Dream Interpretation Wild Geese. Other actions with geese

Understanding what geese dream of, it is important to remember all the details as accurately as possible.

Dream Interpretation: to see geese in a dream

Miller's Dream Book  suggests that geese on green grass - to prosperity. Dead to loss. Convene for feeding - to the acquisition of property.

According to Wangi's dream book  Geese portend prosperity. However, a flock flying in the sky leads to an attack of nostalgia.

Russian dream book  treats geese as a sign of the pride of the sleeper.

According to Ukrainian source  these birds are a good omen. Perhaps a new romantic hobby will appear in life. Goose - beware of cheating. Hearing gaggling - to gossip and gossip behind.

Why do geese dream about a woman

Geese girl  portend an early proposal to get married. For the bride, the birds mean a stormy, but quite happy family life.

The geese serve as a symbol of fidelity of the spouse and his positive qualities. married woman. A brood of birds foreshadows replenishment in the family.

Geese pregnant  are a warning sign. Any features of well-being need to see a doctor.

Great if you had geese single woman. Acquaintance will bring a fateful change in the personal sphere.

Interpretation of sleep by the appearance of geese in a dream

Generally alive  goose in the opinion of most dream books is interpreted positively. A more accurate interpretation lies in the decoding of the details of a dreaming bird: the color of plumage, behavior, and other nuances.

Whites  geese portend well-being. Everything will turn out well, and it is likely to improve the material condition.

The personification of daily experiences is the black  goose. Anxious thoughts absorb the dreamer, but the way out of a difficult situation is much closer than it seems.

Equal life and the absence of vivid emotions symbolize gray  geese in a dream. It is also a reflection of the dreamer's inertia.

Dead  a goose in a dream portends loss. You can be disappointed in close friends.

Considered a good symbol small  geese. In a global sense, this is the reign of peace after days of military confrontation. In the local area, career advancement, business development, and steady profit growth.

Large  geese are a good sign. Due to the patronage of an influential person, it will be possible to advance significantly in the social hierarchy.

The original interpretation is wild  geese flying from the south. The envy of relatives remains to be experienced.

When do you dream swan geese, a period of prosperity will soon come. Likely to hear from afar.

The dream geese personify homework. At the same time, the dream warns that it is not worth spending money thoughtlessly, it is advisable to dispose of them carefully.

Great sign - roast goose. Ahead of joyful events and material well-being.

The caveat is goose that attacks. Enemies will try to hurt her gossip.

Goose which bites, personifies emotional defenselessness in front of them. Aggressive bird signals the need to protect the nerves, so as not to damage health. Also, if you dream that a goose has bitten, a meeting with an arrogant person is likely in reality. Communication will leave unpleasant memories. When geese pinch, there will be numerous troubles. A close person can soon afflict with indifference or an unseemly act.

Many geese  in a dream, who behave peacefully, mean an early recognition of the merits of the dreamer. I will respect others.

Dreams signal spiritual anguish carcasses of geese. The reason will be a feeling of loneliness due to misunderstanding of loved ones.

Wherein plucked carcass  goose is of great importance. Soon hostile plans of ill-wishers will be revealed.

Geese and other birds in a dream

In interpreting what I dream of geese and poultry, it is important to consider the species of birds.

For men who dreamed at the same time geese and ducks  mean a new amorous adventure. The fair sex can safely count on positive changes.

Dreamers dreaming of having a baby geese with geese  are a great sign. An important event will become a reality. It is also a symbol of numerous chores around the house, bringing both fatigue and satisfaction.

To the desired guests in reality appear in a dream geese and hens. For family people, the plot portends harmony and joy.

Actions with geese in a dream

To graze  geese - a good sign. The financial situation will improve.

Catch geese  for single people - this is a plot promising a promising meeting. A new acquaintance may turn out to be fate. If you managed to catch a bird - soon the wedding. Family dream represents profit.

Great if I had a dream to drive  geese. Hard work will be rated very highly.

Feed the geese - you will get capital in absolutely honest ways. It is also a sign of family idyll.

A good sign is considered hold goose in hands. Profit as a result of a fluke, a lottery win is likely.

Cut geese - to receive a surprise, a gift. To sell is to poverty.

If you dream of geese that you have to pinch, you should prepare for disappointment. The acquisition will not be too successful.

When geese dream, it is usually a vision with a positive or warning plot. Therefore, do not be afraid of their appearance, but rather - armed with advice, build personal happiness.

The appearance of geese in a dream, in most cases, is considered a very good sign. But in order to correctly decipher the night dreams and understand how they are related to reality, you need to remember the smallest details of sleep.

Geese in dreams are a diverse symbol. And the interpretation of night dreams can affect a variety of spheres of human activity. Therefore, each dream is deciphered individually, taking into account information obtained from various dream books and one's own intuition, which will indicate the relationship of a dream and events in real life.

Why do white geese dream

The most common question is why do white geese dream? If you dreamed of such birds grazing peacefully in the meadow, then this portends a lot of joyful events in life. And if they are huge and fat, then such events will concern mainly the personal sphere.

