Why dream of a running fox. What to prepare in reality if a fox is dreaming

A dream about a fox warns us that we have a cunning, crafty, impudent and dangerous enemy.

Fighting with her in a dream is a sign of a dispute with the enemy.

Catching a fox in a dream is a sign that you will figure out the cunning plans of enemies and do not give them the opportunity to triumph over you.

Catching a fox and bringing her home in a dream means that you will fall in love with an evil and cunning woman who will poison your life.

If you dream that a fox made his way to your house, then beware of a reputation that could suffer through the fault of envious people or rivals.

Playing with a fox or stroking her in a dream is a warning of danger. To kill a fox in a dream means an unconditional victory over enemies.

There is fox meat in a dream - a harbinger of a quarrel with someone.

See interpretation: animals, animals, hunting.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Seeing a Fox in a Dream

To dream of a fox hunt means that you will engage in dubious deeds and risky love affairs.

If in your dream a fox secretly enters your yard - this is a warning: beware of envious people. Your reputation is at stake.

To kill a fox means that you will win in any business.

  Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

What does the dream of Fox mean?

The fox is a cunning beast. Therefore, if you see a fox in a dream, then either you yourself have its characteristic qualities, or become a victim of those.

How do you feel about this symbol - wary or with pleasant feelings?

Regardless of whether you like this image or not, it determines your understanding of the world and your relationship with it.

The appearance of a fox in a dream signals that somewhere in your life there are qualities that are inextricably linked with this animal, and either these qualities come from you, or you experience their effect on yourself.

Is there anyone else with similar qualities surrounded by a fox?

Is there anyone else in the dream who is wary of you?

  Dream Interpretation from Dream Interpretation of Loff

Dream Fox

If you caught a fox in a dream, you seem to have found a defender. If the fox escaped and ran away, then your protector and patron will leave you.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Assyrian dream book

What do Fox dreams mean?

If you dream of a fox, it means that you have cunning, lurking enemies, or a competitor in trade, undermining your interests, or an opponent in love, trying to oust you from a loving heart. If you are involved in a lawsuit, your lawyer will be double-faced. You will eventually lose the process.

  Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Dream about the Fox

The fox is a harbinger of meeting scammers. If in a dream you are fighting a fox, in reality you are threatened by strong and dangerous opponents. If a tame fox is beside you in a dream, it means that your servants (or employees) are abusing your trust.

  Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

What does Fox mean in a dream

Fox - Living - to easy money, unexpected money. Fur is a pleasure. See products (fur coat, boa, hat). Dead, dead - a failed meeting, which had high hopes.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

The Meaning of a Fox Sleep

To goodness // fire, a friend will deceive, fear a cunning person (neighbor), a thin cunning guest, a secret enemy, enmity; to kill is a victory; to iron - danger; her meat is a quarrel.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Dream interpretation of Veles

Interpretation of Sleep Fox

Washes - soon you will hear flattery. Running away - the best friend will bring you misfortune. Running in a circle - the advice of a loved one will be very useful. Sleep from Saturday to Sunday - promises the imminent death of the animal, to which you are very accustomed; from Sunday to Monday - such a dream warns that your angry and sarcastic character pushes others around you, you risk being alone.

  Dream Interpretation for Women

What the Fox predicts in a dream

The fox personifies such evil human qualities as deceit, cunning and hypocrisy. There are many proverbs and sayings about this cunning animal, and all of them in any way reflect the qualities of the fox: "The fox has all the ears on the top", "The fox of the seven wolves will conduct", "When you look for the fox in front, then it is back."

To see a fox in a river in a dream means that soon you will meet with a person who will make you a good offer that can significantly improve your financial situation. If you dreamed that other animals were pulling the fox out of the river, then such a dream suggests that you should think carefully before undertaking the proposed business, no matter how profitable, at first glance, it does not seem.

Watching in a dream how a fox takes away from any animal its prey is a sign that soon you will need to show great wisdom in order to achieve your goals.

If in a dream you saw a fox throwing its prey, despite the fact that at that moment nothing is threatening it, then in real life you should think about what danger you are exposed to when doing this or that thing.

To dream of a fox running away from hunters is a testament to the fact that, thanks to your patience and intelligence, you will be able to defeat your enemies and restore your reputation.

If you dreamed of a fox without a tail - a harbinger of the fact that you will be able to defeat enemies with their own weapons.

Dreaming little foxes is a sign that you need to pay more attention to your children. Perhaps they are cunning, and you will be very unpleasant when you find out about their lies.

Seeing a pretended dead fox in a dream is a sign that there is a secret ill-wisher in your environment who is only waiting for an opportunity to harm you.

To dream of a fox in a cage is a prophecy that you will be able to establish your own affairs, which are currently not going well.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

What does it mean to see a Fox in a dream

The dream in which you dream of fox hunting means that you will indulge in love affairs at your own peril and risk.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Fox

To dream of a fox in a zoo portends theft or robbery, in a living corner - a secret enemy, to meet her in the wild - beware of cunning people.

