How to remove flea little kittens. Flea from the kitten: how to get rid of parasites and not harm the pet

The ways of the appearance of various bloodsuckers in felike children can be quite varied, and strongly depend on the conditions - where, by whom and as it is contained.

Usually infection occurs:

  1. from mother;
  2. from brothers and sisters in litter;
  3. from relatives in the yard or on the street;
  4. from another pet, who has a flea or he can put them in the house.

Also, the owners of the "groom" would be nice to take care of such an important aspect before the concern how to save their cat from fleas to avoid their transfer to the "bride", and in the future and on small crumbs. Otherwise, fleas have such a kitten put on sale, can be found in the new owners of the purchased baby.

If the cat's cat before "date" is processed from bloodsuckers, and the cat is not in the future with homeless conifers, then, as a rule, kids are born clean. And their new owners will not hurt a head about what to do if a purchased kitten is flea.

It happens so when the cat walks on his own and herself chooses a cat. For example, such a free lifestyle is often found in dacha or country cats, in rural areas or in the private sector. They are freely fruit, and even being periodically processed, they can infect fleas with close contact from the cat or other cats.

In the case when another pet has already lives in the family, or even several of them, then before bringing to the baby's house, you need to check your animals for the presence of fleas and withdraw them when they are detected.

We will consider, given these circumstances from the owners, all possible options and give recipes that you need to do in such cases and how to remove fleas from a kitten.

How much for a small kitten is dangerous fleas

These cunning bloodsuckers carrying threats to the health of adult cats, much more dangerous for kids. The immune system in only the born cats is formed for 6 months, so the crumb, especially if he is less than a month defective before infection of serious infections, which are transmitted through flea bites.

The presence of fleas for the kid is fraught with threatening not only his health, but also of life, problems.

  • Anxiety due to a strong itching, loss of appetite.
  • Purulent lesions of the skin in busting places.
  • Allergic severe manifestations.
  • Anemia due to loss with powerful and frequent attacks of the amount of blood.
  • Heavy glitter invasions.

Important! If the crumb is experiencing the fault of the bloodsucms of torment, then you need to study what you can handle the kitten from fleas, and be sure to get rid of the pet from suffering.

The importance of the age of the kitten when choosing methods of combating bloodsuckers

Methods suitable for a newborn kitten up to 2 months

Given that after birth, the first month of the kids are with a cat, then if the mother is infected with fleas, then they are also in the litter. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to carry out the processing procedure of a cat and betraying fleas in the place where litter is located.

And what can be done with such tiny cats? How to remove fleas from a kitten if he is not 1 month? Safe methods for such kids are a bit, but there is.

  • Cover the place where the cat is inhabited with the offspring, fresh twigs of wormwood. She perfectly drives out the settled bloodsuckers and scares new ones.
  • In the absence of fresh greenery, the wormwood can be soldered to the kids in her warm brave, watching the water does not get into the ears and spout. To wormwood when brewing, you can add a pyrhem.
  • It is suitable for crumbs if the fleas of kittens are already in 1 month, swimming with a ternary soap. The baby should be left past 15 minutes and thoroughly wash off the rest of the foam along with the dead flea. After drying, it is better to further clean the federation to remove the flea battered between Villages.
  • Extensive will be bathing with shampoo found in a veterinary pharmacy for the most tiny cats. Act such a shampoo will be about a month.
  • There are from veterinary products and sprays developed for newborn kittens. They are safe, but roads. It is necessary to handle carefully and carefully, and after drying so that the baby does not smell the drug. For long-haired such sprays are ineffective. Act up to six months.

Important! Drops and collars are not suitable for kids!

Methods suitable for kittens from 2 to 6 months

The problem is already more widely solved when the fleas started at the kitten 2 months after birth. By this time, a cat is usually stopped feeding with its milk, which transmits antibodies that run the operation of immunity.

Only upon reaching a semi-annual pet age can be used insecticide products.

  • By purchasing insecticidal collars, drops, sprays and shampoos, it is necessary to take into account the age and weight of the kid!
  • If an allergy reaction appears on the insecticide, then in no hurry to completely abandon the control of pests. It is enough to simply change the tool or manufacturer.

