All shepherd breeds. Sheepdog Breeds

The particular popularity of this distinguished breed has served to create many subtypes in various countries. Since there are several separate branches of this breed, for those who want to buy a real German Shepherd, the variations of this breed may seem quite incredible. I made a list of all those related breeds that I could find, and tried to relate them to each other, taking into account temperament and obedience. Anyone who is looking for the best type in a given breed should remember that, despite the excellent recommendation for one of the lines, they can all manifest mental and physical defects. Buyers should be careful when buying a dog from an experienced breeder who specializes in providing subspecies that meet absolutely all the requirements of buyers.
Virtually every branch is required to have excellent size, intelligence and temperament, so that it is truly considered to belong to the genus of the German Shepherd. Under the excellent size refers to a size larger than usual, that is, gigantic. While this quality can impress others, it is still a disadvantage for a working dog. Practically in any working conditions, the most optimal size for a dog is medium. A dog with an approximate weight of 60 to 90 pounds, has balanced indicators of speed, strength and agility. None of the following branches of the breed still has such indicators of intelligence and temperament, as the standard German shepherd. Of course, most of these dogs can be excellent pets, however, it is the “standard German shepherd” that serves tens of thousands of diverse professional and voluntary services around the world. In addition, it is used in the most popular work sport - Schutzhund because it is distinguished by its ability to obey, track and graze without question. No other line has ever been so close to the “German Shepherd” in terms of working qualities, however, since there are difficulties with this line, their properties have never been compared with each other.
And in conclusion, I want to add that the German Shepherd is a working breed, probably the best. Although there is nothing wrong with keeping this dog as a pet, yet this is not the main function of the breed. Bringing new subspecies of German shepherds to match the minimum living conditions in the suburbs is about the same thing as fabricating a BMW with a motor from sewing machines. Of course, they can look great and work on the reputation of the owner, but the essence will be lost forever. If the owner of the animal is not going to seriously engage with the dog, as required by the breed standard, there are in fact many other breeds, including branches of the genus, presented here, which are most suitable for purposes not aimed at professional work. If you can not cope with a working breed, please do not purchase a German Shepherd. Breeders who do not want to develop the working qualities of this breed should also look for another dog. The working qualities lost during hybridization and breeding of subspecies are similar to Mona Lisa’s worn-out smile — it seems that beauty is still there, but Greatness is gone.

German Shepherd Dog - West German Exhibition (high lines)

VA1 Yasko v Farbenspiel SchH3 Kkl1 a

This is the most popular breed in Germany, which is also probably closest to the standards. Samples of this family are successfully exposed, divorced, working as shepherds, serve as guides and companions at sporting events. They are widely represented throughout the world, passing through the German system, which implies the availability of working qualities and the possibility of breeding. They are mostly black and red in color and show a smooth, creeping step on the ground. The main defects of the breed: uneven back, the disappearance of pigmentation and weak character.

German Shepherd (work line)

V Buster v Adelmannsfelderland SchH3 Kkl1 a

Also here are the Belgian and Danish lines, which, however, have nothing in common with the Belgian or Danish shepherd dogs - see below.
These dogs were bred mainly for Schutzhund sports and as service dogs. They are distinguished as policemen, servicemen, dogs for the detection of explosive devices and drugs. If you really need a working dog or companion for sporting events, this is the breed line you should pay attention to first. Yes, this dog may not be as elegant as many from the show, but it has excellent build and strength.
Sable, black or tricolor color is considered typical, as well as black and brown, in general. It has a more aggressive and temperamental disposition than one would like for a guide dog or pet, however, there are other breeds for this purpose.

German Shepherd. East German line

SG Alk v Osterburg Quell SchH3 DPO2 WPO Kkl1 a

This line was created on the basis of those dogs that remained in the East of Germany after the Second World War. Those subspecies that preceded the bred after the war were not distinguished by obedience or agility. East Germans represent dogs with an excellent physique and a set of working qualities: they have heavy bones, a large head and a serious disposition, in addition, they are very capable. Some dogs may be especially aggressive.
Some breeders try to keep a clean line of Easterners, but they are usually integrated with other work lines to achieve the greatest success.

