The name of the youngest daughter of Ilya Lagutenko. Where does Ilya Lagutenko live

The leader of the Mummy Troll group has long become a serious adult and boasts not only a successful career, but also a rich personal life, the secrets of which he does not really like to share with journalists

He never suffered from a lack of fans - girls fell in love with Ilya quickly, and already in his school years he could boast of victories on the love front. The future rock star met his first wife Elena Troinovskaya on the Vladivostok embankment, where he sat with a rod and fished. Then he was only nineteen, and ahead of him was waiting for service in the army.

In the photo - Ilya Lagutenko with his first wife

The first wife of Ilya Lagutenko

Elena came to him at his place of service, and he was so in love that he was always afraid that the girl would not wait for him. However, it soon became known that Lena was expecting a child, so Ilya's fears were immediately dispelled, and after returning from the ranks of the armed forces, he immediately married. Soon the couple had a son, Igor, and a restless time came for the wife of Ilya Lagutenko - the spouse studied at the Far Eastern State University as an orientalist and went on an internship to China, then to the UK, in addition, he began to restore his group, therefore Ilya had little time left.

When Lagutenko arrived in London with his wife and son, at first they had to rent an apartment, and Ilya worked for a company that invited wealthy Moscow directors to various conferences, but the agency soon ordered to live long. His wife is an ichthyologist by profession after Lagutenko became a popular musician, retrained as a group manager.

Personal life then faded into the background for him, and on the first there were endless tours and crowds of fans. The wife of the Mumiy Troll frontman loved him very much and tried to surround him with care and attention - no matter how much Ilya came home, a cooked dinner was always waiting for him, and she never went to bed without waiting for him to come. Lagutenko also loved his wife, but could not resist his fans and often started romances with them. Elena Troinovskaya endured her husband's stormy life for six years, but in the end they parted. Then Ilya had an affair with the Moscow party girl Nadya Skazka.

A few years later, in order to take revenge on her ex-husband, Troinovskaya became the manager of the Brothers Grimm group - the main competitor of Mumiy Troll, and helped her new wards with the recording of a new album.

The second wife of Ilya Lagutenko

After parting with his common-law wife Nadya Skazka, Ilya met model Anna Zhukova. In the past, she is a gymnast, was a member of the Russian national rhythmic gymnastics team, at the age of thirteen she became the winner of the French Open.

In the photo - the wife of Ilya Lagutenko Anna Zhukova

Later, Anna got into a modeling agency and, together with her sister, also a model, went on the Paris catwalks for some time. Soon after the wedding, Anna Zhukova gave birth to a daughter, Valentina-Veronica, and a year later another daughter, Letizia, was born. The children of Ilya Lagutenko were born in London, then they lived in their own house in the Moscow region, and in June 2012 the musician and his family moved to Vladivostok, where a residential complex was being built according to his own project. The new home of the musician and his family consists of two residential buildings of 345 square meters each, one of which has a fully equipped recording studio, which Lagutenko is very proud of. He sold a house in New Riga in the Moscow region.

The leader of "Mumiy Troll" admitted that after the birth of children, his priorities shifted towards their interests. He and his wife love to travel, to visit exotic countries, and everywhere they take their daughters with them, and Lagutenko tries to spend all family holidays with his family.

He says that he and his wife try to be understanding parents and not miss out on what their children are interested in. Ilya also communicates with his eldest son Igor, who has already graduated from the university and has become a sports manager.

Biography of Ilya Lagutenko

Ilya Lagutenko was born in Moscow on October 16, 1968. He was not even a year old when his father died, and then the mother of the future star moved from the capital to her native Vladivostok, where she again married the sea captain, who replaced Ilya's father.

Lagutenko graduated from high school with an in-depth study of the Chinese language and was very musical from childhood, and even founded his first group "Bonnie Pi" in the lower grades, in addition, he was a member of the children's choir, with which he toured many cities of the Soviet Union.

Ilya Lagutenko organized his famous group in 1983, when he was fifteen years old, but for a long time the team could not achieve any success, and for several years nothing was heard about the group. After school and service in the Pacific Fleet, Ilya entered the Far Eastern State University with a degree in Oriental and African Studies, which he graduated in 1992.

For several years he worked as a consultant for various companies and traveled to China and the UK for work. Only in the late nineties did Mumiy Troll release the album Morskaya, which instantly became super popular. Next came another album "Ikra", also highly appreciated by critics. Once again, the band began releasing new discs every two to three years, many of which have been translated into English and sold in the United States as mini-albums.