Important! Choosing a protective agent, look for kittens only! Funds for puppies categorically do not fit the meowing pet!

If you discovered flea bites on the body of the baby, or his behavior has become restless, do not fall into panic. Now you know how to remove fleas from a little kitten, without applying it harm.

To withdraw fleas from the kitten - the task is nontrivial. Here you need to take into account and act with maximum caution: the body of the kid to one and a half or two months can very sharply respond to any unwanted substances with which he has to face.

If you decide to remove fleas from a kitten that has not yet been excited from the mother, it should be remembered that the kid is very tightly in contact with her: the cat constantly licks him and cares for him. Accordingly, if any insecticides remain on the wool of a cub, they will probably get into the mother's body, and then with milk - in the digestive tract of the kitten itself. Therefore, at this moment you need to consider

Basic kittens a little. These include:

  • combining and mechanical destruction of fleas
  • bathing kitten with special shampoos
  • and the use of droplets from fleas for a young older than a certain age.

You should not worry too much, if on a small - several days from the family - a kitten showed several fleas. Single insects will not hurt him, and literally in a month and a half, the baby can be treated with reliable means.

Getting rid of fleas kittens to two months: accuracy above all

Single preparations that are allowed to use for kittens under two months, imply the use of their young, already excommunicated from the mother. As long as the kitten lives with the mother, the drugs that he will be processed will fall into its own body.

On a note

Newborn kittens should be removed only with the help of a ridge.

Insecticidal preparations can be used for kittens that have already been erected from the mother. One of the safest, but at the same time quite effective is a mr shampoo. Swiss production KISS. It can be used for kittens older than four weeks by normal procedure:

  • 1 ml of shampoo is diluted in 300-400 ml of water
  • stirred before the appearance of foam
  • the kitten is planting into the water and is wicked so that he does not get hung eyes, mouth and nose
  • the shampoo is maintained on the kitten's wool for 3-4 minutes, and then washed off with a large amount of warm water.

The kitten after bathing must be dried with a hairdryer and trace for 8-10 hours he was not on a draft or cold.

You can not bathe a kitten using Mr. KISS more often than ten days.

For a month and a half, a kitten can already rub in wool on the withers of a droplet for kittens Stronghold.

It is important!

In such a small age, it is impossible to immediately apply recommended even for kittens the champuning rate or drops. The first time the toddler processing should be performed only as a sample - whether its body will respond to an insecticidal drug. And only then the tool can be applied in the amount in which the manufacturer recommends.

All means from fleas for kittens can be applied no earlier than two weeks after vaccination.

"Sometimes even my kittens appear flea. Still, visitors often enter the nursery infection. I take Stronghold and rub every kitten literally one drop. This is enough for fleas to have it. Never noticed some side effects after that neither Siamov, nor among the Persians. It is very important to carefully labeled the drops so that when the kitten returns the cat, they have already absorbed into the skin and she could not lick them. "

Maria, Kaluga

After two months of age, the spectrum of funds that can be struggling with fleas, significantly expands. Solving how to remove fleas from a kitten during this period, you can look at the following drugs:

"I tried, probably, all means from fleas for kittens. Most trust causes powders. They are easy to rub, the fleas disappear immediately, and allergies in animals never arise. "

Olga, Tula.

Only with these means, the choice of cats today is not limited. You can buy analogues of other manufacturers, carefully studying instructions, contraindications and side effects. And before full-scale use, it is necessary to test the test processing of a small pet for identifying possible allergic reactions.

Kittens older than three months: Available full arsenal of funds

After three months, the kitten is no longer a kid, but a kind of cat "teenager". He is already almost completely independent, walks by itself, and by itself clings the fleas on every corner.

At this age, almost any anti-flamers used for adult cats can be used for pets:

  • Drops on the Holve Advantics, very efficient and "long-playing".
  • BEAPHAR drops and sprays, possessing the most softer action.
  • Collars from flea. For example, HARTZ collars (protection effect - up to 4 months).

