How to glue the ceiling plinth to the ceiling. How to properly glue a polystyrene ceiling plinth and installation technology

To many who have not come across finishing work, it seems that all the talk about how to glue the ceiling plinth is a simple waste of time, because this process is not difficult. But one has only to collide, and it turns out that the work requires increased attention. It is impossible to install fillets if their features are not taken into account, there is no clear plan of action, and the composition for fixing is not determined. If all this is not taken into account, then the consequences will be very sad: the fragments will begin to fall off, cracks will appear in the joints, incorrectly formed corners will ruin the whole appearance.

Do-it-yourself installation of a ceiling plinth should begin with the choice of a fillet. There are many types of products with significant differences.

First of all, you need to know that baguettes differ in shape. So, it is customary to highlight:

  1. Parts with grooves, well-visible longitudinal depressions - this is an extruded version.
  2. Elements with a well-convex, highly embossed surface - injection type.
  3. The variety, which has a very smooth finish, belongs to the laminated type.

But the differences in the material of manufacture are much stronger. It is this feature that determines the final characteristics of the product, gives the best idea of ​​how to properly glue the fillets into place.

This option is considered the most versatile and very practical. It has a lot of advantages:

  • Due to its high strength, the profile has a long service life.
  • It does not lose its external properties even if it is exposed to direct sunlight.
  • There is a variety that is flexible, making it easier to work on complex geometric designs.
  • It is not exposed to moisture, which makes it possible to use not only in bathrooms and shower rooms, but also in rooms characterized by constantly high humidity: swimming pools, saunas, baths.
  • Has a wide range of colors and textures.

Polyurethane profile is the only option that can be used on highly curved structures

The gluing of polyurethane baguettes to the ceiling is carried out using special adhesives that do not react with the material and have a good degree of fixation. It is quite simple to mount such a profile; a minimum set of tools is required to work.

With all its advantages, this material has very noticeable disadvantages. They conclude that its cost is far superior to other options, especially when it comes to the flexible variety. It is also taken into account that the elements have a sufficiently large weight, which limits their use with stretch ceilings.

Foam profile

Foam fillets are rightfully considered the most popular, because they are available to the majority of the population, while endowed with excellent qualities and appearance. In addition, they have a number of other advantages:

  • They have a low weight, which allows them to be used for stretch ceilings, as well as to carry out work without attracting additional forces.
  • They are easy to process, which reduces the time required for installation.
  • If required, the surface can be painted many times, and this creates endless possibilities for design solutions.

Also, we must not forget that this type of fillets has negative qualities, which are associated with the fact that the products have hanging fragility and are easily damaged.

In addition, it is this option that has the most restrictions on the use of fixing compounds. When deciding how to glue the foam skirting board to the ceiling, take into account that the adhesive solutions used should not contain any solvents. The fact is that their presence is a direct path to the complete deformation of parts that literally dissolve from the effect of this substance.

PVC profile

This type of fillet is a product that is made from polyvinyl chloride. And if it's simpler, then it's a simple plastic. PVC profile is most often used in the case of wall cladding with plastic panels. But this is an optional condition.

PVC fillets have the following advantages:

  • They are quite cheap, although this parameter is much higher than that of foam products.
  • They have an abundance of colors and imitations. If necessary, you can pick up details that will repeat the natural cut of wood or stone.
  • Impervious to moisture. According to this indicator, they are superior to polyurethane.

For gluing, universal adhesives are used, which are marked as suitable for PVC. Although plastic has impressive advantages, it cannot be stained, which is important to consider.

Wooden profile

The widespread use of wooden fillets is declining. This is facilitated by:

  1. The high cost of the material. At the same time, we are not talking about rare breeds, even widespread species have a high cost. Of course, in specialized hardware stores you can also find inexpensive wooden moldings, but they are of very low quality.
  2. Not the easiest processing procedure. To fit perfectly, the parts must be laid on a flat surface and the trimming must be done very carefully. The resulting defects are very difficult to hide under a layer of putty.
  3. Installation is a series of laborious procedures. Before glueing the ceiling plinth, you should decide whether this will happen by means of putty or glue. The first option is often preferable. Further, additional fixing measures are carried out - on self-tapping screws, dowels or nails, the choice of fasteners depends on the base.

