Furniture from MDF do it yourself. How the cabinet furniture is arranged: furniture materials and components

  • Preparation for work
  • How to install panels?
  • Making framework
  • Installation of panels

The MDF panels have many positive properties, thanks to which they are becoming increasingly popular and widespread. Among others are cheaper and environmental friendliness. Mounting these panels can almost everyone. This is a pretty simple work for which only sufficient accuracy is required. Perform the decorative wall decoration with the help of MDF panels, without any special professional skills in the field of repair or wood work.

Forming scheme to plastic panels.

What is the MDF panels on the wall?

For the production of MDF uses woodworking waste. However, they differ significantly from the fiberboard and chipboard and in the method of manufacture, and in their characteristics. When they are manufactured, binding substances are not used, production technology is based on the method of hot and dry wood pressing. The use of such a processing method contributes to the fact that the fibers and tubes of the lignin, which make up the wood, under the action of high temperature and pressure are connected with each other due to the plasticity obtained. According to its structure, MDF reminds peculiar felt of wood.

Its mechanical properties of MDF are inferior to most of these materials, their trump card is ecological purity, which is achieved due to the refusal of the use of binding chemicals in their manufacture. This is the perfect material for interior decoration. When working with this material, you must adhere to the same rules as when working with a tree. To glue the MDF panels, the same glue is used as for wood. However, liquid nails specially designed for MDF are glue. This glue includes wood sawdust, due to which it can be used not only for gluing, but also for putting down various defects, such as gaps. In addition, this glue can be used to close the hats of the screws.

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When purchasing materials, pay attention to the color of the glue and the decorative trim of the MDF panels. Otherwise, glue can spoil the appearance of the finish.

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Preparation for work

MDF panel installation circuit.

Installation of panels is performed mainly using ordinary household tools that are in every home. From specific devices you will need a plumb that can be made independently. To do this, just touch the line or durable thread on the nut. In addition, stock up with a building level, tape measure and a shock to a drill, which allows you to screw the screws. The last you will need if you do not have a special screwdriver. You may need a metal coal with the sides of different thickness, it is also called a plumbing. It will take you to simplify the cutting panels for the design of slopes. It is used like this: the cut lead, leaning on the cattata of less thickness, and the thicker catat is used as emphasis.

You can cut the panels with an electric jigsaw or a manual disk saw. If these tools you have to buy, then note that the cost of the saw with a depth of 12 mm is much higher than the cost of the jig. However, the versatility of the saw should also be taken into account. When replacing the discs, it can be used to saw up a wide variety of materials. In addition, drank compact and convenient to operate.

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How to install panels?

Before installing the MDF panel, the walls must be calculated and purchased in the required quantity. Determine how much material will be needed, quite simple. To do this, it is enough to calculate the surface area, which will be facing, and add 15% about the reserve.

Mounting scheme of the suspended ceiling from PVC panels.

Survey the room before starting work. If it ever seen, the wall covering the swollen or cracked, on the plaster there are noticeable irregularities or the thickness of its layer is less than 1.2 cm, then it is necessary to thoroughly prepare the surface. To do this, it is necessary to completely clean the capital wall from plaster and remove the plinths.

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There are 2 ways to install MDF. The first implies the device of the crate to which the panels will be attached, and special galvanized profiles will be required for the second.

Run the installation of a wooden crate is easier than installing profiles.

Scheme of additional profiles.

It will take less hardware for fasteners, but its cost is higher than the cost of profiles. When performing a wooden lattice, racks or a hill must be soaked in a special antifungal composition, as well as process materials that will protect them from rot and mold.

It is not recommended to use a crate in brick houses and in rawrooms, as ideal conditions are created in the space between the wall and facing for pests. You will not notice that the finish is damaged until the mold or fungus comes outward, and when it happens, they will already have an extensive spread. Malicious particles can penetrate the crate through brick pores.

For the manufacture of a metal frame, you will need P-shaped profiles: guides and conventional (UD and CD, respectively). The main difference between them is a configuration in the context.

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Making framework

Dowels or self-tapping screws are used to attach a wooden crate to the wall. Only self-tapping screws are used for metal crates. The diameter of the fastener should be from 4 to 6 mm, depending on the strength of the base wall: the stronger, the smaller the diameter. The mounting element must be drove into the base wall at least 3 cm. That is, if the thickness of the MDF 1.6 cm panel, the thickness of the cladder element is 4 cm, the plaster with a layer of 1.2 cm is applied to the wall, then it is permissible to use screws or dowels long at least 10 cm.

