Mitht water analysis. Water composition study

Water analysis.

The population uses for drinking and household needs water sources of centralized and non-centralized water supply. Therefore, it does not matter what water we drink. Moreover, it may contain both minerals necessary for a person and harmful organic and inorganic impurities. These are heavy metals, petroleum products, organohalogen compounds, ammonia and ammonium salts, nitrites, nitrates, sulfates, fluorine, chlorides. Heavy metals affect human health, affecting the kidneys, adrenal glands, gastrointestinal tract, bone system, circulatory system, central nervous system, skin, causing allergies. Ammonia, nitrites, nitrates act on the blood and cardiovascular system. Organohalogen compounds (chloroform, bromoform, dichlorobromomethane, dibromochloromethane, carbon tetrachloride) also affect the kidneys, liver, pancreas.

The standards for the content of chemicals in tap water, water wells, springs and wells are defined in sanitary norms and rules (SanPiN "Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water systems. Quality control. Hygiene requirements for safety hot water supply systems ", SanPiN" Hygienic requirements for the quality of decentralized water supply. Sanitary protection of sources ")

There are criteria for the physiological usefulness of macro-and micronutrient composition of drinking water. With a lack of minerals, the balance in the body is disturbed, which leads to the “washing out” of our own, already produced and accumulated mineral substances. This can lead to edema, bone demineralization and other health problems. That is why distilled and low-mineralized, too soft water can not be systematically drunk.

Excessive content of mineral salts is able to affect the health of its systematic use. Excessive mineralization of water is fraught with a violation of water-salt metabolism, adversely affects the urinary, cardiovascular and other systems of our body, leads to slower growth of the skeleton in children.

Drinking water analysis in Moscow is an important issue for many. If earlier we drank the water flowing from the taps in our houses and did not think about its quality, today the residents of the capital are increasingly puzzled by the problem of drinking water analysis in Moscow. Where to do? Will this expertise be credible, and how much will you have to pay?

Why do drinking water analysis in Moscow?

  The water supplied to the houses of Muscovites centrally, must comply with state standards. But not everyone trusts the official information of public utilities, so they strive to test the water on their own, and only then they drink with peace of mind.

But if in the case of centralized water supply systems one can hope for at least some kind of state control, then the owners of homestead and country plots, who receive moisture from wells, have no one to rely on. And before you take the glass in your hands, it is necessary to conduct a chemical analysis of drinking water, the results of which will show whether the contents of the wells need to be refined, how serious the filters should be and in general, whether this water can be eaten.

Where to analyze drinking water in Moscow?

  Often, firms that offer water testing services are “attached” to the cottage settlements. But is it possible to trust entrepreneurs who are vitally interested in people buying property on their sites? Everyone will give the answer to this question to himself, and if it is negative, then the list of independent water analysis centers given below will be very helpful.

So, where to make an analysis of drinking water in Moscow?

  · Metropolitan Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, located along Polyarnaya Street, 7 (building No. 2).

  · Spectrum research laboratory “Spectrum” at Nikoloyamskaya, 29 (building 2).

  · LLC "QUALITY OF LIFE", which is located on Vernadsky Avenue, 29.

  · The Main Drinking Water Testing Center at Nauchny proezd, 20 (building 3).

  · LLC "ISVODTSENTr" on the street. Don, 32.

  · "ECOTESTEXPRESS" Moscow, Gorbunova, 2 (workshop and laboratory number one).

  · Laboratory №1 TsGiE in Karmanicky lane, 9.

  · Center for water analysis "Biteks" Kulakov, 20.

  · SPC "STAR" in the second Likhachevsky lane, 1-a.

  · Lab24 on Volokolamskoe shosse, 89.

  · The main test center for drinking water at Vernadsky prospect 86.

  · CJSC "ROSA" at Rodnikova, 7 (building 35).

  · "EcoStandard" 107113 at 3rd Rybinskaya, 17 (building 1, office 401).

  · State laboratory at Moscow State University - passage 2-nd Roshinsky, 8.

Some centers, taking care of the comfort of customers, have several water points in different parts of the capital. Others went even further by organizing courier delivery of material for analysis directly from the client’s home.

Analysis of drinking water in Moscow, the price of the study:

  For most people who want to analyze drinking water in Moscow, the price of this procedure will not seem too daunting. The cost of a comprehensive study for ordinary consumers will average 4.5 thousand rubles. Entrepreneurs will be billed, which will largely depend on the type of activity and also on how many components are determined during the analysis. One component usually costs about 150 rubles, and there are more than fifty of them.

Prices in laboratories also vary depending on the complexity of the study. It can be abbreviated, and can be carried out on an extended list.

