How to remove old wallpaper on your own? Remove old wallpaper from the walls? It's simple! How to remove old wallpaper from the wall.

An analogue of this method is a steam iron. It facilitates the removal of old wallpaper on large surfaces and significantly saves time and effort.

If you are a beginner and do not know how to remove old wall-paper from walls correctly, it is better to use special fluids for this. One bottle is enough to remove wallpaper on the square up to 90 square meters.

Detergent quickly enough penetrates under the paper wallpaper and the adhesive effectively soaks. These funds are more effective than regular soap and water, they can be used when working in closed rooms.

Fluids are mixed with water and sprayed over the entire surface of old wallpaper. After a few minutes, you can easily remove the old layer with a spatula. This tool lends itself to vinyl, paper and textile canvas wallpaper.

Removing wallpaper with PVA glue

To date, the following types of wallpaperused in:

  • washable wallpaper;
  • liquid wallpaper;
  • wallpaper;

How to remove old vinyl wallpapers from the walls?

If you do not intend to save it, then you can remove the wallpaper with minimal effort.

Non-woven wallpaper is dense and durable, but it is quite easy to remove. Do the same as in the version with paper wallpaper, just use a spatula.

How to remove old washable wallpaper?

To remove washable old wallpaper, one application of water or a special liquid will not be enough.

Most people do not puzzle over this at all, but glue new canvases directly on old wallpapers, which should not be done.

Firstly, in the presence of old wallpaper or the smallest fragments of them, the wall surface will never be perfect. In other words - immediately after pasting new wallpapers, as they say, all the bumps and bumps will be evident.

Secondly, old wallpapers can at the most inopportune moment move away with new ones - and all your work will go down the drain.

Thirdly, under the old wallpaper, harmful bacteria and molds often form, which should be disposed of, and this is additional trouble.

If you plan a long-term effect and want the new wallpaper to last quite a while, and the walls look good after the repair, you should remove absolutely the entire old layer of wallpaper and glue, without leaving the slightest fragments.

Materials and preparations

how right and easy take off old paper wallpaper? In order to quickly and easily remove old-looking paintings from the walls, you need to prepare in advance all the necessary instruments.

You will need:

  • spatulas - narrow and wide;
  • ordinary warm water or a special tool for removing wallpaper;
  • steam mop, which can significantly speed up and facilitate the work;
  • a device for perforating the surface of the wallpaper (the so-called wallpaper tiger, or a roller with needles);
  • polyethylene film;
  • masking tape;
  • knife for wallpaper and drywall;
  • paint tray and roller (you can do with a bucket with a rag or sponge).

Before starting work, it is necessary to cover the floor with film or newspapers, turn off the power to the electrician, since liquid can get to the ends of the wires and result in a short circuit. Therefore, it is desirable to seal sockets and switches with masking tape. Having secured yourself, you can embark on an important mission.

Removing paper-based vinyl wallpapers

This wallpaper is easy to remove, as they are just a vinyl film that is glued to a paper base.

Before shooting, you need to scratch the wallpaper with a knife or roller with needles, then wet them well with liquid or water and leave for several hours so that moisture seeps under the polymer layer and destroys the glue.

With a knife, a horizontal cut is made at the top - and the wallpaper is removed in whole stripes when you pull them over the edge. However, pieces of paper may remain on the wall. They must also be moistened with water and removed with a spatula.

Removing washable and non-woven wallpaper

Since the former have a waterproof layer, so that moisture gets inside, it is necessary to make incisions or holes. The same goes for the latter, which are made of synthetic fibers, more durable than paper. After that, the wall is wetted with liquid.

After some time, the glue is destroyed - and the wallpaper itself departs.

Removing classic paper canvases

But this is already a rather complicated and time-consuming procedure. This is due to the fact that this wallpaper immediately torn, as a result, they need to be removed in small pieces. Especially the work is complicated by the presence of several layers of wallpaper.

How can I remove the old wallpaper? How to peel old paper wallpapers safely for walls and the better and easier it is?

Exist four ways to remove paper wallpaper:

Removing paper wallpaper from drywall walls

The difficulty lies in the fact that the drywall is covered with a paper layer at the top, which must be left intact.

In such a situation, the most optimal way is to use not water, but special products dissolving exclusively wallpaper glue.

