Anatoly Rybakov: Krosh's vacation. Krosh's adventures Krosh's vacation - retelling

Anatoly Rybakov

Vacation Krosh

The boy stares into the distance. What do his eyes see? Mysterious images are carried in children's dreams, like the songs of birds. But what have we done to ensure that the kingdom of fantasy is next to us forever?

Netsuke - a boy with a book

I will describe the events that took place in our house. I will also describe the events that took place outside our home.

I will write in the first person. That's what it's called in the literature. Instead of "he" say "I". Not “he went”, but “I went”, not “they hit him on the neck”, but “they hit me on the neck”.

My book will be edited - let, they say, the reader thinks that it was written by a real writer. If this is not done, then some books will be read, while others will not. And if it is edited, then they read everyone in a row and no one is offended.

There will be several heroes in my book.

They all live in our house. I know the residents of our house well - my conscious life passed in it. Since ten years. Now I'm sixteen. Only Kostya lives on another street. A little mysterious guy. He will walk around the yard with his suitcase, and that's it. And boxing gloves in the suitcase. Kostya is a boxer, a black, thin boy.

I met Kostya when Veen and Igor were just in the yard. And I, too, was just in the yard. I watched Veen wipe his Volga. Igor felt his chin and also watched Veen wipe the car. Before that, Igor got hit in the chin and now, taking care of his appearance, he felt him. For what and from whom I received, I will tell later.

Ween pointed to the spare tire.

- Shall we rise?

Igor was busy with his chin. I helped raise the wheel and tightened the nut on the holder.

- Why is your name Krosh? Wen asked.

Again, for the umpteenth time, I had to explain that my name is Sergey, and Krosh is a nickname shortened from my last name Krasheninnikov. Schools always shorten last names, especially one as long as mine. So it turned out "Krosh".

Explaining this to Veen, I thought that he probably had not read the story "The Adventures of Krosh" - it is described in detail there.

Then Kostya appeared, and we got to know each other.

- Shall we ride? Wen asked me.

- With pleasure.

- Where is Nora? Wen asked.

“Here she comes,” Igor replied, massaging his chin.

Nora in black fishnet stockings. These black stockings disgust me to look at. And her voice is hoarse from smoking.

Igor nodded at me:

- Krosh will also go.

- Are you sorry? I asked.

– Did I say something? Nora, did I say something?

Nora shrugged.

Nora and Igor left the tenth grade supposedly in order to earn seniority. In fact, they are too lazy to study. Nora walks around in black stockings, and Igor hangs around at Mosfilm, acts in extras, but he still won’t be credited for his production experience.

We raced along the Garden Ring. Passengers were watching us from the trolleybuses. Veen looks like a young professor: gray whiskey, white shirt with rolled up sleeves, tight trousers, black shoes. Nora sat beside him like a duchess. Kostya has the impassive face of a boxer who does not squint when he is punched in the face. Igor chattered as if his brother was going to give him his Moskvich. I just drove.

Veen is an art critic. I can't stand art historians, they interfere with listening to music, interrupt it at the most interesting place. And when a person on the radio mutters something in an indistinct voice, it is impossible to read or study... “Frederick entered the living room and said... Laura shook her head sadly... Ah, Frederic...” Mut! But Veen is an art historian in fine arts, and this is a completely different matter: art critics in art do not interfere with listening to music. In addition, Veen is a collector, collects art objects. And although I met him only in the yard, he did not seem to me a bright personality. Igor and Kostya carried out some of his instructions and let on such mystery that I was bursting with curiosity. This was the side of life that I did not yet know. I knew other aspects of life well, but this one was still weak and I wanted to get acquainted.

We turned off the Garden Ring and stopped in an alley near Gorky Street. Veen turned around and looked at Kostya and Igor. They got out of the car without saying a word. And Veen smiled at me. By his smile meant that I should stay. I stayed.

We sat in silence: me, Veen and Nora. Then Veen and Nora exchanged a few words. Since they spoke quietly, I did not listen.

