Why do you dream of needles in the human body? Why do you dream about needles? Dream Interpretation: needles and threads in a dream

Let's try to figure it out why do you dream about a sewing needle and what such a dream can mean in reality: before you is the dream book “Why are you dreaming about...” - a voluminous collection of descriptions of night dreams and interpretations of a wide variety of dreams from world-famous predictors...

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Needle according to the “French Dream Book”:

Seeing sewing needles means a lot of minor troubles.

Needle according to the esoteric dream book of the mystic and philosopher Elena Anopova:

Holding a needle in your hands means cunning or deceit will help you in some way. Find, collect the scattered ones - expect an injection right in the heart: betrayal of the person closest to you. Scatter - you accidentally offended someone, and now it’s time for consequences. It won't hurt to ask for forgiveness once again. Swallowing a needle means a dream about heart disease, a heart attack is likely. If you prick yourself with a needle, you risk getting hurt and becoming a victim of an accident. If someone injected you, don’t get into trouble, because you’ll easily run into trouble. You injected someone - you will become a source of joy for some person.

Needle according to the dream book from the Russian medium Hosse:

Find a needle - you will argue; receiving a needle as a gift is a dream of separation from a friend.

Needle according to the dream book from astrologer and occultist Evgeniy Tsvetkov:

It may well turn out that such a dream is a sign of impending trouble.

Needle according to the dream book of the French astrologer and soothsayer Nostradamus:

The needle represents not only hard work, but also deceit, insult, secret revenge, and witchcraft.

If you dreamed of a needle on which traces of fresh blood were visible, be careful, someone from your family is planning to do something very bad.

To see a needle with a very long thread threaded in a dream is a sign that a person who has come to the supreme power without elections will dictate his will for a long period and will inspire respect for his person in the citizens of the country.

A large number of scattered needles is the personification of gossip, intrigue, and deceit, which will infect almost everyone and lead to the death of certain unwanted individuals.

If you dreamed of an animal with steel needles sticking out of its skin, humanity will have a previously unknown enemy. Outwardly, he will be almost the same as the inhabitants of earth, which will make confrontation with him difficult and unpredictable.

If you dreamed that a person was sticking needles into his body, then in the future a person will appear among people who will sacrifice himself of his own free will, so that his death will atone for all the bad things that earthlings have done.

If you dreamed of the letter “X”, lined with needles sticking out pointing up, the dream tells you that if people want not to be objects for various experiments by representatives of more developed civilizations, then they can work on improving themselves for a decade and thereby earn themselves a better fate .

If in a dream you took a needle out of a human heart, it means that you will be credited with some scientific discovery, thanks to which a noticeable step will be made in the development of humanity.

To be caught in a rain of needles - such a dream speaks of the activation of black forces who want to once again send difficult trials upon humanity.

A person can dream of everything that takes place on planet Earth. Including such a seemingly inconspicuous little thing as needles. Dreams with this household item are “subtle” than others and depend on the context in which they were dreamed. Why do you dream about needles? The range of interpretations about these needlework supplies is quite wide. Basically, all interpretations are negative. Positive interpretations also occur, but there are very few of them.

The range of interpretations about these needlework supplies is quite wide.

According to Miller such dreams predict an imminent breakup with your husband or wife. There are also some worries and troubles that didn’t even exist the day before. Also, when you have a dream in which needles were present, this warns against excessive help to others, since it comes to the detriment of the dreamer’s own problems.

Finding a lot of needles is a positive dream: new friends, devoted and faithful. Such people will not give up until the end, in any life situation. Among them there will always be moral and material assistance.

The dream book interprets lost needles as the need to be on guard all the time and to constant causeless worries. A broken needle in a dream symbolizes loneliness, troubles, illness and suffering.

So, what did the general overview lead to:

  • in general, needles dream of various kinds of troubles in the family and at work, and it is not clear where to expect them;
  • near breakdown of relationships in married couples;
  • worries and troubles that will appear out of nowhere, as if from underground;
  • finding lost needles - you need to be attentive and prepared for various kinds of alarms;
  • a large number of needles - to make true friends for the rest of your life.

Needles in a dream book (video)

Why do you dream of needles on the body or on the floor: what to expect from them?

Seeing needles on the body means the impending separation of young people. Without any compelling reason: they just separated and that’s it. This also means trouble in any area of ​​life. You shouldn’t get hung up on this: you can find a way out of any negative situation and turn it into a positive direction. But for this you will need to make every effort.

