Heart matters, or how to conquer an Aquarius man. How a man in love Aquarius shows his feelings

It’s not easy to follow the changes in the mood of the Aquarius man and to build relations with him correctly. Most representatives of this sign are unstable, they quickly change their views and opinions, it is almost impossible to predict their next step. Aquarius can be soft and unexpectedly harsh, calmly treat fights, patiently listen to a woman’s remarks, and then suddenly lose control over herself for a very minor reason.

Much depends on the habit of the Aquarius man to immerse himself in himself and think for a long time about something. A woman probably will not have time to orient when her beloved pays attention to what is happening around and expresses a strong protest. She already said the same thing, he did not care and did not offend him, what happened? How to understand a man-Aquarius, who a moment ago seemed completely calm, and now instantly turned into a strict and tough person, is ready to permanently break off relations because of an ordinary quarrel? In such a situation, it is important to focus and try to return your loved one to a good mood. It is necessary to avoid open quarrels, conflicts and not to test the patience of Aquarius, because he is irritated suddenly and very much. Remember some of the features inherent in many representatives of the sign, be more attentive to your chosen one, be sure to consider his tastes, follow the requirements. Sometimes you will need to take the initiative to build relationships with Aquarius correctly. The main thing is to learn to understand him, to predict his actions, despite the fact that Aquarius is quite closed from nature.

Immersed in the thoughts and dreams of a male Aquarius
Most complicates communication with the Aquarius man is his excessive reverie. A tendency to think is characteristic of many representatives of this sign, while Aquarius usually does not like to share their dreams and thoughts. Often, women find themselves not only in funny situations, but also in sad ones, not observing in time the mood of their beloved ...

  1. He is silent. When a Aquarius man is silent and reflects, it easily reaches the point of absurdity. You can contact him, ask about something, and he will answer inappropriately or just watch with a misunderstanding. If a woman tries to return her beloved “to the ground,” she insists on talking to him and demanding an answer, Aquarius will probably not like it. He will perceive this as an invasion of his personal space, will be indignant at the lack of tact. At such moments, it is better to leave the Aquarius man alone. Just look at the situation from the other side: let your beloved think, because he does not require your attention. And you are free at the moment, will be able to calmly go about your business: chat with friends, for example.
  2. Bouts of anger.  You talked, and then the Aquarius man suddenly lost his temper. How to understand the Aquarius man, so soft and calm, when he is suddenly irritated, screaming and reacting to your words as if he were hearing them for the first time? Surely all this is easy to explain. Apparently, Aquarius did not listen to you, and then he again “turned on” the conversation, began to respond to your words. His behavior seems so strange to you, because you have already gotten used to his calmness, which was actually due to the fact that Aquarius was simply distracted. For representatives of this sign, this behavior is typical. That is why a woman must always be invariably delicate in order to maintain a warm relationship with her beloved.
  3. What is he thinking about?  Usually women start to get seriously worried when Aquarius thinks. Immediately there are thoughts about rivals, betrayals, possible discontent of a loved one. It is worth noting that for representatives of the sign, daydreaming is typical as a character trait, immersion in mirages for them is a kind of hobby. This gives the Aquarius man pleasure, helps him to relax and rest.
  4. Absolute order. Often, when the Aquarius Man returns to reality, he immediately begins to make comments. It is important to understand the Aquarius man who appreciates comfort and is extremely kind to the order in the house. The recently thoughtful and detached Aquarius looks around - his gaze immediately attracts a lot of little things invisible to you. But they annoy him. Try to be more loyal, listen to the requests of a loved one. This is very important for him, otherwise he probably would not have contacted you, asked to fix something. A Aquarius man usually makes a complaint only when he really needs it.
  5. Cleanliness and fear of germs. Many Aquarius are characterized by excessive cleanliness. The fact is that a male Aquarius can really be painful. He fears getting infected, is disgusted by dirt on an organic level. In addition, representatives of this sign have allergic reactions to dust, pollen, and wool. That is why it is necessary to maintain literally sterile cleanliness in the house. If the Aquarius man points to some fluffy invisible to the eye and requires you to clean it better, do not be offended by it: for your loved one, this is really important.
  6. Researcher.  Some women are misled by the genuine interest of Aquarius. He asks you about your childhood, work, listens carefully to your stories? Have you decided that he fell in love? It is not worth rushing things: it is likely that Aquarius is conducting his usual “research”. This is a great experimenter, he is interested in almost every person, he seeks to understand the nuances of characters, the causes of actions. But only out of curiosity.
  7. Why is he not jealous?  Sometimes it’s not easy to please women. Jealous men scare them and push them away with disbelief. And the lack of jealousy in Aquarius is instantly associated with a lack of love. Some imprudent women even begin to cause this feeling among their chosen ones purposefully. How to understand the Aquarius man, who in response to such actions calmly evaluates the qualities of another man, notes whether you should establish a relationship with him? The fact that many Aquarius jealousy is completely not characteristic. They are ready to let the woman go, see in her first of all a friend. It’s better not to try to arouse jealousy in your beloved: he is capable of breaking up amazingly quickly and easily.
  8. Attitude to marriage.  Unfortunately, the marriage of Aquarius men is often not attractive. Representatives of this sign do not want to bind themselves with obligations, and in relations with women they value mutual understanding, the ability to be a true friend. The prospect of family life usually repels Aquarius, and official registration is frankly scary. It may be wiser not to insist on marriage when you love this person: he will be able to show care and tenderness without registration, but he will feel more comfortable.
Try to get used to the features of your beloved, to understand the dreamy Aquarius man who likes to contemplate and reason more than to act. This will also give you some freedom. It is enough for you to treat Aquarius a little more carefully to avoid possible differences. Life with him can be harmonious and happy.

