Chicken high salad with poppy seeds and smoked chicken - recipe with step-by-step photos. Smoked chicken salad with poppy seeds Salad high recipe with croutons

The “Chicken High” salad got its comic name thanks to the layer of poppy seeds covering the appetizer. When you try this mouth-watering dish, you really experience, to some extent, real taste pleasure (or, more simply put, a “buzz” :)

The basis of the recipe is smoked chicken, which is covered with tomatoes, eggs and crackers. You can prepare this dish in one salad bowl, but the final Chicken High salad will look much more impressive if you place the ingredients directly onto portioned plates using a molding ring.


  • smoked chicken (fillet) - 300-350 g;
  • fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • bread - 3-4 slices or 150 g of ready-made crackers;
  • vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • poppy seed - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • mayonnaise, salt, pepper - to taste.

Chicken High Salad recipe

  1. Cut the chicken into small pieces. By tamping, distribute into plates using a molding ring or a homemade template mold made from cardboard or foil. Apply a layer of mayonnaise.
  2. Chop fresh tomatoes into cubes and place on the chicken layer. Sprinkle lightly with salt/pepper. At this stage we do without mayonnaise.
  3. Having boiled in advance, cooled and removed the shell, chop the eggs very finely or grate them on a coarse grater. Place on juicy tomatoes. Add a little salt and grease with mayonnaise.
  4. You can use store-bought crackers, or make them yourself as croutons for bread, that is, cut the bread into cubes, removing the crusts, sprinkle with oil, mix and bake at 150 degrees for about 20-30 minutes. Distribute the finished and already cooled croutons over the salad.
  5. Sprinkle the top of the layered snack with poppy seeds. To help it adhere better to the salad,
    first apply a thin mayonnaise layer to the crackers.
  6. Carefully remove the molding ring (or template). As a decoration, you can complement the finished dish with contrasting greens and bright sour berries (cranberries or red currants).

Salad with smoked chicken breast “Chicken High” is ready! Serve this interesting dish immediately, before the crackers have time to soften under the mayonnaise layer. Enjoy your meal!

The original name and simple ingredients - all this is “Chicken High”. One of the most important advantages of the salad: almost any housewife has all the ingredients.

When preparing the salad, you can use both boiled and smoked chicken. The only difference is that the boiled one must be approached with special care.

First of all, the chicken should not be over-salted, as it contains mayonnaise.

Secondly, you need to cook according to a clearly indicated time. Second on the list of ingredients for high chicken is bread. But only white, no others. Next come tomatoes and eggs, which add flavor and complement the appearance.

The Chicken High salad can be an excellent addition to both a holiday and a regular table. The preparation is quite simple, so a person with any culinary ability can cope with it. The dish has long been very popular on the holiday table.


Chicken – 140 g

Chicken egg - 1 pc.

Tomato - 1 pc.

Crackers - 1 pack.

Poppy – 1 tbsp. l.



1. Boil the chicken, then cut into pieces.

2. Also boil the eggs and then chop them.

3. Cut the tomato into small cubes.

4. Place the prepared chicken on a festive round plate, place tomato cubes on it, and chopped eggs on top.

5. Now it’s the turn of the croutons to sprinkle on your salad.

6. Don’t forget to coat each new layer with mayonnaise to taste. We also coat the crackers on top.

7. To decorate the festive dish, sprinkle it generously with poppy seeds.

Chicken high salad can be served. Bon appetit!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