Installation of a wooden crate begins with the installation of vertical racks. They put in every corner in pairs, so that an angle formed between them. Also vertical racks are located on the sides of the door and window openings for the entire height of the room. They should be located strictly vertically. You can check it with a plumb.

The history of furniture from the MDF (from the English MDF - MediumDensityFibreboard) originates in the 60s of the last century, when the US fibreboard manufacturing technology began to actively apply in the USA. And although this material began to be used only in the furniture production of the post-Soviet countries, this material was used only after 30 years, this did not prevent him from quickly gaining popularity and make a serious competition of chipboard and natural wood. Modern technical means make it possible to make facades from MDF in any form and color palette, however, a more important aspect is the unique properties of the material, thanks to which the furniture is able to withstand serious external loads, which is especially important for the kitchen.

For the manufacture of MDF, various waste of the woodworking industry is used. First, they are processed into fine sawdust, which are subsequently pressed under the influence of high temperature. A special resin is applied as a binder, causing minimal formaldehyde emissions, which puts this material in one row with a conventional tree in terms of environmental friendliness.

Compared to a chipboard, MDF has a denser structure

The main advantage of MDF to chipboard and natural wood is a smaller dependence of the material from the level of humidity in the room. It is known that the chipboard with a brief contact with water loses its shape and strength. A tree over time dries, with the result that cracks can appear on furniture, which are not always visible under varnish, but perfectly noticeable under ordinary paint. In turn, the fibreboard of the medium density plate is less susceptible to similar deformation processes, therefore it is often used for the manufacture of kitchen facades.

Note! The ability of the MDF to oppose moisture is determined by the density indicator. In the average density of such a material in different manufacturers is 700 kg / m³. If it exceeds 1000 kg / m³, then the plate is able to calmly carry high humidity indoors without additional use of moisture-resistant impregnation.

Despite its strength, the MDF refers to soft materials and is very easy to handle, so furniture makers and designers like it. Having a milling machine at hand, it appears to make almost any profile. If the design of the kitchen assumes the presence of semicircular elements, a sheet to the necessary form can be bent with the press.

Professional production of kitchen MDF facades

The process of manufacturing furniture facades with the use of specialized equipment includes several technological steps:

  • cutting sheet;
  • surface milling;
  • exterior finish.

Cutting sheet material

The MDF sheets used in the furniture production initially have a large format, therefore subjected to an additional cut. The sawing of the material according to the specified sizes is carried out on format-cutting machines that can cut off at any angle. The depth of the cut in such machines reaches 21 cm, allowing you to cut several sheets at once, which is very convenient in the case of mass production.

To make a facade of MDF with a uniform coating, it is necessary to completely eliminate the presence of micro-chips and other defects that can appear after the manual saw. Modern format-cutting machines Thanks to special disks allow you to immediately achieve the perfect result, therefore the end surface does not require serious processing. The end of the sick edge end the facade end is exposed only to the finishing grinding to remove the woody dust after cutting.

Cutting sheet material on a format-cutting machine

Milling surface

If the design of the kitchen assumes the presence of smooth facades, then there is no need for milling the outer plane. However, very often customers require making furniture with original decorative elements, for which the surface processing is performed by the cutting tool on milling equipment.

Important! The quality of milling should be very high. Otherwise, after applying a decorative coating, the likelihood of manifestation and strengthening of all disadvantages of milling is high.

For the manufacture of decorative facades from MDF, as a rule, special patterns are used, along which the cutter cuts the desired contour on the surface of the plate. On advanced enterprises, CNC machines are used for such purposes, allowing you to create absolutely any drawing in minutes.

Milling processing MDF on CNC machine

Foreign finish with polymer film

The finish of facades is the most important stage in the production of kitchen furniture, since the service life of the product depends on the quality of the external coating. MDF can be covered with enamel or polymer film. If the facade painting is quite realistic at home (this technology will be described below), then the facing of the prepared part of PVC film is available only in the conditions of the workshop in the presence of special equipment - a thermal pump.

