Research work on the chemistry of energy drinks. Energetic drinks

MBOU Secondary School No. 1, Pokrov

VIII school scientific and practical conference

"Pokrov: a step into the future"


Energetic drinks


Peshekhonov Igor and Biryukova Anna

Students of class 9A

Scientific adviser:

Ovchinnikova Tatyana Nikolaevna

chemistry teacher



Table of contents

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………...…………3

1.2 Work progress………………………………………………………………………………….3

2. Energy drinks…………………………………………...………………..4

2.2. Components…………………………………………………….……………………….7

3. Practical part……………………………………………………………….8

4. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………….11

5. Literature…………………………………..……………………………………12

6. Applications………………………………………………………...…………….13

1. Introduction

In modern conditions, people's health is influenced by many factors.One of which is the consumption of energy drinks. Energetic drinks- non-alcoholic or low-alcohol drinks, the advertising campaign of which focuses on their ability to stimulate the human central nervous system and/or anti-sedative effect. In modern society, the drink is commonplace. In addition to adults, mature people, these drinks are also drunk by young people with not yet fully formed bodies. Consumption of drinks can have a detrimental effect on the growth and development of a teenager, because energy drinks do not bring the benefits that a child’s growing body needs. Despite this, manufacturers spare no money on advertising campaigns to promote their products and claim that these products only bring benefits and produce new types of drinks. But is it? This remains to be seen.

We have put forwardhypothesis : Energy drinks have a detrimental effect on the human body.

Target This work is to find out what effect energy drinks have on the human body and show the results to the students of MBOU Secondary School No. 1 in Pokrov.

Relevance My work is that in modern society many people use energy drinks without thinking about the consequences.

1.2. Progress

We have supplied the followingtasks :

    Get acquainted with the literature about these drinks.

    Conduct experiments showing the interaction of energy drinks with various components.

    Show the results of the experiments to teenagers.

2. Energy drink

An energy drink is a highly carbonated drink, it contains a large amount(H2CO3 ) - as this promotes faster absorption of the components and a faster onset of effect. Drinks contain tonic substances, most often (in some cases, instead of caffeine, extracts are stated in the composition, or containing caffeine, or caffeine under other names: mateine, theine, although, in fact, they are all the same caffeine). Energy drinks often contain vitamins, as well as an easily digestible source of energy - carbohydrates ( , ), etc. Recently added . One can of the drink can contain approximately half to a full daily dose of vitamins. Therefore, the medical restriction on the use of energy drinks is no more than one can per day. The content in energy drinks is slightly lower than in the same volume of brewed .

Doctors warn that consuming “energy drinks” can cause problems with the cardiovascular system, insomnia, fatigue, and rapid depletion of the body’s resources.Regular consumption of energy drinks can cause addiction. Without them, after some time a person reaches a phase of exhaustion, experiences lethargy, weakness and seeks a remedy to relieve this condition.If drinks really contain high doses of biologically active substances, then they can cause certain adverse effects: sleep disturbance, agitation, anxiety, increased, and short-term. Also, “energy drinks” are contraindicated for hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system, sleep disorders, increased excitability and sensitivity to caffeine. “Energy drinks” should not be drunk by nursing women or people with increased nervous excitability, insomnia, cardiac disorders, or illness.

The emergence of energy drinks in different countries dates back to different periods. Thus, for Germany, the twelfth century became the “century of the first power engineers,” and Abbess Hildegard von Bingen is considered the pioneer here. The energy drink owes its “second life” to the Englishman Smith-Klein Beechamon, who in 1938 prepared his first energy drink Lukozade for the athletes of Foggy Albion, which almost led to their poisoning. Later, Bichamon made some changes to the recipe of his drink and relaunched it for mass sale. To the surprise of everyone, the bad reputation did not prevent the drink from gaining wild popularity among the British population. Moreover, in 1962 in Japan, a new one was created based on this particular drink, called Lipovitan. Today, Japan is one of the most significant exporters on the world market of energy drinks, and most people associate the emergence of this “potion” with this country. The energy drink came to Europe much later than to Japan. And the pioneer here was the Austrian entrepreneur Dietrich Mateschets, who in 1982, during his business trip to Hong Kong, first tried one of the tonic drinks already widely produced there. Even then, he had the idea of ​​​​founding the first enterprise in Europe for the industrial production of energy drinks, and in 1984 he brought this idea to life. The Austrian's drink was named RedBull and gained enormous popularity among Europeans, which soon gave rise to dozens of drinks with similar properties.

