Gas equipment for cars: description, principle of operation, registration. How does the safety automation of gas boilers work? How does gas boiler work?

Many car enthusiasts, especially in the face of constantly rising fuel prices, decide to switch their car from petrol to gas. Installation of gas equipment allows you to significantly save money for those drivers who actively operate their car and have solid mileage. We will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of using HBO in a separate article, but now let's look at the classification of such solutions and the principle of operation of such equipment.

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Gas system device

Main components of gas systems:

  • Reducer-evaporator. This device realizes the heating of the propane-butane mixture, is responsible for evaporation and reduces the pressure to a value close to atmospheric. The gas reducer is perfect for cars with a small working volume, since this compact solution is not difficult to place in the engine compartment. The device can be controlled both vacuum and electronic using a separate unit.
  • Electromagnetic gas valve. It closes the gas line, which is necessary during idle time or after switching the engine to gasoline. It also has a filter that cleans the fuel mixture.
  • Electromagnetic petrol valve. In cars with the carburetor stops the gas supply when the engine is running on gas. In a car with injection injection, this function is performed by injector emulator.
  • Fuel switch. The device is located in the passenger compartment of the vehicle. The switches can be of various designs, some of them are backlit and have a scale indicating the remaining gas in the cylinder.
  • Multivalve. This solution is mounted on the neck of the cylinder. The device consists of a filling valve and a flow valve. There is also a gas level meter and an intake pipe. Structurally, the device includes one more valve (high-speed), which is able to prevent gas leakage in the event of an emergency breakdown of the gas line.
  • Ventilation box. The solution is also installed on the neck of the bottle. The multivalve named above is placed inside the box. The main task of the ventilation box is to evacuate gas vapors to the outside in the event of gas leaks from the cylinder in the luggage compartment.
  • Capacity for liquefied gas (gas cylinder). The cylinders can be cylindrical and toroidal. The latter allow for installation in the spare wheel well. The cylinders are filled to no more than 80% of the maximum volume, which is done in accordance with safety requirements during their operation.

Principle of operation

It is worth noting that the gas supply and the implementation of the entire LPG system of early generations are noticeably simpler than the device of a gasoline fuel supply system. For clarity, let us once again draw your attention to a relatively small list of basic elements.

The conversion of the car to the gas supply system and the corresponding conversion is as follows. At the very beginning, a container for storing gas (gas cylinder) is installed in the trunk, cargo compartment, on the frame or under the bottom of the vehicle. The engine compartment houses a reducer-evaporator and devices responsible for supplying gas to the engine. Additionally, solutions are installed that allow the regulation of the mixture.

The gas in the cylinder is propane-butane, which is liquefied petroleum gas. If the pressure is at the atmospheric level, then the substance is in a gaseous state, but with a relatively small increase in pressure, it easily turns into a liquefied state. The resulting liquid tends to evaporate at household temperatures. For this reason, the gas is placed in sealed containers (cylinders) under a pressure of 2-16 atm, where it is stored as a liquid.

Gas vapors create pressure, due to which they enter the gas line from the cylinder, which is called the high-pressure line. Gas is consumed from the cylinder due to its passage through the multivalve. As mentioned above, gas filling is also carried out through this valve. An additional external device is used for refueling.

Gas in a liquid state moves along the line and enters the gas valve equipped with a filter. The filter is designed for effective gas cleaning from impurities and tarry deposits. The device is additionally responsible for shutting off the gas supply at the moment the ignition is turned off, as well as when the engine is running on gasoline.

After the filter, the purified liquefied gas moves through the gas pipeline and ends up in the reducer-evaporator. In this device, its pressure is reduced to approximately 1 atm. A decrease in pressure leads to the fact that the liquid gas begins to evaporate. In this case, the gearbox is actively cooled. For this reason, the gearbox is connected to the motor cooling system. The heated coolant circulating in the system prevents freezing of the gearbox and diaphragms in the device. The main recommendation in the cold season is to first start and warm up the engine on gasoline, and then the engine is switched to gas. This requirement implies that the internal combustion engine reaches operating temperature with the necessary heating of the coolant.

From the reducer, gas, which already has a vaporous state, enters the engine cylinders. Dosing devices are responsible for its supply. It is noteworthy that in the device of the gas installation there is no element that is similar in its functions to a gas pump. The gas is already in the cylinder under pressure and enters the reducer on its own, and not forcibly. This greatly simplifies the LPG system. The ability of a gas to change from a liquid to a vapor phase when changing pressure and temperature further reduces the number of structural elements in the circuit.

The mixer in the LPG is a complex-shaped device that is installed in front of the throttle valve. The main task of this solution is to prepare a working mixture of gas and air. The dispenser is an adjustment device. A special solenoid valve is installed in front of the reducer, which cuts off the gas supply.

The switch for selecting petrol or gas in the passenger compartment has three positions: "gas", "petrol" and neutral position. The mode selection closes one or both valves. When the ignition is turned off, then all the valves are closed. HBO can also have a function to turn off the gas supply in the event that there is no ignition spark in the internal combustion engine.

