Coleus plant. His country of origin

Coleus flowers (“Croton poor man”, “Krapivka”, COLEUS)   - These are small bushes, tightly covered with large leaves, similar to nettle leaves, but of the most diverse and vivid color options. The coleus plant is valued by growers for its rich selection of color combinations on motley-colored leaves, and for its rapid growth. Caring for Coleus and its cultivation is not difficult, planting a plant is simple, and reproduction is a snap.

Flower Coleus has many species and varieties, many of them are cultivated in the home gardening.

Coleus plant species

In nature, there are about 150 species of coleus, both annual and perennial, distributed in tropical regions of the globe. In indoor floriculture, the most popular were the types and varieties of coleus of polyhybrid origin, one of whose parents was Coleus blumei.

The genus name comes from the Greek coleus - "sheath, case" - and is associated with a characteristic feature of the stamen filaments.

Pay attention to the photo of flowers of Coleus - the filaments stitch together, forming a kind of case.

The popular name “Croton poor” reflects the variety of colors of pretty velvety leaves, which is a worthy competition to a more noble and demanding code, and affectionate “nettle” notices the similarity of leaf plates with nettle leaves, but at the same time their complete harmlessness.

Coleus Hybrid

For such diverse and sometimes different from each other varieties of Coleus hybrid (Coleus x hybridus) characteristic features are: square in cross-section, erect stems and opposite arrangement of oval velvety leaves.

As seen in the photo of a coleus flower, the edges of the leaf plates can be serrated, dissected, wavy, fringed and even curly.

For some time each young plant grown from seed intrigues the grower, being a mystery to him - after all, the first leaves appear green and it is not at all clear what will grow. But how interesting it is, day after day, to observe the emergence of new colors and elements of the pattern and marvel at the skill and taste of the artist-nature. The Coleus varieties differ in the size of the plants themselves - there are among them large and powerful ones, there are also miniature as well as ampelous varieties.

Coleus flower varieties and their photos

The popular varieties of Coleus include the following:

"Brilliant"   - variety with small red and lemon leaves.

"Buttercup"   - tall bushes (up to 50 cm) with delicate light green-white leaves.

"Butterfly"   - Coleus variety with a wavy edge of a leaf plate.

Crimson Ruffles   - large variety with maroon-raspberry leaves.

"Candidum"   - the center of the leaf is almost white, the border is light green.

Coleus "Firebird"   - The entire sheet plate is corrugated.

Coleus "Golden Bedder"   - leaves are monophonic, yellow color.

"Glory of Luxembourg"   - coral-sand strokes are scattered on a yellow background.

Rose Blush   - highly branching variety. Pay attention to the photo of this variety of Coleus - it has large, corrugated leaves, pale pink in the center and light green around the edge.

"Saber"   - Dwarf Coleus variety up to 20 cm.

"Salmon Lace"   - the center of the leaf is red, the border is green-yellow.

“Kong” series   characterized by a rapid growth rate and very large leaves, due to which the height of the plant can be equal to the width of the crown.

The color of the leaves is as follows:

Coleus "Green"   - green and cream color.

Coleus "Red"   - green and red version.

Coleus "Mosaic"   - spotty-striped leaves of a green-red-cream color scheme.

Planting and care for coleus

To get a beautifully shaped bright bush, when planting and caring for Coleus, you need to choose a well-lit place (in the middle lane, especially in winter, even direct sunlight is not terrible). Winter temperature should not fall below + 12 ... + 15 ° C. Watering in the summer is abundant (drying of the earthy coma is not allowed), in winter it is moderate (the roots are very sensitive to stagnant water, especially when the temperature drops). In hot weather, fresh air and spraying are necessary.

After planting Coleus, care must be taken to feed it. From March to August, it is held monthly. It is better to use complex fertilizers for decorative foliage plants or organic ones (nitrogen should be predominant, since potash-phosphorus fertilizers stimulate flowering, and coleus flowers are not very decorative). It is possible to replant Coleus once in 2-3 years, but it is better to rejuvenate the plant annually, that is, to renew it from cuttings. Be sure to hold the pinching and forming pruning.

Coleus reproduces perfectly by cuttings, while retaining all parental external characteristics, and seeds, but in this case, the appearance of the seedlings obtained is unpredictable.

