What is better to plant beets next door. What is next to what to plant in the garden

Each gardener, even if he does not have professional knowledge, should have an idea that such compatibility of vegetables and greenery on the beds.

You should not turn your beds into a communal apartment and plant a strawberry, garlic, cabbage, and in the corners also Petrushechka. Still, every culture needs their conditions for growth.

The golden rule of the gardener says - never sore a number of culture from one family. Well, let's say tomatoes, eggplants and peppers. Because they have common pests and diseases. And if some worm appears in tomatoes, he immediately goes to walk across the seedlings. And if the beds are different, then you will have time to take some chemical measures to prevent the pest relocation to healthy cultures.

For example, a powerful root system cornwith a huge force, all nutrients and plants with a weak root system are sucking from the soil, such as onion, Next to her just wage.

Bad neighbors - cabbage and strawberries. Belococcal too large leaves, which simply hide the heat-loving berry from the sun.

Cucumbers and tomatoes Also not very rushing together. The thing is that the first is needed nutrient soil and high humidity, and the second, on the contrary, is useful to dry air and moderately fertile land. Therefore, for tomatoes and cucumbers, it is recommended to put two separate greenhouses, and not one common one. But since this pleasure is not from cheap, the dackets persistently bypass this rule. And in vain, the crop would be much better.

The correct combination of several types of vegetables contributes to full growth, reduces the likelihood of diseases, creates a favorable habitat for beneficial insects and scares different pests.

Differences of vegetables for nutrients need

The need for nutrients of certain types of vegetables differs significantly.

Regarding the need for nitrogen vegetables can be divided into strong, medium and weak consumers. These needs must be considered when preparing the beds and making fertilizers

  • Strong consumers (big need for nitrogen): green, white and red cabbage, chinese cabbage, curly cabbage, brussels and cauliflower, broccoli, celery, bow, mangold, tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper, zucchini, pumpkin.
  • Middle Consumers (Middle need for nitrogen): carrots, red beets, radish, coil, kolrabi, onions, potatoes, fennel, eggplants, spinach, field salad, cooked salad, chicory.
  • Weak consumers (Small nitrogen need): peas, beans, radishes, nasturtium (lug), greens and spices.

We have slightly discussed common issues, we will now move directly to the species of garden plants.

What gets around with!


What is the peas nearby? This plant gardeners do not like to creep it. However, it is worth considering the compatibility of different vegetables on the beds - and the disadvantage turns into dignity.

The fact is that he perfectly gets around together with cornAnd its powerful trunks will be an excellent support. Thus, you will collect two harvest from one bed and relieve yourself from the need to tie down gentle peas.

People can be squeezed among cucumberssuch a neighborhood will benefit both cultures.

Love pea Eggplants and melons.

If you are growing in the garden potatoes, Be sure to scatter the peas on landing, its roots will enrich the Earth with the necessary trace elements.

And here onion and garlicit is necessary to plant from the pea away, such a neighborhood is at all.


Better to plant carrots on the edge of the bed with tomatoes and peas.

Very well combines this root with various herbs. it sage and salad, onions and rosemary. Therefore, you can make prefabricated beds with scented leafy greenery and climb them with carrots. Or vice versa.

And here dill and parsley It is necessary to transfer away from carrots away, such a neighborhood leads to a deterioration in the growth and development of the root.

Green Luc

List of plants with whom "Friends" onions are large enough. These are almost all the most important garden crops: beets and bell peppers, tomatoes and carrots, salad and broccoli.

Very well compatible onions with spinach, potatoes and cabbage.

However, to fit you please, avoid his neighborhood with beans, sage and peas.

Bulgarian pepper

A capricious culture that does not grow so well in our climatic zone as in more southern areas. However, this can be fixed a little if you choose the right neighbors. First of all, you need to remember that it is impossible to plant it for one bed with beans.

But the neighborhood with tomatoes,on the contrary, it is moved very well.

Do not forget to plant Greens and fragrant herbs, To most fully use compatibility of vegetables on the beds. With peppers are well combined Basil and coriander, onions and spinach.

Salad latobe

Experienced gardeners are recommended to plant a lathouse together with white and brussels cabbage, carrots and corn, cucumbers. Given that the latch grows a low curly carpet, it helps to save moisture, not giving liquids to evaporate so quickly. The cucumbers love such a neighborhood.