Also a good omen are geese flapping their wings. This indicates that in the near future there will be a meeting with a person whom you will be very happy.

In addition, white birds in a dream can be interpreted as follows:

    Calm and quiet geese foreshadow a festive event in the near future; a hissing white goose is a harbinger of an unexpected reward for work; If a bird drinks water in a dream, then in real life difficulties should be expected; If there is one gray feather on the plumage of a white bird, this portends jealousy and distrust of the partner; When you dream of geese in a puddle, this indicates that the right decision was made in reality; The dead bird portends the embodiment of brilliant ideas.

Geese in the village

According to the interpretation of various dream books, if according to the plot of the dream the white geese are in the village, then this portends treason. But if a bird appears in the city in night dreams, this portends a dreamer meeting a very interesting person. The white geese that have dreamed about in the house always portend guests, but depending on where they are located, you can more accurately interpret the dream. If the birds dreamed:
    In the kitchen, these will be long-awaited guests with whom it will be possible to have a good time; In the living room, one should wait for uninvited guests who will just have to endure; In the corridor, one can expect a visit of an enemy with whom it is unlikely to communicate in home setting.

Wild geese seen in a dream are interpreted differently. And in order to understand why these birds are dreaming, remember all the nuances of a dream. So, if you dreamed that a flock of birds flies to warmer climes, then this indicates that you are very dreaming of a new highly paid job. But if birds fly in from the south in night dreams, this warns of the envy of distant relatives. If you dream of wild geese that swim between ice floes, then this indicates your excessive adherence and perseverance. These character traits prevent you from finding a common language with other people. If a flock of geese swims on a summer lake, then this portends fun and joy. Other scenes of dreams with wild geese can be interpreted as follows:
      If the bird walks through the forest, then in reality they will make you an attractive offer, which will be very difficult to refuse; When a fox caught a goose in a dream plot, for a sick person this is a sign of recovery; When in a dream a flock of wild geese flew over a pond, this portends a significant event in real life; If the goose seen in the night dreams is in a cage, this symbolizes your desire to take care of your loved one; When you saw a sleeping bird in a dream, this portends a pastime outside the city in a good company of friends. If a wounded bird dreamed, then this is a symbol of sadness and sadness. This may in some way be related to the child.
A good sign is to see a dream with dirty and thin wild birds. This indicates that you are truly loved by a decent and reliable person. And if you dreamed of clean and well-fed geese, then this indicates unrequited love.

Fly on a goose - dream book

A good sign is a fabulous dream in which you fly on a goose. This portends a dizzying take-off in real life. You are waiting for a rapid increase in the career ladder and, possibly, well-deserved fame. For a woman, such a dream can portend a successful marriage.

Why do hissing geese dream?

If you dreamed of geese sizzling at you, then in reality you should take care of your health. Perhaps you are asymptomatic of any serious pathology that may require long-term treatment in the future. Other dream plots can be interpreted as follows:
      If you pet birds, this may portend changes in love relationships. When you had a chance to run away from geese in a dream, then in real life you will urgently need to look for ways to strengthen unreliable relations. If you buy a bird in the market, this symbolizes your wealth and prosperity. When in the plot of a dream, you have to kill a goose, then in reality you will be offered a good well-paid job. If you dream that you are plucking a bird, you should tune in to a romantic date or a pleasant walk.

Catch goose

A great omen is a dream in which you managed to catch a goose. This indicates that a win is waiting for you in life, and it is not necessary that it will be a lottery. Such a dream can also portend victory over competitors.

Little goslings - the meaning of sleep

Very many people are interested in the question, why do small goslings dream? Such a dream is interpreted by the majority of dream books as the fact that in real life the dreamer will make several rash acts that will subsequently bring positive results. According to the interpretation of the modern dream book, such night dreams can also portend changes in life. Most likely, they will be associated with acquaintance with an extraordinary personality. Many small goslings of different colors symbolize, according to Miller's dream book, wealth and prosperity. This means that in this life period the dreamer should not worry about his future.

English dream book

Geese - this dream is unsuccessful for a single man. The woman he loves will turn out to be a very stupid and inept wife. She will constantly gossip, quarreling with her neighbors, condemning everyone and everything and quarrelsomely fighting with her husband and his relatives. Having seen this dream, a bachelor, who already has a young woman in mind, is better to leave her to someone else and look for his happiness somewhere else. To everyone else, this dream promises some discord in relations with friends.

Eastern dream book

Hearing a goose gnaw is a sign that your home is in danger; see floating - for auspicious changes; pinching grass - dream of great success; convene in one place - to career growth; eating goose meat - to disagreement with colleagues.

Children's dream book

Goose - one of your ill-wishers who do not have the power to openly attack you will strike you secretly, secretly; the trouble will be minor, but very painful for your pride; be careful!

Idiomatic dream book

The Important Goose is an important gentleman; “Like water from a goose” - invulnerability; "To go in one file" - one after another; "Goose with apples" - a festive meal.

Moon Dream Book

Goose - well-being; to lose is a loss.

