What needs to be done in stages to open an ice cream parlor in the center? Small business: lending to small businesses.

Ice cream is a dessert that is bought by both adults and children. Types, tastes, packaging - external attributes that do not affect the universal love of a delicious treat.

The first task when starting a business is to choose a lively passable point in a shopping center. This will determine who and how often will visit your institution and profit.

Given the seasonality of this type of business, the assortment can be expanded by the cold season. They sell with ice cream: ice cream-based desserts, milkshakes, hot and cold drinks, pastries, cookies, children's sweets. A large assortment is a key success factor.

Cost and Profit

Initial costs will amount to 555,000, the final amount depends on the area of \u200b\u200bSt. Petersburg where the shopping center is located:

Current monthly expenses will include rent, staff salaries, purchase of goods, advertising, contingency reserve + 10% (for example, equipment repair).

Permissions and documents

To start a business you will need:

  • Documents on registration of IP or LLC. IP is a quick and easy option, you will need a minimum package of documents for registration. If you plan to further expand your business, then it is advisable to register an LLC
  • Permitting documents of state bodies: SES, firefighters. Most likely the landlord has the documentation
  • Certificates for raw materials, products, equipment
  • Sanitary books for staff

Choice of premises

The choice of premises is the main decision to be made. From the point of view of making a profit, payback period and seasonality of a business, a shopping center is a suitable place, as it is visited by a large number of people at any time of the year. The entry zone is considered to be favorable for trade, where the flow of people did not manage to be distributed throughout the shopping center.

Pay attention to the area of \u200b\u200bthe city where the shopping center is located. The closer to the city center, the more expensive the rent and the more difficult it is to fulfill the requirements of the landlord.

Criterias of choice:

  • Location;
  • Category;
  • Cross point;
  • Landlord requirements for design, equipment, operating procedures;
  • Rental price, payment procedure;
  • Lease contract.

Detailed list of equipment and supplies

The main costs when opening an island of ice cream in St. Petersburg:

How to choose a supplier

  • When choosing a supplier, you should pay attention to how much time he works in this area. Give preference to experienced, reputable manufacturers.
  • Product quality is the key to business success. Do not save on this.
  • Get acquainted with the technologies of ice cream production at the selected supplier, see how products are manufactured, stored and delivered.
  • Give preference to those candidates who independently deliver products to the point of sale in specially equipped vehicles. This is a profitable option that reduces the risk of damage to products during transportation.
  How to choose a supplier


Personnel - the face of the business, as it determines how customers will perceive. Worth the time and find the right employees.

For the functioning of the island with ice cream will require staff:

  • Two sellers who will work on a shift schedule. The average salary in St. Petersburg is 25,000 rubles.
  • Accountant: you can invite to outsource, than to reduce the costs of the payroll.

How to advertise a business

In terms of advertising, opening an island in a shopping center is a good solution. If you carefully consider the choice of the place where the island with ice cream will be located, then the fame and location of the shopping center will play the role of advertising. The flow of customers in such crowded places has already been established, and advertising will be a profitable point in the shopping center.

Buying sweets is often spontaneous, so it is important to catch the eye of the buyer with a bright showcase, arouse the desire to try products.

If you are not planning to start a business from scratch, consider buying an existing company. In this case, you will receive a client base and the ability to work on already formed business processes. There are various offers in our catalog, for example, confectioneries operating on the market for several years.

  • In St. Petersburg
  • In Moscow
  • In Russia
  Example of an advertising poster for an ice cream islet Example of an advertising leaflet for an ice cream islet Sample advertising for an ice cream islet

You will need

  • - business plan;
  • - concept
  • - premises;
  • - design project;
  • - equipment;
  • - staff;
  • - products.

Instruction manual

Make a business plan, in which a special place is given to the description of USP - a unique selling proposition that will distinguish your institution from others. In this case, it could be. If you decide to produce this delicacy yourself, take into account the experience of Italian gelatarii. It is their product in this format that is recognized as the best. Find suppliers (or better - manufacturers) of equipment, determine its capacity, functionality and raw materials on which it can operate. Then order a master class, where you could clearly demonstrate everything and let them try ready-made ice cream. If everything suits you, take this or similar equipment as the basis of business processes.

Find a room that meets the requirements of regulatory authorities. Do a location study. Analyze the competitive environment, the direction of movement of customer flows, proximity to the target audience. If the room is suitable - sign a lease. Try to “knock out” the owner 1-2 months of preferential payment while you start the business.

Make repairs. In whatever good condition the hall and kitchen are, the ceiling, floor and walls must be updated. In some cases, changes should be made to the location of utilities, but in general, if a catering facility was located in the room, most likely it does not need any serious adjustments. Cosmetic repairs will be quite enough. Another thing if your concept involves a change in the interior. Here, one month is not limited.