Faithful, calm and reliable male Aquarius
A wise woman will remember the feasible requirements of the Aquarius man, will try to create decent conditions for him, will not disturb him when he wants to think, and will not insist on registering relations. Then the Aquarius man will truly surprise with his poise, calm, pleasant character.

  • A bit of experimentation.  The researcher still lives in Aquarius, so sometimes you will become the object of his experiments. You can be offended by a chosen one who likes to mystify, but you can understand the Aquarius man who wants to test you, and accept this game. Indeed, this is how you will be able to show your best side, to finally win the love and trust of Aquarius.
  • Calm.  On the whole, Aquarius men are characterized by calm, a certain tendency to melancholy. Often Aquarius irritability is caused by specific factors. Enough to exclude them to enjoy life with a good-natured and gentle man.
  • Reliable and dedicated.  Usually, Aquarius men are not inclined to flirt, they prefer to establish good trusting relationships with women based on mutual respect.
  • Caring father.  Aquarius will certainly be a caring father, will delight in immersing himself in raising children. Aquarius men perfectly find a common language with babies, subtly and delicately guide the development of adolescents, even in the most difficult situations associated with adolescence, find the best solutions to overcome difficulties.
Learn to understand the Aquarius man, become for him a faithful friend, understanding and sensitive, make your home cozy. Then you will have a wonderful life with your beloved, full of joy and peace.

Life pleased you with a meeting with a man who, outwardly, turned out to be just your real dream, simply embodied in an ideal. You are so interested in continuing this acquaintance that you are full of enthusiasm and inspiration, ready to show maximum initiative in order to interest the male representative you like so much as possible.

You have already switched to “you”, exchanged contacts and chatting sweetly about all sorts of things that people usually discuss in the first days of acquaintance. At some point, speech inevitably concerns astrology, and you will find out that you like the Aquarius man. “Help me understand and learn it as best as possible, dear astrology!” - you mentally ask, and this, of course, is reasonable and logical. Not every woman can conquer the Aquarius man!

Common features of male representatives of the "Aquarius family"

Typical representatives of the stronger sex from the constellation Aquarius are very tactful, but endowed with a contradictory character. They are definitely gentlemen, literally to the marrow of their bones - in relation to absolutely any person, which, first of all, can be appreciated by his family and close relatives. They are equally characteristic of manifestations of humanity and justice, friendliness and friendliness, gentleness and affection. They have a special low-key charm that attracts people and attracts their sympathy for them. Despite the sufficient sociability, few people want to name Aquarius as a friend - he is not scattered with such words as “friendship” and “love”.