Manufacturers in advertising claim that drinks increase performance by stimulating the body's internal reserves. For example, it is known that glucose, like other carbohydrates, is quickly absorbed into the blood, is included in oxidative processes and delivers energy (carbohydrates) to and other vital organs. Like any stimulants, they act according to a simple scheme - to take a lot of energy from the body at once, which leads to inevitable depletion of the nervous system and metabolic disorders. Sometimes advertising indicates that it is present in its pure form and is not associated, as in and, with other substances that soften its effect. This statement has no basis. Manufacturers may also claim that the stimulating effect of energy drinks lasts 3-4 hours (coffee only lasts 1-2 hours), but no references are provided to the corresponding ones.

Energy drinks are sometimes mixed with. Energy drinks perform a stimulating function, while they have a depressing function. The harm of this combination lies in the ability of energy drinks to mask the influence, as a result of which a person will not be able to take its influence into account, weakening control over the amount of drinking. in large doses it causes natural fatigue, but the stimulating effect of energy drinks can overcome it. The widespread mixing of energy drinks with vodka and others has led to the emergence of pre-mixed cocktails.

There are cases of deaths from drinking energy drinks. For example, in February 2011, a young man died in a fight in a nightclub. The cause of death was acute coronary insufficiency. It was established that the guy had been drinking energy drink before. In 2010, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, during a party in an entertainment complex, a 20-year-old young man died, who had previously drunk half a liter of energy drink. The ambulance that arrived at the scene was unable to save the young man. In 2009, a party also ended tragically in the Penza region. A 17-year-old girl died from an overdose of an energy drink that caused hemorrhage in her liver.In July 2012, inA 15-year-old teenager died in Nizhnevartovsk. The official reason has not been given; the preliminary reason is that he drank too much energy drinks. According to various sources, he drank from three to six cans of the drink. Moreover, the guy not only poisoned himself with alcohol, but died a completely “adult” death: from a myocardial infarction. Heart diseases, which previously struck people at 50-60 years of age, are now rapidly becoming “younger”. And energy workers are to blame for this too. KMnews

2.2. Components

First of all, every energy drink contains caffeine and taurine. Taurine is a derivative of the amino acid cysteine. One of the main components of bile, it is found in small quantities in various tissues of animals and humans, mainly in muscle.Taurine takes part in lipid metabolism, improves energy and metabolic processes. In the central nervous system it functions as an inhibitory neurotransmitter and has some anticonvulsant activity. It is used as one of the components of dietary supplements for food products, not only energy drinks, but also juices, as well as animal feed. It is included in dry milk formulas for feeding children from 0 months.As for caffeine, it is a common psychostimulant, found in tea, coffee, mate, guarana, cola nuts and some other plants. Reduces the feeling of fatigue and drowsiness, increases mental performance, accelerates the pulse. The period of stimulation is replaced by fatigue, requiring adequate rest. The caffeine content of energy drinks ranges from 150 to 320 mg/L, with a recommended upper tolerable intake of 150 mg per day. Energy drinks also contain: ascorbic acid (vitamin C), nicotinic acid, c sodium itrate, potassium phosphate, D-ribose, L-carnitine, gum arabic, uh guarana extract, uhginseng extract, with sodium orbate, calcium pantothenate, folic acid, Piridoxine, theobromine.

Also taurin - is a drug, inhibits synaptic transmission, caffeine - causes dependence caffeineism, increases blood pressure, accelerates cardiac activity, Nicotinic acid - E-3754 - since August 1, 2008, excluded from the list of permitted in Russia, theobromine - poisonous, used to treat bronchitis -pulmonary diseases. The list of substances included in energy drinks includes many substances, including vitamins, but is their effect positive if they are present simultaneously in one drink?

3. Practical part

In order to see how energy drinks affect a living organism, we conducted a series of experiments. Namely:

    Test for acidity.

    Interaction of energy drinks with raw egg whites.

    Interaction with milk.

    Interaction with raw chicken meat.

    Reaction to carbohydrate content.

    Reaction to dye content.

    Interaction with blood.

    Interaction with a human tooth.

    Plant response to energy drink spillage.

    Impact on a person's pulse and blood pressure.

    Impact on the human body as a whole.

For the experiments, we took water (6) (as a standard) and 5 energy drinks:



    Adrenalin Rush

    Red bull


Experience No. 1 . For the experiment, we took 10 mg 3 each reagent and dipped litmus strips into them. Then we compared the color of the indicator strips, it turned out that all energy drinks have an acidic environment (Appendix No. 1).