Ilya Igorevich Lagutenko. Was born on October 16, 1968 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian rock musician, leader of the Mumiy Troll group.

Father - Igor Vitalievich Lagutenko, architect.

Mother - Elena Borisovna Kibitkina, fashion designer.

Has a sister - Maria Kibitkina.

His paternal grandmother, Veronika Iosifovna Tur, taught at Moscow University. Grandfather - Vitaly Pavlovich Lagutenko - Belarusian by nationality, architect, Hero of Socialist Labor, author of the famous project of residential buildings of the K-7 series (also known as "Khrushchevs").

Has Polish roots. His great-grandfather, a Polish nobleman, emigrated from Poland to Russia during World War I, twenty years later he was shot by the Bolsheviks on charges of "Japanese-German-Polish espionage" in the seaside town of Artyom in 1937. In memory of his great-grandfather, Ilya keeps silver cufflinks. The maternal great-grandmother was also from a Polish family who moved from China to the Far East, after the war they lived in Magadan. The grandmother was born in Magadan, like his mother.

Sister - Maria Kibitkina.

The boy was not yet a year old when his father died tragically during an unsuccessful operation to remove appendicitis. After the death of his father, he and his mother moved to her homeland - to Vladivostok.

“Although I was born in Moscow, Vladivostok is the first thing I remember ... My mother was a young and beautiful blonde student. And my father, Igor Vitalievich Lagutenko, was an architect. When he died, I was only six months old. After his death, they took me to Vladivostok, where our family lived at that time. And my grandmother put a lot of effort into ensuring that I develop correctly, "he recalled.

He studied at the secondary school No. 9 with in-depth study of the Chinese language, demonstrated success. He sang in the children's choir, in which he toured the country a lot.

In childhood and adolescence, he was fond of rock, in particular, his favorite bands were Queen, Genesis and Pink Floyd.

Already in his school years, Ilya Lagutenko founded his first musical group - "Boni Pi".

After school, he entered the Far Eastern State University, graduating from the Oriental Faculty with a degree in Country Studies (Oriental Studies and African Studies). He defended his diploma on "Development of the border economy between Russia and China."

In 1983 he organized a rock band "Moomin Troll", later renamed to "Mummy Troll".

He served in the ranks of the Red Banner Pacific Fleet.

Trained and worked in China and Great Britain as a translator and consultant for commercial firms. So, from 1991 to 1996, Lagutenko was a commercial advisor in China and London.

The Mumiy Troll group resumed its activities in the late 1990s. On April 24, 1997 the album "Morskaya" was released. The album became one of the best-selling albums in 1997.

Such songs as "Utekay", "Girl", "Vladivostok 2000" became hits.

Mumiy Troll - Vladivostok 2000

Building on their success, the Mumiy Troll group released the Ikra album, which was also well received by the public.

Also, Ilya Lagutenko re-recorded his early songs of the 1980s, releasing in 1998 a disc called "Shamora". This is how the hits "Alien Guest", "Hello, Pops!", "Do Me Right, Mom" ​​and others appeared.

Many of the band's songs have been translated into English and released in the United States in mini-album format.

Ilya Lagutenko also works in cinema - as a musician ("The Book Thieves", "Dunno and Barrabass") and as an actor ("Night Watch").

Mumiy Troll - From scratch

In 2009, Ilya co-wrote the music for the track "Intentions" and, as a vocalist, took part in the recording of the second album of Automatons, an American electronic artist / sound producer of the Universal Music Group, Svoy. The album was released in the United States and Japan, where it peaked on the Billboard Top Independent Albums chart. In 2010, the album won several Independent Music Awards categories in the United States.

In early 2013, Ilya Lagutenko was awarded the Order of Merit for Vladivostok, first degree. Also in 2013, he founded a new international festival V-ROX (Rock of Vladivostok), designed to bring his native Vladivostok to a new musical international level.

Ilya Lagutenko's special style of clothing has been repeatedly noted by the glossy magazines Glamor and GQ.

Mumiy Troll was the first in Russia to support the PSI AIDS organization. Member of the Board of Trustees of the Batani Foundation.

Ilya Lagutenko is Russia's representative in the International Tiger Coalition.

The musician also writes books. In particular, he published a trilogy for family reading "Tiger Stories". “I grew up in the Far East, and the tiger is our main totem animal. There is Tigrovaya Street in Vladivostok, and urban legends say that these animals sometimes walk the streets. So all Primorye residents treat tigers with respect. "There is an album called" Amba ", which in the language of the Udege, one of the indigenous peoples of the Far East, means" tiger "," he explained his interest in tigers.

