Separation of one room into two zones. Living room and bedroom in one room: zoning a room into a bedroom and living room, only convenient ways

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How to divide a room into zones without additional walls? We know several ways that successfully cope with this task without depriving the fenced space of natural light, which is so important. The issue of dividing into zones is relevant for both small apartments and large rooms that serve as a living room, kitchen, and bedroom, depending on the layout and wishes of the owners. Movable partitions that can be moved and moved give residents the opportunity to change the interior at any time. Let's see how you can divide the space.


An easy and practical way is to set up a large stand and fill it with books, vases, plants and other essential items that are always looking for a place in the house. The stand can be tall and go straight up to the ceiling.

The bedroom is separated from the rest of the space by a bookcase with a conditional entrance. This solution is suitable if there are no children at home: in the end, the parent's bedroom should be enclosed, if possible.

Another example with a ceiling hanger, but only half. This method visually divides the room, but leaves the impression of a single space. And light always penetrates a lot.

Also, the stand can be low, only conditionally divides the space. This piece of furniture is conveniently transferred to the wall, if necessary, restoring the integrity of the room.


Curtains usually divide the bedroom space in studio apartments. This method is not suitable for all interior styles. Scandinavian and ecological styles, as well as eclecticism, are the most harmonious. Does not accept his minimalism, art deco, classic.

In a 46 m2 Swedish one-room apartment in Gothenburg, the bedroom is also separated by curtains.

Bar counter.

This type of partition is very popular when separating the kitchen from the living room. With this bar, you can safely watch TV, preferring the sofa.

Designer Elena Ostapova placed a partition that acts as a TV stand on one side and a bar counter on the other.


The look is classic and popular. Partitions are now offered in a wide variety: sliding, textured, transparent, on wheels. A decent section can be chosen in any style. The only negative is not so easy to make out if he is tired.

Sliding partitions are a great invention that saves valuable meters. He wanted - he created an extra room, he wanted - he removed all obstacles. Sliding partitions, as shown in the picture, are made on the principle of a fan and have single or double rails. Partition walls on rails are, of course, more durable and stable, and also provide better thermal and acoustic insulation. Soundproofing is especially important when there are children at home.

An interesting type of partitions is glass: it visually enlarges the space, leaves it open and bright, although it also has the function of sound and heat insulation. Do not be afraid of such partitions. The situation in which you stumble upon this and break into millions of fragments is almost impossible. Such walls are made of special tempered impact-resistant glass, the thickness of which can reach two centimeters. In any case, such a separation is not the best idea if there are small children at home who may not notice and suffer. However, if you have decided on this, you can pay attention to frosted glass or make only the upper part of the partition transparent. Of the minuses - the impossibility of hanging the image (although we know how to do it without nails!)


Screens, as a piece of furniture, appeared a very long time ago. They were invented in the east and actively used there, and the fashion reached Europe only in the seventeenth century. The screens in the bedrooms served as a partition for changing clothes. Now mobile compartments are increasingly moving from the bedroom to living rooms and serve not only as a practical, but also as a decorative element.

There are even screens with hooks and clothes hangers that always solve current storage problems.

Well, we liked the mirror screen the most. It really visually expands the space.

In the conditions of modern apartments, people too often have to combine several functions in one room at the same time. For example, a bedroom can be used as a resting place, an office and a dressing room at the same time. That is why many people worry about how to properly divide a room into two zones so that it is comfortable and beautiful.

Figure 1. Scheme of a drywall partition.

Numerous interior publications and similar television programs often talk about the trendy spatial development of the room. But we often talk about large bedrooms. How to divide a room if its area does not exceed 10 m2? If you approach this problem creatively and draw a diagram of remodeling, the problem may well be solved.

Techniques to help divide the room into zones

To divide a room into 2 zones, you can use the following tricks:

  • division into zones using stationary barriers (for example, drywall);
  • use of sliding or moving partitions (screens, curtains);
  • separation with furniture;
  • visual zoning.

Before dividing the room into two zones, outline the future view of the room. Consider where the TV or dressing table is located. And only then choose the option of dividing into zones. Because each of the above methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Image 4. Screens made of light natural fabrics perfectly transmit light and air and do not visually reduce the room.

  1. Visually divide the room will help only one small architectural element. It can be a semi-circular, small stand or a short and short barrier. A two-level ceiling will look no less impressive. Most importantly, the boundary between the zones is clearly visible.
  2. Try to arrange both zones in the same color scheme. Contrasting solutions, of course, look very stylish. But not every person can think of such an interior.
  3. Combine the zones with an element that connects both styles used. It can be separate floors, the design of one of the walls, "suitable" for both the design and the large ceiling chandelier.