Experience No. 2 . At 10 mg 3 We poured 10 mg of protein 3 energy drink, in all cases except the case with water, the protein coagulated. This suggests that energy drinks have a detrimental effect on the proteins in our body (Appendix No. 2).

Experience No. 3 . A little milk was poured into the Petri dish, then the reagents were poured into it. In all cases, except for the case with water, the milk curdled almost immediately; it is worth noting that in the case ofAdrenalinRushthe milk immediately formed a substance similar to porridge, but in the case ofBurnthe milk almost did not curdle (Appendix No. 3).

Experience No. 4 . At 10 mg 3 We added a piece of meat to each reagent and left it for 4 days. After this, we discovered that the meat had acquired the color of energy drink and was noticeably stratified without absorbing the energy drink, unlike the case with water (Appendix No. 4).

Experience No. 5 . For experience weobtained copper hydroxide (Cu ( OH) 2 by combining copper chloride and sodium hydroxide),mixed with energy drinks and heated. If carbohydrates are contained in drinks, the solutions will turn orange. Looking at what it says on the cans/bottles (carbohydrates:Burn– 13.2 g,Monster– 11.1 g,AdrenalinRush– 12.5g,Redbull- 11 g,Jaguar–11.5 g), it follows that more carbohydrates should be contained in the drinkBern, but after carrying out the reaction to carbohydrates it turned out that inAdrenalinRushThere are more carbohydrates than in other drinks, although the composition says otherwise. Then should you believe what they write on cans and bottles? (Appendix No. 5)

Experience No. 6 . For this experience we are at 10 mg 3 Each energy drinker was given a tablet of activated carbon, then the solutions were boiled and filtered. If the filtrate is clear, then the energy drink contains a dye that has adsorbed carbon. And so it happened, all the filtrates became transparent after the experiment, which means they contain dyes (Appendix No. 6).

Experience No. 7 . We added a drop of energy drinks to a drop of blood. Almost instantly the blood clotted (Appendix No. 7.2), this was visible to the naked eye, but in order to obtain a reliable result we used an electron microscope. Also, for comparison, through an electron microscope we looked at how blood coagulates under natural conditions (Appendix No. 7.1). The result of the experiment suggests that the energy drink has an adverse effect on the body.

Experience No. 8 . In 10 mg3 drinks with the nameJaguar, RedbullAndBurn, we placed one tooth (in each), they stood for two days. On a tooth from a drinkJaguarthere was a yellow coating and the dentin darkened. AfterBurnthe tooth became red and the dentin turned red. AfterRedBull, the tooth just turned yellow. Experience has shown exactly how drinks affect our teeth (Appendix No. 8).

Experience No. 9 . For this experiment, we planted 6 pumpkin seeds (2 per pot) and watered them with water (B), non-alcoholic energy drink (B) and alcoholic energy drink (A). 5 days after the start, it was recorded that mold had appeared in pot A, in pot B the seeds had just begun to germinate, and in pot C they had sprouted. After 10 days: there was also some mold left in pot A (apparently the seeds died), in pot B the grains sprouted just a little, in pot B there was a young plant. This experience shows a detrimental effect not only on the human body, but also on plants (Appendix No. 9).

Experience No. 10 . For a specific example of the effects of energy drinks on the human body, I drank a glass of energy drink. We measured my blood pressure and pulse before the experiment and after 20 minutes. after drinking drinks. The results are as follows: pulse before/after – 65/91, blood pressure before/after 110/63 – 144/94. This once again shows that energy drinks affect cardiovascular activity.

Experience No. 11 . For this experience I had to drink a glass of energy drink. 25 minutes after taking the drink, I really felt a lift in mood, but it only lasted a few minutes, and I did not experience any surge of energy. And by the evening of the same day, I was very weak and before going to bed, the muscles in my legs and arms even contracted. Are these minutes worth it?

After the experiments, we showed the students what effect energy drinks have on the human body. They said that they had never even thought about what the experimental results showed (Appendix No. 10).

4. Conclusion

Thus, we learned experimentally how exactly energy drinks affect the human body, namely, they do not bring anything good, despite their advertising and taste. In addition, we were able to share this with our friends and I hope that it will at least somehow influence their lives.

If you really want to increase your energy tone, then use other really high-energy substances for this, which will not have a negative effect on your body, but will only bring benefits. Here's one recipe for a truly high-energy drink:

    two teaspoons of honey,

    a couple of squeezed lemon slices,

    tablespoon rosehip syrup

    glass of warm water

And before you is a real treasure trove of vitamins and nutrients.