Often it is this culture that takes a significant part of the garden, which means that you need to carefully consider compatibility of vegetables on the garden. Photo of garden sites of professional gardeners very often demonstrate a classic combination of potatoes and legumes. Really, beans and Gorok.great in potato landing, bringing primarily the benefit of the fact that they enrich the earth. Although the crop of legumes will not be superfluous.

Good combined potatoes with white cabbage and broccoli, corn and eggplants, garlic, latch and onions.


Its compatibility with other vegetables on the garden is simply fantastic. He has no enemies, he complements practically well any culture.

However, if we talk about the health and quality of the growth of the Eggplant itself, then experts advise him to plant it next to Potatoes and bean, in particular with beans and peas.

Excellent neighbors for eggplant will be leaf vegetables. Casting gardeners recommend planting next to the shiny basil and salad, spinach.


This culture is exotic on our beds and is very rarely grown in the garden, and in vain. After all, the agricultural engineering is not more difficult than growing cucumbers, and you get a valuable and nutritious product.

Peanut compatibility on the garden with vegetables is due to its high nutrient needs. He deals well with cucumbers Which also love high, warm and fertilized beds.

In addition, with him you can land Any legumes.


Useful culture, which is often undeservedly forgotten.

However, it can serve as a natural backup for Swimming cucumbersIn addition, the corn does not like a wave, and therefore your cucumbers will be under natural protection.

Women bean Also perfectly compatible with corn, they can be planted around the perimeter of the bed. it beans and peas.

She is getting lazy with melons and potatoes, zucchini and sunflower.


The garden of tomatoes does not have this to the neighborhood, since the bulk bushes seek to capture all the free space. But you can use different ways of landing, for example, to arrange a high embankment in the center of the garden, on which to plant Asparagus and basil, dill, salad, onions, parsley, spinach and thyme.

Tomatoes love neighborhood legumes So in the alarms you can land the beans.

An excellent option for landing on the nearest Groke will be carrots and melon.

And here Cabbage and corn Must occupy another part of the garden.


As you already know, this plant varieties are very much, while there is at least a white and cauliflower grows on each garden. It would seem that they can be easily planted on one bed, since the color you will remove much earlier than its neighbor matures. But in fact, they do not bear each other poorly, so, planning a common garden, better give preference Beans and celery, cucumbers.

Perfectly get along with cabbage and Fragrant herbsThey help to scare insects. it sage and spinach, thyme, dill, onions. If the landing of the white cabbage does not do too thick, then in the aisles you can grow enough greens, as well as Radree.


She grows poorly next to his nearest relative - belococcal cabbage.

But perfectly complements the beds with beans and beets, celery and cucumbers, sage and thyme.

Does not love tomatoes and strawberries.


Perfectly combined with all the plants listed, but does not tolerate at all cauliflower So you have to form a few beds for cabbage of different types.

Brussels sprouts

One of the most tolerated, it is best combined on the beds with other species. The only enemy is tomatoesso tomatoes and cruciferousit is impossible to plant near any conditions.

And here dill and salad - Please add to bed Radish and sage, spinach and turnips.


When planning this culture, make sure that there is no potatoes, melons and fragrant herbs Better all the greens fall together with the cabbage.

Cucumber loves high warm beds, on which together with him will grow perfectly peas and beans, corn and salad, radishes.As in the case of the past example of a universal bed, the central strip we highlight under corn. It will become a support for cucumber, beans and peas that can be sow not only in the afternoon, but together, in one hole. On the edge, the garden can be added to salad and radish, which will be removed quickly enough.

Plants that can not be planted nearby

Root or sheet isolations of some plants have a specific depressing effect on any one or two other types, for example:

  • sage Does not get along S. onions
  • turnipsuffers from neighborhood Bowder and Highlander Bird (Speech)
  • marigold Poor act on boby
  • wormwood- on the peas and beans
  • tansy - on the cabbage leafovoy
  • quinoa - on the potatoes

There are types of plants that distinguish substances poorly carryable by most of other species.

An example can serve black nut Melting substance Yuglon, braking growth Most vegetables, azaleas, rhododendrons, blackberries, peonies, apple trees.

Close neighborhood Wornbeats Gorky Also undesirable for most vegetables.

Among the vegetable plants there is also an invalid, or, as they say, "asocial" appearance that does not act on many cultural plants. it fennel. It damages Tomatoes, bush beans, cumin, peas, beans and spinach.