German Shepherd Dog - Czech / Slovak line

Gent od Policie SchH3 IPO3 ZVV3 Kkl1

These dogs were bred in Communist Czechoslovakia, as a typical working line. It is, in essence, the same as the East German line, from which this subspecies itself originated. Just as in the case of the East Germans, many breeders try to preserve the true nature of the Czechoslovak line and, moreover, it is more often combined with other working lines.

German Shepherd - American Line

CH Hermsdorf "s Highland Wind CD, owned by Linda J Shaw

This line has prevailed numerically in North America since the beginning of 1970, when they received a whole strong line from several dogs and when, in the American and Canadian Kennel Club, this line was not required to have any working qualities or standardize hip height. In general, this dog was bred for fast walking, so it has an unlimited body length and a rather angular shape. Unfortunately, such an extreme physique, required by the judges for this line, does not correspond at all to the running or jumping intended for the working lines.
The temperament of this dog is rather mild, the activity is changeable. Among the shortcomings - a weak nervous system, however, as well as health in general. Recently breeders have been experimenting a lot with the development of the qualities of a shepherd, playfulness and obedience for this breed. The best representatives of this genus can become good family members.

Old american line

GV CH Yoncalla "s Mike

The old-American line, bred before 1970, did not show any special results and was largely negated by the launch of the new American line. At the same time in Germany, this line did not stand out in any special working or exhibition and is very close in relationship to the rest of the American lines. Such dogs as Marko Cellerland, Bernd and Bodo Lierberg were excellent show dogs, from which they were bred the same for exhibitions and even for work. German dogs won at American shows and became the ancestors of American champions, dogs of the second and third generation were actively used as service dogs in North America. No special qualities for this line stand out.

German Shepherd (English line)

CH Shootersway Xanthos of Colgay

The line originates from the old lines imported into the British Isles to the modern, post-German military. These are dogs with heavy massive bones, a long body, beautiful shoulders, a soft temperament, and inconstant temperament. Actively used as police dogs and guide dogs. But as a result of the weakening of the English laws for quarantine on the new breed, were forced out by the workers and exhibition German lines.

Shawlein Easter Parade SchH3 AD CD TD TT CGC UCC OFA, CH ptd. Bred, trained, owned by Linda J Shaw April 14, 1995 - May 27, 2009

As a result of the crossing of two lines with good or bad qualities, hybrids get, the next line presented is a hybrid, which, incidentally, has no distinctive features of its ancestors. For the first time exposed, as an indicator of the first generation of the crossing of the eastern German Shepherd Dog Corrie with the Canadian hybrid bitch House Kun, Tim is my homegrown dog and frankly, I have never met a more reliable and decisive dog. He proved very well that German shepherds with high aggressiveness and agility, nevertheless can be excellent companions, meek with small children and friendly with people, he made a great impression of the breed line in all with whom we met.

German Shepherd. White (Swiss line)

CH Alhambra? S Fox Mulder, world "all time top winning white. Bazilian Young Champion, Br.CH, Br.Grnd CH, Pan American CH, Grnd CH Pan-American, CH Argentino, Grnd CH Argentino, CH Americas y Caribe, CH Latin American Int. L CH, World Champion 2004 & 2005.

White is the dominant hidden gene that is disqualified when manifested in many countries. Fans of white Germans carried out the company for the recognition of this line in wide circles, however, they only achieved that the FCI system singled out this line into a separate breed - the Swiss Shepherd Dog. Although in North America, they still pass under the guise of a German shepherd dog or are officially recognized as Canadian and American white shepherd dogs.
In general, dogs have a good build, a bit, however, too big in size, but with a pleasant mild disposition and variable temperament. They are often used as guide dogs, SAR-service, where the white color can be used with greater efficiency. There are no health problems or deaths for offspring with the white color, it is also not a sign of albinism. Dogs should have dark pigmentation of the eyes, black nose, skin, lips, paw pads and claws.


Lewcinkas Franka von Phenom CD TC

Currently, it is considered a branch of the AKC family, just like the American white sheep dog described above, but it is registered as a German Shepherd line that unexpectedly manifested a spontaneous mutation in the form of a scattering of black spots on the face and represents a sample of stable autosomal heredity as a result of the action of only one gene.
This line shows both a good physique and a wonderful, stable temperament, it does not show any visible deviations in physiology and it has a separate status for breeding that is independent of other lines.
The unique genetic history of this breed was studied at the University of California, the Center for Genetics and Veterinary, the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Medicine of America.

