Strong sleeping pill over-the-counter list. How to choose an OTC sleeping pill

Due to the significant number of side effects, over-the-counter sales of potent drugs are prohibited. They are inexpensive, but can cause memory impairment, inhibit physical activity, lead to addiction and drug dependence. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe such a drug by setting.

The funds that are supposed to be used to combat insomnia should not be so potent as they should be adequately selected for the diagnosed sleep disorder.

Indications for use

  • violation of falling asleep.You can restrict the use of drugs with a short effect. For the onset of deep sleep, they will be enough;
  • frequent night awakenings.The doctor will prescribe long-acting drugs.

In turn, over-the-counter sleeping pills usually do not show serious side effects, do not affect psychomotor functions and can be used by people of different age groups.

List of OTC sleeping pills

  • Donormilwhich is a histamine receptor blocker. This is an effective way to improve sleep. To his possible side effects  include fatigue, daytime sleepiness and, which significantly narrows the range of patients who can use Donormil without worries. In particular, such sleeping pills are not completely acceptable for working people, since a decrease in the person's working capacity will necessarily appear. It is also undesirable to use it for older people, as its contraindications include problems with the kidneys and liver, prostate adenoma, which is visited mainly by age-related men. Moreover, this drug can be called over-the-counter. In some cases, Donormil is dispensed without a prescription, since it is not a subject to quantitative accounting.
  • Phenazepam.In the same way, with almost no prescription, some pharmacies sell this drug, which considered quite dangerous. Its use is fraught with severe daytime sleepiness, which is unacceptable for drivers. The drug impairs coordination, increases the risk of falls and injuries, which is completely undesirable for older people. This remedy relates to benzodiazepines, which lead to addiction, and this is already dangerous for young people.
  • Melaxen (Melatonin), an analogue of the pineal gland hormone melatonin, a natural sleep hormone. A drug different sedativeHe is able to regulate the sleep-wake cycle. Melaxen physiologically affects the nervous processes, resulting in drowsiness. However, throughout the day it does not affect well-being, and it has no negative effect on the structure of sleep, which distinguishes it from many other drugs. Some unreasonably fear that Melaxen is a hormonal drug that, over time, can disrupt the production of the natural sleep hormone. This is not true, since the therapeutic dose of the drug is characterized by a short action. After providing the necessary action, melatonin is rapidly metabolized. Here, a person falls asleep with the help of the drug, and then his sleep proceeds quite naturally, and he is already supported by natural melatonin, which is formed in the brain. When using Melaxen, an overdose is not possible. The experiments showed no consequences even after a significant excess of the recommended dose.
  • Herbal preparations. There are herbal remedies that are affordable and inexpensive, but their effect is weakened. These are valerian-based tablets and tinctures with a sedative effect. They are recommended irritability and insomnia. Similarly, motherwort preparations act, usually in the form of tincture.

Combined herbal preparations are presented:

  • Domiplant, sedative and relaxing
  • the same action Dormiplant
  • Corvalol
  • Valocardine, which in addition to the plant component contains phenobarbital
  • Novo-Passit, which is recommended for sleep disorders and neurosis

Combined drugs are more powerful in comparison with single drugs, but the list of their contraindications and side effects is wider. In any case, it is useful to talk with your doctor.

Over-the-counter sleeping pills

In case of sleep disturbance, the well-being of a person worsens significantly. However, many people do not go to the doctor for a prescription for potent sleeping pills. This is not always due to laziness or lack of time. In fact, strong drugs have many contraindications and side effects, including impaired memory and inhibition of physical activity. Also, potent sleepy pills are addictive, so they are not sold without a prescription. People are increasingly choosing plant-based sleeping pills, which are no less effective, and are dispensed without a doctor’s prescription.

The list of over-the-counter sleeping pills is quite large. Among these drugs, a special place is occupied by Donormil and Melaxen. They are considered effective remedies for insomnia. Moreover, in some cases, to obtain the desired result, the minimum dosage is enough.


