Refueling a car with HBO: how to properly and safely refuel with gas? How to refill a disposable gas can? Making an adapter.


The threaded capacity is best filled with the same half-empty can or cheaper collet. But some craftsmen fill the tank with gas from a domestic bottle. A five-liter tank is suitable in which the propane-butane mixture is present. Unlike pure butane gas, which is initially in gas purchased cylinders, it works perfectly at sub-zero temperatures.

Secure connectionit is carried out through a special adapter for filling gas cartridges. It is a transparent tube, at the ends of which there are threaded adapters for connecting to spray cans. Part of the adapter tip is made of brass. It has a retainer with a thumb and a sealing ring. This device helps to wind and fix the adapter on the cylinder. In addition, it has a valve regulator to ensure a smooth supply of gas.

Refueling the cartridge should be carried out in compliance with safety regulations.

Algorithm of work:

  1. 1. Check whether the regulator valve is closed on the adapter. Then insert a gasket into the fitting and fasten the adapter to the household bottle. To securely tighten the fitting with an adjustable wrench.
  2. 2. Turn the can over and hang it up whenever possible.
  3. 3. On a pre-prepared scale, you need to weigh the balloon and find out its mass in the empty state. The resulting weight should be recorded at the bottom of the tank with a marker, it will come in handy at the next refueling.
  4. But the main purpose of this weighing is to find out the exact mass, so that when filling the can not exceed the specified volume and leave the air “pillow”.
  5. 4. After weighing the balloon is screwed to the adapter. First, the valve opens on a large cylinder, and then on a small cylinder and the gas supply starts. Through the transparent tube will be visible
  6. movement of gas bubbles.
  7. 5. After a certain time, the movement of liquid gas may slow down, in this case
  8. it is necessary to suspend the process and bleed the gas from the tourist spray. By evaporation
  9. some of the substance in the tank will decrease the pressure and the refueling process can be continued.
  10. Another solution in this situation is to cool the entire bottle, which can be
  11. place a short time in the freezer and then refuel.
  12. 6. After refueling, the cartridge is weighed again, and if the accumulated volume exceeds the required one, then
  13. bleed off excess gas.


The source of gas can be a household cylinder. To connect it you need to make a special adapter. The manufacture of such an adapter consists in connecting the burner, previously removed from the gas collet cartridge without a nozzle, and a hose. The latter is clamped with metal clamps on both sides, which provide reliable fastening and protection against slipping of the hose. At its other end is attached fitting. He dresses on a balloon, but you should not forget him put a gasketand then tightly tighten the self-made adapter. The balloon is placed on the table, and on the other side of the adapter, the tourist’s analogue is put on and refilled to the required volume, checked by weighing.

You can also fill the collet cartridge with gas from its threaded counterpart. One has only to make a homemade adapter from the needle of a disposable syringe and use it to connect two cans.

Refueling gas cylinders for tourist burners can be carried out independently, taking into account the above nuances. After the first time, you can remember all the actions and repeat them at the next refueling. But we must remember that any travel canister is a disposable item  and its refueling is done at your own peril and risk.

What you need to refuel gas cylinders?

The household gas cylinder has various capacities. Starting from 5 to 300 liters. It will be needed as a source of gas. With him, and will refuel the cylinder. All of them refuel in the same way. The following materials will be needed for the refueling process:

  • empty travel spray;
  • household gas cylinder for refueling;
  • adapter;
  • libra.

Before proceeding to the filling itself, you must make sure that the capacity of the tourist burner does not contain gas residues. To do this, turn the balloon so that the valve is at the bottom. Such a simple movement will help get rid of the remnants of gas. Just making sure that the gas is out, you can proceed to the next stage.

Burner spray technology

The first stage is working with weights. We need to weigh the empty cans. This is necessary to determine the exact amount of gas poured at the very end. Then with the help of an adapter an empty cylinder is connected to a household one.

There is a little trick here. The large gas bottle is laid on its side. In this case, the lower part should remain on a hill. Therefore, enclose any subject. For example, brick. This is done so that the valve is as low as possible for better gas transportation.

After we close the valve, which is located on the adapter, and open the one on the cylinder. Gradually open the valve on the adapter. Thus, the air is squeezed out of the hose by gas. Refueling has begun.

During operation, it is clearly heard how liquid gas moves through the hose. At that moment, when the sound stops, you can shake the spray can. Thus, it still gets a small amount of gas. On average, it takes no more than 5 minutes to refill one small can.