In any case, use neutral, soothing tones for the kindergarten and adult areas. Remember that in this room you live not only you, but also your child. For the same reason, do not overload the bedroom with "children's" elements. All you need is a funny bedside lamp and one picture above the baby's bed.

Well appointed bedroom and office

With the help of furniture, you can divide the room into two independent parts. Such a division into zones in a room belonging to a teenager is especially important. Because this requires two separate areas: a place to relax and work. The easiest way to do this is to use a bookshelf. But you must choose it correctly.

Attention should be paid to lightweight structures consisting of strips or thin pipes. For example, as shown in Figure 3

Screen drawing for dividing a room.

Shelving racks should be high. It is extremely important that the books do not litter them completely, allowing access to sunlight from the window. More or less at the height of the chest of a person standing on a stand, it is more reasonable to place small items: a collection of miniatures, sports prizes and memorabilia. Heavy and bulky volume is best to clean down.

To provide convenience in the workplace, you should not only fence your computer or desk. Otherwise, this part of the room will look like a feather. Place a chair, floor lamp, or small corner sofa next to it. Take the TV out of the bedroom and equip the office with a place to relax and watch programs. This technique will make the room more comfortable and discipline the owner of the bedroom.

Not only bookshelves are used as partitions. To do this, a large cabinet will fit on the same TV. And if the room belongs to a girl, you can arrange it using a dressing table with a large mirror. The final decor can be done with curtains.

Premises for zoning using mobile partitions

The easiest way to divide a room into 2 zones is to use mobile partitions. They include screens and all kinds of curtains. For example, as shown in Figure 4

If you prefer to zone a room like this, follow these tips:

  1. Use light sheer fabrics. They move light and air around without making the room look smaller.
  2. Do not forget to repeat the pattern on the curtain or screen in other details of the bedroom decor. From the same or a similar fabric, you can sew pillowcases, chair covers or repeat the ornament in a decorative wall element. But a separating curtain and curtains on windows made of the same material are not worth it. This solution only "reboots" the space.
  3. I prefer natural fabrics. They are easier to care for, they do not become static and do not attract dust.
  4. Make sure the shade can be moved to the side and the screen can be removed. Stationary partitions, even the lightest ones, sometimes get in the way.
  5. Do not use curtains in bedrooms. Their knocking can interfere with proper rest.

But no matter how you decide to divide the room, remember that the bedroom should be comfortable. Do not get carried away by fashion solutions, but choose the design to your taste.

Many families struggle with a lack of living space. After all, you need a lot of money to buy a big house, so you'll have to "squat" in a two- or one-bedroom apartment for generations at a time. In this situation, it will help the proper exploration of space. This technique can be used in any part of the apartment - kindergarten, bedroom, dining room. As a result, you can get two functional rooms instead of one room. How to properly divide a room into two zones will be discussed in the next article.

Spatial development methods

In what situations is the division into zones in apartments most often used? There are several goals:

  1. Divide the area of ​​​​one room into separate segments with different functional purposes. A striking example of such a division into zones is the separation of the kitchen area from the dining or living room.
  2. Create a zone of personal space in the room for several family members. For example, the ability to divide a children's room into two zones can be very useful. It is suitable for a family with two teenagers, because children of this age need a lot of personal space.
  3. Providing elements of spatial development (podium, sliding systems) in order to mislead the expansion of space.

In the above cases, it is not advisable to use empty walls, because they only visually reduce the room. But all sorts of options for partitions will be an excellent way out of this situation. They can be mobile and stationary, and also made of various materials.

To divide rooms into zones, you can use:

  • textile products;
  • screens of various types;
  • sliding partitions (for example, glass);
  • podium on the floor and elements on the ceiling;
  • plasterboard partitions and suspended partitions.

1 - podium in the room; 2 - sliding partition; 3 - screen in the room

It is worth considering the latter option in more detail, because it is drywall, which is most often used to divide space in an apartment.

Share a room with hcl

Drywall refers to materials that are absolutely necessary in the renovation process. Thanks to this, you can not only build and level walls, create false ceilings, but also create openwork partitions.

All this is possible due to several advantages of hl:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • simple installation;
  • reasonable price;
  • possibility of bending and cutting;
  • the presence of a wide range of deaf options (moisture-resistant, fire-resistant, superlists) that are suitable for almost any room;
  • relative lightness and strength.

Of course, buying and inserting a wooden screen is much easier. But do not forget that if you divide the space with drywall, you will get almost an entire wall. He can supply soundproofing, install lighting, build shelves and niches. This design can give almost any shape and finish to most materials available.

