I dreamed that my wife was hit by a car. Dream Interpretation: hit by a car

Dream interpretation hit by a car

You woke up from a fright, the dream caused a lot of emotions and left a heavy impression. In a dream, you were a participant in a traffic accident or observed its consequences. We saw a wounded adult or child, a dead cat or dog. The interpretation of sleep largely depends on what role you played in the dream - the victim or the culprit.

In a dream, a car knocks you down - for someone you are an obstacle in a career, professional growth. Do you remember the face of the driver? Perhaps he is your secret rival.

Behind the wheel

The experiences of a person, his internal stress associated with driving a car, can manifest itself in a dream. Almost crushed a cat, ran into a passerby, felt like an unwitting killer.

Create an accident in a dream as a driver

  • The driver hits a person and sees the other person's attractive face. Excitement and emotions are overwhelming - expect a meeting in reality that will turn your life upside down, fill it with passion and love.
  • A stranger was shot down - you have chosen the wrong path to achieve your goal, you need to stop and rethink your life priorities.
  • It is a dream that you are knocking a person to death - you are a purposeful, confident person, no obstacles will prevent you from achieving your goal.
  • Why dream that they shot down a large animal, for example, a cow? Wait for unexpected profits, knocked down a cat - you will deal with the load of accumulated problems without much effort.
  • An unmarried man dreamed that he ran into a young girl - expect changes on the personal front. Remember her face, because perhaps this is your destiny.
  • It is a dream that you are driving a car without brakes and creating a dangerous situation on the road - you have set an overly fast pace of life and you can keep everyone and everything under your control.

car accident victim

Why dream that a car hit a man? Is the victim a stranger, someone close to you, or did you suffer yourself? Depending on this interpretation of dreams are very different.

As a victim

Being hit by a car in a dream

You have fallen under the wheels of a car and are dying - an influential patron will help you solve your problems, up to global changes in your life.

Caught under a car - for someone you have become a real hindrance, you should reconsider your professional priorities or even change jobs.

In a dream, there were no serious injuries - in reality your fears are in vain, but a preventive examination by a doctor will not hurt you.

You were almost hit by a car, at the last moment you managed to dodge from under the wheels - try also deftly to avoid the blow of fate in reality.

Another man

In a nightmare, people were injured in an accident. Perhaps they are familiar to you, you saw a loved one, daughter, mother, old man or child. If a car was hit:

  • Mom or father - you are worried about them, about their health.
  • Husband or wife - pay more attention to your spouse, your help and support is simply necessary.
  • Your child is an experience about the choice that the grown-up daughter made. Do not overestimate the requirements for her chosen one and try to suppress jealousy in yourself. If the daughter was seriously injured, then your ill-wishers will win a temporary victory over you.
  • Someone else's child - to problems and difficulties in his personal life. Why see a child in the blood - to causeless anxiety that you will project onto your relatives.
  • A good friend or friend - there is no real threat to their health, but the help of friends will not interfere with them.
  • The child was almost shot down - a conflict is brewing between his parents.
  • A passerby was run over by a car and he died - a well-established business will stall, unpleasant news will not be long in coming.


Often domestic and wild animals die under the wheels of cars. Their death can be interpreted in different ways depending on the dream scenario.


Dream about an accident with animals

Why did you dream that someone hit a cat? The problem that caused you a lot of inconvenience will be unexpectedly resolved. The one who killed the cat in a dream will be your deliverer from gossip and intrigue.


It seemed that the dog was dying - your friend needs help and support. Did the dog survive? Thanks to you, a friend will cope with his problems. You see a dead dog on the roadway - because of omissions and trifles, you can lose a friend.

cow or elk

A large dead animal symbolizes your financial difficulties, uncertainty about your future.

Other interpretations

Often, the meaning of sleep can come down to the fact that you saw a story about an accident on the news and took someone else's tragedy to heart. A crushed cat or dog was spotted on the side of the road. However, if the dream was not provoked by your emotions, there are many different interpretations of what such a dream is about.

