Maintenance and repair of ventilation systems and chimneys in apartment buildings. Ventilation of a multi-storey building: features of the device and maintenance The work of natural ventilation in residential buildings

The quality of the air environment in the premises, and hence the health of people living there, depends on how efficiently the ventilation in an apartment building functions. Many tenants, without realizing it, disrupt air exchange, although in fact they seek to improve conditions and increase the comfort of their living. The purpose of our article is to explain how various ventilation schemes for apartment buildings work and point out the nuances that disrupt their work. We will also touch on the issue of maintenance and periodic cleaning of systems for supplying and removing air.

How is ventilation in panel houses arranged?

Most citizens of the CIS countries live in multi-storey buildings built during the Soviet Union, although in recent years, some of the population has moved to apartments in new buildings. But most of the new buildings are not much better than the Soviet ones in terms of comfort. Accordingly, the air exchange in them is organized on a budgetary basis.

In more expensive new buildings, heating and ventilation are arranged according to modern standards and taking into account the use of new materials and structures. At the moment, you can find the following types of ventilation in residential buildings:

  • with natural inflow and exhaust;
  • with forced air movement through ventilation units.

Note. There are also combined systems where natural supply ventilation and mechanical exhaust are involved.

If we are talking about panel-type housing, then only natural air exchange is used in it. The same applies to Soviet-era brick apartment buildings, as well as modern low-budget buildings. The inflow into the premises should be carried out through leaks in the porches of wooden windows or special channels and valves made in metal-plastic double-glazed windows.

Accordingly, the exhaust is due to the natural draft that occurs inside the vertical shaft, which opens above the roof or into the attic. Fresh air, entering the rooms through the windows, under the influence of the draft in the mine rushes to its exit or into the bathroom. Thus, it passes through the entire apartment, gradually becoming dirty, and then removed to the outside through the ventilation ducts. How this happens is well reflected in the layout of the apartment's ventilation system:

If you block the path to this flow anywhere, then the air renewal in the apartment will stop. This is what many residents do in the process of repair work, mistakenly believing that the hood can work without an inflow. Here is a list of typical mistakes that lead to a violation of air exchange:

  • installation of blind double-glazed windows made of metal-plastic;
  • elimination of the gap between the door leaf and floors when replacing interior doors;
  • installation of periodically operating axial fans in the toilet.

To ensure that natural ventilation is not disturbed, the supply air must not be blocked. Special valves must be cut into new windows or supply from the street must be organized separately. Transfer grilles are installed in the canvases of the interior doors, and the fan should not overlap the section of the entire exhaust duct.

System diagrams

It is very good when ventilation in a panel house is arranged with individual exhaust ducts. That is, from the kitchen, toilet and bathroom on each floor a separate shaft leads to the roof. Then there is no overflow of odors from neighbors, the traction is more stable and not prone to overturning. Another option is that vertical ducts from all apartments are collected into one horizontal collector located in the attic, and from it the air enters the street. The figure below shows different ways of how the ventilation scheme of a panel house can be organized:

The most unsuccessful method is shown in option "b", where a small channel emerges from each apartment - a satellite that enters the common vertical shaft above. This method allows you to save usable area of \u200b\u200brooms and is cheap to implement, but during operation it creates a lot of problems for people living in the house. The most common of these is the flow of odors from apartment to apartment. A similar ventilation device is shown more clearly in the picture:

Methods "c" and "g" are found in panel houses of low storey with an attic. They, too, cannot be called impeccable, since in the first case, the collector creates additional resistance to traction, and in the second, all the smells from the apartments are collected in the attic. Therefore, the best options are modern ventilation schemes with mechanical air supply and removal. These are used in new homes, an example is illustrated below:

There is an air supply unit located in the basement and supplying cleaned and heated (or cooled) air to all rooms. An exhaust fan of the same capacity is installed on the roof of the building, which regularly removes the polluted air mixture from the apartments. This is the simplest scheme, ventilation in a multi-storey building can be arranged using energy-saving equipment - recuperators. Their task is to take away heat (or cold) from the discharged air and transfer it to the supply air.