Thanks to all the above arguments, we can conclude that partitioning rooms with a drywall partition is the best way to change the lives of all family members for the better. In addition, this task can be done by hand and at no significant cost.

Required materials and markers

The structure will consist of two main elements - a metal frame and drywall sheets. For this purpose, you can use both standard material (hl) - Figure 1, and super sheet (gwl) - Figure 2.

There are several ways to crop a single frame:

  • one layer;
  • two-layer;
  • Three-layer;
  • single layer lining with super sheets;
  • double layer lining with super sheets;
  • three-layer lining of super sheets and steel sheets.

Mineral wool is usually used as a filler for sound insulation.

The process of dividing a room into several zones using drywall sheets can be considered using the example of a single-layer single-layer shell construction. It will consist of several stages:

  • budgeting and purchasing the necessary materials;
  • tags;
  • assembly of a metal frame;
  • installation of sound insulation, wires;
  • sheathing sheets hl;
  • finishing.

To install you need:

  • drywall;
  • CW profiles (guides);
  • profile UW (riser);
  • pins;
  • TN screws;
  • Set;
  • primer;
  • seam tape;
  • sound absorbing material.

Not without tools. To install, you will need a puncher, a screwdriver, a hammer, metal scissors, a measuring tool, a laser level, a pencil, a screwdriver, a knife.

The process of managing a room using the hl section starts with markers. First determine the location of the future wall and place the axis of the barrier using tracing. Then the marks are transferred to the walls, and their location is controlled by the level.

Simple zoning technology

Once selected, do the following:

  1. Install guide profiles on the floor and ceiling with dowels. They must be glued to improve sound insulation. Each profile must be fixed with three pins (at least).
  2. Rack profiles are mounted at a distance of 0.3 to 0.6 m from each other using rivets.
  3. Plasterboard covering. HL is mounted vertically with TN screws. Important: the seams between the sheets must fall on the metal profile. Otherwise, construction will not continue.
  4. Laying communications and soundproofing.
  5. Hide the other side with HL sheets.

Pay special attention when dividing rooms into zones using drywall, include fittings in the places of future doors (or other heavy elements). If the opening width exceeds 900 mm and the weight of future doors exceeds 25 kg, additional UA profiles, wooden beams or shelving profiles must be used.

After the installation is completed, there remains a number of works on finishing the surface of the partition. To do this, close the seams between the sheets, treat the surface with a primer and pierce. After the surface is completely dry and leveled, the most pleasant part of the repair appears - the decorative finish. At this stage, the results of painstaking work become visible, and the room begins to take on a residential look.

The material on how to make two or more zones in a room will be an indicator for those who have problems with limited space. It would be interesting to know how to create curly partitions correctly and what is needed for this?

Proper layout of the apartment gives you great advantages. This statement is suitable for both large apartments and small one-room apartments or studio apartments. In areas of large apartments, the ergonomics of furniture and household appliances is important to create a cozy and welcoming image. Small apartments, in which households are often forced to share space, require a competent approach, because every meter counts. How to divide a room into two - our selection of professional tips.

Currently, visual design methods are used when expanding housing, taking into account the area and location:

  • Entrance door
  • opening a window or more
  • availability of a kitchen or area reserved for catering needs.

Separation of zones in the apartment

Modern developers often sell apartments with minimal finishes, and a one-room apartment in a new building will be quite large. Finishing options visually change the size of the room, so when choosing a partition in the form of a plasterboard wall or other type of partition, you should consider the colors of the walls, furniture, textiles and areas in which you plan to divide the room as needed.

If the owner lives alone, he will need at least:

  • recreation area (usually located in a fairly bright place, closest to a natural light source - a window, a loggia);
  • dining room (this is either a separate equipped kitchen, or a corner equipped with household appliances and a high-quality exhaust hood to prevent the smell from cooking the entire apartment);
  • sleeping area (this place should be located as far as possible from the door, often the place to sleep is in the far corner from the entrance and window, but to get natural light in this area, a partial barrier or a barrier with transparent, rare elements is used).

For those who work from home, you need a separate workplace. It can be organized using glass partitions with blinds (they will have important features: sound absorption and light transmission).

Methods for the spatial development of an apartment

To divide a room, several ways are used to divide the space:


drywall, glass, metal, wood, internal elements such as partitions, textiles.


For apartments with a large area, allowing the use of massive structures.

Dividing into zones using textures and colors

In small apartments there are carpets, wallpapers, frescoes, decorative walls made of metal, plastic and wood.