Seeing a fox in your home means that soon you will have to smash a lot over where to get the money. To catch a fox means, in reality, bring out a liar under the guise of a well-wisher.

The dead fox says that in reality it will be possible to avoid an unpleasant and humiliating commission in your position. Killing a fox portends your superiority in charm and femininity compared with all the other ladies from among the invited guests, among whom you will shine.

Eating flesh in a dream portends a quarrel, reaching hysteria and assault. The fox collar means that you will do dubious things.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

The meaning of the dream fox

this is a cunning and deceitful enemy who acts contrary to the one with whom he has a relationship or business. The cry of a fox means an intrigue conceived by some impostor or liar. To take a fox in his sleep in his sleep means to prevail in the argument.

Who strokes the fox, that can scare the genie. Play with the fox for a beautiful and mutual love.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

In a dream see a fox

Fox hunting dreams of dubious deeds and risky love affairs.

A fox secretly entering your yard is a warning: you should beware of envious people, otherwise your reputation will be in jeopardy.

If in a dream you killed a fox - win in any business.

In the book of D. Loff it is said: “The fox is a cunning beast. Therefore, if you see a fox in a dream, then either you yourself have its characteristic qualities, or become a victim of those. How do you feel about this symbol - wary or with pleasant feelings? Regardless of whether you like this image or not, it determines your understanding of the world and your relationship with it.

If a fox appears before you as a rival, then the object that it is trying to take from you may become a determining factor for interpretation.

The appearance of a fox in a dream signals that somewhere in your life there are qualities that are inextricably linked with this animal, and either these qualities come from you, or you experience their effect on yourself. ”

  Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Fox prediction

Usually symbolizes cunning and deceit. Perhaps someone from your environment leads you by the nose, or you yourself are planning some tricky business.

Bright red fox: a sign of love affairs or gossip.

Gray, homely fox in a dream: a portent of the fact that you risk becoming a victim of someone's deception and suffer some loss.

A fox caught in a trap, as well as a fox hunt: symbolizes the exposure of deception.

If you wake up some trick to kill a fox in a dream: a harbinger of a serious quarrel or conflict, as a result of which the truth about certain events will surface.

  Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the XX century

What is the dream of the Fox

Beware of a neighbor, to a fire or cheating by a friend. A bad person will appear in your home.

Trying to catch a fox - you need to try to neutralize your opponents.

Fighting a fox in a dream - to a dispute with a smart and cunning opponent.

To see the fox caught in your house - soon you will love the evil woman and become her slave.

Stroking a fox - to deception, trouble.

Kill a fox in a dream - to get rid of enemies.

Barking fox - to loneliness through his own fault.

Killed fox - to the unfavorable development of circumstances.

  Interpretation of dreams from the 21st Century Dream Interpretation

Seeing a Fox in a Dream

The fox is a secret, crafty enemy, sometimes even a thief.

If a fox is in the yard, in the barn, beware of slanderers and envious people, your reputation is at risk.

The fox in the house is an evil woman, some kind of evil for you from a woman, a deception.

To stroke a fox is a danger.

To kill is a victory.

Wear fox fur - protect yourself from ill-wishers.

To dream of a fox hunt - to engage in dubious projects and unworthy love affairs.

  Dream Interpretation from Rommel's Dream Interpretation

Dream Fox

To see a fox is a crafty enemy and his actions / your inner appearance / deceptive path / personality or spirit, which leads you astray.

The fiery red fox - wine, orgies and various damage from drunkenness.

The barking fox is loneliness through his own fault.

A fox devouring bloody prey is a disease from a wild life.

The skin of a fox is a lie, a betrayal by a friend.

Fearing a fox - your lie or falsehood dooms you to inner loneliness.

To hear fox barking from afar is depression, loneliness.

Stroking a fox or seeing a slain is an unfortunate end to their own wickedness / unfavorable development of circumstances / burden of everyday worries.

  Interpretation of dreams from

Interpreters usually associate the image of a red beast with deception, flattery and cunning. To determine exactly what the fox is dreaming of, you need to try to remember as many details and plot details as possible. It can turn out to be both a negative and a positive harbinger.

What does the fox dream of - deciphering in dream books

In Miller’s dream book, a fox (and especially a hunt for it) promises a person risky love affairs in real life. You need to be careful with new acquaintances and not lose your head. If in night dreams the cheat managed to get into the sleeping man’s house, then the envious men threaten his reputation.

According to the Family Dream Book, a fleeing fox promises the dreamer trouble from closest friends. Does the animal wash its paw in a dream? A man or woman will be surrounded by liars and flatterers. Is the beast running through the forest? You need to listen to the advice of others. They will surely prove useful to the dreamer.

In Tsvetkov’s dream book, a fox represents enemies. To stroke it is to the activity of ill-wishers. To kill - to victory over opponents.