For the German Shepherd, there is no rare or desirable color. Blue, disqualified immediately, silver, yellowish brown, cream and steady red are also quoted as an exceptional color. Breeders who experiment with getting unusual random colors should remember that there is a Breed Standard, and all dogs with random variations in color will not be registered like real German shepherd dogs, no matter how great they are. As a result of intraspecific crossbreeding, dogs with pigmentation are obtained that do not conform to the standards, which have skin problems due to incorrect pigmentation and, accordingly, vulnerability to ultraviolet radiation.
The picture shows a disqualified dog.

Sheepdogs without a mask

This is only a variant of color, which is characterized by the absence of a typical black mask, and often by the appearance of dull or clarified points on the face, chest and paws. It may also appear as sable and white patterns. White spots indicate weak pigmentation, but not wolf blood, although crossing with wolves often shows a similar color. A black mask is a typical sign of the breed, which, as a rule, is required by the majority of judges, but its absence is not, strictly speaking, a sign of color fading.

Shiloh shepherd dog

Acer "s Royal Flush of Zion

The line began to develop in America, as a result of the increased interest in dog show types, as well as an attempt to recreate the original qualities of typical German shepherd dogs in dogs. Alaskan Malamute crossed with the breed Sarplaninac, to increase the dog in size. The result was a very large dog, at least 30 cm in the shoulders. The dog does not pass through the AKC line system, but is recognized by the International Sheloch Shepherd Dog Registration System (ISSR). For this breed line, all coat lengths and colors are acceptable. The ears are slightly smaller than the standard German Shepherd. Temperament can be medium or mild. The degree of agility of the dog may vary.
Despite the fact that due to the exorbitant size and predominantly mild nature of the dogs, this line is not taken as police and official, they can nevertheless become irreplaceable companions and guides.

German Shepherd. Long haired line (Old German Shepherd)

This is not a separate breed. The recessive gene of long hair is present in all lines and subspecies of the Germans and is manifested only in the "increased shaggy" relatively ordinary cases. In various cases, there is both a barely noticeable lengthening of the hair, and too long hair, which is not easy to care for, clearing from the ice, preventing the formation of shreds. In Germany, the presence of long hair is considered a breed defect, therefore such dogs cannot be exposed.
However, it is precisely because of the stringent requirements for the length of wool in Germany, in central Europe, this line was developed as an “old long-haired German Shepherd Dog”, though without any rights to officially register and work, without certain genetic lines for breeding. (Contrary to this, the dogs of this line are still used successfully as shepherds and working dogs). The offspring from the cross-breeding of long-haired dogs with shorthair, which, however, also carry the recessive trait of long hair, will have normal signs of standard, that is, coat of normal length.

Royal shepherd

This is an example of an attempt to create in America a huge German Shepherd Dog with long hair. The ARBA system officially accepts this breed. To increase the size of the dog, Malamute, Akita and some other breeds were crossed. According to the standards of this breed requires the largest size and massive build. The dog is perfect as a companion or pet, its incredible size and soft appeasable nature do not allow to use it as a service or working breed.

Old style german shepherd

This is an attempt to return to the good old days of breeding German Shepherds, which are characterized by such features as more than 30 cm height at the withers, weight more than 100 pounds. In addition, they present themselves as dogs with a flat, even back, compared to some American and German shepherd dogs that have a curved, arcuate spine. Many of them are long-haired.
In fact, all these qualities: an incredible size, flat back, soft character, long hair - were never required for the standard breed of the German Shepherd Dog, but similar problems arise with other basic lines of this breed, and yet diligent breeders try to avoid such defects.

A real old German shepherd of the early twenties

VA1 Erich v Grafenwerth

The dry wiry construction of this dog, the small volume of the chest, the length of the legs and the square proportions make the relationship with the Malinois family (Belgian Shepherd) quite noticeable. Those who created this line were guided by the conviction of the need for more powerful dogs that would not lose their agility and speed. This line is a story, in consequence breeders have created more successful subspecies and there is no point in going back to basics.