Rusty needles on the body or on the floor - the dreamer is in danger of paying old bills: some old, long-forgotten debts will surface and remind of themselves. Such dreams do not exclude bad options for motorists. Increased likelihood of getting into an accident and being seriously injured in the near future. And, as in other dreams with needles, hypocrisy, intrigues, provocations, ill-wishers and hidden enemies are everywhere. Who they are and why, the dreamer will have to figure it out for himself. And it’s good if he manages to do it on time.

Seeing needles on the body means the impending separation of young people

It’s not easy to draw an unambiguous conclusion, but there are certainly more negative consequences from such dreams:

  • breakups;
  • troubles;
  • pay off old debts;
  • health hazard: accidents and their consequences;
  • openly hostile attitude of others.

Seeing needles in your mouth in a dream: what does it mean?

Needles in the mouth predict the possibility of an unexpected heart attack. It is even possible to carry it “on your feet”. It is imperative to undergo a complete examination of the cardiovascular system. Collecting heart diseases, often without knowing about them, is, to put it mildly, not entirely correct. Answer yourself this question: when was the last time you were examined by a cardiologist?

Needles in the mouth predict the possibility of an unexpected heart attack

Also, such a dream leads to troubles that will arise from gossip. The possibility of the collapse of hopes associated with the expectation of positive results, in particular with financial issues.

But sometimes needles in the mouth mean a showdown with a loved one, which will end in the best way for both. A rare positive moment in all “needle” dreams.

Why do you dream of sewing needles: sewing and needlework or troubles and pain?

Sewing needles - good news. The very process of sewing with such a needle is a sign of joy and love, the beginning of a carefree, happy time. The essence is clear: to see a sewing needle is to “sew” your life. What you sew is what you will live.

Sewing needles - good news

Sewing “iron friends of housewives”, dreamed of by a pregnant girl or woman, means a painful childbirth with possible complications.

This dream also means “sewing up” old grievances. This includes reconciliation with a loved one or loved ones. And the resolution of long-standing disputes, which everyone has already despaired of resolving in someone’s favor. Getting rid of something that has been weighing heavily on my soul for a long time.

If you dreamed of needles scattered on the bed: should you wake up or watch it?

Scattered needles are a sign of problems that you will have to solve exclusively yourself. It’s not that everyone will suddenly refuse help. Situations simply arise that only the dreamer himself can solve. Whether he decides or not, the dream book is silent, but you need to prepare.

Needles scattered on the bed also mean a business meeting that can radically change the future. This dream also suggests that the dreamer offended someone very much or crossed the path of an influential person. Now we can expect revenge from the “victim”. You need to be vigilant and careful in your affairs and actions. It’s easy to do something, but you can spend your entire life dealing with the consequences of something “easy.” And it is not at all a fact that these consequences will be possible to solve at all.

In dreams of this nature, it is very important to pay attention to how the needles were dreamed about:

  • scattered horizontally;
  • scattered, but stuck into the surface;
  • which ones are larger, stuck in or just lying down?

Pricking yourself with a needle in a dream: interpretation based on nuances

The most common dream is to be pricked with a thin iron “skewer”. This is a hassle that, under unfavorable circumstances, can turn into a serious conflict.

Injecting yourself and pulling the needle out of your arm means solving a conflict, if there was one. If there was a black thread in the needle, it means that problems will be associated with solving other people's problems.

Injecting yourself and pulling the needle out of your arm means resolving the conflict

Surprisingly, a white thread threaded into a needle indicates poor health that needs to be urgently restored. There are practically no mentions of other colors. Only Vanga, for some reason, talks about an injection with a needle and blue thread, as if it were a long road ahead, from which there is very little chance of returning to the return point.

The length of the thread means the duration of the dreamer’s participation in solving other people’s difficulties.

Collecting needles in a dream: is it worth it or not?

Try to tell your friends and girlfriends less about your sexual relationships in bed. The more they know, the more problems the dreamer will have in this area.

The dream also predicts an unplanned trip to the doctor. It happens - I got up and went. “Collect” here carries the meaning of collecting health. Most likely, doctors will find something and prescribe a course of treatment. And so, piece by piece, the dreamer will restore (gather) health. Another interpretation is that the dreamer will face long, tedious, painstaking work, which will take quite a lot of time, but will bring results. A tangible bonus or even a promotion up the career ladder is guaranteed.

Why do you dream about needles (video)

Small and prickly, needles still do not bring global catastrophes and cataclysms to those who see them in a dream, which already allows one not to be afraid of them in a dream. Of course, it is unpleasant to see a swallowed needle, but there are worse dreams.

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Why do you dream about pulling out needles?

Pulling a needle from your skin is a sign that you are working tirelessly, at the edge of your capabilities. Such a dream is a kind of signal from the body that you give yourself more time to rest, otherwise your hard work may affect your health.

what does it mean to pull out needles in a dream?