"I hold the nursery of Angora cats. We regularly conduct preventive procedures for animal safety, and also provide quarantine for purchased. From Bloch, we use drops on the Hartz Woker. When exporting animals to exhibitions or for sale, we dress collars. By the way, the fleas will not get off, in any way will need to go. But it is possible to protect against the attack of new ones. "

Irina, St. Petersburg

It is especially difficult to protect against fleas kitten, which is planned to be demonstrated at exhibitions. For example, the Sphinxes are not recommended to wear collars, and Angora cats are unwanted to rub drops. In cats with clean white wool after processing their aerosol, an ugly white and white shade can be installed, which will only disappear after the next molting.

All these features of each breed need to know and take into account when choosing a drug for a kitten: the young animal, the influence of fleas funds will be pronounced more brightly than an adult.

But, as you know, the prevention of any trouble is easier to get rid of it. Much more sensible:

  • bring fleas from a cat before pregnancy and care for her before and after childbirth
  • follow the kitten himself did not communicate with bluerous relatives
  • maintain the cleanliness where a pet is kept most of the time
  • take measures to scare fleas.

And then it is unlikely that you have to worry about how to remove fleas from a kitten using insecticidal drugs. These measures will be less labor and safer for a pet.

Useful video: how to wash the kitten

Nowadays, pet stores provide a wide range of funds by which fleas can be derived from domestic pets. But how to bring fleas from a kitten? As you know, cats are very sensitive to any "chemistry", and even thom the smallest kittens. Todders up to 1.5-2 months of age are not recommended to be treated with pharmaceutical preparations. Such crumbs easily poison - the kitten's body does not tolerate the effects of drugs, and in addition, the cat's mother constantly loses his child. All that is on his wool will fall into the digestive tract, and from there in milk. It should always be considered when treating nursing cats.


The easiest and most natural way is the mechanical combing of a wool. Of course, it is quite laborious, but if you have only one "Blocastics" in care, use it. Pour a baby to your knees, underwing a bright cotton diaper under it. Combing the crumb to small comb in the direction of wool. Scallop can be purchased at pet store or take advantage of human comb with short small teeth. Thus, the fleas caught in this way should be crushed or drop into the container with water. Pay special attention to the tummy, inguinal area and armpits.

After the selection of kittens, insecticidal agents can be used.


Any drugs with insecticide are prohibited for use in nursing cats and sucking kittens.

Annotations to any drug indicates a dosage, a method of application and age from which it can be used. Buy only those tools that are released per cats. Do not use insecticide kittens for other animal species or adult cats.

Consider what drugs for kittens offer us in pet stores.


Shampoos are a fairly efficient and safe means to eliminate fleas in small kittens. The concentration of the active substance in them is insignificant, but thanks to a good contact with wool and skin, it acts quite well. The only minus - the kitten will have to wash, which is not always good and creates a stressful situation for the baby. Here are some shampoos that can be used for kittens.

  • Mr. KISS - for kittens older than month.
  • "Phytoelitis" - in the influence of medicinal herbs.
  • "Dr. Zoo" - contains natural insecticides based on herbs and essential oils. Allowed to use from two weeks age.
  • "Cleaner Junior" - contains permethrin 0.4%. Can be used from a two-month age.
  • "Gamma for kittens" - contains permethrin 0.4%. Applied from a two-month age.

You can not apply shampoo immediately to the kitten. The wash procedure looks like this:

  • take about 1 ml of shampoo, bred it in 200-300 ml of water;
  • the kitten is planted in a basin, wool wool with water and is carefully embroidered with a solution of shampoo;
  • the head of the kitten is not washed, so that the tool does not fall into the eyes and ears;
  • it is maintained for a few minutes and washed with wool warm water.

After bathing, the kitten wrapped in a warm towel, if it is not afraid of the hair dryer, then dried the fur. On the day of swimming, you can not bear the baby to the street or leave in the cold room, on drafts.


In the pet store you can purchase other means from fleas.

