The Turks and Caicos Islands are British overseas islands. Luxury holidays in turks and caicos Turks and caicos where

The Turks and Caicos Islands are British-owned islands. They are located in the Caribbean Sea, one of the small territories that did not want to fall off from Great Britain during the centrifugal desire for independence that swept the entire Earth in the 20th century. The islands occupy a total area of ​​417 square kilometers. 21 thousand people live on them.

The islands are offshore zones, where many firms are registered who do not want to pay taxes. These islands are very reluctant to provide information about registrations - only by court order. In essence, the state of continuous judgment for most firms is a normal working state and upsets only the first years. Then the lawyers of the firm simply regularly go to the courts, as if to work. Routine, but that's life.

In addition to offshore, a significant profitable business of the islands is tourism. For citizens of Russia, there is a visa-free regime, as well as an unlimited opportunity to import and export any amount of currency. It is forbidden only to import drugs and harpoon guns. Otherwise amazingly friendly place. Diving is widely developed for tourists, you can watch humpback whales and numerous bottlenose dolphins. With these smart creatures, you can have a good time swimming in a race and listening to their twitter.

/ Turks and Caicos

Turks and Caicos - country information

Turks and Caicos Archipelago- these are 2 groups, consisting of 30 islands, only 8 of which are inhabited. The islands are located in Central America, in the Atlantic Ocean basin (21? 45 "N, 71? 35" W), east of Cuba, 48 km southeast of the Bahamas and 145 km north of Haiti, 900 km to southeast of Miami and 70 km southeast of the chain of the Bahamas, of which they are a continuation.

The Caicos Islands group includes: Western Caicos, Providenciales (Provo), North Caicos, Middle Caicos (Grand Caicos), East Caicos and South Caicos, separated from each other by narrow straits. Each island is surrounded by numerous reefs.
The group of Turks Islands, separated from the Caicos Islands by the 35-kilometer Columbus Strait (or Turks Island), includes Grand Turk Island, the small island of Salt Cay and a whole scattering of uninhabited reefs.
The total area of ​​the islands is 430 sq. km.

Providenciales Island

Providenciales, often called for short, Provo is the most popular island among tourists. They are attracted here by the noisy resort life, many restaurants, bars and shopping centers and not only ... Most of the hotels and the luxurious largest beach of the island, 22-kilometer Grace Bay (Grace Bay), equal in beauty to the famous sandy beach of Grand Cayman. The British "Sunday Times" named Grace Bay among the four best beaches in the world.
Another "magnet" is the longest reef chain in the world, bordering the islands. The Turks and Caicos is one of the best dive sites in the world.


Regular flights to the islands are operated by British Airways. Transit landings - in London (with an overnight stay) and in Nassau (Bahamas).


The islands were discovered in 1512 by the Spaniard, Juan Ponce de Leon, at that time they were uninhabited, In the XVII century. they began to be populated by colonists from Bermuda. In the period from 1764 to 1783 they were captured by France, in 1783 - the islands became the possession of Great Britain, and until 1962 they were a colony of Great Britain as part of Jamaica, and in 1962 they received the status of a separate colony. In 1959, the islands were given the right to internal self-government.

Great Britain retained the right to determine only the foreign and defense policy of the country. The Queen of Great Britain is represented by the Governor, who is also the Chairman of the Executive Council, which consists of the Prime Minister and four ministers. The Executive Council administers the islands. The Legislative Council consists of 19 members.
The legal system is based on English common law and some old Bahamas and Jamaica laws modified locally.

The country has a constitution that came into force in 1976.

The main role in the country's economy is played by foreign tourism and income from financial services of the offshore zone. Fishing and fish processing, salt mining on the island of Salt Cay, the manufacture and sale of souvenirs for tourists are developing.
The Turks and Caicos Islands are a classic offshore zone. Companies registered here are not subject to taxation and do not submit annual returns. The country maintains high confidentiality - a closed register of shareholders and directors. Information can be disclosed only by court order. When using nominee directors and shareholders, the true owners of the company cannot be identified at all.


Cockburn Town on Grand Turk Island.


Before the discovery of the islands by the Spaniards, they did not have a permanent Indian population. In the 17th century, colonists from Bermuda began to come here for salt. With the advent of plantations, slaves from the African continent were brought here. Turks and Caicos Islands became a British colony in 1766 and were part of Jamaica from 1873 to 1962. Today, over 90% of the population are blacks and mulattos. The white population of the islands is made up mainly of immigrants from the United States and Canada.
Today, the population of the islands is about 21,000 people.