Purchase and arrange furniture and equipment. Get permissions. Design a menu. Find suppliers. It’s up to you to decide whether ice cream parlor  to sell. Experts advise to refrain from this step, because he will scare away families with children who should become your anchor. Make a promotion plan.

Hire staff. Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe hall and the number of seats, you will need 2-6 waiters, the same number of line cooks, 2 technical workers and administrators, a chef, an accountant and a manager. Line personnel work in shifts, managerial staff - in the regime of 5-day work week. Provide job descriptions and shift schedules. It is always necessary to control employees, but most importantly - at the opening stage, because they may need help, especially if the cafe has not conducted trainings and developed common service standards.

Ice cream is always popular, especially in summer. But even in the winter period, with the correct organization of the business, you can make good money, getting, in the end, a decent annual profit. You can organize a sale in different formats: ice cream parlors or smaller points of sale (corner in the store or stall).

Business Formats

Selling products can come from different sources:

  • Wholesale purchases from other manufacturers.
  • Own production.
  • Mixed source (partially purchase ready-made ice cream, partial on-site production)

The production and sale of our own ice cream is an interesting business, but it requires expensive starting acquisitions, which include:

  • Ice Cream Production Line.
  • Packing conveyor.
  • Cooling chamber.

The largest amount of expenses will be for equipment for the production of hard ice cream. So, a production line with a capacity of 250 kg of ice cream per shift costs about 90 thousand dollars. To this amount will be added the cost of the refrigerator, rent and utilities. As a result, the starting capital, which will be needed to open our own production and point of sale, will be about 130 thousand dollars.

But you can start with a smaller initial capital, initially focusing only on the sale, purchasing ready-made ice cream in bulk. According to experts, the amount of funds needed to open an ice cream parlor will be only 20 - 25 thousand dollars. There will be even less starting capital when opening a stall: the cost of the stall ($ 1000), a refrigerator (you can use it - $ 250), rent (depends on the place and region), initial purchases of goods. After the investments have paid off, part of the income can be spent on expanding the enterprise by purchasing, for example, a freezer for making soft ice cream, and if you wish, you can then completely switch to your own production.

When is it profitable?

It is believed that the real experts in the ice cream market are Italians. It was the specialists of this country who derived the equation, on the basis of which it can be found out whether it is profitable for the entrepreneur to produce and sell ice cream. It looks like this: The price of one ice cream \u003d The cost of raw materials * 10. That is, if the price of one “ice cream” is 10 times the cost of ingredients for it, then the business will be profitable. In the case of own production, it is best to focus on the production of exclusive varieties from natural raw materials, since it will be difficult to compete with large manufacturers of ordinary ice cream or cream ice cream.

Franchise as an option

Another option may be to work on the basis of franchising. This format has certain advantages, of which the most important is working with an already well-known and popular brand and a ready-made model that can only be accurately executed.

Of the well-known brands in the Russian trading space, the Baskin Robbins and Mia Dolce Giulia brands can offer their franchises on certain conditions. Both offers may be of interest to entrepreneurs.

Baskin Robbins ice cream is perhaps the most famous brand, which is very popular because it offers very tasty ice cream.

However, the conditions for acquiring a franchise are quite stringent and not feasible for everyone. To begin with, the required starting capital is from 70 to 150 thousand dollars. The entrepreneur will have to pay a lump-sum fee of $ 11 thousand, and also monthly pay the copyright holder 4% of the gross purchases of materials and ice cream. You will also have to pay advertising fees - 1% of gross sales monthly. In addition, in many cities, food market chains already sell Baskin Robbins ice cream, and if food shops already have experience in working with this company in the city, the franchisor will have to compete with the point of sale of these chain stores.

Against the backdrop of Baskin Robbins, the Mia Dolce Giulia franchise may seem more loyal to a wide range of entrepreneurs. The company manufactures products using Italian technology and does not set strict conditions for partners. So, work can be carried out in a format of any size - from a cafe to a small stall with a logo. Depending on the type of institution, the entry fee is from 5 to 30 thousand dollars; royalties - from 300 to 500 dollars, plus 17 thousand insurance investments. On such conditions of partnership, the managers of the company promise a yield of 150% per annum.

Franchising cooperation in many areas is now actively developing. But it should be noted that even in this format, the technical side of the business will actually remain the same as in the case of independent work, but the risks are still present. Thus, an entrepreneur has a choice: use a franchise or open his own business.