After completing the work, close the valves and gently disconnect the tourist spray. You can shake it to make sure there is gas in it. Gas should just flounder. This will indicate the presence of a small space, the so-called gas cap. You should also check the valve for leaks using soapy water. Verification by fire is prohibited. After refueling the first cylinder, you can refuel others in the same way.

After filling one or several cylinders it is necessary to carry out weighing. This way you can track how much gas is in the tank. It should not be in abundance. But it would not be advisable to leave too much space unfilled with gas.

Tricks refueling you need to know

When working with gas, be sure to use protective gloves. Since the gas has a cooling effect. Also because of this property of gas during refueling you can observe frost on the system. Do not panic. You should wait for the frost to thaw, and then continue to work.

This has already been mentioned above, that a little space should be left in the gas canister. This is due to the high coefficient of thermal expansion of gas. Follow the rules of fire safety. There should be no open flames and sparks near the workplace. Still, gas is flammable.

Branded cans can be refilled up to three or four times, but not desirable. The valves at the cans are easily deformed, so they often cannot survive several refills.

The unpleasantness of domestic gas lies in its smell. Moreover, fresh gas also smells, but it is quite tolerable. But the one that lay in the balloon for several years has a nasty smell. Be prepared for this at work.

Summing up, we can say about the positive aspects of filling gas cylinders. Economically filling gas cylinders with domestic gas is a profitable process. On average, the cost of a travel spray for a burner is 300 rubles. While filling a large domestic gas cylinder can be done on average for 800 rubles. And you will repeatedly use a household cylinder. Savings are obvious. From additional materials only need a hose. That is, the cost of additional equipment is insignificant.

To date, filling gas cylinders is a very topical issue. Especially considering that it is much cheaper and easier to fill the old bottle than to get a new one. Bottled gas is often used both in everyday life and in production. Most often, gas is used for heating private houses and for domestic needs (cooking). In connection with the growing popularity of gas in various fields, many have a reasonable question: where to purchase and later fill gas cylinders for their economic needs.

Where to fill gas cylinders? And where is it not worth doing?

Sale of gas for domestic cylinders is carried out at specialized filling stations. Most often, such items are located on stationary gas stations. Of course, the ability to fill gas cylinders is at many gas stations that are not even equipped with special cylinder points, but experts strongly advise against purchasing liquefied gas for them. This is associated with certain risks:

  • during gas filling, cylinders are not checked for gas leaks;
  • there is no control by the tankers of the dates or the period for examination of the cylinders, which makes the further operation of the cylinders unsafe;
  • the format of the car dispenser does not allow to fill the cylinder properly. According to the approved standards, the gas filling volume should not exceed 85%. This allows you to create in the cylinder, the so-called "steam cap", which prevents the risk of an explosion of the cylinder under high temperatures (for example, the sun). In automobile gas cylinders, in contrast to household gas cylinders, a special cut-off valve is placed for the timely prevention of gas overflow. Given this, gas cylinders should be filled with mandatory control of the mass of equipment on the scales.

Refueling gas cylinders at gas stations is possible only with specialized equipment and a license.

Companies that charge any kind of gas tank are called “gas filling stations”. By the nature of their activities, they may have a variety of equipment. Often, the process of filling the cylinder can take place in three ways:

  • pump - using a pump;
  • pump-compression - gas is withdrawn by the pump and under the increased pressure created by the compressor, is fed into the cylinder;
  • pump-evaporative — an electric heater is additionally introduced into the gas supply system — an evaporator that provides increased pressure.

Such a gas filling station should contain:

  • exhaust and pumping installations;
  • gas storage tanks;
  • technical tools for transportation;
  • additional devices: metering devices, a tool for measuring the density of the gas, etc.

Rules for refueling gas cylinders to give

A sufficiently high degree of explosiveness determines the existence of standard requirements for filling gas cylinders.

For example, gas refueling should not be carried out if one of the listed disadvantages exists:

  • equipment is faulty;
  • there is no residual pressure in the cylinder;
  • there are visible defects in valves or valve;
  • the surface of the cylinder is covered with rust;
  • there is the presence of external signs of paint peeling;
  • there are dents or damage.

In addition to the standards, cylinders are labeled "compressed gas" and a sticker is signaled to indicate explosion hazard.

Before direct filling, the vessel must be freed from condensate and residual gas. The filling of the container is carried out strictly on the basis of its characteristics specified in the technical passport.

Refilling cylinders with gas can be done in two ways:

  • exchange - the consumer provides his cylinders and in return receives the cylinders already filled with gas. The main advantage of this method can be considered a significant time saving. Disadvantage: obtaining someone else's equipment, which may have lower technical parameters;
  • use of own cylinders - the consumer leaves the cylinders at the gas station, and after a certain time (1-2 days) takes them. The positive point of this method - constantly use their cylinders. Minus - the cost of delivery and the date of refueling.

