Aman Tuleyev will resign. Why Tuleyev resigned and how to affect Kuzbass? The only right solution

The possible resignation of the head of the Kemerovo region was discussed for a long time, and she followed the tragedy in the "Winter Cherry"

Ex-Governor of the Kemerovo Region Aman Tuleyev

Moscow. April 2. Website - the resignation of the 73-year-old Aman Tuleyev from the post of governor of the Kemerovo region, which evil tongues were unsuccessful to proper over the past years, still took place last Sunday and was not a first-herrial joke.

The statement about early prosecution was the reaction of Tuleyev at in the shopping and entertainment center "Winter Cherry" in Kemerovo, who rescued 64 people, most of which are children.

"I think (resignation) for myself correct, conscious, the only rightful decision, because with such a hardest car of the governor, well, it is impossible, morally," said Tuleyev in the video in video.

Resignation in Telegram-Channel

The message that the governor filed a resignation to President Vladimir Putin, first appeared in the Telegram-channel of the Kemerovo Regional Administration. There was also published video in Tuleyev.

Confirmation that this time everything really came from the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District Sergey Maudo.

"The Statement on the resignation of Amana Gumirovich (Tuleyev - IF) did, this is not a primary joke. The decision by the governor is accepted - this is his right," he said to the Interfax Polvit on Sunday.

Vive Le Roi.

Later it became known that Putin about the resignation of Tuleyev, temporarily acting the governor was appointed deputy head of the Sergey Tsivil.

Tsivilin came to the post of vice-governor in early March, before that he headed the company "Colm", mining coal in southern Yakutia. At the same time, he explained to journalists that in recent years he has increasingly began to receive proposals for the change of work, but he asked everyone to wait for the moment when his enterprise began to develop independently.

"At that time, Tuleyev called me and called to him. I came, and he told me:" Sooner or later you will go to the state service, you have no other option, and since the situation is unfolded, go to me. "I am glad that I am glad that I work in his team, "said Civilov.

According to him, Tuleyev's suggestion "became the last straw", after which he decided to move away from business and become an official.

At the beginning, in early March, informed sources assumed that soon after the presidential election of Civil, "the acting governor will be appointed."

As a result, it happened, however, already in completely different circumstances related to the tragedy in the "Winter Cherry".

"I accept the area at a very difficult moment when dozens of people died in a terrible fire and, first of all, our children. I want to tell you, the inhabitants of Kemerovo and the whole area that I will do everything for the guilty of this terrible tragedy to suffer a strictest punishment. All information will be granted to punish the perpetrators, "said Civilov in video performance.

"No one will be shattered or hidden. This terrible tragedy has rallied not only Kemerovo, but also the whole country in Mount and compassion. We will not leave alone with the trouble of the victims and relatives of the dead. We will do and do everything to support them in these hard days, To provide them with all possible assistance and support, "he stressed.


In the same video in Civil, promised to preserve all initiatives to develop the Kemerovo region, adopted by the previous administration.

"I want to assure all of you, every resident of the area that implementing all initiatives and decisions to develop the region ... I am convinced that only in a dialogue with people we will be able to strengthen the welfare of the inhabitants of the region, to ensure their safety, lay the foundation for the development of new generations Kemerovo" , "said Vrio Governor.

What did Tuleyev remember

Ethnic Kazakh Tuleyev was born in 1944 in the city of Krasnovodsk of the Turkmen SSR. He graduated from the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (1973) and the Academy of Public Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee (1989). Ph.D. In 1990, he was elected a deputy of the Kemerovo Regional Council of People's Deputies, he was his chairman. In 1993-1996 - Deputy of the Federation Council from Kuzbass, Head of the Legislative Assembly of the Kemerovo Region.

Three times Tuleyev claimed the presidency of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation: in 1991, 1996 and 2000. In 1996-1997 He was a member of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Minister of the Russian Federation for cooperation with the CIS countries. In July 1997, he was appointed head of the administration of the Kemerovo Region, and in October of the same year he won the elections of the head of the region.

"Combat baptism" for Tuleyev was the strike of miners in 1998, when the workers blocked the movement along the Trans-Siberian Highway, seeking payday debts.

At the Governor's elections, Tuleyev also defeated in 2001 and 2015, in 2005 his authority extended President Putin, and in 2010, the decision to approve his statement as the Governor's Council of People's Deputies of the Kemerovo Region on the submission of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.

In public politics, Tuleyev was expressed against radical economic reforms held by Boris Yeltsin, Egor Gaidar and their supporters. In the film 2016, telling about the biography of Tuleyev in the context of world history, special attention was paid to the confrontation between the Tuleyev family with the Gaidar family. As it turned out, the roots of their conflict leave during the civil war. The film claimed that Grandfather Gaidar, Children's writer Arkady Gaidar participated in the execution of the grandfather of the Kemerovo Governor - White Guard Kaldybaya Tuleyev.