  • Drops. Apply to the skin in the field of withers or over the ears. Insecticides contained in fluid penetrate the fat layer of the skin and spread over its entire surface. There are drops for 1-2 months, unlike shampoos, the validity of which is small. In addition, drops will scare new fleas. The disadvantage - the most gentle drops from fleas can be used only after reaching the age of two months. For kittens for six months and older, preparations for adult cats are quite suitable.
  • Spray. It has a comfortable shape, it is easy to apply on wool. Do not sprinkle directly on the kitten. First apply a means to the hands (in gloves), then "put the wool" "with them. The mechanism of action spray is the same as the drops.

Before applying insecticides to the kitten, swipe test test. Apply a small amount of drug on the skin and leav for the day. If there are no negative consequences - redness, itching, oppression of the general condition, then you can use the means according to the instructions.

Here are some drugs that can be used kittens until the age of six months.

Drops (restrictions - up to two months):

  • drops and spray "Frontline" - from 8 weeks;
  • drops "Advandaj" - from 8 weeks;
  • droplets "Beafar" - from 12 weeks;
  • drops and spray "Bars" - from 10 weeks;
  • drops and spray "Celandel" - from 8 weeks.

There are still collars from Bloch. They are put on a cat after processing from fleas as a preventive measure. The collar is not recommended for kittens due to possible toxicity.

Wormwood scares fleas with their sharp odor

Folk remedies

There are folk remedies from fleas from kittens. They are based on natural insecticides - herbs, essential oils. Their action at home will not be so strong as pharmacy preparations. They do not have complications, but the effect is less pronounced. Folk Medicine offers the following means.

  • . The smell of this grass scares most insects, and fleas are no exception. Prepar a decoction at the rate of two tablespoons of dry raw materials on the floor-liter of water. The resulting solution is wool off the kitten. At the same time, the fleas will leave the animal - take steps to do not scatter on the room. The effect is maintained until the smell of wormwood from the skin of the animal is felt.
  • Garlic. Several teeth crush or rub on a small grater. From the resulting cleaner to make infusion on 3-4 glasses of water during the day. This solution moisten the wool in the spine - where the kitten does not reach the tongue.

Break and other herbs:

  • tansy;
  • geranium;
  • lavender.

They are used in decoction or in the form of essential oils. Essential oils are bred in water and used like rags.

If there are several animals in the house, it is necessary to run fleas at the same time.

Read in this article

Before dealing with fleas in cats, you should make sure of availability. You can do this by examining the animal at home yourself. To do this, you need to stock rare or comb. Putting and combing wool, you should carefully consider the skin of the pet. You can blow the fur to improve the overview. The presence of fleas is evidenced by black dots found on the skin in the form of pieces of dirt (excrement) and adult insect instances themselves.

If you cannot detect uninhabable guests, it was not possible to find a pet, and the behavior of the animal indicates their presence, should be entered as follows:

  1. Take a sheet of white paper;
  2. Thoroughly combing the fur coat by PojoProke or the comb with frequent teeth;
  3. Place the contents of combat on a sheet of paper.

On a white background, fleas excrement will be clearly visible.

Effective tools to get rid

Shampoos against Bloch

Most often for home processing of their pets, owners acquire shampoos against fleas. They are easy to use, do not have high toxicity. Shampoos can be used for small kittens, in contrast to other anti-flame preparations. If the pet has a thick and long wool, shampoo is one of the most effective means by which you can quickly get rid of fleas from a cat.

They include special substances - insecticides, destructively acting both on adult individuals and in insect larvae, for example, permethrin, phenothrine, etchenfrox. In addition, manufacturers are added to the shampoos of medicinal herbs extracts that have anti-inflammatory effects and eliminate itching from bites. Virtually all hypoallergenic detergents for cats.

With strict adherence, the instructions of the shampoo allow you to destroy blood-sucking insects and do not harm the pet. However, it is often not recommended to use detergents against fleas often, since toxic substances occur in the cat's body.

Everyone had ever encountered fleas at least once. If the cat has infected with fleas, the first desire of the owner becomes delivered from them. However, the first attempt may result in failure. To withdraw cat fleas is very difficult, sometimes even "grandmothers" ways do not help. But the selection of modern means is so great that "Employee" will be found on any flea. It is only necessary to compare all sorts of ways and make the right choice.