  • balloon (1)
  • multivalve (2)
  • high pressure gas line (3)
  • remote filling device (4)
  • gas valve (5)
  • reducer-evaporator (6)
  • dispenser (7)
  • air and gas mixer (8)
  • the petrol valve (9)
  • fuel switch (10)

According to the principle of gas supply to the LPG engine, it is conventionally accepted to divide it into generations. As an illustrative example, let's take early systems and follow the algorithm of their work. Petroleum gas (propane-butane), which is in a liquefied state and under pressure, comes from a cylinder (1). Gas flows through the high pressure line (3). The multivalve (2) is responsible for gas flow control. Through the same valve, filling is carried out using an external filling device (4). In the liquid phase, the gas enters the gas filter valve (5) through the pipeline. There it is cleaned of suspended solids and tarry deposits, and the filter cuts off the gas supply when the ignition is turned off or when the operating mode is on gasoline.

The gas purified in the filter goes through the pipeline and ends up in the reducer-evaporator (6). The gas pressure drops there to the atmospheric level. Intense gas evaporation begins. The vacuum in the intake manifold of a running internal combustion engine allows the gas from the reducer to pass through the low pressure hose. Then the gas enters the dispenser (7) and ends up in the mixer (8). The mixer is installed between the air filter and the throttle valve. On carburetor cars, instead of a mixer, gas fittings can be inserted directly into the carburetor.

The operating modes of the internal combustion engine on petrol or gas are selected using the fuel type switch (10), which is placed on the dashboard. When the gas mode is selected, the switch initiates the opening of the gas solenoid valve (5) and the petrol solenoid valve (9) is deactivated. If there is a transition from gas to petrol, then the switch closes the gas valve and allows the petrol valve to open. The backlight on the switch allows you to determine which type of fuel is being used at any given moment.

In the process of evolution, a well-established practice of dividing attitudes into generations has developed. In the CIS, certain difficulties arose with the classification of LPG. The fact is that the third generation, after its appearance on the market, did not become widespread and then disappeared, and the first and second for this reason were mistakenly called the second and third.

Even more confusion is caused by numerous installers, who in some cases erroneously assign the status of the fifth generation to LPG systems with OBD correction, as well as BRC Sequent Direct Injection systems for engines with direct fuel injection. For maximum clarity, the system should be divided according to the method of gas supply to the internal combustion engine:

  • equipment of the ejector type, which includes the first generation HBO. The solution is analogous to the gasoline carburetor and early models of injection injection;
  • distributed gas injection, belonging to the fourth generation of systems;
  • liquid injection, which is the fifth generation of HBO;
  • direct injection of liquid gas, which is the sixth generation of gas equipment;

HBO generations and design features

1st generation

This generation includes mechanical systems that have been partially described above by way of a schematic example. The solutions are vacuum controlled and equipped with a mechanical gas meter. Such systems are installed on gasoline units that structurally have a carburetor or a simple injector. The first generation HBO also received a gas mixer.

The gas supply to the mixer for such systems is controlled manually. For this, a dispenser is used. The dispenser is a branch pipe that allows you to change the flow area by screwing in an adjusting screw that is inserted into the branch pipe. By adjusting the dispenser, we mean such a position of the screw that allows the motor to operate stably on gas in various modes. The position of the screw during the operation of the car may occasionally require correction, especially when the air filter is clogged. The fuel selection switch in such LPG equipment may additionally have a gas level indicator in the cylinder. The function is realized if there is a fuel level sensor in the multivalve design.

The first generation of LPG for cars with an injector is structurally different in that the gasoline valve for stopping the supply of gasoline is replaced by a device called an injector emulator. In the process of gas supply, the element simulates the operation of regular gasoline injectors so that it does not go into emergency operation mode. A similar solution in the form of a lambda probe emulator made it possible to solve the problem regarding errors in the injection engine ECU.

2nd generation

The mechanical system was supplemented by an electronic metering device, the operation of which was based on feedback from a lambda probe (oxygen content sensor). This solution is installed on injection engines with a catalyst. HBO of the second generation got rid of the manual dispenser. Its place was taken by an electronic dispenser, which regulates the gas supply using a stepping-type electric motor.

The dispenser is controlled by an electronic unit, which relies on the signals of the standard lambda probe. This allows maintaining the optimal composition of the gas-air working mixture. The electronic unit additionally receives signals from the throttle position sensor and the engine speed sensor, which is necessary to optimize the mixture during transient operating modes of the power unit. This type of HBO is configured using a PC.

Such systems were installed on cars with electronic carburetors or injectors, which are equipped with a lambda probe and a catalyst, and have a throttle position sensor in the design. These generations of LPG are transitional systems. Today, such solutions are practically not used.

The reason was that the early generations of HBO do not meet the current requirements on the issue of toxicity, being at the level of EURO-1 standards. With these requirements in mind, manufacturers have created systems of the third and fourth generations, which are much more common.

3rd generation

Such systems are capable of providing distributed synchronous gas injection. Structurally, they have a dispenser-distributor controlled by an electronic unit. The gas supply to the intake manifold is realized by means of mechanical injectors. The injectors are opened by excess pressure in the high-pressure gas line. An electronic-mechanical stepper-type metering valve is located between the reducer, which supplies excess pressure, and the valve fittings, which are installed in the engine intake manifold. The element is responsible for the optimal dosage of the gas flow into the inlet. Switching modes and creating an optimal gas-air working mixture is assigned to the electronic control unit, which receives signals from the standard engine sensors (MAP sensor, lambda probe, DPDZ, etc.).