Special care should be taken when working with a spatula. It should be noted that if the wallpaper is glued to PVA, then most likely you will not be able to remove them without damaging the drywall. So it’s better not to waste precious time, but simply change the drywall boards.

For those who doubt their abilities, we suggest watching a video clip about the quick and easy removal of old paper wallpaper from the walls:

Here, in fact, all those wisdom that you need to know when deleting old wallpapers that have lost their former attractiveness. And then it all depends on your diligence, scrupulousness and speed of work. As they say, patience and work will grind everything!

How to quickly remove old wallpaper from the walls?

If you plan to repair, then first you need to remove the old coating from the walls. And how can you quickly and easily remove the wallpaper? There are various effective ways and important nuances.

Preparatory work

Take the furniture out of the room so as not to stain it. If this is not possible, cover the objects with foil or old rags.
To protect the floor from dirt, cover it with oilcloths or a thick PVC film, gluing the edges to the skirting boards. But if you plan to replace the flooring, then you can skip this step.

Turn off the electricity. During work, water can accidentally get into sockets, which will cause a short circuit. It is also advisable to seal all switches or sockets with tape or cover with a film, fixing it.
At the doorstep of the room, spread a damp rag so as not to spread garbage throughout the apartment. Everyone leaving the room will wipe their feet.
Prepare all the necessary tools. Thick rubber gloves, a soft foam or fluffy roller, a water tank (bucket or basin), unnecessary old rags, garbage bags, scrapers and spatulas of different sizes (narrow and wide), a stationery knife, a stepladder, a masking tape or plain tape may be required.

How can I quickly remove old wallpaper? Consider universal effective methods:

Wet method. This technique is known to all and is used very often. First you need to moisten the walls well, so that the coating softens and moves away from the surface. The option is suitable for removing not very dense paper wallpaper: the material lends itself well to moisture, like the glue used for gluing. You can apply water using a roller, rag or spray gun. Then wait at least fifteen minutes for the wallpaper to soak. Then take a spatula and begin to pry strips and remove them with your hands. And to speed up the process, use warm or hot water.
Dry way. If the wallpaper is shabby and easy to remove without additional processing, then simply separate them from the walls with your hands, if necessary, tucking them with a spatula or clerical knife.
Steam way. Steaming is a combination of exposure to water and elevated temperatures. Humidity and heat quickly penetrate the wallpaper and soften them, simplifying and accelerating the removal process as much as possible. To use this method, you can use a steam generator or steamer. If there is neither one nor the other, boil water, pour it into containers and place them along the wall. Of course, this is more complicated and less efficient, but it will still facilitate removal of the coating.
Specialized tools. In stores building and finishing materials you can find special fluids and solutions for removing wallpaper. They are not very expensive, and there are no toxic substances in the quality products, so you can use them without fear for your health. Apply liquid using a spray or roller, wait (the exact exposure time should be indicated on the packaging), and proceed to remove the coating.

Features of removing different types of wallpaper

If earlier only paper wallpapers were available and practically the only ones, today there are much more varieties: non-woven, vinyl, textile, liquid and others. And each species has its own characteristics, including removal techniques.
Wallpaper with a top waterproof layer, such as vinyl, does not allow moisture to pass through, so after moisturizing and steaming, they will surely remain intact. It is necessary to pre-perforate them by making holes. Use an awl, a clerical knife, a studded roller or the so-called “wallpaper tiger” for this. Then wet the coating, wait and proceed to take off. You can do the same with non-woven wallpaper.

Textile coatings, as a rule, are durable and easily amenable to moisture, therefore, difficulties should not arise. Just moisten them more abundantly, as woven materials are thicker and denser than paper. After wetting, wait and begin to pry off the layers and remove them.

Liquid wallpapers are also easy to remove. They are based on cellulose, which, as you know, quickly absorbs moisture and swells. But the coating layer is much thicker than when using standard wallpaper. So first moisten the walls thoroughly with a roller or spray, wait a bit, moisten the surface again, and then remove the composition with a wide spatula.