Coleus - plants that are indispensable when creating flower arrangements, for decorating balconies, terraces, when making flower gardens. The rich color scheme allows you to use them as a background, and for the placement of color accents. From coleus alone you can create amazing flower paintings.

Coleus is a very common houseplant in Russia

Which carries one more name - nettle. The people nicknamed him so much because the leaves of Coleus are similar to nettle leaves. They are the same shape as hers. Coleus alternates alternately, and venation is reticulate.

The plant is very unpretentious and easy to clean. Coleus inflorescences have a spike structure. It is not necessary to constantly water and feed him, because it can survive in the most extreme conditions. Some housewives generally forget to approach their Coleus, but nevertheless it continues to grow and delight the eye of the household. Of course, the plants that are being taken care of are more beautiful, bright and fluffy, so if you want to get excited at every glance at your Coleus, do not be too lazy to care for him even a little, because it is so simple and easy.

Next, we'll talk about how to properly propagate, water and plant Coleus at home and in your backyard. We will examine and with a detailed description of Coleus. This plant is so versatile that it can be grown both at home on the windowsill and in the country in the open field. Here we will touch on the topic of superstition and find out whether it is useful to keep nettles at home. We also learn about where this amazingly beautiful and unpretentious plant came from to us. On the national signs associated with nettles, we also talk.

Coleus: the birthplace of the plant

A houseplant called Coleus or nettle came to us from tropical Asian countries. It was from there that overseas merchants brought Coleus seeds to our country many years ago. And surprisingly, he pretty well got accustomed to our climatic conditions. He can live in a city apartment at a constant temperature, and a wooden house with a stove, where the temperature is not always constant. And that is not all. Coleus can live in the open field even in the summer, pleasing the eye with the beauty of its leaves.

Initially, this indoor plant was called Coleus and nothing else. But the Russian people gave him the name nettle, which stuck. Under this name, people know this flower more. Coleus has become so popular that it can be found on every third sill of our country. It is especially common in small towns of Russia. In the villages and towns more like nettles and share its cuttings and seeds with neighbors and friends.

Varieties and types of nettle

In fact, Coleus has many varieties and varieties. Each of them has its own genotypic and phenotypic characters. You can get acquainted with the species of this indoor plant in the catalogs and reference books of flowers on any website dedicated to coleus. The most common type of nettle in our country is a hybrid Coleus. He is the most unpretentious of all kinds. In height, it can reach about a meter. The leaves can be even 10-15 cm long. The color of the plant is somewhat different depending on where the flower stands. If the nettle is on the windowsill, where there is a lot of light and sun, then the plant pigments will be green. If the plant is in a slightly shaded room, then the leaves will be purple.

Coleus Blume is also well known to amateur flower growers in Russia. His homeland is Southeast Asia. Especially love his brand called Black Dragon. This Coleus leaves with a brownish-purple hue, and the edges have red streaks. The height of the Dragon reaches about 80 cm. A very unpretentious plant that can easily tolerate temperature fluctuations. It can be safely planted in open ground in a flower bed. The dog coleus is also widespread, it emits an unpleasant smell and scares away cats from itself.

The Blume Cantigny Royale is also well known. This variety is very thermophilic and requires special care. He was accustomed to a temperature not lower than 20 degrees. This concerns not only the air temperature in the room, but also the air temperature outside. Therefore, in order not to risk, it is better to plant this plant in the open ground not earlier than June, when both the air and the ground warms up well. Especially beautiful, judging by the reviews of flower growers, Coleus American selection. Photos and videos of them can be seen on our website.

Another type of netting, which is loved in our country, is Coleus Renelta. It is striking in its beauty. The leaves of this plant are not very large and wide. Their shape resembles a heart. At the edges of this heart are beautiful waves. And the color of the leaf is very interesting. Coleus of this species has collected in itself and red, and purple, and brown, and yellow shades. This is a real decoration of any interior. Planting this type of netting is also possible at home and on the street. Renelta can decorate and your balcony. In length, this plant reaches 50 cm, but no more.