It is worth noting that the 3rd generation HBO does not use the car's ECU and does not rely on fuel cards that are wired into the standard ICE control unit. Gas supply systems operate in parallel and have their own fuel cards. Correction of the composition of the mixture in such HBO is not of the highest quality, which directly depends on the speed of the step-by-step dispenser-distributor. After the introduction of the EURO-3 standards, as well as the emergence of OBD II and EOBD systems (on-board diagnostics of the second generation), gas systems of the 3rd generation have lost their popularity. The release of the 4th generation LPG systems completely displaced the previous 3rd generation from the market.

IV generation

HBO of this generation is called distributed gas injection (the definition of phased distributed gas injection is also found). The generation of distributed sequential gas injection systems with electromagnetic injectors is controlled by a more advanced electronic unit. Like the 3rd generation systems, the gas injectors are mounted on the intake manifold. Installation involves the close proximity of the injector nozzle and the inlet valve of each individual cylinder. This generation of LPG uses the power of the ECU and, which are included in the standard program of the car controller. In the 4th generation, only the necessary adjustments are made in order to adapt the gas system to the fuel map in the petrol ECU.

In this generation of systems, the gas from the reducer-evaporator passes through a fine gas filter. Then it enters a special gas injector rail. These injectors are installed on the intake manifold, and the space near the regular gasoline injectors becomes their place of installation. Gas injectors are based on calibrated jets, through which gas is supplied to the area where the inlet valve of the power unit is located.

A separate control unit controls the gas injectors. The unit uses the signals that come from the standard on-board computer in the car and are intended for petrol injectors. The gas block converts these signals and sends them to the gas injectors. The petrol injectors are switched off at this moment by the same block.

The required amount of gas, which is distributed over the intake manifold, is calculated based on the injection time, which is determined by the standard ECU. The gas injector control unit adjusts this time for the gas, since its pressure and temperature must be taken into account. The result is that gas enters each cylinder of the internal combustion engine in a timely manner and in a precisely defined amount.

HBO of the 4th generation is configured using a personal computer and appropriate programs. The software must be compatible with the HBO generation. A separate advantage of such systems is the function of switching from petrol to gas in automatic mode when the engine warms up. If the gas in the cylinder runs out, then an automatic switch to petrol will also occur. The ability to manually select fuel using a switch in the cabin remains unchanged. Today HBO of the 4th generation is the most popular and optimal equipment for injection vehicles.

HBO IV and direct injection

Separately, it is worth noting the 4th generation HBO for such cars in which the fuel supply system is arranged according to the principle of direct fuel injection. Some LPG installation companies refer this type of system to the fifth generation, but a detailed study of the issue reveals the erroneousness of this definition. In fact, the system remains 4th generation equipment, which has been modified and adapted for a specific type of internal combustion engine.

Not so long ago, the installation of LPG on cars with direct fuel injection into the cylinders was simply impossible. These cars include Mitsubishi with a line of GDI engines, VW, Skoda and Audi with FSI units, some Toyota, Nissan, etc. The main problem was that gasoline injectors in such engines do not inject fuel into the intake manifold, but supply fuel directly to the combustion chamber. It was not possible to install gas injectors for direct gas supply to the combustion chamber. The usual HBO of the 4th generation with gas nozzles on the intake manifold was also not suitable, since the gasoline power supply system of these internal combustion engines suffered greatly and failed in a short time.

The LPi (Liquid Propane Injection) system is a liquid gas injection. This system was the brainchild of the Dutch company Vialle. The brand's specialists have developed and were the first to present gas injection systems, which are in a liquid state, back in 1995. The main difference of this system from other LPG systems with distributed injection is that the gas is injected into the intake manifold of the internal combustion engine not in the vaporized phase, but in liquid form. This generation of the gas system also has a number of differences in terms of its constituent components. Most of the elements of the LPi system differ from those familiar solutions that are used in the design of the usual previous LPG systems.

There is a gas pump in the gas cylinder. The specified pump makes it possible to provide gas supply in a liquid state. As such, the gas flows to the gas injectors. The need to evaporate the gas in the intake manifold has disappeared, which automatically eliminates the reducer-evaporator from the system. Instead of this element, there is a pressure regulator. The task of the device is to maintain a constant operating pressure in the gas supply system. The reading is at such a mark that the outlet pressure is at least 5 bar higher than the pressure in the gas cylinder. This pressure does not allow the gas to go into the vapor phase in the tubes due to the heating of the running engine. The need to preheat the LPG elements under the hood by integrating them into the internal combustion engine cooling system to circulate the heated coolant has now lost its relevance. The pressure regulator is enclosed in a special block, which contains a safety solenoid valve. This valve is open when the internal combustion engine is running on gas, the device closes when the engine is switched to gasoline.

Remains of unused gas from the injectors go through the pressure regulator back to the cylinder, which resembles the principle of "return" in gasoline units. The fuel line has also changed. In the early generations of HBO, there was a tube, the material of which, in most cases, was refined copper. The tube was used to supply gas from a cylinder to a reducer-evaporator. In the 5th generation system, it was replaced by single lines, the material for which was reinforced plastic.