The contradictory nature of their personality is most manifested in a certain share of secrecy, which is so characteristic of the strong half of humanity, born under the sign of Aquarius. They disapprove of attempts to penetrate their souls, give uninvited advice, and this despite the fact that others are used to seeing only friendly features of their nature. Many consider this behavior strange and assign the status of eccentrics to Aquarius, which is partially justified due to some non-standard of thinking, manifested most of all in friendly and love relationships.

Communicating with a man, with a certain degree of observation, you can determine that in front of you is one of the representatives of the Aquarius family, according to his dreamy look and slightly absent look. You may get the impression that your interlocutor is in front of you only physically, while mentally he hovers somewhere far away. Do not despair - by nature itself, men of this sign are endowed with a craving for everything new, unexplored, unusual; and in every woman there is a mystery that you can captivate with your favorite Aquarius.

Aquarius men are very reliable, prudent, decisive and endowed with a certain share of perseverance in achieving their goals, but, once again confirming the contradictory nature of their personality, they can easily cancel a decision they have made without realizing the idea. But this is not because they are characterized by inconstancy - just at some point Aquarius realizes that such an act will be more correct or justified in this or that situation.

Status, social status, wealth will not be the highest priority in the life of a man-Aquarius, he will not evaluate himself and others in terms of the availability of material wealth. Perhaps that is why they are not characterized by gestures of generosity, and certainly no one will call the man of this zodiac sign a spender. However, he will communicate with an equal degree of courtesy to the oligarch, and to the cashier from the supermarket, and to the famous person, and to the guard on his porch. For him there is no division of people into rich and poor, his criterion for communicating with them is simply human interest.

Truthfulness, honesty, naturalness and fidelity will complement the portrait of a person born under the sign of Aquarius. He does not accept deception and feels falsehood in other people, which immediately causes his negative reaction, which, however, is well-founded. His loyalty is manifested, inter alia, in the fact that he prefers to build his life according to his own rules and charters, without changing himself even in small things. Moreover, it lacks the desire to oblige other people to observe them as the only correct ones.

Love of Aquarius man

As we have already mentioned, Aquarius is characterized by some non-standard in matters of love. What exactly is this manifested in? The boundaries of his love lack clarity and direction - he loves everyone and everyone separately at once. Love, according to the Aquarius man, is not so much a manifestation of concern for a particular woman as a concern for humanity as a whole. Such are the scales of lovingness from these knights of the air element. But at the same time, choosing a life partner, Aquarius is more focused on the search for a like-minded woman than a female lover. This is all the more surprising because in his love Aquarius is very unpredictable, always glad to change, constantly looking for ways to get a sip of new feelings and experiences, and all this happens in his most harmonious and natural way.

He knows how to charm, knows how to be attractive in the eyes of women, which he himself understands and takes advantage of when he seeks to win the love of his chosen one, in which he appreciated not only female beauty. For the Aquarius man, she is manifested not only in purely physical attractiveness, he is also a connoisseur of the mental, internal charm of the fairer sex. When he understands that you can become not only his mistress, but also his soul mate, his friend, you will have every chance to capture his heart forever.

Men of this sign by nature are romantic and even sentimental. Aquarians will never forget the name of their first love, they are able throughout their lives to carry the memory of her and their bright feeling. It would be very sweet and touching, if not for one detail: they also compare with that beloved woman who has sunk into oblivion all the women who appear in his life in the future. Not all ladies are ready to calmly accept this and remember that his first love cannot be his rival anymore. You don’t need to be jealous of that girl from the past - now you have him in his life, and this is much more important.

Since we are talking about jealousy, remember once and for all one thing that can destroy relations with a man-Aquarius overnight. Under no circumstances, never, and never, cause jealousy in him! These men react in only one way - they will leave your life, breaking your love relationship with him. Rivalry for them is a thing from a parallel universe. Without conversations, they would prefer to remain only friends than to enter into tangled love relationships with three unknowns. Always keep this in mind and avoid jealousy in your relationship.

Aquarius man - what is he like in sex?

Casanova from a man in the constellation of Aquarius will not work. They gallantly give the initiative on the love bed to women's hands, in it you will not meet the desire to occupy a dominant position in carnal joys. But this also has its advantages: the Aquarius man will loyally endure forced sexual abstinence caused, for example, by your temporary separation from him. This, of course, can guarantee his fidelity, as well as the fact that for these males sex is attractive not just as an act of physical love. Aquarians enjoy the very fact of owning a beautiful and beloved woman.

