How to deal with excitement. How to quickly remove the excitement? How to get rid of trembling with excitement

The good news is for those who have difficulty coping with daily stress in the family and at work: there are affordable ways to get rid of constant excitement and anxiety. As a first aid, the author of a new book on stress advises using simple acupressure exercises. To change our reaction to stress is also in our power, for this we need to understand the work of the adrenal glands.

Any stresses that we attribute to our emotional state — for example, anxiety, low self-esteem, or violent reaction — are actually related to our physiology. These so-called “false feelings” are due to a lack of a chemical reaction in the brain that can support resistance to stress. However, such states can be quickly corrected by changing their physiology.

I asked Sarah Gottfried, MD, a specialist in integrative medicine from Harvard University, how to stop feeling like a loser if you cannot live every moment of your life as if you were a superhero. She proposed a new mantra: "These are my adrenal glands, this is not me." According to Gottfried, we should stop blaming ourselves and try to jump above our heads, and instead we should "think about our biology."

Stress and adrenal glands: how does it work?

Up to 70% of people reporting stress actually suffer in varying degrees from an imbalance in the adrenal glands (the organs that produce the hormones responsible for your reaction to stress). Under conditions of chronic stress, our body goes through three stages, which are characterized by varying degrees of adrenal imbalance and ultimately their depletion.

In the first stage   we accumulate additional energy to deal with stress factors. After the first adrenaline rush, the adrenal glands begin to secrete cortisol, which initially - and in small quantities - is our source of strength and endurance. In the right amount, cortisol helps metabolize food, fights allergies and reduces inflammation.

But if the state of excessive agitation does not stop, the adrenal glands begin to secrete too much adrenaline and cortisol, replacing them with our neurotransmitters responsible for good mood, namely serotonin (a source of self-confidence and optimism) and dopamine (a source of pleasure). When cortisol is chronically circulating in the body, it begins to stimulate inflammatory reactions and can cause those diseases from which it was originally supposed to protect. Accordingly, signs of a disease or infection appear.

We no longer experience the “euphoria” associated with the release of adrenaline; instead of this there is a bad mood or even depression. Too much or too little cortisol can lead to a weakening of attention, a feeling of congestion. We resort to the help of external stimulants - caffeine, salty or sweet foods. We exhaust ourselves even more, playing sports, or, conversely, stop all physical activity. We begin to feel chronic fatigue and irritation.

At the last stage   An adrenal gland imbalance to these organs is so damaging that they are no longer able to produce enough stress hormones. Every minor issue now seems like a global catastrophe. From now on, for example, when your son spills milk or the leader casts a disapproving look at you - for you this is truly the end of the world.

Adrenal Depletion: How to Avoid?

We all experience this condition - from time to time. But if this is a habitual way of life for you, perhaps your body is at risk of adrenal exhaustion. “A diet high in sugar and low in protein provokes stressful reactions, although we don’t realize it,” says bestselling author and nutritionist Julia Ross. Ironically, more than 70% of people eat the most unhealthy foods in order to get rid of emotional stress. We should all check the state of our stress hormones in order to know exactly at what point in the spectrum of adrenal exhaustion each of us is now.

Instead of breaking through the thorns of stress or excitement (and then reproaching yourself for it), you should learn as much as possible about your physiology. You can do a saliva test using a test that is sold at the pharmacy, or take a blood test at any medical facility where you can help interpret the results. Then, using the drugs prescribed for you, you can restore the normal level of hormones in the adrenal glands.

Many experts recommend starting with nutrition - making the necessary changes to the diet and observing the improvements. Start with minor but consistent changes in your diet (e.g., a diet high in gluten and protein and vegetables), take natural vitamins and supplements (more B vitamins and fish oil rich in omega-3 acids, for example), and try natural herbs (for example, Rhodiola for concentration and balance; chamomile or passionflower to stimulate the “soothing” parts of your brain).

And now I want to reveal to you some secret tricks with which you will instantly increase self-confidence and reduce anxiety.

4 quick ways to get rid of excitement

One of the components of high stress tolerance is the ability to pull yourself together and maintain calm and confidence, no matter what happens around. You can do this using the following exercises.