In any case, more detailed information on the cost, speed and types of indication services, etc. learn better by contacting specific centers. And no need to doubt the need for chemical analysis of water. It is better to spend a little time and money than to drink it is not known what.

It has long been known that municipal water treatment systems do not cope with their work with a high level of pollution. In addition, you never know what was at the drilling site or how dirty the groundwater is.

Currently, there are many ways to check the quality of water: taste and feel the content of the choir, check with other senses, defend for a certain time and get sediment, etc. There is one “but” - each of them is too subjective, and there is a high probability of error.

The surest and most accurate way to date - drinking water quality analysis. In Moscow, this service is provided by Fresh-Aqua. Laboratory analysis of water or analysis using special testers in field conditions makes it possible to verify its purity and suitability for human life and activity, or, conversely, to make sure that it is harmful.

The analysis is divided into 2 types - rapid water analysis and standard chemical analysis.

Express water analysis

It is not always possible to analyze the water from the well without haste. It takes some time to take water, transfer it to a specialized laboratory and directly analyze.

On the other hand, express water analysis carried out in a matter of time. The price of such a check is usually not very high, but our company carries it out for free. Such an analysis makes it possible in general to judge the suitability of water, that is, to determine whether it is clean or not. Based on the specificity of water, it includes from 9 to 16 indicators:

  • pH;
  • chromaticity;
  • nitrites;
  • nitrates;
  • sulfides;
  • phosphates;
  • iron;
  • ammonia;
  • manganese;
  • hardness salts and others.

It should be noted that the accuracy of express water analysis is not enough to choose cleaning equipment. According to its results it is possible to make only general conclusions about the quality of drinking water. A more detailed examination requires analysis in the laboratory.

Standard chemical analysis of water in the laboratory

Complete chemical analysis includes from 22 to 24 points. It is performed only in the laboratory. For this purpose, spectrophotometric equipment is used in conjunction with instant solutions. Depending on the specific laboratory, not only the number of research parameters will differ, but also the price of water analysis.

Standard water analysis in the laboratory  It is used mainly for assessing water quality in the conditions of a country water supply, and also applies to tap water without centralized water treatment. That is, this analysis is recommended to be carried out in places where there is no water treatment station and there is only water supply - these are country cottage associations, cottage villages.

Well Water Analysis: Affordable Price and Reliable Results

To select a water treatment system for a country house, cottage, you need to spend well water analysisor another source of water supply. The prices for such a service in Moscow at Fresh-Aqua are more than moderate.

Several dozens of indicators are selected for the study, but it is acceptable to pre-assess the quality of water using express analysis. The laboratory in which our company conducts its research has all the necessary conditions for high-precision analysis results. The risk of error is minimized, and this is especially important for the further design of the water treatment system and the selection of optimal equipment.

Where to make an analysis of drinking water in Moscow?

In the capital, there are dozens of laboratories where it is possible to conduct different types of water analysis. Mainly offers several options of different cost, differing in the number of covered research parameters.

Fresh-Aqua company where you can do drinking water analysis, conducts research in Moscow in the laboratory and offers, as a rapid analysis of water, and the standard examination of its quality at affordable prices. When choosing the fastest option, it is possible to conduct a water analysis in 1 day and immediately get acquainted with the results.

If during the water analysis our specialists have identified any common problem, we will be able to offer you a ready-made solution for the organization of the water treatment system.

Water analysis at Fresh-Aqua: the benefits of contacting us

Wondering about where to do drinking water analysis in Moscow? Our company performs this procedure in the main control and test center for drinking water at the University MITHT. Using our services gives you certain advantages:

  • First, express water analysis does not require payment.
  • Secondly, standard chemical analysis can be obtained as a gift by ordering one of the ready-made water treatment solutions.
  • Thirdly, the analysis is done on the same day the order is received.

The result of laboratory analysis of water is set forth in the protocol, which is issued on a special form. Such a document contains not only the results obtained during the examination, but also the maximum permissible values \u200b\u200bof these parameters for comparison. Thus, the customer can understand whether the water quality meets the established standards and whether there is a need to install cleaning systems.

Free water analysis - with us it is possible

You are interested in the best price for the analysis of drinking water from wells in Moscow? Fresh-Aqua is ready to provide this service absolutely free of charge, subject to certain conditions.

When ordering one of the ready-made solutions, standard chemical analysis of water as a gift!

Water analysis for 1 day - research is conducted on the day of the order!

Water analysis is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN and international standards. The highest requirements are EuroStandard, the standards of which are also given as a result of water analysis.

The file contains an example of water analysis in one of the elite cottage villages of the Moscow region.

All substances and their content in the water sample were included in the protocol.

Order free water analysis  Today!