Why do fleas appear in cats

For fleas, the body is characteristic of the sides

Feline flea can be black or brown. The size of the insect depends on the degree of satiety. The hungry flea can be a length of 2-3 mm, and the fusion reaches 5 mm. And the size of the flea depends on its age (old fleas are larger). The body of the insect is flat, without wings, but she has a long rear paws. Thanks to such a bloch body structure, it can jump for long distances (up to 50 cm). On this basis, fleas can be distinguished from many other insects - fleas almost lightningly disappear from sight.

Signs of infection

In places of strong calculations, sores appear that wet or bleed. They will not be able to quickly heal, as the cat will continue to hide. In addition, insect excrement will appear on cat wool (small black grains). If the fleas have appeared long ago, the wool can drop, fistulas, abscesses or allergic dermatitis may appear.

Photo Gallery: Symptoms of Bloch infection

With enhanced attempts to combing the iteming place first appear small sores to see the excrement of fleas on the cat's wool, you need to push the hair to your fingers a little, creating a sample abscess - this is a convex purulent dust (when he "breaks down", a fistula will appear - the hole in the skin) with allergic dermatitis The body is covered with red spots (see them easier to be all on the stomach)

Than fleas are dangerous for animal and man

The owner of the cat threatens not only with gloves. Of course, the flea can constantly live on the body of a man's body, but even one bite can lead to trouble. The fleas are carriers of blood and lymph diseases (for example, Eritrea is the lesion of the lymphatic system, leading to the strongest inflammation of the skin). And through the bite of fleas, you can get infected with pulp (strongly itchy rash throughout the body). After this disease, shrama remains on the skin, which are not tightened even with time.

If the cat began to feel bad, and later someone from household joined her, then perhaps it is dipillasis. The symptoms of this ailment are weakness, nausea, vomiting. With this disease, organs of the digestive system are affected, from here and symptoms, as for intoxication. Another danger - brucellosis (symptoms: high temperature, lubrication, pain in the joints, sweating). Of course, if it came to such serious symptoms, then you need to urgently consult a doctor, and the cat must be taken to the veterinarian.

If the owner of the cat was sophisticated flea, and later there were unpleasant symptoms, you need to urgently contact the doctor

How to get rid of fleas cat at home

If you discovered fleas from your cat, then you do not need to wait until the fleas are tempted by someone else. The main remedy for fleas and the prevention of their appearance is regular cleaning. Most flea eggs leave on the floor, therefore it is most important to follow the purity of this place in the house. The owner of the cats need to know that the sweeping of the floor by a broom and washing the mop is not the key to the purity of the floor. It will only help the vacuum cleaner, it can extract (even from the carpet) flea, larvae and eggs. It is especially important to use the vacuum cleaner to those people who live in a private house. Surely the cat has access to the street, besides, fleas can come through the gaps in the wood floor.

However, if the fleas have already appeared, then only the vacuum cleaner will not help. For complete bucket extermination, a large comprehensive work is needed:

  • chemical preparations for cat processing (spray, drops, etc.);
  • full sanitary treatment of all rooms in the apartment (home);
  • protection of adults and children from infection, etc.

sanitary cleaning of the whole apartment - one of the important rules in the presence of cat flea in the house

Insecticidal agents

Almost all insecticidal funds from fleas affect the nervous insect system. Chemicals that are part of the tool block the transmission of nerve pulses, the flea paralyzes and it dies. The main differences between different means is the form of the drug and the actual substance itself. Modern feeds from feline fleas include either pyrethroids or phosphauses.

Pyrethroids include components such as permethrin, phenothrine and itopenfrox. They possess a little slow (prolonged) type of exposure, so the effect of such a drug lasts longer. And for phosphorodorganic compounds, a powerful, momentary action is characterized, sometimes hazardous to animals, but indispensable. By the way, on the basis of phosphoruses make "carboofos" and "dichlofos".