Calculation of ventilation in a residential building

It should be noted that forced and natural ventilation of a multi-storey building is calculated by serious design organizations. Residents get it ready-made and it will not be possible to change something in it without interfering with the building structures of the building. However, with the help of various additional equipment, air exchange can be improved, which requires a simple calculation.

For example, ventilation in a panel house does not work well, and you want to have a healthy air environment within your home. Then you should remember one rule: the amount of supplied air should be no less than that removed by all hoods. It means that axial fans are already installed at the shaft exits to increase the thrust. So that they do not thresh the air in place and the exhaust ventilation functioned normally, units of the same capacity should be supplied to the supply.

Council. Do not install overly powerful fans in the kitchen or bathroom. For a one-room apartment, a capacity of 50 m3 / h is enough for each, for a two- or three-room apartment - up to 100 m3 / h.

It is possible to organize forced air supply with cleaning and heating using small installations built into the wall. Typically, the ventilation system of a residential building consists of several similar units located in different rooms. By their work, they ensure the balance of the air in the premises and its purity. By the way, the amount of inflow may even prevail over the exhaust hood within 15%, there will be no harm from this.

How is ventilation in an apartment building cleaned?

It often happens that the reason for a weak hood is clogging of the ventilation shaft in general and the grilles in the apartment in particular. A simple ventilation check will help detect this: you need to light a match or candle and bring the flame to the grate. If there is a draft, it should confidently deviate in the direction of the flow, otherwise it is necessary to remove the grate and repeat the check. If even now the flame does not deflect, it is necessary to try to clean the shaft.

Council. There is also a test method with a sheet of paper, but it is imprecise, since often the ventilation draft is not able to keep the paper on the grid. Better to check with a flame.

Usually, in panel houses, professional canals are completely cleaned using various means and equipment. These include special weights, weighted ruffs and other devices. It is not recommended for ordinary residents to do this, so as not to unknowingly harm instead of being useful. By removing the grate, you can clean the walls of the ventilation shaft within the reach of a hand with a broom or other tool.


It should be noted that the natural ventilation of apartment buildings is not very effective, but it does not clog up too often. True, sometimes the canals were clogged with construction waste at the stage of building a building and this created a big problem later. Under normal conditions, the mine is cleaned from plaque and cobwebs once every few years.

Ventilation systems in the apartment: natural and forced How ventilation and air conditioning systems are cleaned

Without the inflow of fresh air from the street and the removal of air masses contaminated with human waste products, the operation of any building is impossible. At the same time, the ventilation system in an apartment of a multi-storey building has significant differences from the same engineering network of a private cottage, which affects the maintenance and the ability to connect special household devices. The instructions below will help to understand all its subtleties and nuances.

Purpose and functions

The ventilation device in multi-storey buildings is provided for by the current building, fire-prevention and sanitary standards. Its main purpose is to remove harmful impurities from the air in residential (bedroom, living room) and auxiliary (plumbing block, kitchen) premises.

The main sources of pollution in an apartment are:

  • kitchen stove;
  • washer;
  • sanitary equipment (toilet, bathroom).

As a result of the operation of the above equipment, water vapor and gases accumulate in the air, which have a negative effect on the human body.

Ventilation that does not work properly or does not perform its assigned tasks can be easily recognized by the following signs:

  • fogging of glass in window frames;
  • the appearance of condensation on the walls;
  • dampness in the corners of the rooms;
  • mold and mildew covering various surfaces in the apartment.

Note! Poor air exchange in a residential area can lead to serious consequences, especially if a child lives in the apartment. Mold and dampness are common causes of respiratory illness.

You can check if the ventilation shaft in a multi-storey building works with your own hands. It is enough to take a piece of newspaper measuring 20 by 4 cm and bring it up in the lattice covering the air duct.

The sheet should "stick" to the hole. Otherwise, you need to take care of the repair or cleaning of the ventilation duct.