What is the use of acupressure exercises, that is, pressure on biologically active points on the hands? A lot of nerve endings are concentrated at the fingertips. Folding the fingers in various combinations and keeping them in this position for a specific time exerts healing pressure on certain nerve endings. Such positions of the hands and fingers can stimulate the manifestation of various qualities (for example, fearlessness, confidence, a feeling of power and peace) for the person who performs this exercise, and can have a healing effect in case of various health problems.

In fact, you have the key to the first-aid kit.

Exercise 1: Panic Off Point

If you, like many other people, are nervous before speaking publicly, use the next acupressure point, which I call the “panic off point”.

Hand position: with your thumb touch the “knuckle” of the middle (third) finger. Then move your thumb to the palm of your hand until you feel a “soft” indentation or a small hollow. Pressure should be moderate. By clicking on this point you contribute to the regulation of pressure and reduce excitement.

Exercise 2: Confidence Point

To stimulate a state of confidence, try clicking on the “confidence point”. By clicking on this point you send a signal that reduces internal emotional stress, stimulating a state of calm. Fold your hands in the appropriate position for at least 30 seconds before speaking, giving a presentation or at any other time when you need a “boost of confidence”.

Hand position:   place the thumb of either hand on the side of the index finger between the first and second joints. Apply mild or moderate pressure.

Exercise 3: breathing techniques to get rid of fear

You can teach your body to get rid of fear. Vigorous exhalations stimulate PNS, contributing to peace of mind. I used this breathing technique to get rid of claustrophobia, so it was easier for me to live in New York, where crowded metro and elevators are an integral part of life.

Breathing technique:   take vigorous breaths through the nose and exhale through the mouth, concentrate on each breath in and out. As you exhale, force your hands forward as if you were pushing away something you didn't like. Then, as you inhale, return your arms to your chest in a straight line, elbows pressed to your sides. Exhale sharply through your mouth, throwing out your arms again. Repeat one more time.

Hand position:   connect the tips of the thumb and forefinger and raise your hands in front of the chest, palms away from you.

Duration:   start by doing this exercise for one minute, gradually bring the training time to three minutes. When performing the exercise for the first time, you may feel lightly dizzy - just stop if you feel uncomfortable.

Exercise 4: Hand position to stimulate the search for solutions

To solve problems effectively, you must be confident in your abilities and listen to intuition. To activate the brain center to solve problems, you can use the following position of the hands. This position helps to focus at a point on the forehead, which corresponds to the approximate location of your pineal gland and is located at the intersection of the left and right hemispheres. This point is access to "cerebral thinking." In some spiritual and physical traditions of yoga, she is considered the "third eye" - the intersection of intuition and wisdom.

Hand position:   connect the tip of the thumb of the right hand with the tips of the second (index) and third (middle) fingers. Place the “top” of this triangle at a distance of about 2.5 cm from the point on the forehead, which is about 2.5 cm above the point located directly between the eyes. At the same time, in the same way, connect the tip of the thumb of your left hand with the tips of the second (index) and third (middle) fingers. Place the “top” of this triangle at a distance of about 2.5 cm from the point on the forehead that will correspond to your “intuition”.

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My daughter changed school as a teenager - this is a big problem. New team, new teachers. Excitement, poor sleep, distraction appeared. They began to drink glycine forte at night for 1 tablet. The result was not long in coming. New friends appeared and study improved.

16.10.2018 21:07:32, Elizaveta Simonova

Here I always have a good mood))

i hope it helps me

Comment on the article "Stress, excitement, panic: how to get rid? 4 quick ways"

Stress, excitement, panic: how to get rid? Advise sedative. Pharmacies, drugs and vitamins. Marin, I was prescribed a Persian doctor (it was in the first trimester, so that I would not be very worried about the development of pregnancy, you remember ...


At night, drink drops of Morozov. And driving sedatives is impossible, vigilance is dulled

Yes, such a magic wand is called tenoten. It can just be taken by those who are driving, since there is no drowsiness or other side effects from it. He helped me a lot in due time. I recommend

Pharmacies, drugs and vitamins. Medicine and health. I make a package of motherwort in such situations and drink the whole glass. drowsiness. Never had such a question. What would you like to drink to calm down? Stress, excitement, panic: how to get rid?