Of course, for women with great sexual appetite, all this will be a little boring, but you understand how valuable it is that you see not only the object of sexual desire, but also the personality. They value you not only because it is interesting with you in bed, but also because you are interesting as a person. Women with approximately the same temperament in intensity in terms of sex, of course, properly appreciate this attitude.

Aquarius as the head of the family

The contradictory nature of Aquarius manifests itself here. The desire to maintain independence and freedom goes hand in hand with the desire to be taken care of. So it turns out that the need that often arises in him for communication with a soul mate sometimes goes against the desire to feel free from all obligations. Such a game with one goal, not every woman will meet with understanding and support. But tantrums, tears, and especially scandals or attempts to cause an outbreak of jealousy, you will not achieve any positive result. Such actions cause irritation and even more unpredictable reactions in male Aquarius.

Take it as it is in its essence, and then a miracle will happen - your dear and beloved Aquarius will prove himself fully to the most gentle, affectionate, charming and attractive man who once turned your head. To his children, he manifests himself so constantly, he is very sincerely interested in his children and participates in their development and education. Your children will always feel the adoration and support of their father, Aquarius.

Captive Aquarius Plan

If the Aquarius man understands that you are starting to build matrimonial plans on his account, then at the same moment he will try to escape. In no case do not let him understand this, on the contrary, do everything to help him feel close to you completely free. You yourself also do not forget to periodically demonstrate your independence. You can, for example, notify that you plan a trip for a couple of days, but without mentioning the destination and purpose of this trip.

To the men of this sign, such a woman’s behavior only adds to the attractiveness: do you remember how all the unexplored and mysterious attracts them? But, having arrived, be sure to tell him about how the trip went, about new events and emotions. This will foster his interest in you, including as a source of new information. Do not forget to mention that you traveled in the company of friends or alone: \u200b\u200bit does not make sense to cause jealousy of any man, especially this sign.

Having decided to finally and irrevocably catch this lover of freedom and the indefatigable explorer of the secrets of the world in your networks, take for granted that now and forever you should be a mystery woman, a like-minded woman, a friend who is able to be independent and respect the needs of her chosen one -Aquarius to protect their freedom from encroachment. This is exactly how the ideal woman of Aquarius should be, and he will not have a chance to avoid your happiness in your future family life. Although he still may not even guess about it.

I do not want to be the mistress of the sea, but I want Aquarius to be a wife

Men Aquarius are skeptical and negative about the institution of marriage. They show a truly unrivaled imagination, finding more and more new ways that save him from the networks of family life. Losing hope is not worth it, anyway, sooner or later they themselves come to the conclusion that they need to settle down. But the siege and expectation are long, it is necessary to stock up with patience, calmness and confidence that you will succeed. Set yourself up for positive things, in the end, because you sincerely love him, which means you can wait in the wings.

Get ready for the fact that he will receive an offer from his amazing Aquarius at a completely unexpected moment for you, perhaps even not the most, in your opinion, suitable. But for Aquarius, everything is logical and explainable - all his friends got married long ago, someone even managed to perform this feat twice, many had children. Your Aquarius is also emotionally ripe for such a difficult step in his understanding and a more than serious decision. To help him not to change the decision he has suffered so hard is in your power - just continue to maintain in him a sense of freedom and the inviolability of his personality. Tell him that the stamp in your passport cannot change anything in your relationship. This is an empty formality, which is necessary only for his children to bear his last name.

In this sense, the conclusion of a marriage union, from their point of view, is quite justified: responsible Aquarius understand the importance of such an event as the birth of children, they have a willingness to engage in their financial support and education. Unlike other representatives of the zodiac signs, the role of the father scares off Aquarius men much less than the role of the spouse - is this the clearest sign of the inconsistency of the character of these amazing men?

To summarize the “research”

Now you know exactly what your charming man, born under the sign of Aquarius, is a representative of the element of Air. If you still claim that you need it, like that same air, now you have all the tools at your disposal, using which you have every chance to understand your Aquarius man as quickly and as quickly as possible. This will help you to better prepare to become the most beautiful, amazing and unsurpassed woman in life for him. Isn't that the dream of every woman in love?

