Delphinium New Zealand, landing and care. Sowing seeds in open ground

New Zealand Delphinium is often called a spur in everyday life. This unpretentious plant does not take the trouble: to grow it under the force of both an experienced and novice gardener. Inflorescences can vary in type and be terry, semi-double or simple. Their diameter is often 9-10 cm. Multicolored and original New Zealand delphiniums will decorate the summer cottage.

Delphinium - spectacular, popular among gardeners perennial plant. It is a tall stem, covered with flowers and easily reaching a height of more than 100 cm.

Delphinium inflorescences amaze with a variety of colors and shades: blue, purple, lilac, pink and even white. Less common varieties of red, burgundy and brown shades. At the bottom of the plant are the leaves. In a healthy flower, they have a bright green color and pointed edges.

The period of flowering at the delphinium falls on the end of June - the beginning of August. After removing the faded racemes from the plant, it may re-dissolve at the end of August or in September.

Burs is a perennial flower, the average lifespan of its bush is from 5 to 8 years.

A common and popular garden flower in our country, reaching sizes considerable or even gigantic, is New Zealand terry delphinium. Plant in the wild is found in Europe, America, Asia and Africa. This flower needs the soil to be light and the climate is not too cold. Therefore, applying only insignificant efforts, it is possible to grow this amazing plant in the garden in almost all regions of our country.

Due to the long work of botanists, the selection method bred various varieties of New Zealand delphiniums. The most successful of them, many gardeners recognize delphinium New Zealand Giant. This type of hog baler is highly frost resistant and immune to a number of diseases. In addition, the bush of this species is durable and will delight its owner with abundant and long flowering for 10 years.

See also: Balsam - exotic on the windowsill

Other varieties to which attention should be paid to both experienced and novice gardeners are:

  • The Queen of Spades;
  • New Zealand dwarf;
  • giant Lime;
  • giant bridal bouquet;
  • giant azure.

This plant does not require complex care, but in order for it to grow well and for a long time please its owner with luxuriant buds, one should know and follow the basic rules of its reproduction and care for it.

Flower breeding methods

A simple and fast way to propagate a bore - dividing a bush. To do this, one bush must be divided into several so that each of the new ones will get 2 or 3 healthy branches. Plant plants should immediately to a permanent place. This procedure is best done in the spring. However, experienced gardeners rarely use this method. More popular is the cultivation of New Zealand delphinium from seed.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

The best time for sowing seeds of delphinium on seedlings is autumn. To hold this event should be immediately after the collection of seeds, not postponing. The fact is that over time, the germination of this plant deteriorates. It is possible to sow a spurger in the spring. But in this case, the seeds collected in autumn will have to be stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of + 3 ° C to + 7 ° C. Finding seeds at this temperature for several months will greatly increase their chances of germinating when planting in spring.

For sowing a delphinium, a special lightweight primer bought in a store is best suited. However, an analogue of such a soil can be made independently. To do this in equal proportions you need to take peat, garden soil and humus. In the resulting mixture, add a little charcoal to disinfect the soil or treat the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This will protect germinating seeds from fungal infections that can destroy young, fragile plants.

The seeds of all types of burs are extremely small, and even the seeds of the delphinium of the New Zealand Giant, despite the name of this variety, do not stand out in size much. For this reason, the delphinium of any kind can be sown densely, about 2 seeds per 1 square. cm.

Seeds placed on the surface of the soil should be slightly pressed down and covered with a thin layer of soil on top. Do not allow the soil to dry out, so immediately after planting it is necessary to moisten the soil and, if necessary, spray it with water every day.

See also: Basil Basin - features of plant care

Before the seedlings emerge, the container with them should be covered with film or glass on top and kept indoors with a temperature of + 10 ° C to + 15 ° C. With the advent of the first shoots, the film or glass must be removed and the plants kept at a temperature of + 20 ° C. The seedling is grown in indoor conditions for about 2 months.

Open field dolphin care

It is possible to make landing of grown-up and weakened hogs in the ground, when the earth has already warmed up and the threat of frost has passed. Seedlings should be planted immediately to a permanent place. The distance between the seedlings should be about 50 cm, but it can be more if the variety is large. For the well-being of plants in the future, the ground at the landing site should be prepared. To do this, in the ground you need to add peat and humus to get the soil, similar to the one in which the seeds germinated.