In the ninth grade, a pop artist courted Nora, the scandal was for the whole school. Norina's grandmother, an honored social activist, summoned the bureau of the Komsomol organization; I was then a member of the bureau. At first we did not want to go, but then we went, taking into account the age of the grandmother and her services to the public. We stood in front of my grandmother like delinquent schoolchildren. Nora sat on the couch, smoking a cigarette and flicking the ashes into a pot of flowers. “If someone goes astray,” said the grandmother, “then the collective is to blame - they overlooked it.” When my grandmother was young, it was different ... But our educational work is weak, and we overlooked Nora.

Grandmother said that Nora's parents are busy people, honored artists, and she, grandmother, is also a busy person - she writes memoirs about Stanislavsky and other outstanding personalities. These memoirs are of great importance for the upbringing of the rising generation. And by not educating Nora, we prevent her from educating the younger generation. That's what kind of Benz the old lady gave us!

But she gave an even bigger Benz to the director of the stage. She gave him such a benz that the poor entertainer was sent on a long tour to the Fergana region.

Such parsley happened to Nora this winter.

Igor and Kostya returned. Without saying a word, they got into the car. Wen started the engine. Again along the Garden Ring we rushed back home.

In the courtyard, Ween said:

- Come to us.

Portraits, portraits, portraits... Grandees in caftans with lace frills and lace cuffs, tsarist generals in gilded uniforms, ladies with high hairdos, aunts in coats and bonnets, merchants in fur coats, similar to the great playwright Ostrovsky, girls with bows, boys in velvet suits...

Crowded close together were cupboards, cupboards, desks, secretaries, sofas, chaise longues, and card tables. Chandeliers on the ceiling. All of these, Ween explained, are old and valuable. There are even ropes on two chairs, as is done in museums, so that they do not sit on the chairs. I was surprised that Nora, Igor and Kostya sat down on such a valuable sofa. Nora even climbed up with her feet. I thought that this furniture should not be used. It turns out you can. You can not sit only in chairs tied with a rope - they are broken.

Nora smoked. Igor was sorting through the tapes, Kostya was leafing through the book. Well settled, do not say anything.

Tiny figurines made of wood, stone, porcelain stood on the shelves in a glass-fronted cabinet. These are netsuke, Japanese miniature sculpture, I saw them in the Museum of Oriental Cultures.

There are unique items in my collection.

Having said this, Veen took some figurines off the shelf and put them on the table. They depicted peasants, monks, riders, children, masks, flowers, birds, animals, fish.

I am untalented in painting. Like it, don't like it, that's all I can say. But why I like it or not, I can't say. In still lifes, landscapes, in all sorts of abstractions, I do not understand at all. I like pictures that depict people. My favorite painting in the Tretyakov Gallery is Repin's Procession. Remember the boy with the crutch? How much joy and hope on his face, how he is all directed forward! Now a miracle will happen, he will straighten his back, throw a crutch and be like everyone else ... That's what I like! And how the colors are laid and how the light is distributed - I don’t understand this.

Veen picked up the figurine of an old man with a high tuft of hair on his head and a long, sparse beard. With one hand the old man held the skirts of his robe, with the other he clutched a scroll. The figurine was only the size of a mouthpiece, and it was still clear that this old man was a sage. There was something eternal in his face, in the long wrinkles, in his thin, emaciated body. His high forehead, slanted Mongolian eyes expressed calm and wise insight. It takes a lot of work to carve such a tiny and expressive figure out of wood.

- Sage? I asked.

“Sage,” Ween replied, admiring the figurine. – The work of the great master Miwa the first of the city of Edo, eighteenth century, cherry wood. For a layman, she is nothing, but a connoisseur will appreciate her.

I felt a little uneasy - in fact, I am also a layman.