Small Velesov dream book

Geese - for good, profit, matchmaking, love, you will see a lot of people, guests, conversation, a new marriage (widow) / death; in the house - well-being; feed - family, lead; white is snow; shouting - who will die, cry, empty speeches, false hearing; arrival - good; departure - sadness; lose - loss; fly - the road; geese cross - news; to buy is an honor; sell - loss; eat goose meat - profit, wealth; teasing - meeting with a friend; to catch - marriage; catch, stab - inheritance / quarrel (with wife); fry - guests; mouth - money; count - profit, news; pinching - treason, disappointment.

The latest dream book

  In a dream, what is Geese dreaming of?

Single goose - communication with a big boss, a swaggering person; soon you will not solve your question.

A flock of geese - to a disease associated with a mental attack (spoilage).

Psychoanalytic dream book

Wild goose - able to move on land, water and air. The self.

Russian folk dream book

Goose - pride, relations with society. As happens in a dream, this is the case in real life.

Family dream book

The gaggling of geese heard in a dream promises misfortune.

If you saw swimming geese - luck will certainly come back to you.

Geese on the grass - auspicious sign.

Dead goose - dreams of loss and dissatisfaction.

To convene and feed the geese - to the acquisition of property.

There is him in a dream - to doubts about matters.

Dream interpreter

To have geese is a sign of the acquisition of honors and respect; hear goose gaganier - portends false rumors and gossip; a goose to catch or stab - portends a quarrel with his wife or with a favorite subject.

Modern dream book

  Find out what it means if you dream of a Geese?

If you dream that the gaggling of geese annoys you, an accident will happen in your family.

Seeing geese swimming means that your business will gradually go uphill.

To see geese on the grass is a definite success. Dead geese dream of loss and failure.

For a lover to see geese - means that he is very dear to the subject of his love.

If you call geese - soon you will achieve a high position.

There are geese in a dream - to the appearance of controversial issues in business.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Goose - a reflection of vain anxiety and / or stupidity. The need to get a push from the side for promotion (also the possibility of this).

21st Century Dream Interpretation

What did Geese dream about in a dream?

To see a goose in a dream - to well-being; feed him - for profit, a happy family life; to catch - to get married; sell or lose your goose - at a loss; to kill - to a gift; plucking - to disappointment; to eat or fry - to profit, joy.

To dream of a herd of geese - to honors and respect; if you count them, a dream foreshadows news.

Building a cottage in a dream means that in reality you set yourself difficult tasks, because of which you have to do a lot of unnecessary and useless work.

Living in a dream in the country - to the fulfillment of desires, the achievement of a goal.

To buy a cottage in a dream means to receive an inheritance or profit in reality; sell it - you have to do a good deed.

Dream interpretation for lovers

Geese acting in love means that he needs to be more attentive to his beloved and remain faithful to her.

Dream Interpreter Grishina

To see geese - honor / meeting with relatives; to see them in the house or to hide in the house is well-being; feed - a happy family life; to catch - marriage, marriage; lose - sadness in the house, losses; teasing - meeting with a friend; they are floating on the water - the road; cutting them - divorce, discord in the family; pinching - wealth; eat or fry - profit; paws are - well-being; yelling at them - idle talk, false promises / gossip; buying geese is an honor; sell - damage; count - news.

Dream Interpretation for the whole family

Geese - gossip and slander have entangled you from all sides, you need the protection of a strong and fair person.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday - portends a confusion in business, threatening a loss of confidence among others.

Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday - suggests that a difficult decision has to be made related to a loved one.

If geese nibble you in a dream, you will have an ill-wisher who will do his best to harm you and cause trouble.

If you run away from a goose - soon you will be disappointed in one of your friends.

Dream interpretation for bitch

In a dream, to see geese floating on a quiet, calm river - very soon luck will return to you and will remain for a long time.

Feeding the geese is an unexpected acquisition of property.

Goose grazing on the grass - your beloved is faithful to you.

In a dream there is a well-prepared goose - doubts about business, uncertainty about the correctness of the decision.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Goose in a dream - most often warns of a possible and rather unpleasant conflict with someone. At least it will be good if you take this image as a call "not to tease geese" and, if possible, not to provoke people to quarrel.

A baked goose in a dream is a sign that by avoiding conflict or reconciling with someone, you will only win.

Dead goose - means that a quarrel that has flared up from scratch can lead to irreparable consequences.

Pinching a goose in a dream - portends a lot of trouble through your own fault.

Dream Interpretation Health

Flying geese - to receive important information; fried - it's time to refuse fatty foods.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Goose - to unpleasant guests.

Buy goose meat - for the holiday in the house.

Gosyatnitsa - to a rich purchase.

Dream Interpretation of May, June, July, August

Seeing a flock of geese in a dream is a pomp on your part.

There is a well-roasted goose in a dream - to enjoy life.

Put in a dream in the oven a goose with a goose - to the guests.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of January, February, March, April

The goose is an important person, thinking a lot about himself, will let you down.

Eating goose meat in a dream - to health.

Gosling - means poor health in children.