Of course, wood fillet is a real luxury. It is she who is able to give the room a certain aristocratic look. It is important to take into account that walls lined with clapboard, wood panels cannot look good without such an element. Attempts to replace the profile with a modern version will lead to the interior losing its appearance.

On a note! Gypsum varieties are also becoming less popular. They are distinguished by their unsurpassed appearance. But many synthetic products began to copy this feature. In addition, the stucco molding can only be applied to a plaster solution.

Adhesion taking into account the width of the product

It is impossible to talk about how to glue the ceiling plinth with your own hands with high quality, if you do not take into account its width. This indicator directly affects the technology of the sticker and the general appearance of the room. The following features are taken into account:

  • Wide details are perfect for rooms with high ceilings, as they visually reduce their height. To get a reliable fix, the composition is applied along the entire seamy side, this will prevent the glued elements from falling off.
  • Fillets small in width are an excellent solution when ceilings need to be visually raised. Fastening is carried out pointwise if lightweight products are used.
  • Fragments of medium width are considered the most acceptable; they are used everywhere. Ceiling skirting boards of this size can be glued using all known methods.

On a note! The appearance of the product is of great importance during installation. So, fully processed, painted, textured elements need a very careful application of adhesives. The fact is that their hit on the front side can lead to the fact that the fillet will be irrevocably damaged.

Design-based gluing

Particular attention should be paid to the external features of the fillet. So, the color of the elements can visually change the perception of the room. For example, if the shades of decorative details and walls match, then the room will seem much smaller.

But then how to properly glue the ceiling plinth, taking into account the shape of the product? There are a number of simple guidelines for this:

  1. The drawing should be selected taking into account what style will dominate the interior. So, the classic variations suggest that the baguettes will have a complex texture, patterns that resemble stucco molding. Modern minimalism strives for simplicity, so thin fillets are suitable for it, the ornament on which is absent or has a clear geometry.
  2. with volumetric shapes, it is better to use for solid surfaces. This option significantly burdens the atmosphere, so it is categorically not suitable for small rooms.
  3. To achieve harmony, the pattern must be combined with the walls or ceiling. This will make the transition as smooth as possible.

Create the most harmonious interior by combining fillet pattern with walls or ceiling

On a note! When working with baguettes that have a complex shape and texture, take into account that these parts are very difficult to fit in the corners. Therefore, it is better for them to purchase special corner overlays.

Basic installation methods

There are various methods that are used when gluing ceiling skirting boards. So it is customary to distinguish two main technologies that allow you to mount the most popular product options: polyurethane and foam.

Method one - using putty

This option is great for situations in which the wallpaper has not yet been pasted. Many masters rightly consider this method to be the most acceptable. The fact is that the untreated surface allows for the best adhesion.


To work, you will need the following set of materials:

  • Directly fillet. It is very convenient that this method is universal and practical for all varieties.
  • Putty. For the process, the most ordinary mixture is used, which is widely sold in stores, you can use the remnants from previous repairs. It is important to pay attention to the shelf life and the integrity of the substance. If the material does not have friability, then it is rejected.

    On a note! For work, a gypsum composition can be selected. But it has one big drawback - fast setting. This limits the time of use of the solution, as well as makes it impossible to correct the defects that have arisen.

  • Priming. It is used to increase the adhesion of surfaces. It is better to choose formulations with deep penetration.

For gluing the ceiling plinth, the necessary set of tools is selected:

  1. Trimming of parts is carried out using an ordinary hacksaw for metal. It is necessary to use a clerical knife only when the width of the elements does not exceed two centimeters, otherwise the quality will not be as intended.
  2. To form a corner, they resort to the services of a primitive, but very effective device - a miter box.
  3. For applying the putty, a spatula medium in width is suitable - 8-10 cm.
  4. It often happens that the surface of the fillets has a very noticeable roughness, which impedes quality work. It is removed with sandpaper.

Before fixing the plinth, check that all materials and tools are present. The work turns out to be much more efficient when there is no need to search for the necessary devices in the process of its implementation.


Fillets are glued according to a certain scheme, which consists of several stages. It should be borne in mind that when performing work, all actions are adapted to a specific situation.

Stage one:

  • It all starts with an inspection of the area where the baguette will be installed. It often happens, especially after finishing, that small defects and irregularities remain on the surface. To remove them, sandpaper is used, which is fixed on a special bar. Of course, it is better to do such preparatory work in advance.
  • The walls and ceiling are primed. It is important to take into account that even this composition needs training. The simplest option is to mix it normally, but if a concentrate is used, it must be diluted correctly. Further procedures can be carried out only after the surface is completely dry.
  • The markup is required. The easiest way is to attach the part to the desired location. A line is drawn exactly along the edge, which will serve as a reference point.

Wall surface marking
  • Many craftsmen advise measuring the fillet length in advance. That is, measurements of all sections are taken, the fragments are calculated. It is much more convenient to draw up a diagram on a piece of paper. You can skip this step, then the markup will have to be done for each individual element when the direct commit is performed.
  • Parts are being trimmed. It is this process that can cause many problems. You need to be especially careful when working with foam, which crumbles easily from improper exposure. To form corners - use a miter box. It is better to practice a little to determine the correct location of the products in this tool.

Trim skirting at an angle

Stage two:

  • Installation of the ceiling plinth begins with the preparation of the putty mixture. It should be noted that it is kneaded immediately before work in order to exclude the loss of the properties of the finished solution. This process is quite simple: dry matter is poured into the container, which is diluted with the required amount of water. You should get a thick and well-mixed composition.

Advice! It is important to exclude the appearance of lumps or dry residue in the mixture. Therefore, it is recommended to add water first, and then add putty. Each manufacturer places instructions on the label, which must be strictly followed.

  • Now comes the most crucial moment - fixation. For this, a small amount of the prepared solution is collected with a spatula. It is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the baguette, which will directly interact with the ceiling and walls. This procedure is not difficult, but care must be taken that the excess does not fall on the front part.

  • Installation starts from one of the corners. It is believed that it is better to choose a site for this that is in the field of constant visibility. But before gluing the ceiling plinth, check that the applied mixture is not too much. Otherwise, there will be too many residues, which will be difficult to deal with.
  • The part is pressed against the specified location. It is at this moment that those lines that were previously drawn will come in handy. They are used to verify the correctness of the installation. It is not necessary to press too hard, the fresh mortar allows the element to be fixed very quickly. In any case, excess mixture will appear from under the edges. Until the solution has frozen, it is removed.

Advice! Removing the surplus is not always advisable. It often happens that there are slight irregularities on the surface, in which case the putty fills them perfectly. Thus, fillet edges are formed that do not have any defects.

  • When attaching the second fragment, a natural question arises: how to dock the ceiling plinth correctly? Many people make a typical mistake - they forget to apply the solution directly to the end part. The mixture requires a small amount so that there is no surplus at all or is minimal. The product is pressed into place, combined with the first element. It is important to achieve a perfect match, because any distortions will be conspicuous.

Each glued piece must be installed clearly in line. It takes time for the material to bond well and dry completely. This takes about a day. Further work consists in the fact that possible flaws caused by the remnants of the mixture are cleaned. If necessary, fillets are primed and painted. To avoid staining adjacent surfaces, masking tape is glued along the edges of the ceiling plinth.

On a note! When work is carried out with fillets, which are highly fragile, pressing is carried out with the back of the hand, without a point stop. This will help to avoid the appearance of dents.

Method two - application of glue

This option is usually used when you need to glue the ceiling plinth on the wallpaper. Although this does not mean that it should not be applied on bare walls. An important condition in this case is that the wallpaper must be glued very securely, because you can diligently and carefully install fillets, but due to defects in the main coating, they will begin to lag behind the wall.

Installation of the ceiling plinth with glue can be done over the finish: painting or wallpapering

Adhesive selection

Before gluing the skirting boards, you need to decide on the choice of adhesive. Currently, there are many options that are suitable for such a task. So, among all the variety, the following stand out:

  1. Universal substances. This category includes solutions that have a very viscous and transparent mass that hardens for a very long time. The most popular options are called "Titan". These products are recommended for work with polystyrene and its varieties, suitable for any foam materials. But using them is quite inconvenient: they are applied to the surface for a long time, while the fixation is not always of high quality, you have to hold the parts for several minutes.
  2. Liquid Nails. These are very convenient compositions to which many masters give the unconditional palm. They are produced in tubes for a construction gun. But when choosing this option, it must be borne in mind that the composition must have an inscription confirming that it can be used with expanded polystyrene products.
  3. Acrylic sealant. Quite an original solution that helps to find a way out when it is not possible to purchase one of the above materials. But in this case, it is very important to choose proven formulations.