Own business: features and capabilities

In the case of opening your own business, it is first of all necessary to decide whether it will be its own production or retail sale of ice cream purchased in bulk. For the company to pay off within one to two years, it is necessary to achieve a marketability of at least 300 units of products per day. And this is all year long. At the same time, in winter, as a rule, a decline in demand is observed, especially for the points (kiosks and stalls) located on the street.

To ensure year-round good demand, you should carefully choose a place. A shopping center is an ideal location for a kiosk or ice cream parlor.

But in many cases it’s more interesting, and more importantly -   more promising to open their own production.  In this case, it will be possible to offer customers special high-quality varieties of ice cream made from natural products. By purchasing ingredients directly from manufacturers in bulk, you can achieve that at the same cost as in the case of the purchase of ready-made ice cream, the taste and quality will be much better. This will highlight their point with ice cream among competitors and ensure year-round good demand.

In order to open your own small ice cream production, you will need to purchase a hard ice cream production plant, a pasteurizer and a shock freezer. To store the goods you will need a freezer display case and (or) a chamber. You can also purchase a freezer (from $ 900) for making soft ice cream to diversify the range.

The maximum expansion of product positions to increase profitability is very beneficial precisely for the cafe format. In addition to ice cream, you can offer drinks (tea, coffee, juices, milk and berry shakes), cake, chocolate. At the same time, drinks can also be alcoholic: do not forget that the main consumers of ice cream are children, but they often come to cafes with their parents. However, a measure is needed in everything.

The appearance of an extraneous assortment may already lead to the fact that the institution will resemble an ordinary cafe, and its profitability may be in question. If it was originally an ice cream cafe, then it is better to take care of the maximum variety of ice cream varieties and its taste: after all, this is what visitors will expect first of all. The minimum variety of ice cream varieties for cafes is at least 10 - 15 species. In this case, the rule applies: the more the better. If there are so many types of ice cream that the visitor's eyes widen, then he will strive to try everything, if not at once, then coming again and again.

According to researchers of this market segment, Russians prefer brands with a high fat content. Chocolate, vanilla and pistachio varieties are popular.


The minimum area for a cafe where own ice cream is sold is 50 m2. The layout should include the presence of a trading floor, a domestic zone and a production room. If, as the initial step, a minimalist option with a stall format was chosen, then 5 m 2 will be enough.

As already mentioned, the location of a cafe or stall, which should be located in a passageway, is important. It is advantageous when the cafe is located on the territory of the food court in the shopping center. But, renting this zone, respectively, will be expensive. Stationary stand-alone cafes on busy streets, in popular parks are also a profitable option.

Ice cream parlor staff

If the format of the cafe with its own workshop is selected, then staff will be needed to ensure both production and customer service. Depending on the size of the cafe, 10 to 20 people will need to be hired, among them there will be:

  • Bartenders.
  • Sellers.
  • Cashiers.
  • Shifts confectioners.
  • Operators working with equipment.
  • A visiting or full-time service engineer.
  • Accountant.
  • Administrator (Director).

The director may also be the owner of the cafe.

Profit and payback

If we take Moscow as an example, then, according to experts, the average monthly profit of establishments located in the mall is 12-15 thousand dollars a month, of stationary cafes - 21-24 thousand dollars. The payback period for starting investments is one and a half years. For example, for an ice cream parlor renting an area of \u200b\u200b60 m2 with a staff of 12 people in a shopping center, the gross monthly revenue is 60 thousand rubles. Of these, 45% will need to be deducted for the purchase of ingredients and products, 17% for rent and utilities, 8% for staff salaries and 3% for equipment maintenance and repair. As a result, profit without taxes will be 27% of total revenue (in monetary terms - $ 16,200).

In the case of a stall and wholesale purchases from the producer, profits from the sale of ice cream in the high season will be about $ 1200. Even if you take into account that in cold weather the revenue will be lower, then this small point of sale will pay off in 3-4 months.

  In the field of catering, an ice cream parlor is considered the most attractive business for investors. Creating such a business does not require significant investments, and buying an ice cream parlor quickly pays for itself. Moreover, it should be noted that there is always a demand for catering, therefore specialized cafes have good development prospects. Cafes are focused on wide categories of consumers, of different ages, social status, financial opportunities, so they constantly bring their owners a stable income. On weekends and holidays, the ice cream parlor is becoming an excellent place for family vacations. And on weekdays, managers and students gather there. It should be noted and the steady growth of the emergence of new ice cream parlors. On average in Russia, the annual market growth dynamics is at least 20%. Especially the tendency to open cafes is clearly visible in large regional centers, where it is developing quite well.