Kunming Sheepdog

Sheepdog, bred in Communist China in the image of the German Shepherd, but with more square body proportions and long legs. In this line, the probability of early crossing with outbred individuals is high. All the typical German colors acceptable, just as possible motley color. This line was created for the military service of the province of Yunnan, in which Cuming is the capital. The line was identified in the 1950s, after crossing 10 Beijing military wolfhounds, probably related to a German shepherd, 20 proven local dogs and 10 German shepherds brought from Germany. These dogs are actively used in China as military, police and SAR-service dogs.
Compared to their German counterparts, Chinese Shepherds have lost that elegance of their gait. They have an average size and the most diverse temperament. Unfortunately, it is not possible to compare their working qualities with a subtype bred in the West of China, but these have proven to be excellent companions, distinguished by mental stability and a high ability to learn.

Belarusian Shepherd Dog

an attempt to recreate the line of the German Shepherd Dog in the USSR in the 1930s, crossing the German Shepherd Dog with the Central Asian, Russian huskies and other local species to entrust the dogs with a sign of resistance to cold, a characteristic, in my opinion, superfluous - the typical German Shepherd showed itself perfectly in Canada and North. In 1964, the Belarusian Shepherd Dog was recognized as a separate breed from the German line. These dogs are widely used as service, guard under the KGB system. For the breed is characterized by black and dark colors, as well as pure white and spotty. Possible blue eye pigmentation. These are very tall dogs - up to 28 inches tall, possibly taller. Despite the fact that dogs were widely propagandized as a replacement for the German Shepherd, their extremely large size creates problems for working with them, therefore, except in the security industry, they have never been recognized, as opposed to the best working lines from the West.

Czech Wolfwalk

Breed confirmed by the FCI system (international cynological organization), as a result of crossing a European wolf with a German shepherd to produce more durable and powerful shepherd dogs. While there is a separate line of Czech shepherd dogs, this one combined the qualities of a real wolf, as a result of which, its extraordinary aggressiveness and fighting traits made it completely unacceptable for work, despite the fact that the dog still obeys commands and some use it as a sport.
Color is light gray, wolfish.
Currently, science has found that a domestic dog in the process of evolution has developed the ability to anticipate human behavior and timbres of voice — abilities not characteristic of an ordinary wolf. Therefore, probably crossing a dog with a wolf is still not the best idea, since in this case the dog loses these qualities.

Sarluz Wolfhound

The breed, confirmed by the FCI system, is like the Dutch genus, obtained by crossing a European wolf with a German shepherd to produce a shepherd superior to previously obtained breeds. It also has a high resistance to nervous stress, lack of shyness and fighting qualities - (features officially introduced in the standard for this breed!), Which naturally made it inoperable.
The color may be wolf gray, light brown or completely white.
Interestingly, the breeding of dog breeds with wild wolves has become popular due to the fact that wild wolf individuals have almost completely disappeared in Europe. For Europeans, the presence of such breeds in modern times has some romantic character, as a reminder of the days when their wild counterparts were still found in nature. In North America, where wild wolf populations still exist, such experiments with domestic dogs are condemned.


this is the next example of the increased charm of wolves for Europeans. In this case, crossed: German shepherd, Malamute and Siberian Husky. This breed was bred not to fix the dog wolf features in behavior, but to create a dog that resembles the wolf in appearance, but without the true admixture of wolf blood. For this breed there are no factors that do not allow it to become a good companion to a person or to be unacceptable for work, the dog shows a high degree of learning and a good temperament.

American Tundra Sheepdog

Unregistered North American wolf and German Shepherd hybrid. Despite the fact that the dog is impressive in its size and large build, this is what prevents it from becoming a service dog. There is not a single official confirmation that this dog has been recruited anywhere.
Color can be very diverse, adopted for the German Shepherd or coyote. The dog also has a high back and a round back, which is not typical for a wolf. The percentage of wolf blood is not determined, the temperament may be unstable. Suffice it to say that the wolf progenitors of this hybrid are already widespread in North America, so there is no need to cross them with domestic breeds of dogs.
The picture shows an unregistered dog, but, nevertheless, presented as a “forest” shepherd dog.