The facade finish with a polymer film is performed in such a sequence:

  1. The ends and the outer plane of the parts are covered with a layer of glue.
  2. The facades are evenly laid out on the table of the thermal pumping press.
  3. The polymer film of the suitable color is stacked on top.
  4. The table is lowered by a protective cover, insulating parts and a film from the external environment.
  5. It turns on the heating of the workspace with simultaneous air pumping to create the necessary vacuum.
  6. Under the influence of high temperature and negative pressure, the film softens and covers every item tightly.
  7. At the end of the cycle, the parts are cooled, after which the excess film is cut along the contour.

Production of facades from MDF on a thermal pump

How to make facades for the kitchen at home

If desire and technical capabilities, you can make kitchen MDF facades on their own. This will require:

  • plate MDF;
  • circular Saw;
  • sandpaper of different grainability (P180-240, P320-400);
  • scotch-Bright;
  • filler for wood;
  • soil insulator;
  • polyurethane soil;
  • acrylic enamel;
  • acrylic lacquer.

Cutting MDF Plate

To make facades for the kitchen, to begin with, you should purchase a MDF slab. Usually, furniture makers use sheets with a thickness of 16 mm or 19 mm - this is quite enough to create reliable kitchen furniture. Of course, you can purchase a sheet and larger, but this does not mean much, if only such a thickness is not needed to implement some designer idea.

By purchasing MDF with furniture makers, you can immediately cut the EEC consideration of the necessary sizes. The average price of such a service is 40-50 rubles. For the meter of cutting. If there is every penny on the account, this work can be performed on your own, for which you need a disk saw.

To simplify the work, it is better to pre-divide the plate into several smaller fragments, of which then drink parts for future kitchen facades. Despite the fact that the MDF is less pronounced than the chipboard, in the process of cutting should be very neat, to prevent micro chips or At least reduce their presence to a minimum.

To make kitchen facades without curvature, the saw should move using the guide structure

Painting surface

Film facing, which is performed in factory conditions, is considered to be more resistant to mechanical damage and aggressive cleaning agents. In fact, modern paints and varnishes are also able to withstand serious loads characteristic of the kitchen, and do not lose their properties over time.

In order for the coating to have a uniform structure and securely kept on MDF, it is necessary to paint on such instructions:

  1. Processing the surface of the part of the emery P180-240 to remove the gloss and create the necessary abrasive.
  2. Apply the poreller and give it to dry out (drying - 4 hours).
  3. Pour the surface of the emery p
  4. Apply a primer-insulator (consumption - 90 gr. / M², drying - 6 hours).
  5. Remove the abrasive emery P320-400.
  6. Apply polyurethane soil (consumption - 150 gr. / M², drying - 10 hours).
  7. Prepare the surface to paint using the essay P 320-400 and scotch-bright.
  8. Apply acrylic enamel (consumption - 200 gr. / M², drying - 10 hours).
  9. Open the facade of acrylic varnish (consumption - 150 gr. / M², drying - 6 hours).

Tip! Apply soils and paints and varnishes are best using a sprayer or use special containers with sprayers.

Production of painted facades for the kitchen from MDF should be performed in pure and unsuccession

Technology manufacturing bent facades with their own hands

Sometimes the design of the kitchen involves the manufacture of curved structures, which are made on furniture enterprises with the help of a molding press. To make a bent facade from MDF with their own hands, you need to apply the following technology:

  1. Take a sheet of MDF with a thickness of 9 mm and cut two blanks from it - one for the outside of the facade, the other for the inner. Since the outside the radius is more, the external item must be a little longer.
  1. Make a template for forming a semicircular facade. For this purpose, you can use any design with a suitable bend radius.
  1. Apply the markup from the inside of the blanks for propilov, which will allow you to bend the sheet. Duties need to be done only in the bend place, the distance between them is 5 mm. The disk saw should be configured so that the cutting depth is 7-8 mm.
  1. From a mixture of sawdust and joinery glue to make a step of medium consistency to fill the cuts. You need to rub the paste with a spatula, moving it along the cut from the center to the edge to eliminate air pockets.
  1. After filling the adhesive paste of all cuts to install an internal blank on the template.