If you decide to buy an ice cream parlor, you need to roughly navigate how much money goes into opening such an institution. As we have already noted, the organization of production and sale of ice cream does not require significant investments. The most budget option will cost around 600-700 thousand rubles. If you build a decent institution with the purchase of expensive equipment, you can spend from 2.5 million rubles or more (a good set of equipment will cost about 2 million rubles). The payback period of such institutions is from one and a half to two years, which is pretty good.

To open an ice cream parlor you need a room of 50 sq.m. The optimal location is considered shopping and entertainment complexes, where people go not only to make some purchases, but also to relax. The staff of the ice cream parlor is usually 15-20 people, including the executive director, accountant, room maintenance and repair engineer, managers, etc. It is advisable that all staff undergo training before hiring.

Like any food service establishment, constant quality control of all ingredients is required. The best taste ingredients are usually purchased from European companies, it turns out not so cheap, but the products will meet the highest requirements. The equipment in ice cream parlors is most often imported, preference is given to Italian manufacturers. Refrigerators can be bought from domestic manufacturers. They lose in design and ergonomics, but they keep the cold no worse than their Western and Eastern counterparts.

Now, regarding the purchase of a ready-made ice cream parlor. Due to the good demand for such catering establishments, it is very difficult to buy an ice cream parlor. There are few offers in this market. According to experts, the cost of the promoted ice cream parlor will be about 260 thousand dollars. Therefore, the rest of the real proposals for the purchase of a ready-made business are offered by franchisors. If you have small financial resources, then organizing a small franchise business will be the best option for you. The largest players in the franchise market in the field of cafe opening are two large companies: Baskin Robbins and Mia Dolce Giulia.


Baskin Robbins is one of the very first companies to develop the franchising market in Russia. Currently, the Baskin Robbins network includes 107 cafes opened in Russia, the countries of the former CIS and the Baltic states. The terms of participation in the network include the payment of a lump-sum payment (from $ 11,000) and transfer of royalties (4% of gross purchases of ice cream and related materials from the factory). In addition, the franchisee is obliged to spend at least 1% of the gross sales on local cafe advertising on a monthly basis. The amount of investment at the opening of the Baskin Robbins point is $ 70,000 - 150,000.

The Baskin-Robbins company offers its franchisees comprehensive assistance in organizing business and includes the following:

  • assistance in the preparation of a business plan for the creation of a cafe, including marketing analysis, the selection of a suitable location, the calculation of the required investment volumes and payback periods;
  • budgeting, monitoring the construction and equipment of ice cream parlors;
  • supply of equipment, finishing materials, company furniture, creating the desired image of the institution;
  • training of managers, decorators, on the basis of their training center in Moscow with subsequent training of local staff;
  • marketing and advertising support for the brand,


   Mia Dolce Giulia (a Russian company that produces ice cream using exclusive Italian technologies) launched its franchise program only in 2004. In the Western network, domestic ice cream makers opposed favorable terms of cooperation for franchisees (discounts on raw materials and equipment). In addition, they offered investors several options for opening points - from the simple installation of a display case for the sale of ice cream to an integrated option that includes the production and sale of dessert. The lump-sum contribution for different cooperation schemes ranges from 150,000 to 900,000 rubles, royalties are fixed (9,000-15,000 rubles per month). Investments in starting a business start from 500,000 rubles, and the return on investments can exceed 150% per annum.

Cafe "Mia Dolce Giulia" proved its worth and competitiveness, working in many cities of Russia. Comprehensive assistance is provided to its franchisee partners, from the supply of equipment at discounted prices to the supply of promotional products up to branded napkins.

Consider the terms of the Mia Dolce Giulia franchise program. The franchisee package includes:

  • the right to use the trademark "Mia Dolce Giulia";
  • development of a point of sale project - by order of the franchisee, an architectural and planning solution is being prepared, as well as a technical task for the development of a point of sale design;
  • delivery of equipment at the start of the outlet - franchisees have the opportunity to receive equipment from leading European manufacturers at discounted prices;
  • Supply of raw materials and accessories - the franchisee has the opportunity to purchase at reduced prices the ingredients necessary for making ice cream, as well as accessories decorated in the corporate style of “Mia Dolce Giulia”;
  • staff training - there is a training of managerial, sales and production personnel in accordance with the standards of effective business "Mia Dolce Julia".

  The franchisee is offered three options for joining the network of ice cream cafes "Mia Dolce Giulia"

Franchise option

Lump-sum payment, thousand dollars

The total amount of investments required to open a business (including a lump-sum payment, excluding the cost of preparing the premises), thousand dollars

Estimated return on investment, years.

Who is the franchise for?


For regions of Russia



For Moscow and the regions of Russia, where franchisees are already operating, working on an integrated option.