Some weeds of field crops do not just compete with them for water and nutrition, but also oppress them with their own discharge.

Wheatdepresses a large number poppy plants and chamomile
Rapewalking and mustard field
Rye, On the contrary, herself inhibits height weeds And if you search for two years in a row in one place, then the field will disappear dressing

Cultural plants are also able to brake the growth of weeds

A vivid example of negative interaction can be the relationship between cloverand all plants from the Lutikov family. The radunculin substance is formed in their roots, even in extremely low concentrations, the inhibitory growth of nodule bacteria and therefore making the soil unsuitable for clover. If a buttercup appeared on the perennial herbs field, then the clover here soon will completely disappear.

In the kingdom of trees aggressive character is distinguished by spruce. It is hostile to all other trees, the adverse effect of Elutes is manifested in the soil for 15 years after her deforestation.

There are many examples and such relationships when in large quantities of plants act on some culture in depressingly, and in small - favorable for its growth. Such plants are recommended to land around the edges of the beds with vegetable crops, but only in small quantities.

It refers to yasnotka White (deaf nettle), Espartzet, Valerian, Yarrow.
Chamomile in large quantities is harmful to Wheat, and in a 1: 100 ratio contributes to better grain performance.

Aromatic herbs

Aromatic herbs whose leaves highlight a large number of volatile substances, for many garden plants are good satellites. Their volatile discharges have a favorable on growing vegetables: make them healthier, and in some cases significantly affect the taste.

For example, basil fragrant Improves Taste Taste , but dill- Cabbage.

Famous all dandelion Allocate a large amount of gas of ethylene, accelerating the ripening of fruits. Therefore, his neighborhood is favorable for apple trees and many vegetable crops.

Most aromatic herbs - lavender, Boohnik, Sage, Issop, Parsley, Dill, Charker, Majorran, Chamomile, Crevel - Good act almost all vegetables.

Sent around the edges of the Greasok or Delica Clear Belaya (deaf nettle), Valerian, Yarrow Make vegetable plants are healthier and resistant to disease.

Dynamic plants - those that at all and all well affect, supporting a total tone: neprug, chamomile, Valerian, dandelion, yarrow.

"Tirana", oppressing all the "neighbors" without exception:fennel and wormwood. Around Fennel, really, everything suffers. His - to the fence.

"Assistants" for all - salad and spinach. They identify substances that enhance the activity of roots and plants and shall cause the soil. So everyone is fed!

"Quarrel" with each other All umbrellas other than carrots: parsley, Celery, Pasternak, Lovers, Dill, Kinza.These are better to plant apart.

It is useful to plant around the bed with greens marigold: They will be magnificent pest protection.

To get rid of the wireman (larva Zhuk Nutcaln), soot next to carrots boby. For whatever part of your site, you have landed your favorite roots, never carrots are corrupted by these pests.

How to combine incompatible

This question is especially relevant if you have a greenhouse. All vegetables love comfortable conditions, but a large greenhouse should not be empty, and it occupies the most different fruit plants.

To divide poorly compatible plant types, use film colors,which are divided by a greenhouse to certain sections. It helps to create a kind of microclimate.

In what sequence to plant vegetables so that the garden is as efficient as possible?

We offer such a scheme that German farmers are used. Grocery for planting roots, they arrange a very wide, approximately 1 meter.

Wherein Potatoes is located in the center (Early varieties can be planted in two rows, and later - in one). On the one hand planted in the line Eggplant, and on the other - coched salad, collar and cauliflower. All these vegetables can be alternate in one row.

Around the edge of the garden is sown Two rows of spinach, and the distance between them and the rest of the cultures are seeded by sheet salat and radish.

Harvesting will be held as cultures ripening.

The first salad umbrella appears the first, he acts like other, slowly growing cultures and saves them from the scorching sun.

The first ripens the salad, then spinach, then there comes the queue of the radish.

About a month later it comes the time of cook salad and cauliflower.

Thus, the garden gradually emits, leaving a place to grow and develop eggplant and potatoes.

Now it is clear how to use compatibility of different vegetables on the beds. How to fine - you will tell you personal experience, and for the first time you can use the finished scheme.