Before removing the coating from the wall, try to find a package of old wallpaper (you may have one roll left) and study the information on it. The manufacturer could give recommendations regarding the removal, the observance of which will accelerate the process.
If the coating is not removed the first time, proceed in stages. Moisten or steam the wall once, remove one layer with a spatula. Then repeat all the actions a second time. If there is still residue on the wall, repeat the procedure. Continue removing until the surface is clean.
Wallpaper is not removed in any way, since it is glued to the wrong glue or over the old coating? Then you have to act radically, using a grinding machine or coarse sandpaper fixed on the nozzle. But still, first you need to work with a spatula and remove areas that are susceptible to impact.
To speed up the process of softening the wallpaper, you can add a little vinegar, detergent, shampoo, fabric softener or citric acid to warm water. A tablespoon of the selected product is enough per liter.
If the wallpaper is glued on drywall, you need to be careful, because such a material has a paper coating that cannot be damaged. Therefore, proceed with caution: do not wet the walls excessively profusely, do not scrub them with a spatula roughly and actively to avoid scratches and chips.
If the coating does not give in the first time, then it has a dense structure and is well fixed to the wall. Either moisten it more liberally or moisten it several times. In addition, heat will accelerate the penetration of moisture deep into the wallpaper, so put a heater in the center of the room or use a hairdryer in advance.
Using the helpful information and helpful tips outlined in the article, you can quickly and easily take wallpapers. Also do not forget to consider some nuances.

Despite the widest modern variety of materials and technologies for decorating walls in rooms, wallpapers have been and remain “champions” in popularity. And this is despite the fact that according to the long history of their use, they are also leaders - such a method of decorating walls in rooms has been practiced since time immemorial. The explanation is simple - with the help of wallpaper you can very quickly and efficiently completely change the interior design. And the gluing technology, although also replete with nuances, can still be mastered by any homeowner, that is, such cosmetic repairs are quite affordable to do on their own.

By the way, all professional finishers, and even those many masters of the "amateur class" who have already tried to do this kind of decoration, will not let you lie: it’s not so much time and energy that it takes itself to prepare the wall surfaces for this operation. And one of the most dirty and tedious activities sometimes becomes the removal of old decorative coatings. In particular, if previously the room was pasted with wallpaper, then the old paintings are subject to unconditional removal.

No need to brush off - they say, nonsense is a question. Sometimes such a simple, at first glance, business turns into “hard labor”. Let's see how to remove wallpaper from the walls quickly and efficiently.

Just note - it doesn’t always work out quickly.

Or maybe not to shoot the old wallpaper?

No matter how beautiful the wallpaper may seem initially, sooner or later comes the understanding that it is time to change it. There can be many reasons. For many owners, new fashion trends become an important motive. They are growing up, and in their room they also have to change the decoration in accordance with their age and with their personal preferences. Wallpaper can get dirty, worn out, fade, lose its aesthetic appearance over time. Often, pets in the approximation of the need for cosmetic repairs make pets - cats or dogs.

So, the task is set - it is necessary to re-stick. And often there is a temptation - and maybe not "bother" with the removal of the old? Maybe stick directly to them - because it will take a little time?

Partly such doubts can also arise because many are familiar with the paintings when on the walls there are whole "archaeological deposits". That is, many layers of old finishes, by which you can trace the history of repairs for several decades.

Maybe this is what to do? No, this is highly undesirable! This was possible at a time when all the wallpapers were exclusively on a paper basis, did not differ in thickness, did not have special protective coatings or impregnations. And the requirements for the quality of finishes, we admit to ourselves, twenty years ago were completely different, incomparable with modern ones.

Of course, no one to the owner of the apartment, if he personally carries out repairs, can not prohibit to paste new wallpaper without removing the old ones. But then it remains only to rely on what, as they say, "carry", and the finish will be neat and durable.

But it can happen otherwise:

  • Applying glue to old wallpapers often causes them to swell, and as a result, it is simply unrealistic to achieve a smooth, new finished surface. Clear wrinkles and bubbles appear on the walls.

A very common consequence of sticking new wallpapers on top of old ones is the appearance of wrinkles and bubbles, which are extremely difficult to handle.
  • It is not always possible to know for sure what glue was used when gluing the old finish. That is, it is difficult to predict what its reaction will be with the composition that will be used when gluing new wallpapers. It is possible that the next morning after the repair, all the wallpapers will be lying on the floor, that is, hopelessly spoiled.
  • The paint on many old paper wallpapers is not resistant. That is, with a new soaking (when gluing on top of new paintings), it may well leak out and appear stained on a fresh finish.
  • It was already mentioned above that the requirements for evenness of walls in past times are still not comparable with modern ones. In the past, they often tried to hide even very significant surface defects — cracks, chips, and shells — with wallpaper. And some defects could progress over time. And to close, without even having carried out an audit of the wall and without having carried out, if necessary, repair work, was not at all the bossy way. In addition, it is likely that after gluing a new finish, these flaws will appear and spoil the whole impression of the novelty of the interior.
  • Like it or not, but the old wallpaper had time to be saturated with vapors, smells, and it is hardly worth carrying all this “wealth” with you “into the future”.

