Water delivery to the office is inexpensive. How to choose a water delivery company

Water is the source of life, and it must always be clean. Tap water does not meet drinking water quality standards. The presence of impurities, chlorine and heavy metals adversely affects not only the quality of water, but also our health. The consequences will be different, it all depends on the human immune system. But our body needs living water daily. In all major cities, there are now many companies offering bottled water. Due to the huge number of offers, it is difficult to choose the company that can guarantee high quality water and decent service.

There is a classification of water depending on its purpose: drinking, mineral, medicinal and medicinal-canteen. Do not confuse them with tap water, which has undergone a special treatment and does not bear any benefit to the body. Depending on what kind of water you need and for what purposes, choose the appropriate supplier. It offers its customers mineral, healing and simply drinking water for everyday use, cooking and drinking raw.

Where to get drinking water?

There are two options: regularly go to the source and replenish water supplies on your own, or order it with delivery. What is the advantage of delivery? Firstly, time saving. There is no need to spend your day off on a trip to the source (and this should be a source not within the metropolis). Secondly, the company that delivers water is responsible for its quality, which gives certain guarantees to the consumer.

Supplier Selection Criteria

A legal entity that provides services for the delivery of drinking or mineral water is required to conclude an agreement with the consumer for the provision of services. It necessarily prescribes the terms of cooperation, at what time and on what days the delivery will be carried out. Must be spelled out the cost of water. Please note that the cost of the water itself may not include delivery services. Check this item, if it is not prescribed in the contract, check with the manager.

It should be possible to terminate the agreement prematurely if the company does not fulfill its obligations. It is important for the consumer to protect his rights and to be sure that he will really receive his order on time.

Service should be convenient for the consumer. If the company does not deliver water at a time convenient for you, it is better to refuse the service, as this can cause certain inconveniences. Delivery time does not have to be during business hours, you can order it in the evening or early morning with an SMS notification of the exact delivery time.

Before concluding a contract, it is best to take a sample. This will assess the taste and quality of the water. If there is a desire and time, do her laboratory analysis. This is an ideal opportunity to find out what you will drink. Read reviews and recommendations, always check the documents of a legal entity. This will allow, if necessary, to assert their rights.

Where is the water from?

One of the main issues that concern everyone who selects a supplier of drinking water. Tap water is easily distinguished by taste, or rather, by the lack of taste. If water is not enriched with minerals, there is no “life" in it, then it is absolutely useless for the body. Only water that is extracted from natural sources in ecologically clean areas can be considered useful and “living”. As a rule, these are wells of at least 100 m, water passes through natural filters, being purified naturally without human intervention. The absence of chemical additives guarantees the safety of the structure created by nature itself. The purity of the water depends on the depth of the well. At a depth of more than one hundred meters, the water is protected from external pollution, and at the same time, using modern technology, it is not difficult to produce.

Service and work experience

There is another indicator of the quality and reliability of the company - experience. There is little trust in new companies, if you are one who is not used to risking your health, then choose suppliers from among the "old-timers". Typically, such organizations already have a certain customer base, it is easy to find information on them, reviews of real customers. This will avoid misunderstandings regarding the delivery, terms and conditions of cooperation. Large companies always have the opportunity to arrange delivery at any time, including weekends.

Additional services offered by experienced suppliers help to solve many, as practice shows, serious problems. For example, it should be possible to buy a cooler, a pump, disposable tableware (it is especially important if water will be delivered to the office), accessories (handles for bottles, glass holders, etc.). The presence of additional service is a significant plus.

Prices, Payment

The best option for the buyer is free shipping. This is not a luxury, but one of the indicators of a high level of organization. Large suppliers within the city can take delivery costs to their account, but on condition that you buy a certain minimum. Usually, three bottles of 19 liters are delivered free of charge (smaller volume is allowed, but then more bottles).

Not everyone has the opportunity to pay for purchases by bank transfer, so try to find out in advance all the possible conditions and methods of payment. For example, when ordering water from the company Natural Sources, you can pay by cashless funds, cash and through electronic wallets (Yandex.Money or Webmoney). An invoice, receipt or check is always provided as confirmation of payment and delivery.

The hot months are coming, so more and more people are starting to think about where to order water for home. At the same time, no one wants to drink liquid of unknown origin, recruited, possibly from an ordinary water tap. If you need really high-quality and, at the same time, cheap mineral water, then Aqualife will be happy to help you in this matter. The supply of drinking products is our priority, so we provide customers with exactly what they need. Turning to our company, you can take advantage of an extensive list of benefits and advantages. Namely:

  • In the catalog you will find inexpensive water for a house of the first and highest category, produced by well-known brands AQUALIFE and Chernogolovskaya;
  • Free delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region (delivery conditions to some areas of the Moscow Region are negotiated separately);
  • A wide selection of packaging options - from 0.25 liter compact bottles. to massive 19-liter bottles. Thanks to this, each customer will easily choose the appropriate volume for him;
  • A very reasonable price that will allow you to buy our products for very reasonable money.

High quality and best conditions for ordering home water in Moscow

Using our services once, you no longer have to look for where to order the best water on the most favorable terms and how much it costs to deliver home water in Moscow. After all, Aqualife always goes towards its customers, providing them with favorable discounts and very attractive promotions. For example, bottled water in disposable containers is supplied exclusively with packaging. This will help you get an impressive batch of clean, refreshing liquid at an affordable price. And having ordered a bottle of 19 liters, you will receive it with a pump as a gift.

Unfortunately, chlorinated water from a water tap does not make it possible to quench your thirst right now :( It takes time to defend it ... Time is priceless. Therefore, in any major metropolis, especially in Moscowconvenient needed.

Water to the house. What water to drink at home?

Determining for yourself what water to order home is not difficult: Drinking purified (TU 0131 ...)  or Natural drinking water (TU 9185 ...)  ! Only in natural (with the original mineral-salt composition preserved) drinking water contains the necessary, naturally created and balanced complex of useful substances for the health of our body and strong immunity.

Natural drinking water no need to boilto quench your thirst quickly with a glass of clean water! When ordering home delivery of water, you will always feel the invariable taste of your favorite dishes. For children we offer special baby water at home.

Home delivery of drinking water.

Professional delivery of drinking water to your home from the Natural Sources company will provide your home with natural drinking table water (TU 9185) on the appointed day and time:

  • Choose water for your home on our website from a diverse range of plain and glacial waters of a convenient volume: water 19 l , water 5 l , water 0.5 l  and water 0.33 l.
  • SMS with the exact time of home water delivery  enables you to plan your day in advance.
  • Customers are amazed at how timely our operators, if they wish, remind us of the need to order home water. The notification service about the last bottle of water allows you not to be distracted from important matters.
  • In case of breakage or need in cooler sanitation  - everyone immediately turns to us. During the work with your cooler in the service center, we provide free replacement equipment.
  • Our polite forwarders deliver water to the door of your home.
  • We select for you individually convenient time for home water delivery.

Home coolers and pumps