If the landlord lives alone

Everyone needs comfort, even if he lives alone. An apartment with a small surface will look respectful if its zoning is done using glass partitions. What are their benefits:

  • They are environmentally friendly and safe because they are made of special tempered glass.
  • Visually expands the space due to complete transparency.
  • For the design of any type of room (full or partial filling with a partition), options are available with MDF filling, laser engraving, paintwork or decorative stickers.
  • They are stationary and sliding (with open ceiling or accordion).

A glass partition through infill or blinds can limit visibility, so in an apartment where there is no bathroom, wastewater can be drained into the room by installing fixed barriers that will save space in the room due to the lack of large walls and give it a modern look. ,

When it comes to designing space for a private office, lounge area, or designing a kitchen and living room (kitchen and dining area), the many options for glass bays create beautiful and out-of-the-box solutions. Glass partitions with photo prints, designs, decorative stickers, etc. look elegant and remain secure.

If the family lives in a small apartment

When the circumstances of creating a full-fledged family must be tense at a distance of about forty meters, the solution is to make all family members comfortable, and the apartment had a modern and prestigious look, there is none.

There are general rules for dividing into small apartments.

First of all, don't use massive elements for the section. There will also be suitable options that will allow you to expand the kitchen by connecting it to the hallway by dismantling the auxiliary walls.

Secondly, give priority to thin openwork partitions that allow light from natural light to spread further into transparent structures or completely without them. They can be made from a variety of materials, from glass to metal, creating a fully filled wall or a partially filled structure.

Thirdly, the color scheme should be light, which will help visually expand the space. Even if there are several colors in the interior, they should not contain large geometric shapes, they should be opposed to each other.

How to divide the living room and kitchen into a small apartment

In addition to identical printed or patterned glass partitions, sliding or fixed, spaces can be divided into zones using partial partitions. If the building plans allow it (it is forbidden to dismantle the load-bearing structures!), you can partially relax the visual space by combining the living room and kitchen, placing a countertop or cabinet on the rest of the main wall.

Devices in the form of sliding partitions on rails or sliding screens help to change the space if necessary.

In addition, you can use a stable construction in the form of a plasterboard wall, inside which the LED TV is installed on brackets, which allows you to rotate it around its axis. This will allow you to watch it from the side of the kitchen or living room, or from the side of the sleeping area.

How to separate the living room and bedroom in a small car

In addition to glass partitions, you can use furniture in the space. Put a cabinet or decorative shelf with plenty of compartments that will fit books, vases and various indoor items. Textile elements can act as partitions: ropes or ropes stretched from floor to ceiling, vinyl curtains, ordinary curtains on rings or loops, screens, etc. Ordinary metal partitions made in openwork forging will make the room light and airy.

How to divide a room into two zones: for children and adults, if there are children in the family

In this case, a children's area should also be provided. For one child, a sleeping place and a playground (or study) in your room will be comfortable. There are many options for designing partitions for artistic, bright animation or other children's themes. The children's area can be limited and with different textures of carpet or floor coverings. For example, opting for a long-pile laminate rug or a thin monochrome rug will make the children's area stand out and cozy.

If there are children of different sexes or children of different ages in the house

To deal with one small area to make children feel comfortable and the corner was divided into two, it will not work. But a full room dedicated to children is quite affordable.

How to share a room with one window

If the room is narrow, you can set up sleeping places next to each other on the same wall and equip the learning area for the older child closer to the window, and for the younger one further from the window. If the room is wide, you can give each child a place against the wall, equip each of them with a desk or table by the window, and put shelves in the middle of the room. In the latter case, you can use a partial partition, that is, without reaching the ceiling.

The same method applies to every room that has a seating area and workspace or bed. Light from a window can be diffused almost without barriers. Partial separation gives the impression of separate zones, but this does not add a shadow.

A few more photos of how to share a room

How to divide a room into zones without building additional walls? We know of several ways that successfully accomplish this task without depriving the enclosed space of natural light, which is so important. The issue of space zoning is relevant both for small apartments and for large rooms, which serve simultaneously as a living room, a kitchen, and a bedroom, depending on the layout and desire of the owners. Mobile partitions that can be moved and rearranged give residents the opportunity to change the interior at any time. Let's look at what ways to divide space exist.


An easy and practical way is to set up a large shelving unit and fill it with books, vases, plants and other essentials that are always looking for a place in the house. The rack can be high and reach right up to the ceiling.

The bedroom is separated from the rest of the space by a bookcase with a conditional doorway. This solution is suitable if there are no children in the house: after all, the parent's bedroom should be fenced, if possible.

Another example with a rack to the ceiling, however, only half full. This method visually divides the room, but leaves a feeling of a single space. And a lot of light always penetrates.

Also, the rack can be low, only conditionally dividing the space. It is convenient to move such a piece of furniture to the wall, restoring the integrity of the room if desired.