  • Pockets of wall damage by mold or fungus can break down under the wallpaper. In the initial stages, they may be invisible, but in the future they will certainly make themselves felt. That is, it will never be superfluous to check the wall for its “biological health”, and, if necessary, to conduct appropriate antiseptic treatment.

So, it was decided - old wallpapers should be removed. How this is done will be described below. And here it’s how anyone is lucky - the task can take an hour of time, and turn into a very protracted action. But nothing can be done…

How to prepare to remove old wallpapers?

Preparation is not unusual at all - it is necessary, firstly, to free yourself a working space so that you have access to all the walls in the room. And secondly - to protect the things remaining in the room, interior elements or already finished surfaces from unnecessary pollution or getting wet (water will be used quite widely during the removal process).

Everything is very simple:

  • Furniture, of course, all the more so - with the prospect of subsequent wall pasting with new wallpaper, it is better to remove it from the room. If this is not possible, then it moves closer to the center of the room, so that along all the walls there are quite wide passages in which it will be possible to work without interference.
  • All pieces of furniture are covered with a thin film - such a protective coating, designed specifically for such purposes, is not difficult to purchase in a store.

  • On the floor, of course, it is better to lay a thicker plastic film so that it does not tear under the soles of shoes. A thickness of 75 microns is usually quite enough. In order not to slip on the wet film, you can still cover it from above with pieces of packaging cardboard or even just old newspapers.
  • Often forget about skirting boards. If they are not planned to be removed, then the appearance can be preserved with strips of glued masking tape. By the way, they can also fix the film laid on the floor around the perimeter of the room.

If there is no way to completely free the room from furniture, then it, like the floors, should be covered with a film
  • To prevent dust and dirt from spreading around the premises, put a damp cloth on the threshold. Doors can be kept closed or curtained with a piece of damp cloth.
  • Removing old wallpaper, preparing walls, and deciding on a new finish involves removing sockets and switches. “Wet procedures” are coming, so you need to protect yourself from electric shock. Either the room is completely disconnected from the home electrical network, or steps are being taken to reliably isolate current-carrying parts and wiring.

It is immediately necessary to prepare the necessary tools - so that they are already at hand. It is difficult to give an exact list of all the required “arsenal” - a lot depends on the specific circumstances. So, depending on the type of wallpaper glued and the strength of their retention on the wall, they can go for work:

  • Spatulas, narrow and wide (up to 250 mm).
  • Water tank, detergent or other compounds, which will be described below. And it is convenient to apply water to the walls with a spray gun.
  • Sponges or foam roller, rags.
  • For perforation of waterproof wallpaper you will need a needle roller or a special tool - the so-called “wallpaper tiger”.

  • Often you have to resort to steaming glued canvases. Here you can use an iron, ordinary or, better, with a function of vertical steam. Special wallpaper steamers (steam strippers) are very convenient, and if it is possible to rent such a device, do not neglect it.
  • A sufficient supply of garbage bags should be prepared so that the removed canvases and rags are immediately folded into them.
  • A considerable proportion of the total volume of work will be carried out at height, under the ceiling. And this means that you need a reliable stepladder or, which is much more convenient - goats.
  • Wall cleaning operations are best done with gloves on your hands.

The list may be wider, if, for example, it comes to harsh mechanical cleaning of old canvases, which in no way lend themselves “for good”.

Basic ways to remove old wallpapers

If you are very lucky - the wallpaper is removed "by yourself"

Not themselves, of course, but their separation from the walls does not require any special means, or moisturizing, or the application of any significant efforts. The canvas picks up from above and gently stretches on itself and down.

If the wallpaper leaves easily, then the work does not require much time and effort

By the way, making great efforts is not recommended. Paper webs can become known to become brittle over time, and begin to tear if pulled too hard. You should try to remove the entire sheet completely, from top to bottom. “Resist” areas - immediately clean with a sharp spatula or even a knife.