5. Literature

Appendix No. 1

Appendix No. 2

Appendix No. 3

Appendix No. 4

Appendix No. 5

Appendix No. 6

Appendix No. 7.1

Appendix No. 7.2

Appendix No. 8

Appendix No. 9

5 days

10 days

Appendix No. 10

Qualitative composition of energy drinks and its effect on the body Research work The presentation was prepared by: Victoria Khokhlova, Natalya Korovina, Timofey Vakula and Anton Gusev, students of the chemical and biological group of class 10 a MBOU "Maksatikhinskaya Secondary School 1": Head: Svetlana Aleksandrovna Sukhareva Chemistry teacher

Job description: Determine the effect of energy drinks on the human body. Determine the composition of drinks based on experience and prove its negative effect on humans. Based on a sociological survey, the popularity of energy drinks. Analyze the results and offer practical advice on this topic.

Equipment and instruments: test tubes, flasks, alcohol lamp, stand, holders for test tubes, device for the iodometric method of determination. Reagents: indicators, iodine solution, Fehling solution (alkaline solution of copper alcoholate of Rochelle salt, nitric acid (concentrated), ferric chloride (+3), ferrous sulfate solution (+2).

Introduction Relevance: Energy drinks are beginning to gain popularity at an unprecedented speed, especially among young people and schoolchildren. Today, energy drinks are sold in any kiosks, clubs, and can often be seen in gyms and sports fields. Advertising positions them as a means of combating fatigue.

But is everything so good and rosy in the use of energy drinks? Where does miraculous energy come from? Doctors are once again questioning the safety of energy drinks and assuring them that they are harmful to health: studies have found that energy drinks with high concentrations of caffeine increase heart rate, blood pressure and are fraught with the risk of blood clots in the arteries.

Objectives: to determine the effect of energy drinks on the human body; determine the composition of drinks based on experience and prove its negative effect on humans; based on a sociological survey, the popularity of energy drinks; analyze the results and offer practical advice on this topic

The history of the emergence of energy drinks In 1984, Herr Mateschitz founded the Red Bull GmbH company, developed the recipe and marketing concept for the drink, and three years later began selling Red Bull Energy Drink in Australia. In 1992, the new energy drink began to be exported to Hungary for the first time. Currently, Herr Mateschitz sells more than 1 billion cans annually in 70 countries.

Composition of energy drinks CompositionBurn AdrenalineGorilla MonsterDrive Energy. Value (Kcal) 61, Carbohydrates (g)14.311.312.51011 Taurine (mg)42+34.03010 Caffeine (mg) Vitamin C----8.4

Composition of energy drinks Substance Formula Effect on the body Caffeine Acts as a stimulant of mental activity. Diseases accompanied by depression of the central nervous system, functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, cerebral vascular spasms Contraindications: Severe arterial hypertension, organic diseases of the cardiovascular system, increased excitability, glaucoma, sleep disorders, old age. Side effects: Anxiety, agitation, insomnia, tachycardia, arrhythmias, increased blood pressure, nausea.

Taurine This is an amino acid accumulated in muscle tissue. It is believed that it improves the functioning of the heart muscle. However, recently among doctors there has been an opinion that taurine has no effect on the human body at all. Vitamin SAcorbic acid is necessary for the functioning of the nervous system and brain. The body can feel its deficiency, but increasing the dose does not improve your productivity, mental abilities or anything else, as energy drink manufacturers try to convince you.

Citric acid These acids form the taste of plant foods. In some cases, the amount of acids in plants reaches very high values. citric acid in lemons at 9%, malic acid in apples at 6%, etc. The main function of organic acids that make up food is associated with participation in digestion processes. They reduce the pH of the environment, helping to create a certain composition of microflora, actively participate in energy metabolism (Krebs cycle), in the gastrointestinal tract, improve digestion, and activate intestinal motility. The most important function of organic acids is to alkalize the body.

GUARANA is a tropical plant. Its berries have various health benefits. Guarana has a chemical structure similar to that of caffeine, and the seeds provide an even higher effect than coffee beans. Taking guarana increases physical activity and endurance, and may also help speed up weight loss. Tannin Tannins Berries. The high tannin content in berries such as cranberries, strawberries, blueberries and grapes gives these berries bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties, thus neutralizing the infection and preventing it from lingering in the body.

D-RIBOSE D-ribose is a carbohydrate naturally present in the human body, which is vital for the synthesis of ATP, the main energy molecule of the cell. After intense training and stress, the level of ATP in cells decreases significantly. Additional consumption of ribose significantly helps restore the concentration of ATP in the heart muscle and skeletal muscles and, accordingly, energy reserves lost during hard physical work and intense training.