In the Modern Dream Book, a fox appeared in a vision warns of fraud from friends or colleagues. This interpretation is especially true if the animal turned out to be dark in color. If the fox is fond of the dreamer, then his new love relationship will be short-lived.

Fox hunting, according to Freud's dream book, promises people dubious waking adventures. No need to accept offers from barely familiar people to start a new business, no matter how interesting and promising it may seem at first glance.

I dreamed of a red, black, white fox

In addition to all other details, in the morning you need to try to remember what color the beast turned out to be:

  • Dreamed of a red fox with a very bright coat that catches your eye? In reality, a sleeping person expects a love adventure with seething passions, stormy emotions, intrigues. Everything will be like in a romantic exciting film.
  • In a dream, a black fox is considered a negative sign only if it attacks a person.   Then it can be considered a harbinger of conflict with a very aggressive evil and vindictive person. If the black animal turned out to be calm, most likely the dreamer will simply acquire a very expensive, but completely unnecessary thing for him. The gray cheat is a sign of impending petty troubles.
  • The snow-white fox should be considered a good harbinger. She suggests that the relationship of the sleeping person with the other half will become more calm, reliable. True, they will be based not only on mutual affection, but also on calculation. Such a dream promises a girl a strong marriage with a worthy man without passionate feelings and romantic manifestations.

Catching an animal in a dream is meaning

Catching and feeding a wild fox in a dream is a hint that you can not trust unfamiliar characters. Otherwise, they will soon use the secrets and secrets of the dreamer for their own selfish purposes. Waking needs to be careful and not succumb to flattering, lying speeches.

Locking a fox in a cage is a success in the near future. Human affairs will be completely improved. Even those that seemed completely failing.

If in the process of catching an animal a man or woman accidentally kills him, then this is a good sign.   The dream indicates that everything conceived by the dreamer will be fulfilled in the near future. True, sacrificing success will have to give good relations with some people from the immediate environment.

Fox with foxes

A fox with babies that appeared in a dream is a hint for the sleeper that in reality he should devote more time to his own children. If a person has recently become very interested in work, you need to try to allocate at least a little free time to communicate with heirs and discuss their problems. Otherwise, you can lose the trust of your children and move away from them.

Fox with foxes dreamed of a lonely childless man? In this case, for a sleeping person, she personifies a beautiful, interesting, but cunning and treacherous woman. She will agree to a relationship with the dreamer for her own benefit.

Fox who wants to bite

The attack of an aggressive red fox in a dream promises an acquaintance with an insidious prudent character in reality. If she tried to bite the sleeping person, it means that next to the last one there is already in reality a person who, at the right moment, will take advantage of the dreamer's weakness for his own purposes.

The fox who wants to bite was caught by a dreamer? Waking him, he will be able to find a common language with people who have long been his sworn enemies.

If the animal clings to the body of a man or woman with his teeth and does not want to let go, then in reality a person will have to find out the bitter truth. Is the fox chasing sleeping? The latter awaits rivalry in reality.

See an animal at home in the forest

It is undesirable in a dream to find an animal near your own home or making your way into the yard. In this case, the beast symbolizes evil talk behind the dreamer's back and unpleasant rumors about him from envious people. If the fox was directly in the dreamer's apartment or house, he will be faced with a conflict with relatives caused by their arrogance.

It happens that a beast arranges a real pogrom in a person’s dwelling. In this case, the plot should be considered a harbinger of financial problems.

Watching a playful fox in a forest in a dream promises a man or woman luck in all endeavors. If the animal ran in a circle around a tree, it means that a heavy but very interesting fascinating work awaits the sleeping man.

Fox Bite - Interpretation

A dream in which a person is bitten by a fox is associated with the upcoming activation of enemies. The plot suggests that the ill-wisher will be insidious and unprincipled. To cope with it, you will have to make a lot of effort.

A painful bite of the beast means that you have to start a fight with an influential strong man. If he succeeds in defeating him, the sleeper will feel at his best.

Does the animal attack and bite a man or woman? So one of the people whom the dreamer trusts infinitely trusts is plotting against him.

The animal world is incredibly rich and surprisingly diverse, but in addition to the real world, many animals love visiting our dreams.

It is never just like that - after all, animals, each representative of their world, are also vivid symbols.

No wonder most of the proverbs, sayings, legends, myths and tales are filled with precisely the images of animals. They are endowed with vivid qualities, they are associated with a particular phenomenon.

A fox can rightly be considered a particularly vivid representative of the animal world. A red cheat, a cunning, inconspicuous and predatory, a beautiful fox is in every fairy tale. If she came into a dream - obviously, she wants to say something to the dreamer. But it’s not easy to understand what the fox is dreaming of, because the dreams with her participation are so different.