If you carefully examine the LPi system, then it is quite obvious that there is a significant similarity with the gasoline fuel injection system for the internal combustion engine. Liquid injection allows you to completely replace the petrol power system. South Korean automakers have appreciated this opportunity by launching mono-fuel gas vehicles for their domestic market.

The main advantage of HBO 5 is its high injection accuracy, lack of connection to the internal combustion engine cooling system, independence from the level of gas pressure in the cylinder, etc. Moreover, due to the cooling effect during gas evaporation, the motor, when operating in some modes, produces a slightly higher power.

It becomes easier to start an internal combustion engine in low temperatures, since in cold weather in LPi, liquefied gas has a better evaporation characteristic compared to gasoline, which allows you not to fill candles. The disadvantages of the system include the high final cost and little experience in servicing these solutions by specialists in the CIS countries.

If the system is not properly maintained, then the service life without breakdowns of the 5th generation HBO is significantly reduced. For example, an old-style gas pump required periodic lubrication to run smoothly. Not all specialists knew about this need. Hence, myths arose about the rapid failure of gas pumps, which were attributed to the low quality of gas in the CIS, design flaws in the system, etc.

Correct maintenance, even taking into account the realities and mediocre gas quality, is able to ensure the minimum resource of Vialle LPi, even with an old-type pump of about 200-300 thousand km. In modern systems, an even more advanced turbine-type pump is used, which completely eliminates the need for additional lubrication and other manipulations to maintain the system.

VI generation

Liquid Propane Direct Injection is a solution for direct injection of liquid gas. In parallel with the LPi system, the Dutch company Vialle created the LPdi system. This solution is intended for engines with direct injection of fuel into the cylinders.

This system occupies the conditional status of the sixth generation of HBO, repeating the situation with the 4th generation and the Sequent Direct Injection (SDI) system. The solution has a similar design to the 5th generation LPG. The main difference is that liquid gas is supplied through the standard gasoline injectors of the power unit. The system uses the same cylinder with a high pressure gas pump. This pump delivers LPG to a special device called a fuel selector. It is in this device that the switching between the supply of petrol or gas takes place.

It is quite obvious that the specified fuel selector acts as the basis of this LPG system. This device is a patented valve block. During the operation of the unit, gasoline in front of the high-pressure fuel pump is replaced with liquid gas. Remaining in a liquefied state, the gas is supplied to. Specified
raises the pressure up to 100 bar and more, supplying gas to the fuel injectors-injectors.

The use of such an LPG system allows you to fully preserve all the advantages of using an internal combustion engine with direct fuel injection. The most accurate dosing of fuel is ensured, the engine operates confidently on a lean working mixture, there are no problems in transient modes. Moreover, the use of liquefied gas can further reduce the toxicity of the exhaust.

Another positive point from the use of the 6th generation HBO is the ability not only to maintain the engine power that the engineers put into it at the plant, but also to exceed this figure. The manufacturer gives an example that after the installation of such an LPG system on the Volkswagen Passat 1.8 TSI, the rated power of which on gasoline is 160 hp, the power characteristic on gas increased to 169 hp. with. It is possible to install the Vialle LPdi system only on certain car models with the corresponding type of power unit.

For everyone who decided to acquire a gas boiler for their home - a private house, a cottage, or is dealing with the heating system of an industrial premises, it will be useful to know what the principle of operation of a gas heating boiler is and what heating devices are.

Knowing the device of gas heating boilers, you can make the right choice of technology and subsequently be theoretically savvy in its operation, know how to achieve greater savings when using heaters, and also understand the possible causes of malfunctions of an existing boiler, and not treat it as mysterious "black box". As they say, knowledgeable - armed.

Boilers are only part of the overall space heating system and, in turn, have different designs, but there are key components present in each of them. The main components of a gas boiler are: gas supply system, burner, heat exchanger. How do they interact with each other and how does the gas heating boiler itself work, and what exactly should happen inside the boiler to make the house warm?

Heat is generated by the combustion of the gas. The gas supply system is responsible for its uniform flow to the burner, which must be turned on at this moment. The heat obtained during combustion is transferred to a heat exchanger, which is responsible for transferring heat to the heating system. The role of a heat exchanger, as the name implies, is in the exchange of heat between two substances. It can be heating or cooling. Heat exchangers are arranged in different ways, but their main point is that the obtained temperature of one liquid inside the heat exchanger is transferred to another liquid, which will further distribute this temperature through the pipes of the entire heating system.

Regulation of gas supply to the boiler and water circulation in the system

If the gas burner is screwed on, the gas will flow in a smaller volume, the flame will become smaller and the resulting temperature will be lower. In modern boilers, this process occurs automatically: the temperature is controlled and switches to the required mode on its own.

If the burner goes out, the incoming gas will not be able to burn and pose a danger to the premises and its residents. There are auto mechanisms that are able to regulate this process and determine whether the system is ready to supply gas. If not, gas simply does not flow. For faster heating of the room due to the circulation of water in the heating system, the boilers are supplied with pumps.

Thus, depending on the type, class and model of the boiler, it can be installed:

  • pump;
  • control system;
  • safety system;
  • protection and diagnostic systems.