Gusyatnitsa - a trap has been set up for you, someone is trying to deceive you.

Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Goose - not too generous praise, reward.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Geese - profit; to buy is an honor; hearing their cry is joy; feed them - reconciliation.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

  What does it mean if Geese dreams in a dream?

Flying geese - news, admonition; plucking - disappointment; to kill is a great inheritance; to eat is great happiness; fry - visit; buy - stupid actions; goose feathers - get a letter.

Miller's Dream Book

The annoying gaggling of geese promises misfortune.

If you look at swimming geese, it means that luck will gradually return to you. It is especially beneficial to see geese on the grass.

The dead goose is also a sign of near losses and dissatisfaction.

If the lover sees the geese, then this dream reminds him of dignity in relations with his beloved, of fidelity to the word.

Chinese dream book

Goose and duck travel together - a good concubine will be added.

Eat goose meat - portends a wife’s illness.

Dream Book about animals

Goose - personifies vigilance and providence.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  Why see a geese in a dream?

To see geese in a dream - to family well-being. Hearing their gagging in a dream - portends the disclosure of secrets, false rumors, an accident.

To see a herd of geese grazing on the grass means in reality to earn respect. Seeing swimming geese means that the luck that has left you will certainly return.

Flying geese - have to make excuses for something.

Feed geese in a dream, convening them - for acquisitions and profits. To catch geese - to marry, to buy - you will be honored, to sell - to suffer losses, to pinch - to experience disappointment, to kill - to receive an inheritance, to fry - to pay a visit or to receive a guest, there is a goose in a dream - to a big but doubtful luck, which can turn into misfortune.

A plucked goose - for forgery and scam, dead - a sign of dissatisfaction and impending losses, craning his neck and hissing - to see a friend, running away - to loss, goose paws - to luck, goose feathers - to chagrin.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora healer

Geese - to trouble.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

The roar of geese in a dream - portends misfortunes.

The dead goose is a sign of near losses and dissatisfaction.

There is a goose in a dream - to some doubts about matters.

To dream of geese floating on the river or walking on the grass is a sign that luck will gradually return to you.

If the lover sees the geese, such a dream will remind him of the need to behave with dignity in a relationship with a loved one, of fidelity to the word.

To convene geese and feed them - to the acquisition of property.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon

Geese - family well-being; gaggle to hear - the discovery of secrets, troubles.

Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation

  Interpretation of sleep: Geese on a dream book?

Goose - a win; flying, wild - farewell; to kill - marriage; enrichment.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Goose - overcoming a strong beginning, struggle

Dream Interpretation Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of a goose - do not expect anything good from life.

In a dream, you count geese - loss awaits you.

If you dreamed that you were teasing a goose - you will be exposed as a scoundrel in the eyes of colleagues.

You watched someone teasing a goose - one of your workmates would be undeservedly declared a scoundrel.

Cut the goose in a dream - to a quarrel with loved ones.

You watched someone stabbed a goose - you will witness a scandal in the family of one of your friends.

If you dreamed that you were plucking geese - they would write a slander on you.

A dream in which you watch someone plucking geese - to an unpleasant letter.

There is a goose in a dream prepared in any way - to very great financial difficulties.

You watched someone eating a goose - your family is in great financial difficulty and you will have to work hard so that your family does not need anything.

In a dream, you heard the geese screaming, but you did not see the geese themselves - they will write a denunciation on you.

You dreamed that you gutted, cooked, cooked, roasted goose - wait for empty troubles, minor troubles.

Stealing a goose is a big profit.

If you dreamed that you watched one of your relatives steal a goose - soon you will earn a little.

You dreamed that you watched as one of your friends steals a goose - money will beckon, but will not be given to you.

Buying a goose is an expensive but completely unnecessary acquisition.

In a dream, you sold a goose - you will soon receive a letter with a good offer.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova

To see geese - profit; sell - losses; plucking - disappointment; to kill is a great inheritance; fry - visit.

Medieval dream book

To see many geese is good.

Pinching a lot of geese - unfortunately.

French dream book

A dream about geese - promises you participation in frivolous and meaningless conversations.

To possess a herd of geese in a dream - to gain honor, respect, support from influential people in life.

If in a dream you hear the roar of geese - a dream promises you material wealth, stability in business.

Young goose - dreams of success in the scientific field.

Cut off the head of a goose in a dream - to gain prosperity and peace of mind.

Aesop's Dream Interpretation

Rather, the image of a goose arose under the influence of the work of the subconscious mind associated with the transformation into the visual image of the expression: “Like a goose is water”, which means avoiding the consequences of some reckless actions.

In fairy tales, geese-swans have always been a good symbol.

If you feed the goose with your hands - this means that, having shown prudence and patience, you will get what you have been striving for for a long time, punching your doors with your forehead and acting by force.

Seeing a goose swimming in the water with its brood - fortunately in a married life, well-being and prosperity.

Preparing a goose dish or eating it is not a good warning: you will most likely be secretly opposed by someone who will ruin your reputation, and you will spend a lot of energy to restore your good name.