Glucose is the main and most universal source of energy in the human body to ensure metabolic processes. Carnitine is present in the human body in the tissues of striated muscles and liver. It is a factor in metabolic processes that ensure the maintenance of coenzyme A activity. It has an anabolic effect, activates fat metabolism, stimulates regeneration, and increases appetite.

Harm of energy drinks Energy drinks can be consumed in strict accordance with the dosage: the maximum dose is 1 can per day. The vitamins contained in drinks cannot replace a multivitamin complex. People suffering from heart disease should not consume energy drinks. Caffeine, which is contained in energy drinks, leads to exhaustion of the nervous system. Caffeine is addictive.

An energy drink containing a combination of glucose and caffeine is very harmful to a young body. A large amount of vitamin B causes rapid heartbeat and trembling in the limbs. Caffeine is a diuretic, so drinks should not be consumed after workouts. When tired, drinking energy drinks may cause hallucinations.

Determination of caffeine Place 5 ml of energy drink in a porcelain cup, add 2-3 drops of condensed nitric acid. The mixture is dried to dryness. As a result of the oxidation of caffeine, amalic acid (tetramethylalloxanthin) is orange in color. When reacted with a concentrated ammonia solution, this substance turns into ammonium purpurate.

Determination of vitamin C in drinks using the iodometric method. Pour 2 ml into a flask. energy drink, then some starch solution. Next, add the iodine solution drop by drop until a stable blue color appears that does not disappear within seconds. The determination technique is based on the fact that the ascorbic acid molecule is easily oxidized by iodine. As soon as iodine oxidizes all ascorbic acid, the next drop will color the solution blue.

Determination of glucose Place 1 ml in a test tube. Energy drink and 1 drop of Fehling's reagent (alkaline solution of copper alcoholate of Rochelle salt). In this case, the heated part of the solution turns orange-yellow due to the formation of copper (I) hydroxide, which subsequently turns into a red copper (I) precipitate.

Xanthoprotein reaction to cyclic amino acids (taurine) Pour 1 ml of energy drink into a test tube, add 2-3 drops of concentrated nitric acid and heat. If taurine is present, the liquid will turn lemon yellow. After cooling, add 10 drops of sodium hydroxide. The color turns orange.

Definition of tannin. Pour 2 ml of energy drink into a test tube and add 5 ml of ferric chloride solution (+3). If tannin is present, the contents of the test tube will turn green-black. 2 ml of the drink and 5 ml of a freshly prepared solution of ferrous sulfate (+2) are poured into another test tube. A violet color appears. Conclusion 1. When studying various sources of information, we found that energy drinks contain ingredients that have not only harmful, but often dangerous effects on the human body. 2. All energy drinks have an acidic environment, a large amount of dyes and sugar, which, if consumed in excess, has a negative impact on health. Bibliography. Electronic course program. Chemistry classes. Profile training (Auth.-compiled by G. A. Shipareva M. Bustard 2005) Chemical foundations of life; Educational method. Benefit. (Compiled by D D Nekrasov, L D Orlova. 2nd ed. Additional - Perm; published by Pnrm. Univ. 2008. Scientific and methodological journal - Chemistry at school.8 Publishing house Tsenrkhimpress 2011

More recently, energy drinks have appeared on the markets, which are beginning to gain popularity at an unprecedented speed, especially among young people and schoolchildren. At first, a jar of the drink makes you sleepy; without it you can no longer imagine preparing for an exam or a noisy night party.

Today, energy drinks are sold at any kiosk, in bars, clubs, and can often be seen in gyms and sports fields. Advertising positions them as a means of combating fatigue, helping an active lifestyle, mental activity, club dancing and sports.

But is everything so good and rosy in the use of energy drinks? Where does miraculous energy come from?

Goals, objectives, hypothesis, object and subject of research

Purpose of the study:

Show that drinking energy drinks is not an effective means of raising vitality, prove that energy drinks have a negative effect on the physiological processes of the human body.


1. Study of various sources of information about the origin and composition of energy drinks.
2. Study of the influence of energy drink ingredients on tissues of plant and animal origin: raw and cooked (denatured) chicken protein, potatoes and meat.
3. Conducting a survey to study the attitude of adolescents towards energy drinks.


If teenagers have scientifically based information about the effect of energy drinks on biological tissues and, as a result, on the human body, then a meaningful attitude will arise towards the process of consuming energy drinks.

Theoretical part

From the history

Natural psychostimulants have been known to people all over the world since ancient times.

