Drying oil oxol technical characteristics consumption. Drying oil Oksol - why is it suitable? Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage

Drying oils provide excellent protection of wood products from insects, mold and mildew, atmospheric precipitation. In the article we will talk about the classification of such compositions and their features, and also describe in detail one of their most popular varieties.

The compositions of interest to us are made from various oils, to which solvents and desiccants are added - compounds that include strontium, lead, iron, lithium, cobalt, and other chemicals. elements. All drying oils are divided into:

  • natural;
  • alkyd;
  • combined;
  • synthetic;
  • semi-natural.

The natural composition is 97% composed of sunflower or linseed oils, which are heat-treated. The cost of such drying oils is high. Now they are rarely used. They are usually used to dilute paints and varnishes. Any wooden surfaces can be treated with a natural composition, provided that they are indoors. Linen compounds are also used for the production of special lubricating pastes, putties, dilution of thickly grated paints and putties.

Semi-natural and combined drying oils are more affordable. They differ from natural compositions in that volatile solvents (for example, white spirit) are necessarily added to them. The most famous semi-natural composition is Oksol. We'll look at it in the next section. Alkyd drying oils are made from solvent-diluted and oil-modified resins. And synthetic compounds, which are often called composite, are made from rubber processing products, materials from the oil and coal industries. They do not contain natural oils. Such drying oils are not used indoors due to their increased toxicity. The only plus of synthetic solutions is the low price.

Oxol - a composition with special characteristics

Drying oil Oksol belongs to the group of semi-natural compounds used for wood protection, production and dilution of paints (oil-based, thick-grated). Let's see what this composition is made of. It contains 55% natural oil, 40% solvent (in most cases - white spirit, less often - nephras or turpentine), 5% desiccant. The composition is produced in accordance with GOST 190–78. About its provisions further.

Oksol is subdivided into two brands. The first, B, is made from hemp and flaxseed oil. This drying oil is allowed to be used for wood processing both inside and outside the premises. The second - PV, is made from soybean, camelina, sunflower, grape or corn oil. The composition is used exclusively for internal painting work. Nuance. Both brands are not suitable for use on floor surfaces.

Gosstandart 190–78 describes all the technical characteristics of Oksoli. Let's highlight the most important of them:

  • acid index - up to 6 mg KOH / g (grade B); up to 8 (PV);
  • drying period - 20-24 hours
  • viscosity (conditional) - 19-25 s (PV), 18-22 (V).

Oksol is characterized by complete transparency, flammability and a pungent odor. The latter, after using drying oil, does not erode from the room for a long time. At the Oksol factories, it is packaged in containers made of metal (cans of different capacities) or plastic. Important! When opening metal containers, you should use a tool that does not allow a spark to appear (do not forget about the flammability of the composition). It is not allowed to use Oksoli near working heating equipment and sources of open fire. In case of fire of the composition, it can be extinguished by any means (asbestos cloth, steam and chemical foam, gas, fine water).

Experts advise home craftsmen to use Oxol based on linseed oil. It dries completely in 20 hours and has a less unpleasant odor than drying oils from other technical oils.

True, the cost of linen compositions is slightly higher. At the same time, Oksol of any brand guarantees a durable waterproof film on the treated surfaces that does not turn black for a long time.

The use of semi-natural drying oil - how to apply the composition?

Since Oxol has a pungent odor and belongs to the group of toxic oil compounds, we adhere to some mandatory rules when working with it. Firstly, we carry out the planned painting activities in a respirator, hand-protecting rubber gloves and thick overalls. In this case, the danger of poisoning with vapors of drying oil and the ingress of its drops on the skin is significantly reduced. If, nevertheless, Oksol got on human skin, you must immediately wipe it off with a clean cloth. After that, thoroughly wash the damaged area with soapy water.

Secondly, it is allowed to work with linseed oil indoors only on condition that they have efficiently functioning ventilation. Directly the scheme of processing wooden structures by Oksolya looks like this:

  1. 1. We clean the product from the old coating (varnish, paint, and so on). We remove grease stains, dust, and other dirt from the surface.
  2. 2. Dry the cleaned structure. If there are significant roughness on its surface, we additionally grind the wood.
  3. 3. We open the jar with Oksolya. Mix the composition well. If you use a container from which the composition was taken earlier, add a little white spirit to the jar. Then we can easily stir the thickened mass.
  4. 4. Using a brush or roller, apply drying oil to the product. We make the layer not very thick.
  5. 5. We are waiting for 24 hours. Then we re-paint the product with Oksolya. If it is necessary to apply the third layer, we again wait a day. And only after that we once again process the surface with the described composition.