Growing from seed

Coleus can be grown independently from seed. They can be purchased at any flower shop. It is better to sow Coleus in March, when a bright and warm sun is already shining. If you are thinking of sowing in winter or autumn, then provide additional illumination for the seeds. Seeds should be planted in an oblong and flat box. The soil in the box must be wet. Top seeds better cover glass or polyethylene. The distance between seeds should be about 5 cm. Germination of seeds is very high, so you can hope that you will have every seed.

It is not necessary for each seed to make a hole. You can just scatter the seeds on the surface of the ground, and then sprinkle them out of the spray gun and sprinkle them with sand or a second thin layer of soil. It is better to keep the box with Coleus seedlings in a warm and dark place, so the process of plant emergence will be faster. The air temperature in the room should not be less than 17 degrees. Seeds come out, as a rule, on days 8-11 after sowing. After sprouting, glass or polyethylene must be removed, wait for a couple of leaves to appear on the stalks, and then plant sprouts in pots for picking and in order for the sprouts to begin to actively root in the soil. This is usually done a month after sowing the seeds in a box.

After a couple of weeks, Coleus can already be planted in a flower bed, on a balcony, or transplanted into a larger pot and left at home. Coleus in a flowerpot on a personal plot looks beautiful. In one pot, you can collect several types of netting, creating an amazing composition. It should be understood that if it is not very warm outside and the air does not reach the level of 18-20 degrees Celsius, then it is better to hold the plant at home and not plant it on the flowerbed. Only when you make sure that the earth is really warm, then you can safely put a nettle on the street.

In a flower bed coleus planted at a short distance from each other, so that the plants do not interfere with each other to grow. After disembarking Coleus should be watered. It is better to plant in a place where the sun does not heat up at noon, otherwise it may discolor the leaves of the nettle. This plant is grown on the street mainly as an annual. But if you want to make it a perennial, then in the winter Coleus dig up, transplant in a large pot and transfer home. And in the spring you will again be able to plant your favorite nettle on a flower bed.

Planting and maintenance in the open field

How to plant a nettle seed at home, we told. Now tell how this can be done in the garden. For this it is necessary to create favorable conditions for Coleus. You can also plant seeds in a box. But it is better not to do it in March, but even in April, so that it is warmer outside. You should have a greenhouse for planting, because you will need to keep the box with seedlings in it.

The rest of the principle of planting seeds on the street is similar to planting a house. You will also plant the seeds, cover them with glass, but the box will not be kept at home, but in the greenhouse. As soon as the seeds come out and a pair of leaves form on the plant, transplant the coleus into separate small containers for rooting. This may be ordinary jars of yogurt or sour cream. When it becomes quite warm outside, but not earlier than 1.5 months after the seedlings emerge, the plant can already be planted in open ground.

Features reproduction nettle cuttings

If you do not want to bother with the seeds, you can take the stem of this plant from someone you know. Reproduction nettle possible cuttings. To take root, it should be planted in a pot with damp earth and put in a warm place. You can cover the top with foil to provide more heat and moisture to the plant.

You can also put the stalk in the water, and when about a week later the roots will appear, then transplant it into a pot with soil. This is a more reliable and easy way to breed stinging. You can even plant several cuttings in one pot, so you will have a more branchy and luxuriant plant. You can plant several species in one place to get a multicolored mix.

Home care

Here your nettle (or coleus) is transplanted into a pot and is pleasing to the eye on the windowsill. How to care for her? There is nothing complicated about it. You just need to water your pet with water at room temperature in time, occasionally feed it and keep it in a slightly shaded place so that its leaves will have a rich color. If there is a heat outside the window and then it is necessary to periodically spray the leaves of the plant, giving them moisture not only from the inside, but also from the outside, otherwise they will dry out.

If watering is too abundant or too rare, the leaves of Coleus will quickly fall off, and it will completely bare. Therefore, choose for yourself a couple of days a week to give your favorite flower a drink. In winter, one time in 7 days is enough. In general, be guided by your feelings and periodically check the ground. If you touch it with your finger and make sure that the soil is very dry, you can safely pour Coleus. If the soil is slightly wet, the plant can tolerate a couple of days. It all depends on the temperature of the air in your apartment.