Most modern models are equipped with automatic gas supply, protection against emergency situations and temperature control: they independently control the operation of the pump, the current state of the thermal level and, without manual intervention, provide switching of modes and states. A person who has bought a boiler does not have to interfere with its independent work, if, of course, the device is working properly. And for cases of failure of one or another unit or mechanism, maintenance of gas boilers is provided.

How the work inside the boiler is regulated

If the boiler is on and in working order, sensors built into the control system check the temperature of the heating system and transmit the results to the thermostat. A thermostat is a device that is responsible for the automatic regulation of the heater in terms of maintaining the temperature set by the consumer. The sensors are part of the thermostat.

If the temperature, according to the measurement results, is below normal, the automatic system switches the heater to heating mode, the water is heated in the heat exchanger and, with the help of a pump, if any, is supplied to the pipes, spreading heat throughout the room.

The heating system is closed, that is, water is constantly circulating through the pipes, which is a heat carrier, without changing its volume.

If the volume is violated, the entire system may not work correctly. This is usually noticed in one way or another, for example, if a gas boiler makes noise, this may be evidence of a lack of water in the heating system, which in turn leads to overheating of the boiler. In such cases, check the thermostat adjustment (the device responsible for maintaining a constant temperature), if it is normal, check the water level and add it if necessary, providing the system with the necessary volume for normal operation.

Single-circuit and double-circuit boilers

Despite the fact that a heating boiler is a complex device, its basic scheme is clear to everyone who wants to understand. For example, the answer to the question what is a double-circuit gas boiler is quite simple. The boiler is designed to heat the dwelling, providing the circuit (pipe system throughout the room) with heat. If a water heating system is also connected to the boiler, which is carried out in approximately the same way, then the boiler serves two circuits and is equipped with two heat exchangers. Depending on this, boilers are divided into single and double-circuit.

Thus, gas boilers for heating and hot water supply are double-circuit boilers. If there is one circuit (heating only), then only the heating pipes are warmed up, if there are two (heating and water heating), then the system alternately sends the heated water to the pipe system for heating, then to the pipes for water supply.

Thermoregulation devices

A variety of built-in devices are used to automatically regulate the operation of the boiler.

A thermostat or programmer is responsible for temperature control.

In simpler boiler models, the temperature is controlled by a thermoelement - a special device that is a metal structure that can change size (decrease or increase) under the influence of temperature. When heating / cooling, the thermoelement changes size, acting on a lever fitted near it, which closes or slightly opens the draft damper. The amount of air entering the combustion chamber depends on the thrust force, in turn, controlling the combustion process.

In advanced models, controllers are installed that regulate the air flow using a built-in fan. Thus, a thermostat can be a fairly simple or complex, and even programmable, device. Programmable thermostats - programmers - can control the performance of preset settings for a whole week, taking into account the required temperature up to a minute.

Proper use of the thermostat settings allows you to achieve energy savings of 20-30%, which will significantly reduce heating costs. Having reconsidered the need to purchase this device, you can buy a programmer for a gas boiler, even if you already have a boiler.

Programmers are devices that provide automatic temperature control. These devices can save energy consumption, provide the required indoor climate control and extend the service life of heating equipment. You can regulate the temperature of the water in the heating system and the temperature of the air in the room. The standard regulation of the water temperature provides for manual or automatic switching on / off of the heating mechanism, depending on the required temperature of the water in the radiator.

If it gets colder or warmer outside the window, a different temperature of the water in the pipes is required and new and new settings have to be made. Such systems can be equipped with an electronic scoreboard and automatic adjustment. But the principle of their operation is to constantly bring the system to such a mode in which the required water temperature will be reached by starting / stopping the boiler every few minutes. In this mode of constant readiness to turn on the burner, the pump runs constantly. This will wear out the equipment.

A more justified option is a programmer that controls the air temperature in the room, and not the water in the pipes, when the desired comfortable temperature is set and the boiler is controlled, also turning it on and off, while starting and turning off the pump only when the air temperature change sensor is triggered. The air cools and heats up more slowly, so starts are less frequent, which minimizes energy costs and reduces equipment wear. Those who want to get more significant savings and comfortable temperatures buy a room programmer for a gas boiler, they are widely represented on the market.

What can you save on when using a gas boiler

Saving and its reasonable miscalculation is a particularly relevant issue when it comes to heating and choosing a boiler. In the context of savings, floor-standing reviews of experts converge on gas boilers - floor-standing ones are less resource-consuming.

Competent installation

Experts also agree that efficient, reliable and economical operation of the boiler is possible only with the correct organization of not only the installation of the boiler itself, but also the entire heating system. In addition, it is important to take into account all measures to prevent equipment failure, since repairs, maintenance of gas boilers are also significant material costs, which in turn can also be reduced by timely contacting the service center of gas boilers, as well as by signing a service contract. gas boiler.

Do-it-yourself boiler cleaning

Self-cleaning of heat exchangers can also reduce costs if you choose the appropriate type of device that allows you to do this procedure yourself. Important, including from the point of view of economy, is the mandatory grounding of a gas boiler in a private house. You can get acquainted with the main types of gas boilers for heating a private house. Even if the boiler has been in operation for a long time, but this requirement has not been met, it should not be neglected: it is worth learning how to ground a gas boiler in a private house and carry out this procedure.