If in a dream the geese, seeing you, raise a terrible cry - this is a sign of danger to you, you should be careful and prudent, the coming days are not the best time for extravagant acts and surprises.

If in a dream a goose attacks you, pinches - this dream prophesies your communication with an arrogant and proud person who will not bring you anything good.

Ukrainian dream book

How a goose dreams is a sign of love for this person.

The goose and pillows are dreaming - there will be guests.

Many geese scream - people weave gossip.

There are geese in a dream - wealth.

Goose gnaw - empty talk; slander.

Goose - stay in the cold.

Esoteric dream book

Geese are flying - yearning, beware of depression.

Fried - Pay attention to the pancreas. Do not eat fat.

Pinching - buy unnecessary things.

To kill is an inheritance.

You kill - they are waiting for an inheritance from you, which directly affects your condition.

Online dream book

  Meaning of sleep: Geese on a dream book?

According to the dream book, geese are a symbol of disagreement between close people.

If they gossip, gossip will surround you, you will be upset.

Are in a pond - everything will work out fine for you, something good will happen.

I dreamed that they were flying away - you will yearn

To look at a flock soaring in the sky - you will learn something important.

Arrival of geese - promises happiness.

Geese fly - fall into a gloomy mood. The absence of reasons for joy will plunge you into spleen.

It is a dream that you gain them - you will achieve universal respect, you will sell - you will suffer some losses, you steal - to enrichment.

Pour grain to these birds - you will learn something from your relatives.

Cutting their meat is for family quarrels.

Roast a goose in a dream - someone will come to you.

The bird cooked in the oven warns that you are better off making concessions in order to prevent a serious quarrel.

Eating it is a misunderstanding with employees.

White goose - to cooling relations between spouses. Another interpretation is to make an exciting trip with friends.

A goose bites - you have to reflect the attacks of an too ambitious work colleague. It is possible that someone from your friends will hurt your vanity.

Geese, according to the dream book of Felomena, is a sign of unresolved conflicts in relations between relatives or friends. Perhaps there are controversial issues that you can’t solve for a long time.

Especially the geese dream is unsuccessful for an unmarried man. His lover will not be the one for whom he claims to be. Soon she will show her true face. Perhaps she will turn out to be a short-sighted and uninteresting woman, a poor housewife or just a man pursuing his own selfish goals.

What color goose did you dream about? Who did you dream about with the geese? What do geese do in a dream? Did you dream of a living goose? What happened to the goose in a dream? What did you do with the geese in your sleep? How many geese have you dreamed? Have you had any wild geese?

What color goose did you dream about?

  White goose

If you dream of a gray goose

Dream Interpretation interprets the dream of a gray goose as a very negative symbol. If you saw a gray goose in a dream - your life is dull and dull, nothing happens in it. Engage in something exciting, make new acquaintances - and life will be filled with meaning.

What is the dream of the black goose

If you dream of a black goose, then the dreamer's life is filled with events and experiences, often not very pleasant. It is worth collecting your thoughts a bit and completing what you have begun, solving the accumulated problems.

Who did you dream about with the geese?

A geese dream with goslings

The dream about a goose with goslings is interpreted by a dream book as a symbol of family happiness. Close, trusting relationships between relatives create a harmonious atmosphere and contribute to the development and growth of each family member.

Dreaming geese and ducks

If in a dream you saw not only geese, but also ducks, then soon you will have a long and fascinating journey. For an unmarried girl, such a dream portends a long and strong marriage. If a man saw such a dream - probably in the near future he will meet a new love.

What do geese do in a dream?

If a goose in a dream pinches you

If a goose pinches you in a dream - this is a negative sign. A person will come into your life who will strive to get profit at your expense. Your wishes and opinions will be completely irrelevant to him. Moreover, this ill-wisher can significantly ruin your life. You should be very careful when choosing friends.

To dream about geese that attack you

A dream interpretation is interpreted by a dream in which a goose attacks you as a symbol of the appearance of a negative person in your life - arrogant, arrogant. Communication with him will bring only problems to your life, try not to have common things with him.

Goose bites

Did you dream of a living goose?

Dream of a Living Goose

The dream goose interprets the dream book of Felomena as a person who is secretive and closed, but arrogant and extremely negative towards you. He is afraid to express his opinion in the eye; he will not take any open action. But this man is even more dangerous. Sneaking slightly will harm you, but the consequences of his actions will be very significant.

To dream of dead geese

If you dreamed of a dead goose, then in life you will face major problems and troubles. They may not be visible at first glance, but on the whole, chaos and a feeling of emptiness reign in the soul. Minor disagreements in communication with family and friends can completely destroy trusting relationships between loved ones.

To dream of a fried goose

The dream of a fried goose symbolizes a successful combination of circumstances in which it will be possible to prevent a quarrel with the right and significant person, which will positively affect your further relations and circumstances in general.

If you ate a roasted goose - this is good luck and luck, especially in the material plane. It can also directly indicate health problems associated with excessive gluttony. It is worth restricting yourself in food, especially do not need to eat fatty and fried.

