liters of warm water and leave for 24 hours.

The benefits of yeast fertilizers have long been proven and tested by many summer residents. It is relevant not only in relation to strawberries, but also to other plants. When and how many times is it better to feed with yeast?

Fertilize strawberries with yeast solution ideally 3 times. The first time falls on the period of inflorescence swelling, the second - on the fruiting process itself, the third, which is also the final one, is best done after the last harvest.

Boric acid for Victoria

Boric acid has also found itself in gardening. Almost everyone knows about its medicinal properties, but few know that the spectrum of action does not end with a person.

Thanks to boric acid, plants gain immunity from pests and many common diseases. In addition, its use also provides the fruit pulp with sugar content and improves taste. Especially this drug came to the liking of lovers of growing Victoria.

If there is not enough boron in the soil, then the roots of the plant may not receive the necessary nutrition and energy. However, they can rot. Boron deficiency is especially pronounced during a drought, when the bushes dry up and die off very quickly.

Today, there are many ways to prepare a boric solution. Somewhere it is present in one component with water. Somewhere in alliance with compatible substances. We will consider the most popular and effective ones:

  1. Before replanting the bushes in the ground, hold them in a boric solution. To do this, you need to dilute 0.2 grams of boric acid in a liter of hot water. Soak the plants for 2 days;
  2. Before flowering, when the buds begin to pick up, you need to water. To do this, dilute 10 g of acid in a bucket of water. Water in the evening when the sun goes down;
  3. Dissolve 5 grams of boric acid in a bucket of water, add a glass of ash, 3 grams of manganese and 30 grams of urea. Water the bushes with the resulting solution. This will protect them from pests and ensure the active growth of fruits and the quality of their taste;
  4. The union of boric acid and iodine has become famous among gardeners for a long time. Their effectiveness has been tested by experience. Combine 10 grams of acid with 30 grams of iodine and cover with 200 grams of ash. Dissolve in a bucket of warm water and spray the bushes. At the same time, the weather should be calm and cool. Better to choose for this evening or early morning.

Juicy, red, fleshy and tasty strawberries ... At the very mention, they drool and want to taste them. And what delicious jam can you make from this berry ?! As a rule, it is never enough for the whole winter, no matter how much it is cooked. But behind all these pleasures lies a lot of work and it is doubly pleasant if this work is yours.

We hope our tips will help you in your work. If you also have something to say, be sure to write in the comments. We will be happy with questions and suggestions.

Take care of your garden and soon it will delight you with a real storehouse of vitamins and taste. Good luck and a rich harvest!

Fertilizer for strawberries, how to fertilize Victoria?

In order to achieve a good harvest of strawberries (Victoria), it is necessary to feed the bushes correctly and in a timely manner. Unquestionably the nicest Fertilizers for strawberries - natural. Using natural fertilizers, you will not harm the berry bushes or yourself.

How to fertilize Victoria? Manure rotted is good for strawberries. Humus (completely decomposed manure). Manure and humus are sprinkled under the bushes or brought under the digging of row spacings, and when preparing the beds when planting Victoria. To fertilize strawberries, use and Bird droppings (slightly diluted, 1 part to 20 parts water). You will see how strawberries will respond to fertilization, increase yields and delight you with large berries.

Well, who does not have the opportunity to fertilize with natural, you need to use Complex mineral fertilizersNitrogen 14%, Phosphorus 7%, Potassium 27%, Magnesium 0.5%. These fertilizers prevent various diseases of strawberries.

Nitrogen - so that the berry grows large, red and tasty. Nitrogen is found in urea. For a 10 liter bucket, you need one tablespoon of urea. The first time you fertilize strawberries in early spring, after clearing the bush of last year's debris. Water each bush with a solution of 0.5 liters. The excess leads to the loss of sugar in the berry.

Potassium - Victoria has brown leaf edges (this is a lack of potassium). The source of potassium is potassium nitrate, wood ash, potassium chloride, potassium sulfate. Phosphorus and potash fertilizers should be applied under the berry bushes in the spring.

Fertilize strawberries in early spring - fertilize with either organic (natural) or mineral fertilizers. The second feeding period occurs after harvest. Apply nitrogen fertilizers according to the principle, clay soils - in the fall, light - in the spring. During fruiting and flowering, Victoria does not need to be fertilized.

How to grow a crop of large strawberries (victoria).

For strong roots and a good harvest next year, fertilize in the fall (mid-September). In 10 liters of water, dilute a glass of wood ash, two tablespoons of nitrophoska, 20-30 grams of potash fertilizers. Annual autumn fertilization of the bushes has a good effect on the next harvest.