Curtains, as a rule, separate the bedroom space in studio apartments. This method is not suitable for all interior styles. Scandinavian and eco-style, as well as eclecticism, most harmoniously make such a decision. They do not accept his minimalism, art deco, classics.

In a Swedish studio apartment of 46 m2 in Gothenburg, the bedroom area is also separated by curtains.

Bar counter.

This type of partition is very popular when separating the kitchen from the living area. From this bar you can safely watch TV, preferring it to the sofa.

Designer Elena Ostapova put up a partition that serves as a TV stand on one side and a bar counter on the other.


The look is classic and popular. Partitions are currently offered a great variety: sliding, textured, transparent, on wheels. A decent partition can be chosen perfectly for any style. The only negative is that it is not so easy to dismantle it if it is tired.

Sliding partitions are a great invention that saves precious meters. I wanted - I created an additional room, I wanted - I removed all the obstacles. Sliding partitions are, as you can see in the picture, folding like a fan, and there are single-rail or double-rail ones. Partition walls on rails are certainly more durable and stable, and they also provide better heat and sound insulation. Soundproofing is especially important when there are children in the house.

An interesting type of partitions is glass: it visually enlarges the space, leaves it visually open and bright, although it also performs the functions of sound and heat insulation. You should not be afraid of such partitions. The situation in which you stumble upon it and it will break into millions of pieces is almost impossible. Such partitions are made of special tempered, shock-resistant glass, its thickness can reach two centimeters. In any case, such a partition is not the best idea if there are small children in the house who may not notice it and suffer. If, nevertheless, you decide on it, then you can pay attention to frosted glass, or make only the upper part of the partition transparent. Of the minuses - the inability to hang a picture (although we know how to do it without nails!)


Screens, as a piece of furniture, appeared a very long time ago. They were invented in the east and were actively used there, and fashion came to Europe only in the seventeenth century. The screens in the bedrooms served as a partition for changing clothes. Now more and more often mobile partitions are moving from bedrooms to living rooms and serve not only as a practical, but also as a decorative element.

There are even screens with hooks and clothes hangers, which solves the ever-relevant storage issue.

Well, most of all we liked the mirror screen. This is what really visually expands the space.


How to divide a room into two zones- this question is often asked by the owners of studio apartments and apartments with a free layout, but it is also relevant for small apartments where you need to combine 2 completely different zones in one room.

If the interior of the room is designed in the same style, then it is quite difficult to place 2 zones in it with different purposes. But designers advise not to give up, because even in a small room you can create an interior that will harmoniously combine, for example, and.

A radical way of dividing into two zones

You can divide the room with a partition. It is not necessary to make a brick wall (if you do not need additional soundproofing between rooms), you can divide one room into two using drywall mounted on a metal frame.

However, you should consider that this solution is not suitable for small rooms. A small area, divided into 2 even smaller parts, will deprive your rooms of functionality, make them uncomfortable and more reminiscent of technical rooms than the residential part of the apartment.

This solution is not suitable for most studio apartments, since the charm of such apartments is precisely in the absence of additional walls. You will “steal” valuable square meters from yourself, but you will not achieve positive results.

The main methods of zoning an apartment

If you want to install a partition in a large room, then pay attention to the windows. It is advisable to install a partition so that at least one window remains in both zones.

In some situations, such a solution is impossible, and one of the rooms is left without natural light. In this case, it is best to make a partition of colored or frosted glass, which can isolate the room, but will let in light.

Mobile partitions for zoning

The advantage of this method of zoning space is that you can always make redevelopment in accordance with your desires and needs. Partitions are different. So, for example, partitions on an aluminum frame can completely delimit the space from floor to ceiling (at the same time, they are not “tightly” attached to the base, which allows them to be moved or removed). You can choose the design of the partition yourself, making it more transparent - glass or “deaf” from plastic and even laminate. Partitions with photo paintings will be an excellent interior solution. This stylish design element will not only help zone the space, but also give your room an unusual look.

If you want to enclose part of the room so as not to reduce its size, then use a screen. Since the screens come in different heights, you can choose one that will cover the second area (usually the sleeping area), but at the same time leave free space from the end of the screen to the ceiling. Thus, it is this uncovered part that will allow the room to look whole.

You can make a suitable screen with your own hands, it's not difficult at all. The screen caracas must be made from slats of suitable length, fastening them together with nails and corners. Paint the slats and connect them together into a screen, fastening with hinged loops. You can stretch absolutely any fabric on the frame: plain or patterned, silk or linen. The choice of fabric, color and pattern depends on the interior of the main room. Don't forget the legs for your screen.