She can symbolize a beautiful woman, an insidious enemy, luck in love or difficulty in business. It all depends on what she does in the dream - sneaking or attacking, biting or running. For example, options for dreams with a fox are:

  • You saw a bright red, fiery fox in a dream.
  • You dreamed of a fox who gave birth to foxes.
  • A fox in your house, yard or chicken coop.
  • You see a fox robbing another predator of its prey.
  • The fox in your dream runs away from the hunters.
  • Tailless fox in your dream.
  • You dreamed of cute little foxes.
  • You saw in a daydream a fox in a cage.
  • You dreamed that a fox was just running somewhere.
  • You hunt a fox in dreams.
  • Follow the fox trail.
  • The fox wants to bite you, attacks, and you are saved.
  • The fox attacks and bites you.
  • You tamed a fox, became its master in your dreams.
  • You killed a red fox in a dream.

All these dreams are different, and of course, their meanings are also very different. It is possible to correctly interpret what the fox is dreaming of only after you carefully remember all the details of the dream. Then the dream book will tell you what to expect in reality, and what to be prepared for.

The fox ran nearby

There are dreams in which the fox could simply have been dreaming of you from the side, close or far, but not coming into direct contact with you.

In order to interpret such a dream and understand why a fox dreams in a dream, where you haven’t contacted her, carefully remember her appearance and habits, as well as what she did and where she was. This will help to get the correct interpretation of dreams and draw conclusions.

1. According to the dream book, the fox is fiery red, bright and beautiful promises you the same vivid and fiery emotions, adventures, temptations and temptations.   A thousand pleasures await you, but try not to go to extremes, not succumb to the temptations too immensely, so that you do not regret later.

2. If a fox is dreaming of a woman or a girl, it can unobtrusively say that others in reality admire her, consider her very attractive and seductive. So, if you are complex because of external data, or if you think that people do not like you - know that you are very mistaken.

3. It is also curious what the fox is dreaming of, having appeared in his dreams together with newborn foxes.

This dream is a sign that, obviously, somewhere in your immediate environment there is a smart and wise woman, and you should not only pay attention to her, but also listen to her advice, get closer, communicate more with her whenever possible.

Because her experience and mind can give you a lot, teach you how to become happier and do the right thing. Keep this in mind!

4. According to the dream book, a fox who has quietly crept into your house, yard or chicken coop in your dream can mean the ill-wishers that exist in your society.   But you still don’t notice them.

So that enemies or unkind people do no harm to you, be careful. You are too kind and open, and do not see enemies nearby!

5. If you saw how a fox in your dreams takes away prey from any animal, it means that you will soon become a witness to some kind of conflict.   You probably should not intervene so as not to risk it.

6. The fox, which before your eyes in a dream runs away from hunters, is a symbol of the fact that in real everyday life you are in some kind of confrontation with the enemy or competitor (or maybe just with circumstances or difficulties).

But you will win thanks to your mind, cunning and calm. Use these qualities because they are strong and will help you to be a winner in everything.

7. If you dreamed of a fox without a tail, it means that you can brilliantly defeat your enemy with his own weapons, which he wanted to use against you.   Knowing this, it will be easier for you to calculate a strategy of behavior with a detractor - so use the advice of a dream book, you will win!

8. Cute and cute red foxes who dreamed about their parents are a symbol of the fact that you should be more careful about the upbringing of your children.   Perhaps they have a trick, and it is worth educating them a little stricter or smarter.

9.   The fox in the cage in your dream is a sign that soon your affairs will be settled quite easily.   If today you have a feeling that your problems have no end and edge, know firmly - this is not so. Soon you will be able to settle and fix everything, just do not rush things.

10. If you saw a fox just running away somewhere in your dream, it can only mean that happiness will come to you very soon.   Where from? This dream book does not speak directly, and is it important? The main thing is that happiness is on the way!

Catch the fox by the tail

Such dreams are even more curious and full of meanings, where the fox not only appeared in the distance or ran past, but somehow contacted you directly.

Here it is also worth remembering not only what the fox was and what you did, but also what you did. The meaning of sleep and its significance depend on this.

1. Did you hunt a fox in your dream? This is an ambiguous dream. On the one hand, love adventures, vivid emotions and temptations await you, but be careful.   Avoid dubious entertainment, do not rush to extremes and, if possible, do not risk it.

2. If you followed the trail of a fox in a dream, adventures await you.   But to get involved in them, or not - decide for yourself, because it is better, after all, not to risk your reputation.

If you doubt whether you should take part in any dubious business or event that is offered to you - it is better to refrain, avoid adventures.

3. If a fox chases after you, wants to bite, to attack - this is evidence that you will face competition.   But you can probably come out victorious if you are smart, fearless and show a little tricks in the fight against a competitor.

4. If the fox does attack and bites you, be careful - you are probably too frivolous and underestimate your enemies. You are strong and no one will harm you, but only on condition that you will not be too frivolous.

5. If you tamed a fox in your dreams, and she became your pet, this portends you a new position, promotion.   You can also expect a higher social status, recognition, good reputation and even fame.

You have to become the boss - even if not very high-ranking, then anyway, there will now be people under your command. Are you ready for this?

6. Killing a fox in a dream is a great sign. AT you win in any situation, even if now you do not believe in your victory.