Use of mixed beds

Summing up all the above, I would like to note that the planning of mixed beds strongly helps save place and significantly improves harvest. Soil resources used more evenly, and the plants themselves are natural Protection for each other from diseases and pests.

It should be borne in mind that the landing scheme can be changed under the needs of their garden, we only gave general templates. But be sure to comply with the compatibility of vegetables. This simply rule always gives excellent results and does not require any additional costs and investments.

From one bed, experienced gardeners remove 11-15 kg of a variety of vegetables. The correct location of plants on the garden helps save resources, as it takes less water and fertilizer.

This is perhaps everything about what is compatible with vegetables on the beds. List of plants that "friends" and "do not be friends" with each other, look at the table. Use it - and a good harvest you are provided!

Spring sowing began on the fields and gardens. Gardeners plant cabbage, onions, eggplants and other vegetables, berries. However, when landing, it is necessary to take into account many factors, at first glance seemingly insignificant. For example, some cultures categorically impossible to plant nearby. Also, the same vegetables can not be grown on one bed for several years. But it is necessary to change the location of the plants by the rules. How exactly told the experienced gardener from Krasnodar Lyudmila Taranova.

Useful neighbors and not very

It is necessary to take into account the compatibility of plants. Some of them "help" each other, others, on the contrary, harm. It's all about special chemicals that plants are distinguished in the process of vital activity - they have different effects on their neighbors. For details, see our infographics.

Compile a plan for beds

Judging by the experience of gardeners, there should be no permanent place at the plant in the garden. If you plant a culture from year to year, without changing its location, and the crop will have problems, and with soil. Remember the situation will be able to competent planning of the area of \u200b\u200bthe garden.


It is impossible to plant cabbage and other cruciferous (radishes, radish) in the same place earlier than in 2-3 years. Belococcal cabbage is better postponed after potatoes, tomatoes, onions of the reprint; Admissible landing after beans, peas, carrots and beets.


The best predecessors for potatoes - cabbage and various root corners. Bad precursor for potatoes - tomato, as these cultures have common pests and disease pathogens. Grow potatoes on the same place follows no more than 3 years.


For cucumbers should look for a new place annually. Best of all they grow after color and early white-baked cabbage. You can also put them after tomatoes, potatoes, peas and beets.


Accordingly, it is impossible to grow tomatoes after potatoes. Since, repeat, diseases and pests in these cultures are the same. Good precursors for tomatoes - color and early white-baked cabbage, pumpkin and legumes, are allowed rooting and onions.

By the way, if you annually plant tomatoes in the same place, then the soil on this site becomes acidic. Therefore, each in the fall under deep plowing of the soil should be made lime-powder in small quantities (from 50 to 100 g per 1 sq. M), since the tomatoes grow better on soils with neutral acidity (pH 6.5-7).


The cultivation of beets in one place should be carried out no more than once every three or four years. Beets grow well after cucumbers, zucchini, patissons, early cabbage, tomatoes, early potatoes, leguminous crops. It is undesirable to plant beets after vegetables from the Marcheov family (Mangold, Spinach).


In one place onions can not be planted for more than three or four years in a row. The best predecessors of Luke - Culture, which made large doses of organic fertilizers, as well as cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkin, cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes. On the heavy clay soils, the bow will not give good harvest, it prefers light, loose fertile soils and good illumination.


It is possible to grow garlic in one place for no more than two years, otherwise it is not to avoid soil infection with a stalk nematode. Plant garlic is better after cucumbers, early potatoes, early cabbage and other selected crops (except onion).


Saw after early potatoes, cabbage, green crops (excluding salad), allowed after tomatoes and peas.


The best predecessors for eggplant are cucumber, onions, early cabbage, perennial herbs. It is impossible to plant eggplants where potatoes, tomatoes, phizalis, as well as peppers and eggplants grew up last year.


The best predecessors for strawberries - radishes, salad, spinach, dill, peas, beans, mustard, radish, parsley, tours, carrots, onions, garlic, celery, and flowers (tulips, daffodils, velvets). On poor soil, the best predecessors of strawberries - mustard, Facelium (they are honeycomb). Frames, tomatoes and other grained, as well as cucumbers are unsuitable as precursors. After them, the sites can only be taken by strawberries after three or four years.


Strawberry is well sued after radish, beans, mustard, radish, pea, parsley, garlic. Available as predecessors potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers. It is impossible to place a strawberry after all kinds of families of the complex color (sunflower, Topinambur) and all types of iloko.

