Judgment on December is sweet main thought. 'The Judgment of December' lesson plan for reading (Grade 3) on the topic

AND or-there were an old man with an old woman. They had three daughters. Once the old man went to the barn for cereals. He poured cereal into a bag and carried it home. And there was a hole in the bag, the grits were pouring out of it and pouring.

The old man came home. The old woman asks:

Where is the cereal?

And there is no cereal - all got enough sleep.

The old man went to collect cereals. Collected, collected, exhausted and says:

Eh, if the Sun warmed, if the Moon shone, and Voron Voronovich helped me to collect cereals, so I would give my eldest daughter for the Sun, the middle one for the Month, and the youngest for Voron Voronovich.

Here the Sun warmed the old man, the Moon illuminated, and Voron Voronovich helped to collect the cereal.

The old man returned home and said to his eldest daughter:

She got dressed and went out onto the porch. The sun took her away.

The old man also ordered the middle daughter to dress well and go out onto the porch. She got dressed and went out. The moon picked it up and carried it away. And youngest daughter the old man said:

Dress well and go out on the porch.

She got dressed and went out onto the porch. Raven Voronovich grabbed her and dragged her away.

The old man and the old woman began to live alone. Here the old man is bored and says:

I'll go and see my daughters!

Went first to the Sun. The sun met him and says:

What can I feed you, father?

Yes, I would eat pancakes!

The sun told his wife to bake pancakes. Here the wife spread the dough, the Sun sat down on the floor, the wife put a frying pan on it, pancakes and baked. The old man ate his fill.

The old man came home, ordered his old woman to cook pancakes. The old woman spread the dough, she wanted to melt the stove, and the old man sat down on the floor and ordered to put the frying pan on his bald head.

Why, they won't bake on you! - says the old woman.

Nothing, - says the old man, - baked!

She put the frying pan on his bald head. No matter how long the pancakes stood, they were not baked, only sour. Nothing to do, the old woman melted the stove and baked pancakes. The old man got drunk.

The next day he went to visit his second daughter.

The Moon rejoiced and said:

What can I feed you, father?

I don't want anything, - the old man replies. - If only I could take a steam bath from the road!

A month flooded the bathhouse for him. The old man says:

It's dark in the bathroom!

And the Moon answers:

Nothing, go, it will be light!

The old man went to the bathhouse, and the Moon stuck his finger into the crack, and it became light and bright from him in the bathhouse.

The old man vanished and went home. As it got dark, he ordered the old woman to flood the bathhouse. The old woman melted. The old man sends her to bathe, and the old woman says:

Yes, how am I going to steam? It's dark out there!

Go, go, it will be light!

The old woman went, and the old man saw how the Moon shone for him, and he went there too: he cut a hole in the wall and stuck his finger into it. And in the bath from that lighter, it did not. There is nothing to do, the old woman went, brought fire and evaporated.

On the third day the old man went to Voron Voronovich.

What to feed you? - asks Voron Voronovich.

I don't want anything, says the old man.

Well, let's go to sleep on the perch.

Voron Voronovich put up a ladder, the old man climbed onto the perch. Raven Voronovich put him under the wing. Overnight old man.

He returned home, waited for the evening and said to the old woman:

We will sleep on a perch with chickens today!

So they came to the chicken coop, climbed onto the perch. When the old man and the old woman fell asleep, they both fell to the floor. The old woman scolded the old man and went to the hut to sleep.

Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman, they had three daughters. The old man went to the barn to take grits; he took the grains, carried them home, but there was a hole on the bag: the grains poured and poured into it.
Came home. The old woman asks:
- Where is the grain? - And the whole grain fell out.
The old man went to collect and said:
- If the Sun warmed, if the Moon illuminated, if Raven Voronovich helped me collect grains, for the Sun I would give my eldest daughter, for the Month - the middle one, and for Raven Voronovich - the youngest!
The old man began to collect - the Sun warmed, the Moon lit up, and Raven Voronovich helped to collect grits.
The old man came home and said to his eldest daughter:

She got dressed and went out onto the porch; The sun pulled her away.
He also ordered the middle daughter to dress well and go out onto the porch. She dressed and went out; Month grabbed and dragged away the second daughter.
And the younger daughter said:
- Dress well and go out on the porch.
She got dressed and went out onto the porch; Raven Voronovich grabbed her and carried her away.
The old man says:
- Are you going to visit your son-in-law?
Went to the Sun; here he came.
Sunshine says:
- What to treat you with?
- I do not want anything.
The sun told his wife to make pancakes. Here's the wife made it. The sun sat down in the middle of the floor, the wife put a frying pan on it - and the pancakes were fried. They fed the old man.
The old man came home, ordered the old woman to cook pancakes; he himself sat down on the floor and ordered to put a frying pan with pancakes on himself.
- Why, they'll bake on you! - says the old woman.
- Nothing, - he says, - put, they will bake.
She did; no matter how many pancakes stood, nothing was baked, only sour.
Nothing to do, the old woman put the frying pan in the oven, the pancakes were baked, the old man ate.
The next day the old man went to visit another son-in-law, to the Moon. Came.
Moon says:
- What to treat you with?
- I, - answers the old man, - I don't want anything.
A month flooded a bath about him.
The old man says:
- It will be dark in the bath!
And a month for him:
- No, light, go.
The old man went to the bath, and the Moon stuffed his finger into the hole, and that's why it became light and bright in the bath.
The old man evaporated, came home and tells the old woman to heat the bathhouse at night.
The old woman drowned; he sends her there to bathe. The old woman says:
- It's dark to soar!
- Go, it will be light!
The old woman went, and the old man saw how the Moon shone for him, and he himself went there - he cut a hole in the bathhouse and stuffed his finger into it. And in the bath there is no light at all! Know the old woman shouts to him:
- It's dark!
There is nothing to do, she went, brought torches with fire and evaporated.
On the third day the old man went to Voron Voronovich. Came.
- What to treat you with something? - asks Voron Voronovich.
“I,” says the old man, “don't want anything.
- Well, let's at least go to sleep on the saddle.
The raven set up the ladder and climbed up with the old man. Raven Voronovich put him under the wing.
As the old man fell asleep, they both fell and killed themselves.

AND il-there was an old man and an old woman, they had three daughters. The old man went to the barn to take grains; he took the grains, carried them home, but there was a hole on the bag; grits are pouring into it and pouring. Came home. The old woman asks:

Where is the grain? - and the whole grain fell out.

The old man went to collect and said:

If the Sun warmed, if the Moon illuminated, if Raven Voronovich helped me to collect grains: for the Sun I would give my eldest daughter, for the Month - the middle one, and for Raven Voronovich - the youngest!

The old man began to collect - the Sun warmed, the Moon lit up, and Raven Voronovich helped to collect grits. The old man came home and said to his eldest daughter:

She got dressed and went out onto the porch; The sun pulled her away. He also ordered the middle daughter to dress well and go out onto the porch. She dressed and went out; Month grabbed and dragged away the second daughter. And the younger daughter said:

Dress well and go out on the porch.

She dressed and went out on the porch; Raven Voronovich grabbed her and carried her away.

‎ Old man and says:

Go to visit your son-in-law.

Went to the Sun here he came. Sunshine says:

What to feed you?

I do not want anything.

The sun told his wife to make pancakes. Here's the wife made it. The sun sat down in the middle of the floor, the wife put a frying pan on it - and the pancakes were fried. They fed the old man. The old man came home, ordered the old woman to cook pancakes; he himself sat down on the floor and ordered to put a frying pan with pancakes on himself.

What will they bake on you! - says the old woman.

Nothing, - he says, - put it, they will bake it.

She did; no matter how many pancakes stood, nothing was baked, only sour. Nothing to do, the old woman put the frying pan in the oven, the pancakes were baked, the old man ate.

‎ The next day the old man went to visit another son-in-law, to the Moon. Came. Moon says:

What to feed you?