This drug guarantees 8-9 hours of full sleep without affecting the phases. In addition, falling asleep is faster, and the duration and quality of sleep are significantly improved. Every day before bedtime you need to take 0.5-1 tablets. To dissolve an effervescent tablet, 100 ml of water is enough. The maximum dosage is 2 tablets. The course of treatment is no more than 2 weeks, after which a monthly break is indicated. If insomnia does not go away, you need to choose another drug. Side effects of Donormil include dry mouth, drowsiness, and fatigue during the day. Accordingly, such a drug is not suitable for people whose work requires concentration and concentration. Also, this sleeping pill is not suitable for the elderly and patients with prostate adenoma, patients with liver or kidney problems. Contraindications include individual intolerance, age up to 15 years, pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding. The price for a pack of 30 tablets is about 270 rubles.


Melaxen is an analogue of the natural sleep hormone. These sleepy pills have a sedative effect, normalizes the cycle of wakefulness and falling asleep. Due to the physiological effect on the nervous processes, the patient appears drowsy. At the same time, cheerfulness and activity is maintained throughout the day. Many patients are afraid to take Melaxen, fearing that it will disrupt the natural production of sleep hormone. In fact, the minimum dose that has a therapeutic effect is always prescribed. The active substance is rapidly broken down and excreted from the body. The advantage of the drug is the impossibility of an overdose. During the experiments, it was found that multiple excess doses have no consequences. As a rule, 3 mg of Melaxen is prescribed after meals 1-2 hours before bedtime. The duration of treatment for insomnia is 2-3 weeks. Side effects of the drug are observed in rare cases. Contraindications include sensitivity to components, childhood, autoimmune diseases, impaired liver function. The price for a pack of melaxen (24 tablets) is about 450 rubles.


Some patients prefer to take Sonmil, this is another powerful sleeping pill over the counter, with sedative and antihistamine properties. According to studies, this drug in some cases is more effective than Donormil. The medicine is taken half an hour before bedtime, 0.5 tablets. The maximum dosage is 2 tablets. The duration of admission is no more than 2 months. As a rule, Sonmil is well tolerated. Some patients complain of morning drowsiness, slight dizziness, and impaired coordination. In the presence of such side effects, it is worth lowering the dosage or stop taking the drug. Sonmil is contraindicated in children, pregnant women, patients with difficulty urinating, lactase deficiency and angle-closure glaucoma. It costs Sonmil about 100 rubles.

Herbal preparations

These light sleeping pills are affordable, dispensed without a prescription, but they have a rather weak effect. With severe insomnia, they may be ineffective.


This is the most popular herbal sedative. It reduces the excitability of the central nervous system and accelerates the process of falling asleep. Maximum efficiency is achieved with regular long-term use. Also, valerian in tablets and drops is indicated for migraines.


The action of such a tincture in many ways resembles valerian. The hypnotic effect is noted after about 2-3 weeks of regular intake. Ethyl alcohol is part of the product, so it is contraindicated in small children. It is also worth taking caution to take tincture of motherwort to diabetics and people with alcohol dependence.

Peony tincture  on alcohol.

Adults are prescribed an average of 30 drops three times a day. The duration of treatment is 10 days.

Melissa infusion  - special filter bags are used for its preparation. For one bag, 200 ml of water is enough. Passiflora extract - taken three times a day, 30 drops per month. Contraindications include myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, and angina pectoris.

Combination drugs

With insomnia, combined sleeping pills are often used, in which there are plant components. Such substances normalize sleep, remove anxiety, strengthen the psyche and improve mood. Allergy sufferers should consult a doctor before using such drugs. Note! Perhaps sleep problems are caused by excessive anxiety and anxiety. Find out which over-the-counter sedatives can best deal with stress. It should be noted that combined drugs have a pronounced effect in contrast to single drugs. This feature causes a larger list of side effects and contraindications.

Popular combined sleeping pills:

Novo-Passit. It is indicated for neurotic disorders and sleep dysfunction. The composition contains extracts of medicinal plants: hawthorn, St. John's wort, passionflower, lemon balm. Side effects include drowsiness, nausea, and muscle weakness, and contraindications include myasthenia gravis. Novo-Passit is not addictive.