Stress, excitement, panic: how to get rid? There is no cure for this, just try to relieve anxiety, but the first class, anxiety is natural, and even the excitement before the concert. ... you can cover the child. although sometimes they give rugs. necessarily a medicine for the stomach Well ...


Glycine was rightly written down. It can and should be drunk in the fall and winter. It is brain-friendly and harmless. Do not give anything before the exam. More often from this inhibition, drowsiness. Those will be even worse.
Before the exam, sleep on time. Breakfast in the morning is not very dense and drink tea with sugar. Glucose is food for the brain. The poetry for exams is advised by chocolate. We were always told, excite a couple of pieces of refined sugar and eat right before the exam.
In general, you need to learn and nothing will be scary to someone who knows. There are still so many exams ahead .... and the holes just to understand their gaps and their liquidation.

I give Afobazol.

Pharmacies, drugs and vitamins. Section: Pharmacies, drugs and vitamins. what to drink so as not to cry. Girls, my son’s graduation tomorrow, and I’m very emotional in general and to such moments in particular, I don’t want to cry, but hold back ...

Actually the question is: is it possible to somehow achieve a change in the reaction to stress. But this is not the first such situation when I turn off from severe stress. Just this one is a very good example, where it is clearly visible that even the ability to lose a child does not allow ...

Our everyday life is simply overflowing with moments that can unsettle us and make us worry. This feeling is natural. All people are subject to involuntary excitement. But this has a bad effect on the psychological state of a person, making them hazy and their movements awkward.

Some people shake hands at crucial moments or their voice trembles, others blush or, even worse, cannot utter a word, ultimately reducing all efforts to zero.

Each of us is always pleased with success, failure upsets. But if you have frequent stress and tension - this is fraught with negative consequences. Strong excitement hinders the achievement of goals, diseases develop. It is important to learn how to overcome negative emotions. To do this, we offer several exercises.

The first is relaxation. There are special audio discs for autogenic training. Or you can just take your time on a trip while listening to pleasant music. Present the paintings while relaxing. It can be a quiet summer day in a pine forest, the rays of the sun make their way through the trees.

Or you are on the seashore. You should feel how you feel good, calm, how your excitement goes away and confidence comes. It is useful to pronounce to yourself the following self-hypnosis formulas: “I'm calm ... I'm confident ...”. Relaxation techniques are best used daily.

The second is a positive attitude. Strong emotional excitement appears in people who restlessly chasing the same heavy thoughts in a circle. But such a mood creates vibrations in your mind, and they, in turn, attract trouble. Now many people believe in the beneficial effects of positive, so maybe you should try to think about the good?

The third is breathing. Breathing exercises will help to cope with experiences, and will also have a positive effect on the general well-being of the body, saturating it with vitality. How to deal with excitement and overcome fear? The most famous technique will help you - breathing with alternating nostrils.

To perform it, take a comfortable pose, keep your back straight. Inhale deeply several times and proceed. Inhale the left nostril, then exhale the right. And vice versa. Imagine that you breathe calm and confidence, and exhale excitement. Exercises should start from 3-5-7 minutes a day, increasing the time throughout the month, reaching 20 minutes without interruption.

How to deal with excitement before a performance?

Very often a person does not manage to cope with the experience before the upcoming public speech. According to psychologists, the fear of speaking is among the top ten phobias.

Specialists have long developed technologies that teach how to effectively deal with the excitement on the stage and enjoy it.

If you have a panic fear before the performance itself, you need to do a few exercises:

  1. Move your jaw. This will help to relax the muscles of the face and save you from a look that resembles a theater mask.
  2. Gymnastics hands. Rotate your hands vigorously, move your fingers, massage your palms. Psychologists say that exercise will help remove a paralyzing moment and increase the ability to eloquence.
  3. Walk around the room forward - backward. Vigorously wave your hands (it is better to do this in a secluded place and not attract too much attention).

Now you know how to deal with the excitement before the performance. But the main thing is not to fall face down in the mud during the performance itself. In practice, it is known that only 10% of success depends on what you say, the rest depends on how you do it. Therefore, to focus on the stage, never start your speech right away. Wait silently for a while, this will help you get used to the irritants in the room. And the audience will tune in to the perception of your creativity.

How to deal with the excitement before the exam?