  • Erotic dream book. Hit by a car - to a vivid love affair, with long-term consequences.
  • Psychological dream book. Your concern is related to work, be more attentive to formal legal norms, think about the expediency of a business trip. It is a dream that your daughter suffered in an accident - she does not need excessive guardianship. She prevents her from establishing a personal life, better try to come to terms with her choice.

Freud's dream interpretation interprets the dream in which you were hit by a car as a desire for sexual intercourse. If you suffered at the same time, you are implicitly worried about the health of your reproductive organs. Multiple traumas - an unreasonable fear of death has settled in your subconscious.

A dreamer who has such a dream should not ignore this warning of fate. As a rule, dreams in which a person’s life is in danger signal that in reality the dreamer needs to be as careful and attentive as possible.

What if you dream of being hit by a car?

The interpretation of a dream in which a person is hit by a car depends on many details. The more clearly a person remembers his dream, the more he will know what to watch out for in real life.

So why dream that a man was hit by a car. If the driver is driving a car of the same gender as the dreamer, the first thing to pay attention to is the size of the car. The larger the car, the more powerful the dreamer's ill-wisher. This dream warns that the person who saw him got in someone's way.

Perhaps the problem affects the professional sphere and the dreamer should prepare for the machinations of competitors or enviable colleagues who dream of removing the obstacle from the road.

If the car is red and throws the dreamer up when it hits, this is a health problem. If at the time of the accident the dreamer experiences very severe pain and sees blood, it is possible that the next of kin will fall ill. And this disease will be a blow to the person who saw the dream.

For those who are single, this dream promises a change in their personal lives. If suddenly the dreamer is knocked down by a car driven by a person of the opposite sex, then this dream is a romantic acquaintance in reality. The more a person who sees a dream is surprised, the more likely the chance to meet his soul mate.

Another unusual interpretation of this dream is that if a person is knocked down at night and he does not see the driver, then this is a secret admirer. The fan in reality will surprise the dreamer with something. By the way, acquaintance and communication with a fan or admirer will only benefit the person who saw the dream.

If the accident happened on a sunny day and there were people around, then the dreamer is waiting for public hearings or conflict. By the way, after this dream it is better not to swear and not to conflict with other people, the dreamer may be rebuffed and disgraced.

If the dreamer dreamed that a friend or relative of a person was shot down before his eyes, this is to worries and worries for this person. It is possible that in real life the dreamer will have to solve the problems of a person who was shot down in a dream. One way or another, but this dream does not predict any threat to health and well-being.

What portends?

The modern interpretation of a dream in which a person was hit by a car is not so cloudless and safe. It warns the dreamer of possible injuries, injuries.

If a person saw in a dream that they were knocking him down, then he should be careful at work, especially if he is dealing with equipment, machine tools or other dangerous units. If in a dream a person witnesses an accident, then this is a warning that he needs to be careful when driving.

Even if the dreamer does not become a participant in the accident, he can provoke it. If in a dream several people are knocked down at once or a car crashes into a crowd at high speed, then the dreamer will have to participate in a crowded meeting at which he will learn unpleasant information. After this dream, it is better not to participate in protests or other public events.

Those dreams in which the dreamer himself is the driver of the vehicle and runs into someone signal the appearance of a new acquaintance with whom he will have to spend quite a long time together. If the collision occurred on a friend, then in reality this person will ask for a loan of money.

If you had a terrible or unpleasant dream, then you should not be upset. Not all dreams are prophetic. Some are inspired by what a person saw before going to bed. But if the dream is repeated several times, it is still advisable to look into the dream book.

The content of the article

Hit by a car according to the Psychological Dream Book

A car was hit by a car - it all depends on the general plot of the dream, your feelings and emotions from what you saw. Perhaps, at the subconscious level, you anticipate some kind of danger looming over your head, but you still cannot understand exactly where the threat comes from. Dream Interpretation A car knocked down portends problems at work, observation, developed intuition, and the ability to calculate in advance the possible moves of a competitor will help to understand what is happening and cope with negative events. In any case, be vigilant, refuse business trips, carefully read the contracts before signing them.