It is possible, of course, that in the course of such a successful “dismantling” there will nevertheless remain separate “islands and continents” that do not want to part with their place. Well, then the decoration on the main square is removed, and for these "rebels" we apply one of the more radical methods, which will be discussed below.

Water comes to the rescue ...

The case described above is from the category of exceptions. Usually this happens if the wallpaper was originally not glued too high quality, and the owners were just lucky that they still lasted so long.

And the most common way that helps out most often is to get old wallpapers wet with water. Firstly, the canvases themselves swell, and this already contributes to their separation from the wall. And secondly, abundant moisture leads to the dissolution of the old adhesive layer, and he will no longer hold the wallpaper on the surface dead.

The advantages of this method include the fact that the worker will not have to “swallow” the dust clouds that inevitably arise when removing wallpaper by the “dry” method. True, at a cost, it is difficult to avoid the formation of wet dirt on the floor. But if there is a film - everything is easily cleaned.

So, the task is to soak the canvases themselves with moisture and cause the glue to dissolve. To do this, it is recommended to use warm water, which is applied with a sponge or foam rubber roller. It is much more convenient for this purpose to use a spray gun, worn on an ordinary plastic bottle. Of course, they try to apply water with a certain moderation so as not to create streams along the walls and, accordingly, puddles on the floor.

Humidification of old wall-paper on a wall can be done with a sponge, foam roller or spray gun

After moisturizing, it is necessary to withstand a short pause - so that moisture is well absorbed into the structure of the material and softens the adhesive layer. Literally five to seven minutes are enough for simple single-layer paper wallpapers, and you can start to remove them. For multilayer, more water and time will be required. But even after 15–20 minutes the surface will be ready for cleaning.

So, after the paintings on the wall are saturated with water, they can begin to be removed. Again, if you're lucky, then the removal will occur if not in whole sheets, then at least in large fragments. However, old water can begin to “creep” from the water, tear, and putty knives or special scrapers have to be put into action.

They begin to remove the sheet either from the top, or, if it seems more convenient, from the seam - they pry the canvas with a spatula and try to carefully peel off the fragment of the maximum possible area from the wall. The remaining areas are cleaned individually. If necessary, some areas of decoration that do not want to move away from the wall are moistened additionally.

Of course, when scraping off the remnants of wallpaper, you should be careful when trying not to leave furrows on a layer of plaster or putty. Especially if the plans do not include subsequent surface leveling, that is, new wallpapers will immediately be glued to the cleaned wall.

The method is effective, and in addition, its effectiveness can be enhanced in several ways.

Features of preparation for the "wet" removal of vinyl wallpaper

Thick washable wallpapers, and in particular with a vinyl waterproof external coating, require special preparation. Their surface does not let moisture in, to the wall, which means that it is necessary to create the conditions for this artificially.

It is possible to violate the integrity of the external waterproof coating by applying notches with a conventional knife, but this is not quite convenient. Faster and better similar operation will be performed with a special roller with sharp needles. Or a special tool is launched - a wallpaper tiger. Its gear rollers, when moving along the surface, leave rather deep furrows on the finish without damaging the wall itself. Such scratches are quite enough for water to penetrate the waterproof layer and do its job.

Violation of the integrity of the waterproof surface layer of the wallpaper using a wallpaper tiger or a needle roller

After that, they proceed to the removal of paintings - in the same sequence as described above. By the way, after wetting the bottom layer, heavy vinyl wallpapers are often removed much easier than paper ones - with whole canvases. But some types are stratified, that is, first the upper vinyl layer is removed, and then you have to additionally deal with the removal of the bottom paper or non-woven backing.

A few important points in the end

Concluding the publication, consider a few more nuances regarding certain situations when removing wallpaper.

  • If the wallpaper is two-layer on a non-woven basis, it often happens that it is possible to remove only the top decorative layer. And the non-woven base remains on the wall. You can not tear it off, using brute force, but use it as a kind of reinforcing coating, applying a thin layer of putty to it after priming. After leveling and grinding, the wall will again be fully ready for any kind of finish.

By the way, the fragmentary remnants of paper wallpaper, if they are not shaggy outside and tightly glued to the wall, can also be hidden with a layer of putty. This should not affect the quality of future finishes.

  • Removing liquid wallpaper usually does not present any particular problems. At its core, it is like a plaster layer on a cellulose-adhesive basis. After softening with water or any other composition mentioned in the article above, the coating is quite easily cleaned with a spatula. Not only that, some masters do not even throw out the composition that has been cleaned from the wall - it can be used again after appropriate treatment.