You have studied all the strengths and weaknesses of your charming Aquarius that his stars have endowed with, and you can use this knowledge for the good of your future family happiness. Of course, we have described fairly averaged traits that characterize representatives of this zodiac sign. Many personality traits are formed in us by our parents; the environment, education, and profession leave their imprints. But we still recommend choosing the tactics and strategy for winning the hand and heart of your dear “air” man, based on the personality characteristics that the stars endowed him with from birth.

You have a difficult, but such an exciting task: you must now always be independent and mysterious, sociable and interesting, exciting and active. But do not we ourselves strive to become so for our own sake? And here there is also a great chance to lure a man into his networks in such a manner that attracted your attention and became sweet to your own heart. It is worth improving and growing by yourself, and in the meanwhile falling in love with a man you like and becoming his real muse - this is worth striving for, isn't it?

It is worth recognizing that relations with a man-Aquarius indirectly contribute to the development of such primordially feminine qualities as charm, ability and desire to like, interest and captivate a man, in a word, to bewitch him. Isn't this one wonderful and wonderful? You get the opportunity to fully enjoy the process of seduction and "taming" of your chosen representative of Aquarius. Of course, we are sure that not only our recommendations will help in this, but also your own female attractiveness coupled with female intuition.

We wish you to achieve your cherished goal in record time and not only understand your man as best as possible, but for the rest of your life keep your desire to understand him, accept and love him as he is, appreciate all the good character traits in him and not emphasize attention to some flaws.

Discussion 4

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Aquarius is a zodiac sign belonging to the air element. Therefore, all the character traits of a person born under this sign are changeable, like a spring breeze.
  Among men born under this sign, there are isolated egocentric loners, bold, soulful swinging, companionable eccentrics, and modest, shy, taciturn quiet people.

And when love comes - all of them are transformed so dramatically that even their relatives do not recognize them. From the moment of falling in love, all typical features of the behavior of this air sign begin to appear, and, before that, the most diverse, male aquarius become like one another.

How does a man in love Aquarius behave? Oh, you can write novels about it. Refined manners, courteous attitude, sacrifice, the ability to speak compliments beautifully, willingness to do anything for the sake of her lover - that's how he is characterized.

There is a lot of unpredictability in the representative of this sign in love, it is individual, endowed with unbridled imagination.

He takes care of a girl or woman very beautifully, exquisitely. Such a fan can sometimes be compared to a tank going to a ram, which demolishes all the barriers to the cherished goal.

The main signs of a man in love with Aquarius:

Guardian angel

He will idolize the subject of his adoration, make all sorts of pleasant surprises. If you haven’t worked anywhere before, he will find a way to get the necessary amount of money just to make the world beautiful for you, only for you. In order to flood you with gifts, arrange various shows.

And what beautiful words this zodiacal representative will tell you, what flowers to give! For a lover, the world closes only on the subject of his adoration. Together you will plan your future family, build castles in the air, fantasize about future children.

A sign of love is the fact that Aquarius will do everything for the girl, sparing neither personal time, nor mental and physical strength to please her soul mate. Many just dream of such relationships.

All your thoughts and desires will be predicted, a representative of this zodiac sign will accompany you everywhere. Although the man in love with Aquarius is original, his behavior is difficult to understand.

Needing constant updating of feelings, he does not hate to love you, but to flirt with many. After all, for him flirting is an innocent prank, and rarely comes to intimacy, because for this representative of the Zodiac this does not come to the fore.

Jealous Othello

The jealousy of a lover of Aquarius is terrible. Like any man, he is the owner, and therefore the object of his love is under vigilant control.

But do not think that you will be jealous of mutual friends! Quite the opposite! After all, friendship for them is in the foreground, he loves various parties, parties and other pastimes in the company of friends.

And he will be jealous of your freedom. You should always be with him and you should not have any other interests.

If you are also freedom-loving, you have diverse interests that prevent you from completely dissolving in your beloved - a storm of anger, resentment and tears are provided. After that, the behavior changes dramatically - Aquarius can fall into a trance, withdraw from life, and not appear in public for a long time.

However, he will still love you, although he will suffer inwardly.

Everything material is alien to him

The main sign of a lover of Aquarius is the ability to make money for her lover.

For him, money is only a means to conquer the object of adoration, a momentary need.