Needles represent certain problems in your life. If in a dream you have to pull needles out of your body, then this is due to a subconscious desire to solve all the accumulated problems. The dream is a good sign and good luck will accompany you.

dreamed of pulling out needles

If you dreamed of taking a needle out of your mouth, this means that you are eager to overcome some temptation in your life. A needle sticking out of a part of your body is a sign that you may suffer some kind of injury. Needle in the leg - injury, pain in the leg, etc. Pulling out needles means that you have excellent immunity and your body is resistant to various types of diseases.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

In general, needles in a dream mean troubles or things that you don’t feel like doing. A dull needle, both in life and in a dream, cannot do much harm, but it does not do any good. This dream suggests that a loved one will soon become indifferent to you. Pulling a needle out of some part of the body in a dream means that obstacles in business are causing you a lot of trouble and problems, but after such a dream everything should change - you will feel relief. Buying needles in a dream means reconciliation with a friend. A needle and thread in a dream means that your relationship with a loved one or partner will be like a thread and a needle. Where the needle goes, so goes the thread. The thread always follows the needle. Try to figure out who is meant by the thread and who is meant by the needle. Such a dream can also predict that you will try to achieve the same success as another person. The length of the thread in this case indicates how close your relationship with the other person will be. See threads.

If you dream that you pricked yourself with a needle, then expect a quarrel with your loved ones. See prick.

A dream in which you saw that you had lost a needle means the loss of a friend or loved one. Looking for a needle means wasted effort. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying “looking for a needle in a haystack.” Finding a needle in a dream is an indication of the danger that threatens you, which will come from where you do not expect it. Searching and finding a needle is a good dream. It means that you will soon find new friends. A broken needle in a dream means a break in a relationship with a loved one. After such a dream, expect great experiences and loneliness. A dream in which you saw yourself working with a needle means: expect a quarrel with a loved one. For spouses, such a dream predicts that their family life will soon crack.

Why do you dream about needles according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

Threading a needle in a dream:
In a dream, threading a needle - in reality you will interfere in someone else’s business, for which you will pay. Blame only yourself.

Losing a needle in a dream:
Losing a needle means that you will lose the support of an influential person, but do not despair - this is not the worst period in your life, as long as you do not lose friends.

Pricking yourself with a needle in a dream:
If you prick yourself with a needle, then expect a dirty trick from the person who envies you, do not try to take revenge on him or punish him for meanness - this is the will of God, and you pray for his sinful soul.

Breaking a needle in a dream:
Breaking a needle while sewing - in reality, your anger and irritation will only bring misfortune and quarrels, cool down your ardor, restrain yourself in a moment of anger, otherwise you will bring trouble upon yourself.

Why do you dream of needles according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of a needle, this is a warning that someone may “prick” you (hurt you physically or mentally). Using a needle: for women - to find a friend, for men - loneliness. Finding an igloo means starting an argument and losing it. Receiving a needle as a gift means separation from a loved one. Lose a needle - you will have more accurate friends. Threading a needle means you will have to take care of others more than yourself. Sewing with a needle means finding peace of mind. Pricking yourself with a needle means a quarrel with a loved one. Breaking a needle means old age is lonely and full of hardships.

Why do you dream of needles according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a needle - to minor troubles; buy a needle in a dream - be disappointed in a friend; pricking yourself with a needle in a dream means discovering an enemy and a traitor in a close friend.

An accessory for ancient magical rituals or a simple thing necessary in the everyday life of any housewife? Few objects seen in a dream bother people as much as needles. The dream book will dispel restless doubts - what is the dream about and should you be afraid of deciphering it?

Could this be a good dream?

The sleeper usually perceives a needle in a dream as a threat, because the most vivid associations lead to the voodoo religion, not promising anything good. But dream books refute the erroneous theory. Seeing a sharp thorn is not always a sign of bad influence.

Yes, and the purpose is different. If you dream of a sewing accessory that connects two pieces of expensive fabric, a magnificent wedding will soon be over, this is a true prophecy of the unity of hearts. If you hurt yourself while stroking a hedgehog’s back, it means you are showing increased curiosity about matters that don’t concern you. Why do you dream about a needle from:

  • syringe - panic, paranoia;
  • cactus - family discord;
  • Christmas trees - old grievances;
  • brooches - unrequited love.

Needle in the language of dream books

In a dream, sewing up torn clothes is a symbol of upcoming financial hardships. Dream books promise ruin or a major loss to a wealthy person, and titanic work that does not bring satisfaction to a poor person. The gypsy dream book states: needles found in bed predict an intimate relationship with someone who is especially dangerous, unbalanced, and prone to obsession.