Dwarf German Shepherd

Remy SchH1 and dwarf Nemo AHBA HCT, photo courtesy of Julia Priest

This is not a miniature replica of the German Shepherd, but a genetic defect called mucosal smallness, which can be followed by various health problems. It is found in many breeds and involves long-term veterinary surveillance, health and wool care. Dwarfs are usually recognizable by birth and are not animals that have growth retardation due to health problems.
The next problem for these dogs includes the presence of diseases such as pannus, thyroiditis, allergies and hair loss. Some may become completely bald over time and not gain more than 20-30 pounds of weight. Despite all the above-mentioned disadvantages of the breed, its temperament was completely unaffected, and the character shows all the features characteristic of this breed. If they are properly looked after, these dogs can live a long, happy life and become wonderful companions.

Gypsy Sheepdog

This inborn breed is a shepherd from the Czech Republic, whose development can be tracked for about five hundred years. If this breed originates not directly from the German breed line, then at least from its European counterparts. The dog is slightly smaller in size than the typical German Shepherd, although the resemblance to it is striking and has a long coat of black and red color. This energetic, friendly dog ​​can be a great companion or work in a wide range of different services. This line is not registered with the FCI system, but is a national breed for the Czech Republic, and its increased popularity will eventually provide recognition.

Altdeutscher Huetehunde (Old German Shepherd)

Shepherd is also a born dog and is very popular in Germany, probably originated from the related European Shepherd Dogs. Some representatives of this line probably took part in the development of the German Shepherd as a breed. For the line there are a variety of color choices of color and length of wool.

Belgian Shepherd Dog - Malinois

This kindred German, originating from the North European Shepherd, breed was bred in the Belgian city of Malinois, it is smaller, brighter athletic than its predecessors. It is equally well suited for service in the police, work in the main service industries, and for use in sports, such as the French Ring, as well as Mondio, KNPV and Schutzhund. Other variations of this breed are Grünéndal, Tervuren and Laekenois (Groenendael, Turveren and Laekenois).

Dutch shepherd

This line is incredibly similar to the Belgian Shepherd, but for her there is the presence of a variegated color, long-haired variations are possible. Dogs of this line are also used for various services, in addition, they are sometimes crossed with a Belgian shepherd to get more acceptable for sports and hybrids.

Linda shaw  (translation of Olga Raznoshinskaya)
Original source, author of the article

Article from the siteand

Sheepdog breeds are very popular not only among dog handlers. These dogs are considered the smartest among the dogs. No wonder that different varieties of shepherd dogs serve in the armed forces, protect significant objects. Sheep-dogs not once proved unlimited loyalty, great wit, ability to correctly assess the situation. This section presents different breeds of shepherd dogs with detailed descriptions and photos.


All breeds of this group have:

  • amazing workmanship;
  • high degree of adaptation to existence in the environment of people.

Such a dog can be easily prepared to perform various tasks. And many breeds of dogs resembling a shepherd also have these qualities. And you can be sure of this by reading the descriptions of the representatives of this section.

These dogs were bred for practical purposes, their abilities and skills improved. However, it is necessary to focus on the appearance of the animal, which distinguishes shepherd dogs from other dogs. Also, these animals are characterized by impressive size and magnificent thick hair. Pet color differs depending on the breed. Each individual suit is unique and beautiful in its own way.

All breeds of shepherd dogs need constant care. In addition, these animals are characterized by considerable resistance to the most difficult circumstances. Sheepdogs can carry out their activities even during frosts, they will never leave a person in a difficult situation.

However, in order for the animal to become a true friend and excellent helper, it is necessary to pay special attention to its training and education, starting from an early age. The puppy grows long enough, only by 3 years the period of its formation is completed. And at this age one can fully consider the qualities that distinguish shepherd dogs from other breeds.

In this section of the site you can see the dog breeds sheepdogs with photos and detailed description.

What should pay attention

From the first days of the pet, it is necessary to educate them properly, so that in the future the dog would serve in a quality manner. It should be noted that shepherd dogs are not ornamental animals, but service dogs that need special training. Even if the pet is kept in an apartment, it does not bear any service, it must be brought up, and classes should be held.

In order for a pet to have an attractive appearance, it is necessary to properly care for and feed him.