The growth of Ilya Lagutenko: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Ilya Lagutenko:

First wife - Elena Troinovskaya(born May 5, 1963), an ichthyologist by profession. They were married in the period 1987-2003.

On May 17, 1988, the couple had a son, Igor Ilyich Lagutenko, a rugby player, coach, music tour manager, producer.

Second wife - Anna Zhukova(Born 1979) gymnast and model. They got married in the winter of 2008.

The couple had two daughters: Valentina-Veronika Ilyinichna Lagutenko (born in October 2008), her family name is Vivi, and Letizia Ilyinichna Lagutenko (born in June 2010).

He lives in Los Angeles with his second wife and two daughters.

Filmography of Ilya Lagutenko:

2002 - Azazel - song performance
2004 - Night Watch - vampire Andrey
2004 - The Book Thieves, Musician, Music
2004 - Dunno and Barrabass - music
2005 - Day Watch - Music
2006 - Space Flight - Music
2006 - Signs of Love - Music
2006 - Peter FM - music
2007 - Paragraph 78 - song performance
2008 - Radio Day - cameo
2008 - Kung Fu Panda - Russian voice acting, master Monkey
2008 - More Ben - Music
2008 - S.S.D. - cameo, music
2009 - Margosha - music
2009 - Love in the City - Music
2009 - At the game - music
2010 - The Diamond Arm-2 - cameo, music
2010 - Love in the Big City-2 - music
2013 - Ku! Kin-Dza-Dza - music

Dubbing by Ilya Lagutenko:

2016 - Moana - Tamatoa sea crab

Discography of Ilya Lagutenko:

1985 - New moon of April
1990 - Do Yu Yu
1997 - Marine
1997 - Caviar
1998 - Shamora
2000 - Exactly mercury aloe
2002 - Meamura
2004 - The Book Thieves
2005 - Merger and Acquisition
2007 - Amba
2008 - 8
2010 - Rare earths
2012 - Vladivostok
2013 - SOS to a sailor
2015 - Pirate copies
2016 - Moana

Bibliography of Ilya Lagutenko:

2009 - “The Book of Wanderings. My East "
2012 - Vladivostok-3000. Film Story about the Pacific Republic "(co-authored with V. Avchenko)
2012 - "Tiger Stories"

Because of cheap show-offs, Mumiy Troll broke his collarbone. And he parted with the first woman after a shameful drunk betrayal

Because of cheap show-offs, Mumiy Troll broke his collarbone. And he parted with the first woman after a shameful drunk betrayal

He burst onto the Russian stage in the early 90s with the memorable refrain "My dear is beating, blazing in ecstasy, Vladivostok-2000". Thus, forcing the country to doubt that the main forge of rock musicians is in the Urals or in St. Petersburg. However, in fact, Ilya rarely and reluctantly remembers his small homeland. In the Primorsky Territory, he visits no more often than in other cities during his touring tours. Our special correspondent Asya CHEPURINA gladly visited the places of the rocker's broken youth, where she learned a lot of interesting things about Ilya.

School # 9 with advanced Chinese studies does not seem to be elite. Junior schoolchildren cut circles along the shabby corridors, plaster is falling from the ceiling, the walls have long been in need of overhaul. It was here that he spent 10 whole years of his life. Photos of completely different characters hang on the honor board - mainly officials of the Vladivostok administration, who also graduated from this alma mater. Although the "mumika" is, of course, remembered here.

In Moscow, for some reason, everyone thinks that all of Vladivostok should know how Ilya studied here, how he hung out, '' the former class teacher of our hero began from the doorway. Lydia Kolyagina... - And Ilya in childhood was not a noticeable child. He studied so-so, did not have enough stars from the sky. True, he knew Chinese well, so he entered the institute to study oriental studies. Frankly, I don’t remember that he wrote poetry or music as a child. Unless he always sang in the boys' choir - he really liked it. But even there he never performed solo. It's a pity that Ilya doesn't come to see us. I really want him to help his native school, even if he would buy desks for the children. We taught this student here for 10 years. And now he is building mansions for himself, but he does not remember us at all ...

Yes, the musical career of the future rock star began with a children's choir. One of the most memorable impressions for young Ilya was a trip to the Baltics. There, by the way, he experienced the first sexual experience in his life. Their teacher, ich, took the boys to swim, but out of ignorance, they all wandered into the nudist beach. Former neighbor and friend of Ilya, Pavel Mentyukov, said that this adventure became the main topic of discussion for several months.