The official language is English.


On the islands, various Christian denominations are mainly represented: Catholicism, Baptist, Methodical, Anglican churches, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, etc.


The most common currency is the US dollar. Traveler's checks and major credit cards are accepted.


Time zone Minus 7 hours.
In summer, time is 8 hours behind Moscow time, from the first Sunday in April to Saturday before the last Sunday in October - by 7 hours.


The climate of the islands is tropical, trade wind.
The sun shines on the islands 350 days a year. The average monthly temperature in June-October is from 29 to 32C, sometimes in the last summer months it can rise to 35C. The average temperature in November-May is 27 to 29C. Water temperature in summer - 28-29C, in winter - about 23-26C. Constantly blowing trade winds make the weather favorable for a beach holiday all year round. Hurricanes are possible between June and October.
Vegetation is represented mainly by mangroves on the coast and rare pine forests.


Citizens of the Russian Federation require a visa to travel to the Turks and Caicos Islands.


Import and export of national and foreign currency is not limited.
Persons over the age of 18 are allowed duty-free import of up to 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 125 gr. tobacco products; up to 1.13 liters of alcoholic beverages or up to 2 liters. guilt. The import of drugs and drug-containing drugs, pornography of all kinds and harpoon weapons for fishing is prohibited. A permit is required to import firearms.


When departing from the country, a fee of 15.00 U$ is charged at the airport.


120 volts (American standard - flat plug), in some hotels 240 volts, 50 hertz.


In all major resorts you will be provided with medical assistance, where there are also well-equipped pharmacies at your service.


Shorts, T-shirts and other light clothing are ideal for walking around the city, but by no means beach suits. In the evenings it can be cool, so it is recommended to take a light sweater or blouse with you on a trip. Some restaurants require evening costumes.


To rent a car, the necessary conditions are: the age of the driver - at least 21 years old; the presence of an international driver's license and Russian rights of a new type, a driving experience of at least a year; a valid credit card from one of the systems widely used in the name of the driver!


There are no specific rules. If you liked the way you were served, then a tip of 15% of the total bill would be appropriate.


Banks are open: Monday - Thursday from 8:30 to 14:30
Friday - from 8:30 to 12:30 and from 14:30 to 16:30


January 1 - New Year
March 14 - Commonwealth Day
March 25 - Good Friday
March-April - Easter and Easter Monday
May 30 - National Heroes Day
June 12 - Queen's Birthday
August 1 - Emancipation Day
September 30 - Youth Day
October 10 - Columbus Day
December 25 - Christmas
December 26 - Boxing Day
Days off - Saturday and Sunday


A huge number of holidays and festivals are held on these tiny islands, which is not surprising - the colorful mixture of cultures and customs characteristic of the Turks and Caicos has led to the formation of a large number of common traditions, and the predominantly Christian culture has led to the emergence of a large number of religious rites, each of which gradually "overgrown" with a large number of ceremonies.

On January 1, Grand Turk and Providenciales host the grandiose Giancanu Jump Up, accompanied by dancing from midnight to sunrise.
January 30 is the traditional Mini Triathlon in Providenciales.
In mid-February, the Cactus Slam Festival is celebrated.
March 17 is celebrated throughout the country as St. Patrick's Day.
March 31 - end of lobster season (on all islands).
On April 17, the annual Kite Flying Competition is held.
At the end of April - Earth Day and Salt Cay Island Festival (April 28-30).
At the end of May, the annual regatta is held in South Caicos, and the traditional folklore festival of Kinko de Mayo is held in Turtle Cove Bay.

Grand Turk Island hosts a two-day Summerjam festival every June, accompanied by live performances and beauty pageants.
On June 5, Providenciales hosts the Golf Club Cup competition.
June 19 - Father's Day.
At the end of June - Oval Ball rugby competition.

In June-July, the annual Turks and Caicos Fishing Championship is held in the waters surrounding Providenciales.
In July, Grand Turk hosts the Rack and Scrape Festival, accompanied by parades of bands playing traditional music, Carnival Conch, the annual Rotary Fishing Tournament, Heineken Tournament and Turks and Caicos Classic", as well as the annual regatta. North Caicos during this period hosts guests at the Festarama festival, and Providenciales hosts a week-long Summer Festival (the island's biggest holiday) with numerous regattas, parades, and a theatrical beauty contest.