You will achieve any goal, even the most desperate and courageous. Let not immediately, but believe in your strength, believe in a dream - and do what you must. You will succeed in whatever you secretly conceive.

The fox is a cunning beast, and the symbol is ambiguous, complex. She ran through your dream, waved her fluffy red tail, and left you in thought - what does sleep mean, what to expect, what to do?

Know that in fate, anyway, it all depends on your direct intentions and actions, and not on dreams. Therefore, you can believe the dream book - and do whatever you think is necessary to improve the situation, or bring luck, which is already very close. Believe only in the best! Author: Vasilina Serova

A meeting with a fox can end in different ways. For a hare - a mortal danger. For the hunter - an expensive trophy. For a naturalist - a joy. And for the dreamer? Let's ask dream books!

The meaning of dreams about foxes - general interpretations according to the dream books of Miller, Wanga and others

Alas, but most often the image of cheating is associated with deception, flattery, deceit and other unpleasant things.

In addition to cunning and cunning, interpreters often associate red cheating with longevity, harvest and the ability to find unexpected solutions to complex problems. If a daydream has visited you during a difficult life period, do not be discouraged! It may well be that the exit is right in front of you, you just have to see it.

What does the appearance of cheating in male and female dreams mean?

To see a cute playful fox with a silky fur for a woman is a nice sign:

  1. To a lonely girl, he reports a secret admirer, languishing with love.
  2. A married lady is about the innocent, but flattering interest that she evokes in others. Men admire your grace and beauty, and women try to imitate impeccable taste.
  3. In the dreams of very young girls or girls plunged into a career, an elegant thin-legged animal with a magnificent tail and a neat muzzle can indicate an awakening sexuality, which the hostess does not allow to escape.

Who dreamed, rival or lover, depends on the age of the dreamer

If a woman of any age dreams of foxes, she can count on meeting a smart and helpful man.

Aggressive, disheveled, “coarse” animals dream only of troubles. The female predicts the appearance of a dangerous rival, who will do anything for the sake of victory, and the male warns that your new acquaintance may turn out to be an ordinary womanizer or a marriage con man.

A man dream of a cute fox predicts an affair with a special difficult character. The girl will be beautiful, flirtatious, slightly frivolous, but at the same time smart and talented. Conquering it will not be easy, keeping it close is even more difficult, but those who conquer the heart of the wayward fox will not regret it.

However, dreamers who experienced discomfort and anxiety at night should recall the expression “red-haired beast” and not rush headlong into a new novel. Your expected passion will not have any virtues other than bad temper and vindictiveness. It is especially bad for the stronger sex to dream about a fox scurrying around the apartment - he predicts marriage or a long relationship with a grumpy, mean and greedy woman.

We pay attention to bright details

But what are we all “red” and “long-tailed”? Foxes are different!

Color: why dream black, white, gray, red fox

Character: kind, frantic, playful, tame fox

A beast that behaves aggressively means slander and danger. And if the animal appeared in your dream as frankly furious and even furious, the closest ally, who until now has been beyond suspicion, may strike. Your motto for the near future is utmost caution!

However, the interpreters also do not advise them to rejoice at the dream of a manual fox licking your hands. People in senior positions should better look at their subordinates after it. Those of them who are frowning and fawning before you more than others, in fact, use your location for their own selfish purposes.

The playful fox predicts a slight flirt or a short-term love affair. Do not get carried away too much, this relationship has no future.

And it is also believed that a forest resident is able to tell about the dreamer's relationship with the outside world. If the animal appears evil and insidious in your dreams, perhaps you trust people too little, expect from everyone around the trick, and see danger even where it does not smell? And if you clearly feel sympathy for the red-haired hunter for foreign chickens, perhaps secretly you would not mind buying a little fox cunning and worldly ingenuity that you lack in reality.

Number and age: one, two or many

A new acquaintance, “on one’s mind”, deception or passion, is all about a lonely animal. But how to interpret a dream in which rippled in the eyes from the abundance of red tails? It all depends on what the tricks were doing.

Although the fox itself often symbolizes something not quite pleasant, the presence of cute fluffy babies nearby immediately softens the alarm sign. Most likely, among your acquaintances there is or is about to appear a wise woman who will teach you a lot - in fact, she will be taken into custody.

The fox, which appeared in your sleep unaccompanied by adults, for children is an occasion to think about the appearance of their own offspring. Those who already have children need to devote more time to communicating with them. Perhaps you are rather negligent in raising a child, or the grown up offspring hide an important secret from you. Try to restore trust, otherwise it will be too late.

The interpretation of the dream in which the fox grins, wants to attack, tries to bite or bite, runs away

It is one thing if a fox grins its teeth in a hostile manner, but keeps it apart, and it’s quite another when it bites into an arm, leg, or other part of the body.

  1. If the old seasoned fox left your mark on you, then a collision with a serious enemy cannot be avoided.
  2. Was the beast young and small? Problems will come, but you can handle them.
  3. Those whom the fox pulled in a dream will initially experience a serious nervous shake, but in the end it turns out that most of their fears were contrived.