Choosing a gas boiler

The choice of the boiler itself is a means of economy. Cheap, more expensive, with or without automation, on which you can win at the very beginning and in subsequent operation - all this is important to take into account and calculate. A striking example of the ambiguity of calculating savings on heating can be the acquisition of an AGV-type boiler (gas water heating apparatus), which means the cheapest type of boiler of the old, Soviet, model with primitive automation. As a standard, the AGV gas boiler has a very low price, but also low efficiency, but it does not need electricity. Only an accurate calculation will help determine the degree of savings when using this device. You can read about domestic gas boilers in our article.

It is also important to determine the potential problems of certain boilers when choosing the optimal model. For example, a gas boiler MORA will constantly endure malfunctions up to failure in conditions of unstable electrical voltage, with the slightest adjustment errors and a lack of water in the system.

And at first glance, the reviews on the Master Gas Seoul gas boiler are contradictory, but they provide information about the vulnerabilities of this model - the accumulation of combustion waste in the boiler, which leads to noisy fan operation, leaks and unstable water temperature during supply, while with its main function, heating, this model copes well.

Probably, each budget model has this kind of features that, under certain conditions, may not appear, thus justifying the savings on the purchase, and with knowledge of the boiler design, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each model, you can not remain indifferent and not let the situation go on gravity, but to manage the level of comfort and the amount of costs in the operation of heating equipment.

Description and purpose of the main elements. The principle of operation of the device and the diagram of the gas cylinder installation.

Main elements

Reducer-evaporator. Element of the system designed for heating the propane-butane mixture. It controls evaporation, reduces pressure to atmospheric. Structurally, a gas reducer is a mechanism consisting of several chambers connected in series. They are separated from each other by valves.

Electromagnetic valve for gas. The mechanism is designed to block the fuel line. This is necessary when the engine is idle, after switching to motor gasoline. The valve is additionally equipped with a fuel filter.

Electromagnetic valve for gasoline. This mechanism stops the supply of gasoline to carburetor engines when they are running on a gas mixture. The gas control unit performs a similar task in the injectors.

Vehicle fuel switch. This mechanism is installed in the passenger compartment of the vehicle. Switches may differ in design. Some options have a backlight, an indicator scale that shows how much gas mixture is left in the cylinder.

Multivalve. The mechanism is located on the neck of the cylinder. Its design includes the following valves: high-speed, consumable, filling. Additionally, the multivalve is equipped with an intake pipe and a fuel mixture level meter. A high-speed valve in case of a pipeline breakdown prevents gas leakage.

Ventilation chamber. This component of the system is also located on the neck of the bottle. A multivalve is placed in the box. The main function of this element is to evacuate gas vapors outside when a gas leak occurs in the trunk.

Gas cylinder (special container for keeping liquefied gas). It can be toroidal or cylindrical. The first option provides the ability to place a container with gas in a niche designed to store a spare wheel. According to safety regulations, when operating gas cylinders, the container is filled with a gas mixture only 80% of its maximum capacity.

Analysis of the details of the fourth generation LPG equipment set: what the details of the device look like, why they are needed and how everything works

Principle of operation

It should be noted that feeding with a gas mixture, the execution of the entire gas cylinder system of previous generations is much simpler than the design of a gasoline system for supplying a fuel mixture.

Transfer of a vehicle to work on gas equipment, its corresponding conversion looks like this. Previously, in the luggage, cargo compartment, under the bottom of the car, a special container is mounted on the frame, designed for filling with gas. In the engine compartment (engine compartment), a reducer-evaporator, additional devices whose functions are associated with the supply of a gas mixture to the engine, and fuel adjustment mechanisms are installed.

The cylinders are filled with a liquid propane-butane mixture. If the pressure is at atmospheric pressure, the fuel is in a gaseous state. If the pressure is higher than atmospheric pressure, the gas is converted into liquid fuel, which can evaporate at domestic temperatures. Therefore, only sealed containers are used for liquefied gas. The pressure in them can be 2-16 atmospheres.

Gas vapors form pressure, due to which they are supplied to the high-pressure gas pipeline. The filling of the gas cylinder and the supply of fuel from it to the line is carried out through the multivalve. To carry out refueling, a special external device is additionally used.

The liquefied gas mixture is directed through a pipeline and passes through a gas valve with a filter element. Such additional filtration makes it possible to more effectively purify the fuel from resinous compounds and other impurities. This device is also designed to block the supply of the gas mixture when the ignition is turned off, the engine is switched to gasoline.

After filtration, the fuel mixture is sent to the gearbox. Here, the pressure of the gas mixture drops to about 1 atmosphere. The decrease in pressure facilitates the evaporation of the liquid gas mixture. During this process, the gearbox is actively cooled. It is for this reason that it is connected to the cooling system of an automobile engine. The heated coolant, as a result of circulation through the system, does not allow the gearbox to freeze up. In the cold period of the year, it is recommended to start with gasoline, and after preliminary warming up of the engine, it is worth transferring its operating mode to gas equipment. This requirement assumes that the motor reaches the operating temperature regime, as well as the heating of the coolant to the required temperature.

After the reducer, already the vaporous gas is directed into the cylinders of the motor. There is no part in the GB system that is functionally similar to a gas pump. The gas mixture is contained in the cylinder under a certain pressure, and enters the reducer autonomously; additional pumping is not required for this. Thanks to this, the HBO system is much simpler in design. And the ability of a gas to transform from liquid to vapor when the temperature and pressure change, further reduces the number of structural elements of HBO installations.