What is liquid wallpaper?

Many did not even hear about a similar method of decoration. Meanwhile, he tears off the broadest possibilities of the original interior decoration. And what’s interesting: to put and even make is not so prohibitively difficult task. Read about it in the special publication of the portal.

  • Separate are also cullets. They are glued to a special adhesive with a high content of polyvinyl acetate or acrylic resins, and this adhesive almost completely binds their fiber structure through.

Separating them from the wall using the methods listed above is a task that, with a probability of 99%, will fail. Apply mechanical methods using abrasive nozzles, hard brushes, etc. - it is possible, but is it worth it?

Firstly, cullet can withstand more than ten (some up to thirty!) Repainting cycles. That is, updating the interior design is quite possible without even resorting to cleaning the walls.

And secondly, if absolutely even, a clean wall surface is absolutely necessary, then quality glued glass walls become an excellent “reinforcing mesh”, on which a layer of putty will lay without any problems.

Find out, and also get acquainted with the theory, calculations, practice of proper wall gluing, in a special article on our portal.

By the way, one of the modern finishing technologies directly provides for the preliminary reinforcing of the walls with fiberglass “spider line” before their puttying. And this fiberglass is nothing but the same cullet of small thickness and density. So you can close them with putty without fear.

Why is painting fiberglass “spider line” used?

This material appeared on the shelves of building stores relatively recently, but has already managed to prove the convenience and effectiveness of its use. What is and what are the possibilities of its use - read in a special article of our portal.

So, the article examined some, from the perspective of the author, the most convenient ways to remove old wallpaper from the wall. Of course, many master finishers can have their own opinion on this matter and apply their own methods. It would be great if they would share their know-how on the pages of our portal.

At the end of the publication - a video in which one of the masters shares his secret.

Video: Useful technology guidelines for removing multiple layers of old paper wallpaper

In order for the new finish to hold well, it is important to properly prepare the surface: remove old wallpaper, putty cracks, primer the walls. In this article, we will consider how to remove wallpaper from the walls without any special material costs and nervous shocks.

If you have to clean the plastered with cement mortar, the puttied wall, and although the wallpaper has lost its appearance, it has not lost its strength (do not tear at hand) - consider yourself lucky, because you can do it in a few minutes. But if the coatings are thin, easily torn, and even glued them to PVA glue, it will seem to you that it is easier to sheathe the wall with drywall than to get rid of the hated wallpaper sheets. Of all the types, the hardest to remove is the old paper from Soviet times. This is due to the characteristics of the material, with the qualitative characteristics of the glue used in those days, at best - CMC, at worst - Bustilat, wood glue, PVA. Such coatings are almost impossible to tear off with a whole canvas. They have to be scraped with effort, centimeter by centimeter. This is a rather tedious task.

Before gluing the walls, the old material must be completely removed

Previously, before gluing, walls were prepared by sticking newspapers. If the walls already had paper coating, then they did not remove it, but simply applied a new one on top of the old one. Over the years, many layers could have accumulated on the walls, firmly glued to each other. Leaving such disgrace on the wall is not hygienic: mold and various insects often start. This is the cause of an unpleasant odor in the apartment.

The situation is especially dangerous when there are small children in the house, because damage to the walls by fungi is the main cause of allergic diseases. There are several ways described below to get rid of all these vestiges of the past.

Tools and materials

  • a bucket of warm water, in which it is better to add a dishwashing detergent;
  • paint roller, foam sponge or sprayer.
  • metal spatula or scraper;
  • ladder;
  • masking tape;
  • polyethylene film;
  • chemical washings for wallpaper;
  • metal brush;
  • iron and a flap of cotton fabric.

It’s more convenient to shoot from top to bottom. Pry off the top edge with a spatula, then pull it down, prying off badly lagging places. That may be quite enough. But if the wallpaper does not go well, additional moisture will be needed to soften the old glue.