I, - answers the old man, - do not want anything.

A month flooded a bath about him. The old man says:

The raven set up the ladder and climbed up with the old man. Raven Voronovich put him under the wing. As the old man fell asleep, they both fell and killed themselves.

Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman, they had three daughters. The old man went to the barn to take grains; he took the grains, carried them home, but there was a hole on the bag: the grains poured and poured into it.

Came home. The old woman asks:

- Where is the grain?

- And the grains all spilled out.

The old man went to collect and said:

- If the Sun warmed, if the Moon illuminated, if Raven Voronovich helped me collect grains, for the Sun I would give my eldest daughter, for the Month - the middle one, and for Voron Voronovich - the youngest!

The old man began to collect - the Sun warmed, the Moon illuminated, and Raven Voronovich helped to collect the grains.

The old man came home and said to his eldest daughter:

She dressed and went out on the porch; The sun pulled her away.

He also ordered the middle daughter to dress well and go out onto the porch. She dressed and went out; Month grabbed and dragged away the second daughter.

And the younger daughter said:

- Dress well and go out on the porch.

She dressed and went out on the porch; Raven Voronovich grabbed her and carried her away.

The old man says:

- Are you going to visit your son-in-law?

Went to the Sun here he came.

Sunshine says:

- What to treat you with?

- I do not want anything.

The sun told his wife to make pancakes. Here's the wife made it. The sun sat down in the middle of the floor, the wife put a frying pan on it - and the pancakes were fried. They fed the old man.

The old man came home, ordered the old woman to cook pancakes; he himself sat down on the floor and ordered to put a frying pan with pancakes on himself.

- What, they will bake on you ?! says the old woman.

- Nothing, - he says, - put it, they will bake.

She did; no matter how many pancakes stood, nothing was baked, only sour.

Nothing to do, the old woman put the frying pan in the oven, the pancakes were baked, the old man ate.

The next day the old man went to visit another son-in-law, to the Moon. Came.

Moon says:

- What to treat you with?

“I,” the old man answers, “I don’t want anything.

A month flooded a bath about him.

The old man says:

- It will be dark in the bath!

And a month for him:

— No, light, go.

The old man went to the bath, and the Moon stuffed his finger into the hole, and that's why it became light and bright in the bath.

The old man evaporated, came home and tells the old woman to heat the bathhouse at night.

The old woman drowned; he sends her there to bathe. The old woman says:

- It's dark to soar!

"Come on, it'll be light!"

The old woman went, and the old man saw how the Moon shone for him, and he himself went there - he cut a hole in the bathhouse and stuffed his finger into it. And in the bath there is no light at all! Know the old woman shouts to him:

There is nothing to do, she went, brought torches with fire and evaporated.

On the third day the old man went to Voron Voronovich. Came.

- What to treat you with? Voron Voronovich asks.

“I,” says the old man, “don't want anything.

- Well, let's go to sleep on the saddle.

Raven put up the ladder and climbed up with the old man, Raven Voronovich put him under the wing.

As the old man fell asleep, they both fell and killed themselves.

Fairy tale questions

Why is this story so called? Who is she talking about?

Where does the fairy tale begin?

How did the old man's three daughters get married to the Sun, the Moon and Raven Voronovich?

Who do you think the old man liked visiting? And who didn't like it? Why?

What did you laugh at when you listened to the story?

About the fairy tale

Fairy tale "The Sun, the Moon and Raven Voronovich" for children and adults

A funny tale about the Sun, the Month and Raven Voronovich captures the reader from the first lines. Only a simple village peasant always has a bag with a hole, and millet or barley will surely wake up along the path to the house. And then the story revolves around this ordinary incident, and leads the main characters to other small worldly adventures.

The most interesting thing on the page with a fairy tale is colorful humorous illustrations. Talented artists were able to portray the characters and events in the original Russian style and complement the narrative with bright paintings with a subtle satirical note.