We grow Victoria three kilograms from a bush

Irina Lebedeva, an accountant by profession and a gardener by vocation, has been growing Victoria for 40 years. But even with such experience, it is recognized that the results are different and depend on weather conditions, seedlings or seeds. That is why he does not like to experiment and plants exclusively early varieties. A plot of 12 acres in the village of Krasnoye got her from her parents. There she and her husband Sergei Vladimirovich spend every summer. During this time, up to 3 kg of berries are harvested from one bush. At the same time, the berries are large in size - the size of a child's cam.

- Victoria, or, scientifically speaking, large-fruited strawberry is one of my favorite berries, - says Irina Aleksandrovna. - Despite the fact that there is not so much space on the site, I allocated 3 beds for her, so that she would not only have enough fresh food, but also make preparations for the winter.

When and where to plant

Irina Lebedeva:

- I usually plant at the beginning of May. I believe that the earlier it is planted, the better it develops. I plant in the evening so that the strawberries can acclimatize overnight.

Expert Vyacheslav Dolgovykh:

- It is better to prepare the beds in the fall, and in the spring, immediately start planting. Strawberries love a sunny, open place. The direction of the beds is desirable from south to north. It is in this arrangement that she makes the most of the solar energy. Try not to plant it under an apple or cherry tree. Soil moisture is another important factor. If the groundwater is close, then the bed must be raised to 30-35 cm so that the roots do not rot. In dry places, the beds are low - 8-10 cm.

It is better to plant seedlings grown using the Frigo technology in spring (read more about it on our website). Grown with tendrils or seeds, if the roots of the plant are strong, can be planted right now so that the plant is ready for the temperature drop in September.

The plants planted now need to be fed with microelements for berry crops, for example, "Gumi-omi". You can treat the beds with special chemicals for the prevention of diseases and pests, for example, "Fufanon", "Ordan", "Abiga-Peak".

How to plant

Irina Lebedeva:

- I make the distance between the rows 60 cm, and between the plants in a row - 20 cm. I make the depth of the hole for the entire length of the root. I dip the root of the plant in a solution of mullein or humus with the ground. I add 1 tbsp to the hole. l. "Agrovit-Cora" or a pinch of "Kemira-Universal". I plant it so that the growing point is at the level of the soil. Shallow or, conversely, deep planting leads to the death of plants or to their poor development. After planting, I water it with water - 250 ml per plant as the soil dries out.

Expert Vyacheslav Dolgovykh:

- First of all, we note that the guarantee of a large harvest is high-quality, healthy planting material. In our case, this means a developed root system of at least 15 cm and a small rosette of leaves. The distance between the plants should be a little more than Irina does: between the rows - 70 cm, and between the plants in a row - 30 cm.When she is planted less often, she gets sick less often, gives more yield, and the distance contributes to airing and good lighting.

In the garden, they first get rid of weeds, then align and make holes depending on the size of the root, that is, for its entire length. Then compost (a couple of scoops), ash (half a matchbox for one hole) and a little earth are placed in this hole. All this mass is mixed, watered and only then the strawberries are planted. Then they are covered with earth and watered again.

Before planting in a summer cottage, it is necessary to draw up a plan and observe the crop rotation. That is, alternate certain crops in the beds. Strawberries can be planted after any predecessors, except for nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, petunias, tobacco). But you cannot plant it next to raspberries, because they have the same pests. Before the formation of peduncles, it is necessary to water from a watering can, and after their appearance - with a ladle under the root.

The maximum yield of strawberries is the first two years, and then the yield declines, the risk that pests will start up increases. You can plant strawberries in the garden where they grew after 2 seasons. And before that, you can plant garlic or mustard, which will heal the soil. You can also grow strawberries where legumes were planted in the previous season.

How to prepare for wintering?

Irina Lebedeva:

- In autumn, when the temperature reaches 2-5C, I cover the bed with Agrotexom (covering material). And in the spring, when the snow melts, I take it off.

Expert Vyacheslav Dolgovykh:

- Each summer resident has his own way of mulching (covering the soil with a protective layer) strawberries - mowed lawn grass, sawdust of deciduous trees, hay. But one of the means that will save the gardener from unnecessary trouble is "Kostravit-M1" mulch. It protects the soil from overheating, retains moisture longer, rescues pests and inhibits weed growth. Also, mulch will save strawberries from freezing in winter. The recommended thickness of the mulch layer is 1.5-2 cm in spring, and 3 cm before winter.

Which varieties should you choose?