Vanga's dream book gives the following meaning: to pierce a finger with a pin until it bleeds - to give the last piece of bread to a loved one, to help, to provide shelter. You may have to shelter a relative or friend in your home. If the blood does not flow, you can expect a dirty trick and all sorts of problems from this person.

Dream Interpretation Enigma

A needle stuck into the body - the Enigma Dream Interpretation hints at gossip that has tarnished your name. In a dream, while walking, you stepped on something sharp - you will hide, avoid unwanted meetings in every possible way, because dirty discussions will cause significant trouble.

But more attention should be paid to your behavior, because there is no smoke without fire. Seeing scattered needles on the floor means being rejected by a lover or an outcast in a company.

Islamic dream book

The Muslim dream book urges you to beware of night dreams in which you had to take needles out of your own pillow or blanket. Finding such a surprise in personal belongings is a sign of the negative influence of someone who is aggressive towards you.

An unpleasant gift was found in your underwear - the Islamic dream book promises the extinction of sexual desires between spouses and affairs on the side.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about buying needles? Replenishing your craft kit is a good sign. The sleeper is protected from negativity, knows how to fight back and is confident that he himself is capable of scaring anyone. Choosing to give is to show your strengths. Miller says: soon make it clear to the enemy that it is better not to mess with you.

Hanging up Christmas tree decorations and severely scratching your hands on the spruce branches is doing a good service and receiving ingratitude in return. The sharper the pine thorns were, the more painful it will be to realize that you were treated unfairly and basely.

What do actions in a dream mean?

It turns out that this little thing can do more than just sew. And the interpretations offered by dream books completely erase all the boundaries of human imagination. In a dream, sticking a needle into someone else's eye - the secret will become public knowledge and will cause you some trouble.

If you cripple yourself, you are destined to soon observe a disgusting scene. Prick your skin, get a tattoo - make an impression, cause conversations with your appearance. Why do you dream of darning old linen? It’s in vain to try to maintain contact with someone who shows no interest in you. What does a needle mean:

  • to lose – fears, doubts;
  • break - deterioration of health;
  • throw away - indifference;
  • swallowing is a mental pain.

Sew up

Did you sew your mouth shut in a dream? In reality, one is destined to regret previously spoken words. Black threads - your frivolity will lead to tragedy. White - in vain you repent of something you didn’t do.

If you created a beautiful carpet with colorful patterns with your own hands - the work will bring a well-deserved reward, there is an opportunity to receive a promotion or bonus. At the same time, the needle breaks - you will ruin everything by stupidity.


Why do you dream of losing, dropping? You would prefer to remain silent instead of starting a scandal. Throwing a whole scattering of small needles on the ground is an attempt to catch a dishonest person in a lie.

In a dream, you deliberately scattered needles at someone’s feet - you will expose a deceiver and get punishment, which will earn you respect in your circles.


Looking for something missing means doing things that are illogical and do not bring results. Why do you dream of getting a needle to give an injection? You are depressed by the inability to share some secret or secret with a friend. The syringe was empty, without medicine? You exaggerate the scale of the situation, worry for no reason, and infect others with anxiety.

See it for yourself

Why do you dream of seeing a needle sticking out of your throat? What you see in a dream will bring throwing, an inability to firmly defend a position. You will be completely dependent on the whims of others.

Clothes swept away by invisible people are explained in dream books as awkward steps on the path to success. You are haunted by failures, but without defeats there are no victories.

Seeing a bunch of needles decorating your head in a dream is a sign of maturity, meaningfulness, and experience. The sleeper knows exactly his needs, has a clear plan and does not need prompting. Therefore, do not seek advice, act according to your instincts.

Why do you dream of finding it in food?

A spicy dish is not only food cooked with excessive amounts of spices, it is also a culinary masterpiece with needles. Seeing them on a plate is a bad sign. You know your enemies by sight and are aware of the intrigues prepared by these subjects.

Feeling a foreign object in your mouth during a meal means becoming a participant in a quarrel, being in the middle of a disagreement, and even hearing accusations against you. A tip stuck in the tongue, on the contrary, makes the sleeper the attacker. It's better not to fall into your hands. Why do you dream about an object:

  • spit out - control emotions;
  • add to food - behave defiantly;
  • chew - listen to insults;
  • to get it out of the teeth - to protect the innocent.

Dreaming for a man and a woman

What does a dream plot mean for both sexes? If a woman finds a needle in bed in a dream, you should tense up; your spectacular rival intends to destroy the marriage. If an unmarried girl dreams of something like this, let her choose her friends more carefully.

In a dream, a man had to eat rusty needles - he sympathizes with an older lady. It is better to limit communication with this person; she is determined and will not tolerate losing in romantic games.