From the beginning of June to the end of July, Providenciales hosts the International Women's Football Festival. On August 1, all the islands celebrate the opening of the lobster season. In late August - early September, the Cultural Week (Festival of Culture) takes place throughout the Turks and Caicos.

In mid-August, Providenciales celebrates Caicos Day, and at the end of the month, Grand Turk Carnival takes place during the week.
In October, North Caicos hosts: the noisy Extravaganza festival, the annual Oktoberfest festival (on all islands), the traditional Wave World regatta in Grace Bay and the Turks and Caicos Music and Poetry Festival.

On October 24, in the same place, in North Caicos, International Human Rights Day is held, and on October 31 - Halloween.
November hosts the annual Providenciales International Film Festival and Fisherman's Day, the annual Arts and Crafts Christmas Fair, and Museum Day.

In December, there are: the colorful "Homecoming Holiday", "Christmas Evenings of the Head of Government", the annual illumination competitions in the Caicos Islands, and on Grand Turk - the Lighting of the Lights on the Christmas Tree.


Cheshire Hall - the ruins of a cotton plantation.

A sea shell farm where small shells grow into adults, learn how pearls are grown, and if you wish, purchase shells for yourself that can be used to make salads.

The largest limestone caves in the Caribbean.

National Museum of Turks and Caicos, telling about the history of the islands.

During boat trips on a yacht in January-April, you can meet humpback whales and bottlenose dolphins.

An incredible place on Earth where you can relax from the gray city everyday life, lying on a beach with snow-white sand, diving in the clear emerald sea, and also being alone with nature among the tropical jungle - all these are the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Caribbean Sea. Tourists from all over the world come here every year, and no one is left disappointed with their vacation.

What to do, what to see, where to relax, what to eat and where to stay on the islands - you can learn all this from this article.


The Turks and Caicos Islands were discovered in 1512 by the Spanish navigator Juan Ponce de Leon. Since 1766, the islands have been officially recognized as a British colony.

The old coat of arms of the Turks and Caicos Islands showed a sailboat, a local resident on the shore, and two piles of salt. During the creation of the coat of arms, the English designer, having seen the images, decided that the mounds of salt were buildings, and added black “doors” to them. Thus, igloos, the national dwellings of the Eskimos, appeared on the coat of arms of the tropical islands. This coat of arms of the Turks and Caicos Islands until 1968 was considered official. Now the emblem depicts the flora and fauna of the islands and coastal waters.


The Turks and Caicos Islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean and are an archipelago that includes more than 40 islands. The Turks - to the east and the Caicos - to the west - are two island groups surrounded by reefs. The place where the Turks and Caicos Islands are separated from each other is called the Columbus Strait. The Bahamas are located 150 km to the north and 50 km to the southeast.

Many do not know which country is the Turks and Caicos Islands? The archipelago is a constitutional monarchy and belongs to the British territory overseas.

Climatic conditions

The climate in the Turks and Caicos Islands is maritime, sunny and relatively dry. Thanks to this, you can relax here at any time of the year. There are two main seasons on the archipelago: dry - from November to June and the rainy season, which lasts from July to October - at this time hurricanes and typhoons are possible. Thus, the best time for a beach holiday is from November to June. At this time, the air temperature reaches +29°C and is very comfortable. The water warms up to + 23-26 ° C.

How to get there

The islands do not have direct flights to Russia. The question immediately arises: how to get to the Caicos and Turks? From Moscow you can fly with a transfer in London, from where flights depart to Providenciales Island - the main tourist center of the state, where the airport is located, which receives all international flights.

You can also get from Russia through the Dominican Republic or the USA. The approximate cost of tickets for one round trip is 1700-1900 USD.

Visa regime

Citizens of the Russian Federation who come to the Turks and Caicos Islands require a visa, which can be obtained in some cases, you may be called for an interview.

Tourist infrastructure

Foreign tourism is the main source of income for the island nation. Despite the fact that the main routes of most cruise lines of the Caribbean Sea lie here, the presence of the largest and most incredibly beautiful coral reef and beautiful beaches, of the entire group of Turks and Caicos Islands in the Caribbean, Providenciales is the only one where the tourist infrastructure is well developed. The rest of the islands are much less tourist-oriented, however, you can find hotels and restaurants on them, as well as beautiful beaches for relaxing.