If it is not possible to prepare the soil, then at least one should add to the earth a complex mineral fertilizer. As the delphinium grows, the plant feeding should be repeated several times.

The New Zealand Delphinium does not tolerate drought during the period of growth. Often, delphiniums even die from lack of moisture. However, it is not necessary to pour the plant, the excess water will not benefit him.

After disembarkation, care for this flower is not particularly difficult. It is enough to maintain the optimum soil moisture for the first time and fertilize the spatter in time so that it develops quickly and correctly. Also, after flowering, you should cut the scorched inflorescences. This measure is not recommended only in regions with a short summer and a cold autumn, since pruning dry flowers provokes re-flowering, and because of this the plant may not have time to gain strength by the winter.

In winter, the plant stems are cut at a distance of about 25 cm from the ground. The delphinium stems are hollow inside, therefore, in order to prevent moisture from getting into them and the plant does not rot, it is recommended to seal sections with clay or garden putty.

See also: Characteristic of aquilegia terry

In most regions of our country, the delphinium tolerates winter well and does not need to be covered. However, many gardeners in the northern areas still prefer to protect their plants from frost, covering the bushes with fir branches.

Pest control

Even with the proper care of the spur there is always the risk that the flower will be hit by insects. Most often, troubles are delivered to lovers of these plants by pests: a delphinium fly, aphid, and slugs.

The first can hit the plant in hot and dry summers. To combat these pests should be using special insecticides. They can process plants for preventive purposes.

Slugs, on the contrary, attack delphiniums in a rainy and cool summer in conditions of an excess of moisture. Therefore, for planting these plants it is better to choose well ventilated blown places. If, however, the attacks of slugs were not avoided, chlorine will become an excellent means of dealing with them, the smell of which scares them.

A delphinium (larkspur or spurge) is a herbaceous flowering plant belonging to the family Lyutikovyh. Today there are over 400 species of delphinium. It can be annuals and perennials. The homeland of growth is Southeast Asia, China and the tropical zone of Africa. The most famous for their originality and beauty of New Zealand delphiniums, the fashion for the cultivation of which has come to our growers.

A bit about the biology of delphiniums

Growing the New Zealand delphinium is a painstaking process that requires patience and effort. It is necessary to approach selection of a site for landing with full responsibility. The site for planting this plant should be well lit, without winds, drafts and water stagnation. New Zealand delphiniums can grow in one place for up to 5-6 years. On the expiration of this period, the bushes are divided and seated separately.

The most unpleasant disease of the delphinium is powdery mildew. In the fight against it use chemicals. Having rendered this unusual flower due care and attention, it is possible to achieve repeated flowering. The first period of release of flower buds begins in June, the second, less long - in late summer and early autumn.

The first hybrids of this garden pet were obtained by crossing perennials. The most popular and beautiful are the delphiniums of the Scottish, New Zealand and Marphin selection.

Where to buy seeds of New Zealand delphiniums?

Considering that the cost of the seeds of these hybrids is very high, it has become expedient to arrange a joint venture, which means Joint Purchase. To date, there are several active forums involved in the organization of a joint venture from New Zealand. Thus, you can make a purchase of seeds from Terry Daudeswell, who managed to start production of these hybrids. This is very convenient today for many gardeners who wish to grow beautiful and unusual flowers on their site, while the cost of acquiring planting material will be much lower.

The most sought-after and beautiful are newly cultivated varieties of delphiniums from this distant country. These are tall plants reaching a height of two meters. They produce large double and semi-double flowers with a diameter of up to 8-9 cm. Some species have corrugated flowers.

One of the brightest plants of this group is the Delphinium New Zealand Giant.

All hybrids of this group are characterized by frost resistance, durability, resistance to various diseases. Their landing is made for further cutting. This business is profitable for those who sell flowers. A catalog of all varieties of New Zealand delphiniums can be viewed on the website of Galina Nikitina, where the joint venture for the purchase of seeds is also held. JV will reduce the cost of the desired product.

How to grow a delphinium from seed?

Growing a perennial delphinium from seeds is not only exciting, but also profitable. After all, the seeds for planting this plant are not cheap. In addition, the New Zealand delphinium can be propagated not only with the help of seeds, but also with cuttings, dividing the bush and the buds.