Hit by a car according to the Universal Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream book: Hit by a car - perhaps the dream signals an impending danger, in reality you should exercise extreme caution and attentiveness. You were hit by a car - you will get into a major alteration, your business area will suffer the most. An active life position will help to correct the situation. Dream Interpretation Hit by a car usually portends a deception on the part of a partner or a broken deal. The accident was avoided or you were not injured during the impact - troubles will bypass you, although you should pay attention to your health. The car hit your relative or friend - he will need serious help, do not deprive him of attention.

Hit by a car according to the 21st century dream book

Hit by a car - in reality, wait for important news related to your work. For some reason, the project will not be completed on time, the business that you have been doing for a long time will no longer bring the desired profit, or you will have some difficulties. Dream Interpretation Hit by a car in some cases is interpreted positively. Perhaps soon you will hear about distant relatives with whom you have not previously maintained close relations.

After the accident, you remained unharmed - life will be prosperous and will delight you with joyful events. Why dream of a car hit - this is a warning, try not to risk your health, refuse to travel, be more careful. A dream sometimes indicates a contagious disease, so do not forget about prevention.

Hit by a car according to Danilova's Erotic Dream Book

A hit by a car speaks of an imminent love affair, it will be happy and durable if the driver of the vehicle is of the opposite sex, and you remain safe and sound after the accident. You knocked down a handsome person of the opposite sex - you will soon meet a person who is pleasant in all respects, whom you will fall in love with at first sight.

A dream in which a car knocks you down usually represents the most important incidents or news related to your work activities. The work on which you have been working for a very long time can be complicated, and the time to complete it can increase due to an outsider. As the 21st century dream book says: hit by a car - to welcome news from relatives whom you have not seen for a long time.

When the accident was prevented in a dream, and you got out of the car without injury, this dream prophesies happy accidents and a secure future.

An additional explanation is given by the dream book of the 21st century: if you were hit by a car in a dream, try not to go anywhere in the near future and not get involved in sports. This dream can be a sign of trouble that can be prevented if you carefully monitor your own well-being and do not play with fire. There is a high probability of falling ill with a dangerous disease, therefore, after such a dream, it is better to prematurely prevent it.

If in a dream a car hit your relative or acquaintance, in reality surround this person with love and care, which he lacks for a given period of time. Maybe very soon he will need serious support from you personally.

Why dream that you were hit by a car in other dream books

From the explanation of the catastrophe of the Women's Dream Book: a similar plot in a dream - to the nearest worries for relatives, a danger to children is likely. When, in the event of an incident, you did not see the blood, you will be able to overcome the troubles.

Why dream that you were hit by a car, according to the Erotic Dream Book? If you yourself have this car, and accidentally knocked down an attractive person of the opposite sex, then soon a welcome date awaits you. This vision often prophesies a passionate and loving relationship.

Get injured from the car, and be healthy after that - to the upcoming love affair. Especially if the vehicle was driven by a person of the opposite sex.

Why dream when you were hit by a car according to a psychoanalytic dream book: where you were injured can mean a lot of things - based on situations and impressions at the end of sleep.

One of the explanations is the danger threatening the dreamer, which he is not aware of. An inner intuitive feeling and the ability to foresee the moves of the enemy will help prevent problems. There is a possibility, attentiveness and interest in details will make it possible to deal with troubles and a hanging threat.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 03/02/2020

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeping person. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of congestion, ...

Each person lives in several worlds at the same time, and this is quite obvious. During the day, he consciously chooses his path, at night, in a dream, he can be far from reality, see mysterious images that have various meanings.

What if you dream of hitting a person?

Every person has had a dream at least once in his life and knows that they can be both pleasant and frightening. One can have beautiful, fantastic, vivid and colorful dreams that cheer you up for the whole day. Also, you can see tragic, bad, unpleasant and even frightening dreams that make you worry, get nervous all day long. Therefore, upon waking up, a person wants to know the interpretation of sleep, to understand what the subconscious wanted to tell him, where to be careful and attentive.