Below we will review the main tourist destinations of the Turks and Caicos Islands, as well as tips and recommendations for vacationers.

Providenciales Island

Locals call this island Provo, it is the main tourist center of the state. When choosing a tour to the Turks and Caicos Islands, tourists mostly stop at Provo Island. Numerous world-class hotels, shopping centers, casinos, a large number of bars, restaurants and nightclubs are offered to the attention of vacationers.

Most of the resorts of the Caribbean Turks and Caicos Islands in Providenciales are located on the northern coast of the island and are located along the beach in Grace Bay.

The main attraction of the island is the marine national park, which includes several salt lakes and reefs. Here you can see a large number of waterfowl.

It is not for nothing that diving enthusiasts choose Providenciales as their holiday destination - the coastal waters are incredibly clear, and the large coral reef, which is home to a variety of marine life, is perfect for diving and snorkeling.

Providenciales Island boasts Grace Bay Beach, which is 22 km long. It has repeatedly been included in the lists of the best beaches in the world. And this is not surprising: the purest azure water, snow-white sand, palm trees growing along the coastline are an ideal place for spiritual relaxation and scuba diving.

Interesting to visit in Providenciales is the underwater cave of Hole, as well as the only farm in the world where giant king shells are grown, which are an endangered species.

Grand Turk Island

The island curves around a coral reef, making it an ideal place for snorkeling and a stunning coastline for relaxation. The main attraction of Grand Turk is the coral reef, located at a distance of 200 meters from the coast. Swimming to the bottom of the reef, you can see how the seabed abruptly goes to a depth of 2.5 km - an incredible sight. Here you can meet with sea turtles, whale sharks, rays.

In winter, right off the shore of Grand Turk Island, you can watch the migration of humpback whales: such impressions will be remembered for a lifetime.

Those who are tired of a beach holiday are invited to visit the town of Cockburn Town. Here you can wander among the colonial buildings and wooden houses that were built at the end of the 19th century. The interest of tourists is also the Gibbs reefs, where fur seals live.

Salt Cay Island

A small piece of land, inhabited by only 80 inhabitants, is of great interest to tourists. This is due to the fact that windmills, salt sheds and salt lakes have been preserved here - characteristic features of the industry of the late 19th century. Tourists call this island an open-air museum. Here you can also see the famous Wanda Last Shoal, which attracts whales and rays due to the huge accumulation of plankton that the marine inhabitants feed on.

South Caicos Island

The smallest island of the archipelago, which attracts drivers from all over the world with a coral reef of incredible beauty. Due to the large differences in depths, the underwater world here is diverse and beautiful. In these waters you can meet a variety of sharks, rays, turtles, dolphins and even humpback whales. There are cliffs off the east coast of the South Caicos, and underwater caves in the reef serve as a habitat for a huge number of fish.

Western Caicos

An uninhabited island located at a distance of 8 km from Providenciales. This place is ideal for those who dream of a quiet holiday away from the crowds of tourists and unity with nature. Photos from Caicos Island are incredibly beautiful. In the east, there are beaches that are considered the best in the entire archipelago. The entrance to the sea here is gentle, the depth increases gradually, the water is very clear and has an incredible azure color.

On the West Coast, low limestone cliffs form a huge number of small beaches and secluded bays.

Almost the entire island is surrounded by the coral reef Molassis Reef, which contains the remains of a shipwreck that occurred in 1509. Of great interest is the underwater canyon, where giant sea sponges live, reaching a length of 30 m.

In addition, on the island you can visit the Katherine Lake Reserve, where flamingos live.

Middle Caicos

The largest island of the Caicos group attracts tourists with the Conch Bar cave complex and the national park, which are located in the very center of the island. Here you can admire stalactites and stalagmites, as well as underground lakes with the purest water. Once the caves were a sacred place of the Indians, who left a large number of petroglyphs on the walls.

When choosing a tour to the Turks and Caicos Islands, you will not find offers to relax in the Middle Caicos, as the tourist infrastructure is practically not developed here. There are no entertainment centers, clubs, hotel complexes on the island. Tourists are offered to rest in small boarding houses or guest houses, which contain good-natured and hospitable locals.

north caicos

One of the most beautiful islands, which is famous for the richest vegetation. Precipitation here is several times more than on other islands, so the flora on the island is more dense and diverse.

North Caicos is famous for its beautiful Whitby Beach. White sand, clear azure water and palm trees make it a heavenly place to relax.