Toad on a diet

Do you know who raised Lagutenko? Granddad Anatoly Ivanovich Savchenko! His father, alas, died early - after an unsuccessful operation to remove the appendix. Even before Ilya could remember him.

Grandfather was the rector of the Far Eastern Technological Institute (now - Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service). From this position in the distant 70s he was transferred to teachers because of the parents of one student, who gave someone a bribe for the admission of their unlucky offspring.

As they recall at school, the grandfather came to all parent-teacher meetings and helped Ilya with mathematics, physics and chemistry, with which the guy was not friends. But in physical training Ilyusha had solid “fives”. And he was very worried when in the ninth grade he broke his collarbone and was released from classes by three quarters. He received an injury due to a fashionable hobby - skate. Once, performing another trick in front of the girls flapping their eyelashes admiringly, the future rock idol fell on his back so that his grandfather had to urgently take him to the emergency room.

I don’t know what the girls found in it ... He was as tall as a bird, a huge mouth, not erudite. The guys and I called him a toad on a diet, - shared Valery Priluga, who studied with Lagutenko in a parallel class. - He did not take offense at us - he only laughed. Another would have cleaned his face long ago, but this one only giggled into his fist.

... the guy is doing promotion. And just as funny as dad. Photo:

In high school, one beauty fell in love with Ilya. She was a little older than us and a girl like that ... with experience, as they say. I drove up to Lagutenko competently, but he did not react to her very much - he had another one. Elka. I didn't hold the candle, but it seemed like she was his first woman, - my childhood friend Pavel Mentyukov told me. - Once that girl invited us to celebrate the New Year. We arrive: a sumptuous table with different salads and fried chicken. And Tanya herself (like that was her name) - in an erotic mini-skirt and a translucent blouse, under which her huge breasts sway. She was hoping for a romantic night, apparently. And Ilyukha and I did not come empty-handed, namely, with a crowd of friends. Lagutenko also pinned Elka. Obviously, everyone was a little drunk and noisy. In general, Tanya soon kicked us all out of the house. Freezing in the yard for about an hour, we returned. And they played it like an adult. Towards morning, Tanya and Elya found their idol on some red-haired burglar, which, for some unknown reason, ended up in that hut. Of course, this did not have a positive effect on their attitude towards Ilya.

And after a while, Lagutenko met with Lena Troinovskaya, who soon became his first wife.

He himself was not eager to go to the registry office. The second year is the most haymaking, you know, - the former friend of the rocker smiled meaningfully Stas Vorobyov... - But the girl's parents insisted on marriage. When we accompanied Ilya to the army, Lena was already walking with a carriage in which little Igor was lying.

Daughters Letizia and Vivi LAGUTENKO calls princesses. Photo:

Mother-in-law is not offended

Ilya's first marriage collapsed with the beginning of his musical career. Lagutenko's love was wildly enraged by his wife. And when a Moscow party girl appeared in his life, and newspapers began to write about this, Elena filed for divorce. Soon, however, he left the Fairy Tale for a model Anya Zhukova... With her they have been together for nine years. The couple have two daughters - seven-year-old Valentina-Veronica and five-year-old Letizia).

I will never believe that Ilya could change. He very quickly gets carried away and just as quickly cools down to women, - Mentyukov confidently declares. - It has been and will always be so. I am absolutely sure that the story with Anya is not for a lifetime. He's an unpredictable guy.

Before meeting Ilya, my daughter met with a Moldovan athlete, - once told Express newspaper Valentina Zhukova, mother-in-law "mumika". - Nice guy, such a strong fighter. It seemed to me that he was a good match for Ani. And then the daughter announced that she was marrying Lagutenko. My son-in-law is a busy man, and it would be foolish to take offense at him. I respect the choice of my daughter, because she is an adult, accomplished person. I am a happy grandmother and mom. Besides Anyuta, I have three more children. All my guys go in for sports. I am a gymnastics coach. And my husband, who, unfortunately, died very early, was the world champion, winner of the Volleyball Cup Winners' Cup. And Anyuta has achieved good results in rhythmic gymnastics. She was a member of the national team. At the age of 13, she won the French Open. She never had to work out through force: a purposeful, hardworking child. In addition, what is important for an athlete, she has never had problems with being overweight.

According to Valentina Vladimirovna, her eldest daughter got into the modeling business by accident. Say, while studying in St. Petersburg, she and her sister Nina were spotted at some event by the head of the Art Model agency and offered to try.