If your girlfriend has run out of money in your mobile phone account - they will instantly replenish.

The representative of the air disaster does not know how to manage his budget, he never has money in ordinary life. They, like sand, instantly go through your fingers, never linger.

And these men are afraid of families like fire. After all, there you need to adhere to certain obligations, have a great responsibility, and, unfortunately, they do not have these features. Nobody has the right to encroach on their freedom!

In their behavior, such men prefer "free relations" when no obligations are straining. Family and stability are not for them.

You cannot understand

If the representative of the air sign sees in you, besides the object of love, and his friend - he will talk about many adventures in which he acts as the main character. He needs to be given time to speak out - and this fascinating process can last several hours.

Discussions are also his fad. The debate is important for him, just as it is important to defend his personal point of view. After all, this is a certain element of the game that can be very difficult to understand. You never get bored with Aquarius, their behavior is always different. And you can not predict for sure what will happen to him tomorrow. If today he is gentle, affable with you, then tomorrow he can become unbalanced and uncontrollable.

In order to meet the ideal of an air sign representative, to extend the period of your love for a longer time, you must have the following qualities:

  • be affectionate, helpful, but not excessive;
  • to love, but not to claim his freedom;
  • to be yourself, never lie - falsity in a relationship is unacceptable;
  • to always remain a mystery woman, a woman-wind, so that your beloved constantly seeks you;
  • to compliment him, extolling virtues, and to keep silent about shortcomings.

The main signs of love

Very often, men of Aquarius idealize the object of their adoration, ascribing non-existent virtues to their girlfriend. A sign of his love can be reading poetry in your honor, the beautiful and soulful words of which make any woman melt before her eyes.

Although in the first stages of falling in love, Aquarians are not always so revealed. The Aquarius man is modest at first, how to understand that he is in love? - You just need to look into his eyes.

The lover will not be able to openly look at you, he will all the time look away from his embarrassed gaze, diligently searching for what he should catch on to.

And even the representatives of this sign in love are speechless, and increasingly, in a conversation with their beloved, they resort to gestures to express their thoughts to the end. And they can’t remove an enthusiastic smile from their faces, which immediately exposes them.

Stop drinking, smoking - Aquarius will do anything to win his beloved. And even their characteristic irritability, a sharp change of mood disappears somewhere. And the biggest sacrifice your lover is ready for love is betrayal of your principles, a compromise.


Of course, with a man in love with Aquarius, life is like a fairy tale. But do not forget that representatives of this sign are not created for the family. Yes, and love will one day pass.

Therefore, only if you are ready to make constant sacrifices for the sake of love in exchange for a short-lived tale, wait for your husband for several hours in a row after the next festivities, take a penny to your salary, or endure regular outbursts of anger, then only it is worth making a serious relationship with him.

Although, there are occasionally exceptions!

Opinion of Aquarius about the women of the Zodiac

(I can’t write about some signs, since there is not enough experience in communication yet, and with some, there is no desire to communicate yet).

My opinion is that in fact all signs are compatible with everyone. And the main thing is not in signs, but in two specific people and in their desire to be together, as far as this desire is mutually and ripe. Those relationship problems that astrologers write about, in fact, only show the places and causes of possible disagreements. But everything is surmountable, again, there would be a mutual desire to be together.

So: Man - Aquarius and Woman- ... (I have reason to think that there will be something similar for the Aquarius Woman. For convenience, I will paint women according to the elements. Hmm, I can add just in case that I do not consider myself a very typical Aquarius, I have a fairly strong earth support).

Water Women:
It is they who attract him the most, probably because he is also attracted to this element, to water, he feels himself more comfortable there than in the air.

Woman - Pisces: she is so thin, dreamy, forever somewhere at the same time and near and far, it attracts and scares. It is so fragile that even Aquarius wants to feel strong and reliable next to her, to be her support. Can you imagine that?

Woman - Cancer: Maybe she is not the best mistress in the Zodiac, but Aquarius does not need this from her. The main thing: she is a wonderful comrade, it is so easy and natural with her, but you can trust her, you can rely on her. For me, you can’t imagine a better way.