Planting with seeds is the most reliable and efficient method. It is worth remembering that storing seeds in a warm room is not recommended, their germination is lost. Freshly harvested seeds are sown immediately, or sent for preservation in the refrigerator.

Seed preparation

Before disembarking, they undergo a disinfection procedure. They are placed in cheesecloth, then immersed in a highly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. Some growers use fungicidal solution. Then the seeds directly in gauze to rinse under running water. The next step is to soak them in Appin solution (2 drops of the substance diluted with 1 liter of water). After that, the seeds are dried, preventing them from sticking together.

Soil preparation

Next, you need to prepare a soil mixture of garden soil, peat and compost one by one, adding the floor of a piece of coarse sand. In order to make the earth more loose and moisture-consuming, you need to add perlite. For ten liters of soil make one glass of the substance. To destroy weed seeds and fungal spores, the soil mixture is heated in a water bath for 40-50 minutes.


Landing delphinium held in small containers that are filled with soil, slightly trampling. Seeds are planted superficially. In order not to get confused where there is a variety, each container with seedlings must be signed indicating the date of sowing. So that the seeds do not float to the surface when they are first moistened, they are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil 3-4 mm. Immediately after sowing, seeds are sprayed with boiled water at room temperature. As the germination of seeds in the dark rises, the seedlings are covered first with a transparent container, then with black polyethylene.

Care of crops

To speed up the emergence of seedlings, containers with seeds are exposed closer to sunlight.

Subsequent maintenance of crops is to ensure a stable temperature in the range of 10-15 degrees. You can increase germination by placing a container of seedlings in the refrigerator for several days. Plants quite successfully tolerate lowering the temperature to -5 degrees. After 1-2 weeks, planted hybrids again put in a sunny place. Thanks to this stratification, after 2 weeks the first shoots will appear. It is very important not to miss this moment and immediately remove the film.

Seedling care

Further care of the seedlings is regular spraying and airing. As soon as the seedlings become stronger, and several leaves appear on it, they are planted in separate pots of three hundred milliliters.

The temperature of the plant should be within 20 degrees. At the same time the ground should be light, breathable and loose.

Water hybrids need moderately and regularly. Too much moisture can lead to a black-leg disease, which can cause all plantings to die. Optimize your pets care to prevent this.

In May, the seedlings are gradually adapted to fresh air and sunlight.

Delphinium fertilizer is held twice before landing in open ground. The interval between feedings is two weeks. As dressings use Agricola or Mortar.

Planting a permanent place and caring for plants

Planting seedlings in open ground is carried out after the root system of plants completely braided earthen room. The seedling is easily removed from the planting tank without damaging the roots.

After the plants reach a height of 15 centimeters, the first feeding in open ground is carried out. One manure bucket is diluted with 10 buckets of water. The finished solution can pour five bushes. Then the soil is loosened and weeds are removed. After that, the ground around the plants is mulched with a small layer of peat.

Thinning bushes

When the plants reach 25-30 cm, they are thinned. This procedure is carried out in order to obtain larger and more beautiful inflorescences. On one bush should be no more than 4-5 shoots. In addition, thinning improves air circulation and increases plant resistance to various diseases.

In the process of thinning leave sturdier and healthier stems, thin and weak ones are cut off near the ground. By the way, cut cuttings, on which there is a heel, you can try to root. The slices are treated with coal, then a heteroauxin tablet crushed into powder. Treated shoots are dipped in a mixture of sand and peat, then covered with polyethylene. If done correctly, after a month the shoots must take root. 14 days after rooting, they are planted in open ground. This cultivation of delphinium occurs using cuttings.

Garter to the supports

Once the plants reach a height of half a meter, they will need to build a support. The rods of two meters in height are dug near the bushes. Near each plant should be 3 rods. Then the hybrids are tied up with patches made of support. The next garter is held when the plants reach a height of 1 m.

Care in the flowering period

New Zealand delphiniums, as well as other species, are very fond of moisture. During the period of active growth, one plant can “drink” more than 50 liters of water. In regions with a warm climate and hot summer, flowers are watered once a week, pouring 3 liters of water under one bush. After each watering follows the procedure of loosening the soil around the bush to a depth of five centimeters.