Ideal husband

The career of the Zhukov sisters developed rapidly. First, Nina, and after her, Anya went to work in Paris. The girls lived in a tiny apartment on the outskirts of the fashion capital and participated in prestigious fashion shows.

Anya had to deal with the ill will of her envious colleagues more than once. Sometimes comic situations also happened. For example, at one of the shows, she took to the podium in a skirt that Anina accidentally grabbed, and Zhukova had to stomp after a mulatto in one bikini. Another time she suffered from the Ukrainian model. Khokhlushka allegedly accidentally put on her lace panties. And Anya went out in public in ordinary knitted underwear.

At that time, Zhukova complained that the agency gave each model only 500 francs a week ($ 70). It was not easy to live with this money in Paris, and when there was no work, I had to limit myself in everything.

From time to time, Anya visited St. Petersburg, where she continued to study at the Academy. Lesgaft, and did not refuse any hack. In May 2005, for $ 500, she starred in the video of the group "Tea for Two" for the song "You Are Not Alone". A rumor immediately passed that the soloist of the group had an eye (and not only) on a charming girl. Gossips said that Kostyushkin was seen with Zhukova even before filming. And they met on a plane flying to New York.

When Ilya and Anya began to live together, they immediately agreed that the past is the past. And the point!

I am the best husband and father. Ideal. Honestly! - Ilya likes to repeat to journalists with his trademark mysterious smile.


In childhood Lagutenko wrote fantastic tales about alien monsters and adored the Kiss group.


* Great-grandfather of a rocker from an intelligent Polish family. Emigrated from Poland to Russia during the First World War. And in 1937 he was shot on charges of "Japanese-German-Polish espionage." In memory of his great-grandfather, Ilya keeps his silver cufflinks.

Mummy Troll still remains the idol of millions of women, not only within Russia, but also abroad. Still, many will have to be disappointed, who claims to his heart, the artist is married.

The wife of Mummy Troll is from Chita. Anna Zhukova is the Russian rock musician's second wife, she is 11 years younger than him. The couple have two wonderful daughters - Letizia and Valentina-Veronica. Letizia recently turned 5 years old, and Vivi (as her parents and relatives affectionately call her) will turn seven this year.

Lagutenko's first wife, Elena Lagutenko (Troynovskaya), was also from Vladivostok, like her husband. Unfortunately, the couple did not manage to protect their long-term relationship and they had to divorce. They have been together since 1987. After their 16-year marriage, they have a joint son, Igor Lagutenko, who recently turned 27 years old.

Anna Zhukova, the singer's second wife, was born in 1979. She, like her own sister, Nina Zhukova, began her career in the modeling business. Until now, sisters are popular models in Russia. In addition, Anna Zhukova managed to get the title of a top model.
Lagutenko's second wife was also a gymnast. Her mother, the singer's mother-in-law, is now retired, and earlier she was an honored coach of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation in rhythmic gymnastics. So, Anya Zhukova already from childhood knew what stretching and exhausting physical activity are, but thanks to her mother, she was able to develop a strong spirit in herself. She performed at many championships, both in Russia and abroad, took good places, received certificates and awards.

After school, Zhukova studied at the National University of Physical Education in the Northern Russian capital. In her student years, she also tried herself as a model. Anya was lucky in her career business, she was often invited to fashion shows, advertisements, etc. Within a few years, the future wife of Lagutenko became a top model and at the same time the pride of Russia.

In her younger years, having gained success at home, Zhukova decided to try her luck in Paris, where her younger sister Nina had already firmly established herself in the modeling business. In the fashionable capital, Anya also enjoyed great success. She has been the face of several fashion publications. In addition, she was gladly invited to fashion shows of such famous brands as Chanel, Roberto Cavalli, Christian Dior and others.
When Anna came back to her homeland, she also did not forget about sports. For a long time she was the head of one of the editorial offices of the famous Russian magazine "Bolshoi Sport".

Ilya Lagutenko is a Russian rock musician who is today called the voice of a generation. The group he founded in the mid-90s literally ascended to the Olympus of show business, despite the fact that it was denied "format" for a long time.

Childhood and youth

The boy was born in Moscow in the family of the architect Igor Vitalievich Lagutenko and his wife Elena Borisovna, who was a fashion designer. When Ilya was only six months old, his father was appointed, in general, a simple operation to remove appendicitis. But something went wrong, and the man died after an unsuccessful procedure.