This year Irina Aleksandrovna didn't have so many berries, but they were all very large, about 8 cm in length. The hostess believes that this is the merit of the variety, which has not let her down for the 2nd season already. Despite the size, the taste does not get any worse. The main varieties that Irina Aleksandrovna uses are Gigantella and Festivalnaya.

Expert Vyacheslav Dolgovykh:

All varieties are divided into 4 groups: early, medium, late ripening and remontant. It all depends on the preference of the summer resident, what kind of strawberries he wants to see on his site.

Early varieties ripen at the end of June - these are "Kimberly", "Crown", "Olvia". The berries are sweet, large, bright red, winter-hardy.

Medium ripen in early July - "Rusich", "Black Swong", "Vima-Zanta", "Zenga-Zengana". Berries from 20 g, sweet and sour taste, average winter hardiness.

Late - in the middle of July - "Vima Tarda", "Vicoda", "Charlotte". Berries of medium size, sweet and sour taste, good winter hardiness.

Garden strawberry repairing. She gives berries a little, but all summer. Also, their peculiarity is that the berries are larger and sweeter than those of ordinary varieties. Blooms from May to October: "Vima-Rina", "Geneva", "Moscow delicacy", "Brighton", "Queen Elizabeth II".

How to reproduce?

Irina Aleksandrovna propagates strawberries with a mustache. Just now I transplanted her to the garden where the onion grew.

Expert Vyacheslav Dolgovykh:

- This method has many disadvantages, although it is easy to use. After 3 generations, the berry begins to lose its properties. They become smaller, the taste deteriorates, the yield declines, and the susceptibility to diseases increases. The next drawback is the transfer of diseases from garden to garden. The strawberries, on which gardeners leave a mustache, spend their energy not on laying fruit buds, but on feeding their young shoots.

To avoid these problems, it is necessary to update the planting material, that is, to take the seedlings of the first reproduction. They give the maximum yield. Seedlings of this class can be found today. Sellers must have a variety certificate to prove this.

There is another modern way - the new frigo technology (translated as "cold"). Throughout the summer, farmers grow strawberries in the open field in nurseries. During this time, she is not allowed to give the crop, the mustache is removed. Then the strawberries are dug up, the leaves are cut off, and the seedlings are stored in the refrigerator. And in this state, it is stored until the moment when it needs to be planted. To us, in Udmurtia, frozen roots are brought from a Dutch nursery in the spring. After planting it, gardeners receive a guaranteed harvest in two months. You can make an application for the purchase of seedlings of 1 reproduction using frigo technology by calling the Agricultural Academy 55-02-07, (the average price is 25-35 rubles per seedling).

How to care?

Irina Aleksandrovna makes liquid fertilizing for strawberries twice a season. The first time - in May, before flowering, and the second time - in early July, after harvest.

Irina Lebedeva:

- For liquid feeding of strawberries, I use fresh chicken manure. A few hours before feeding the beds, I water them well. Then in 10 liters of water I thoroughly stir a portion of fresh chicken manure at the rate of 1:10 and water it evenly from a watering can. After harvesting, I remove all weeds, loosen the soil around all the bushes and cover with a small layer of cow dung to fertilize the soil. I don't use any chemicals.

Expert Vyacheslav Dolgovykh:

- Experts advise feeding strawberries in spring with nitrogen fertilizers in accordance with the instructions on the package (for example, AFC 16-16-16, 10 grams per square meter). But don't overdo it. It is also recommended to regularly introduce a complex of trace elements for berry crops, for example, "Gumi-omi". After harvesting, it can be treated with special chemicals for the prevention of diseases and pests, for example "Fufanon", "Ordan", "Abiga Peak".

How to get rid of pests

Irina Aleksandrovna is sure that pests do not touch Victoria, because she transplants her to a new place every three years.

Expert Vyacheslav Dolgovykh:

The main pests of strawberries are the beetle larvae (beetles). When digging the beds, you need to remove the larvae by hand. Another method of struggle is to cover the beds when beetles fly in May with covering material, film or roofing material.

Another enemies of strawberries are nematodes - small worms. It is very difficult to deal with them. The main way is to maintain a crop rotation. Eliminate the garden bed after 3-4 years of fruiting and burn off plant residues. You can get rid of them with a folk remedy - pour a decoction of marigolds or plant marigolds in the future garden for several months. Before planting, when preparing the beds, you can plant it, for example, with mustard, it heals the soil. After a month, you can dig everything up and plant strawberry seedlings.

Watering strawberries affects the quality and quantity of the crop.