What is the dream of a fox who bites or attacks:

  • on your friend, relative, acquaintance - a collision with an old enemy or trouble threatens him;
  • on a dog - future problems will affect not only the dreamer personally, but also his family;
  • if a red-tailed cat grabs a wolf, it will be bad for her, and in your life there will be a little less deception;
  • the appearance of a fox paired with a bear means that, having passed through the tricks and mischief of enemies, you will find happiness next to your loved one;
  • if a cheat with a fight was tearing prey from another beast, achieving this goal will require tremendous effort of all your strength - you will have to literally scratch your tidbit from your competitors;
  • at the same time, the fox throwing the captured prey intact calls to think: is the goal the risk that you are exposed to because of it?

A fight with a cheat says that you will be able to fight back enemies

If in a dream you escaped from an attacking fox, wait for bad luck, and if you stopped and took the fight, there will be a battle with competitors, the outcome of which completely depends on your willingness to fight for your success.

Have you watched a fox rush away from a pack of hunters? You will be able to bring slanderers to clean water and restore your reputation.   However, the dreamer's participation in the fox hunt has a slightly different interpretation: soon you dare either a risky scam in business, or a love adventure. And in that, and in another case, it would be better not to do this - you lose either money or a good name.

Why dream to kill a fox? You will definitely defeat the enemies, no matter how cunning and strong they may be.

The one who just caught the fox did not lose. He will be able to:

  • bring a liar to clean water;
  • find yourself a faithful protector and patron;
  • defeat enemies.

Grabbing a fox running by the tail - to a useful acquaintance, miss - to an awkward situation. However, the gypsy dream book says: the one who passes the fox in a dream will be more cunning than all his ill-wishers, so in any case you don’t have to do anything.

But if the forest beauty did not try to run away and even allowed to stroke herself, you have a chance to find a real friend. True, a new friend will be that cunning! But, having made friends with you, he will turn his talent for weaving puzzling intrigues exclusively against common enemies. In a word, friendship with him will bring both of you pleasure and benefit.

But for those who fed the fox in a dream, they should hold their tongue and choose the object more carefully for frankness! The person you dedicate to your secrets is going to use them for your personal purposes.

Where the meeting took place: in the house, in the yard, in the zoo, in a cage or in a trap

If the animal appears in an unusual form

In a dream, did you enjoy an unusual dish of fox meat? By all means try to avoid quarrels! Word for word, get to the assault and, not even an hour, suffer.

If you saw a fox in a dream, be careful in business, do not get involved in adventures and do not rush to trust new friends. And do not lose optimism! A strong and cheerful little red cheat will certainly bring happiness on its tail. It can not be in any other way.


The fox symbolizes cunning and deceit. You can meet an animal not only in the wild, but also in night dreams. Dream books will help to clarify the vision of the red cheat, because she clearly dreams for a reason.

Most interpreters say that a dreaming red animal does not bode well:

  • 21st century. Sneaky and unprincipled guest.
  • Azara. Foes can do much harm.
  • English. There are enemies that undermine your interests.
  • Assyrian. A patron will appear.
  • Biblical. To easy profit.
  • Wangi. Meet the ill-wishers.
  • Grishina. Either there is a cunning competitor, or you yourself want to deceive someone.
  • Denise Lynn Someone is planning to fool you.
  • Children’s. Sly man in every possible way interferes with the implementation of plans.
  • For the whole family. They can outwit.
  • For the bitch. A person from the environment is envious and wants to do harm.
  • David Loff Meet a person you cannot trust.
  • Idiomatic. In the environment there is a sly one who can do harm.
  • Small Velesov. It is worth beingware of an insidious person.
  • Miller. You have envious people. Sometimes a dream warns that you should not take part in dubious adventures.
  • Mythological. The fox is a symbol of the insidious man.
  • The newest. Can circle around the finger.
  • Peter Leiman. It should be trickier and more reasonable.
  • Russian folk. A fox seen in a dream symbolizes hypocrisy.
  • Simone Canonite. Someone drives by the nose.
  • The wanderer. Among friends there is a cunning woman. Getting close to her will not do you good.
  • Tarot. Solve the problem in an unconventional way.
  • Ukrainian. Hear the untruth.
  • Fedorovskaya. Be attentive to people. Sometimes, behind a pleasant appearance, a hypocrite and a deceiver are hiding.
  • Folklore. Get the bad news.
  • French. Meet the scammer.
  • Hasse. Fake friend.
  • Tsvetkova. The secret enemy conceived the evil.
  • Gypsy. Beware of beautiful and self-confident women.
  • Esoteric. To easy money.
  • Some interpreters of dreams associate a dreaming fox with longevity, fertility and the ability to find innovative solutions in difficult situations. If now in life is not the best period, do not be sad. Soon you will be able to find a way out of the situation, and everything will be fine.