Persen.  Accelerates falling asleep and removes irritability. The main active ingredients are valerian, mint and lemon balm. The advantage of the drug is the absence of drowsiness during the day.

Dormiplant.  This sedative has a relaxing effect. It is considered effective for sleep dysfunction, severe stress and nervous strain.

Corvalol and Valocordin.

These funds are used for neurotic conditions and sleep disturbance. Corvalol is also indicated for tachycardia and hypertension.

  Homeopathic remedies

It is known that homeopathic sleeping pills are not addictive, therefore they are very often used by active people. Such drugs help treat sleep disturbances, normalizing all processes in the body, including the wakefulness and sleep cycle. Thanks to homeopathic treatment, falling asleep occurs naturally, and during the day, cheerfulness is maintained. The main advantage of such drugs is the absence of side effects. If we talk about sedative effect, then some patients do not observe it.

The most popular homeopathic remedies are:

Hypnosis.  It is indicated for insomnia, irritability, neurasthenia, migraines. Side effects are extremely rare. They disappear immediately after stopping sleeping pills.

Passidorm.   Used for sleep disorders, including night awakening and long falling asleep. The drug is contraindicated in alcoholism, pregnancy and hypersensitivity to the components.

Calm down.  Has a sedative effect. The main indications include insomnia and nervous excitement.

Sleeping pills that are over-the-counter help in most cases to get rid of insomnia. If you don’t have the desired result, you should try the analogue. Often, such drugs can avoid addiction and normalize sleep.

Hypnotics - a large group of drugs with different mechanisms of action that contribute to the onset of sleep and maintain its duration and depth at a sufficient level.

The pharmaceutical market offers many drugs that improve the onset of sleep, but in many cases it is their additional or side effect. Such drugs are used in people with various neurological abnormalities, in which sleep disturbance is a concomitant pathology.

Before resorting to the use of sleeping pills, you should try other ways that can help you quickly fall asleep.

A distinctive feature of the group of sleeping pills is that they have the main sleeping pill and they are used only when the person has a clinical diagnosis of insomnia.
  The most common sleeping pills that come in the form of drops include:

  • motherwort tincture;
  • corvalol;
  • phenobarbital;
  • valocordin.

Hypnotics from this list are dispensed without a prescription, but you should not use them without consulting a doctor. The onset of sleep is far from the only effect of these drugs.

Mechanism of action

The basis of the mechanism of action of sleeping pills is the effect on the neurotransmitter processes of the central nervous system. Neurotransmitters are biologically active substances responsible for the transmission of impulses between nerve cells.

Nerve cells control the body's functions with the help of chemical signaling substances, neurotransmitters and neurohormones.

They are divided into two groups - inhibitory and exciting. The most important mediators of the human nervous system include acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, gamma-aminobutyric acid. Each of these substances plays a role in the activity of the central nervous system. Gamma-aminobutyric acid is the most potent inhibitory mediator of the central nervous system. She plays a key role in the process of falling asleep. The mechanism of action of sleeping pills is based on the activation of inhibitory mediators and inhibition of aphrodisiacs. Outwardly, this is manifested by sedation and an acceleration of sleep.

Brief description of drugs

Hypnotics, which are available in the form of drops, do not belong to the group of potent drugs, so most people can buy them without a prescription. However, given the possibility of addiction, you should not start taking them without first consulting a doctor.

Sleep caused by certain drugs, such as phenobarbital, has a disturbed structure. A person may not have a sense of relaxation. A significant drawback is that the liquid has a rather specific taste and smell. Especially “noticeable” in this regard is tincture of valerian, Corvalol and Barbov. In some people, they can even trigger a headache attack.

Herbal preparations

Tincture of valerian and motherwort has a pronounced sedative and hypnotic effect, the mechanism of which is not exactly installed.

Tincture on the root of valerian helps with migraines, epilepsy and increased nervous irritability

Only the total extract from the plants has an effect. The study of individual components showed that the effect of their influence is very weak or absent altogether. There is evidence that valerianic acid inhibits the breakdown of GABA. In addition, GABA is found in the roots of plants. Many experts believe that the effect of valerian and motherwort is not the strongest that can be observed with the use of herbal medicines, but it has a stable therapeutic effect.