The most common of these was caffeine. Its source in India and the Middle East was coffee; in China, India and Southeast Asia - tea; in America - the yerba mate plant and kola nuts, etc. In addition, history knows examples of the use of stronger stimulants, such as the coca bush in South America, ephedra and khat in Asia. Residents of Mongolia and Siberia used ginseng, eleutherococcus, aralia and other stimulating plants.

In 1982, the Austrian Dietrich Mateschitz, while in Hong Kong, tried the local tonic drink and brought this idea to Western countries. In 1984, he founded the first enterprise for the industrial production of an energy drink - the still popular Red Bull. The product turned out to be so successful that soon dozens of drinks with similar properties appeared on the market. The giants of the “drinking” industry “Coca-Cola” and “Pepsi-Cola” also did not stand aside, releasing “Burn” and “Adrenaline Rush”, respectively.

In Norway, Denmark and France, energy drinks are considered dietary supplements and are only permitted for sale in pharmacies. In Russia, there are also restrictions associated with them: a drink cannot contain more than two tonic components, restrictions on use must be indicated on the can, and their sale in schools is prohibited, as stated in the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation “On strengthening supervision of drinks containing tonic components”, dated 19.01. 2005

Recently, the buzz around energy drinks has intensified due to legal proceedings over several deaths allegedly related to their use. In Sweden, three people died at a disco after drinking a mixture of an energy drink and strong alcohol, and 18-year-old Irish basketball player Ross Cooney died right on the court after three cans of the drink.


Energy drinks (energy drinks, energy tonics) are non-alcoholic or low-alcohol drinks, the advertising campaign of which focuses on their ability to stimulate the human central nervous system and/or increase performance, as well as the fact that they prevent a person from falling asleep.

Drinks contain tonic substances, most often caffeine (in some cases, instead of caffeine, the composition contains extracts of guarana, tea or mate containing caffeine, or caffeine under other names: mateine, theine) and other stimulants: theobromine and theophylline (cocoa alkaloids), and also often vitamins as an easily digestible source of energy - carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose), adaptogens, etc. Recently, taurine has been added.

The main components of “energy drinks”:

Taurine– a derivative of the amino acid cysteine ​​(contrary to popular belief, it itself is not an amino acid). One of the main components of bile, it is found in small quantities in various tissues of animals and humans, mainly in muscle.

Caffeine– a common psychostimulant, found in tea, coffee, mate, guarana, cola nuts and some other plants. Reduces the feeling of fatigue and drowsiness, increases mental performance, accelerates the pulse, and has a mild diuretic effect. The period of stimulation is replaced by fatigue, requiring adequate rest. The caffeine content of energy drinks ranges from 150 to 320 mg/L, with a recommended upper tolerable intake of 150 mg per day.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)- an organic compound related to glucose is one of the essential nutrients in the human diet, necessary for the normal functioning of connective and bone tissue. Performs the biological functions of a reducing agent and coenzyme of some metabolic processes, and is considered as an antioxidant.

A nicotinic acid- a medicine, a vitamin involved in many oxidative reactions of living cells.

White crystalline powder, odorless, slightly acidic taste. It is difficult to dissolve in cold water, better in hot water, slightly soluble in ethanol, very slightly soluble in ether.

Calcium pantothenate- medicine, vitamin B5, calcium salt of pantothenic acid. Pantothenic acid is a dipeptide by chemical nature.

Pyridoxine- one of the forms of vitamin B6. It is colorless crystals, soluble in water.

In food products, vitamin B6 is found in three forms: pyridoxine, pyridoxal, pyridoxamine, which are approximately equal in their biological activity.

Folic acid- water-soluble vitamin B9 necessary for the growth and development of the circulatory and immune systems.

Pros and cons of energy drinks from a health point of view -and-cons-of energy drinks from a health point of view">

What can unite such seemingly diverse and distant groups of people as students, drivers, athletes, club regulars, etc.? All these people periodically experience colossal physical, moral, volitional and mental stress. These people, most likely, do not even realize that they constitute the so-called target audience of potential buyers of energy drinks, or, more simply put, energy drinks.

The main idea of ​​positioning such products is “doping” before exhausting work, both physical and mental, and recovery after. It’s not for nothing that energy drink companies invest millions in sporting events and competitions; conclude mutually beneficial contracts with the largest sports clubs for the production of personalized club drinks; they buy the “stables” of the most prestigious class of Formula 1 auto racing (Red Bull F1 Team). Even the athletes themselves, who have been able to achieve great success in sports, produce energy drinks under their own name - a striking example: boxer Kostya Tszyu, who recently released the cranberry energy drink Tszyu according to his own recipe. Various music festivals cannot do without sponsorship from energy drink manufacturers.