The "Chicken High" salad, a recipe with a photo of which appeared on our menu, is indeed very original and very tasty. The name justifies itself, because one of the ingredients of the salad is poppy seeds, which we sprinkle thickly on the salad. There was a time when poppy was considered a forbidden product. Grandmothers grew this plant in their gardens to bake delicious pies and buns with poppy seeds in winter. But very often they became victims of garden robbery, because unreliable young people cut off their grandmother’s entire crop of still green poppies at night.
Once upon a time you couldn’t buy poppy seeds either in a store or at the market, but you really wanted aromatic pastries or dumplings with poppy seeds. But those days are gone, and now we can afford to buy as much of this deliciousness as we need for baking, desserts or salads.
Poppy seeds can be used either raw or steamed with boiling water, then it will be more aromatic, although in the salad it will be excess moisture. Therefore, if we want to pre-steam the poppy seed, then before putting it in the salad, it needs to be dried. This is a problematic process, since it will take a lot of time, because the poppy must dry on its own, without the use of heat treatment.
We will prepare the "High" salad from boiled chicken, crispy bread croutons, ripe aromatic tomatoes, mayonnaise and poppy seeds. It tastes simply amazing! By the way, one of the most popular in cooking.
In our salad, it is the poppy seed that will play the role of the “highlight” of this appetizer. We will present the salad in the form of a layered salad, the top layer of which is strewn with poppy seeds. But after guests look at the beautiful appearance, if desired, the salad can be mixed. See what you like best.
To prepare the salad, we will boil chicken fillet. To make meat more tasty, it must be cooked correctly. First, the fillet must be washed and trimmed of excess fat, and then soaked in cold water for half an hour. During this time, the meat will become more tender and salts and toxins will be released from it. And only after that, we put the chicken fillet in a pan with boiling water. If we pour cold water on the meat, it will not be as tasty. There is a golden rule in cooking: if we want to get a tasty, aromatic broth, then we put the meat in cold water, and if we are primarily interested in the taste of the meat, then we put it in boiling water.
If we pre-soaked the fillet, then we don’t have to drain the first broth; we only remove the foam from the protein, which will regularly appear on the surface of the broth. To enhance the taste of the meat, add peeled whole carrot roots, onions, parsley and celery roots, salt and spices to the broth. Do not rush to remove the finished fillet from the broth; let it cool, then it will be even more saturated with the aroma of seasonings.
We need to take strong and meaty tomatoes for the salad; they will be more tasty and juicy. But it’s best to prepare the crackers yourself. It's very simple, but we can add any spice to them and get very tasty croutons.
We will season the salad with mayonnaise sauce, you can prepare it at home, it will be even tastier.
So, let’s prepare the “Chicken High” salad with poppy seeds


- chicken fillet - 300 g,
- homemade crackers - 200 g,
- ripe tomato fruits - 4 pcs.,
- poppy seed - 40 g,
- mayonnaise,
- spices,
- salt.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

Boil the chicken fillet, cool it and cut it into small cubes.
We prepare homemade crackers from bread.

Cut it into small cubes, sprinkle with salt and spices and dry the croutons in a frying pan without adding fat.

We cut the washed tomatoes into cubes, as well as the chicken fillet.
Now put pieces of chicken fillet on the bottom of the plate and coat with mayonnaise.

Sprinkle croutons on top and also spread mayonnaise.

Now we put in the tomato cubes and also coat them with mayonnaise.

The last layer is to cover the salad with poppy seeds.

Decorate with greens or tomato roses. All. “Chicken High” salad with poppy seeds is ready.

Bon appetit!

Starinskaya Lesya
If there is a holiday coming up in your home, look at our website for amazing recipes.

“Chicken High” Salad Anyone who loves salads with chicken and croutons will like it. A couple of weeks ago I came across this salad, which struck me first with its name and then with its appearance.

I think you also noticed the original and funny name of the salad. The Chicken High salad got its name due to the presence of poppy seeds in it. I don’t know about the chicken, but everyone who tries it will definitely be in bliss. Hard cheese, chicken fillet, tomatoes and eggs are ingredients that combine perfectly in salads, making them tasty, tender and juicy.

The main difference between the Chicken High salad and other chicken salads is its appearance. The salad is prepared in the form of a tower, decorated with croutons, poppy seeds and fresh herbs.

You can make salad croutons at home or use ready-made store-bought ones. In addition, in various salad recipes you can find it boiled and smoked. Of course, the “Chicken High” salad with smoked chicken breast turns out to be more piquant in taste, but since such meat cannot always be found even in supermarkets, feel free to use boiled chicken fillet or leg in the salad.

If you take care to boil the eggs and chicken in advance, it will take you no more than 30 minutes to prepare. Now let's see how it's prepared “Chicken High” salad - step-by-step recipe.

Ingredients for two servings:

  • Loaf or white bread - 4 pieces,
  • Chicken breast - 200 gr.,
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • Onions - 1 pc.,
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.,
  • Poppy - 10 gr.,
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.,
  • Dill or parsley for decoration,
  • Salt - to taste
  • Mayonnaise

“Chicken High” Salad – Recipe

Having prepared all the necessary ingredients, you can start preparing the “Chicken High” salad. Cut the loaf (white bread) into cubes.

Place the loaf pieces in a hot dry frying pan and dry until golden brown. Crackers can also be prepared in the oven. To do this, place the loaf pieces on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Sprinkle them with olive (sunflower) oil and bake for 15 minutes at an oven temperature of 150C.

Grate hard cheese on a fine grater.

Wash the tomato and cut it into cubes.

Cut the eggs into small cubes.

Cut the boiled chicken fillet into not too small pieces.

Chop the onion into small cubes.

Now that all the ingredients for the High Chicken Salad are prepared, you can start assembling it. Place a salad ring on a flat plate. If you don’t have a special ring, then don’t worry, because you can always make it yourself from a plastic bottle. By the way, from bottles of different volumes you can make rings of different diameters. The standard ring size for forming salads comes from a half-liter bottle. Using scissors, cut a ring 6-7 cm high from the bottle.

Place an onion on it. Lubricate with mayonnaise.

Spread mayonnaise on this layer of Chicken High salad as well.

Place tomatoes on eggs. Pour them with a little mayonnaise too.

Sprinkle with grated cheese.

The “Chicken High” salad is almost ready. Place croutons on top of the salad.

“Chicken High” Salad. Photo


  • Smoked chicken - 350 grams.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • Bread - 200 grams.
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Poppy - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Salt pepper.

Enjoyment of taste

The humorous name of the salad “High” or “Chicken High” arose due to such an atypical ingredient for appetizers as poppy seeds. This, at first glance, exclusively confectionery product not only serves as a decoration for the dish, but also gives it unusual flavor notes, favorably highlighting the main ingredients.

But the “Chicken High” salad is so called not only because of the poppy seed topping; this appetizer has simply an amazing taste that can bring true pleasure to everyone who tries it.

The Chicken High salad is very easy to prepare despite its apparent complexity and impressive appearance. You can make it in several ways at once, for example, lay out the ingredients in layers on a flat dish or in a deep glass salad bowl.

The portioned serving of the “Chicken High” salad with poppy seeds looks very nice when the ingredients are laid out in layers using a baking dish without a bottom. And if you don’t have time to wait, for example, guests suddenly arrived, then you can simply cut the food and mix it, sprinkling the Chicken High salad with crackers and poppy seeds.

By the way, according to the original recipe, the “High” salad is prepared with smoked chicken, but it can be replaced with boiled or grilled chicken, and you can use a fatty leg instead of dry breast. You can also change the recipe by making the High Salad with smoked pork, ham or sausage.

As for the remaining ingredients, the basis of the “Chicken High” salad recipe is made up of ripe meaty tomatoes and boiled eggs. Sometimes the Chicken High salad is prepared with cheese.

Almost always, the recipe for the “High” salad contains croutons; with them, the dish turns out even tastier, crispier and more satisfying. You can make croutons yourself or take ready-made ones; croutons with cheese or smoked flavors are ideal.

A recipe with a photo will help you prepare the “Chicken High” salad, and guests or family members will certainly appreciate this culinary masterpiece.


The recipe for the “Chicken High” salad with poppy seeds is classified as simple, but the finished dish has an excellent taste and impressive presentation, so it can easily be included in the holiday menu.

  1. Hard-boil the eggs, then chop with a fork or grater.
  2. Cut several slices of bread (rye or wheat - optional) into 1x1 cm cubes, cutting off the crusts. Place them on a baking sheet or in a baking dish, salt and pepper, sprinkle with olive oil, stir and place in an oven preheated to 180C for 10-15 minutes. If you don’t have time, it’s easier to take ready-made crackers.
  3. Cut the smoked chicken into medium cubes or slices.
  4. Tomatoes (preferably fleshy, with a minimum of juice) cut into cubes.

Following the recipe with the photo, place the “High” salad on a platter, using a cooking dish if possible.

  1. Place the chicken fillet in the first layer, tamping it with a spoon, coat it well with mayonnaise on top. If desired, you can mix the meat and mayonnaise before laying.
  2. Place the tomatoes on top of the chicken, lightly salt and sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper.
  3. The next layer is crushed eggs; they also need to be coated with mayonnaise or mixed with it in advance.
  4. Place crackers on the egg layer.
  5. Sprinkle the “High” salad generously with poppy seeds on top; with a mayonnaise mesh on top of the crackers, the poppy seeds will stick better, but you don’t have to do it. By the way, you can pre-fry the poppy seeds in a dry frying pan, this will make them crispier and make the dish even more interesting.

If you used a mold, you need to remove it and you can serve the Chicken High Salad right away before the croutons get soggy.

If the recipe for salad with poppy seeds “High” is used to prepare a holiday dish, then the appetizer can be additionally decorated with greens, bright sour berries (cranberries or currants), flowers made from tomatoes, etc.

By the way, by slightly changing the recipe, you can make a “Chicken High” salad with cheese. The latter needs to be grated and added a layer in front of the crackers, smeared with mayonnaise. The cheese can be either hard or creamy if you want to add tenderness to the taste.

If you follow the recipe with the photo, then there will be nothing complicated in preparing the Chicken High salad. And if you want, if you don’t want to lay out layers, you can simply mix all the ingredients, this way the crackers will get less soggy, retaining their delicious crunch.