“Art belongs to those who love it, understand it and defend it,” Wehen continued. “The man who preserved for us The Tale of Igor's Campaign did no less than the one who wrote this Lay. Schliemann, who discovered Mycenae, surpasses its creators - they built the city, obeying the need, he opened it, led by love for art. What would happen to Russian painting without the Tretyakov brothers?

In response, I recalled the words of Pushkin:

“I aroused good feelings with my lyre” - that’s the main thing.

– What did I say?! Nora said gloomily.

This remark meant that Nora warned Veen: I am not suitable for their company. This didn't surprise me - Nora and I can't stand

Anatoly Rybakov


The boy stares into the distance. What do his eyes see? Mysterious images are carried in children's dreams, like the songs of birds. But what have we done to ensure that the kingdom of fantasy is next to us forever?

Netsuke - a boy with a book

I will describe the events that took place in our house. I will also describe the events that took place outside our home.

I will write in the first person. That's what it's called in the literature. Instead of "he" say "I". Not “he went”, but “I went”, not “they hit him on the neck”, but “they hit me on the neck”.

My book will be edited - let the reader think that it was written by a real writer. If this is not done, then some books will be read, while others will not. And if it is edited, then they read everyone in a row and no one is offended.

There will be several heroes in my book.

They all live in our house. I know the residents of our house well - my conscious life passed in it. Since ten years. Now I'm sixteen. Only Kostya lives on another street. A little mysterious guy. He will walk around the yard with his suitcase, and that's it. And boxing gloves in the suitcase. Kostya is a boxer, a black, thin boy.

I met Kostya when Veen and Igor were just in the yard. And I, too, was just in the yard. I watched Veen wipe his Volga. Igor felt his chin and also watched Veen wipe the car. Before that, Igor got hit in the chin and now, taking care of his appearance, he felt him. For what and from whom I received, I will tell later.

Ween pointed to the spare tire.

Let's raise?!

Igor was busy with his chin. I helped raise the wheel and tightened the nut on the holder.

Why is your name Krosh? Wen asked.

Again, for the umpteenth time, I had to explain that my name is Sergey, and Krosh is a nickname shortened from my last name Krasheninnikov. Schools always shorten last names, especially one as long as mine. So it turned out "Krosh".

Explaining this to Veen, I thought that he probably did not read the story "The Adventures of Krosh" - it is described in detail there.

Then Kostya appeared, and we got to know each other.

Shall we ride? Ween asked me.

With pleasure.

Where is Nora? Wen asked.

Here she comes, - Igor answered, massaging his chin.

Nora in black fishnet stockings. These black stockings disgust me to look at. And her voice is hoarse from smoking.

Igor nodded at me:

Krosh will also go.

Are you sorry? I asked.

Did I say something? Nora, did I say something?

Nora shrugged.

Nora and Igor left the tenth grade supposedly in order to earn seniority. In fact, they are too lazy to study. Nora walks around in black stockings, and Igor hangs around at Mosfilm, acts in extras, but he still won’t be credited for his production experience.

We raced along the Garden Ring. Passengers were watching us from the trolleybuses. Veen looks like a young professor: gray whiskey, white shirt with rolled up sleeves, tight trousers, black shoes. Nora sat beside him like a duchess. Kostya has the impassive face of a boxer who does not squint when he is punched in the face. Igor chattered as if his brother was going to give him his Moskvich. I just drove.

Veen is an art critic. I can't stand art historians, they interfere with listening to music, interrupt it at the most interesting place. And when a person on the radio mumbles something in an indistinct voice, it is impossible to read or study ... “Frederick entered the living room and said ... Laura shook her head sadly ... Oh, Frederic ...” Mud! But Veen is an art historian in fine arts, and this is a completely different matter: art critics in art do not interfere with listening to music. In addition, Veen is a collector, collects art objects. And although I met him only in the yard, he did not seem to me a bright personality. Igor and Kostya carried out some of his instructions and let on such mystery that I was bursting with curiosity. This was the side of life that I did not yet know. I knew other aspects of life well, but this one was still weak and I wanted to get acquainted.