A special switch installed in the car interior allows you to switch from petrol to gas and vice versa. After turning off the ignition, the switch is in neutral. Gas equipment can be additionally endowed with the function of turning off the gas mixture supply if there is no spark in the car engine.

Installation diagram

  1. Gas container (cylinder)
  2. Multivalve
  3. High pressure fuel line
  4. Refueling outrigger
  5. Gas valve
  6. Reducer-evaporator
  7. Fuel mixture dispenser
  8. Gasoline valve
  9. Fuel switch

According to the GB fuel supply scheme, the equipment is conditionally subdivided into generations. For example, consider early systems, analyze their working algorithm. The propane-butane mixture in a liquefied state, contained under a certain pressure in a specialized container, is fed into the high-pressure pipeline through a special multivalve that fixes the fuel consumption. Refueling is carried out using this valve and a remote filler. Further, the liquefied gas passes through the pipeline through a gas valve, additionally equipped with a filter element, where it is purified from various impurities, resinous compounds. This mechanism of the system, with the ignition off, switching the engine operating mode to gasoline, cuts off the gas mixture supply.

Then, through the pipeline, clean gas moves to the reducer, where its pressure is reduced to atmospheric. As a result of this procedure, the gas mixture begins to evaporate intensively. A vacuum is formed in the collector of a running motor, which makes it possible for the gas mixture to pass through the reduced pressure hose. Then the gas is directed through the metering device to the fuel mixer, which is located between the throttle and the air filter. A gas connection can be used on carburetor engines.

The required type of fuel for engine operation is switched on by a fuel switch located on the panel from the car interior. When the "gas" mode is turned on, the switch activates the opening of the gas valve, at the same time the petrol valve is closed. When switching the operating mode of the car engine to petrol, the gas valve is closed accordingly. Thanks to the illumination provided for the switch, you can always see what fuel the engine is running on.

The LPG reducer converts gas from a liquid to a gaseous state, and also maintains the required outlet pressure. The LPG reducer has a coolant temperature sensor and a gas filter. To convert the gas from a liquid to a gaseous state, the reducer is connected to the engine cooling system. The reducer of the gas injection system changes the gas outlet pressure depending on the pressure in the intake manifold of the vehicle engine.


The LPG filter cleans the gas from impurities. It should be noted that the HBO filter must be changed on time, because the service life of gas equipment largely depends on this. Also, the Lovato filter combines gas pressure and temperature sensors.


LPG injectors are designed to inject gas into the engine. Modern gas injectors are highly accurate and fast devices specially designed to supply gaseous fuel to a car engine. The faster the LPG injectors, the more accurate the fuel supply. That is why there are several classes of LPG injectors in the Lovato line of gas injectors, suitable for all types of car engines.


The fuel type switch is required to switch from gas to petrol and vice versa. In addition, it displays the residual amount of gas fuel by means of a light indication.


The electronic control unit (ECU) is the brain of the entire gas system. It collects all the necessary information from various sensors and determines the amount of gas supplied to the engine. The ECU is connected to the standard gasoline supply control unit in the car. Analyzing the information received from the standard unit and gas sensors, the ECU generates signals to control the gas injectors.


The filling device is intended for filling the cylinder with gas and contains a check valve that prevents gas from escaping. There are several options for installing an OVC: When installing gas equipment on a car, the most common way is to install an OVC in the gas tank flap, next to the neck of the gas tank. Thus, the traditional place of filling is preserved, the air intake is protected from external factors and visually hidden. Another way is to install a mortise air intake in the bumper or fender of the car. This method is used at the request of the owner of the car or in the absence of an opportunity to install the air intake in the gas tank flap. The third option is a suspended OVC. This option is used when placing an air intake, for example, next to a towbar, or when installing on trucks.


The LPG multi-valve is installed in the neck of the cylinder and is the most important element of LPG safety. It contains several components responsible for the safety of gas equipment, and performs the following functions: - prevents the return of gas from the cylinder; - monitors the gas supply level, and, in an emergency, stops the gas supply, for example, if there is a break in the gas main; - does not allow filling the cylinder with gas to the limit, due to the fact that when heated, the gas tends to expand; - prevents the increase in pressure inside the cylinder above the permissible value; - provided that the multivalve is equipped with an electromagnetic valve (LPG solenoid valve), it cuts off the gas supply when the car is running on gasoline, when the car is off or the engine is stopped; - informs about the remaining amount of gas.


The LPG cylinder is used to store gas fuel. There are 2 main types of cylinders - toroidal and cylindrical. Toroidal (torus) are of internal and external execution. The inner version is installed instead of the spare wheel in the trunk, and the outer one is placed under the bottom of the car, also instead of the "spare wheel". It should be noted that toroidal LPG cylinders are the most popular, because their use does not reduce luggage space. The absence, however, of a spare wheel is easily solved, for example, with the help of aerosols for repairing punctures of wheels. Cylindrical LPG cylinders are used, most often, for a greater capacity of the gas volume, because if we compare the toroidal and cylindrical ones of the same price, then the second one will be larger in volume. When using a cylindrical cylinder, you have to sacrifice the space in the luggage compartment. Cylindrical variants are essential for trucks. As for the safety of LPG, both types of gas cylinders are made of durable metal, up to 4 mm thick and are able to withstand a pressure several times higher than the state of the cylinder during full refueling. Each product is tested at the factory. By right, we can say that the LPG cylinder is the strongest element of your car.