In 2016, the state of the health of Tuleyev worsened - he was more difficult to move without help, and after surgery in 2017, the governor rarely fell into the lenses of the camcorder.

"We're together with you a big, very large life path - from the Kuzbass striker, sitting on the rails, knocking at helmets, to Kuzbass, creating and supporting our state. And all this did you, you. And I am immensely grateful. To be completely honest, as Before the icon, I can tell you that in my work I was always guided by the interests of our country, Russia and our region, "said Tuleyev in the video in the parties to the residents of the region on Sunday.

He stated that the decision made the decision to retire for himself the right, conscious and uniquely faithful. He said this during the video user-friendly published on the channel of the authorities in Youtube. "I think for myself the right, conscious, the only true solution, because with such a hardest cargo (after a fire in the shopping center" Winter cherry "in Kemerovo) as the governor, well, it is impossible, it is impossible to morally," said Tuleyev.

Finding on early prosecution of authority was already signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, the site reports.

Tuleyev is managed by the Kemerovo region since 1997, in 2015 he was re-elected for the fourth time. Now the ex-governor has already undergone a sharp criticism of the public in social networks for his behavior after the tragedy in the Winter Cherry shopping center. As a result of a fire killed 64 people, many of whom are children. It is worth noting that the nephew of Tuleyev himself died during a fire. However, the anger of the public did not soften this fact.

Oils in the fire poured the fact that the governor requested forgiveness for what happened in the region is not among citizens, but in Kemerovo President Vladimir Putin who arrived in Kemerovo. He also called the gathered in the city square of citizens who demanded a response from the authorities for what happened, "Buzothers", which are trying to nationalize political capital on tragedy.

It is known that the governor had health problems. In June last year, he suffered an operation on the heart, after which he passed a long rehabilitation and was absent for a long time in the workplace.

Tuleyev three times - in 1991, 1996 and 2000 - rankled for the presidency of Russia, previously occupied various government posts. After his departure, the only governor of the Yeltsin era will remain the head of the Belgorod region.

At the beginning of his career Tuleev declared left views and relied on support. In 1991, he supported the management of the GCCP, which was trying to shift the Union President.

In 1999, he publicly refused to accept the Order of Honor from the hands of the President, stating that this power "injured the country in poverty." Subsequently, however, Tuleev accepted the reward from the hands of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Starting a career in the Kemerovo Region as "People's" Governor, Tuleyev for the years in power turned into an authoritarian even according to the Russian standards of the head, providing loyalty to the authorities with great interest filed for. At the same time, Tuleyev was supported by local "coal kings", which interested stability in the region.

"Tuleyev was needed to ensure the result of presidential elections. On his authority, all or almost everything was held in the Kemerovo region. Tuleyev was a talented populist, but no one denies the presence of principles. It is necessary to leave on time while you remember a good and honest man. The deformation of long-term location in the authorities also touched him, "says the political analyst, the head of the" political expert group "Konstantin.

The clouds on Tuleyev really thickened - according to the rating of the "political survival of the governors" 2017, which constitutes the Agency "Petersburg policy", the governor became the object of attacks, attempts to design the "posttoleev" configuration of forces were made.

Back in 2016, two deputy Tuleyev, as well as the head of the regional became the defendants of the criminal case on extortion. It was a question, according to law enforcement officers, about trying to raider seizure of the mine "Insk" section.

It is worth noting that when the citizens who arrived in Kemerovo Putin asked Tuleyev's resignation, he said that "under the cameras" will not be dismissed. At the same time, the political analyst Kalachev notes that the care of Tuleyev is "a completely expected resignation, rumors about which went since September last year."

However, the fact that the resignation took place on Sunday, suggests that "the move is forced." Tuleyev's decision to leave the post could accelerate the arrival of the Head of the Investigative Committee, the expert argues.

Bastrykin himself in the open part of the meeting, does not call the name Tuleyev, rather sharply criticized both the local and regional authorities for the fire in Kemerovo.

"The whole epoch ended. Soon Tuleyev will be interesting only to historians. And he left a little earlier, at least make a statement that after the presidential election it was ready to leave the chair, now everything would be looked completely different, "says Kalachev.

Temporary by the head of the Kemerovo region, instead of Aman Tuleyev appointed his deputy Sergey. As stated in, the elections of the new chapter will be held on September 9 into a single voting day, and the decision to appoint them should be taken before July 10.