Special care is required delphinium in the period of release of flower buds. At the moment, the plant is abundantly watered and fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (20 g of the substance is diluted with a bucket of water). 1 liter of the prepared solution is applied to one bush. Such measures will achieve a beautiful and abundant flowering. Therefore, timely care is important here, which will allow to achieve maximum decoration.

New Zealand delphinium diseases

Delphiniums can be affected by powdery mildew. Most often this occurs in the middle of summer. Signs of this fungal disease are a white patina, which eventually turns brown. It is necessary to take measures immediately, otherwise the entire land part of the plants will die in a short time. For this, hybrids are sprayed with foundation or Topaz.

Black spots that spread from the bottom upwards along the flower stalk indicate the appearance of black spot. It is possible to cure affected specimens only in an unrolled form. One tetracycline tablet is diluted in 1 liter of water. The prepared solution is repeated spraying of damaged plants.

When ring spots appear, the leaves of the delphinium turn yellow. In this case, the fight against viral disease is useless. Affected copies destroy. The carrier of this disease is aphid. For preventive purposes, the planting is sprayed with actellic or karbofos.


A particularly dangerous insect that lays eggs in the flower buds of a plant, a delphinium fly, and also slugs.

For the destruction of flies flowers are treated with insecticides. To get rid of slugs, the plants exhibit containers with bleach, which scares them.

Leaving after flowering

After the end of the flowering period, inflorescences are subject to cutting. Also at this time, collecting seeds. After cutting on the bushes, new stems will appear. Closer to autumn, the delphiniums will bloom again if they are properly cared for.

Between flowering is the division of the bushes 3-4 years of age. The bush is carefully dug and divided into parts so as not to affect the growth buds. To do this, take a sharp knife. The cut sections are treated with wood powder. Delenki seated separately. This cultivation of delphiniums also refers to the vegetative method.

After the hybrids ottsvetut, and they have dried leaves, cut the stems, leaving 30 cm above ground level. Sections are recommended to cover with clay. This will prevent water from entering through the hole to the root system during the autumn-winter period, which is fraught with rotting roots.

Wintering New Zealand Delphiniums

Regardless of age, all New Zealand delphiniums are hardy. In the winter with little snow, the plants are covered with straw or spruce leaves. These flowers are very sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, which can lead to their death. This can be avoided by pitting to the bottom of the hole in the process of planting half a bucket of sand.

Growing delphiniums with the help of seeds is a troublesome business, but worthwhile. Moreover, there will be no problems with the acquisition of seeds, thanks to the current joint venture system. Create optimal conditions and give the plants proper care, as a reward you will receive amazing beauty that can be admired in summer and autumn.

New Zealand hybrids

   Now on the market you can find mostly foreign (as a rule, Dutch) planting material of the delphinium, and a meager amount of varieties of "home" production. New Zealand delphiniums are very interesting. Breeder Terry Dowdeswell  from New Zealand in recent decades very fruitful work with delphiniums. Out of his hands came a whole delphinium hybrids series (F1)which he called New Millennium Hybrids. The resulting delphinium hybrids have the highest decorative qualities, winter-hardy and durable. They are derived from English-type delphinium hybrids. Terry Daudeswell's great achievement is that he was able to start production of F1 delphinium hybrids. The breeder picked maternal and paternal plants, produced their manual crossing. As a result, he received the seeds of the delphinium, from which grows quite certain homogeneous offspring. Terry Daudeswell hybrids of delphinium have very large flowers, gathered in dense brushes. The flowers are clean and beautiful colors, semi-double or real terry with 4-6 rows of petals. These spectacular hybrids are a great value for flower growers and delphinium cut growers.

New Zealand hybrids delphinium breeding Terry Daudeswell:

   cornflower with white peephole

   white with green, terry

   blue with white eye

   blue-lilac with a white eye


   pink with brown eye


   large flowers are light and
   dark pink with good
   pronounced white eye

   bright mauve
   with white eye, terry

   blue with black peephole

   white terry

   light blue with pink
   shade, terry

   blue-purple terry

   light and dark lilac
   with corrugated petals,

   white with black peephole

  light blue with black peephole

Purple-purple with white
   or striped eye

   New delphinium hybridsBred by Terry Daudeswell, have outstanding decorative qualities. Humanity has not yet known delphiniums of such a high level - this is a revolutionary breakthrough in floriculture. Currently, Terry Daudeswell is working on a series of delphinium hybrids with short stems, which increases plant resistance to lodging.