In addition, if it allows the area, highlight a small section for growing herbs - Siderates: clover, lupine, alfalfa and others. It will give the Earth's holiday, the soil will have the strength to grow vegetable crops.

Flowers - Savior

It turns out that the diseases and pests of the harvest can be saved not only by chemical means, but also with flowers that should be planted next to vegetables. And beautiful, and practical.

Good protection from pests will be marigold. They are well sued not only in the flower beds next to the window, but also around the perimeter of the garden and in the aisle. The velvets, thanks to their properties, scare away nematomas from tomatoes and potatoes, saved strawberries from a weevil, and also distinguish onion fluff, scoop and cabbage whitening.

Flax, clover and wheat velehats protect against fusariosis.

To reconcile the soil on the plot and between the case, scare up the bear, you can scatter the grinding stalks of velvets before plowing the earth.

Velkhattsev's infusion protects peas, cabbage, apple, cherries, plums, currants and gooseberries

For the preparation of infusion, ground part of the plants are grinding, crushed with the help of a secaterator and fill the bucket to half. Poured warm (about 40-60 degrees) with water and insist two days. After that, they are filled, 40 g of liquid soap is added (in order for the infusion does not decrease, but remained on the plants) and poured the mixture into the sprayer. Processing standards: for vegetable garden - 2 liters per 10 square meters; on one bush or a tree under 6 years old - also 2 liters; On fruit trees and shrubs older than 6 years - 6-8 liters.

From whitening and whiteflies will help nasturtium. Flowers can be placed next to tomatoes and cabbage. Also, nasturtium is also useful for fruit trees. Put two or three Kusta under the cherry, peach or apple tree. In the fall, the flowers can be crushed and picked in a rolling collar. This is a great green fertilizer.

Chamomile-pyregorium Nose natural insecticide. If you put near the cabbage, vegetables will not be terrible caterpillars of cabbage scoop and whitens, as well as Tlima. Try to plant in spring pyrethrums in the applied circles of the apple tree. Apple tree will be reliably protected from apple-tree frozing, hoarse and other pests. Flox Alsight with chamomile will save from nematode. And the pyrethrums do not like rodents.

There is another beautiful protector of vegetables. Colorado beetle, for example, does not tolerate odor calendula. Experienced gardeners advise the calendula next to the potatoes. Some do so - in the spring they plant a row of potatoes, a number of calendula seeds and so on. If the potatoes are already planted, put the calendula somewhere nearby. In the fall, you turn to the ground, where you are going to plant potatoes for the next year. Calendula is a good cider. Also, the flower will save Astra from Fusariosa, and rose bushes from nematode.

Lavender Protects the area from ants and Tly, and the house is from true moth.

It is not worth completely abandoning chemicals, but try to focus on natural defenders.

Why does the neighbor of the potato harvest, and on his site, with the same care worse? How this culture is developing, and that, in addition to traditional agrotechnical techniques of cultivation, you need to know that the crops have become more rejected?

Not all daches and gardeners know that plants, like other living beings, have their own features in development. The roots of the plant, their leaves are distinguished by certain substances that interfere with the development of other plants, and can, on the contrary, improve growth and even protect against diseases, pests. There is such a good neighborhood that improves even the taste of certain crops.

And potatoes have their own "friends", there are also unsuccessful neighbors. Therefore, choosing that planted next to potatoes in the neighborhood, you need to remember the negative and positive effect on other plants and how they themselves affect potatoes.

How to grow such an enviable harvest?

Potatoes as culture

The name "Potatoes" Poleno Stolenosny received from the Italian word "tartophole", "Tartufolly", which was explained by the similarity of the underground part of the plant with the fruit bodies of truffles. Later, the Germans formed their own name, more similar to our. In general, potatoes, as you know, caring to Russia Peter 1, and after several centuries, this culture has become one of the most popular all over the world. Currently, more semi-pile of its varieties are known, the cultivation of half of them is recommended in our country, including varieties of canteens, technical, forage.

This plant is known to everyone, but it is not always grown in Russia.

Potatoes is a plant height from 30 to 150 cm, which, on the parts immersed in the ground, collishes are developing - shoots that form tubers. Tubers can vary in color, sizes, weight, depending on the variety. The most gigantic tubers can reach a kilogram and even more.