Recently, an increasing number of people have been complaining about the insufficient efficiency of ventilation systems in urban apartment complexes. This is due to the fact that the ventilation scheme in a multi-storey building, built in the last century, did not provide for the installation of sealed window structures that impede the flow of fresh air from the street.

In addition, the reason for the poor performance of the exhaust shaft may be its insufficient length (this is especially true for apartments located on the upper floors). The fact is that for the appearance of traction, air must pass in the pipe at least two meters, which is problematic to achieve on the last floor of the house.

Before you get acquainted with the ways to solve this problem, it is necessary to study the existing schemes of ventilation systems.

So, natural ventilation in a multi-storey building according to SNiP is of several main types:

  1. Each apartment has an individual exhaust duct that leads directly to the roof. This type of air duct is the most effective, but due to the increased number of storeys of buildings and the increase in the number of apartments, it has not been used recently.
  2. The exhaust ducts from the apartments are connected at the upper engineering level with a horizontal duct, which opens onto the roof.
  3. All end in the attic, which plays the role of a kind of ventilation room. Then the exhaust air is discharged outside through specially equipped shafts. This method is used in the construction of modern apartment buildings.

Common horizontal channel

If the ventilation of multi-storey residential buildings is designed according to this type, then the air leaving the apartments in vertical pipes is combined into one flow in a horizontal channel. At the same time, upon reaching the attic, the air masses hit the horizontal wall (the edge of the box) and turn towards the outlet.

The method has several disadvantages:

  1. With a small internal section of the horizontal ventilation duct, a section appears in it where the air pressure rises, as a result of which excess air masses fall back into the ventilation duct, and sometimes into the apartment on the upper floor.
  2. If the duct outlet is mounted too low, a so-called back draft can occur. As a result, the air rising from the lower floors does not go outside, but enters the living quarters of the upper floor.

There are two ways to fix the problems listed above:

  1. Alteration of the box on the technical floor... It is necessary to increase the dimensions of the horizontal ventilation duct by about 2-3 times, and also to equip elements inside it that cut the air flow. The disadvantages of this method are the high price and the need to attract specialists. However, you can be 100% sure that the ventilation in a multi-storey residential building will work flawlessly after the modernization.
  2. Arrangement of an individual ventilation duct that removes polluted air outside, bypassing the common box.

Note! In the event of such a rework, be sure to take care of the normal thermal insulation of the air ducts, otherwise the temperature and humidity conditions of the technical room can be violated, which is prohibited by SNiP.

Air chamber in the attic

This air flow pattern is used in all modern homes. If mistakes and inaccuracies were made in the design, the residents of the upper floors suffer from the fact that the necessary draft is not created in the ventilation duct.

This is due to the fact that the air, instead of the prescribed 2 meters, passes about 30 cm. Ventilation is present, however, it is not able to pump the required volume of air. In addition, when you open the doors in the attic, there is a draft, which further reduces traction.

It is not difficult to fix the problem. It is only necessary to equip or increase the individual ventilation ducts of the apartment located on the upper floor, delivering a pipe about 140 cm long. It must be tilted towards the common shaft so that the air rising from below creates additional draft.

Methods for organizing air movement

Air flows in the ventilation system of an apartment building can move in the direction conceived by the engineers, both independently (based on the laws of physics) and forcibly (using fans and other equipment).

Considering this, the described engineering network is divided into the following types:

  • natural - the inflow of fresh air is carried out through windows and vents, and removal through the ventilation duct (draft is formed due to the difference in pressure and temperature);
  • mechanical - both the intake and the removal of air masses are carried out using fans installed on the intake and output openings, as well as inside the ventilation duct;
  • combined - in this case, the exhaust is forced, and the inflow is natural.

Ventilation repair

A properly designed and constructed exhaust ventilation system does not require maintenance by the residents of the house. This should be done by specialists of the organization that is responsible for the operation of the building. The only permissible action is to remove dust from the grill covering the inlet.