Three stories by A. Rybakov about Krosh, which were first published in 1960, are widely known in our country to both young and adult readers, lovers of fun and dangerous adventures. Curious and honest Krosh is fond of investigating mysterious incidents. He is concerned not only with what happened next to him, but also with what happened many years before his birth.

Krosh's adventures in abbreviation

Graduation students have a summer practice at a car repair base, which patronizes the class where Krosh (Sergey Krasheninnikov) studies. In order to better understand the basics of car repair, the guys are offered to restore an old truck on their own.

During practice, Krosh and his friends discover that new car parts are missing from the warehouse. Krosh decides to find the crook on his own. As a result of the investigation, his suspicion falls on the locksmith, but the young man does not have enough facts about his act. A cunning mechanic decides to frame the boys and puts stolen spare parts in the workshop where the guys are repairing the car.

Krosh and his friends find the details, but decide to leave them in place in order to catch the thief red-handed. However, in the morning, apart from the traces of an approaching car, the guys do not find anything. Resting on Sunday on the lake, Krosh sees a car, the traces of which match those that were at their warehouse.

It turns out that the car was recently repaired by the locksmith, whom Krosh suspected. The boy does not ruin the future life of a dishonest repairman and offers him to return the spare parts so that he is not punished. The director of the motor depot declares gratitude to Krosh and his comrades for the good practice and positive human qualities shown in the work.

Krosh's vacation - retelling

During the summer holidays, Krosh meets guys who are fond of collecting Japanese figurines - netsuke. The boys are engaged in collecting under the guidance of Vladimir Nikolayevich Lesnikov (VeEn), who devoted his life to studying Japanese art.

Krosh enthusiastically joins the company and begins to study the available information about miniature figurines from the Land of the Rising Sun. WeN periodically involves the boys to carry out his assignments related to works of art, but the meaning of these tasks is not very clear to the guys.

One day, VeEn tells his wards about several missing netsuke. Krosh enthusiastically starts the investigation, but suddenly realizes that Veen, with the help of the guys, is not only looking for the disappeared figurines, but also deceiving old people, buying expensive antiques from them for pennies.

A decent young man exposes a crafty collector and rehabilitates in the eyes of society the professor who was discredited by VeEn. After the events that happened to him, Krosh decides to part with the company of young gatherers.

What does it teach:

Narrating the adventures that happened to a young man, the author teaches readers not to give in to difficulties and defend their point of view.

This is interesting: Veltistov's story "The Adventures of Electronics" was written in 1974. We recommend reading on our website. This is a fascinating story about an ordinary schoolboy and a cybernetic boy, their friendship and exciting adventures. Retelling the book will be useful for the reader's diary and preparation for the literature lesson.

Unknown Soldier - Summary

After leaving school, Krosh leaves for his grandfather in a small town, where he starts working. A young man works in an organization engaged in the construction and repair of roads.

One day, while building a new highway, Krosh and his team of workers discover a burial site from the time of the Great Patriotic War. An indifferent and inquisitive young man is carried away by the idea of ​​finding out the name of an unknown soldier who is buried in the found grave.

During the investigation, Krosh manages to find out that in this place in the summer of 1942, Soviet soldiers performed a heroic deed, but their names were not preserved. As a result of the search, Krosh meets many people, among whom there are indifferent ones.

Krosh manages to find the preserved personal belongings of a nameless warrior (a pouch, a lighter from a cartridge), and also, by making a request to the military archive, a list of the defenders of the motherland who fought in these parts.

As a result of a long investigation, the young man manages to find out the name of the deceased hero. It turned out to be a soldier Krayushkin.


Talking about the difficult events that happened to the main character, the author teaches readers not to forget the past of our country and to respect the soldiers who performed the heroic deed.

You can use Rybakov's "Krosh Trilogy" summary for a reader's diary, highlighting a few main sentences.

