What are the flights of stairs? We disassemble parts of the stairs: what is a tread and what is a march What is a riser.

The staircase is inherently the central component of the flight design. It is used to arrange the rise to the floor. In private houses, the issue of designing such a structure can be approached from different angles. It is important to distinguish between the main types of stairs and understand the principles of their construction from various materials.

The concept of "flight of stairs"

So what is a flight of stairs? Such a structure is a set of steps fixed on load-bearing elements located between the landing of the staircase.

A staircase march in a house can consist of both simple ordinary steps and run-in steps. They differ in their appearance, dimensions and installation principles. All this must be taken into account when drawing up a work plan and developing a design. In addition, depending on the materials used, different principles of connecting the elements can be applied.

In order to better understand the essence of the issue, it is important not only to understand what a marching structure is, but also to distinguish between their types and specific characteristics. It is necessary to consider in more detail the possible configurations of such stairs and the options for the materials used.

Staircase on a concrete base lined with wood

March configuration

The main criteria for dividing such structures into separate types are their structure, appearance and the principle of connecting the elements. A staircase march can be performed in one of the following options:

  • Single... The basic design, which consists of a sequential set of steps. The anchor points are the ground on the first floor and the floor on the second floor.
  • Complicated... Such a staircase essentially consists of two or more single flights. The beginning and end of the structure are determined by the sites of the first and second floors. Additional platforms are installed in between. They allow you to make a turn, take some of the load on themselves and make it easier to climb long stairs.

The construction of staircases is the type of work that has become in demand not only in large-scale construction of high-rise buildings, but also in low-rise construction. It is in this direction that the construction of flights of stairs acquires a variety of species, and various materials are used for construction: reinforced concrete, metal, wood.

Stairways in cottages are a whole direction in design. Stairs are the decoration and style of the home. The variety of configurations of flights of stairs in the construction of cottages is almost endless. The combination of all the parameters of staircases and areas allowed by GOST creates a lot of staircase options. The main parameters of the flight of stairs: angle of inclination, height, width, number of steps.

Staircases can be basement, attic, interfloor or basement. The configuration of flights of stairs is subdivided into: straight, turn-in and turn-in with a platform.

A straight flight is one of the simplest options and is suitable for large, spacious homes as it takes up a lot of space. The greater the angle of inclination, the more convenient and dimensional the ladder. With a slight angle of inclination, the staircase becomes "steep" and is more suitable for mansard or attic spaces.

Swivel flights with winder steps create an original design. For small houses, they are the best option - they create space savings. Run-in turns are added to a straight row of steps, and a flight of stairs can have several turns of 45 degrees or more.

Swivel staircases with platforms are staircases with a direction change of 90 or 180 degrees. The landing connects the flights of stairs. This is a complex configuration that can have one or two sites in different variations.

Concrete, iron and wood are the basic materials for staircase structures. Metal, as a rule, is combined with wooden elements: railings, steps. Forged flights of stairs are often installed.

Wooden structures are the most popular in private houses. Any daring idea can be brought to life from wood. The variety of stairs shows that an ordinary staircase can take completely unexpected shapes.

The staircase occupies an important place in the house, it is its decoration and is usually located in the center of the living room or opposite the front door. There are several types of these structures, but they all have common components that unite them. These common elements include march, tread, bowstring, riser and stringer.

What is stair tread

A tread is the part of a step that you step on. It comes in certain sizes, which are calculated based on several ergonomic indicators. If you do it already, people will fall down the stairs. If the tread is too large, it is uncomfortable to walk on it, you have to take a wide step. The most optimal size of this part is 25-40 cm. The leg of an adult man can freely fit on a surface of such a width.

What is a riser

The riser is the second part of the step, it is located vertically below it. These elements are not only constructive, but also decorative. Often, to make them stand out against the general background, they are painted in a color several tones brighter than other details. Their height should not exceed 18 cm, otherwise, when walking, you will need to raise your leg too high. Smaller parts will also not add convenience to the structure, it is easy to trip over it. The tread and the riser are important parts of the staircase, on which not only its appearance depends, but also its safety during operation. The most comfortable riser-to-tread ratio is 15-30 cm.

Craftsmen of the PK BLK company create only ladders that are comfortable to use for cottages. Reliability and durability are guaranteed by the manufacturer. The design is developed using the latest finishing technologies, so all products are unique and luxurious. You can get acquainted with the range of manufactured products at http://www.pk-blk.ru/lestnicy-dlya-kottedzhej/.

What is a flight of stairs

All staircases consist of flights of different lengths. If there are sites, then there will be several, otherwise there is only one march. Then it is considered the entire staircase from the entrance to it to the descent. This term means a certain sequence of steps together with a stringer or bowstring. In other words, a march is one flight of stairs. Most structures of this type are single-march or double-march. There are also multi-march climbs. They are installed in spacious houses with high ceilings. With the correct arrangement of such a structure, the length of its site is equal to the size of one march. A person, going down or climbing such a ladder, will be able to rest between flights and take a breath.