What a neighborhood is unacceptable, and what is possible

So you can plant next to potatoes, and what harms him and neighboring cultures?

The right choice of neighborhood improves the crop of both cultures.

Potato does not accidentally have to pay increased attention. First, because landing it, as a rule, takes a lot of space on the plot. Therefore, the choice that put in the aisles of potatoes is very important. Properly thoughtful accommodation will not only improve the quality of potatoes, but also saves the place, makes landing more compacted, and the site will be used more efficiently.

When choosing a plot for potatoes, you need to take into account the following parameters:

  • the illumination of the place is whether the territory is in the sun, in a half or shadow;
  • the level of soil acidity - may be a quille, alkaline or normal;
  • the peculiarity of the soil - the soil can be sandy, chernozem, and Suglink, etc.;
  • dependence of plants-neighbors from irrigation or fertilizer application.

All this must be considered before planting plants on the site. And, of course, to know about the compatibility of different crops when selecting partners.

This successful neighbor can only be envied

It is categorically impossible to place potatoes with plants of the same as he, the families of the Polenic. These include peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, which is associated with common diseases and pests for them. So, even inexperienced summer residents know how instantly can get from potatoes to Tomato Colorad beetle or eat the bushes of eggplants in one night.

It is known to robes, what harm can cause this neighborhood if the phytoophluorosis infection occurs. At the same time, the treatment of potatoes pesticides is less harm than the use of the same solutions for other crops that accumulate more harmful and poisonous substances in the fruits.

Council. In a small area, where it is not found to separate the growing cultivation of this family, it is recommended to divide planting by plants that pests are able to scare their flavors. For example, such opponents of the Colorado beetle as veciatts or calendula show themselves well. Tall corn, beans, beans can also be a kind of shield on the path of harmful insects.

The second unwanted neighbor is strawberry. Planting potatoes next to the plantation of this berry will result in the rainy season a berry can become a black gray rot (this culture is extremely susceptible to this disease), which can turn into potato bushes. They have another insension - nematode, from which potatoes, and strawberry suffer. Wire with such a neighborhood affects potatoes faster than usual.

Council. Separation strips with sowing of carrots, beets, radish or spinach will help protect these cultures from negative mutual influence.

A beautiful rural landscape in which the potato field rests on the golden rim of sunflower, in fact will give a bad harvest. All because oilseed culture extremely consumes nutrients. Therefore, it is possible to grow something next to the sunflower only when an organic fertilizer is introduced into the soil.

Potato row can not be moved by sunflower, if there is such a need to combine these cultures, then it is possible to plant oilsets only in the direction from the north to south - so tall plants at least not lower potato bushes.

What is still bad potatoes? Of course, you should not post it under apple trees, and grapes, the cherry does not benefit such a neighborhood. The crop will be on them, but the taste of fruits is noticeably worse. Unsuccessful placement of potato beds - under currant, raspberry, sea buckthorn.

What to plant next to potatoes next door

From the variants of a bad neighborhood, you can also be called celery, including sheet, root, cherry, and parsley, which also oppresses potatoes.

Determining that it is possible to plant near the potatoes, many dackets choose cucumbers in the neighbors. Firstly, because this vegetable is satisfying everything, and he needs to find a bright place. Secondly, direct prohibitions does not have such a landing. Plants and in fact do not harm each other. However, as in the case of grated, potatoes and pumpkin (and the cucumbers include the cucumbers) have a common misfortune - this is a phytofluorosis disease. More than others suffer from it, it is cucumbers, if this disease is adopted from potatoes. Therefore, special literature often directly contains bans on accommodation next to potatoes of pumpkin, cucumbers, as well as zucchini with patissons. But what to do, if there is no other place, except to arrange them next?

Council. No need to plant prone diseases cucumbers in open ground, it is better to arrange at least mini-guy. Make such a slight adaptation is non-permanent - from wooden or metal arcs and plastic film. On the day, when there is no rain, it can be discovered, substituting the plants with light, air, and at night cucumbers need to be hidden from rain and dew, bias a greenhouse film. With close neighborhood, it is also necessary to gently handle potatoes from pests so that pesticides do not fall on the cucumber landing.