    A woman of any age who saw foxes in a dream prophesies an acquaintance with a smart and helpful man

    What does a woman or man dream about

    The interpretation of sleep is also influenced by the one to whom he dreamed:

  • To the girl. There is a secret admirer who dreams of winning your heart.
  • To the woman. To get acquainted with an influential person who in the future will provide invaluable help.
  • Married. Your beauty and grace admire others.
  • Pregnant. One of your friends has a bad influence on you. After talking with her, the mood deteriorates, you feel a breakdown. It is worth reducing communication with this person to a minimum.
  • To the man. Acquaintance with a beautiful and intelligent girl. However, the character of a new acquaintance will be difficult. To win her heart, it will take a lot of effort.
  • The lovers dream of a fox warns that they have a strong rival, trying in every possible way to destroy their relationship.

    We pay attention to the details of the dream

    To correctly interpret the night vision, you need to remember what the animal looked like and what events took place.

    Chanterelle color: red, white, black

    The color of the hair of the dreamed animal matters. The night vision, in which the fox with a bright red color took part, interpret the dream books as follows:

  • Grishina. Do not abuse alcohol, otherwise you risk getting into a bad story.
  • Winters. Gossip and love affairs.
  • Summer A person will appear who cannot be trusted.
  • Loffa. Do not trust people, because they can cheat. If the red cheat in a dream was kind and affectionate, there will be an opportunity to prove yourself and earn the respect of others.
  • Autumn. Dreams involving red foxes are often seen by single people. Think about whether you are one of them? It may be worth restoring old connections or making new friends. Try to spend your leisure time brightly and cheerfully.
  • Combined. Become a victim of rumors or fall into a love triangle.
  • Dreaming gray fox portends fraud and trouble

    The appearance in the kingdom of Morpheus of a beast with white fur can indicate that it is time to think about the spiritual side of being. Analyze your behavior and attitudes, determine your plans for the near future. Sometimes the dream of a white fox can warn of a meeting with an immoral person.

    A couple in love with a dream about an albino fox reports that their relationship will go into a calmer course. Passions subside, they will be replaced by mutual understanding and respect.

    Sometimes you can see a black animal in a dream. Deciphering such a dream is simple - spend a considerable amount in vain. For example, you get an expensive thing that you have been dreaming about for a long time, but in the end you will be disappointed in the purchase. According to the esoteric dream book, get the money dishonestly. If in a dream a black fox has come to you, expect trouble.

    The nature and behavior of the red cheat

    Aggressively minded beast in night vision does not portend good. This may indicate the emergence of strong competitors. Not only a person from the side can strike, but also someone from acquaintances. Therefore, be extremely careful. Another vision may speak of behavior far from ideal. Review your attitude to loved ones. Bizarre antics can offend even the most patient and calm friends.

    Rejoice in the dream, in which there was a manual animal, is also not worth it. Such a dream is especially unfavorable for people in a leadership position. In this case, the vision warns that subordinates abuse the trust of management.

    If the chanterelle was fond of you in the kingdom of Morpheus, then a short love affair is ahead. You should not bet on these relationships, because they will not last long.

    It’s very dangerous to meet a mad fox in real life, and a dream with her participation does not bode well. He reports that an unreliable person will appear in the circle of friends who will exert a bad influence on you. Such a vision promises a sick person a deterioration in well-being.According to the 21st century dream book, it is necessary to stop communicating with people who ruin your life. If the animal tried to bite the dreamer, then at the most crucial moment a close friend will let you down.

    A dream in which there were a lot of barking foxes signals that they gossip about you

    The number of individuals and their age

    A dream in which one animal was present could portend a deception or acquaintance with a crafty person. Two foxes seen in the kingdom of Morpheus - a sign that a complete idyll reigns on the love front.

    Many foxes in night dreams - an unkind sign. A long and hard fight with competitors is expected. This can apply to both the professional sphere and the love one. Also, night vision can mean disappointment in one of your friends.

    If an adult fox with a fox appeared in nightly dreams, then soon a wise woman with experience will appear surrounded who will give valuable advice.

    Did you see a fox with foxes in a dream? It costs more time to devote to children, they lack your attention. If the dreamer does not have children, then soon he will play the role of a nanny. Someone from acquaintances will ask him to look after his child.

    The big trouble is night vision, in which a fox with foxes attacked you.