Martin hybrids

   This group of varieties was created by the Russian breeder NI Malyutin in Marfino, near Moscow, from 1949 to 1992. They have a very high winter hardiness and decoration. Stems 160-180 cm high by 100 cm are occupied by an inflorescence - a dense pyramidal brush of rather large semi-double flowers of various colors.

   Spring snow
white with purple
   shade and black eye,

   Daughter of winter
white with a black eye,

pale pink with
   white eye,

New Zealand giant delphiniums (delphiniums)  - this is a real miracle! Two-meter height, with powerful stems, huge double flowers with several rows of petals of various colors.

Their decorative qualities and durability far exceed the characteristics of their relatives.

Growing New Zealand seed delphinium  - the occupation is very fascinating: it is impossible to predict which signs of the parent plant will be inherited, and which new and unexpected ones will appear.

Seed preparation

If you buy seeds in a store, choose a proven, well-advised company. Need to knowthat the real seeds of import selection of this variety are very expensive - one seed to 10-20 rubles.

If you are offered  inexpensive giant, then most likely in a package with a beautiful picture is not at all what is stated.

If you collect the seeds of the delphinium yourself, do it only in dry weather, waiting forwhen they fully ripen.

Selection right moment  very important because the overripe fruits crack and the seeds get enough sleep. Collect them a little earlier, but after acquiring brown fruit coloring.

If you have collected fruits that are only started to turn brown, place them in a dry, well ventilated place and allow to ripen. Usually, after such treatment, the seeds are of high quality, with good germination.

Seed storage period  giants at low temperature (in the refrigerator) - up to 1 year.

Planting Processing

For successful germination
  seeds of New Zealand delphiniums require three conditions: watering, proper humidity and temperature of the content.

Average seed germination This type of delphinium is approximately 67%, and with the help of pre-soaking in water it can be increased to 80% or more.

To do this, wrap the collected planting material in a clean white cloth and keep it in the fridge for 5-6 days, constantly moistening it. You can not keep a roll floating in the water, because the seeds must breathe!

The perfect option  seed soaking is wrapping a tissue roll into sphagnum moss. By the end of the term, the seeds will swell and be ready for sowing.


The best time to plantnew Zealand Delphinium - March.

Pour into the containers the soil mixture from the sod, peat and humus in equal quantities, previously sifting it through a sieve, aligning it at the edges.

Water well, sow. Then neatly  press the seed with the spatula into the ground, pour once more and top down with a layer of earth up to 3 mm. To keep the surface dry, cover the boxes with burlap.

Watering can be done directly through the coating, sometimes removing it to check the state of humidity. If the seeds are washed away, and they were on top, sprinkle again. At a temperature of 12-15 degrees shoots appear in 9-10 days.

From this point on, the burlap can be removed, but in the sun the seedlings exhibit do not hurry. Observe how the root and subfloor knee will germinate first, which will come out of the ground and drag the cotyledons.

And only after the deployment of the cotyledons from the point located between the two petioles, will appear real leaves.

Approximately one month after sowing, the seedlings become cramped in a common box. The first leaves are formed, which means it's time to start  to transplant. Seed young seedlings at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other and send to the greenhouse under the film, where they will be kept until seeding in open ground.

If you noticethat the growth of giants has stopped, feed them with mineral fertilizers at the rate of 1 g per 40 plants. Delphinium can be planted in a flower garden or on the beds already at the end of April, since it is not afraid of light spring frosts.

Considering frost resistance
  New Zealand giant flower growers sometimes practice autumn sowing seeds directly in open ground.

In the beds, furrows are made to a depth of half a centimeter at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other, seeds are poured into them and sprinkled with the same soil or peat in half with sand.

The beds are covered with pine or spruce branches, strengthen. As soon as shoots appear, the shelter is opened and left as such until spring.

There is a third way - podzimny sowingwhen seeds are sown upon frost. Fissures are made, seeds are sown, covered with dry earth. Such seedlings germinate in April, and in May they are transplanted to a new place.