In order to save other pumpkin from infection, it is simply not necessary to allow the contact of the Pumpkins and the Usa Kuccachkov-Patchkovon Kabachkov with potatoes. The phytoofer does not affect the fruit, if the pumpkin is at the moment of the pumpkin under each pitch something that excludes contact with wet ground, for example, wooden planks.

Now about which plants can be placed near potato varies. You can safely land all kinds of cruciferous. The latter includes cabbage, radish and radish.

Radis experienced gardens do not consider a worthy place at all and, remembering its rapid entry into commercial ripeness, spread often seeds directly in potatoes when landing. By the time of the first weeding of potatoes, radishes begins to sleep, and it is safely removed. However, according to the rules, if you need to save the area and seal the landing, it is better to sow radisis in the middle of two dual rows of potatoes. In this case, on the potato beds located on the sides, it is possible to conduct a musting, and after cleaning the radishes to make a dip. When cutting wide, in the meter, rivers, and radish completely feels completely well.

Council. In the alarms, except radish and radish, should not land anything. So, cabbage, generally neutral to potatoes, will be in the oppressed state, because the potato will close the light with his empty powerful tops, and the sun cabbage of any variety needs a lot. In addition, in the thickening of landings, both cultures may be sick with such common and unpleasant disease as a black leg. It is unwanted to place on bezzles and carrots, which, in general, quite well neighing with potato beds. The same can be said about other root corrupts, in particular, beets.

What good

Of the beneficial plants, which in Russian conditions are best seen nearby, you can select the following.

All green cultures and herbs are perfectly suitable for drying near potatoes. Salad, spinach, and especially fragrant dill, parsley, basil, coriander scare some pests with their pronounced odor. At the same time, they do not necessarily place on a separate bed - greens and herbs grow perfectly in a bent.

For the same reason, potato rows of onions and garlic can be sealing, as well as disembark them around the perimeter of the main landings - the smell will protect potatoes.

Combined landings can be quite useful for plants

Separately, it is worth mentioning the ratios of potatoes with plant-sites. Better than others, the mustard is suitable for this role, which is the discharge of the soil from its root system not only under him, but also around. It can be seen between potatoes, but it should be trimmed as soon as the plant will grow high to the level of tops. Roots that remain in the Earth, decaying, will become a good fertilizer. Another best neighbor in the site can be denoted any legumes. This family includes peas, beans, beans, they all improve the soil saturating it with nitrogen. By the way, the roots of the legumes have a special smell that does not tolerate the colorado beetle, does not tolerate the beetle larva. But if the bush beans can no doubt sit at least in rows, even near the potatoes, then the beans are useful only in landings along the edge. After all, they can significantly reduce the taste characteristics of potatoes, only because in the struggle for nutrients (and their legs need a large number) have stronger accumulation opportunities, which is why potatoes suffer.

Pea matures during the processing period of potatoes from the beetle, but chemicals cannot be allowed to ripen peas. Because the potato will be processed only manually, without chemistry, that is, pesticides, then peas can be sowned. The rows of pea in this case should be so as not to shade the landing of a neighbor, that is, from north to south. Finally, the Podlovy Bean Gardeners have long been accustomed to sow along the edge of the potato field. And it is right.

As can be seen from this article, the "mutually polite" nature allowed many plants. It is important to know and observe the features of everyone and place so that cultures in their neighborhood went to each other are not harmful, but for the benefit.

From year to year, the gardeners plant a huge number of different cultures on the garden. Often, when planting vegetables, dackets allow mistakes that can reduce all efforts to get a rich harvest. After all, with the unsuccessful neighboring neighborhood, the plants may be sick and soon die.


Planting potatoes, as well as any other plant, is considered not difficult. Especially when it is necessary to combine various vegetables on neighboring beds. Science of Allelopathy proves that the interaction of neighboring plants can be beneficial or negatively affected by growth and yield. Ground and underground parts of vegetable crops fill the soil with minerals and microelements that affect the composition and taste of vegetable. The question arises, what vegetables and plants can be sowed nearby.

Several factors must be taken into account:

  • as far as the beds are illuminated, whether they are located under the outdoor sun or at the landing site there is a shadow;
  • what is the composition of the soil (clay land, sandstone or chernozem);
  • what is the acidity of soil (neutral composition or alkaline);
  • whether it is necessary to perform regular reinforcement of plants;
  • what amount of watering is required by different cultures.

Based on these parameters, you can safely pick up the "partners" potatoes in the garden.