    To people who have no children, a fox dreaming indicates that it is time to think about the appearance of their own offspring

    Actions in a dream: to run away from the animal, to be bitten or to kill

    Now remember what actions took place in the kingdom of Morpheus:

  • The fox bites. Such a vision does not prophesy anything good. You can fall for the scammers, also beware of the attacks of enemies. Did the animal bite his hand? A friend or colleague will stick a knife in the back. If in a dream the fox wanted to bite, but then ran away, then in real life miraculously avoid major troubles. A dream in which a red-haired beast has bitten one of his friends informs of an upcoming battle with an opponent.
  • He attacks. An insidious and wise rival will appear. Will have to make a lot of effort to repel the attacks of this man. Also be prepared for the fact that a loved one will set up the bandwagon. You will least expect such a trick. If in a night vision a fox attacked a child, then your family is in serious danger.
  • Attacks other animals. Attacks in the night dreams of a fox on a dog warn the dreamer that problems will arise not only for him, but also for loved ones. A cheat with a teddy bear is a sign that you must steadfastly overcome the obstacles that have fallen on the way. In the future, fate will generously reward. You will find happiness next to your loved one. If Patrikeevna entered the battle with the wolf, then the enemies will have problems, and a period of calm will begin in your life.
  • Run away from the fox. A streak of bad luck will begin. It will seem that the whole world is opposed. Failures will haunt virtually anywhere. In no case should you give up and lose confidence in yourself. Try to find positive moments even in a negative situation. Make new acquaintances and stop talking with people who criticize or oppress.
  • The fox was running away. If the red-tail escaped away, defend your interests, defeat the enemies. If in a dream they tried to catch up with her, then it's time to deal with competitors.
  • Feed the fox. Clairvoyant Wang advises to be careful in communicating with friends. Especially if the animal ate out of hand. Such a vision warns that you do not need to trust your secrets even to relatives. Because the person whom you sincerely consider a friend is not really such. He treats you badly and does not want anything good. If in a night vision it was possible to feed a hungry and emaciated fox, then you can easily bypass the traps that the enemies set.
  • If in a dream you sheltered a fox, then in reality you will incur many problems

    The dream in which it was necessary to stroke the fox, interpretation of dream books as follows:

  • 21st century. To troubles and deceit.
  • Wangi. To quarrels with loved ones.
  • Grishina. Adverse development of circumstances.
  • Small Velesov. Lurking danger.
  • Martina Zadeki. There is an enemy.
  • Combined. Entrust your secrets to an insidious woman.
  • Tsvetkova. Something is threatening you.
  • But what do the interpreters of dreams think about the night vision, in which they happened to kill a fox:

  • 21st century. Get rid of enemies.
  • Oriental. Achieve any of your goals.
  • Winters. It portends serious disagreements, as a result of which the truth about past events will emerge.
  • Small Velesov, family and modern. Win the victory.
  • From A to Z. Surpass the beauty and charm of competitors.
  • Hasse. Get rid of unpleasant things.
  • Eating fox meat in a dream - to a serious conflict that can turn into a fight.

    According to the gypsy dream book, the vision in which the fox was in the house, predicts a fire or damage to property

    Location at night

    To see a fox in a dream in his house is an unkind sign. An unresolved problem in the near future will require active action. If you don’t take action in time, then life can turn into a real nightmare.

    In a dream, how a cunning animal sneaks to the house - to family troubles. If the cheat has entered the home in a businesslike way, climbed onto a table or other furniture, an unpleasant guest will come, or you will encounter the arrogance of relatives or friends. To avoid troubles, it is worth limiting the circle of communication, and not let relatives dictate their requirements.

    Had a dream about a beast pacing in your yard? Get ready for the gossip that envious people spread. To see the animal in the zoo - to meet with the criminal elements.

    Success portends a dream in which a cunning animal was in a cage. Many problems will be solved by themselves; they will quickly be able to find a way out of difficult situations. Ahead are changes for the better. This may be career advancement, acquaintance with an interesting person, a fascinating journey to foreign countries. According to Aesop’s dream book, it’s time to put things in order. Stop putting off solving important issues for later.

    To see a fox caught in a trap in the kingdom of Morpheus - to expose a liar.

    Interpretation of other interesting fox dreams

    Sometimes in night dreams, you can stumble upon a dead fox. The commentators interpret this view in different ways:

  • 21st century. Started business will end in failure.
  • Wangi. Meet an immoral person.
  • For the bitch. The enemy will be defeated.
  • Fedorovskaya. The foe will get what he deserves.
  • Hasse. Avoid the problems.
  • Esoteric. The long-awaited meeting will not take place.
  • If in the night vision the red cheat only pretended to be dead, then you have hidden ill-wishers waiting for the right moment to strike.

    Had a fox on a leash? Do not relax. There is a secret enemy who so far can not cause serious harm, but in the future he will have such an opportunity.

    The talking fox in a dream reports that soon the enemies will give themselves away. Their attempts to harm will be in vain.

    A dream fox without a tail is considered a good sign. The enemy has his hands tied; he will not be able to harm.

    Did you hear the fox screaming in your sleep? Be prepared for the fact that intrigues are behind the back. A howling predator is a sign of a serious disease that threatens a loved one. To hear fox barking from afar in the kingdom of Morpheus - to loneliness and melancholy.

    If a wolf ate a fox in a dream, then you will encounter injustice. It is necessary to actively oppose the offender. It would be nice to enlist the support of several allies.

    Dreams about foxes are mixed. They warn some of the presence of insidious enemies, others promise joyful events. Night vision, in which the fox didn’t react at all to your presence and went about its business, portends happiness.