Energy drinks are sometimes mixed with alcohol. Energy drinks have a stimulating function, while alcohol has a depressing function. The harm of this combination lies in the ability of energy drinks to mask the influence of alcohol, in which case a person will not be able to take its influence into account. Alcohol in large doses causes natural fatigue, but the stimulating effect of energy drinks can overcome this. The widespread mixing of energy drinks with vodka and other alcohol has led to the emergence of pre-mixed cocktails known as “alcopops,” often including taurine; or guarana extract to give the drink a specific aroma.


Energy drinks are great lift your spirits and stimulate mental activity.

Everyone can find an energy drink to suit their needs. In accordance with their purpose, energy drinks are conventionally divided into groups: some contain more caffeine, others - vitamins and carbohydrates. “Coffee” drinks are suitable for complete, incorrigible workaholics and students who have to work and study at night, and “vitamin-carbohydrate” drinks are for active people who prefer to spend their free time in the gym.

Energy drinks contain a complex of vitamins and glucose. Everyone knows about the benefits of vitamins. Glucose quickly penetrates the blood, participates in oxidative processes and provides energy to the muscles, brain and other vital organs.

The effect of a cup of coffee lasts 1-2 hours, the effect of an energy drink lasts 3-4 hours. In addition, almost all energy drinks are carbonated, which speeds up their action - this is their third difference from coffee.

Thanks to convenient packaging, energy drinks can be carried with you and used in any situation(on the dance floor, in the car), which cannot be said about coffee or tea.


Energy drinks can be consumed strictly in accordance with the dosage. The maximum dose is 1 can of drink per day. Exceeding the dose may lead to to increased blood pressure or blood sugar levels.

The vitamins found in energy drinks cannot replace a multivitamin.

People suffering from heart disease, hypotension or hypertension should not drink energy drinks.

The claim that an energy drink provides the body with energy is unfounded. The contents of the treasured jar only open the way to the internal reserves of the body, i.e., it serves as a key, or rather, a master key. In other words, the drink itself does not contain any energy, but only uses our own. Thus, we use our own energy resources, in other words, we borrow energy from ourselves. However, sooner or later this debt will have to be repaid with interest in the form fatigue, insomnia, irritability and depression.

Like any other stimulant, caffeine found in energy drinks leads to exhaustion of the nervous system. Its effect lasts for an average of 3 – 5 hours, after which the body needs rest. In addition, caffeine is addictive.

An energy drink containing a combination of glucose and caffeine is very harmful to a young body.

Many energy drinks contain large amounts of vitamin B, which causes rapid heartbeat and tremors in the limbs.

Fitness fans should remember the outstanding diuretic properties caffeine This means that you can’t drink an energy drink after a workout, because during the workout we already lose a lot of fluid.

If the permissible dose is exceeded, side effects cannot be excluded: tachycardia, psychomotor agitation, increased nervousness, depression.

Energy drinks contain taurine and glucuronolactone. The taurine content is several times higher than the permissible level, and the amount of glucuronolactone contained in 2 cans of the drink exceeds the daily norm by almost 500 times (!). Even scientists don't know how these ingredients affect the body and how they interact with caffeine. Therefore, experts state that the safety of using such high doses of taurine and glucuronolactone has not yet been determined, requiring further research.

There is a common opinion that energy tonics are not at all as effective as advertising makes them out to be and that they do not have any special effect on the human body; there are stubborn facts indicating the opposite.

The Swedish National Commission is investigating the deaths of three people caused by drinking.

One of the dead, a girl dancing at a disco, drank two cans of energy tonic along with alcohol and suddenly died of cardiac arrest.

Irish basketball player Ross Cooney drank three cans of energy drink and died a few hours later during training. The investigation into this case continues.

Many drivers who have consumed energy drinks in a state of increased fatigue, in order to continue driving, talk about the hallucinations that arise after this, which indicates the psychotropic effects of these drinks.

In many countries (France, Denmark and Norway), energy tonics are considered drugs, they can only be bought at pharmacies or their production is prohibited (Germany).

Practical part: research

Experiments were carried out to study the effects of energy drinks on tissues of plant and animal origin.

For the study, we took five varieties of energy drinks that are sold in shops and supermarkets in the neighborhood: “Red Bull sugafree”, “Red Bull cola”, “Bulit”, “Burn”, “Jaguar”. Water was also taken as a neutral medium to control the experiments.