Feline fleas are sold in any zooaptec. An animal owner can compare the qualities of all the goods offered and choose the most appropriate:

  • shampoo;
  • drops;
  • etc.

In modern pet stores and veterinary pharmacies such a wide range that there is any means that you ask

Bloch shampoos

Shampoos are convenient because they are easy to use: it is enough to simply wash the animal, wait a bit, and then wash off the foam. In addition, with the help of a shampoo, it is convenient to remove fleas and long-grayscale cats. The preventive composition also has a useful effect on the secretion - it becomes softer, easily calculated. Some owners of fluffy cats use such a means for the prevention of chatins. Many shampoos are suitable even for kittens. Another advantage of fleas shampoo is a low price. The first thing that will appoint a veterinarian in the event of the appearance of fleas from your pet is shampoo. However, it should be understood that the soft, gentle agent does not always have 100% effect.

Collars who scare insects

Some cat owners believe that shampoos, drops and other similar means can poison a pet. Such people seem to be the collar from fleas is a softer means, but in fact the collar differs from other insecticidal funds only forms. Anti-cylinder collars are impregnated by the same poisons that are contained in shampoos, sprays and drops. The constant, immentable presence of the collar on the body of the animal is good because he kills already existing fleas and does not let those that are nearby. However, against the larvae and eggs, the collar is powerless. Even if the larva will experience the effect of poison, it does not physically be able to leave the animal fur coat.

One of my cat was a flea (it is not known how they appeared in the apartment, because that cat I never quit). The kitty was still small (7-8 months), so the veterinarian advised to just buy a collar, they say with a small number of young fleas this means will quickly help. The collar cost cheap (about 30 rubles), its size was adjusted with the help of a plaque. Indeed, insects completely disappeared in a couple of days, but I didn't shoot a gadget about 2 weeks (the collar instruction was said that it was effective about 30 days). The bloodsicles no longer appeared, but there were few of them. Perhaps in the launched cases there will be no such effect.

Photo Gallery: Anti-Blood collars of different brands

Collars "Chisthel" are sold in each zooaptec repellent collar for cats "4 with a tail" is waterproof
Collars differ in each other (from 30 to 180 days) Some collars can only wear adult cats, but there are gadgets and kittens

Insecticidal drops

  • small cats and cats - 0.5 ml (approximately 15 drops);
  • cats of medium size (from 5 kg) - 1 ml;
  • large cats (10-20 kg) - 2 ml.

Table: Comparison of drops of different manufacturers

Spray from Bloch

  • oil it and silicone oil (dimethicone);
  • hearshanka, glycerin;
  • amino acid oats;
  • geranium essential oil;
  • ecstacles of peppermint, aloe vera, cloves, etc.

Photo Gallery: Examples of fleas sprays

Immoshield (Netherlands) is a spray of the average price segment.
ARK NATURALS FLEA FLICKER TICK KICKER - Spray from the flea of \u200b\u200bAmerican production, the price exceeds 1400 rubles
Camon ON is produced in Italy, its price ranges from 400 to 600 rubles

The minus of such a drug is that he is inffective against the already appeared in the Bloch house. Maybe they will bite the cat and will not be, while there are traces of an aerosol on her wool, but on the floor, furniture and clothes, the owner of the flea will multiply. Therefore, the apartment will have to handle additionally. For this, repellent manufacturers produce insecticidal sprays for the processing of premises. These funds already include more powerful chemical components. Use such aerosols with caution.

Name of the drugActive substancesNumber of pieces in packingExposure timeFrom what age can be usedPrice
Comforts 270 mgspinosad (insecticide of natural origin, causing the excitation of fleas neurons, which leads to their death)6 Tabletsafter 15 minutes the drug is absorbed into the blood of the cat, after which it begins to act (the full elimination of the body comes in a week)from 3.5 months3500 rubles
Lufenuron 95 mglufenurone (the action is aimed at stopping the process of chitin cover and egg formation)12 capsulesacting 1 month, but to achieve the desired effect, the therapeutic dose should accumulate in the bloodfrom 3 monthsfrom 800 rubles
Capstar 57 mgnititnpiram (leads to insect paralysis)6 Tabletsactivated 2-3 hours after reception, operates 1-2 daysfrom 2 monthsfrom 480 rubles