As for fertilizers, it is enough to feed Coleus in the winter only once a month. And in spring, summer and autumn need weekly feeding. It should be noted that a large amount of nitrogen must be present in the fertilizer. But potassium and phosphorus will be more useful for flowering plants. But Coleus is rich not in flowers, but in leaves, so it needs complex fertilizers for leafy indoor plants. In order for your plant not to stretch upwards, but to be lush and beautiful, it periodically needs pinching and trimming of the top. Pruned plants need for reproduction. After all, Coleus breeding occurs not only seeds, but also cuttings.

If the plant does not have enough light, then it will have a phototaxis (movement of the leaf blade to the light source). If this happens, then you should move the flower pot to another, brighter place. The same phenomenon occurs in many flowers, including flowering. Pelargonium and begonia are no exception.

Garden care

As in the home, in the open field nettle also need care. This also applies to watering and watering. In order to provide moisture to the plant, you need to always keep the deflated water in your garden. To do this, use a barrel to collect rainwater. If there is little rain, periodically fill the barrel with water from a well, river or well. Water the coleus as soon as the soil is dry. It depends on the air temperature outside.


Coleus is an excellent option for both home and for


Coleus (nettle), seed multiplication. Sowing seeds


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Coleus seed grow constantly. Again planted n


Coleus - colored nettle. Beautiful and unpretentious to

Few plants compare in brightness and color of leaves with Coleus Blume, which is popularly called nettle, decorative nettle, fire nettle.

A plant familiar to many today can not be recognized under the unfamiliar priority in the world of the name - salnostonemon skullcap. However, after seeing the image of the plant, you immediately recognize the Coleus.

Nature has endowed its red, golden, lemon, monochromatic and bicoloured, edged, patterned leaves with such exquisite beauty that even the floral prima donnas: roses and lilies themselves can envy.

Coleus has a truly legendary past: once, at the very beginning of the 19th century, it was very popular as a houseplant, which was highly valued, because it decorated almost every balcony, and new varieties received the names of crowned heads. In the 20th century, it became cramped in pots on the windowsills of houses, schools, kindergartens, clinics, shops, libraries, and Coleus “stepped out” into the garden and flower gardens.

Today, in the 21st century, with the advent of Coleus on flowerbeds, ridges, mixborders, containers, he is experiencing his next birth. Coleus is also loved, in demand and “not out of fashion”. Well, what qualities allow him for the 3rd century in a row to shine in the halo of glory?

Botanical Reference

Coleus Blume, or the scoliurnoid salinity-demon ( Solenostemon scutellarioidessyn. Coleus blumei var. verschaffeltii) Is a herbaceous perennial plant from the family Gubotsvetnye or Yasnotkovye, grown in open ground as an annual ornamental-leaf, with 4-carbon stems, height and width up to 60 cm. Leaves ovate, toothed along the edge, up to 15 cm, a wide variety of colors, with pattern and without. The flowers are small, 1.5 cm long, bluish, white, collected in a spike inflorescence, up to 15 cm long; bloom any time of year. To preserve the decorativeness of the plant, the inflorescences are removed.

In the culture of using numerous varieties created on the basis of Coleus Blume:

Coleus Blume grade Candidum

The leaves are green with yellow spots.

Coleus Blume variety ‘Saber’

Dwarf variety, up to 15 cm tall, mosaic leaves with a pinkish-cherry center and a greenish-yellow irregular border.

Coleus Blume variety ‘Salmon Lace’

Leaves with reddish center and green broad border.

Coleus Blume variety ‘Wizard Scarlett’

The leaves are red with a thin yellow border.

Coleus Blume variety ‘Wizard Pineapple’

Leaves are bicolor, green-cherry.

Coleus Blume Vershaffelt variation (Coleus blumei var. Verschaffeltii)

The leaves are large, up to 20 cm long, velvety red with a green border.

Advantages of Coleus Blume

    • easily propagated by seeds and cuttings;
  • growing fast;
  • very unpretentious;
  • a huge variety of leaf colors;
  • does not lose decorative effect until the first frost;
  • seasoned plants for the season are excellent queen cells for cuttings.