(photos with the results of the experiments are in the presentation)

Conclusion: The ingredients in the energy drinks reviewed have different effects on plant and animal tissues. A more unfavorable picture emerges when “Jaguar” and “Burn” are exposed to fabrics; on the basis of which we can conclude that the tissues of the digestive tract, first of all, and other organ systems, will be susceptible to their negative effects.

Analysis of various sources of information allows us to conclude that the effect of an energy boost is short-term, since disturbances in physiological processes occur due to a certain chemical composition. And all advertising campaigns around energy drinks do not have confirmation, that is, they are unfounded and present an illusory effect.

In order to study the attitude of modern teenagers towards energy drinks, a sociological survey of school students was conducted:

Students from grades 7 to 11 participated in the sociological survey. A total of 143 people were interviewed. The result revealed: 35% used it, 65% did not try it. The more popular one (of the ones being researched) is “Burn”. Active consumers are teenagers 15–16 years old. But the worst thing is that 13% of guys drink energy drinks every day.


Teenagers are active consumers of energy drinks without thinking about the consequences for their health.

Many people who drink energy drinks think that their effects are completely harmless and continue to increase the dose of invigorating drinks. Doctors call the addiction to invigorating soda a new type of addiction. Consequently, energy drinks can be called psychostimulants, which cause excitability of the body for a short period of time, but since the body receives it from the outside, it remembers it very quickly and strives to get more of it.

Practical significance of the study

The practical part of the study is that the results obtained were brought to the attention of adolescents. It is planned to post materials on the school website. This will allow each student to form an active, informed point of view on the fashionable youth phenomenon presented in the study - the use of energy drinks.

List of sources used

7. “Energy on loan”; author Veronica Barabash; Newspaper “TELESEM” January 25–31, 2010
8. T. S. Krupina. Food additives M “Sirin Prema” 2006

Mulin Maxim
9A class


Sashchenko L. G. biology teacher
Ignatushina G. L. chemistry teacher.

Municipal educational institution “Secondary school No. 64”

Kazmina D, Kharitonenko Yana

Project Manager:

Ananko Kristina Sergeevna


State Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 71, Gomel

In the presented research work in chemistry "The influence of energy drinks on the human body" The author proposes to find out what an energy drink is for us - salvation during significant psycho-emotional and physical stress or a synthetic drink dangerous to health.

This research project in chemistry “The influence of energy drinks on the human body” contains a theoretical part where the author examines the composition of energy drinks and the effect of these components on the human body.

In the practical part chemistry project "The influence of energy drinks on the human body" 8th grade students are reviewing the effect of energy drinks on animal tissues: raw chicken protein, pork liver, as well as on the presence of substances that can clean metal from corrosion and on the development of bean seeds.

1 Literature review
1.1. The history of energy drinks.
1.2. Composition of energy drinks.
1.3. The effect of energy drink components on the human body.
2 Practical part
2.1. Determination of pH of the studied energy drinks.
2.2. Determination of carbon dioxide.
2.3. Determination of dyes.
2.4. Definition of caffeine
2.5. Determination of glucose
2.6. Definition of Taurine
2.7. Determination of vitamin C
2.8. Quantitative determination of vitamin C.
2.9. Studying the effect of energy drinks on the body of plants and animals.
2.9.1 Seed germination of bean plants.
2.9.2 Reaction with pork liver (muscle tissue).
2.9.3 Reaction with chicken protein.
2.9.4 Reaction with rust.


Not long ago, energy drinks appeared on the Belarusian market and are becoming popular among young people and schoolchildren. Their promotion is facilitated by advertising in the media, outdoor street advertising, as well as numerous public advertising campaigns.

This is a product for persons exposed to significant psycho-emotional and physical stress. Increases performance, improves concentration and reaction speed, improves alertness, improves metabolism. Efficiency is appreciated by top athletes, business people, active students and drivers on long trips.

Since these products appeared on our market not so long ago, there are no large-scale studies on their effect on human health yet.

Object of study - energetic drinks.

Subject of study – substances included in energy drinks.

Hypothesis - we study energy drinks and suggest that they have a negative impact on human health.

Target - explore the qualitative composition of energy drinks and study the effect of energy drinks on the human body.

Tasks :

  1. Study the literature on the origin and composition of energy drinks;
  2. Conduct a sociological survey of school students;
  3. Research the qualitative composition of energy drinks;
  4. Analyze the effect of energy drink components on the human body;
  5. To study the effect of energy drinks on tissues of animal origin: raw chicken protein, pork liver, as well as on the presence of substances that can clean metal from corrosion and on the development of bean seeds.

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