Tsiviev, who worked in the coal business in Yakutia, is called a person who is most likely to lead the area on the election results. He became the deputy governor in March of this year. During the spontaneous social rally, he went to the crowd and after the battle with the audience asked them for forgiveness. Its gave way to emotions, Tsivilev even sung out before people on one knee, explaining it with Russian custom.

Kalachev calls Civilian "effective managerial". And he says that, having visited the enterprise in Yakutia, the head of which is Civil, saw a "modern enterprise" in front of him, where the workers actively supported Putin.

Irina Alksnis, for RIA Novosti

The resignation of Aman Tuleyev from the post of Governor made those already long-standing times, when any changes in the leadership of the Russian regions were akin to tectonic moves in the political system of the whole country.

Many governors and presidents who took their posts in the 1990s were at that time political heavyweights not only on their own - regional, but also at the federal level. But in those days, few could compete on an equal footing with the Kemerovo governor, who did not simply successfully headed a very complex and important region, but also was a truly influential federal politician.
Those times for a long time in the past.

Governors in Russia have long ceased to be inviolable political persons, and the federal scale chalk shapes among them are now the minimum number. Rotation in their ranks has become an ordinary process and interests - except for the actually citizens in these regions - mainly the Russian management class and the non-trap of experts in this area. Yes, and criminal cases against the former and operating heads of the regions are now excited by packs.

The changes in the Russian political system were fully touched by Aman Tuleyev, who had long turned simply to one of the many dozen Russian governors who allocate among their colleagues except with political long-life and special respect for him from colleagues and the federal center.

But according to the evil irony, the circumstances of the departure from the post of Kemerovo Governor are such that forced to recall the previous times when any governor's resignation caused violent discussions and numerous assumptions among the widest audience.

It is unlikely that there are doubts that if Aman Gumirovich had the opportunity to unscrew the time ago, he would prefer quiet and boring resignation, like most of his colleagues from the 1990s. But the story will not scroll back, and the finale of the career of the Kemerovo Governor is now forever connected with a terrible fire in which dozens of people died.

Although you can look at this situation and on the other hand.

Aman Tuleyev became the first case in the history of modern Russia, when the head of the region (even if it was not instantly) took responsibility for the tragedy on his subordinate territory and left in connection with this his post.

As you know, just a couple of days ago, the Kremlin is emphasized from the resignation theme of the Kemerovo Governor, refusing to comment on this issue. At the same time, the statements of the Russian president during the trip to Kemerovo did not leave doubts that this time the punishment of the "arroders" does not cost and all those responsible for the occurree will receive their own, despite the status and past merit.

However, despite this, the care of Tuleyev was a surprise for many: most observers leanned towards the fact that, although his resignation is inevitable, a pause will be taken a few months before it declared.

© ruptly.

It is worth paying tribute to one of the veterans of the Russian policy, which his current step actually laid a new tradition of the Russian state-political system. And the phone call, Vladimir Putin, after taking the petition about early resignation, it makes sense to consider in this context.

The ability of the head of high level to take advantage of personal responsibility deserves respect in any case. And in a situation where he is a "pioneer" in this traditionally difficult area for Russia, especially.

Another thing is that Amman Tuleyev became a very visual example for the Russian system and in a different sense. The Kemerovo authorities were tough criticism not only for the tragedy, but also for serious punctures in the reaction to her, in particular, for problems in communications with shocked residents of the region.

The State Duma named the tasks facing the Virio chapters of KuzbassSergey Tsivilevo to preserve and multiply all the achievements of the authorities of the region. Aman Tuleyev managed to achieve a lot as the governor, said the deputy Sergey Neversov.

There is, of course, a natural question arises: Would these friction arose between the authorities and Kemerovo, if Tuleyev was still full of strength, energy and talent to talk to people with people with whom he was so well known for the whole of Russia twenty years ago?
This reminds the leaders of the state-political system of Russia the lesson of the depreciation of Soviet gerontocracy.
However, considering how intensively recent years is prepared and introduced "into operation" a new generation of managers, at the very top of the Russian state it is obviously understanding perfectly.

Head of the Kemerovo Region Aman Tuleyev He asked the president to take his early resignation after a fire in the "Winter Cherry" shopping center, in which 64 people died according to official data.

The only right solution

He led by the Kemerovo Region 21, Aman Tuleyev announced his resignation. This is stated in the message on the website of the Region administration. He asked President Vladimir Putin's resignation by Vladimir Putin, reports.

The reasons for their resignation of Tuleyev explained in the video. "I think for myself the right, conscious, the only correct decision, because with such a hardest cargo as the governor, well, it is impossible to morally", - said the governor of the region.

He noted that PE in Kuzbass was a terrible tragedy, which all residents of Kuzbass are experiencing: "Each of us I missed all this through my heart, all this horror, the pain of this catastrophe ... Together with us, the whole of Russia, and the whole world."