Autumn and subwinter crops need to be done carefully, only if necessary, since they do not always justify themselves, especially when breeding varietal delphiniums.

Secrets of success

Secrets of the success of growing delphinium:

  • plant a delphinium with arrays near the walls of a house or fence - this will give them wind protection;
  • pick a place where there is no sun before dinner and where water does not stagnate  after the rains;
  • three times per season feed the delphinium  complex fertilizers: first nitrogen, then potassium.

Terry Dowdswell, famous New Zealand breeder, father of many varieties of the giant, recommends to conduct  young plants prevention from damage by rot.

The same gives advice  Russian gardeners: in the conditions of our cold climate, do not propagate the New Zealand delphinium by cuttings, but practice the division of rhizomes or cultivation from seeds.

Delphiniums in Russia have been grown for a very long time, and a rare garden does without these amazing flowering plants.
  The beginning of the flowering of the delphinium - the end of June, when many have already faded, and the July riot of flowers has not yet begun. At this time, the delphinium is the king of flowers in the garden.

Particularly good looking delphinium, landed on a group of 5-7 bushes. It can be plants of one variety or selected varieties in harmonious color combinations.
   In other cases, the delphinium is used to create a high background in mixborders with, lychnis, gelenium, irises, aquilegia and other plants.
   The splendor of the colors of the lush inflorescences makes the delphinium an indispensable participant of mixed plantings.
Blue and Blue Delphinium Varieties  look great along with.
Purple delphiniums  blend perfectly with yellow leafy ornamental shrubs.
Delphiniums with white flowers  good next to krasnolistnymi and maple.

Delphinium breeding

Back in Soviet times, the delphinium was produced at the Marfino state farm, where the breeder N.I. Malyutin.

My husband, Igor, and I are one of the very few Russian producers of cultural delphinium saplings.
   We are working on the technology of mass production of high-quality planting material of the delphinium. We grow Russian varieties, from which a whole range of new delphinium forms has been obtained.
We also started growing delphinium hybrids from seeds purchased from breeder Terry Daudeswell. These hybrids are a real discovery for lovers of delphiniums!

Breeder Terry Doudeswell from New Zealand has been working very successfully with delphiniums in recent decades. From his hands came a whole series of delphinium hybrids (F 1), which he called NewMillenniumHybrids.
   The resulting delphinium hybrids have the highest decorative qualities, winter-hardy and durable. They are derived from English-type delphinium hybrids.

Terry Daudeswell's great achievement is that he managed to start production of F 1 delphinium hybrids. The breeder selected maternal and paternal plants and made their manual crossing. As a result, they received the seeds of delphinium, from which grows quite definitehomogeneousprogeny.

Terry Daudeswell hybrids of delphinium have very large flowers, gathered in dense brushes. The flowers are clean and beautiful colors, semi-double or real terry with 4-6 rows of petals. These spectacular hybrids are a great value for flower growers and delphinium cut growers.

New Zealand hybrids delphinium breeding Terry Daudeswell:
"Royal Aspirations" - cornflower with white eye;
"Green Twist" - white with green, terry;
"Sunny Skies" - blue with a white eye;
"Morning Lights" - blue-lilac with a white eye;
  "Blushing Brides" - pink;
"Dusky Maidens" - pink with a brown eye;
"Pink Punch" - claret pink;
"Sweethearts" - large flowers of light and dark pink with a well-defined white eye;
"Deep Sweethearts" - dark pink with a white or striped eye;
"Purple Passion" - purple-purple with a white eye;
"Innocence" - pure white;
  "Double Innocence" - white terry;
"Blue Lace" - light blue with a pink shade, terry;
"Pagan Purples" - blue-violet, terry;
"Mysty Mauves" - light and dark lilac with corrugated petals, terry;
"Black Eyed Angels" - white with a black eye.

New delphinium hybrids, bred by Terry Daudeswell, have outstanding decorative qualities. Humanity has not yet known delphiniums of such a high level - this is a revolutionary breakthrough in floriculture!
  Currently, Terry Daudeswell is working on a series of delphinium hybrids with short stems, which increases plant resistance to lodging.

Ivanova Irina Mikhailovna (Ryazan region, p. Morozovy Borki)

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