The story of how 9th grade schoolchildren had a summer practice at a car depot that patronizes their school. Krosh had no technical inclinations, he wanted to get a car during practice to drive. But together with Shmakov Peter got into the garage. At first they were not trusted with anything, they only watched. In the garage, the workers thought Krosh was small, but after he showed them his rights, albeit childish, everyone was impressed. Gradually, the guys got involved in the work. Igor worked in the office, walked around the shops and filled out forms. He behaved as if he were the deputy chief engineer. He liked to hang around among the elders, to be in the spotlight. At the class meeting after a week of practice, Igor proposes to restore the decommissioned GAZ-51. All the guys support him. Krosh suggests that before taking on such a difficult task, look at the condition of the car. Nobody listens to him. As always, Igor offers something, and if it doesn’t work out, everyone except him is to blame. Krosh suggests compiling a defective statement. At this time, Lagutin finds bearings in Lagutin's table, which he was supposed to put on the car. The car left the garage with old parts. The boy cannot believe that Lagutin can do this to the state - sell the bearings and take the money for himself. Krosh realized for himself that Lagutin was a crook. Krosh, Shmakov, Vadim and Igor lived in the same yard. Igor did not introduce the others to his adult friends. I was shy. Vadim, as a friend, was offended by this. The next day, Vadim announced to all his classmates that they should collect everything that could fit for their car. Just at this time, new shock absorbers disappear. Krosh guessed who took them - Lagutin. Losses were immediately discovered in other warehouses. All the missing things, except for the shock absorbers, ended up in a warehouse set aside for the schoolchildren's car. Igor began to blame Vadim for this, although he himself was to blame - it was he who told Vadim that the director had allowed him to collect things from workshops. From that moment on, Vadim is out of Igor's influence. The guys asked for forgiveness. The schoolchildren were told to look for shock absorbers. The guys were advised to restore the decommissioned car, which is located in Lipki, as it is in the best condition. Krosh, Shmakov, Igor and Vadim followed him. There was an accident on the spot: the guys overturned this car. Krosh, Shmakov and Vadim stayed overnight in the car, as they were ashamed to return to the city without anything. And Igor returned home, supposedly to warn his relatives. When the children and the car ended up in Moscow, the parents made a fuss. The director reprimanded Zuev. Krosh wants to write a statement, because the guys are to blame. Igor dissuades, and Zuev doesn’t care either. Igor tells Krosh that there are rumors that Zuev took shock absorbers. The boy decides to talk to Lagutin. The locksmith distorts the words of the schoolboy, and the whole motor depot already knows that Krosh thinks that Zuev took the shock absorbers. They look at Krosh with reproach. The boy suffers, because he wanted the best. Vadim finds shock absorbers and shows Krosh. They decide not to take them and thereby go to the thief. In the evening at the dance, Maika dances with Lagutin. Krosh decides never to talk to her. The next morning, the shock absorbers were not in place. The boys studied the tracks: some from the Volga, others from the all-terrain vehicle. Krosh tells Shmakov about everything. The schoolchildren were given an advance. Krosh thoughtlessly spent almost the entire day. Shmakov had them intact. Krosh nevertheless writes a statement that Zuev was not guilty in Lipki. The director gets angry and asks not to interfere in his own business. The restoration of the car progressed slowly. Only Krosh and Shmakov did almost everything. But then all the children were forbidden to do repairs during working hours. At the meeting, they decided that they would do this after their shift, and the masters would help them. Things went faster. On Sunday, Krosh and Shmakov decided to go swimming in Khimki. Vadim got involved with them. In the courtyard I meet Igor, who is fiddling with his brother's Muscovite and cannot fix it. Krosh and Shmakov help him. Igor, fearing another car breakdown, takes the boys to Serebryany Bor, where it is much better. There he meets his friends and moves away from his classmates. In the end, everyone gets to know each other and swim together. Krosh draws attention to the traces of the car in which Igor's friends arrived. They are the same as at the crime scene. Krosh talks to Maika again and tells her the story of the shock absorbers. The guys decide to talk to Igor on the cleanliness. Igor invites his friends to the Volga and it turns out that they did not take shock absorbers. But this could be done by the person to whom they gave their car for repair. And it was Lagutin with a friend. After a while, the whole class knew the history of shock absorbers. Lagutin looked askance at Krosh. Krosh and Shmakov are talking to Lagutin. In the evening dispatcher Zina comes to Krosh. The boy convinces her that if the shock absorbers are found, then nothing will happen to Lagutin. On the last day of practice, the car is finally ready, the unfortunate shock absorbers were found and the director of the motor depot first scolds and then praises Krosh for honesty.