In connection with technological progress, cars today are an everyday thing. Going out into the street, a person sees hundreds of cars passing by him. Because of this, in recent years, people have begun to have dreams associated with cars more often.

It can be both good and bad dreams. For example, people can see how they drive a car, or how they knock down a person. Here the second option is often frightening, and it is very interesting to find out why you dream of knocking a person down. In general, a car in a dream is a symbol of movement, both professional and personal.

This is a fast forward movement. Most often, if a person sees a car in a dream, regardless of the nature of the dream, then this means movement, mainly in the professional field.

Therefore, if a person dreams that he is driving and accidentally knocks a person down, then this indicates that the path he has chosen to achieve the goal is not entirely correct. Shooting down a person in a dream is a warning that you need to reconsider your priorities and change the ways to achieve the goal so as not to harm others. Also, such a dream can talk about the obstacles that will stand in the way of achieving the goal. This applies to those dreams when a person himself throws himself under a car. Such a dream warns a person that he needs to be more flexible, maneuverable and extremely careful in achieving goals.

What portends?

If you knock down a person in a dream intentionally, then this suggests that any obstacles, difficulties that arise on the way will not stop. In this case, a person, sacrificing everything, will go to his goal, even if he has to harm others.

This dream has another interpretation. Shooting down a person in a dream can mean that very soon there will be a chance to meet a person, very important and influential, who will radically change life. It will help you get on a different, more professional and better path. It speaks of new life. About a new aspiration and movement. This applies not only to professional activities, but also to the worldview, which new acquaintances can change. If a car knocks down the dreamer himself in a dream, then in real life he interferes with someone.

It becomes an obstacle, a burden in achieving goals. This can prophesy conflicts, quarrels, misunderstandings in a career. In this case, a person needs to be more careful in the professional field, and maybe even think about changing the type of activity.

A dream is a different world, not real, but only a warning, hints of our subconscious, which can either be followed or not. In any case, if you have dreams, then you need to listen to them, because the subconscious is always trying to direct a person on the right path.

Why dream of knocking down a person? Such a vision in a dream portends troubles, obstacles to achieving the goal, difficulties in work. But sometimes a dream plot may turn out to be a harbinger of an unusual meeting - the dream book informs.

Analyze the situation and your potential

To bring down a person in a dream is a warning. The dream interpretation reports: the path chosen to achieve what was conceived is not entirely correct. Analyze the circumstances to make the right decision.

Why dream that a car ran over a friend? The dream interpretation claims: such a plot is a reflection of concern about this friend.

I dreamed of seeing how they themselves hit someone with a car - pay attention to your inner self. You probably killed some trait in yourself, so you should pause your waking run a little, assess the situation in a new way, and understand what changes are fraught with.

Meet a special person

In a dream, to knock down a person of the opposite sex with a car, and to experience great excitement, means: an amazing meeting is ahead. Such an episode will not go unnoticed, as it can lead to love at first sight or great passion.

Why dream: the stranger (stranger) you shot down turned out to be pretty pretty? The dream interpretation promises: ahead is a pleasant meeting that can become fateful.

To shoot down a person and see how the downed person got up and left the scene of the incident in a dream without visible damage - despite significant problems, the sleeper will be able to achieve his plan with small losses.

Possible complications, barriers

Had a dream that the downed man was seriously injured? The difficulties will turn out to be quite large, involuntarily you will wonder whether it is necessary to achieve something at such a price.

The interpretation of a dream about an accident with the participation of a dreamer who hit a person may be as follows: his career aspirations will have obstacles. To overcome them, all its flexibility and mobility will be needed.

Beware: there is a serious threat ahead

Why dream about how you ran into a close friend or relative before your eyes? The dream interpretation warns: health complications, illnesses are possible. If this happened to someone close, the vision promises serious concern about him.

Had a dream: a bus hit a man to death before your eyes? Serious danger lies ahead. Someone close - danger threatens him, you need to warn him to avoid risky situations.

To see the corpse of a passerby who was run over to death in a dream - according to the dream book, there is sad news ahead, misfortune. Business failures are possible - things that were going normally will suddenly stall.