Folk remedies

The most environmentally friendly and inexpensive folk methods of fighting fleas

Previously, when there were no pharmacies for animals, people treated their pets with folk remedies. Some of them "reached" to the present day. Especially often resort to those owners of cats that live in private houses. The most often use the following folk remedies:

  • pine sawdusts or chips of coniferous trees;
  • grass wormwood bitter;
  • geranium ordinary;
  • lavender and Pijm;
  • garlic;
  • brewer's yeast;
  • infusion of lemon.

Most folk remedies are medicinal plants. The effect is achieved at the expense of a strong smell. Fresh plants exude a pleasant for a person, but unbearable for insects fragrance. For example, sawdust of coniferous trees. A resin containing in chips and sawdusts well scares feline fleas. They are accepted to put a pet, but some sewing chips right inside the laying.

The fresh sawdust of the coniferous tree, the stronger the resin smells

The same discharge effect has wormwood. Gorky grass will not only protect the pet from bloodsuckers, but can be a kind of faithful house. Wormwood will not be scattered in the threshold will not be missed insects into the house. For a stronger effect, it is sometimes mixed with the same sawdust.

When I was small, in my family it was accepted by all holidays to spend your grandmother. In the summer she took me to the Bereznik (taking the grove), there we collected various medicinal herbs. Some for tea, some for ointments (grandma did themself). And we collected wormwood. Moreover, we first collected "delicious" herbs, and the wormwood - last line, so that bitter hands do not spoil the tea grass. They chose only those bushes that managed to be covered with yellow flowers. I swept the floor in the house with a bitter bouquet, and then the grandmother crumbled this broom on the porch. She said that the rain would rush all the bitter poison in the board. Bloch in a grandmother's house has never been.

There is another way to use wormwood. The handful of sliced \u200b\u200b(or dried) herbs need to pour a glass of boiling water. While the water is not cooled, the decoction must be placed on fire and boil on low heat for 5-10 minutes. The decoction to cool and strain. This liquid can be processed not only by the floor, but also the cat itself. After a wet bitter cleaning, the floor is not necessary. This will prolong the effect of the beam. In the same way you can make decoction and other herbs.

Wormwood Easy to learn about the consumer, spicy smell, small yellow inflorescences and leaves, like parsley leaves

For those who appreciate aesthetics, geranium will suit. Beautiful flower can be grown as a houseplant. A person gets used to his smell quickly, but here insects (not only fleas, but also mosquitoes) he is afraid of fire like fire. Every cottoode can afford to grow a bright flower on the windowsill with fresh, tart aroma.

And if there are no skills to care for plants, then the bouquet of the Pijmas will fit. A small bundle of the Pijmas can be put under the bed of the cat, hang on the wall next to the cat house or put directly in the vase on the table. This grass will be effective even when it turns into a dry.

Well scares bloodsowing insects and smell of lavender. However, it is not always possible to find a fresh lavender, so lavender essential oil or dried inflorescences are most often used. A drip of the oil can be "smeared" by the lining of the cat. You can also add several fragrant drops into the water you wash the floor. By the way, that is why many feline shampoos contain lavender extract.

lavender essential oil is sold on any pharmacy for people

Another effective and safe way to exile fleas is a lemon solution. For this, the lemon without a zest must be boiled in 0.5 liters of water, and then give the solution to strengthen within 7 hours. Liquid can be poured into the spray gun. It is necessary to apply it directly to a blocked cat, at close range, so that the wool is good enough. Such homemade spray is well repelled by fleas due to the high content of essential oils. Instead of lemon, other citruses can be used.

Citrus contains a large number of essential oils that have a strong effect on fleas.