Shelving for room zoning

This method of zoning rooms is very popular among designers. The installation of shelving helps not only to clearly distinguish between different zones, but also adds functionality to the room. On the shelves of the rack you can place books and flowers, vinyl records and your favorite magazines. There is a place for photos and souvenirs brought by you from different countries. Try to choose an unusual shape, then the border between the zones will not seem so sharp.

Color for dividing a room into two zones

Zoning space with color is perhaps one of the simplest and at the same time complex techniques. It is available at the stage of apartment renovation. The main problem that owners face is the selection of suitable colors. Do not forget that the colors should be not only contrasting, but also well combined with each other. If you have chosen 2 colors from a cold and warm scale, then you will need more effort to achieve harmony between them.

In order for the zones not to look too “torn off” from each other, you can use various accessories. So, for example, choosing a warm orange color for the dining area and a cool sky blue for the living room, try to achieve the perfect combination between them. Place accessories in orange shades in the living room. It can be sofa cushions or a large fluffy rug, a table lamp with a shade, or even a picture with beautiful orange flowers. Appropriately, it is worth doing the interior design of the dining area. A blue tablecloth or dishes, a chandelier located directly above the table, chair seats - all these elements will connect two different zones into one beautiful room.

Room zoning by height

Space can be zoned not only with the help of flowers, visual zoning is also possible with the help of the height of the interiors. This method is also available exclusively at the stage of repairing the premises, as it requires thorough work. You can make two-level ceilings, each of which will correspond to a specific area. On the border of the zones, also draw a section on the floor. This is quite easy to do by combining different materials (tiles in the kitchen and laminate flooring in the dining area, for example). A more expensive, but also much more effective way is to create podiums. Such drywall constructions can transform a room beyond recognition.

But be careful not to use podiums in apartments with low ceilings, as they take away height, and you risk making the room very "short".

Dividing a room into zones - this issue often worries the owners of studios and open-plan apartments. This problem is also relevant for one-room apartments, where one room willy-nilly performs several functions. The task becomes more difficult if the room is small and designed in the same style. However, designers believe that even in this case, it is possible to create an interior that harmoniously combines several working functions (bedroom-living room, bedroom-study, etc.) without expensive redevelopment. The answer to the question of how to divide a room into two zones, you will receive by reading this article.

Features of a room divided into zones

Often the division into two sections is a necessary measure when there is not enough space. Competent division of the room allows you to create such an interior, when the lack of space is practically not noticed.

The most convenient way to solve this problem is when moving to a new apartment. The space, not yet cluttered with interior items, is perceived by the designer as a blank canvas on which you can draw anything you like. Oddly enough, but even in a small odnushka there are a lot of extra elements. For example, if you demolish the main partition between the room and the balcony, the room will become much more spacious. Naturally, the balcony must first be insulated.

In this case, the balcony room will not become a storage for unnecessary things. Here you can equip an office or a miniature dining room. You can delimit the balcony from the room after the demolition of the partition using a closet or a multi-level floor.

An excellent option for zoning a room is a niche. Here you can equip a sleeping place or a full-fledged dressing room, saving money on the purchase of wardrobes.

The choice of a specific method of dividing a room into functional zones is determined by such factors:

  • Room footage;
  • Functional purpose and scenario for the use of allocated spaces;
  • The location of the door opening;
  • Number of windows.

Ideas and options for dividing a room into zones

Consider the most common ways to allocate functional areas in a room.


Dividing a large room with a partition is one of the most common ideas. It is not at all necessary to build a capital brick structure. There are much more "lightweight" options.

Stationary partition

The construction of drywall on a metal basis, plywood or OSB is one of the most popular solutions. However, for a small room this is not the best option. The already not too spacious room is divided into two very tiny parts. Naturally, the functionality of both zones will suffer from this. It is undesirable to use this option in studio apartments, since the main advantage of such premises is that there are no additional walls. The partition "eats up" precious space, and the result leaves much to be desired.

This method can be used if the room is spacious enough. It is advisable to install the partition in such a way that each of the zones has at least one window. Otherwise, one of the parts is deprived of natural light. To prevent this from happening, the wall is not made of drywall, but of frosted or colored glass. The rooms remain isolated, and the problem of using natural light is also solved. If the “room” that remains darkened is intended for a dressing room or workplace, only artificial lighting can be used. Placement of lighting fixtures in each case individually.

Arched and semi-arched structures allow minimizing space losses. The main advantage of this design is that the space of the walls and floor remains free. Often arches are made so that various things can be placed inside. It turns out a kind of mezzanine.