Here you can visit the historic Waits Green plantation, which organizes excursions for everyone.


The local cuisine is based mainly on seafood and is a combination of British, Spanish, Indian and Irish traditions.

Once on the Turks and Caicos Islands, you should definitely try the traditional dish - grits, which is pea porridge with seafood, shellfish, smoked fish and vegetables.

The most popular drink on the islands is tea, which is brewed in accordance with English traditions - with milk.

Of the alcoholic beverages, only rum is common here. Connoisseurs note that on the islands it has excellent quality and is in no way inferior to the famous Cuban rum.

A must-see is the Dora restaurant on Provo Island, which specializes in seafood cuisine.


There are hotels on the Turks and Caicos Islands for every taste and budget. Tourists with limited funds can stay in small guest houses or in the private sector with local residents who always welcome foreign guests. More demanding vacationers when booking a tour to the Turks and Caicos Islands can consider hotels from the 5-star category.

Grace Bay Club Hotel is an excellent option for accommodation. This luxury hotel is considered one of the most romantic in the Caribbean. Each room has its own terrace, which offers an incredible view of the azure sea, snow-white beaches and palm trees. The services provided to guests include a SPA program.

For those who want to relax in a real tropical paradise, the Parrot Cay hotel, located on a previously uninhabited island, is ideal. Vacationers are delighted with untouched nature, exotic plants, tropical birds. You can even see flamingos and hummingbirds. Kilometer-long beaches, the cleanest sea with a coral reef and white sand will not leave anyone indifferent.

Not to mention the amazing Amanyara Hotel. On a vast territory there are unsurpassed villas and pavilion rooms. The hotel has its own diving center. Scuba diving is open to both beginners and professional divers.

Travel notes, day 30

The Turks and Caicos is a British Overseas Territory north of Haiti. It's funny that next to the very ass of the world there are real paradise islands with excellent beaches, luxurious hotels and restaurants. Surprisingly, there are almost no people here. It seems that the whole country is one big good resort hotel. Everything is very friendly and homely. Despite the fact that not everyone can afford a vacation in the Turks and Caicos (everything is very expensive), there is no pathos and glamor here, like in St. Barts, there are no crowds of American baby dolls here, like in the Bahamas. The first paradise islands that I liked. I even decided to leave the camera and rest a bit. So there will be few photos today).

01. Take off to Miami! M-m-m-m, denouement)

02. Houses

03. General view of Miami. Tomorrow we will walk around the city in more detail.

04. As you can see, almost the entire city is rectangular blocks of one-story buildings.

05. Skyscrapers in the center.

06. In principle, the standard layout of any American city.

07. Miami Airport.

08. Houses

09. Rich area

10. The famous beach with expensive United Russia apartments

12. And here is our destination, the Turks and Caicos Islands. As you can see, the islands are surrounded by reefs, so the beaches are always calm and warm sea.

13. View from the plane to Providenciales, where I'm flying. There is the airport on the right.

14. As I said, the Turks and Caicos Islands are real paradise islands. Deserted beaches with white sand stretch for tens of kilometers. There are no storms here, no rocky coasts, everything is as advertised.

15. Looked at one of the beaches.

16. Everyone snorkels and looks at the corals. The reefs are close here, so you can watch fish and all kinds of underwater beauty just a few meters from the shore. The sea is warm and calm. Everything that's needed.

17. There are few people.

18. Development of the islands - a typical American-provincial. Hangars of shops and shopping complexes, one-story houses, immersed in greenery. Movement is left-handed.

19. The coast is being actively built up. Every second house is for sale. It is worth noting that the villas that are sold here are very good in terms of architecture. I don't know about prices.

20. Look how cute the houses are.



23. There are almost no high fences here. Everything is like the States.

24. Bentley

25. Home

26. Bank. Like many other Caribbean islands, Turks and Caicos is a popular offshore.


28. Surprisingly, there are a lot of homeless vicious dogs on the island. As soon as you get out of the car, some flea truck is already rushing to bite you



31. The Turks and Caicos are 30 islands. There are islands with luxurious celebrity villas, there are uninhabited islands with real paradise beaches from chocolate advertisements, there are islands with pirate caves and awesome nature.

32. This is such a paradise island.

And yet, the Turks and Caicos is expensive. Hotels will cost 2-3 times more than similar hotels in other resorts. For a three-star room away from the sea, they ask for $ 250, a room in a resort hotel with a beach will cost from $ 1,000. Food is more expensive than in Moscow, both in restaurants and supermarkets. The taxi driver at the airport will ask for $100 for a twenty-minute ride. Maybe that's why there are few people here, although this has its own special buzz.