Any kind of work on the interior decoration of the room, which is associated with painting wooden surfaces with oil paints, cannot do without the use of drying oil. Even despite the recent emergence of new, more improved formulations that perform the same tasks. What is the drying oil? What is it for and how to use it correctly? - these are the questions, the answers to which will help you get a perfectly painted surface.

Types of drying oil

At the moment, it is customary for experts to distinguish three types of drying oil: natural drying oil, Oksol drying oil and composite drying oil.

Natural drying oil

Natural linseed oil, the quality of which is strictly regulated by GOST 7931-76, consists of 97% of vegetable oil of natural origin (linseed or sunflower), which has undergone a special heat treatment, and 3% of desiccant.

  1. This varnish reliably protects the wood, however, it can only be used indoors.
  2. In addition, natural linseed oil has a fairly high cost by today's standards.

Drying oil "Oksol"

Oksol drying oil, the qualitative composition of which must comply with GOST 190-78, is a substance that has a slight odor and consists of 55% vegetable oil (linseed or sunflower oil), 49% white spirit and 5% desiccant.

  1. "Oksol", along with natural drying oil, perfectly copes with its main task, namely, it protects wooden surfaces, forming a dense water-resistant film that does not turn black for a long time.
  2. At the same time, drying oil "Oksol" is much cheaper than natural drying oil and, unlike the latter, it can be used even for processing any surfaces outside the building.
  3. The best is the Oksol drying oil, which contains linseed oil, so it costs a little more than the one produced on the basis of sunflower oil.

Composite drying oil

Composite drying oil is the cheapest drying oil with a characteristic pungent odor. It does not have a GOST number, therefore the composition of such a substance is not regulated at the legislative level, and the production is carried out exclusively according to technical conditions.

  1. Composite drying oils, as a rule, contain various chemical components, in particular, products of the petrochemical industry that are harmful and toxic to the human body (for example, petroleum resins).
  2. Therefore, such formulations are strictly prohibited to be used indoors.
  3. The smell of composite drying oil is retained for a long time, even with good ventilation in the room. it is the cheapest linseed oil with a characteristic pungent odor.

Features of the application of drying oil "Oksol"

Oksol varnish is a fast-drying substance that has increased hardness and forms a glossy coating on the surface of the material treated with it. It penetrates well into the pores of the tree, thereby emphasizing its structure.

  • The drying oil "Oksol" is on sale in containers of various capacities, completely ready to use.
  • It is necessary to apply such a substance on a dry surface, which, if necessary, is sanded in advance and thoroughly cleaned of dust or grease. Only after that do they switch to drying oil.
  • First, the composition is well mixed, if the drying oil thickened during storage, it can be diluted with white spirit, nefras, and also, if desired, with a solvent for varnishes and paints (oil and enamels).
  • Linseed oil is applied in a thin layer with a brush or a special roller. At the same time, all work should be carried out in a room that is well ventilated with an air temperature of at least 15 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity of 80%.

  • Drying time for Oksol varnish is about 24 hours, so the interval between each subsequent layer should be about a day.
  • The rest of the unused drying oil can be stored for a year in a tightly closed container. A dark, dry place inaccessible to children is suitable for this.
  • To protect your hands during the drying process, it is recommended to use rubber gloves. It is also important not to let drying oil get into your eyes. If linseed oil gets on open areas of the body, then they are cleaned with a rag or rag dipped in vegetable oil. Then everything is thoroughly washed with warm soapy water.
  • With the help of Oksol Linen Oil, you can also putty small cracks by mixing it with wood sawdust until a thick homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • All work to avoid fire hazards must be carried out away from sources of open fire.

Subject to all the recommendations, the drying process is quite simple, so almost everyone can perform them. To learn more about the professional woodworking process, you can watch the following video: [

yframe url = ’http: //youtu.be/zUdBh-ti9e0 ′]

Natural varnish, the technical characteristics of which differ significantly from other brands of this substance, is not always the right choice for processing a particular surface. Perhaps a synthetic or combined composition will be much more effective in your case. How to choose the drying oil correctly? Let's figure it out.

What is drying oil and its application

So, drying oil ... Transparent liquid substance, rather thick consistency. The color can range from cherry to yellow. Has film-forming properties.

It is made from thermally processed vegetable oils or alkyd resins. It necessarily includes a special substance that significantly accelerates the drying time - a desiccant.