Mom and her child went to their hometown of Vladivostok, where Ilya Lagutenko's conscious childhood and youth passed. Elena Borisovna remarried to the sea captain, who was raising a guy, replacing his father. In the new family, the boy has a sister, Maria.

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Ilya Lagutenko in his youth

Lagutenko studied at a school with in-depth study of the Chinese language and made tangible progress in mastering this complex subject. Already at that time, the boy was interested in music. Ilya founded the first group in elementary school, calling the group "Boni Pi". In addition, the boy performed in a children's choir, with which he toured with concerts in many cities of the Soviet Union.

After school, Ilya entered the Far Eastern State University, where he specialized in oriental studies.

The young man, who became famous, was founded in 1983, but the ensemble was originally called "Moomin Troll" in honor of the characters in a children's fairy tale by the Finnish writer Tove Jansson. But since the group for a long time could not achieve anything serious, Ilya once exclaimed in his hearts: "We are not Moomin, we are real mummies." This is how the name Mumiy Troll, which later became world famous, was born.

Personal life

Despite his short stature (168 cm with a weight of 60 kg) and a non-standard appearance, the musician has always enjoyed success with the opposite sex.

The first time Ilya got married in his youth, when he lived in Vladivostok. The wife was Elena Troinovskaya, an ichthyologist. In this marriage, a son, Igor, was born, named in honor of the musician's father who died early. Later Igor became interested in playing rugby and became a coach. His interests also include music - he started producing.

The relationship between Ilya and Elena lasted until 2003. The reason for the couple's separation was the singer's new romance with the capital's secular lioness and fashion designer Nadya Skazka. Subsequently, the musician was credited with fleeting hobbies with representatives of the fashion industry.

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Ilya Lagutenko and wife Anna Zhukova

Stability in Ilya's personal life came after meeting with his current wife. At the end of 2007, the singer met a gymnast and model Anna Zhukova. After a while, they played a wedding, and then the couple had a daughter, Valentina-Veronica, whose parents call Vivi for short, and little Letizia. The Lagutenko family with children once lived in Los Angeles, now they spend most of their time in Jurmala.

Ilya's main hobby is writing. The first work “The Book of Wanderings. My East ”can be considered the memoirs of the“ Mumiy Troll ”group. The second book "Vladivostok-3000" is a fantastic story about the Pacific Republic.

The last work "Tiger Stories" is written in the form of a trilogy about the life and adventures of the Amur tiger. The publication was published with the support of the Russian Geographical Society. By the way, Ilya Lagutenko is a member of the International Coalition for the Protection of Tigers, in which he represents the interests of the Russian Federation.


The first magnetic album in the discography of the Lagutenko group with the former name "Moomin Troll" "New Moon of April" was released in 1985. A few years later, the release of "Do Yu-Yu" took place.

Musical activity "Mumiy Troll" resumed in the late 90s. And the first album after the revival, which was called "Marine", made a splash. The disc was named the best-selling disc in 1997, and the songs "Utekay", "Girl", "Vladivostok-2000" sounded literally from every window. The heyday began in the creative biography of the musician.

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The singer re-recorded the early songs of the 80s and released them under the name "Shamora". Then the hits "Alien guest", "Hello, pops!", "Do me for sure, mom" got a new life. In 2001, Mumiy Troll was honored to represent Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest. According to the voting results, Russian musicians took 12th place.

In 2008, the eighth album "8" was released, which gained fame thanks to the tracks "Oh, Paradise!", "Fantasy", "Youth". A video clip was created for the song "Contrabands", which is considered to be a new word in the history of music video creation.

Mumiy Troll - "Contrabands"

Swedish director Bjorn Tagemos recreated the illusion of double movement: a projection was used with the image of moving objects, which itself was set in motion. This technique later entered the practice of clip-makers and filmmakers.

In 2016, together with the members of the Mumiy Troll group, the singer recorded the English-language album Malibu Alibi. The musician also released a documentary film "SOS Sailor", the material for which was collected during a round-the-world voyage on the ship "Sedov".

In 2017, the Mumiy Troll group and Ilya Lagutenko began recording new songs that were included in an album called SeverozapadKhVostok, which was released a year later.

Ilya Lagutenko now

Now the creative career of Ilya Lagutenko continues to develop rapidly. In 2019, the Mumiy Troll group made a large tour of the cities of Russia and North America with the SEA X NORTHWEST program.

In Russia, the musicians became headliners of the Wild Mint, Stereoleto and Invasion rock festivals. Lagutenko, after a short break, resumed the activities of the V-ROX EXPO showcase festival, which changed its format in 2019.