Phenobarbital increases the sensitivity of receptors to gamma-aminobutyric acid. As a result, channels of chlorine ions open in neurons and its entry into cells increases. This reduces the excitability of the cell membrane and inhibits the transmission of nerve impulses.

The action of this tool is non-selective. It exhibits a sedative effect, suppresses motor activity, inhibits the sensory zones of the cerebral cortex. The combination of all these points is regarded as a sleeping pill. Sleep caused by phenobarbital has a shortened REM sleep phase, which is different from physiological. The effect of the drug begins half an hour after administration and lasts up to 8 hours, in rare cases, up to 12. After two weeks of administration, its effectiveness decreases.

Combination drugs

Barboval and Corvalol are very similar combination preparations.

Barboval is used as a symptomatic (sedative and vasodilator) agent for functional disorders of the cardiovascular system, impaired falling asleep, neurosis-like conditions accompanied by increased irritability, a state of excitement with severe vegetative manifestations

Mode of application

A single and daily dose of drugs is determined individually for each person. They are determined by such factors:

  • indications;
  • the presence of concomitant pathology;
  • patient age;
  • susceptibility to active substances;
  • severity of response to treatment.

The treatment process begins with the lowest effective dose for a particular pathology.
  Typically, sleeping pills are prescribed in a dose of 20-25 drops, followed by dose adjustment. Drops are taken half an hour before meals. To reduce the unpleasant taste and smell, the medicine is diluted in a small amount of water. With insomnia, the drug is taken half an hour or an hour before bedtime.

Indications and contraindications for use

All sleeping pills have a general indication for use - sleep disturbance. But only by examining in detail the history of the disease and the presence of concomitant pathology, the specialist can choose the necessary drug.

It is not necessary that this is the most powerful medicine, it is important that it is suitable for a particular person.

In addition to sleep disorders, sleeping pills in the form of drops are indicated in the following cases:

  • nervous excitement;
  • neurotic conditions;
  • migraine;
  • functional disorders of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by an accelerated heartbeat;
  • peripheral artery spasms;
  • intestinal colic with severe vegetative symptoms.

In most cases, non-prescription sleeping pills are prescribed as an additional tool that enhances the effect of essential drugs.

Choosing a quick-acting sleeping pill, you will get fast falling asleep, but such drugs do not guarantee a long sleep.

The list of contraindications for taking sleeping pills in the form of drops is not very long, but it should not be ignored. The main ones include:

  • hypersensitivity to drug components;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • moderate to severe anemia;
  • diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by shortness of breath or impaired patency of the airways;
  • diseases of the kidneys and liver, which are accompanied by a failure of these organs;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • alcoholism;
  • drug addiction or condition after treatment.

Overdose and possible side effects

In case of an overdose, patients experience drowsiness, lethargy, nausea, and dizziness. If you have these symptoms, you should consult your doctor. A dose reduction or drug withdrawal eliminates these symptoms without additional treatment.

Side effects develop extremely rarely, mainly with the use of phenobarbital, since this is a fairly potent substance. First of all, these are allergic reactions from the skin, impaired blood formation, decreased blood pressure and heart rate. With prolonged treatment, there is a risk of liver damage, lower levels of calcium in the blood, decreased libido, impaired potency. The funds of this group are used with caution by patients who are engaged in labor requiring increased attention - drivers, cashiers, dispatchers, operators of complex mechanisms.

People suffering from insomnia take various drugs, including sleeping pills in drops and tablets. A liquid dosage form has both pluses and minuses. To effectively treat sleep disorders, you must actively use all the advantages of each remedy.

Some drugs provide a quick onset of sleep, while others normalize its duration and depth. A well-rested person maintains vigor and activity.

Pharmacological groups of sleeping pills and sedatives:

  • derivatives of barbituric acid (barbiturates);
  • benzodiazepine derivatives;
  • antihistamines;
  • some antidepressants;
  • sedatives;
  • a number of antipsychotics;
  • combined.