There are different types and brands... Some of them can only be used indoors, while others are better outdoors. But how to choose such a composition so as to reduce costs and not lose in technical characteristics?

Types and brands of oil varnishes

Oil formulations are produced by filtration and special heat treatment from vegetable oils. Desiccants are added to the resulting composition in a small amount. They can be salts of various metals, for example, manganese, iron, lithium, zirconium, cobalt and others.

If the composition of the desiccant contains compounds of several metals, then the drying rate of the drying oil increases significantly.

In oil varnishes, the content of desiccants is insignificant, since with their excess, the coating darkens very quickly and becomes brittle, i.e. begins to collapse.

Subdivided into:

natural. GOST 7931-76, natural drying oil (we carefully study its technical characteristics before buying), consists of plant oils (flax or sunflower). It contains up to 97% of these oils. The remaining 3% is occupied by a desiccant. It is subdivided into polymerized and oxidized (oxidized). The color of oxidized drying oils is slightly darker than that of polymerized ones, and the surfaces covered with them age faster. It has a black-brownish color. It is an opaque liquid with a thick oily consistency with a slight odor. It is used for the preparation of thickly grated paints, as well as for the impregnation of all wood products inside buildings;

drying oil oxol, its GOST 190 78 (technical characteristics are indicated on the label) - this drying oil differs from natural in that it contains such a solvent as white spirit. Oksol contains 55% oils, 5% desiccant, the rest is white spirit. It has a very strong and unpleasant odor that the solvent gives it. It remains on the treated surface for a long time. Outwardly and in its properties, oxol hardly differs from natural drying oil, but it is much cheaper. Oxol is produced in grades PV and B. They differ in that "B" uses hemp or flax oil, and "PV" uses other oils, including petroleum resin (petroleum oil varnish is a by-product of the petrochemical industry). When using the PV brand, gloves and a respirator must be worn. Varnish of grade B is not used for painting floors. Oksol can be used both inside and outside the building;

drying oil combined. It is obtained by mixing and oxidizing oils from different plants or differently processed, with the addition of a solvent or synthetic drying oils. Drying time is determined in accordance with GOST 19007. Combined varnish is used mainly for the preparation of paints, and not for their dilution. This type is of several brands: K 2, K 4, K 3, K 5, K 12. Even numbers are used for indoor work, and odd numbers can be used outside. For example, combined drying oil (grade K 3) consists of a small amount of desiccant, solvent (usually white spirit) and drying oils. It is transparent, yellowish in color. Complete drying occurs within 24 hours. It is recommended to use in small portions, as it quickly forms a film. It is used for the preparation of any oil paints and for the impregnation of wooden parts, for mixing plaster. Combined drying oil (grade K 2) slightly differs in color from K 3, it is slightly darker. It is used in the same way as K 3, but for interior work.

They are based on synthetic substances, such as by-products from the processing of shale, oil, gas and other substances with the addition of necessary components. There is no GOST for them, TU is used instead.

Alkyd drying oils used as a base for the preparation of paints. They are cheaper than oil, which often becomes a decisive factor in their favor. Composite drying oils in the production of varnishes and paints, they are rarely used, since the resulting coating is of low quality. Due to some toxicity and pungent odor, they are used outdoors.

Synthetic drying oils differ from natural ones by a long drying time, they have no color. But be careful when purchasing such a composition: it may not do without surprises. If there is even a small amount of fuse (vegetable oil sediment), then the drying time of the paint, of which it is a component, can take years. Moreover, such paint may not dry out at all. The presence of fusa can be identified by its characteristic reddish color and the presence of a dark sediment.

  • Oil-based natural drying oils are quite expensive; they are used indoors for covering wooden products and as part of oil paints. Outside, products coated with such compounds will have to be processed more and more, which is very impractical.
  • Oksol is cheaper, but it also protects the surface from wood pests worse, although it forms a strong, waterproof film. The cheapest oxol is made with sunflower oil. It can be used inside and outside the building. Alternatively, combined.
  • Synthetic - an option for economical ones, but they have a very unpleasant and harmful smell to human health, so they can only be used outside, cover surfaces in non-residential buildings. When using them, gloves, an apron, and a respirator are required.

Before buying, be sure to study well the data of GOST or TU drying oil. Then you will not regret your choice.