Boilers are increasingly being used for heating and hot water supply in homes. They are compact, powerful and easy to use. Gas is cheaper today than other fuels. If you are thinking about installing such equipment in your home, it is important to understand how a gas boiler works. This will help you quickly understand the management of the equipment and operate it successfully.

How does a gas boiler work

What does the technique consist of? It is important for every user to know the answer to this question, because different situations may arise during work. In addition, knowledge about the design of a gas boiler and its components will help you choose the model that is right for your room.

Main nodes

Burner... The rectangular design is equipped with nozzles. Through them, the gas enters the burner and is distributed. So the surface of the radiator warms up evenly over the entire surface.

There are two types of burner:

  • Atmospheric... Installed near the chimney. The principle of operation is simple: air is taken from the room to maintain the flame. In this case, there must be a window and normal ventilation. The advantage of the atmospheric type is independence from electricity. More often found in floor-standing models.

  • Turbocharged... The operation of such a boiler does not depend on the presence of draft in the chimney and ventilation, since the built-in fan forcibly removes the combustion products through the coaxial chimney. The conclusion can be drawn in the wall. Occurs in wall-mounted boilers. The main disadvantage is volatility.

Heat exchanger is a box with tubes inside. Water circulates through them. The assembly can consist of different alloys, which affects its service life. A double-circuit device is equipped with two radiators, a single-circuit one - one. Varieties:

  • Steel... The easiest and cheapest option. The material is resistant to temperature extremes, but has low thermal conductivity and fragility.

  • Copper... It is an alloy resistant to corrosion and temperature extremes. Copper conducts heat seven times better than steel, so a radiator is more expensive. Has a limited heating temperature.

  • Cast iron... Resistant to corrosion and high temperatures. It conducts heat well, but has a lot of weight. Therefore, it is more often used for floor-standing boilers in the form of a collapsible structure.

Circulation pump creates pressure in the system for constant water circulation. Not all models have a pump. But if you choose a technique for gas heating, it must be present in the design.

Expansion tank... When heated, the coolant expands, so the tank accepts its excess in order to avoid an emergency.

Chimney... In atmospheric models, the pipe is connected to the housing branch pipe and led out to the chimney. In turbocharged types of boilers, a coaxial chimney is created, the other end of which is connected to a hole in the wall.

Electronics and control module includes sensors, wiring, circuits: everything that allows the device to function stably.

Safety automation. These are sensors that protect the device from such malfunctions:

  • lack of traction;
  • overheat;
  • no flame in the burner.

If the system fails, the sensors send a signal to the control module and the product stops working.

Principle of operation

Cold water enters the system through the pipeline. It is fed to the heat exchanger via a circulation pump. The gas valve opens and fuel flows into the burner through the nozzles. The ignition electrode is triggered, from which the gas ignites.

The boiler operates for heating or providing hot water supply (DHW). The changeover takes place using a three-way valve. During operation, combustion products are removed through the chimney. When the set temperature is reached, the flame goes out. Some models have an external thermostat, so when the temperature drops, they turn on the heating immediately.

Below is the scheme of work:

How should the boiler work? It depends on its variety.

According to the method of installation, the technique is divided into two types:

  • Wall mounted. Small devices of low and medium power. They are often installed in apartments and houses with a small area. Wall mounting saves space.
  • Floor standing... Large structures that require a lot of space to accommodate. But they are able to simultaneously heat and provide hot water supply to large areas.

By the structure of the chimney, the type of removal of combustion products:

  • atmospheric;
  • turbocharged.

We described their modes of operation above.

By functionality:

  • Single-circuit... Provide optimal heating performance.
  • Double-circuit... Equipped with two radiators, so they can supply the heating system and fill the taps with hot water.

Burner types:

  • Modulated... Smooth automatic regulation of the flame strength.
  • Regular... Without any adjustment.

By type of ignition:

  • Piezo ignition... The launch is carried out by pressing a button and deforming the piezoelectric element. The advantages of ignition are non-volatile. Disadvantages: constant manual start, high fuel consumption.
  • Electronic... The built-in transformer is triggered, which is controlled by the automation.

By the principle of work:

  • Convection... The usual scheme, according to which heat is transferred during combustion to the coolant (water).
  • Condensing... In addition to normal heating, the device uses the heat of water vapor. Condensation is collected in an additional heat exchanger. Therefore, the Ariston Class Premium Evo models have high efficiency.

Conventional boilers are volatile, but there are devices that work on a different principle. They are installed in rooms with a chimney and have an open combustion chamber. Ignition takes place using a piezoelectric element. Some of them (for example, "Conord") have a cast iron radiator.

The equipment can operate on natural and liquefied gas, and is mounted on a wall or installed on the floor. There is a variant of a parapet installation - a gas boiler is mounted on an external wall, has a closed combustion chamber and is connected to a coaxial pipe.

Having considered the device and features of water heating equipment, you can choose the best option for your home. The video will help you better understand the topic: