Why do you dream of a little living pig? Why do you dream about a pig?

According to many psychoanalysts, dreams reflect our inner state, experiences, fears and innermost desires. And if we see some kind of animal in a dream, it means that we have some similarities with it. Is it really? You shouldn’t immediately think that if you dreamed of piglets, it means you’re dirty or behaving “like a pig.” Perhaps this is some kind of sign given from above. In this article we will look at what a little pig dreams about, according to various dream books.

Piglets in a dream: how to interpret

  • If you dreamed of healthy, well-fed piglets, this means that you will experience great success in business, favorable changes in life, and career growth.
  • If, on the contrary, they are skinny and sick, this means trouble at work.
  • If you hear piglets squealing in a dream, this also promises unpleasant news.
  • A pig with piglets in a dream means prosperity, profit, fertility.
  • If you dreamed that you were feeding a little pig, you will see an increase in your fortune, receive an inheritance, or win the lottery.
  • In a dream, you sell piglets - you will get what you have long dreamed of, but for this you need to make every effort.
  • Slaughtering a pig means getting benefits and income.
  • A dirty pig (or lying in a muddy puddle) - you will encounter rudeness and misunderstanding from your relatives.
  • If a girl dreams of a little pig, it means she will marry a rich man.

As you can see, in general, well-fed piglets dream of success and wealth. But if you dreamed of a lot of little piglets, then you will earn a bad reputation. If piglets are running around you, you need to talk less about your own affairs and discuss other people’s, otherwise expect trouble. It's up to you to believe these interpretations or not.

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Almost all baby animals evoke tenderness and positive emotions in humans. An example would be a little pig. Well, what if you see such a baby in a dream, Why does a woman dream about a pig?? At first glance, a small and cute animal should not promise anything bad, but on the other hand, pigs are often associated with dirt, stench and other not very pleasant things.

Let's try to figure out what awaits a person who dreams of a pig. But, first of all, you should remember in more detail the dream and the circumstances under which you had a chance to see this animal.

A woman sees a pig in a dream

Seeing a pig in a dream means gaining prosperity soon. Little pigs promise little financial troubles and problems, although on the other hand, if there were a lot of them, then on the contrary, financial affairs will go uphill. In order to correctly interpret your future, it is recommended to remember as accurately as possible the number of animals, their color, size and other features.


If the dreamer saw a small and clean pig, then good financial profit will soon await him. This could be receiving an inheritance, a salary increase, or another pleasant bonus. If you had to watch such an animal in a dream, then very soon the dreamer will be presented with a small but very pleasant surprise.


If you dreamed of a black pig, then you should not expect anything good. According to the dream book, this is a harbinger of troubles and troubles.

You should be attentive to new acquaintances and untested people in your environment.

Some dream books say that a dark-colored animal is a sign of betrayal that awaits the sleeper in the near future. But other dream books, on the contrary, see a good sign in such a phenomenon and say that this promises the dreamer a big win and good luck in all his endeavors.


A white animal means that plans will soon come true, and creative ideas that have been conceived for quite some time will be realized. Another similar phenomenon suggests that the sleeper will be able to get out of the most difficult cases without losing his reputation or suffering any damage. We can say that this is a kind of talisman of good luck.


Ordinary pink piglets predict a promotion at work and rapid career growth. Also, an animal of the specified color indicates that a person will soon meet with old and good friends. Some dream books claim that this promises a good time with close and pleasant friends, in particular, a feast.

Watch the video. Why do you dream about a pig?


If in a dream you happened to observe the most ordinary living and unremarkable pig, it means that the person will soon live in complete prosperity and become happy. However, you should not rely solely on sleep and fold your arms, nothing will come by itself.


Dead animals promise serious health problems. It is important to note that the darker the color of the pig, the more serious the problems will be. You should carefully monitor your health to prevent the occurrence of a complex disease.


Seeing a clean baby pig promises professional growth in the near future. Most likely, such growth will apply to everything at once: career, increase in wages and authority among other employees. Some dream books also contain information that such a dream means good and fun leisure time in the near future with a pleasant and friendly company.


A dirty piglet or one lying in the mud promises the dreamer financial expenses or losses.

90% of dreams about dirty piglets promise losses

This could be the purchase of unnecessary and expensive things, financial fraud, or the loss of a large sum.

It is necessary to spend money carefully and beware of investing it in various adventures and business ideas.

A lot of

A large number of animals means a strong and, most importantly, pleasant surprise that awaits a person in the near future. In addition, many piglets promise a good income. The more there are, the more money will come soon.

And a pig

Seeing babies with their mother or a whole family promises a good and unexpected financial bonus. This could be a big win, an inheritance, or a successful investment that pays off much more than expected.

A woman dreamed of a pig

Baby pigs in a dream are often a negative sign, such as uncleanliness or disappointment. However, many experts in their dream books claim that small animals can often be, on the contrary, a positive sign of an improvement in material condition or pleasant leisure time. To figure out when to lean towards which option, you should delve into the question in more detail.

To the girl

If a young girl dreams of a pig playing in a puddle, then this is a sign that she is under strict control and does not receive due freedom. In this case, you need to talk with your loved ones about independence and begin to prove your position with actions. This may also be a sign that the girl is expecting a jealous husband.


If a married woman saw such a dream, then this promises her a change of job in the near future. At the same time, such a change is not considered as negative, but rather, on the contrary, new prospects and opportunities will open up for the woman. If a woman is currently looking for a job, it means that she will soon be successful in this endeavor.


Piglets in a dream for pregnant women are a sign of soft character and pliability. Perhaps you should trust strangers less and beware of the fact that kindness can be used by ill-wishers for their own purposes.

Watch the video. Why do you dream of a pig according to the Ancient Dream Book?


This is a good sign that indicates that a person is thinking about his future, planning it and clearly understands what he wants to achieve. This also means that the dreamer is pleasant to be around, and his close people treat him well.


Running and catching little piglets promises a lot of gossip around the sleeping person. You should not share your plans and dreams with others, because this can cause trouble in the future.


Buying a piglet is a good sign, because it portends an improvement in a person’s financial condition.

The more animals you purchase, the more profit you will soon receive.


This is a sign of a long journey or a long pleasant trip. Soon you will have to experience a lot of positive emotions, however, all this will bring considerable financial costs.


If animals play happily, it means the dreamer will never be lonely or sad.

8 out of 10 dreams about frolicking piglets indicate good friends

In life there are relatives and friends who will always support and help out in difficult times.

In the apartment

Oddly enough, seeing a pig in an apartment is a good sign that promises a surge of strength and vigor. It is necessary to seize the moment and implement plans, as well as complete a task that has long been waiting in the wings.

In the stable

Seeing a pig in its usual environment foretells hard work in the near future, and it can be both physical and mental. But not everything is so bad, all suffering will be fully paid and rewarded.

Dream Interpretation: a woman sees a pig in a dream

According to Hasse's dream book

According to this source, the pig is a harbinger of amazing and unexpected events in the near future. If you feed an animal in a dream, then you should beware of troubles that close people (employees, friends) can cause. If you see a roasted pig, it is a harbinger of severe mental or physical pain.

According to the Children's Dream Book

According to this source, the dream promises small meanness or some minor troubles that can be caused by loved ones. On the other hand, they will not bring big and serious troubles.

A pig in your dream warns of the ingratitude of others and your disappointment in them. But don't make hasty conclusions! These dreams also have very positive interpretations: a pig often promises wealth and prosperity, as well as success in the professional sphere.

In order to know exactly what your dream means, it is recommended to pay attention to minor details:

  • Clean and well-fed piglets breathing health or emaciated, dirty. The very first thing you should pay attention to is the appearance of the piglets, which plays a key role in the interpretation of sleep. For example, clean and healthy animals promise a prosperous life period, but if your piglets are all dirty, this may mean that trouble awaits you in reality.
  • Lots of piglets. If in your dream you saw a large number of animals, then you can rejoice, because the dream promises you great profit. Moreover, this will not just be a random bonus, but a new permanent source of income!
  • Coloring. If you have seen a black pig, then this is a warning: expect trouble. If it is white, then be sure that, despite all the obstacles and difficulties, you will be able to reach your goal. And pink promises good luck and happiness.
  • State. If everything is relatively clear with a living pig, then what does it mean if you see a dead one in a dream? Such an animal, as a rule, appears before some major misfortune; it warns you of failure and even grief.

What exactly you did with the animals also plays a very important role.

  • Do you see that you are killing piglets with your own hands? Surprisingly, expect great happiness.
  • Do you enjoy eating grilled meat? You will incur losses that may be associated with theft.
  • If you see yourself buying a live animal at the market, then be prepared to not miss the opportunity at the right time, as fate will give you a real chance to improve the quality of your life.
  • Holding a healthy, clean, pink piglet in your arms, rejoice: you have chosen the right path in life.
  • If you try to escape from an animal that stubbornly chased you, then be prepared that a conflict is approaching that will significantly shake your stable position. And if you were unable to escape, and the pig still bit you, then this can only mean one thing: expect meanness and impudence.
  • Eating fried pork predicts trouble. It’s good if you managed to refuse the persistent offer, but if not, then try to at least remember who exactly offered you the dish. This is the person who will bring you trouble.

Dream Interpretations

  • Freud. A dirty pig in a dream means that there is no mutual understanding between you and your partner. However, if you had a dream from Thursday to Friday, then be prepared for a new addition to the family.
  • Miller. If a healthy, well-fed pig comes into your dream, then be prepared for unexpected but pleasant (and, by the way, well-deserved) success in business.
  • Big dream book. You will be very lucky in the financial sector. This can be judged by the size of the animal. So a large fat pig promises a lot of money, and a skinny one promises a modest profit.
  • Aesop. A double image, meaning, on the one hand, the rudeness, short-sightedness and carelessness of others, and on the other, the successful course of business and prosperity.
  • Modern combined dream book. A well-fed, sleek pig promises positive changes: all transactions will be successful. But a skinny and shabby animal, unfortunately, promises troubles, failures and annoying misunderstandings, which, most likely, will be associated either with subordinates or with children.

If you dreamed of a pig, try to remember as many small details as possible, because they will help you correctly interpret the meaning of the dream. In any case, no matter what dreams mean, remember that you are the creator of your destiny.

Sometimes we see amazing dreams that seem to have nothing to do with our real life. In this case, doubt begins to haunt us: is this not a prophetic dream? Doesn't he foreshadow some misfortune? Or maybe, on the contrary, fate will give us a gift? Let's try to figure out why piglets dream. Such a dream is very unusual for a city dweller and is interpreted completely differently by different dream books.

Most of us love pork, and a pig or pig in this case symbolizes prosperity, wealth and prosperity in your home. At the same time, a pig is a dirty animal; it is not for nothing that we call sloppy people, drunkards, selfish people, greedy and narrow-minded people pigs.

But some nationalities highly value this animal: living in terrible dirt, the pig remains clean, which indicates its nobility and purity of thoughts. A pig can be affectionate and affectionate, funny and amusing. Therefore, many psychics believe that the interpretation of a dream should be based on a person’s personal attitude towards pigs.

What kind of pig do you see in your dream?

Not only your personal attitude towards piglets can explain your dream, but also the appearance of the dreamed animals plays a huge role here.

Such a dream may also require you to make self-sacrifice towards your family or friends, but all your sacrifices will not be in vain, they will return to you with multiple profits and respect.

Pay attention to details!

Trying to make sense of your dream and understand what fate is warning you about, pay close attention to all the details. Because it is the details that will help you understand why pigs and piglets dream, and what surprise fate will give you.

Dreaming of a clean, white, plump pig means all your desires will come true and you will receive a gift from fate that you never even expected.

  • It is believed that a black pig is an unkind sign, but again modern dream books refute this opinion, since in the Middle Ages black pigs were extremely rare and were considered something unclean and dangerous. Nowadays, a black pig or piglet is quite a common occurrence, and such a dream cannot be considered as a sign of danger.

If you don’t yet know why you dream of small and pink piglets, then we hasten to reassure you - this is a very good sign. Right now a white streak is coming in your life, when everything will work out and work out, get down to business and luck will be on your side in all your endeavors!

If you see a pig with piglets...

A big pig with cute little piglets portends a friendly family, financial well-being and success in all endeavors.

Miller's Dream Book

One of the most famous dream books believes that a fat and contented pig symbolizes acquisitions or unexpected surprises, while a skinny and hungry pig symbolizes losses, waste or theft of your property.

Based on the fact that people who are greedy, envious and not burdened with moral principles are often called pigs, a pig in a dream can foretell a meeting with such a person. Be careful when making new acquaintances!

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

This book was very popular in the 18th and 19th centuries and our great-grandmothers enjoyed using its predictions.

  1. If you saw in a dream pretty white piglets that want to be slaughtered, then this is a sign of quick pleasant events in your home. If you took these piglets and refused to slaughter them, then a reward from fate awaits you: a quick successful marriage, a rich inheritance, or a meeting with a pleasant person who will play a huge role in your future destiny.
  2. Large and aggressive pigs promise meetings with unpleasant people who are opposed to you, or you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation because of an unscrupulous person of the opposite sex.
  3. YOU played with a pig, and he stained you with his feces - this, of course, is very unpleasant, but the dream foreshadows wealth and fame. Very soon, within three days, you will receive the long-awaited news of a promotion, an expensive gift, or even a huge inheritance.

Piglets in the mud

A pig or piglet and mud are very close concepts; we cannot imagine pigs not lying in puddles or mud, so having just such a dream is a common occurrence.

Seeing a little pig in the mud is not a very good sign. You will fall for the bait of clever scammers and may lose your money, and also disgrace yourself in the eyes of your loved ones.

A dirty little pig warns that you are surrounded by untrustworthy people who talk beautifully but do little. Most likely, they need something from you. Beware, fate tells you.

Such a dream can warn of an unpleasant meeting with people, which will leave a heavy aftertaste, or even you will have to say goodbye to your property.+

A herd of piglets in a dream

Seeing a lot of cheerful and healthy piglets means family well-being and pleasant events, long-awaited chores and surprises.

  1. Pigs playing in the grass promise happiness in love and complete harmony in family life.
  2. Loudly squealing piglets warn of rumors and gossip that close people are spreading about you. But sometimes such a dream speaks of imminent news from distant relatives or the arrival of guests.
  3. Piglets or pigs running after you promise an increase in salary or a bonus.
  4. Holding pigs in your arms means crushing success awaits you.
  5. To hit or step on a pig is to bring trouble to yourself or your loved ones with your rash actions.

There are a huge number of dream books and interpretations of dreams in the world, so don’t be sad. If a dream portends trouble for you, you don’t have to believe in it!

Dream book online Piglets

Animals seen in a night dream are a rather rare vision, but it is worth noting that the plot is quite important. In a dream, you may see both wild and domestic animals. Why do you dream of piglets in your night dreams? Such a plot seen can foretell both good things and foreshadow the danger and untidiness of the dreamer. To analyze the scene you saw, it is worth taking into account all the details of the night’s plot.

Everyone decides for himself whether to believe in his interpretation of night dreams or not. Having carried out the correct interpretation, you can find out your future and in some cases even take measures and warn yourself against future troubles.

When carrying out an interpretation, of course, you can rely on your intuition, but for an accurate analysis it is better to use a dream book. With its help it is easier to find the answer to the story you see. It will also help to unravel the most confusing vision.

  • saw a little pig;
  • an animal in the dreamer's house;
  • dead animal;
  • to stab;
  • eat animal meat;
  • dreamed of a sow and her baby;
  • what does it mean to see him swarming in the mud;
  • in the plot the dreamer was lying with a pig in the mud;
  • I had a chance to hear him grunt;
  • feed a piglet in a dream;
  • watch in the story how babies suck mother's milk.

General interpretation of a night dream

If you dreamed of piglets

In real life, pigs are associated with untidiness, greed and other negative character traits. But in some cultures, pigs are considered sacred animals. Let's try to figure out what the dream of a pig in a dream portends.

What did he look like

Seeing a mischievous little pig is a surprise in real life. You will learn some news that will pleasantly shock you.

Living, well-fed people dream of prosperity.

Dirty - to troubles and thoughtless spending.

There were a lot of small animals in the dream - there will be unexpected profits in the near future. You can count on constant and large income from an unexpected source.

Seeing someone well-groomed means prosperity.

The dream book indicates that the pig in the dream was not alone, but there were many of them - which means that many different events, both pleasant and not so pleasant, will soon happen.

How color affects interpretation

Negative sign

The black color of a pig is a sign of trouble. A black pig seen in a night dream also warns of danger; be careful when starting new things.

White - to accomplish your plans.

Pink ones portend good luck.

Where was

Seeing a pig in your house in a dream means your health will not let you down. You can count on a surge of strength.

The interpretation of dreams indicates that if you dreamed of a pet lying in the mud, try not to discuss others, and also do not give reason to gossip about you. For a young woman, the interpretation of dreams is foreshadowed by her husband, but she should not count on his generosity.

Dreaming of a pig's snout symbolizes pleasant and vivid emotions in real life.

Dead pig in a dream

Dead animals promise illness. Also, dead baby pigs tell the dreamer that someone wants to harm him, but with the strength of his spirit the person will definitely defeat the offender.

For people involved in business, such night vision portends difficulties and losses.

To the feast

Slaughter him in the plot of dreams

I dreamed that the animal was slaughtered - fortunately.

Cutting it means financial independence. And also for a long trip.

Seeing a baked pig in the plot of dreams means a festive feast with a rich table.

Eating meat means unexpected expenses are possible. Try to control your expenses.

Sow and her piglets

To see little kids running after a sow in a night dream - take a closer look at your surroundings. A person is using you to achieve his own benefit. Try to stop communicating with this person.

If you dream of babies being fed with their mother’s milk, the vision indicates that you will definitely get what you deserve for your work. And also to reap the fruits of your labor.

Hearing grunting means you will definitely win your goal, be it professional or love.

Being close to an animal

Hold in your hands - to family happiness

Being the owner of livestock in a dream means well-being and prosperity. Caring for a playful pig is a sign of fun and flirting.

Feeding baby pigs means you are worried about your future. Feed by hand - you will achieve your goal and at the same time you will not need the help of others.

According to the interpretation of dreams, catching him is a sign that you should not open your soul to everyone.

According to the interpretation of dreams, did he bite you? Don't underestimate your opponent. Washing it in clean water is a dream of getting to know each other.

Holding a baby in your arms - the interpretation of dreams foreshadows family happiness and good luck in all endeavors.

Miller's Dream Book

Dreaming of an outwardly ugly pig means losses. According to Miller’s dream book, seeing a pig with piglets in a dream is a sign of fate’s favor. Hearing the squealing of babies means learning unpleasant news.

Vanga's Dream Book

It's unfortunate to dream of dirty people. Clean - you will be given a chance to correct all your mistakes.

Feeding pigs - in reality, you are helping the wrong person who really needs your support.

Interpretation of what was seen according to Grishina’s dream book

Did you dream about a pig's head? Get ready to hit the road.

Seeing little pig babies means in real life expect to make a profit.

Eating them in a night dream means losses.

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