It's a different matter if the air is removed from the apartment regularly, and unpleasant odors from neighbors and condensation on the windows continue to pester you. Then the problem lies in the insufficient flow of air masses. This is often encountered by residents who have installed plastic or aluminum window blocks that do not allow air to pass through.

Regular ventilation will help to cope with the situation, but a more acceptable option is to install supply valves that are mounted between the window sill and the central heating radiator. In this case, the cold air blowing from the outside is heated.

There are several types of intake valves:

  • mechanical - equipped with dampers that allow you to manually adjust the intensity of the incoming flow;
  • electronic - have special devices that open and close the valve, based on information received from external sensors (humidity and temperature).

Note! Many apartment owners in older buildings try to combat humidity and unpleasant odors with an air conditioner. This is a wrong decision, since such climatic equipment cannot replace a full-fledged ventilation engineering network.

Installation of a forced ventilation system

This method of solving the problem is used in the case when all of the above methods did not bring the desired result. It should be noted that it is impossible to independently perform all the necessary installation operations, since the cross-section of the air ducts and the power of the equipment are calculated individually.

Let's consider only the main types of the most frequently used systems:

  1. If you need to provide fresh air for a small one-room apartment, a special monoblock device will help, which is inexpensive, but does an excellent job with the tasks assigned to it.
  2. In the case when the draft in the exhaust duct is sufficient, you can limit yourself to the installation of air inlets. The power of the equipment depends on the number of residents in the apartment, the area of \u200b\u200bthe rooms and some other factors.

As a rule, all necessary elements are supplied with the fan:

  • lattices;
  • valves;
  • filter elements.
  1. Supply and exhaust ventilation is most effective (possibly with a heat recuperator). But its installation is advisable only in private houses or large city apartments.

Advice! In order for ventilation to work as efficiently as possible, it is advisable to equip supply and exhaust openings in each room (including a bedroom, study, dining room, etc.) by connecting them with air ducts to the central unit.

Sewerage ventilation

A feature of apartment buildings is the need to install ventilation not only for residential and non-residential premises, but also for the sewer network. Otherwise, there is a danger of unpleasant odors and fumes entering the apartment that are dangerous to the health of the inhabitants.

In houses with a height of more than 9 floors, several methods of ventilation of the wastewater disposal system are used:

  1. Direct ventilation... In this case, the central riser, where all the drains are drained, is brought out to the technical floor of the building and is not sealed. Fresh air is supplied through the top of the pipe. Disadvantage - if the pressure in the lower part of the system rises, there is a danger of squeezing out the water seal.
  2. Parallel ventilation... Features of this design prevent the suction and ejection of the hydraulic seals. The essence of the method is that in parallel, an additional, ventilation one is equipped. They are connected to each other on each floor using special fittings.


The ventilation system of an apartment building is a complex engineering network, the design and repair of which requires special knowledge, skills and equipment. Inexperienced maintenance can lead to breakdowns that affect not only your home, but also cause inconvenience to neighbors.

You will learn more about the operation of ventilation in an urban multi-storey building from the video in this article.

What happens to an apartment building without ventilation? Residents will be tormented by a constant feeling of stuffiness, the apartment will be filled with smells from the kitchen and bathroom, dampness and mold will appear on the walls. A serviceable and efficient ventilation system relieves of such suffering. But how does ventilation work in practice?

Ventilation device in multi-storey buildings

Each apartment building (MKD) has a ventilation shaft. It can be compared with the human venous system - it is through the mine that air masses move from different points (rooms) to one - to the attic or to the street.

Shafts take up a lot of space, therefore, in low-rise buildings, compact air ducts are often installed instead of them.

The ventilation shaft in a panel house consists of concrete blocks that are stacked on top of each other. The seams between them are sealed with cement mortar. In new buildings, air lines are made of metal or plastic boxes. On the roof, the mine ends with a special umbrella - it protects the pipes from rain, leaves and debris.