What cultures will fit potatoes?

Based on soil factors you can highlight a list of favorable "neighbors" for potatoes:

  • The best combination is with bean cultures. These include peas and beans. Thanks to these plants, the soil is impregnated with nitrogen, which has a beneficial effect on the development of potato harvest.
  • Potatoes will be able to grow next to the cabbage of different species. A special impact on the growth of the root of the root will show cauliflower and kolrabi.
  • Next to the potatoes, you can plant greens, such as guts or latch salads.
  • Some gardeners adapted to plant zucchini and eggplants near potato beds, which is also not contraindicated.
  • A good combination will be the neighborhood of potatoes and sugar corn. The soil should be quite fertilized, due to which the crop of both cultures will exceed all expectations. Corn next to potatoes sow exclusively in the warm regions.
  • In the aisle on potato beds, you can sow onions, sorrel and dill. Thanks to the Gardener, all summer will be able to enjoy fresh greens. It is believed that the best protection against the Colorado beetle is carried out by the bow.
  • An important factor is the neighborhood of potatoes with beets. There are no "conflicts" between them between them, they are great for neighboring relationships and feed each other entire period of maturation. In addition, after harvesting, the beet is folded into one bag with potatoes. For one standard bag weighing 25 kg, approximately 5 or 6 beet pieces are taken, depending on its size. Vegetables will not lose their appearance long period and can even simultane in the cellar until next year.

Quite often, robes decorate the territory of the beds with various colors, in order to bring beauty and aesthetics to landing. Gardeners even breed flowers right on the garden rows. Especially popular roses of all varieties. Potatoes helps to cope with the growing colors and increase their number. The fact is that in each potato, there is a nutritious substrate, which contributes to the saturation of the cutle of roses moisture and is divided by phytohormones.

For planting colors, you can use an interesting procedure. You need to choose the rustic flower escape and cut off the paper with a secant. For several hours, lower the plant into a special solution that stimulates the appearance of the roots. After that, the cuttings can be inserted into the prepared potatoes. The tuber should not have visible damage, and need to be removed. Such a "rose in potatoes" is placed in a separate container. For the subsequent landing, it is necessary to prepare a fossa, to focus the land, make drainage. Only after that the prepared flower in the club can be planted, after which it is paintakingly follow its growth and flowering.

Unfortunately, not all vegetable crops can interact without problems. There are such plants that are strictly forbidden to plant close to each other. For potatoes, first of all, the neighborhood with celery is contraindicated. It is impossible to combine potato beds and sunflowers. A pumpkin can be attributed to the list of unwanted neighborhood, although many gardeners do not agree with this fact and plant vegetables in the neighborhood.

Some dackets argue that carrots and potatoes cannot coexist together. But this does not mean that they can not grow nearby. Carrots should not be sowing in the aisle, but in the next row it does not hurt. Thanks to personal experience, each gardener knows that planting potato tubers is categorically prohibited next to tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers, which have an overwhelming effect on potato seedlings. The fact is that tomatoes and peppers are exposed to identical potatoes of diseases. The same applies to the attacks of insect pests.

But not only vegetables can adversely affect the growth of potatoes. Fruit bushes and trees can cause irreparable damage to blossoms of tubers. Make a bed right under the apple tree or near bushes with raspberry or currant is prohibited. Only here the influence will not go to potatoes, but on fruit fruits. The same apples will bring less harvest, and taste qualities will be much worse. Strawberry near potato landings can not be called the best "neighbor." All the wires (larvae of the beetles) will "catch up" here, along the way, affecting the growing fit.

But watermelons, on the contrary, are considered excellent companions with potatoes, but to plant them alongside gardeners are not taken due to the size of berries, which may later become an interference to dig a harvest.

Many gardeners share their observations in the process of collecting harsh vegetables. Some noticed that hell, if you put it on the sides of potato beds, has a beneficial effect on the growth of root. Late potato grade should be planted with peas. By the time of ripening, peas are harvested faster, and its roots remaining in the ground will perform the role of an additional nutrient medium for potato tubers. In addition, the fragrance from the pea rhizoma scares the pests, including the Colorado Beetle.

Attention should be paid to the use of a mixed type of sowing. It lies in landing not only potatoes, but also cabbage, radish and bows. The landing is required by a specific scheme:

About what vegetables can be combined on the garden, see the next video.