A certain Vladimir Nikolaevich, VeeN, a 40-year-old art historian, orientalist, antiquary, maniac netsuke (Netsuke (jap. 根付 netsuke, netsuke?) - a miniature sculpture, a work of Japanese arts and crafts, which is a small carved keychain) in one of the post-war articles, under a pseudonym, bombed his teacher and mentor Professor Mavrod ki for his extreme love for Japanese culture, and netsuke in particular. Mavrodaki was a true scientist, gentle, kind - he could not stand the shame and committed suicide. No wonder, because the excessive Japanophilia in those years was akin to attempts to translate Mishima's "My Friend Hitler" into Russian. The collection of netsuke, the subject of VeeN's desires, was scattered (where did it come from initially, ha ha, another question), but Mavrodaki left his son Kostya, whom VeeN brought closer over time and gave him the opportunity to earn money by searching for netsuke for the VeeN collection. Loitering young people who lived next door, in the same house with VeeN, Igor and Nora, were also involved in the search. This small, not entirely clean community flourished until a certain time, because the main goal of VeeN was to sniff out what other netsuke remained in Kostya's family. Igor was not suitable for this purpose, so VeeN attracted another young man who lived in the neighborhood. On his head it turned out to be the notorious Seryozha Krasheninnikov, the main character of "Krosh's Adventures".

In "Vacation" Krosh recognizes his animal nature and is seriously interested in the saleswoman of the sporting goods store Zoya. Margaret Mitchell with her Scarlett, whom Ashley "did not love, but only wanted as Beauty Watling", had not yet visited the Russian book market, so Krosh got into a kind of dead end when neither Pushkin, nor Stendhal, nor anyone else could characterize his attitude towards Zoya. After suffering for a long time, he comes to the conclusion that "he likes Mike in an intellectual way, and Zoya" in a different way. "The sexual aspect was not fully recognized by Krosh, but it was a sin not to use it. VeeN invites Zoya along with everyone to a picnic, thereby bringing her closer to Krosh and gives Krosh the opportunity to spend money. Additional measures in the form of visiting barbecue, drinking cognac, any elements of a beautiful life - everything is done in order to lead Krosh astray from the path of righteousness leg and get hold of it leverage.

Read Veen "The Adventures of Krosh", about which he was warned at the very beginning of the story - he would not engage in such nonsense. Krosh cares little about material values ​​(when he was pressed against the wall, he bought ten cheeses and five bags of soup for 10 days and showed everyone a fig), collecting, as such, all attempts to corrupt him suffered an inevitable collapse. The unsinkable Krosh, in the spirit of Krosh himself, only inflamed and opened a criminal case against Veen himself, involving outside netsuke collectors, interviewing witnesses and promoting the only correct Soviet morality. As a result, VeeN is waiting for a universal fu, Krosh became more cultured through acquaintance with netsuke, acquired positive acquaintances with VeeN's enemies and got his best friend in the form of a boxer boy Kostya. Krosh, by the way, has all his close friends some kind of terminators, obviously in order to protect his correctness and face from the encroachments of dirty molesters.

The work is more cultural, richer and more interesting than "The Adventures of Krosh". The film of the same name is somewhat unnecessarily perverted by Soviet morality.
By the way, the book mentions the game "Ten books that I would take with me to a desert island."