According to the governor's governor, he did "everything that could." "Meets with the families of the dead, tried to solve issues with help. I once again bring the deepest condolences. But it is necessary to live, continue to live. Live to keep the memory of those who we lost ", - added Tuleyev.


Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the early termination of the powers of Tuleyev and prescribed temporarily acting heads of Kuzbass Sergey Tsivievwho became the deputy governor in early March.

Tsivilov also made a video image to the residents of Kuzbass. In his statement, he promised to do everything to be responsible for the fire in the Winter Cherry shopping center suffered punishment. The politician stressed that the investigation will be provided with all the necessary information, and no one will be shattered or hidden. "

"I take the area in a very difficult moment when dozens of people died in a terrible fire, and above all our children. I want to tell you, the inhabitants of Kemerov and the whole area that I will do everything that the guilty of this terrible tragedy suffered the strictest punishment "- Stressed Virio Governor.

Civilov also promised to assist victims and relatives of the victims of a fire in the "Winter Cherry".

"We all have to do everything together in order for the life of Kemerovo to become safe and decent. Our future depends only on us with you, "- The policy is referred to.

Fire in the shopping center "Winter Cherry" in Kemerovo occurred on March 25. According to the latest data, at least 64 people died in it, including 41 children. According to the investigation, the fire alarms did not work at the shopping center, and the duty guard turned off the fire safety system.

On the morning of March 27, a spontaneous rally began in Kemerovo with the requirements of the transparent investigation of the fire and the resignation of Tuleyev and officials of the city administration. Tuleyev at the rally did not appear. But he met with President Vladimir Putin who arrived in Kemerovo and asked him for forgiveness for what happened.

After the tragedy in the shopping center "Winter cherry" in Kemerovo, the Governor of the Kemerovo Region Aman Tuleyev filed Vladimir Putin to a premises about early resignation from the post on April 1. The President adopted a petition, appointing temporarily acting Governor of Vice-Governor Sergey Civiev. Despite the statement of Tuleyev that his decision on the resignation is voluntary, in social networks, the care was considered forced, and also remembered the efforts of the governor in the whole follow the instructions "from above".

The Governor of the Kemerovo Region Aman Tuleyev decided to resign at his own request. The Tuleyev decided in the video in the region. The record was published on the website of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region, as well as on the YouTube Channel of the press service on April 1. In the treatment of Tuleyev noted that he decided to resign in connection with Kemerovo.

Today, I now want to tell you, I filed a resignation to the President of the Russian Federation. I consider for myself well the right, conscious, the only right solution. Because with such a hard drive to work as the governor, well, it is impossible. Moral it is impossible.

Some media and users agreed that the resignation of Tuleyev was not at all voluntary and that the decision of the former governor was "descended" from above. So, according to the expert of the Center for Political Technologies, Alexei Makarkina, if it were not for fire in the shopping center, Tuleyev would not pass the post, writes.

Probably, from somewhere on top of him, to put it mildly, they asked, but it was issued in the form of his decision, because it was still an era in the history of the region and just dismiss a person here would be hardly possible. I think that if it were not for this tragedy, he would have been the head of the region for some time.

There is a version that Tuleyev's resignation convinced the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin, writes Flashsiberia with reference to the source of the agency. According to the agency's interlocutor, Bastrykin met with Tuleyev in Kemerovo on March 31 and transferred him a message about the need to leave the post.

He (Bastarkin) handed over to Tuleyev's wishes of Moscow to report voluntary resignation that he did. In this case, Moscow gave Tuleyev the opportunity to maximally save the face in a difficult situation. Amana Gumirovich understood everything and did not argue.

With this opinion, some social network users agreed, considering that Tuleyev himself was not going to leave the governor's post.

Stanislav Skel

The resignation of Tuleyev once again convincingly showed that personnel questions of this level are solved by a very narrow circle of persons and absolutely situationally. Therefore, all these issues from journalists about forecasts of resignations or appointments and expert answers to these questions - all this is an empty Trep and blah blah blah.

Other users considered Tuleyev's departure of the first-hand joke and to the latter refused to believe in the veracity of his intentions.

In connection with the appointment in public "VKontakte" "Typical Kemerovo" The appeal of Civieva to the residents of the region was published.

Part of the users spoke in support of the new Vrio Governor, noting that he considers Tuleyev's resignation correctly. However, comments dedicated to Civilian himself make it possible to conclude that Kemerovo, who saw his speeches in the media are dissatisfied with the appointment.

And here from and before I watched online broadcast of the rally on March 27. This is not the person who is worthy of respect. He even at the rally tried to tell his loved one, until they shut up. And these words about PR on blood Igor Vostrikov what is worth. Expand