You can learn everything even by “six” points, but starting to answer, you don’t know anything. Therefore, it is important to control yourself and give out everything that you managed to remember.

Before the exam you need to get enough sleep, this will help to gain strength. An important breakfast is important: porridge or cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, strong sweet tea. Otherwise, over time, blood sugar will drop, and the head will be worse to think. Do not forget to bring chocolate or fruit for a snack and plain water.

In order to protect yourself from everything that prevents you from concentrating, be sure to include your favorite music in your ears, this will calm you down and relieve tension. In no case do not take sedatives, it will make you a sleepy fly, and the reaction will be inhibited.

Avoid those people by whose appearance you can determine that they are directly devoured by fear, because it is contagious.

And remember that a free pose on the exam will be a plus for you, because those people who are confident in themselves and in their answers keep calm.

But, if nevertheless you are overwhelmed with excitement, and it seems to you that everything is gone, think that this exam is nonsense compared to the problems of the Universe. And you can condemn yourself: “I did everything I could, but let it be what will be”. After all, the worst that can happen is retake. But you do not know the subject so badly?

So, you risk only an assessment. And why should it be bad if you were preparing? All the problems are in your head, even if there is no reason for them.

How to deal with the excitement before the interview?

If you decide to start finding a job, then in front of you will find many trials. One of them is an interview with the employer, this is an important event, your immediate future depends on it. The psychology of fear of an interview is very simple - it is a fear of the unknown.

The right behavior can outweigh your knowledge gaps and be a big plus in the decision of the HR manager.

First you need to prepare for the interview, both technically and emotionally.

Bring to the list of basic questions that the employer may ask:

  • Why did you choose our company?
  • What attracts you to this position?
  • What is your previous job? Why did you decide to leave?
  • What were the achievements in the previous position?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • Actions in the first days of work in a new position?
  • How do you improve your skills as a professional?
  • What are you better than other candidates for this place?

You need to remove the words from your vocabulary: “I don’t know”, “I will try”, “maybe”. Replace them with phrases: "I'm sure," "I can," "of course," I'm ready. ". Ask friends or relatives to play a typical situation with you. Prepare a portfolio and documents that may be needed at the interview.

Excitement is a certain emotional state necessary for mobilizing strength. Strong excitement is harmful to humans, so you need to know how to deal with excitement. In most cases, excitement appears before a crucial event or event. Everyone reacts differently to excitement. One person may be too calm and even depressed, another may have a strong excitement. Both of these conditions do not benefit the person and can provoke improper behavior at the most crucial moment. In this article we will tell you how to quickly deal with excitement.

How to get rid of excitement

The state of excitement can be seen in the example of an ordinary athlete before the competition. Whatever his character, light excitement and excitement will still be. It will help him gather his spirit and prepare emotionally. If there were no excitement, then the athlete before the race would be indifferent, this could not help him in achieving positive results.

In sport, there are two terms of condition before responsible competitions. This is prelaunch apathy and prelaunch fever. With strong excitement before the race, the athlete is able to "burn out." In both cases, he will not run as well as he did during training.

Therefore, it is very important to mobilize all your strength, pull yourself together and know how to cope with excitement. Each person should understand his feelings and understand the degree to which he is able to show the best results at the most crucial moment.

If you want to learn how to cope with excitement, you can resolve the psyche yourself by performing certain exercises.


In order to stop thinking about an upcoming event and deal with excitement, you just need to look at the same subject for 5 minutes, noting as many different details as possible. With strong excitement, this exercise can be combined with breathing procedures. For example, when you exhale, close your eyes, and when you inhale, look again at the subject. This can be done up to 50 times.


With too strong excitement of the psyche, you should try to distract. To do this, it is worth taking a comfortable pose and presenting the events that will occur after the event. An exceptionally favorable outcome should be presented. Focusing on the finger also helps. It is worth examining it, feeling it and then closing your eyes, representing the same finger.

How to deal with excitement instantly? You should follow your breathing, making it measured and deep. Within two minutes, there will be relative calm.

How to deal with excitement before a performance

An important meeting is about to begin, and you can’t cope with shaking hands, a nervous teak and teeth chattering from nervous strain. The picture is certainly not for the faint of heart and you have no escape routes. How to be How to suppress the excitement? But, by the way, excitement is a beast stupid and easy to train.