Sliding decorative partition

The peculiarity of the sliding structure is that the "wall" moves along two guides located on the floor and ceiling. Materials that are used to fence off zones:

  • Wood;
  • Drywall;
  • Plastic;
  • High strength glass.

The main advantages of this method include lightness, mobility, a minimum of space occupied. However, in terms of visual and sound insulation, this option is significantly inferior to stationary structures.

decorative screen

The use of decorative screens is justified if you need to divide the room into parts for a short time. Using a screen, you can separate a desktop, a baby's crib or a place for changing clothes from the rest of the space. You can buy a screen or make your own. For the frame, a metal profile or wooden planks are used. Finishing, as a rule, cloth. To get a folding design, use special loops.

As a rule, the weight of the screens is small, so they can be moved, folded and re-deployed as needed. A beautifully made product not only carries a functional load, but also serves as an interior decoration.

So, the advantages of using screens are as follows:

  • Minimum cost for making a structure with your own hands or buying a finished product.
  • Mobility. The screen can be moved from one place to another without much effort.
  • Variety of design solutions. This makes it possible to use screens in rooms designed in various styles.
  • The possibility of increasing the functionality of the product by equipping it with pockets and shelves.
  • Choice of dimensions and number of frames.

Separate folding and single-screen screens. The latter create the effect of a small mobile wall.

Glass partitions

If until recently glass partitions were used only in sophisticated design interiors, today this option is very popular. First of all, because of the convenience. The glass product serves not just as a partition, but is also a self-sufficient piece of decor. Their main advantages include:

  • Compactness. The profile of the false wall is very narrow, so it does not take up much space.
  • Security. To distinguish between the premises, high-strength glass is used, which does not break into fragments, and therefore is not traumatic. In addition, glass does not contain harmful substances and is therefore considered an environmentally friendly material.
  • Moisture resistance of the material. This makes it possible to use the material in rooms with a high level of humidity (for example, to separate a bathroom and a bathroom).
  • Aesthetics. The use of various glasses: frosted, stained glass, with photo printing allows you to create unique interiors.

The disadvantage of glass products is the complexity of transportation and transportation, due to the increased fragility of the material.

The choice of partition design depends on the style of the room. For example, for high-tech or minimalist interiors, screens on a metal frame or all-glass are best suited. For a classic style, a combination of glass with natural wood is used. Stained glass windows are mainly used in living rooms, dining rooms or kitchens. The original solution is a radius design. Its scope is as follows:

  • Allocation of the island zone in the kitchen;
  • Delimitation of the dressing room from the bedroom;
  • Use of an empty corner.

Using curtains to divide into zones

Zoning a room with curtains gives the room extra comfort. In addition, this is a budget solution that does not require expensive repairs. As a rule, curtains are used to separate the sleeping area or an individual workplace. It is impossible to separate the kitchen area with curtains, as textiles quickly become dirty and absorb odors.
To zone a room in this way, you will need:

  • Curtains;
  • Cornices on the ceiling;
  • guide rails;
  • Hardware set;
  • Tacks.

It is advisable to use durable and dense textiles in combination with thinner translucent fabrics. Ribbons or twisted cord are used as pickups. Shades of fabrics should be chosen so that they echo the colors of other interior elements. A good idea is to use roller blinds, Japanese or Roman blinds, blinds. Often, a private area is separated by the likeness of an old canopy. This allows you to bring fabulous, palace notes into the modern interior.

Curtains do not have to be textile. Exotic products made of shells or bamboo look beautiful and unusual. More simple, but effective variations are the use of a curtain of their beads or muslin. Curtains help to visually smooth out the flaws in the layout.

Furniture zoning

Furniture, correctly placed in the room, helps to divide the rooms into separate zones. So the bar counters successfully separate the kitchen from the living room.


You can zone a room using a wardrobe or bookcase from a furniture set. Alternatively, you can make furniture to order, taking into account the required dimensions. The requirements for cabinets are as follows:

  • Structural stability.
  • Convenient door opening system. To save space, use sliding compartment doors. The doors of a small cabinet may well be hinged.

The benefits of using cabinets for zoning include:

  • Separation of a walk-through room with the effect of a separate room.
  • Additional function (as a storage system).
  • Implementation of various design solutions by decorating the back wall of the cabinet.

However, the use of a classic wardrobe as a partition has its downsides. For example, this is the need to decorate the back wall, which, as a rule, does not look very attractive (the cabinet is designed to be installed near the wall). It is convenient to use a mirror as a decorative element, which allows you to visually expand the corresponding area. In addition, the heavy construction clutters up the room.


The use of shelving is a favorite way of zoning among Western designers. Visually, the rack does not look like a partition, but performs a specific function. On it you can place books, interior decorations, photos, indoor plants. Unusually shaped furniture helps smooth out the differences between areas.