What happened to the goose in a dream?

If a goose is burnt in a dream

If you roasted a goose in a dream, and it burnt, this is a sign of serious danger. Carefully weigh your every step, carefully analyze the situation and the chances of getting into trouble will be greatly reduced.

What did you do with the geese in your sleep?

To see a dream in which you killed a goose

If in a dream you killed a goose, it means that problems are coming in family life and in communicating with loved ones. Conflicts, misunderstandings and discord in relations are possible. If you saw someone else killing a goose, then in real life problems in the family will arise not with you, but with your acquaintances or friends.

The dream in which you caught a goose

If you caught a goose in a dream - this is a positive sign. This is a symbol of good luck financially. For example, you are waiting for a win in the lottery. Luck is also possible in other areas of life, for example, in terms of career (promotion, successfully implemented project) or in personal life (successfully concluded marriage).

To dream about how you run away from a goose

The dream in which you run away from the goose symbolizes disappointment in relations with a loved one. Perhaps this person will let you down or even betray, thereby breaking the close spiritual connection between you.

If you dream about how you collect geese

In a dream, how you collect geese in a heap - to success in the professional field. This may be an unexpected increase at work, a prize for a well-executed project, or a good acquaintance, which will be very promising for your business.

How many geese have you dreamed?

Dream of a flock of geese

To see a flock of geese in a dream means you have accomplished or will soon accomplish something outstanding and worthy of respect. If you count geese - wait for the news. Also, a flock of geese may dream of a deterioration in health caused by damage to you.

Have you had any wild geese?

Wild Goose Dream

The dream of wild geese is interpreted by the dream book as a positive symbol. Life has prepared a good surprise for you. For example, a girl can marry a wealthy, status person. And if in a dream you fly on one of the wild geese - you will be expected to succeed and good luck, prosperity and long life.

You dreamed about Gus what it is - a narcissistic and arrogant spouse. Seeing a lot of geese - your secrets - will be made public.

Psychoanalytic dream book If Goose dreams, what is it for?

Interpreting a dream book: What does a Goose mean in a dream. 1. Sometimes in dreams we say “yes” firmly. This is an instinctive acceptance of something or a knowledge of the urgency of what will happen. 2. Sometimes, before we make changes in everyday life, we need to make a decision at a subconscious level. Recognizing this in a dream, we can help ourselves in the process of spiritual growth. 3. We were given permission for spiritual growth and flowering. With him, the dreamer should strive for a more orderly way of life.

Home dream book What is the dream of the Goose in a dream?

Interprets the dream book: You dreamed Geese what it is - well-being; Liberty. Hear the cry of geese - the discovery of secrets, trouble.

Jewish dream book What does the Goose mean in a dream:

What do they mean in a dream - White geese - to the snow. There is a goose - to improve social status.

Magic dream book In a dream, what is the dream of the Goose?

What does it mean to see in a dream you had a dream of Geese; what is it - everyday good luck and profit. To sell is a forced expenditure. Goose with goslings - a lot of homework. Floating geese - increased wealth. The goose is trying to pinch - a delicate situation. Wild, flying geese - important news.

Healer of Akulina's Dream Interpretation What does Goose mean in a dream:

What do the geese mean in a dream - Acquisition of property. Imagine your house is filled with geese.

Dreambook of Catherine the Great What does Goose mean by dream book?

Why do you dream about Geese? What is it, goose - you see geese in a dream - a dream testifies that under no circumstances will you change the word; in relations with a loved one you demonstrate loyalty, in relations with an enemy - dignity; you will have more and more friends and fewer enemies; some of your enemy will show respect for you. You seem to hear the gaggling or hissing of geese that annoys you - sad events are coming in your life. Geese are swimming on water - a dream for some kind of return - returning home, returning to a previous state, to a loved one - returning to one’s own circles. Geese seemed to be located on the grass - a sign of good luck leaned towards your house. Dead geese dream of a loss; you invest money, and the result will have to wait longer than you expected - in connection with this, losses may occur; the mood will be bad. It’s as if you are calling geese - you will make a very successful acquisition. You eat goose meat - there is no doubt in your mind that you are doing the right thing, that you are moving in the right direction; You will look for additional landmarks; the transaction that is planned will seem doubtful to you; it makes sense to turn to legal literature.

Big dream book Phoebe Interpretation of sleep Goose:

What do the geese mean in a dream - to the acquisition of property, generous gifts, well-being at home. Imagine a large flock of geese. The larger the herd, the more property will come into your hands. This is your flock. You graze these geese in a meadow where lush green grass grows. Geese gnawing grass with appetite. You see that all birds are full, healthy, well-fed. They have shiny, clean white feathers. If you want to receive a generous gift, imagine that someone gives you another goose in addition to those already available. If you want prosperity and prosperity for your home, imagine that you fry a goose, and then eat it, having gathered at the table with the whole family.

Russian dream book What does Goose mean in a dream:

You had a dream of Geese what it is for - well-being in the house; warning of someone's stupidity; cry of geese - to gossip, idle talk.