Oil varnish

Oil varnish It is intended for the production of ready-to-use oil paints and for the dilution of thickly grated paints used for indoor painting, with the exception of floor painting.
An example of the designation of the record when ordering a product: "Oil varnish, TU 2318-001-01001168-2001.


The oil varnish must comply with the requirements of these technical conditions and be produced according to the recipe approved in the prescribed manner.
In terms of physical and chemical parameters, the oil varnish must comply with the requirements and standards specified in the table

Note: When using sunflower oil with an acid number of 8 to 15 mg KOH / g, the acid number for oil varnish is not more than 10 mg KOH / g.

Drying oil OXOL (GOST 190-78)

Characteristics and purpose

Drying oil oxol is a solution of oxidized vegetable oil and desiccant in white spirit, nephras, turpentine. Drying oil is intended for diluting thick-grated oil paints used for interior work, with the exception of floor painting, also for impregnation (drying) of wooden surfaces, plaster before painting them with oil paints.


Depending on the raw materials used, drying oil oxol is produced in the following grades:

V- made from linseed and hemp oil. It is intended for the manufacture of ready-to-use oil paints and for diluting thick-grated paints used for exterior and interior painting, with the exception of floor painting.

PV- made from sunflower or soybean, or safflower, or corn, or grape, or camelina oil or their mixtures with a possible partial replacement of these oils with oil substitutes - light petroleum resin (no more than 40%).


Oksol varnish should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for recipes and technological regulations.

For the production of drying oil oxol, the following types of raw materials are used:

for drying oil oxol grade B:

industrial linseed oil in accordance with GOST 5791;

hemp oil in accordance with GOST 8989 for technical purposes;

for drying oil oxol grade PV:

camelina oil (technical) in accordance with GOST 10113;

technical grape oil;

vegetable oils unsuitable for direct consumption or for industrial processing into food products according to sanitary indicators or acid number;

sunflower oil in accordance with GOST 1129 and other normative and technical documentation (NTD) with an acid number of not more than 15 mg KOH / g;

soybean oil in accordance with GOST 7825 and other NTD;

safflower oil;

unrefined corn oil in accordance with GOST 8808.

Oils used in the production of drying oils oxol must contain phosphorus-containing substances, determined according to GOST 7824, not more than 0.026% in terms of P 2 O 5 or not more than 0.3% in terms of stearooleolecithin.

The use of edible vegetable oils suitable for food purposes for the manufacture of drying oil oxol grade PV is not allowed.


naphthenate in accordance with GOST 1003, fused oil, fatty acid, resinates (lead, manganese, cobalt, lead-manganese, lead-manganese-cobalt).


white spirit (nephras C 4 -155/200) in accordance with GOST 3134;

gum turpentine in accordance with GOST 1571;

nefras C 4 -150/200 according to NTD;

synthetic substitutes for vegetable oils:

light oil polymer resins such as pyroplast, pyrene according to the current normative and technical documentation.

Oksol varnish must comply with the standards specified in table 1.

Table 1

Indicator name
Norm for brands

Color by iodometric scale, mg J 2/100 cm 3, not darker

Nominal viscosity according to a viscometer type VZ-246 (or VZ-4) with a nozzle diameter of 4 mm at a temperature of (20.0 ± 0.5) ° С, s

Acid number, mg KOH / g, no more

Mass fraction of non-volatile substances,%

Sludge by volume,%, not more


Flash point in a closed crucible, ° С, not lower

Drying time to degree 3, h, at a temperature of (20 ± 2) ° С, no more


1. For drying oil oxol grade PV from camelina oil, a color of no more than 1800 is allowed, from soybean oil - no more than 1100.

2. For drying oil oxol grade B from hemp oil, a color of no more than 1100 is allowed.

3. When using sunflower oil with an acid number of 8 to 15 mg KOH / g, an acid number of no more than 10 mg KOH / g is allowed for drying oil oxol grade PV.

4. For varnish of PV brand from vegetable oil in a mixture with petroleum resin, the mass fraction of a film-forming substance (57 ± 2)% is allowed with mandatory compliance with the requirements for the "viscosity" indicator.


Oksol varnish is a toxic and flammable liquid, dangerous at elevated temperatures, due to the properties of its constituent solvents and oils.