The story with funny illustrations is sure to please both children and their parents. You can put on a little fun performance in kindergarten, in a school class or assign roles to the children and play a theatrical performance in a cozy home environment.

Let's take a closer look at the amazing characters from the Russian folk tale:

Old man - the main notable character. For the fact that the Sun, the Moon and the Raven helped him collect the lost grain, he promised them to give his daughters as wives. The old man kept his word, the girls went out on the threshold and flew into the sky with their newly-made betrothed.

Old woman - the old man's wife, reproaches and scolds her husband for various stupid deeds. But when her husband orders her to bake pancakes on her head or sleep on a perch, the old woman meekly obeys, showing respect for her husband and head of the family.

Sun - the husband of the eldest daughter of the old man. The son-in-law invited his father-in-law to visit and treated him to pancakes, which he baked right on his head. No wonder, the sun is hot, and pancakes were obtained from the heat, from the heat. The old man tried to repeat the same thing, and he and the old woman were left hungry and cold.

Month - the husband of the middle daughter of an old man. He called his dear father-in-law to visit and offered to take a steam bath. It was dark in the steam room, and the bright Moon shone into his hole with one index finger. When the old man decided to repeat such a trick with the old woman, nothing happened, and the old woman had to bathe in complete darkness.

Voron Voronovich - the husband of the youngest daughter of the old man. He also received the closest relative of his wife in his house. The father-in-law wished to sleep with his son-in-law on a tree, and Voron Voronovich guarded the old man's sleep all night with his large wings. Grandfather liked it, and he decided to invite the old woman to perch in the shed. But nothing happened, the old men could not sleep on the pole, like a cockerel and a hen, and they fell down at night from a thin perch.

A book with unusual characters large print recommended for reading at night. If the kids can’t read yet, then you can ask grandma or grandpa to tell a fascinating story before going to bed. simple story meaningfully teach children not to repeat after others, so as not to get into a mess and not cause mocking smiles from their little peers.

To consolidate the impression after reading the fairy tale, the children together with their parents can watch with funny puppet characters.

He poured cereal into a bag and carried it home. And there was a hole in the bag, the grits were pouring out of it and pouring.

The old man went to collect cereals.

He collected and collected, he was exhausted, and he says:
- Eh, if the Sun warmed, if the Month shone, and Voron Voronovich helped me to collect cereals, so I would give my eldest daughter for the Sun, the middle one for the Month, and the youngest for Voron Voronovich.

Here the Sun warmed the old man, the Moon shone,

The old man returned home and said to his eldest daughter:

She got dressed, went out on the porch -

And the old man said to the youngest daughter:
- Dress well and go out on the porch.

The old man and the old woman began to live alone.

Here the old man is bored and says: “Let me go and see my daughters!”

Went first to the Sun. The sun met him and says:
- What can I feed you, father?
- Yes, I would eat pancakes!

Here the wife spread the dough, the Sun sat down on the floor, the wife put a frying pan on it, pancakes and baked. The old man ate his fill.

The old man came home and said: “Pecky, old woman, pancakes!” The old woman spread the dough, she wanted to melt the stove, and the old man sat down on the floor and ordered to put the frying pan on his bald head.

- Yes, they won’t bake on you! - says the old woman.
- Do not argue, - the old man replies, - baked!

She put the frying pan on his bald head. Pancakes stood until late in the evening - but they were not baked, they just turned sour.

The next day the old man went to visit his second daughter. The Moon was delighted and said: “What can I treat you to, father?”
“I don’t want anything,” the old man replies, “If only I could take a steam bath from the road!”

A month flooded the bathhouse for him. The old man says:
- It's dark in the bath!

And the Moon answers:
- Nothing, go, it will be light!

The old man vanished and went home. As it got dark, he ordered the old woman to heat the bathhouse. The old woman melted. The old man sends her to bathe, and the old woman says:
- Yes, how am I going to bathe? It's dark out there!
- Go, go, it will be light!

The old woman went, and the old man saw how the Moon shone for him, and he went there too: he cut a hole in the wall and stuck his finger into it.