Scorpio Woman: In Aquarius fate, there is such happiness-misfortune. No one gives him so many passions and emotions, even wonder where they come from in you. They are so similar to each other that it would seem ... But between them there is an eternal struggle. Scorpio wants to be the main thing, he recognizes only power. But Aquarius does not want to show this power, he does not want to be subordinate. It’s like a strength test. No one will win this fight. You need to either disperse or accept each other. But, nevertheless, a relationship with Scorpio is something that must be experienced.

Aerial Women. I have almost no practical experience in close relations with Gemini and Libra, so I do not know how it will actually be, there are only certain assumptions. And here:

Women Aquarius: You look like brothers. Constantly discovering yourself in another. You have almost no problem understanding each other why and what happens to each of you. You look so much alike, but ... it’s kind of uninteresting to communicate with yourself, the feeling that you’re talking with a mirror.

Fiery Women: It seems that fire signs are too focused on achieving some goals, success in life, and this is more important for them than a relationship. They are also too fixated on their own person.

Woman - Leo: Maybe she is good at everything, but the focus on herself is too great. It amuses Aquarius. Ask him about the Lions: “Lions? Yes, they have a lot of funny things in them.” It is this focus on himself that he means.

Woman - Aries: There it is, how it will turn out, how they will coincide. They can not stand each other, but they can ... Woman - Aries, too, can fully provide a reliable and strong family. The main thing is not to be so harsh and categorical.

Earthly Women. Well, these ones didn’t interest me much, they are too down to earth and seem not interesting. Reliability, stability, solidity, have never been anything important for Aquarius. Although now here, I’m taking a closer look, at least for the kit and for the sake of sports interest.

Woman - Virgo: Something reminds me of - Fish. The same tender, fragile, feminine, well, the truth is, not so dreamy and too right.

Born under the sign Aquarius, women are doomed to a unique personality. Acquaintance and communication with a woman Aquarius has very high chances to turn into a real adventure in your life. At all times, both women and men of Aquarius were called rebels, crushers of authority. And this ability to fight, to an irreconcilable battle with any authority - it is inherent in a person born under this sign.

Archetype women of Aquarius  in ancient Greek mythology, there was the beautiful goddess Hera, the water carrier of Olympus, who granted immortality to Hercules and was sick with all his heart for humanity. The Greeks called the rainbow the happy message of Hera to humanity, a symbol of hope and joy. And for a man happily in love with the woman of Aquarius, she becomes exactly the same source of good and light in life, his personal donor of immortal love.

The holy book of Christians also has an archetype Aquarius, this is Salome, who came down from heaven also along the rainbow in the "dance of the seven bedspreads". There are many paintings and frescoes depicting the beauty of Salome. Aquarius is characterized by wisdom and artistic talent, women born under this sign are calm, deep, but at the same time full of life and creativity. Among the well-known examples, one can mention the Japanese artist, the beloved of John Lennon, Yoko Ono, the Russian talented writer Agnia Barto, the performer Anna German, and even the soothsayer Vanga. With Aquarius, you need to be quite careful in communicating, they are sensitive to pressure and any manifestation of violence, they can shove quite a bit if they feel some kind of threat from you.

How to behave with a woman Aquarius. As already mentioned, they are creative people. With great joy, they are ready day after day, for many years to work hard on their favorite thing, improving and giving joy to themselves and others. They do not strictly evaluate their own activities, they easily perceive the so-called constructive criticism, aimed not at destruction, but at improvement of labor. The Aquarius woman, busy with her beloved business, does not need either a supervisor or a boss, she will diligently fulfill her duties and even do more than they ask, without requiring any special reward, but only praise and worthy of appreciation.

Fall in love Aquarius quite easily, they touch a piece of their own souls to everyone with whom fate encounters them. Therefore, they are often vulnerable and deceived, but are always easily restored after the blows of fate. They don’t really like to remember the past, the look of the Aquarius woman is directed to the present. And her companion must conform to such views, not get stuck in the past and not look back too often.

Sustainability and stability in relations  - so you can characterize their behavior in love. As already mentioned, they fall in love easily, but to fall in love seriously, to fall in love with their whole soul - they need time for this. But every year they are impregnated to their beloved with warm and tender feelings, much stronger than the usual attachment generated by a habit. This is because they can truly trust a partner and open their soul for him only with time. Often this is the result of past grievances and old wounds suffered in life. So do not push and demand too much from Aquarius. Give her some time to get used to you and really love.