Types of air ducts:

  • Built-in. There are rectangular or square sections. They are laid during construction in the load-bearing walls of a high-rise building. They are made from bricks or concrete blocks.
  • Overhead / suspended. They are installed after the end of construction and finishing of premises. Most often they are made from galvanized sheet steel. The main disadvantage is susceptibility to corrosion, so it is important to protect them from high humidity. Such air ducts need to be noise-insulated - otherwise the movement of air inside the metal shaft may be accompanied by a hum.
  • Outdoor. They are mounted on the outside of the building. They are made from all of the above materials.

Each multi-storey residential building has different ventilation systems. The creation of ventilation goes through the following stages:

  1. Experts calculate ventilation in a residential building based on the area of \u200b\u200bapartments and individual rooms.
  2. A ventilation scheme is drawn up. It indicates the method of air flow distribution, channel cross-sectional area, equipment noise level, type of ventilation and its other features.
  3. According to the scheme, a drawing with a detailed description is developed, which is coordinated by the technical services. After agreement, the necessary documentation is prepared.
  4. The installation of ventilation shafts begins in the inner walls of the building. After completion of work, the system is checked for compliance with all requirements.

Requirements for ventilation of a residential building:

  • tightness;
  • high performance;
  • fire safety;
  • compliance with sanitary standards. For Russia, sanitary and hygienic standards for ventilation are specified in SNiP 41-01-2003.

Types of ventilation in residential buildings

Most common natural ventilation... It works like this:

  1. Fresh air enters through slightly open vents, windows or.
  2. Exhaust air is displaced by fresh air and is removed from the rooms into the ventilation shaft.
  3. Due to the difference in temperature and pressure, air from the ventilation mine enters the attic or roof, and from there - to the street.

Natural ventilation is installed in panel and brick houses, as well as in some new buildings. For its work, nothing is needed except the mines themselves - therefore, for developers, it is simple and cheap. But for residents there are few advantages in it: in the heat, air exchange practically stops, and in winter all the heat quickly "flies out" into the ventilation.

To increase traction in the summer, a deflector is installed at the top of the ventilation duct. This device catches the wind and cuts it into several air streams at different speeds. Due to this, the pressure drop in the pipe increases, and the exhaust air flows out faster into the street.

Natural ventilation in an apartment building means that the exhaust system does not work without supply. Therefore, it is important to either always leave the windows open, or install a ventilator - a device that allows you to ventilate a room with closed windows. The simplest ventilators are: they are built into a glass unit, and fresh air enters through a special opening. A more efficient ventilation system in an apartment of a multi-storey building: it not only supplies air to the room, but also cleans it of allergens, harmful gases and fine dust. The device can heat the air to a comfortable temperature.

If the supply does not have a heating function, then it is advisable to install it as close as possible to the ceiling of the room. This will mix the supply air with the warm air in the room.

Exhaust vents are usually found in the kitchen and bathroom: it is in these rooms that the most unwanted odors accumulate. It is not allowed to combine the hood in the kitchen and in the toilet into one ventilation duct - otherwise the smells will pass from one room to another. To improve air exchange, they are installed in the bathroom.

The ventilation of the basement of an apartment building, as a rule, is organized with the help of vents in the walls. They are done just above the surface of the earth. The larger the basement area, the more airflow.

  1. fresh air intake point;
  2. a unit that can contain a heater, recuperator, filters, fans;
  3. air ducts;
  4. a diffuser through which fresh air is supplied;
  5. ventilation grill for exhaust air intake;
  6. pipe through which exhaust air exits.

Forced ventilation does not depend on weather conditions. In it, air is pumped in and out using electric fans. The more powerful the fans, the more air they manage to process. Such a system is more expensive and is usually installed in luxury homes.

Often filters, noise absorbers, heaters and other devices are built into ventilation with a mechanical air supply. Such an installation takes up a lot of space, so it is placed in the attic or on the technical floor. Only qualified service personnel should have access to the equipment.

There is and combined ventilation, in which only exhaust or supply is carried out with the help of a fan.

Air purification function is sometimes added to the ventilation project. For example, the Tion company produces a purifier-disinfectant that is built into the general ventilation of the house: it cleans the polluted air from dust, mold, bacteria, exhaust gases and allergens. CityAir stations can be placed at the entrance to the ventilation and the exit: they monitor the air quality before and after cleaning.