Features of growing

Coleus - a native of the tropics, he does not tolerate frost. Therefore, in the fall, before frosts, its shoots are cut in half and rooted in water for subsequent keeping indoors. The cut-off uterine plant is not thrown away, but transplanted into a pot so that after the winter we take the cuttings from it again in April. As a rule, uterine plants in the 2nd year in the design of flower beds do not use. Coleus moisturelover, he needs regular watering. Shade-tolerant, grows better in partial shade on light fertile, loose soils.

It responds well to top dressing with a complete complex fertilizer. For plants in vases, pots, containers they are carried out every 2 weeks. Vigorous varieties are necessary to keep the compactness pinch. When planting in early June in the open ground adhere to the distance between plants of 25-30 cm.

Breeding nuances

Usually, coleus are easily propagated by vegetative cutting. Placed in water or placed in wet sand, cuttings give roots quickly during the week. After that, they are planted in 7-9 cm pots filled with soil substrate consisting of sod, leaf soil, humus, sand in equal parts. Before planting in open ground contain in a warm bright place. The best time for grafting coleus is March-April.

Not bad Coleus multiply and seeds. If you bought Coleus seeds (a variety mixture is usually sold), then sow them early in January.

Then select the best seedlings, pick it up, put it in cups each separately, grow it, feed it, highlight it, and then, if necessary, you can also take cuttings from them so that you can make large strokes immediately when planted in the open ground. Severed out seedlings to enhance branching pinch when they reach a height of 8-10 cm.

At the end of the season, in August, we take cuttings from these plants planted in open ground. With seed reproduction there are resistant varieties that retain their differences. This is the ‘Scarlett Poncho’, ‘Milky Way’, Fashion Parade ’.

The use of coleus in various compositions

  Fancy patterns on the leaves make it possible for Coleus to participate in the most unusual combinations: with pilots on flowerbeds, in pots, containers on the terrace, balcony. His bright red outfit perfectly harmonizes with purple ageratum, green plektranthus, shrubby argirantemum, and lemon - with white and purple balsams.

In landscape design, creeping, ampelous, large-leaved, miniature (dwarf) varieties are used. Grade "Superbus" (leaves are brown-red with a greenish border) ampelous for hanging baskets. The dwarfs "Colosseus Nana" (up to 30 cm high, the leaves are brightly colored), "Saber" (up to 15 cm high) seem to be made for containers.

Coleus are good in flower beds, rabatkah, mixborders.

The dark leaves of coleus look very aristocratic, sometimes it seems that they are blowing something mysterious. To emphasize this mysterious beauty, such plants are planted against the background of perennials with white, bright blue, as well as bright and intense pink flowers. Conversely, coleuses with light, lemon leaves can highlight shady spots.

3 interesting facts about Coleus that you might not know yet

    • Pedantic botanists have long calculated that the Coleus genus includes more than 200 species of perennial grasses and subshrubs growing in the tropics of Asia and Africa.
  • The name of the genus Coleus is derived from the ancient Greek word coleos(koleos) - the vagina, which is associated with the structural features of a nondescript flower: its accreteous staminate filaments forming the vagina for the pistil.
  • Once, according to legend, it is a bright plant in its homeland - the island of Java was planted around the edge of coffee plantations to protect against boars.

Botanical description


Cuttings in March. Mother liquors can be kept in room culture. Seed reproduction is also possible.


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See what is "Coleus" in other dictionaries:

      - (Coleus), a genus of annual and perennial herbaceous plants of the family Labiaceae (see NUB). About 150 species in the tropics of both hemispheres. In the indoor floriculture mainly used perennial Coleus hybrid (C. hybridus). Stems ... encyclopedic Dictionary

      - (Coleus), a genus of plants of this. Labiaceae. Ch. arr. perennial grasses or dwarf shrubs. St. 150 species in the tropics of Vost. hemisphere. Some species, for example. K. edible (S. edulis), in tropich. Africa and Asia are cultivated for edible, starchy ... ... Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Susch., Number of synonyms: 1 plant (4422) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

      - (gr. koleos) is a genus of perennial tropical herbaceous and shrub plants of this family .. labial flowers; in the tropics of Africa and Asia, cultivated for the sake of starchy tubers in Russia, species with beautifully colored leaves are grown in rooms and greenhouses, and ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    coleus   - margenis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Šeima. Notreliniai - Lamiaceae Martynov atitikmenys: lot. Coleus angl. coleus vok. Buntlippe; Buntnessel; Coleus rus. Coleus lenk. koleus ... Dekoratyvinių augalų vardynas

Coleus (lat Coleus)   - shrubby ornamental deciduous plant, families labiaceae (Lamiaceae).