Your interlocutor is poor and helpless

For many millennia, Japanese samurai have used a simple way to tame excitement. They could have a conversation with anyone, introducing the interlocutor as a dirty, helpless ragged man, while they felt confident and majestic.

Introducing the interlocutor in the toilet

This is the easiest and most reliable way to deal with excitement when meeting an important person. Such a simple method was invented by a Russian soldier, who, while serving, accidentally found a colonel general in the restroom, who was known as a cruel airborne commander. After what happened, the soldier could not calmly listen to the fiery speeches of the commander and mentally smirked.

Smart Occupation - Calligraphy

When meeting with an important person, he begins to break through trembling, thoughts all fly out of my head, and why? All from not knowing what to expect next. That is the whole reason for the excitement. Take a blank sheet, draw it into four parts.

First write your fears in one phrase. In the second, tell us about your assumptions about what the meeting is fraught with. In the third - neutral consequences that can be expected from the meeting. Well, and in the fourth - the optimistic expected forecast.

Upon completion of the description of fears and forecasts, you will see how much the situation has changed for the better, confidence and composure have appeared.

Switch attention

To cope with excitement, brain impulses should be switched to solving other problems. In this situation, a small pain center is ideal. For example, pinch yourself in the thigh area, only in a fit of nervous tension do not try to tear off a piece of muscle. On a subconscious level, brain activity will shift all its attention to pain. And you will have the opportunity to cope with your emotions.

From a change in the places of the terms, the result changes significantly

Mentally switch places with the person you are talking to, put him in a situation that gives you torment akin to medieval torture. This is a surefire way to suppress excitement.

If none of the above helps, use the golden rule - the main thing is to start, and then everything will go as it should.

Each of us in life has periods of various stresses and various unrest. They may well be generated, both by external causes, and by their inner experiences. Moreover, it will not be possible to completely avoid any stresses, but on the other hand, it is quite possible to reduce their negative consequences through timely measures.

What to do with excitement

How can we understand when it is time for us to take any sedatives or is it time to stomp to the doctor? What can certainly be said here is that it is absolutely impossible to “trigger” one’s own nervous state.

The thing is that absolutely any nervous tension has the property to be regulated by the mechanism of some positive feedback, that is, to self-strengthen over time. A similar aggravation of the condition can occur at once at several levels.

Firstly, right at the level of our neurons, the so-called special dominant may well form, for example, a ring or a certain network of activated cells, it is they that stimulate each other to a large extent and at the same time suppress to a certain extent the activity of absolutely all available neighboring neurons.

This dominant may well have quite obvious manifestations that are at the level of your consciousness: for example, during hunger or some kind of sexual arousal, such dominants formed in the human brain direct absolutely all thoughts in a single direction.

Secondly, our consciousness, being in a certain negative emotional status, will absolutely always be able to find all the latest and latest external causes for further frustration.

Therefore, the correct approach to combating various nervous tensions is to work adequately with it when this tension is still in the very initial stage of its development. To use such energy of a given voltage in the necessary direction, but at the same time not to allow it to go in cycles in such destructive and incredibly vicious circles.

If you want to cope with excitement, and the usual methods do not help, you need not to persuade yourself with common phrases, “I don’t worry” or “nothing, now I will take a deep breath and will certainly calm down”, but admit that you have a certain problem and start right there her decision.

If your nervous tension is short-term (in particular, after a sudden hard conversation with your superiors), you can immediately take some sedative. Here it is necessary to clearly distinguish between different types of sedatives: homeopathic, natural, chemical. If the medications do not help, it is better to consult a specialist.

The life of each person is full of responsible events that require mandatory and perfect execution. The determining factor for the success of such events, whether it be a public speech, exam or a simple conversation with the interlocutor, is self-control. Realizing their responsibility, most people experience panic and anxiety, which leads to failure. In such cases, you need to know how to quickly remove the excitement and adequately speak at an event using the following tips:

1.Breathe   as deep and slow as possible and not to listen to the rapid heartbeat, otherwise the excitement will only increase. With deep breathing, a gradual slowdown in the heart rhythm occurs, and the nervous system calms down. The lack of air and the confusion in the thoughts that accompany the excitement will quickly disappear with proper breathing exercises: inhale one to five with your nose and exhale with your mouth for six, seven and eight.