Dream interpretation goose bites

Why does Gus dream in a dream over a dream book?

If you had a goose that bites you, expect problems in the professional field. Perhaps your co-worker decides to hurt or move up the career ladder at someone else's expense. In any case, you should carefully look at your colleagues, analyze their behavior and try not to fall into the trap.

Geese pinching

Dream interpretation Geese pinch dreamed of what, in a dream, geese pinch? To select a dream interpretation, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the dream image (if you want to receive an online interpretation of dreams in a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a geese pinching in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Geese

Dream Interpretation - Geese

Dream Interpretation - Geese

Dream Interpretation - Geese

Dream Interpretation - Geese

Dream Interpretation - Geese

Dream Interpretation - Geese

They are floating on the water - the road.

Pinching is wealth.

Eat or fry - profit.

Paws are - well-being.

Buying geese is an honor.

Dream Interpretation - Goose

Dream Interpretation - Goose

Dream Interpretation - Geese

Geese attack

Dream Intervention Geese attack  dreamed of why in a dream Geese attack? To select a dream interpretation, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the dream image (if you want to receive an online interpretation of dreams in a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Geese attack in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Geese

To see geese in a dream - to family well-being. Hearing their gagging in a dream - portends the disclosure of secrets, false rumors, an accident.

Seeing a herd of geese grazing on the grass means waking up respect. Seeing swimming geese means that the luck that has left you will certainly return.

Flying geese - have to make excuses for something.

Feed geese in a dream, convening them - to gain and profit. To catch geese - to marry, to buy - you will be honored, to sell - to suffer losses, to pinch - to experience disappointment, to kill - to receive an inheritance, to fry - to pay a visit or to receive a guest, there is a goose in a dream - to a big but doubtful luck, which can turn into misfortune.

A plucked goose - for forgery and scam, dead - a sign of dissatisfaction and impending losses, craning his neck and hissing - to see a friend, running away - to loss, goose paws - to luck, goose feathers - to chagrin.

Dream Interpretation - Geese

The annoying gaggling of geese bodes misfortune.

If you look at swimming geese, this means that luck will gradually return to you.

It is especially beneficial to see geese on the grass.

The dead goose is also a sign of near losses and dissatisfaction.

If the lover sees the geese, then this dream reminds him of dignity in relations with his beloved, of fidelity to the word.

To convene geese and feed them - to the acquisition of property.

There is a goose in a dream - to some doubts about matters.

Dream Interpretation - Geese

The gaggling of geese heard in a dream promises misfortune.

If you saw swimming geese, then luck will certainly return to you.

Geese on the grass - auspicious sign.

Dead goose dreams of loss and dissatisfaction.

To convene and feed the geese - to the acquisition of property.

There is a goose in a dream - to doubts about matters.

Dream Interpretation - Geese

Sleep promises you participation in frivolous and meaningless conversations. To possess a herd of geese in a dream - to gain honor, respect, support from influential people in life. If in a dream you hear the roar of geese (cackling chickens), a dream promises you material wealth, stability in business. A young goose dreams of success in the scientific field. Cut off the head of a goose in a dream - to gain prosperity and peace of mind.

Dream Interpretation - Geese

A flock of geese dreams of acquiring property. The more geese, the more solid your property will be. If you dreamed that you bought or gave you a live goose, a friend will give you a luxurious gift. The roasted goose on the table dreams of well-being at home.

Imagine your house is filled with geese. You feed some of them, others you send to the kitchen to be fried there.

Dream Interpretation - Geese

To see geese is a meeting with distant relatives, a sign of gaining respect and honors.

How would this news not upset you! Because counting geese in a lesson is the same as counting a raven.

Dream Interpretation - Geese

To see geese is an honor / meeting with relatives.

To see them in the house or to hide in the house is well-being.

Feed is a happy family life.

To catch is marriage, marriage.

Lose - sadness in the house, losses.

Teasing is a date with a friend.

They are floating on the water - the road.

Cut them - a divorce, discord in the family.

Pinching is wealth.

Eat or fry - profit.

Paws are - well-being.

Shouting at them is idle talk, false promises / gossip.

Buying geese is an honor.

Dream Interpretation - Goose

You will see white geese - this is to the snow.

If the geese scream - someone dies, you have to cry.

Dream Interpretation - Goose

family well-being; gaggling and crying of geese - mystery discovery, judgment and vowel nuisance

Dream Interpretation - Geese

Geese - Fly - yearning, beware of depression. Fried - Pay attention to the pancreas. Do not eat fat. Pinching - buy unnecessary things. To kill is an inheritance. You kill - they are waiting for an inheritance from you, which directly affects your condition.

Representatives of this family are beautiful and majestic. An example would be the same ugly duckling, which has turned over time into a beautiful swan. The judgment about these birds is ambiguous, dreams with their participation are also interpreted differently.

Dreamed of a goose in a dream what does it mean

It is noteworthy that, according to the dream books, geese and ducks dream of everything for different events. Important in deciphering what he saw in a dream is not only the dreamer's gender, but his age and even status.