Coleus   has tetrahedral stems and opposite broad oval leaves, serrated along the edges.

The homeland of Coleus is tropical Africa and Asia.

Coleus   sometimes called "Croton poor"   due to the similarity with Croton in brightness and color range. Coleus is an unusually beautiful decorative leafy plant. Among the modern varieties of variegated velvety leaves of coleus are beautifully speckled with various patterns of light green, almost white flowers, rich red, dark purple, brown tones. The contrasting colors of the split veins and coleus frames are reminiscent of works of art from tropical Africa and Asia.

To the genus Coleus belongs about 150 species of plants of the family Labiatae. Evergreen dwarf shrubs and annual herbaceous plants. The leaves are opposite, of various colors and patterns, with petioles. Flowers in apical spiciform inflorescences. Some species (especially the forms and numerous varieties of the so-called hybrid species Coleus blumei) in culture are known as deciduous plants.

Despite the tropical origin, Coleus unpretentious. Designed for light exposure in the room. In summer, the pot with the plant can be put on the balcony or open terrace (terrace). Coleus differ active growth.

Types of coleus

   - herbaceous perennial plant up to 50-80 cm tall. Stem erect, branching, tetrahedral, juicy, melkoopushenny. The leaves are opposite, petiolate, oval or broadly ovate with a truncated or heart-shaped base, often wavy on margin, crenate, less often shallowly dissected, finely arched, with sparse longer hairs, variously uniformly or variegatedly colored in green, red, dark purple, violet brown and other colors. Flowers numerous, collected in the final rare complex brush or complex spike. Calyx two-lipped, lower lip with 2 teeth. Corolla up to 1.5 cm long, two-lipped, upper lip much larger than the lower, blue, lower with 2 teeth, whitish. A combined taxon consisting of 200 hybrid forms of garden origin, one of whose parents is Javanese
  Coleus Blum.

  . Homeland - the island of Java. There is an incredible variety of Coleus blumei hybrids. Plant height is usually 35-70 cm, there are also dwarf varieties. In most (but not all) forms, the leaves resemble nettle leaves, some have folded leaf edges, others have wavy, and the plate itself is crinkled. It is difficult to speak about the prevailing color in the color of leaves - they are very colorful. In a culture common as multi-colored and monochrome forms.

Some varieties of Coleus Blum:

Saber   (dwarf variety)
The chief   (folded leaves)
Butterfly   (wavy leaves)
Golden bedder   (yellow)
Volcano   (Dark red).
Scarlet poncho
Milky Way
Fashion parade
Coleus pumilus

Currently, new varieties are grown in the rooms: Colosseus Nanus   - 30 cm high with beautiful leaves; Laciniatus   - with split edges of leaves. Both varieties are rare, unusual. Propagated by cuttings.

There are varieties used in flower beds as carpet plants: Gero (Gero)   - with dark purple leaves and Julia   - with velvety red leaves with a golden border.

Highly decorative ampelous garden forms and varieties obtained from Coleus Renelta (Coleus rehneltianus) . Homeland - Sri Lanka. From breeding with other species, the best for rooms in the winter period of ampelous forms: Renelthianus and Renelthianus Superbus with beautiful brown-red leaves with a greenish border and blue flowers were obtained.

Coleus parviflorus

Coleus verschaffeltii.   The largest and most colorful leaves. Differs in high decorative effect. The leaves are velvety dark red leaves with a green border.

Coleus religious rutabaga

Coleus edulis

Coleus frederici

Coleus thirsodies

Coleus shirensis

Coleus care

Lighting.Coleus is a light-loving plant, he prefers a bright light. Depending on the color of the leaves, it requires different amounts of light - varieties with bright (for example, red, white and almost white) leaves are able to tolerate direct sunlight better than varieties with green leaf. Plants are suitable for cultivation at the windows of southern, western and eastern exposure. In spring and summer, there may be a loss of color (burnout) and turgor in the leaves, due to exposure of excessive amounts of sunlight to them. For this reason, from the midday sun plants should pritenyat. In addition, coleus are accustomed to direct sunlight gradually, in order to avoid sunburn.