33. There is an abundance in supermarkets that even Moscow grocery stores can envy. Here's a fresh lobster tail for $23 a pound. As far as I understand, a pound is about a third of a kilogram. I've never seen tails sold separately before. Conveniently.

34. And look at the meat!

35. Steaks cost about 1000 rubles per kg.

As of April 2013, the Turks and Caicos National Football Team is officially recognized as the worst football team in the world.

All journey:
Day 1: San Francisco, USA
Day 2: Carmel Valley, USA
Day 3: Apple, Facebook, Google, USA
Day 4: 17 Mile Road Sunset in SF, USA
Day 5: Bermuda
Day 6: Bahamas
Day 7: Bahamas
Day 8: Cayman Islands
Day 9: Jamaica
Day 10:
Day 11: Aruba, Baneiro and Curaçao
Day 12: Road to the Dominican Republic
Day 13: Dominican Republic Part 1
Day 14:

Turks and Caicos in a nutshell is the ocean and the beaches. On the beaches - excellent hotels and a variety of entertainment, in the ocean - "long-playing" waves and coral reefs, which means diving, surfing and other water sports. All about Turks and Caicos Islands: tours to the islands, maps and photos.

  • Tours for May around the world
  • Hot tours around the world

The Turks and Caicos Islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean and are a continuation of the Bahamas chain. This is a suitable holiday destination for fans of water sports, diving and snorkeling - the largest coral reef in the Caribbean is located in the coastal waters of the archipelago. In addition, there are excellent sandy beaches, which are among the best beaches in the world. The center of tourism and resort life is the island of Providenciales, where all conditions for a comfortable stay are created. Lovers of silence, calm and secluded recreation can visit the neighboring islands.

Cities and regions

Time difference with Moscow

− 7 hours in winter −8 hours

  • with Kaliningrad
  • with Samara
  • with Yekaterinburg
  • with Omsk
  • with Krasnoyarsk
  • with Irkutsk
  • with Yakutsk
  • with Vladivostok
  • with Severo-Kurilsk
  • with Kamchatka

How to get to Turks and Caicos

There is no direct flight from Russia. The flight is carried out by British Airways in transit through London (a technical landing is provided in the Bahamas to Nassau). The duration of the flight is approximately 14 hours.

Find flights to Turks and Caicos


Citizens of Russia do not need a visa to visit Turks and Caicos. For your own peace of mind, you should also pre-arrange travel medical insurance for the entire duration of the trip.


Import and export of national and foreign currencies is not limited. Duty-free import of 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars or 125 g of tobacco products, up to a liter of strong alcoholic beverages or up to 2 liters of wine is allowed. The import of drugs and narcotic drugs, pornography and harpoon weapons is prohibited. A permit is required to import firearms.

Phone numbers

There are no diplomatic missions of Turks and Caicos in Russia and Russia in Turks and Caicos.

Rescue service: 911.

There are no long-distance telephone codes - all the islands are within the coverage area of ​​one operator.

Maps of Turks and Caicos

Tourist safety

The islands are safe for recreation, the crime rate is low. Nudity and partial nudity are prohibited on all public beaches.

Care must be taken when swimming and diving. You can swim only in strictly designated places - although the local beaches are quite well equipped, only the area between the reef and the shore is safe. On the outside of the reefs, the seabed has a very steep slope, and the waters are inhabited by many dangerous inhabitants. The currents washing the outer side of the reefs are very strong, and surf and tidal currents also pose a certain danger.

Climate of the Turks and Caicos

The climate is tropical maritime, sunny and relatively dry. The average temperature in winter is about +27…+28 °C, in summer +32 °C. Water temperature in winter +23…+26 °C, in summer +28…+29 °C. Tropical trade winds blow throughout the year, the strongest winds are possible in August-September. The best time to visit the country is from mid-December to mid-July.

Cuisine and restaurants

The basis of local cuisine is seafood and rice. The most popular are shellfish dishes, as well as lobsters. The most famous local dish is "grits", which is pea porridge with seafood, shellfish, smoked fish or poultry meat and vegetables.

A typical drink on the islands is rum punch, the components of which are two types of rum (one of which is coconut), orange and pineapple juices, and grenadine syrup.