According to the degree of influence on the nervous system, groups of lungs, moderate and potent drugs are distinguished. By consistency, they can be solid (tablets, capsules). Liquid forms: tinctures, drops, syrups.

Important!Barbiturates, benzodiazepine derivatives, antipsychotics and antidepressants. As a rule, they are produced in the form of tablets and capsules, dispensed in pharmacies by prescription.


A potent sleeping pill lasts a long time - 7-8 hours, but changes the structure of sleep, causes drug dependence. Drops of Valocordin and Corvalol containing phenobarbital are almost devoid of these harmful effects.


Block the reaction of tissues to histamine, enhance the effect of analgesics. Hypnotic antihistamine in drops Valocordin-Doxylamine better helps with sleep disorders caused by allergies, inflammation, pain.

Biologically active additives

Drops Morpheus and Bai-Bai - sleeping pills without prescription. Contain natural ingredients. It can be taken for a long time, addiction does not develop. Supplements differ from drugs in the absence of preclinical and clinical trials that are required in evidence-based medicine.

Herbal tinctures

Means are prepared using alcohol with a strength of 60–96%. They are released in a pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription. Ethanol dissolves useful components, prevents their deterioration, preserves the aroma and taste of a natural source. It is convenient to dose such a concentrate in drops; it can be used for a long time and stored for 2-3 years.

Drops Notta, Rescue Remedi, Valerianohel belong to light sleeping pills. Some people are helped, others are not affected.

Indications for the use of sleeping pills and sedatives in drops

Sleep is disturbed by nervous excitement, stress, and neurosis. It is in these cases that drops from insomnia of weak and medium action help. The use of such a remedy is also justified in situations where the causes of insomnia are not identified or it is not possible to completely eliminate them.

Important!It is better to entrust the choice of sleeping pills to a specialist who will find out the root cause of the disease, the presence of concomitant diseases.

If the problem is only falling asleep, then a quick-acting remedy is more suitable. In the case of frequent awakenings at night, after which the sleep leaves irrevocably, you need to use a strong medicine.

Herbal tinctures, sedative syrups, dietary supplements, homeopathic medicines are available in pharmacies without a prescription. This does not mean that they are intended for uncontrolled or long-term treatment. To avoid deterioration, one should pay attention to limitations and side effects.

Contraindications for taking sleeping pills and sedatives in the form of drops:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • severe damage to the liver and kidneys;
  • moderate to severe anemia;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • asthma;
  • alcoholism;
  • drug addiction;
  • pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding (not always);
  • diseases that are accompanied by a deterioration in airway patency.

Important!Prescription benzodiazepines, barbiturates, prescription antidepressants have many contraindications and are addictive.

Sleep disorders in the elderly can be due to the fact that different drugs begin to act. A person takes drops for insomnia and several other types of drugs. A “cocktail” of drugs causes sleep disturbances, a vicious cycle occurs.

Table of drugs for insomnia in drops:

Title Pharmacy Vacation Terms Price
over the counter 13-20 rub.
over the counter 13-30 rub.
Valocordin over the counter 100-300 rub.
over the counter 100-200 rub.
on prescription 200-300 rub.
over the counter 200-300 rub.
over the counter 100-200 rub.
over the counter 100-600 rub.
over the counter 700-1300 rub.
over the counter 100-200 rub.
over the counter
Valerianochel over the counter 400-600 rub.

List of sleeping pills in drops with the characteristics of drugs

For each tool, the following parameters are indicated: Name. 1. Description of the drug. 2. Pros. 3. Cons. 4. Contraindications. 5. Price. 6. Reviews.

  1. The liquid is red-brown in color, with a sweetish aroma, a specific taste. Available in glass bottles of 25, 30, 50 ml. Contains as an active component an alcoholic extract from the rhizome of Valerian officinalis.
  2. Affordable drug. It has a mild relaxing and sedative effect, facilitates falling asleep. You can use drops to treat children.
  3. To obtain a hypnotic effect, it is necessary to take increased doses of the drug, but in this case, working capacity decreases, weakness and depression arise.
  4. Hypersensitivity to tincture components, children under 12 months of age, pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  5. 12–79 rubles (25 ml).
  6. Consumers note in the reviews that tincture of valerian must be in the home medicine cabinet as an inexpensive sedative for the whole family.