Kitchen facades of bent mold always look stylish and original

Working with MDF is easier than with a chipboard, since this material does not crumble in the process of cutting and milling. Nevertheless, it is not so easy to make beautiful furniture. Without relevant skills and experience, it is possible to spoil the product, as a result of which the estimated savings will turn into a loss. Therefore, the order of kitchen facades in professionals may eventually be more profitable not only in aesthetic, but financially.

In the interior of each house, in the office or apartment there is necessarily furniture. And when the question is how to place the room, everyone wants to choose the option of predatory, financially beneficial and in reliable quality.

No one wants to pay money for furniture, which has a short life. It is necessary to choose products so that they do not lose attractiveness and do not fall apart. This can only happen if you purchase low-quality products.


Let's try to deal with this question in detail. With the advent of new material in the construction market it became possible to produce high-quality furniture at an affordable cost.

Since natural wood is much more expensive at cost and more difficult in processing, the novelty MDF successfully began to compete with this material. The harmful of the wood furniture and the MDF is zero.

What's better?

Excellent MDF qualities:

  • the advantage of mechanical characteristics;
  • more profitable value;
  • ease of processing without having to use many woodworking machines.

As part of MDF, natural fibers that are glued in a special way using polymer glue - lignin, which does not cause allergic reactions, is absolutely harmless to health. Therefore, it is not necessary to worry about the safety of use in residential premises.

You can safely acquire MDFTo order furniture designs from it for:

  • nursery;
  • bedroom rooms;

  • living room.

Facards of furniture from MDF can be chosen torrent.

In comparison with chipboard, MDF has no toxic components. It is very important for the health of all people who are indoors with such furniture.

Good furniture from MDF price is lower than that of natural wood products.

In more detail about what is better, MDF or chipboard, look at the video:


For classic furniture options from MDF, it is possible to add docts and facades, which have a very unusual form. This is possible due to the high plasticity of the material. Bending it, you can achieve the required thickness and shape.

If you choose furniture from MDF for the kitchen, you can not worry about the impact on this material moisture and temperature drops, the material will not absorb moisture. About moisture resistant MDF for walls. This is confirmed by many tests and experiences themselves.

Glossy MDF furniture covered with varnish, it will be impressive in any interior.

You can buy panels from MDF and make original and durable with them. If you choose options, they can be applied on them any image to order, and it will become unique in your kitchen.

Bathroom furniture

Practical material is successfully used in the bathroom. For such a thought-out coating that has antiseptic properties.

This is very important in order for the time in the furniture, fungi and microorganisms do not appear. Thanks to the wide range of panels, the furniture for the bathroom can be chosen for every taste.

For the operating situation, you must create the appropriate conditions.

For offices, furniture acquire, the cost of which will be acceptable, and the appearance is attractive. For this purpose, the same material is well suited - MDF.

A diverse selection of colors gives complete freedom of action for designers. Office furniture MDF can be made of veneer.

In order for the furniture to be attractive, you can decorate the kitchen facades using various materials. There are several common species Decoring with MDF:

  • enamel;
  • film. about the kitchen facades of the film;
  • plastic;
  • veneered.

If you choose painted MDF for the manufacture of furniture on which paint is applied, you can count on material with the properties of environmental safety, strength and reliability.

Moreover, the palette of shades for staining is so diverse that it can satisfy the wishes of the most exquisite tastes.

For the production of furniture from the MDF, it takes less time and forces, it is not necessary to use machines. Such panels are made according to GOST MDF for furniture.

They can be a varied performed:

  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • with gradient transitions;
  • chameleons.

If you choose an enameled panel, it should be borne in mind that it is slippery. But on such a material, pollution is less noticeable.

Currently, in the trend, the matte surfaces of the MDF. They will become an attractive accent of the interior.

But it is noted that the fingerprints are more visible on the matte panels.

Whatever the choice, care for furniture from MDF is simple, it does not take much time. You can take as a wet fabric, and additionally add cleaning products. Price per sheet MDF panel is more profitablethan genuine wood.

MDF, which are laminated by the film, can be cleaned even with an abrasive agent. Film for MDF furniture perfectly protects the panels. The material is sufficiently resistant to mechanical effects, but does not tolerate temperature differences. Therefore, more suitable for the bathroom, children's or office.

Film MDFs are used to decorate the facades that have a protective function. With this material, you can create a lot of original options in order to process the finished facade.

The MDF sheet decor for furniture is varied and will create any interiors.