General rules for watering Victoria

If the spring is dry, continue to moisten the soil immediately after planting. The average watering rate for strawberries in the spring is 10 liters per square meter. m landing. It should be borne in mind that excessive moisture and stagnation of water can provoke rotting of the root system, so you need to carefully monitor the rationing.

First of all, young seedlings need increased watering. After planting, each bush will need up to 0.5 liters of warm water. The procedure is repeated for 14 days, three times a week. After this time, they switch to the standard irrigation scheme, depending on weather conditions.

  • for the normal development of strawberries in sandy soils, about 70% moisture is needed, and in clay soils - 80%;
  • after harvest, the required amount of water is reduced to 60%.

It is not recommended to water the plants too often in small doses, since stagnant moisture will provoke the development of fungal diseases. If the summer is rainy, it is recommended to completely stop watering, and cover the plantings with a thin transparent film.

The root system of the berry crop is underdeveloped and is located in the upper layers of the soil, therefore it is unable to extract moisture from the deep soil. Therefore, regular moistening of strawberry beds is a prerequisite for a good harvest.

Irrigation of strawberries during the flowering period is carried out by a drip method to protect the flowers from the adhesion of dust, along with which diseases spread. If this method is not available, water so that the water does not get on the leaves and flowers. If possible, the drip method of moistening the soil is also left when the ovary appears, despite the fact that after flowering, sprinkling irrigation can be used.

Many gardeners question whether strawberries need to be watered during flowering, which begins in early maturing varieties at the end of May. During the period when the spring rainy season is still in progress, and the ground is still quite wet after the snow has melted. Here it is necessary to decide on the weather conditions, since during the flowering of the rhizomes of the berry culture they react especially sharply to the lack of moisture.

If the soil is wet, or it is raining, watering can be omitted, but when the weather is hot, dry, humidification should be carried out according to a certain scheme:

  • you need to use warm water for irrigation;
  • the procedure should be carried out early in the morning before the onset of heat;
  • so that the soil is well saturated with moisture, a dosage of 25 liters of water per 1 square meter is enough (the rate can be increased when grown in sandy soils, or reduced for chernozems and loams).

Drip irrigation during the flowering period is recognized by gardeners as the most optimal.

How to water strawberries during fruiting

When forming fruits, the plant requires special attention, regular abundant watering is important. Furrows can be dug in the row spacing of strawberries to direct the water. Watering strawberries during fruiting should be combined with soil aeration to provide oxygen to the root system.

Do not allow the soil to dry out and form a dry crust on the surface. To avoid this phenomenon, it is recommended to mulch the soil with black film, needles, sawdust or straw.

In addition to retaining moisture, mulch creates a protective layer that protects the crop from insects and infection by putrefactive bacteria that live in the ground, and also inhibits the growth of weeds.

Tank mixes for protection against diseases and feeding strawberries

To get a good harvest of strawberries, it is necessary to protect the plants from diseases and pests, as well as to feed them. In this case, most drugs and funds are introduced in a diluted form. To minimize labor costs, and to facilitate the calculation of strawberry irrigation rates, tank mixtures are prepared, watering with which simultaneously moistens the soil and feeds the plants, or protects against infection.

Top dressing with iodine and protection against rot

There is a proven method on how to properly water strawberries during fruiting to minimize the risk of gray mold damage. For these purposes, one of the watering is carried out with a tank mixture: half a teaspoon of iodine is dissolved in 10 liters of water, 200-300 grams of crushed ash or tobacco dust are added.

Such watering not only protects against rot, but is also a potash top dressing, as well as prevention against weevils.

Blend to improve the quality of the crop

Strawberries are very dependent on the mineral components of the soil, therefore, watering strawberries during fruiting with a solution of chicken droppings and manganese can be considered both top dressing and protection from root rot. The tank mixture is prepared as follows:

  • 100 grams of fresh chicken droppings are poured with 10 liters of warm water;
  • insist for about a day and mix well, after which they stand for another 2-3 days;
  • add manganese at the rate of 3 grams per 10 liters of solution (can be replaced with iodine or copper sulfate).

The manganese in the composition will help destroy most harmful fungi in the soil, and also improve the metabolism and development of the plant. Chicken manure is an excellent nitrogenous fertilizer, which affects the rate of ripening and the size of the berries.

Milk whey for watering strawberries

Regular whey will help the development of the plant during the growing season. Watering with a solution of water in a ratio of 1: 2 will saturate the culture with phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.


Proper watering of strawberries is a prerequisite for a good berry harvest. Before watering strawberries during flowering, or at any other time, consider the quality of the soil, the required amount of moisture for development, as well as feeding and protective equipment that can be combined.