2.Lean back, close your eyes and relax your muscles. It is necessary to take an open pose, get rid of crossed legs and arms, remove hands from the face and not occupy their objects. Through conscious relaxation of each muscle in the body, psychological relaxation can be achieved. You can also go for a walk and breathe in fresh air to get rid of muscle tension.

3.Quickly cope with a sense of anxiety and excitement will allow mental or motor activity. A number of arithmetic operations can be performed in the mind, and the brain will not be obsessed with thoughts that cause panic fear. Any energetic movements, vigorous actions and even back-and-forth walking, after which you need to take a deep breath, also help relieve anxiety.

4. The easiest way to quickly relieve excitement and gather your thoughts is drink a glass of water or a cup of herbal tea   and take a bath by adding a few drops of fragrant lavender oil. If nothing helps and the excitement is too strong, then a sedative drug will help reduce nervousness in a short time.

A constant feeling of excitement and anxiety brings chaos to life and disorganizes work, which affects the external state of a person and his productivity. To find peace of mind and a comfortable sense of confidence, you must adhere to certain tips that can quickly minimize the manifestations of emotional stress.

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I know firsthand about the excitement before an important event. I worry every time I speak to an audience. Over time, I figured out and realized where it comes from and how to deal with it.

But excitement arises not only before public speaking. It rolls before the interview, or when you need to make an important decision, pass an exam, ask for a raise in salary.

In my article I want to offer several ways to help deal with excitement. I want to note right away that some techniques will remove the problem not completely, but partially, since the reasons for the excitement are different for everyone. To neutralize them completely, you need to.

Why are we worried?

The first and main cause of excitement is, of course, fear. Fear that they will refuse you, they will not understand you, you are not needed, you are not worthy, and so on. Fear, in turn, arises when a person is not sure of a positive result and is afraid not to reach the final goal with a plus sign.

One option for dealing with excitement is thorough preparation. She will help calm down on the eve of a speech, a conversation with superiors, and an exam.

But what if preparation does not help? What to do when excitement fetters the body and does not allow breathing at the most inopportune moment? I offer several effective techniques.

6 techniques to help deal with excitement

Technique No. 1 - movement

Traffic helps to cope with excitement. For example, you are speaking in front of an audience, talking on the phone or waiting for your turn to draw out an examination ticket - move on.

Walk around the audience, room, go out into the corridor, go for a cup of coffee - any movement will help you calm down and recover.

Technique number 2 - reincarnation

As a rule, if you are confident in your knowledge, then excitement arises before the performance, and not during it. Such excitement can be dealt with using a simple technique.

Pick up any item, a rubber band, a pen, a hairpin, a marker, and anything else, and mentally ask this item to be your excitement. Set it aside and go do the plan. Do not even doubt the effectiveness of this technique.

Technique number 3 - breathing

Smooth and calm breathing will relieve stress and help you make important decisions. Quite often, we subconsciously hold our breath in moments of tension and intense excitement. This is fundamentally the wrong way. Approximately 5-7 minutes of even and calm breathing (inhaling through the nose, exhaling through the mouth) is a great way to save from excitement.

Technique No. 4 - attention transfer

The transfer of attention. Women are distinguished by the fact that from time to time they scroll in the head events that have not even happened.

Take a break and take off the importance level from this event. At a minimum, you will be surprised to notice many interesting people and other interesting events around you.

Technique number 5 - relaxation

Stressful behavior fetters not only the body, but also the stream of thoughts in your head. Stress is the cause of irritation in the body, feelings and thoughts, and it is not at all an effective way to deal with excitement.

Relaxation, on the contrary, will allow the body to rest and unconsciously prepare for the important. For example, to a speech.

Technique No. 6 - “mental dialogue”

There is such an expression: forewarned, then armed! How can we calculate the situation in advance? So, imagine yourself and a person standing in front of you, with whom you have an important conversation.

Now mentally move into his body and head as if you can feel, hear, see how he is. Now try to understand what this person expects from you? What are you doing? What are the solutions? What words? Now, return to your body and head again and say to the interlocutor everything that he expects from you.

If you need to continue the “mental dialogue”, then repeat it until you realize that everything will happen in the best way for you.

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