Sometimes ventilation is equipped - it takes heat from the extract air and gives it to the supply air. This allows you to save on heating your apartments.

Ventilation schemes in apartments of a multi-storey building

As a rule, in the construction of housing, four schemes are used for the ventilation shaft of a multi-storey building.

1. The hood device in residential buildings is individual, i.e. a separate shaft leads to the roof from the kitchen, toilet and bathroom on each floor. Odors from neighbors do not penetrate into the apartment, the draft is more stable. But this is far from always convenient for developers: firstly, it is too expensive, and secondly, additional pipes take up a lot of space.

2. Exhaust ducts from all apartments are connected to a horizontal duct - a collecting duct in the attic. From there, the air enters the street. If the duct diameter is insufficient, the exhaust air is returned to the apartments on the upper floors. To get rid of reverse thrust, either the box is artificially expanded, or the channels of the upper floors are brought directly into the shaft on top of the box.

3. This option is similar to the previous one, only the exhaust air does not enter the collection channel, but directly to the attic. Ventilation ducts in an apartment building must be thermally insulated - otherwise condensation and mold will appear in the attic, building materials will begin to collapse.

4. Ventilation with satellite channels is like a tree: exhaust ducts-branches in each apartment are connected to the trunk - a common vertical shaft. Such a system saves space and money, but it has a problem: if the draft is broken, smells from one apartment can get into another.

Each ventilation design in an apartment building has one common drawback: the distance from the upper floor to the end of the chimney is small, therefore, the draft is weak. To strengthen it, individual ventilation ducts are built up from the apartments on the top floor, which are output to a height of at least a meter.

Who should clean the ventilation in an apartment building

In an apartment building, this is done: attach a sheet of paper or a paper napkin to the exhaust grille. If a sheet or napkin does not stick to the grate, then there is a problem with ventilation.

Possible reasons for the lack of traction:

  • The mine simply doesn't work. If the house is old, and the shaft is made of concrete blocks, then cracks may appear at their joints.
  • There is a blockage in the mine. Dust, small debris, insects get into the air ducts. Fat deposits can form on the cooker hood.
  • No inflow. If fresh air does not enter the apartment, there is nothing to displace the used air. At the same time, the productivity of the inflow and exhaust should be approximately equal: the air passing through the small window slot is not enough for full ventilation.

You can only clean the grate at your outlet on your own; the ventilation shafts are cleaned by specialists. If diagnostics are carried out: a video camera descends into the mine, which detects the cause of the blockage. Then all the dirt is removed with a pneumatic brushing machine.

Ventilation must undergo not only cleaning, but also disinfection. A spray gun with a flexible tube is led to the middle of the shaft and cleans its walls with an antibacterial solution. For better processing, you can contact the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service: specialists will analyze the bacterial environment in the ventilation and select an individual disinfectant.

The ventilation system must be inspected regularly. Who is responsible for ventilation in an apartment building? As a rule, the management organization or HOA enters into an agreement with a separate company. All costs for inspection, cleaning and repair of ventilation are included in the cost of utilities.

The ventilation system of the house is a common property and must be serviced by a management company, to which you pay a lot of money every month under the article "maintenance and repair of the home."
It is installed trace. documents:

A. "Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building" (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 N 491):
... 2. The structure of the common property includes:
e) mechanical, electrical, SANITARY-TECHNICAL AND OTHER EQUIPMENT located in an apartment building outside or inside the premises and serving more than one residential and (or) non-residential premises (apartment); "

B. "The minimum list of services and works necessary to ensure the proper maintenance of common property in an apartment building, and the procedure for their provision and implementation" (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 290 of April 03, 2013)