It is convenient to work from top to bottom, "picking up" firmly attached areas with a spatula

Work order

  1. Before starting work, it is necessary to observe basic technical safety rules, because on the walls there are electric switches and sockets. And in work, you may have to use water or other conductive fluids. Therefore, for the duration of the work, it is necessary to turn off the electricity, seal the sockets, wires and switches with masking tape
  2. Using a scotch tape, you must glue a plastic film with a width of at least 50 cm to the baseboard. The other end of the film is glued to the floor. This will facilitate the cleaning process.
  3. Soak old coatings with warm water with dishwashing detergent or liquid soap. No need to immediately take on a large area, because while you scrape in one place, in another it will already have time to dry. For better penetration of water, the surface of the wallpaper should be scratched with a knife or scraper. After swelling, clean the wall with a spatula. You can use special chemical washes. According to the instructions, a solution is prepared and applied with a sponge or spray. Such washing solutions have high permeability and well destroy the adhesive layer, after which the removal will not be difficult.

If you can’t delete the wallpaper in the usual way

If soaking does not produce the desired result, try steaming with a piece of wet cotton cloth and an iron. It is necessary to scrape together while the walls are hot.

If there are still residues of glue that cannot be removed in any way, remove it with a large emery cloth, preferably with a grinder. Roughnesses remaining on the walls will need to be puttied.

Modern wallpapers are much easier to clean than old ones.

  • Most of them are two-layer, which provides for the possibility of delamination. In this case, you can only remove the outer decorative layer, which has lost its appearance, and the “substrate” will remain on the wall and will serve as the basis for new ones.
  • Modern wallpaper glue has good adhesive properties and at the same time it is easily dissolved by special washes or warm water, which greatly simplifies the process.

The removal method is determined by the type of wallpaper and the nature of the surface on which they were glued. Walls can be with a strong moisture resistant surface or plasterboard. But the question inevitably arises: how to remove washable wallpaper coverings.

How to remove vinyl wallpaper

They have two layers. The first is the base, which is glued to the surface of the wall, it can be paper or non-woven. The second is vinyl (polyvinyl chloride), which gives moisture-resistant and decorative properties. It is completely optional to remove them from the walls; they provide for the possibility of removing only the outer polyvinyl chloride layer. The base remains on the wall, provided that it is firmly glued. Depending on the base material, vinyl wallpapers are paper and non-woven. If it is necessary to remove completely paper, you can first tear off the outer layer, and soak the base with water and peel off with a metal spatula.

Parting with an old non-woven

It is advisable to remove only the outer layer, since the remaining non-woven, strengthening the wall, will serve as a good basis. If you decide to remove it completely, then the non-woven backing is stronger than the paper one, therefore it is easier to remove it. It is enough to pry the edge with a spatula and gently tear it from the wall from top to bottom, helping the trowel to tear off hard-to-lag places. If necessary, during tearing, the inner layer can be moistened.

Wallpaper punching device (tiger)

How to “free” drywall from wallpaper

It is undesirable to abundantly moisten the surface - you can damage the drywall by removing the place with cardboard. If drywall was not primed before gluing, then it will be practically impossible to remove wallpaper cover from it without damaging the cardboard layer. In order to do this, it is better to use special washes. To increase the effectiveness of the wash, the surface must be scratched or incised; You can make perforation with a knife, spatula, gear roller or a special wallpaper tiger.

In especially severe cases, when not wallpaper paste was used, but for example PVA, you can try to remove it together with a thin layer of cardboard. Since it consists of thin glued sheets of paper, you just need to peel the outer sheet. This should be done carefully, carefully peeling it with a paint knife. If you decide on this, do not forget to glue and prime the surface before pasting new ones.

After punching and moistening, the wallpaper is removed easier

How to remove liquid wallpaper

This is a decorative coating of walls and ceilings, consisting of flakes of cellulose or cotton with dyes and other components. The composition has a water-soluble glue, with which they are held on the surface. The glue dissolves with water even after drying. In order to remove liquid wallpaper, you need to pre-soak it well. A spray bottle, foam sponge or rag is useful here. It is advisable to wet the surface several times. After they swell well, they are cleaned with a scraper or a metal spatula. The mass removed from the wall can be reused if desired.

Work will progress faster if you use a steam remover to moisten the glued wall

If the repair is delayed, and you are running out of time, information on how to get rid of the old wallpaper covering using professional tools, such as a steam remover, will be useful. This device is good in that it simultaneously heats and moisturizes the surface. Using superheated steam, you can effectively remove old dried glue. The impact on the wall surface is minimal.

Video: another effective way

Old wallpapers can be removed with a film. Watch the video, it is possible that you will like this particular option.

Removing unnecessary wallpapers is not so difficult, it is important to consider some of the features of the materials used.