  1. A tan liquid, the smell is faint, the taste is slightly bitter, but pleasant. Available in 25 and 30 ml bottles. The active component is an extract of two types of motherwort: ordinary and five-lobed.
  2. It acts comprehensively, is not addictive.
  3. Mild hypnotic effect at low doses.
  4. Intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components, low blood pressure, gastritis and peptic ulcer, age up to 12 years.
  5. 25-60 rubles depending on the volume and the manufacturing company.
  6. The reviews are mostly positive. It is mentioned that the herbal preparation helps in case of mild sleep disturbances and improves the condition for nervous disorders.
  1. Transparent liquid, specific odor, persistent. It contains a complex of active and auxiliary components: phenobarbital, ethyl bromoisovalerianate, peppermint oil, hop oil, ethanol.
  2. Combines a soft sleeping pill with a calming effect. Accepted for violations of falling asleep. The drug is well tolerated, not addictive.
  3. Long-term use is fraught with negative consequences: daytime drowsiness, chronic bromine intoxication.
  4. Intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breastfeeding, age up to 18 years.
  5. Valocordin - 257 rubles 50 ml, Corvalol - 22–38 rubles depending on the volume of the vial.
  6. Reviews are mostly positive. It is noted that the drops help calm down and fall asleep after a busy day.

  1. Colorless, clear liquid with a pleasant minty odor. Contains doxylamine as an active substance. Auxiliary components - ethanol, peppermint oil.
  2. The drug accelerates the onset of sleep and, at the same time, increases its duration. The action comes quickly - within 30 minutes.
  3. With the use of Valocordin-Doxylamine, the appearance of drowsiness in the daytime is associated. The drug causes constipation, dry mouth.
  4. Intolerance to components, glaucoma, age up to 12 years.
  5. 214 rubles 25 ml.
  6. Many are satisfied with the hypnotic effect of Valocordin-Doxylamine.

  1. Transparent liquid without color or yellowish tint. There is no specific odor. Homeopathic drops contain several ingredients that have a complex effect on sleep disorders.
  2. It is not addictive, it can be used at a time when clarity of mind is required during the day, and at night - a calm rest. Minimum side effects.
  3. Refers to weak sleeping pills, does not work with deep violations.
  4. Intolerance to the components of the drug.
  5. 251-414 rubles, depending on the volume of the bottle.
  6. In the reviews, the use of Nott drops with hyperactivity in a child, increased nervous excitability in adults is noted.

  1. Liquid with a greenish-yellow or brown tint, a pleasant aroma. Contains valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peppermint, diphenhydramine and ethanol.
  2. It is softer than valocordin or corvalol.
  3. The presence of diphenhydramine and ethanol in the composition of the drops.
  4. Heart failure, hypotension, pregnancy, lactation, under 18 years of age, intolerance to components.
  5. 200 rubles, 50 ml.
  6. The drug is liked by hypertensive patients, people suffering from weather sensitivity.
  1. A clear solution of light yellow or greenish color. The taste is sour, metallic. The preparation contains metal ions (macro- and microelements).
  2. It helps not only with insomnia, but also many other disorders of the body. It is used in pediatrics to treat children weighing more than 10 kg.
  3. It has a weak sleeping pill.
  4. Intolerance to metal ions.
  5. 500 rubles, 100 ml.
  6. Positive feedback about drops Beresh Plus is often left by pregnant women. They emphasize that sleep improves, weakness, fatigue passes.

  1. Transparent liquid of pale yellow color, with a pleasant herbal aroma, bitter taste. Contains a homeopathic composition of five flower essences.
  2. It quickly has a calming effect in a stressful situation, improves the tolerance of psycho-emotional stress.
  3. High price, difficult to find in a private pharmacy.
  4. Intolerance to the components, early childhood.
  5. 1250 rubles, 10 ml.
  6. According to studies and reviews of representatives of evidence-based medicine, the effect of any homeopathic remedies is not higher than the placebo effect.