Temperature.   Coleus is relatively unpretentious to the temperature, in summer it can vary between 16-25 ° C. In winter, at low temperatures (below 12 ° C), the plant can shed its leaves, rot, which will lead to its death, therefore the plants contain at 16-22 ° C. Strong summer heat leads to loss of turgor at the leaves.

Watering.   From spring to autumn it is plentiful, soft, settled with slightly warm water, as the top layer of the substrate dries out. If tap water is hard, then rainwater should be used. In winter, watering is moderate, but do not allow the coma to dry out. Coleus very sharply react to the absence of moisture in the soil - the leaves become flabby. In the case of cool content (14-16 ° C or below), plants are watered occasionally.

Air humidity.   For normal existence must be high. Coleus leaves should be regularly sprayed with settled soft water at room temperature. In winter, Coleus are in a state of relative rest and barely grow. It is best to keep them in the kitchen, as in the most warm room with more or less high humidity.

Fertilizer. In spring and summer (during the period of intensive growth) fertilizing with organic or mineral fertilizers is useful, preferably with potash fertilizers (0.3-0.5 g per 1 l of water) 1 time per week. In winter, the concentration of the solution is reduced by half, fertilized every 3-4 weeks.

Bloom.   Coleus blooms with little decorating: small nondescript flowers with a double-lipped corolla with a blue-violet upper and whitish lower lip are collected in complex ears. The formation of flowers takes a lot of energy from the plant, because of which the leaves become smaller, so it is better to remove the buds.

Features when growing.   To enhance bushiness, it is recommended to pinch the apical shoots of coleus. In February, coleus should be cut to the stump, leaving 5-8 eyes for new growth.

Transfer.   If Coleus is grown as an annual, it is not transplanted. In other cases, transplantation of overgrown plants is carried out 1 time in 2-3 years. Substrate for transplant is taken slightly acidic or neutral (pH 6-7). Suitable mixture of turf, deciduous and humus soil, sand and peat in the ratio of 4: 4: 2: 1: 1. At the bottom of the pot requires good drainage.

Reproduction.   Coleus propagated by seeds and mostly cuttings, in order to avoid splitting and loss of decorative leaves.

The seeds are small (in 1 g 3500 pcs.), They are sown in February-March-April in plates and sprinkled with sand on top. Contain at a temperature of 20-22 ° C. Shoots appear on the 14-18th day. Seedlings dive into bowls or into boxes at a distance of 2 × 2 cm. The composition of the earth: leaf - 1 part, peat - 1 part, sod - 1 part, sand - 1 part. In the phase of 1-2 pairs of leaves of the plant are planted in 7 cm pots, 1 copy. The composition of the earth is the same. A month later, they roll over into 9-11 cm pots. The main care of plants consists in watering, keeping them in an illuminated place, since the intensity of leaf color largely depends on the light (sunlight). Young plants pinch in order to branch. After 5-6 months, the plants become important for decorating the premises.

Plants are to be grafted in February (they are grafted until May). The cuttings are planted in the distribution boxes or directly on the rack, in the sand. Rooting occurs within 8-12 days. Rooted cuttings are planted in 9 cm pots. The composition of the land is the same as for picks. In order to obtain branched plants pinch the tip of the shoots. In the care of plants, watering, ventilation, temperature 16-18 ° C, light, moderately sunny, location are provided (location with significant solar insolation, the edges of the plate curl and discoloration of the leaf color; discoloration is observed at high temperatures at night and low in the afternoon). Coleus are characterized by intensive growth - for 3 months they are branched plants with large leaves. Then given the transfer in 11 cm pots.

Possible difficulties

Bare bottom of the stem   - lack of lighting, delayed nipping, for adult plants is a common phenomenon.

Leaf color dims   - insufficient lighting.

Leaf fall   - lack of moisture.

With a lack of heat and excessively dry air plants are subject to diseases.

With sharp temperature fluctuations the plant may die.

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Tags: coleus, coleus photo, coleus, coleus care, coleus from seeds, coleus flower, coleus hybrid, behind Coleus, photo of Coleus