Comparative table: pros and cons of different folk remedies

Conifer chips or sawdustthe smell of the resin does not destroy for a long time, and in a meal, its presence can be extendedfind sawdust of coniferous wood is not always possible
Wormwoodeasy to find (wormwood grows as weed), has a pleasant smell, it acts even in a dried stategorky juice of grass can get on his arms and then in the mouth
Gerana ordinarybeautiful flower that can decorate the housebehind the flower will have to take care, and its action applies to the floor, and not on the cat
Lavender oilyou can buy in any conventional pharmacy (costs from 60 rubles), the effect is strong, smells longsome people from strong smell of lavender begins migraine
Beer yeast and garlica strong effect, destroys fleas and on a cat, and on the floor, acts longit smells unpleasantly, besides, it is recommended as long as possible not to wash off this smell.

How to get rid of fleas from a kitten

Bring fleas from a kitten more difficult than an adult cat

In theory, kittens free from flea with the same means that they use for cats, but only in much more gentle variants. Most of the manufacturers of insecticidal funds offer special rules of goods and for kittens. The owner of the kid needs to be very attentive when choosing a means. Kittens are more suffering from fleas than cats, and the preparations react stronger. The most dangerous use insecticides for processing from flea newborn kittens (up to 1 month). The baby has a very weak immunity, they can poison and die. To get rid of such a small kitten from Bloch, you can do as follows:

  • slide the kitten with a frequent ridge (flea and their larvae will be stuck between the teeth);
  • change and post the litter (Lena), on which kitten sleeps;
  • thoroughly spend the room in which there are fleas.

Several of my acquaintances at the appearance of fleas in kittens remember about the tar soap. They believe that the Degtyar soap is completely natural, therefore safe. However, I heard that some animals from this soap wool becomes a rigid, so I myself have never practiced this way. And I also have a familiar family, where the cat named Aisha washed with fragrant soap with black cumin oil. Such soap is brought from Emirates and Turkey. It is not known which composition of this fragrant means, but the owners of Aisha argue that it kills all fleas from the first time.

Video: How to safely remove fleas in small kittens

Precautions when using insecticidal agents

Insecticidal agents are based on poison. And cats, and their owners can be poisoned by the drug, so you need to comply with some precautions:

  • when processing a cat shampoo, it is important to prevent the means in the eye and the mucous mouth and the nose of the cat;
  • wash the cat with the help of anti-cylinder media based on insecticides you need to use rubber gloves;
  • it is impossible to allow the cat to give the tongue to the place treated with anti-cylinder drops;
  • spray should be sprayed so that in the eyes, nose or mouth cats did not fall any drops;
  • when processing a cat, you can use the respirator and protective glasses;
  • when processing rooms, it is necessary to close the room and do not let cats and children there (for the entire period specified in the instructions);
  • before letting children in the processed room, it needs to be ventilated (at least 2 hours);
  • after processing a cat or room, as well as after putting on the anti-protein collar, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap;
  • if you or other family members, insecticide hit the eye, they need to be urgently rinsed with running water;
  • if any insecticide hit the mucous membrane (eye, nose or mouth), it is recommended to consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

It is important to understand that even if the packaging means from fleas is written that it is safe, some people may have individual intolerance of some particular component. It is not recommended to combat feline fleas to use insecticides to people suffering from the following diseases:

  • chronic liver diseases, biliary system with frequent exacerbations;
  • allergic diseases, including skin;
  • chronic diseases of the nervous system;
  • dystrophic and allergic diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • When processing cats and places from fleas, it is recommended to use individual means of protection.

    How to choose an effective means

    • pet age;
    • features of the cat (allergies, intolerance of some component, fear of pulverizers, etc.);
    • physical condition of the animal (disease, pregnancy, breastfeeding kittens, etc.);
    • the specificity of the drug (what qualities it should possess);
    • in what conditions the means should be applied (house, apartment, etc.);
    • availability in the house of children, etc.

    If you know exactly how, where and why the remedy will be used, it will be easy to choose it. The same questions will ask you an employee of Zooaptecia. Even if you have already decided on a specific insecticide, you still have to carefully read the instructions and annotation to the drug to make sure that the choice is made correctly. On the analysis of various funds from fleas, you can draw conclusions:

    To save a cat from fleas and at the same time not harm her health, you need to approach with all the responsibility to choose the best tool