“… 15. Works performed for the proper maintenance of VENTILATION AND SMOKE EXTRACTION systems in apartment buildings:
- maintenance and seasonal management of ventilation and smoke removal systems equipment, determination of the operability of equipment and system elements;
- condition monitoring, identification and elimination of the causes of unacceptable vibrations and noise during the operation of the ventilation unit;
... elimination of leaks in ventilation ducts and mines, elimination of blockages in ducts, elimination of malfunctions of gates and throttle valves in exhaust shafts, umbrellas over mines and deflectors, replacement of defective exhaust grilles and their mountings;
... monitoring the condition and restoring the anti-corrosion paint of metal exhaust ducts, pipes, pallets and deflectors;
- if damages and violations are detected - development of a plan of restoration work (if necessary), carrying out restoration work. "

C. "Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock" (approved by the Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 No. 170):

"... V. Maintenance and repair of engineering equipment
… 5.7. Ventilation
5.7.1. Design temperatures, frequency rates and air exchange rates for various premises of residential buildings must comply with established requirements. Natural exhaust ventilation should ensure the removal of the required volume of air from all premises provided for by the project at a current outside air temperature of 5 degrees. From and below….
5.7.2. The personnel servicing the ventilation systems of residential buildings is obliged to perform:
- scheduled inspections and elimination of all identified system malfunctions;
- replacement of broken exhaust grilles and their fastening;
- elimination of leaks in ventilation ducts and mines;
- elimination of blockages in the channels;
- elimination of malfunctions of gates and throttle valves in exhaust shafts, umbrellas over shafts and deflectors.
… 5.7.7. Ventilation systems in residential buildings must be regulated depending on sharp drops or increases in the current outdoor temperature and strong winds.
Engineering and technical staff of housing maintenance organizations are required to instruct residents on the rules for regulating ventilation systems.
5.7.8. It is not allowed to glue the exhaust ventilation grilles or cover them with household items, as well as use them as fastening ropes for drying clothes….
5.7.9. The heads of the central exhaust shafts of natural ventilation should have umbrellas and deflectors.
… 5.7.11. The list of deficiencies in the ventilation system, SUBJECT TO ELIMINATION DURING REPAIR of a residential building, should be compiled on the basis of the spring inspection data ....

Appendix N 4 (recommended)
Works performed during technical inspections and by-passes of individual elements and premises of residential buildings
... 6. Checking the presence of draft in the smoke ventilation ducts.

Appendix N 7 (recommended)
… 14. Ventilation

G. MDK 2-04.2004 "Methodological manual for the maintenance and repair of the housing stock" (approved by order of the USSR State Construction Committee in 2004):
“… 4.3.6. The housing maintenance organization must:
- keep ventilation ducts and chimneys in good technical condition;

… 4.3.7. Work on elimination of defects of a construction nature, ELIMINATION OF DISTURBANCES OF DUCT TRACTIONS IDENTIFIED DURING ROUTINE INSPECTIONS, as well as finishing work after installation or repair of internal gas supply devices SHOULD BE PERFORMED BY THE HOUSING FUND SERVICE ORGANIZATION.

… 4.3.12. HOUSING SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS ARE RESPONSIBLE for the technically sound condition of the ventilation ducts. During any work, it is not allowed to eliminate ventilation ducts in kitchens and other rooms equipped with gas heaters. In the process of maintenance of the housing stock, they must ensure periodic checks of the suitability of ventilation ducts and chimneys for operation in the following periods:
... b) ventilation ducts of rooms where gas appliances are installed - at least twice a year (in winter and summer).
Repair of chimneys and ventilation ducts is allowed to be carried out by the personnel of the organization for servicing the housing stock, having the appropriate specialty and training, under the supervision of an engineer and technical worker.

… 4.3.13. Unauthorized repairs, alterations and building up chimneys and ventilation ducts are not allowed. Inspection and cleaning of chimneys and ventilation ducts should be DRAFTED BY ACTS. After each repair, chimneys and ventilation ducts are subject to inspection and cleaning, regardless of the previous inspection and cleaning, within the time limits established in the acts.

Appendix 2
… 14. Ventilation:
change of individual sections and elimination of leaks in ventilation ducts, shafts and chambers; ... "