Thanks to the exceptional quality of film facades MDF, their properties are guaranteed:

  • quality;
  • availability;
  • durability.

If you wish to buy furniture with plastic facing, you can count on the fact that the products will serve for a long time and reliably.

They are not afraid of exposure to direct sunlight and mechanical damage. Choose your favorite version with imitation of any texture to your taste.

You can order furniture from MDF in plastic to your taste. There may be options from one-sided and double-sided plastic. If plastic is located on both sides of the MDF, The furniture will have a more spectacular look. In addition, such materials are reliably protected from moisture. Will not give in deformation.

High durability and reliability of panels that are covered with veneer allow you to create furniture that will delight the strength and reliability of a long period of time.

Visually products are almost indistinguishable from natural wood furniture.

Panels can be under such shades mDF Colors for FurnitureThey can be viewed in the photo:

  • mahogany;

  • oak;
  • beech;
  • cherries;
  • nut;
  • apple trees;
  • alder.

Making your own hands

In order to create a furniture design yourself, it is no longer necessary to acquire expensive natural wood. Furniture manufacturer from MDF for the living room will be an excellent option in order to create cabinet furniture from sponied MDF into the hallway.

To begin with, learn the range of offers on various sites. When you precisely decide on the desired option, proceed to the creation of the drawings. To do this, you need to measure with particular accuracy so that the finished products clearly correspond to the parameters of the room.

Modular MDF furniture can be ordered in the factory. But if there is a desire and forces, the furniture can be made personally. So, the exact dimensions of the future entrance hall to bring into the designer, which is now a lot on the Internet.

Choose a more accessible site and act confidently. After performing the drawings, you can calculate the number of sheets.

The best material for the manufacture of furniture will be durable reliable MDF. Do not forget to take into account the thickness of the MDF profile for furniture, consult your seller before purchased.

Traditionally, the MDF thickness plate for furniture is 16 mm, there are variants of a thickness of 10 mm and 22 mm. For the manufacture of door cloths, the dimensions of 10 mm are traditionally used, the shelves are made from the panels whose width is 22 mm. Such dimensions are suitable for decorating products.

Almost all elements of furniture structures are 16 mm thick. Doors - thinner, and the facades are thicker. In order to cut the material, you can take the electrolovka. This is a more labor-intensive process. There are also workshops where you can order sawt panels. This will achieve a smoother and smooth edge.

Additionally, you can purchase elementsthat will help to quickly create structures:

  • eaves for furniture;

  • furniture pilasters;

  • components for furniture and lining for upholstered furniture;
  • lining on decorative furniture;
  • mDF edge for furniture;

  • About 3D panels for walls.

Repair and restoration

In order to repair furniture with MDF facades, you need to replace only individual items. Designers are offered with the aim of restoration to perform decoupage of doors for furniture and planks for furniture. The furniture is most often wearing the edge.

To restore it, you can purchase a shift option and secure on the edges of a hot iron. Without edge, the furniture can swell.

There are several varieties of the edge:

  • melamine - the most affordable in value But not enough durable. It is her and glued with an iron;

  • pVC - In order to glue such a material, a special machine is required. The edge of 4.4 mm thick is glued to ends, which are not visible. 2 mm is suitable for outside sides, because they get load and friction;
  • aBS is similar to PVC, but more harmless to health, because more secure in terms of ecology;
  • views T - shaped mortise profile - It is inserted into the groove cutters, which is prepared in advance. The use of such a profile is not as often as;

  • types of mortise T - profile;
  • overhead options P - profile - They are successfully glued, even if you make furniture yourself. To do this, you can purchase one of the variants of liquid nails. In this case, there is some drawback associated with the protrusion of the edge by millimeters;

P-shaped profiling

You can also create a fresh look for furniture, which has long been manufactured. To do this, use the White MDF Canyon. The furniture will become more contrasting and spectacular.

In order to create spectacular interiors, it looks good combination of furniture MDF from white gloss And also successfully combine for the manufacture of furniture from MDF Opadiris with a white canyon from MDF.

Cabinets will be elegant and visually lighter. Facade-panel manufacturing companies for MDF furniture can offer a lot of options for successful design solutions.

Belarusian furniture and her hand

In order to equip the interior, I want to choose the best option. Belarusian furniture is characterized by excellent quality, modern design, affordable. With such furniture you can give home interior originality with sophisticated luxury and elegance.