The advantages of open shelving partitions include:

  • Effective division of a room into two rooms without the need to install a solid partition.
  • Convenience of storage of things (books, souvenirs, toys).
  • Translucency and, as a consequence, no clutter effect. This makes it possible to use natural light for both areas.
  • Versatility, the ability to use for any interior style and in any room: living room, hallway or kitchen.
  • Affordable cost of construction (both finished furniture and materials for self-manufacturing of the rack).
  • Ease of maintenance, reliability, durability.
  • Mobility. If you equip the structure with wheels, the improvised wall can be easily moved from one place to another.

Among the shortcomings, the instability of the structure can be noted (it must be additionally fixed to the floor and ceiling). This is especially true if the family has kids and (or) pets. In addition, open shelves get dirty quickly, so you have to wipe them often.

There are such types of racks-partitions:

  • Transformer. Sections can be installed in different ways.
  • With closed boxes.
  • Shelves installed by "ladder".
  • Mobile design with wheels. It is mainly used in small apartments and for short-term separation of rooms.
  • Cylinder - rotating furniture.
  • Lattice construction. Allows you to separate the hallway from the room.
  • Rack-pedestal.
  • Designed with glass inserts. A convenient option for families with children, allowing you to control the child without invading personal space.

Sofas, chests of drawers and other low furniture

The following options are possible using low furniture:

  • TV cabinet located in the center of the room. A TV device equipped with a special bracket can be rotated in different directions.
  • Sofas installed with end parts to each other. On the one hand, it turns out a recreation area, on the other - a dining room or a sleeping place. This combination is especially appropriate in a rectangular room. If space allows, you can divide the room with a custom-shaped island sofa.
  • The combination of a sofa with an open shelving helps to effectively zone the room without the use of heavy structures.

Separation with color

Using different colors is a good option for cramped apartments, such as Khrushchev. Space is so small that even the most compact partition gives the impression of clutter. The solution to the problem is visual zoning. The following options are possible:

  • Wallpaper (or paint) of various tones and (or) textures.
  • The combination of photo wallpaper with plain finishing materials.
  • The use of a variety of combinations of natural or artificial stone, decorative plaster or tiles.

This method is available at the stage of apartment renovation. For all its seeming simplicity, color differentiation is fraught with many difficulties. Of course, the main problem is the harmony between the colors. To prevent the selected zones from creating the impression of isolation, it is useful to use accessories. For example, the dining area is designed in yellow colors, and the living room - in blue. Yellow sofa cushions, a picture or a lamp under a sun shade will help tie the two zones together. Similarly, in the dining room, you can use blue dishes or a sky-hued chandelier.

Sometimes color zoning is used in conjunction with other methods of dividing a room.

Luminaires play one of the key roles in dividing rooms into functional areas. A room divided by pieces of furniture or partitions, with only one lighting fixture, looks rather ridiculous. Therefore, floor lamps, wall and ceiling lamps are mandatory accessories for zoning living space.

The principle is that each site has its own, separate lighting. To implement this, in general, is simple: it is enough to provide each zone with a “own” sconce, pendant or floor lamp. Here are some specific examples:

  • Hanging lamp above the dining table, highlighting the dining area.
  • Accent lighting: lighting for furniture and paintings, table lamps for the work area and floor lamps for the recreation area.
  • Illumination of natural niches or ceilings with LED bulbs.

Separation by different finishing materials

This solution is great for a small apartment, where there is simply no room for additional furniture. Especially often use different floor coverings. The boundary between the functional zones is the junction between the materials. Can be used for zoning and various wall coverings. For example, combine wall painting and wallpaper. It is possible to use decorative plaster, liquid wallpaper and other materials.

Popular rooms requiring zoning

Consider the most common combinations of functional areas in different rooms.

Living room - bedroom

It often happens that the same room simultaneously serves as a hall and a bedroom. The main criterion for choosing a method for delimiting zones is the available furniture. For example, if a sofa serves as a sleeping place, then you can use a partition with an arch, multi-level floors and ceilings, as well as different colors.

If a bed is used as a sleeping place, then a more thorough delimiter will be needed:

  • Stationary barrier. In this case, it is not necessary to build a plasterboard or plywood structure from one wall to another. It is enough that the place to sleep is hidden.
  • Sliding system.
  • Cornice and curtains.

An excellent solution, although somewhat laborious, is the construction of a podium. In addition to the delimitation of zones, this is a functional detail of the interior. The most common option is to equip it with drawers for placing bedding, children's toys and seasonal items. An even more original solution is an additional pull-out bed.