Sheepdogs are dogs of considerable size. For them, the diet should be nutritious and varied. At the same time, a portion of food should be sufficient for full development. In this case, the dog gets the necessary amount of nutrients and will delight the owner with an attractive appearance, thick, beautiful hair, excellent health. These dogs have numerous fans, and there are a large number of people willing to buy such a friend.

On our site in this section all breeds of shepherd dogs are presented, having familiarized with which you will surely find the best variant of your pet, which will be a reliable friend and devoted friend throughout life.

German shepherd appeared in Germany by crossing them with wolves. Their height is 60-75 cm, and weight ranges from 30 to 60 kg. Wool "Germans" short, hard. The color is black, red or black. German Shepherds are very smart and quick-witted, they are easily trained by many teams  and always devoted to their master. These shepherds love children, friendly to friends of the owners, but they treat strangers with some ferocity. Often they can be found in service in the army, police, detective work.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog has existed for about three thousand years. The dog is of medium size, reaches 60-66 cm in height, and weighs up to 30 kg. This sheepdog's coat is long, thick and tough. The color can be from black to gray, red or tiger. The peculiarity in coloring is black outlines around the eyes and chest. Caucasian Shepherd calm, strong and self-confident. It was used for fighting and property protection. But training  This dog must be correct, otherwise you can get extremely aggressive or, conversely, cowardly individual.

Anatolian Shepherd is a native of Turkey. This is one of the largest types of shepherd dogs. Its height is about 71-80 cm, and weight is 40-55 kg. The color of the dog is always deer. A distinctive feature of this shepherd is a dark mask on the face in the form of a muzzle. She has well developed muscles and speed. Because of this, it was used as a fighting and hunting dog. She could easily overwhelm a wolf or a bear while hunting. Despite her size, she is kind to children, but only the owner obeys. These dogs are a bit unsociable, but this doesn’t affect the intelligence and intelligence.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog or Mastiff is a rather large dog. She has well developed muscles and strong jaws. It was used as a herding dog, but now it can be found in home conditions . She is unpretentious in the care and food, loyal to their owners. It is easy to teach teams and good behavior in society.

The Belgian Shepherd is a small dog, 58-60 cm tall and weighing about 23 kg. The coat of these dogs is of different lengths, from short to long. Color also varies from redhead  until dark brown. She is smart, loyal and friendly. The Belgian Shepherd dog gets along perfectly with children, understands people well. But she is a bit shy and shy. Because of their excellent memory, these shepherd dogs often serve as police officers and are also known as guard dogs and shepherd dogs.

The Australian Shepherd, despite its name, appeared in America. This type of sheep dogs is small in size. Their height is 46-58 cm, and weight up to 25 kg. They have thick long hair. In terms of color they can be black, with tan, red and even gray - blue. These dogs are very brisk, hardy and hardworking. They can run up to 60 km per day. These dogs are playful and kind to people, but they are excellent watchmen. Australian shepherd dog  not worth keeping in the apartment, it requires a lot of space to move. Rural life would be perfect for her to throw out all the energy.

The Scottish Sheepdog (Collie) is a beautiful dog with a long fair hair. She is about 50 cm tall. The Collie is smart, smart, but a little lazy. She was often used as a shepherd dog, and now you can see her as a guide for the blind. Like all types of sheepdogs, she is loyal to the owners and loves children. But you need to train her with care, because without mood she can show harm. Her long hair must be combed daily, otherwise it will spoil.

Hungarian Shepherd or Komondor - the largest  dog of this breed. Her height at withers is 80 cm. The peculiarity of this sheep-dog is that it has a unique wool, which is twisted in the form of dreadlocks. Her wool does not smell and does not sheds  , it does not need to be combed and washed frequently. This wool will save the dog in any whim of nature. The Komondors used to be shepherds, and their appearance masked them well in a flock of sheep. Despite their size, these dogs eat very little, about a kilogram of food per day is enough for them. They are very kind, get along with children and other animals, but do not know how to play.

Whichever sheepdog you choose, you can’t go wrong in choosing a family friend. Many of these subspecies have long been no longer used as herding or watchdogs; now they can only be seen as a pet or an assistant to the police. With age, shepherd dogs become wise, prudent dogs, very calm and kind. But they do not lose their genetically inherent skills and will always protect the owner from harm.