  • If a beautiful well-groomed gander dreams of a married woman,  then she will meet a lover who can make her happy.
  • For a girl  dreams of finding a loving groom.
  • Such a dream on the eve of the wedding  - to a happy family life.
  • Pregnant bird with brood  - to successful and easy delivery.
  • For a single man  a goose in a dream is a warning that his girlfriend is not suitable for a wife. In the future, she will not show the best human qualities, which will adversely affect communication with relatives and friends and lead to a break.
  • Loving man  such a dream to the fidelity of his chosen one. At the same time, he himself should be wary of outside connections.
  • For lovers of geese in a dream  - to the right choice of life partner.
  • According to   dreambook Wangi, a large number of ducks  dreaming of longing for the past.

Why do white geese dream

The color of the birds from the dream is also important. Gray  they promise everyday life and boredom together with a satisfying life, Black promises anxiety and anxiety. Appearance in a dream white  birds is an auspicious sign.

So in a dream   white geese  are the harbingers of unexpected wealth.

For a girl  such a dream may be prophetic, she should wait for a meeting with a prosperous, wealthy man with serious intentions.

Married woman  white bird promises a prestigious high-paying job and the opportunity to pursue their own careers.

If the dreamer is a child, then the dream is dreamed up for the arrival of beloved relatives.

Why dream of geese that attack

Aggressive dreamer attacking birds  appear in dreams for a reason.

The circumstances under which have to run away from hissing creatures  - Be prepared for disappointment in relation to a friend or close acquaintance, whose act will be incomprehensible.

Dreaming of geese that attack  - get ready for grief. Even the closest person can fail in business and disappoint in reality.

I dreamed about goose eggs

In egg dreams, a lot depends on who the dreamer is:

  • For a person in agedreaming goose eggs are a catalyst that determines the state of health: clean and fresh - to good health; flawed or damaged - to problems and malaise.
  • Woman  eggs portend a journey. The larger the eggs, the greater the distance you have to travel.
  • For man  the dream in which the eggs appear is a good sign, especially if a goose sits on them. A dream like that is about prosperity and getting a good job.
  • Family people  a dream promises good contact with older children.
  • See the little goslings - good sign. According to the dream book of Nostradamus, the interpretation of the dream promises peace and tranquility, which will not be slow to come to replace wars. Hunger and poverty will remain in the past, a period of prosperity will come.

What do geese dream about

If in a dream the goose behaves aggressively and  being plucked, then in reality you need to wait for sudden complications in all directions and a lot of trouble directly related to their solution.

A bitten bird in a dream  - pay attention to your health, otherwise a sudden deterioration will not keep you waiting. Sleep can also mean spiritual vulnerability. Lack of self-confidence and lack of peace of mind make participation in discussions pointless.

Hold geese

I dreamed of a goose, which the dreamer holds in his hands in a dream  - to a big win. In this case, a dream can mean a gain not only in the literal, but also in the figurative sense of the word. For businessmen, this may mean defeating competitors.

Feed the wayward bird with your hands  - to achieve the goal contrary to the circumstances. All barriers that exist in reality will be swept away.

Dead goose in a dream what does it mean

See the dead goose according to Miller’s dream book  - to disappointments and impending losses. At the same time, the English dream book is not so categorical with conclusions. Here, a dead duck bodes failure, which subsequently turns into profit.

According to the esoteric dream book  what is important is who is the performer. To watch the killing from the side - to receive an inheritance, to do it yourself - to mortal danger.

An interesting interpretation of the death of a feathered english dream book. If a girl dreamed in a dream that they were killing a bird, then her beloved would grow cold to her and leave for another. For a married woman, a dream is a warning that her husband’s friend claims to be a lover.

goose nips in a dream

The interpretation of the appearance of the goose in a dream is not entirely unambiguous. The bird itself brings you a favorable gesture, but pinching it is a warning about a certain threat. You should beware of the people around you who have recently entered your life, since such a dream warns of unexpected provocation and fraud on their part. Thus, the goose is trying to isolate you from future turmoil and get "dry out of the water." For a young girl, such a dream promises caution in a relationship, not to rush into a hasty decision and take a closer look at her chosen one.

goose nips in a dream

A goose that appeared in a dream brings you a strong life companion who knows how to set the right path. This bird - always remains the personification of domestic warmth and comfort. When a goose pinches in a dream, it kind of protects you from envious people and the loss of material wealth. It is necessary to wait a bit, to analyze the path, so as not to go astray, but this “virtue” will lead the right way. Men should expect career growth. But women have to sort out their girlfriends and figure out the very “tweezer” that prevents them from establishing relations with men.

what is the dream goose pinches

If there were several geese pinching you - get ready for the quick profit, but you will have to make an effort to save it, as there will be quite a lot of people who want to take a chance on your wealth. In the case when the goose is black or gray - a dream warns of imminent material losses.

goose plucks on dream book

It is worth to be patient and wait a bit. A goose plucking in a dream insists on prejudice, and start the day with new thoughts in order to avoid losses, review the current situation, both at work and in personal life.