The quality of such furniture is not inferior to leading European manufacturers. But its cost is more accessible.

You can choose high-quality and inexpensive products for every taste.

Soft and cabinet furniture from Belarus is a great combination of beauty and reliability. The use of a wooden handle allows you to decorate the products and make them unique.


Quality, durable and reliable material, MDF is used to arrange the premises of any type. The main advantage of using panels is a comfortable for a person. The material will be used for children's rooms, kindergartens and hospitals.

Since the products are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the GOST, the quality and strength of the panels can not be worried. Choose coloring, tones and types of coverage, create and get excellent furniture of your own manufacture or from reliable manufacturers!

With the development of technologies on the market, more and more construction and finishing materials appear. At the end of the last century, we have MDF. There are MDF plates that are used in construction work, there are finishing panels that can be searched walls / ceilings or make furniture.

What is the MDF and the method of its manufacture

MDF in our market appeared in the last years of the last century, and invented it in the United States in the late 60s of the 20th century. It is possible to understand what MDF is if you translate its English-language name - MDF - Medium density fibreboard. It is translated into Russian as a "fiberglass of medium density". That is, a Russian-speaking name was formed using transliteration - instead of Latin letters put similar Russians. Normal, for our language, phenomenon.

MDF - Fibrous Middle Density Stove

Manufacturing process

MDF made of wood, grinding to a state of very fine chips, practically to the state of the fibers. Used, mainly woodworking waste, so that the release of this material harm forests does not cause.

Ground wood is purified from sand and other extraneous enclosures, washed, dried. The prepared mass is heated, form the ribbon of the required width from it, after which they are pressed. Under pressure from heated woody fibers, a natural binder is a lignin. It is he who is binding in this material. The final form of products betrayed in the finish press, which squeezes the residues of air from the mass, forming a homogeneous structure of MDF.

After pressing, the cooled material is fed to grinding, where the flaws on the surface are removed from MDF, the material is removed to the required thickness.

Not all wood breeds give a sufficient number of binding. Then add a similar, previously dedicated, lignin or other natural binder. Of all sheet wood materials, MDF is considered the safest, since the binder is natural, and the formaldehyde emission is comparable to wood indicators (F1 emission class, that is, the use of furniture for children's and medical institutions is allowed).

In the production of wood-fibrous plates, you can give special properties. Basically, the moisture resistance of the additive increases moisture resistance and reduce flammability.

Appearance and form of release

In the "pure" form, the material has a grayish brown color, a homogeneous tight mass. The exact shade depends on the type of wood ground and the amount of bark. In this form, the material is used as a construction sheet - to erect light partitions, alignment of the walls.

The MDF surface can be "enlarged." It can be painted, seminate PVC film, sack veneer or plastic. This gives a fairly large number of design options, which is used in the furniture industry, in the production of finishing materials.

Production technology allows you to form products of various shapes, thickness, size. With finishing press, you can form a certain relief, which is used in the manufacture of furniture, doors. Also from MDF finishing materials - plates, panels. Make it from it the plinth, platbands, the other hand. All these materials can be used for interior decoration.

The structure of the MDF is fine-fiber, dust is formed during the milling, which allows you to make carvings. This is used in the manufacture of carved decorative elements - panels, decorative lattices, figured furniture facades.

MDF or chipboard - what is better?

Appearing on the market, MDF created competition. It was facilitated by its properties:

All this led to the growing popularity of the material. Even despite the fact that MDF is more expensive than chipboard. To some extent, MDF even amounted to wood competition. For example, plinths are increasingly used, platbands from MDF, finishing panels. This is due to the first, lower cost, secondly, greater practicality. Wood requires regular care - painting, varnishing. MDF does not require special care. It is simply wiped with a damp cloth, if necessary, using a liquid detergent.

Plates MDF.

MDF plate manufacturing technology allows you to vary the density wide limits: the minimum indicator is 760-780 kg / m 3, the maximum is 1100 kg / m 3 and even higher. Material with less density is used where the load on the abrasion is low: in the furniture industry, for decoration of walls and ceiling.