The cost of filling gas equipment

The price of such services depends on several factors:

  • service level (assembly / disassembly);
  • availability of transport services (additional transportation);
  • the cost of electricity for refueling;
  • the cost of the gas itself.

Recommend to make their refueling at specialized points. Here it will not cause difficulties, so all certified gas stations are equipped with the necessary equipment. But a private trader, using household gas in cylinders, does not always have the opportunity to take the container to a specialist.

Is self-charging a gas cylinder dangerous?

Self-refueling gas cylinders is prohibited, but if necessary, you can break this rule. The main thing is to comply with the recommended security measures. Factors due to which the manufacturer of cylinders prohibits refilling by non-specialists - the combustibility and explosiveness of gas.

How to fill the gas cylinder?

Anyone who decided to take this step should know the design of the cylinder. Injection of gas and its consumption is provided by the multivalve installed on the neck of the metal tank. For refueling, you need to assemble a filling system consisting of two gas hoses, a gas ball valve, an adapter with gaskets, and a gas cylinder. It is important to connect all the elements of the design. To do this, use a suitable coupling size. All equipment can be bought on the market.

The gas cylinder must be installed downwards with a valve. To do this, you can build a structure of wooden bars, or install it in a chair and securely lock in an upright position. Those who have experience of self-refueling prefer to weld a metal “skirt” to it, which, when turned over, serves as a stable support. The remaining gas must be set off.

The adapter is screwed onto the thread of the cylinder. For gas supply, you need to use a ball valve of the filler system, and not the cylinder valve. The reducer will not be required, as it will slow down refueling. They believe the reliability of the filler system and open the gas supply.

The process of filling the balloon is not fast: it will take from 5 to 15 minutes. During the overflow of gas, the transition system is strongly cooled, so you need to check the level of refueling with gloves. Do not use an open flame near a working filler system. It is recommended to exclude even sparks. Fill the cylinder only outdoors.

With the help of a similar system you can refill small tourist gas cylinders. You will need an adapter, scales, empty cylinder, household gas cylinder. Weigh the empty container. Alternately wind the adapter on the cylinders, open the valve and begin to fill the gas.

  Published: 03/19/2018 08:11

Good day dear visitors of our site. Many people in our country are familiar with the situation when they have to resort to installing their own gas equipment to heat their land.

This article will tell you about the main nuances of using gas cylinders in everyday life and will be useful to those who have not yet come across their purchase. We will also find out whether it makes sense to buy a new tank and what you need to pay attention to when buying a used cylinder.

Among other things, in the article you can learn about the most important thing - how the gas cylinders are filled with propane. We will not waste time and proceed to study this issue.

Types and characteristics of gas storage cylinders

A conventional gas cylinder is a sturdy steel container. There are several common volumes: 5, 15, 25 and 50 liters. There are still cylinders made of polymeric materials, their volumes differ from common steel and often the volume of a composite gas cylinder with propane is 14 or 33 liters. Naturally, there are differences between iron and composite tanks.

  1. Steel cylinders are manufactured exclusively in the factory. In addition to the use of durable material, when creating a lot of attention is paid to the reliability of welding seams. The better they are made, the longer the household cylinder will last. When buying a steel model, you should carefully examine the place of welding and pay attention to whether the seams are processed. The main plus models of iron - durability. But before buying, you should prepare a place for the installation of the container. If there is a high level of humidity in the room, the container may rust and deform over time.
  2. More expensive and modern option - polymer capacity. It has a lot of positives, but I immediately want to emphasize their main disadvantage: the price of polymer is 2-3 times higher than the steel of similar capacity. Glass fiber is used in production, which is durable and light in weight. This is a clear plus, because in such containers it is easier and safer to transport LPG. In addition, high-quality models are equipped with additional protection of the case. Accordingly, in the fall with a permissible height passport or small impact, the body of the container will not be deformed. Such a gas cylinder under the propane can be near the fire, because resistance to high temperatures is usually provided.

The color of the gas cylinder is a kind of marker that shows what materials it is intended for. There are cylinders painted in the following colors:

  • white with yellow inscriptions for acetylene;
  • propane tanks are painted red.
  • medical and normal oxygen stored in blue bottles;
  • hydrogen should be dark green;
  • nitrous oxide should be stored only in gray tanks with black elements.