The characteristics of the toxicity and fire hazard of the solvents that make up the oxol drying oil are given in Table 2.

table 2

Name of the solvent
Maximum permissible concentration in the air of the working area of ​​industrial premises, mg / m 3
Temperature, ° С
Concentration limits of ignition,%, by volume
Hazard Class

White spirit (nefras C 4 -155/200) (GOST 3134)

Nefras C 4 -150/200

Turpentine (GOST 1571)

Indicators of fire and explosion hazard of drying oil oxol:

Table 3

Product name
Autoignition temperature, ° С
Flash point in a closed crucible, ° С
Open crucible temperature, ° С
Temperature limits of ignition, ° С

Drying oil oxol (solvent - white spirit (nefras C 4 -155/200))

Drying oil oxol (solvent - nefras С 4 -150/200)

In the production, testing and application of Oksol drying oil, the fire safety requirements in accordance with GOST 12.1.004 and GOST 12.3.005 must be observed, the premises must be equipped with fire fighting equipment in accordance with GOST 12.4.009.

Work on opening the metal packaging should be carried out with tools that do not give off a spark upon impact.

In case of fire, use all fire extinguishing means (chemical foam, water vapor, finely sprayed water, inert gas, asbestos cloth).

In the premises for the storage and use of Oksol drying oil, the presence of open fire is prohibited; artificial lighting and electrical equipment must be explosion-proof.

Personal protective equipment - in accordance with GOST 12.4.011.

All work related to the manufacture, testing, use and storage of oxol varnish should be carried out in rooms equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation or well ventilated.


The solution is applied with a brush on a previously prepared, clean, dry surface, at a temperature not lower than 15 ° C and a relative humidity of not more than 80%. Drying time of drying oil oxol at a temperature of (20 ± 2) ° С - no more than 24 hours. In case of thickening, dilution with white alcohol, nefras or their mixture, thinner for oil paint, enamels, varnishes is allowed.


Oksol drying oil must be stored in a tightly closed container, protected from moisture and direct sunlight. The room where the drying process is carried out must be ventilated.

In the case of thickening of drying oil oxol, dilution with white spirit is allowed.

Rubber gloves can be used to protect your hands.

Beware of contact with eyes.

If drying oil gets on the open parts of the body, wipe the oxol with a cloth moistened with vegetable oil and rinse with warm water and soap.

GOST 190-78
This standard applies to Oksol drying oil, obtained by oxidation of vegetable oils, followed by the introduction of a desiccant and dilution with white spirit.

Drying oil is used to dilute thick-grated and thickened oil paints for impregnating wooden surfaces before painting.

Brands and specifications:
Depending on the raw material used, the Oksol linseed oil should be produced in the following grades:

V- from linseed oil; intended for dilution of thick-grated oil paints used for external and internal coatings, with the exception of floor painting.

CM- from a mixture of linseed or hemp oil with sunflower oil (the content of linseed or hemp oil in the mixture must be at least 70% in relation to the content of the film-forming substance, that is, to the amount of oxidized oils and oil drier introduced into the drying oil); It is intended for diluting thick-grated oil paints used for interior coatings, with the exception of flooring.

PV- from sunflower, soybean or camelina oil; intended for dilution of thick-grated oil paints used for interior coatings, with the exception of flooring.


  • linseed oil in accordance with GOST 5791-66, refined, neutralized;
  • hemp oil in accordance with GOST 8989-73, refined;
  • sunflower oil in accordance with GOST 1129-73, hydrated;
  • soybean oil in accordance with GOST 7825-55, hydrated;
  • camelina oil (technical) in accordance with GOST 10113-62, refined;
  • white spirit for the paint and varnish industry in accordance with GOST 3134-52;
  • fused oil driers: lead, manganese and cobalt or lead-manganese and cobalt.

The recipe for drying oils is approved by the Ministry of the Food Industry of Russia. In terms of physical and chemical parameters, Oksol drying oil must comply with the requirements and standards specified in the table.

Requirements and norms:

Indicator names

Standards for brands

Test methods niy




Color in mg of iodine, no more



Conditional viscosity at 20 ° С:


according to the VU viscometer in conditional degrees according to the VZ-4 viscometer per sec.








Acid number in mg KOH, no more

GOST 5476-64

54,5 - 55,5

54,5 - 55,5

54,5 - 55,5

Sucks in vol. %, no more



Pace. flashes in a closed crucible in ° С, not less

GOST 9287-59

Drying time in h, no more

Flexural strength of the film on the flexibility scale in mm

GOST 6806-73

* for drying oil "Oksol" brand PV from camelina oil, the color is allowed no more than 1820 mg of iodine.

Storage method:
Store away from heating appliances.


  • Drying oil Oksol, filling
  • Drying oil (200 kg barrel 216.5 liters used), pcs.