MDF plates of high density are used for floor finish. The material of this category has high resistance to abrasion: one and a half times higher than that of an oak (oak - 6.9, MDF - 10-11). If adding that the diagonal warp coefficient is only 1.2 mm per meter diagonally (at plywood 15 mm), the love of furnitureeers and finishers to this material becomes clear.

Dimensions and tolerances

One of the most popular forms of release - plates of different thickness and format. They can be found with such parameters:

With MDF plates, it is convenient to work conveniently, since this material has very small tolerances from sizes:

  • the difference in thickness can not exceed 0.2 mm (at plywood 0.5-2.5 mm);
  • length may differ no more than 5 mm;
  • range in width can not be more than 2 mm.

When docking two sheets, the difference in thickness or sizes is very small or there is no one. Therefore, the MDF finish sheets or panels is moving quickly.

Types of finishing of the surface of the sheet material

MDF plates are manufactured with different types of surface treatment:

If we talk about construction and repair, the MDF grilged plates are used in them. When aligning the walls or installation of light partitions, when aligning the floor and ceiling. Here is an approximate area of \u200b\u200bapplication.

Mounting on the frame

If the surface of the wall or the ceiling is uneven (deviations more than 1 cm), the method of mounting the sheet MDF is the same as at drywall - on the frame. The frame is usually collected from wooden bars, but no one forbids to put profiles under plasterboard. The cross section of the bars is selected based on the irregularities of the wall - they must compensate for all the height difference. Most likely, you will need a 20 * 30 mm bars or something so. They are stuffing horizontally with a step of 40 cm. With this step of the sheets of sheets (they are, if the ceiling height is higher than 280 cm) comes to the bar.

Under the installation of leaf panels from the same bar, vertical jumpers are installed. They are put in increment:

  • 54. 3 cm - for sheets of a width of 2170 mm;
  • 42.3 cm or 63.5 cm for 1270 mm width.

The step of the vertical jumper installation depends on the thickness of the selected material. For thin sheets (3-4 mm), it should be less for thick (5-6 mm) can be made more.

Lists / Plates of MDF are attached to the collected frame. Feature (compared to drywall) is that for hidden attachment it is necessary to drill holes under fasteners. Otherwise, the fastener will not go into a dense slab. So that the caps are not sticking over the surface, the hole is expanded by using a larger diameter drill.

After installing the screws on the surface there are holes. They are embedded with putty. If it is supposed to put the walls of the walls, act as when - first put the holes close up, immediately removing the spatula of the surplus. After drying, there are places of putty sandpaper with thin grain - to finally get rid of possible irregularities. Then, dust the surface, proceed to the shtlocking of the walls.

Installation on glue

If the walls are smooth, you can mount the MDF plates without a frame - on glue. You can use liquid nails or the composition of the type cm-11. The order of work is:

So that in the process of installing the sheet does not move anywhere, you can make holes in the corners and, after alignment, fix the sheet. Even if the tapping screw is held only in the plaster, it will help, as it is required only at the initial stage - while the glue does not begin to fit.

This method seems more simple and costs less (due to the absence of a frame), but to align bulky MDF plates is not easy. It is better to try on a small segment of the wall. The fact is that it is impossible to disassemble the established. Only if destroying the trim completely. So it is worth thinking which methods better.

Installation of sheet MDF on the floor

For laying on the floor, moisture-resistant MDF plates of a large density (from 900 kg / m 3 and above) are selected. Sheet thickness - from 5 mm when laying on a draft floor and from 10 mm when mounting on the lags. In this case, the installation method is similar to the alignment of the floor with plywood, only the gaps are less, as the wood cooker changes much less plywood. The rest of the rules are similar:

After grinding putty, the surface of the floor from the MDF plates is ready for painting. If you do everything neatly, it turns out perfectly smooth floor. This foundation can be used and as a basis for flexible finishing materials or under laminate.

Finishing panels MDF.

Small-dispersive pressed plates serve as the main for the production of decorative finishing panels. The facial surface is covered with paper. This is the cheapest option. A little more expensive laminate PVC film. There are also panels that are saved by veneer. This is more expensive material. There are also options with plastic, but it is already quite rare.

MDF panel with volumetric image - 3D

MDF decorative panels most often cut the walls, sometimes the ceiling. This method of finishing allows you to save time: the surface and align, and immediately take the final form, since the additional finish is not required.