For many people, the weight of the propane bottle is important. Steel empty models, depending on the volume, weigh from 4 to 22 kg. Thus, the largest of the mass-produced household cylinders is designed for 50 liters and weighs 44 kg in the filled state. Therefore, it is worthwhile to take care of the possibility of transporting the container to your site in advance.

There are certain standards for refilling cylinders. To calculate how much gas you can fill, you should divide its passport volume by 1.43.

For example, you have at your disposal a standard iron cylinder of 27 liters. You can safely store and transport in it no more than 19 liters of propane. If overpressure occurs, the pressure relief valve of the container may not withstand, leading to an explosion.

Buying a cylinder and the necessary components

Propane storage tanks have an almost unlimited service life. The main condition is compliance with all standards of operation, as well as storage and transportation conditions. You can save a little and buy a propane balloon used, but you need to approach the acquisition with extreme caution.

First you need to make a visual inspection of the case. You can safely refuse the proposal if it shows signs of poor-quality welding and serious dents. Appearance can tell a lot about the conditions in which he was. Suspicions can be caused by traces of fresh paint, and vice versa, too old cracked coating.

It is not worth risking with the purchase of a used container, if there is even the slightest suspicion of rust. This indicates that the tank was stored incorrectly in high humidity conditions. Even a small spot of rust will increase sooner or later, which will inevitably lead to gas flow, and in the worst case, to an explosion.

The intake valve and valve should be in order. If they are damaged or signs of repair are noticeable, they will require replacement in the future and, accordingly, additional costs.

The points described above must also be taken into account when purchasing a new cylinder, since no one can guarantee that the right conditions were observed during storage at the warehouse.

In addition to the container for domestic use, the following elements will be required:

  • set of adapters for connection to a stove, burner or heating system;
  • gearbox for propane cylinder;
  • special gas hose with fittings;
  • connection insulation tools.

To ensure maximum safety during installation, use keys and other tools coated with brass or copper. Such tools in contact with the metal does not form a spark.

Features refueling cylinder?

So, we figured out what types of gas cylinders are, found a suitable model and a full set of necessary accessories. It's time to talk about how and where the gas cylinders are filled with propane for domestic use.

Before filling the bottle, it is imperative to ensure the following:

  • there are no damages on the case - rust, dents, weld seams, broken paint;
  • valve and valve visually in perfect order;
  • there is no residual pressure in the empty tank.

If everything is in order with the tank, proceed to search for a place where you can fill the gas cylinder in compliance with all standards. In our country, there are specialized gas stations equipped with the necessary equipment and qualified staff. In turn, there are three refueling mechanisms at such stations:

  • pump - gas is pumped into the balloon with special pumps;
  • pump-evaporative - when pumping gas, special heating elements maintain a certain temperature, as a result of which the pressure in the system rises;
  • pump-compressor - a compressor is used to increase pump performance, which in turn affects the speed of filling the tank.

At such gas stations, fire safety is maximized.

Fill the balloon with propane can be at some automotive gas stations. Before you ask the staff to fill the household bottle, you should make sure that you have special equipment.

The specificity of gas filling cars and household cylinders is slightly different. Unfortunately, gas stations often neglect this. Filling a domestic tank at a gas station that is not properly equipped has a number of negative sides:

  • refuelers often ignore the expiration date and examination of household cylinders;
  • there are no scales for weight control.

On the last point it is worth stopping in more detail. As mentioned earlier, the household tank should be filled with propane, taking into account the coefficient of 1.43 - this is 85% of the volume of empty containers. In cars there are special fuses that do not allow to pour more gas than expected. Ordinary household containers are not equipped with such sensors, therefore it is necessary to control their weight when refueling. Filling more than 85% is at greater risk of explosion, especially under the influence of temperature.

If you have decided on what household bottle you want to buy, please contact our company. Here you can get additional advice, as well as fill, order and buy everything you need to install gas equipment.

Many country houses use gas cylinders, which must be regularly refilled. Although they are used in production. Refueling is much cheaper than buying a new cylinder. They are used for heating and domestic needs. When living outside the city, it becomes natural to ask where to fill the gas cylinder. This is described in the article.

Pros and cons of gas cylinders

The autonomous tank is convenient in operation. Its benefits include:

  1. Mobility. It can be rearranged, transported.
  2. Unlimited shelf life. It can be used later.
  3. Big choice. You can purchase a container of any size, destination, made of various materials.