  1. The liquid contains extracts of medicinal herbs. The clear solution has a yellowish color, a pleasant smell. Helps children suffering from sleep disorders, aggressiveness, hyperactivity, dermatitis.
  2. Natural composition, a safe tool, not addictive.
  3. This is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement. Causes dry mouth.
  4. Hypersensitivity to the components.
  5. 150 rubles, 50 ml.
  6. The tool has received positive reviews from parents who give drops for sleep disturbances in children.

  1. A clear solution with a menthol odor, pleasant taste. Contains extracts of medicinal plants that contribute to the normalization of sleep.
  2. Natural ingredients; mild soothing effect. Suitable for admission at school age.
  3. There are flavor enhancers, sweeteners. Weak sleeping pills.
  4. Intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breast-feeding.
  5. 130 rubles, 50 ml.
  6. The reviews noted the natural composition of the drug, which euthanized many with restless legs syndrome and "manager's syndrome."

  1. Transparent or cloudy liquid of a dark cherry color with a strong smell of valerian, pleasant taste. Contains more than 10 homeopathic substances: herbs and salts. The solvent is ethanol.
  2. It can be used to treat neurosis and sleep disorders in adults and children.
  3. The hypnotic effect is poorly expressed.
  4. Intolerance to the components of the product, age up to 2 years.
  5. 550 rubles, 30 ml.
  6. Opinions about the drug are divided: there are positive, neutral and negative. According to reviews, Valerianachel does not work or help only with mild insomnia.

Means in the form of drops with valerian, motherwort is best used in cases of sleep disorders caused by functional disorders of the heart, increased nervous irritability, irritable bowel syndrome.

Table of drugs for insomnia in drops

Explanation of symbols:



Over the counter

On prescription


Release form



Many of those who suffer from chronic insomnia and who have experienced this for the first time do not go to the doctor for a prescription. This happens for various reasons - reluctance, disbelief, lack of time, etc. And such people have a logical question - what sleeping pills can be bought freely, without a medical prescription. You can learn about this by reading this material. Below we provide a list of such sleeping pills

Potent sleeping pills, over-the-counter

  • Donormil. It has a pronounced effect, helps to quickly fall asleep. However, the drug has a number of side effects, which include: daytime drowsiness, dry mouth, a feeling of weakness, decreased performance. Therefore, this sleeping pill can take a limited circle of persons. But Donormil should not be taken by older people, because it is forbidden for those who suffer from kidney disease, prostate adenoma, and such diseases are typical of the elderly.
  •   . The drug gives an excellent result in relation to falling asleep. However, this drug is dangerous: in addition to daytime sleepiness, Phenazepam affects the coordination of movements, increases the risk of trauma. Thus, it is impossible to apply Phenazepam to elderly people and people engaged in labor related to concentration of attention (for example, drivers). In addition, Phenazepam is addictive.
  •   (Melatonin). An analogue of the hormone melatonin, the natural sleep hormone produced by the pineal gland. It has a good sedative effect, is able to regulate the cycle of alternating sleep and wakefulness. Physiologically affects the processes of the central nervous system, contributing to the occurrence of drowsiness. There is no daytime drowsiness, there are no other side effects either. The therapeutic phase of a single dose of the drug has a short effect and is rapidly metabolized. Falling asleep occurs under the influence of the drug, but further sleep becomes completely natural and is further maintained by its hormone melatonin. Overdose is not possible.

Herbal hypnotics

Compared with the above, these drugs are characterized by lower price, greater safety, but lower efficiency.

  •   and other means based on it - tincture, tablets, extract. It has a calming effect, relieves anxiety syndrome, irritability, due to which the effect of insomnia is reduced.
  • Motherwort and other means based on it - tincture, tablets, extract. It has a similar effect and a similar effect.

Combined funds

  • Dormiplant. It has a relaxing and calming effect, contributes to a quiet sleep and fast falling asleep.
  • Persen. It has sleeping pills, relieves increased irritability, and makes it easier to fall asleep.
  • New passit. Recommended for use in neurosis and sleep disorders.
  • Valocordin. The composition includes phenobarbital, which has a pronounced sedative effect and has an antispasmodic effect.