Types of decorative MDF panels

We will discuss not coloring and shades, but about the inlet form and the type of decorative surface. In the form of finishing panels from pressed wood fibers are:

When choosing the MDF panels, pay attention to the finish type. The cheapest material is covered with paper, on top of which a thin layer of protective coating is applied. It is clear that such a surface is quickly scratched, it is possible to wipe it only and an extremely soft slightly damp cloth. It is impossible to use even a rough sponge, otherwise, light spots are formed. These MDF panels are good for finishing the ceiling - there is no mechanical load there. If you install them on the walls, it is better to immediately cover two layers of varnish. The type of surface is choosing themselves - gloss, semi-small, matte, semi-mone ... It is important that the film is durable.

More expensive - with PVC and veneer - additional finishes do not require, but at a price of 2-3 times more expensive. If the budget is limited, described above the option is not bad.

Methods of installation

MDF panels are mounted or on the frame, or directly on the wall, with the help of glue. The technologies are described in the previous paragraph and is distinguished by the fact that montage uses curvators - special mounting plates for complementary installation. The first panel on the wall is installed in the corner. Here it is attached through with the help of self-tapping. All the others are fixed by the clemas. After the installation is completed, the corners are closed with a special angular profile. It is mounted on glue - apply a thin layer and pressed at the installation site.

There is also a profile system - starter, finishing, connecting and angular (external and inner corner). But this fastening system is more expensive, it is used with MDF panels trimmed with veneer, square or rectangular format.

There is another subtlety of the installation of decorative MDF panels on the ceiling. If you use thin sheets / strips - 3-4 mm thick - it is necessary to put the suspension, otherwise the material will drive under its own weight. When using a plate 6-8 mm, the thickness of the suspension can be set less frequently. They are tougher and not bent. But the weight of the finish will be greater, so you have to use more powerful guides and the suspensions themselves.

Possessing many advantages of natural wood, including environmental friendliness, the MDF slabs are much cheaper, and it is much easier to work with them.

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What is MDF?

How do MDF? MDF abbreviation - medium density tree fiber plates - originated from their English name "Medium Density Fibreboard". This slab material is produced by pressing very small wood sawdust under pressure and at high temperature. As an adhesive, the lignin contained in the tree cells is, thanks to which the MDF can be called an environmentally friendly material close to the safety to the wood.

The popularity of MDF. Due to the fact that in a number of countries from slant materials that allocate formaldehyde are gradually refused, the MDF is increasingly popular - as an inexpensive environmentally friendly material with excellent physical properties.

In the photo: MDF plates from the company Sortea.

Physical characteristics. The way MDF makes the unique performance properties of this material. Density, strength, soundproof properties, preservation of shape for a long time and lack of toxicity.
MDF is a very convenient and pleasant material in the work. With a low thickness, fibreboard plates of medium density have excellent hardness. Their surface is homogeneous, smooth and smooth, which makes it easier to process.

Where are the MDF? The scope of application of the material is truly wide. The plates of the small thickness itself are used to make the rear walls of the cabinets and bottoms of drawers. MDF is tightly used in the production of profiled furniture facades, walls of cabinets, countertops. The most thick sheets are suitable for the manufacture of table covers, as well as figure furniture legs.
MDF is used in the production of furniture, doors, platbands. This material is ideal for milling.

Final decoration plates. MDF can be lacquered and painted. For surface facing, PVC film, laminate, artificial or natural veneer is used. The surface of fiberboard medium density plates is ideal for different cladding.

MDF and analogs

Comparison with chipboard. MDF surpasses chipboard for a number of items: chipboard plates are much less environmentally friendly, and their density is significantly less. On the other hand, the MDF is an order of magnitude higher.

Comparison with fiberboard.In many ways, MDF and DVP are similar: both by the method of production, and in physical characteristics. However, working with MDF plates is an order of magnitude more pleasant, due to a more dense and homogeneous structure. After all, the composition of the Fiberboard is fibers and small wood chips, the MDF is very small sawdust, almost dust. The final finish of the medium density fibreboard due to the smoothness of both sides will also be easier.

Comparison with wood.Middle density wood fiber plates are much cheaper than a tree. At the same time, their structure is more homogeneous (no emptiness), and even. In addition, moisture-proof MDF can be used in "wet zones" without fear that the material will swell from high humidity.

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