Of the minuses emit:

  1. Fire hazard If the tank is in the area of ​​fire or a sharp temperature drop, this can lead to a threat to life and health, as well as property damage.
  2. The presence of sediment in old tanks with prolonged use. They need to be cleaned for future use.
  3. Gas leak if equipment is used for a long time. Need to regularly change the nozzle to prevent this.
  4. Danger from overturning. There is a risk of pressure surge and a sudden burst of flame. And it’s almost impossible to pay off everything yourself.
  5. Risk of inhalation. If the equipment is defective, then people living in the house can get poisoned by carbon monoxide.

Where to go?

Household gas cylinders are sold in specialized items. Usually there is a home delivery service. Where to fill the gas tank if it became empty? In these specialized centers and filling containers. As a rule, these points are located on stationary automobile gas stations.

Other items

Where else is propane? There are several options:

  1. Factory. But this option is not very convenient, and also not cheap.
  2. Companies eligible from Gostekhnadzor. These include the exchange of cylinders.

In factories and companies must have special facilities that meet the requirements, as well as equipment that is needed for such work. Where to fill the gas This work is performed by the same specialized items.

Where not to go?

Although you can perform this procedure at almost every gas station, where even there are no special balloon points, you should not buy liquefied gas there. This is quite risky because:

  1. After this procedure, there is no check for gas leakage.
  2. There is no control of tankers, which is why the use of such gas equipment will be unsafe.
  3. Due to the format of the gas station, it will not be possible to fill the cylinder properly.

According to the norms, the filling volume should not be higher than 85%. This creates a “steam cap” in the cylinder, which protects against the risk of an explosion of the cylinder due to high temperatures. In automobile cylinders, in comparison with domestic ones, there is a cut-off valve, which allows to prevent gas overflow. Therefore, equipment should be checked on scales. Where to fill the gas cylinder is better? You can also apply to car gas stations, if only there is special equipment and a license.

Refueling process

The centers that perform refueling are called gas filling stations. They may have different equipment configuration. Usually the procedure is performed in 3 ways:

  1. Pumping: used pump.
  2. Pump-compression: gas is taken by the pump and under high pressure of the compressor enters the cylinder.
  3. Pump-evaporative: in the gas supply system there is a heater-evaporator that provides increased pressure.

All refueling methods are safe if the rules and procedures of the procedure are followed.

Station requirements

If you are interested in where you can fill the gas cylinder, then you should check the station for the presence of:

  1. Exhaust and pump installations.
  2. Reservoirs for gas.
  3. Technical tools for transportation.
  4. Additional devices - dispensers, devices for measuring the density of a substance.

Where to fill household gas cylinders in the cities? This is usually done by gas services that connect and maintain this equipment. They deliver containers with a substance on a specific schedule. Gas equipment is also delivered to villages, delivering it by special machines.

The procedure is performed according to standard requirements. They must be observed as there is a risk of explosion. For example, the procedure is not performed if there is one of the disadvantages:

  • equipment malfunction;
  • there is no required pressure in the cylinder;
  • there are flaws in the valves or valve;
  • rust is visible on the surface;
  • paint peels off;
  • there is damage.

Therefore, it is necessary to verify compliance with these standards in relation to where you can fill the gas cylinder. They must be labeled "compressed gas". Also attached is a sticker indicating explosive hazard. Only in this case, everything complies with safety standards, so refueling in such a company can be performed.

Refueling rules

Before the procedure, the balloon is freed from condensate and the remaining gas. Filling is carried out on the basis of the characteristics indicated in the data sheet, so that the equipment will work safely. During the procedure, there should be no fire, sparks, coals or other hazardous substances nearby. Work can be done in 2 ways:

  1. Exchange. A man gives his tanks, and he is given filled. This saves time. But the disadvantage is the receipt of other equipment, which may not be entirely qualitative parameters.
  2. Own cylinders. A person leaves his tanks for refueling, and after a while takes them. Then only your equipment will be used. But you have to spend money on delivery and wait for some time.

After refueling, the equipment must be properly operated. It should not be affected by precipitation, sunlight. Cylinders should be stored upright. It is necessary to regularly check the equipment for serviceability. It is better to eliminate any defects immediately, without waiting for adverse effects.

What does the price depend on?

It is important to know not only where to fill the gas cylinder, but also the price of these services. Cost depends on:

  • service level;
  • availability of transport services;
  • electricity costs;
  • gas prices.

In case of violation of the refueling procedures, companies are held accountable. If they do not comply with the rules and regulations, then for these cases it is applied. Therefore, if it is required to fill a gas cylinder (50 liters or other volume), you should contact specialized companies that operate on the basis of a legally issued permit. Then the filling procedures of the cylinders are performed correctly, which is safe for the life and health of people.