What is a ladder string

The bowstring is the load-bearing part of the staircase; it consists of two inclined long beams, in the grooves of which the steps are fixed. The advantage of these parts is that they cover the steps from the side, giving them more safety. These beams provide high strength to the entire system as a whole due to additional tightening of the bowstring beams between themselves. Small children and pets can play safely on the stairs without the risk of falling or dropping the toy. But not all staircases have a bowstring, there are simpler, but no less interesting rises with stringers.

What is kosour stairs

Kosoura are load-bearing beams, the upper edge of which follows the shape of the steps. The treads are fixed precisely on these details. Such staircase designs look lighter and more graceful. They are installed even in small rooms, as they do not take up much space. A distinctive feature of these stairs is that the balusters holding the railings are mounted directly into the steps. Kosoura are often made of several parts and fastened together with strong fasteners. This gives them additional reliability and allows them to implement various design solutions.

The shape of stairs with a bowstring or kosour is different. Screw products are widely popular, they save space and have an original and unusual appearance. Straight and curved (rotary) models are also in demand, which are more monumental and tend to the classical style. Which one to choose depends on your imagination and aesthetic taste.

Without knowledge of special terms, it will be difficult to design a staircase on your own in the StairDesigner program. Therefore, we have collected all the most used "ladder" terms here.

Step- the main element of the staircase, it can have various shapes and bends. The steps are subject to the greatest stress during the operation of the ladder. There are several types of steps.

Starting stage- the very first rung of the ladder.

Winder steps- continuously arranged in a circle, allow you to smoothly climb the spiral staircase. They have a trapezoidal or triangular shape.

The steps have several parameters, for example:
Step height- the vertical distance of the upper planes of the steps.
Step width- the horizontal distance between the front edges of two adjacent steps.
Step step- the vertical distance between the upper planes of adjacent steps. It is advisable to make the step step smaller, thereby you will have to lift your legs lower when walking up the stairs.

in place with steps, there is often one more element:
Riser- this element covers the space under the step for protective and decorative purposes. The riser gives the structure greater rigidity; in modular staircases, a step is attached to it. Comfortable and safe height in the range of 15-18 cm between adjacent steps.

Tread- the horizontal plane of the step, or in other words, this is the horizontal distance between the front planes of adjacent steps.

Intermediate platform- located between flights of stairs.

Flight of stairs- connects the platforms of the stairs, consists of beams and steps, has an inclined position.

The middle line of the march- an imaginary middle line that passes through the middle of the flight in straight staircases. Alternatively, an imaginary centerline at a distance of 40-50 cm from the axis of the rack for spiral staircases, or from the edge of the span for curved staircases.

Ascent angle of the flight of stairs- usually 30-45 degrees. This allows the stairs to be comfortable and to ensure safe movement.

Kosour- a bearing element of the staircase, in which steps are attached to the beams of the staircase from above.
Bowstring- an inclined element of the staircase, the supporting beam of the march, the steps are attached to it with their ends.
Both of these elements are calculated and manufactured for each staircase individually. As a rule, the blank for the base of the ladder should be glued from separate beams along the entire length (if it is made of wood). More stringers can be all-metal and prefabricated.

Handrail post (baluster)- a vertical element of round or carved stair railing. Functionally designed to protect against a possible fall, but at the same time, as a rule, it does not structurally hold the railing on itself, but only complements them. In addition, it has a decorative function.

Support baluster (pillar)- installed at the beginning and at the end of the flight of the stairs. This is the main element in the fence, it carries the entire load along with the handrail. It is necessary to securely attach the support post to the base. The support baluster can be angular, starting, turning, finishing.

Balustrade- a low staircase railing, consisting of balusters (figured pillars), connected by handrails and located along the perimeter of the staircase opening.

Fence height- the vertical distance from the step of the stairs to the handrail of the handrail.

Railings- assembled guardrail, consisting of handrails and vertical balusters. The main function of the handrail is to ensure the safety of movement up the stairs.

Handrail- an element of the stair railings on which we lean or adhere when going up or down the stairs. The handrails are located either on the racks or on the walls (if the flight of stairs is bounded on both sides by walls). The handrail is usually the same width as the baluster underneath.

Bolz- a pin connecting the steps. For the first time, the stairs on the bolts were presented by the German company Kenngott.

Ladder module- a building unit of a staircase that provides an ascent of one step. As a rule, the module is made of metal (rarely wood). The module may have the ability to adjust the tread and the step of the step. The module can be rotated relative to adjacent modules, which allows you to change the trajectory of the descent. Modular ladders are characterized by a high installation speed.

The stairs themselves are classified depending on the shape and number of flights:

Multi-flight ladder- a finished staircase, consisting of more than two flights.
Quarter-turn staircase- ladder with a 90 degree turn. Installed along adjacent walls.
Semi-turn staircase- type of staircase construction, where the turn between flights of stairs is 180 degrees.
Ladder " Goose step" or "Samba"- the steps are symmetrically located along the line of travel.