Now you need to figure out how to properly glue the ceiling plinth with glue. The instruction is as follows:

  • The surface is being prepared. It should be carefully inspected for any irregularities or defects. If there are any, then they are completely eliminated. This is required so that the planks are pressed tightly, and also there is no strong curvature.
  • Marking is in progress, parts are being prepared. It is better not to neglect this procedure, it allows you to perform work more efficiently.
  • Next, proceed to the application of the adhesive. It is most convenient to distribute it in the center of the areas adjacent to the surface.

  • Parts are applied to a given area and pressed. It is important to follow the instructions provided with each adhesive. So, different types of compounds require a different approach: holding, tearing off and new gluing. It is better to strictly adhere to the indicated scheme.

    Advice! It is these parameters that you should pay attention to before buying. They help you understand how to glue the ceiling plinth most quickly.

  • The remaining elements are stacked. Then the fillets are left until they are completely fixed. This time is determined by the composition used. If there are gaps, then they are covered with sealant. Also, joints are closed, which are not always possible to fit closely.

Eliminating cracks with sealant
  • When a large number of defects have to be corrected, it is better to carry out subsequent staining. It will help hide glaring flaws.

Indeed, the glue helps to significantly reduce the time it takes to work, but it is important to take into account the characteristics of each composition.

Currently, many popular solutions have similar names, but differ by manufacturer. Therefore, it is the manufacturer who is the main indicator of quality.

Correct formation of corner and intermediate joints

It is this procedure that causes the most problems: it is enough to make a mistake to irrevocably spoil the workpiece. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about how to properly glue the skirting boards to the ceiling, if there is no concept of the formation of joints.

So, there are a number of tips that will help in this situation:

  1. For such work, a miter box is used, which has a set of stencils at different angles. To create a 90-degree angle, you need to trim two parts at 45-degree angles.
  2. The inner corner is obtained if the fillet is placed pressed against the bottom and side of the miter box. In this case, the surface of the part, which will be adjacent to the ceiling, should be located on the lower part of the tool.
  3. To get the left vector of the angle, the element is located on the same side, and the knife must enter the stencil from right to left. If you need to get the right vector, then everything is done the other way around.
  4. But how to glue the skirting board to the ceiling when you need to get the outer corner? In such a situation, the slice must be directed differently. That is, to get the right vector, you need to position the knife from right to left.

If you don't have a miter box at hand, you can resort to creating a stencil with your own hands. To do this, the baguette is laid on the table, on which two lines are marked corresponding to its width. So, for example, with a fillet width of 80 mm, both lines will be located exactly at this distance. A square is drawn between them, which should have all sides of 80 mm. Diagonals are drawn in it. They will make up an angle of 45 degrees. Now all that remains is to attach the part with the right side and cut it off. This option is bad in that the fragments are difficult to capture, any shift can lead to the fact that the angle will turn out to be uneven.

Fastening the ceiling plinth is complicated by intermediate joints. There are several guidelines:

  • Plaster and foam baguettes are best laid at right angles, especially when using filler. It should be noted that a thin layer of mortar is applied to the joint of the second (next) element.
  • Trouble can arise if the edges are damaged. Then it is necessary to cut the part so that it is possible to form a complete pattern in two fragments.
  • Polyurethane products need more attention, they work better when the joint is made at an angle. The oblique seam will be less conspicuous.

Indeed, trimming corners is not an easy task that requires concentration and attention. To better understand the whole process, we suggest watching the video below.

Features of gluing on different ceiling surfaces

Difficulties also arise when there is no proper understanding of how to glue baguettes to a ceiling made of different materials. It is a mistake to think that different surfaces need exactly the same approach.

Stretch ceiling

This option is very popular. This is easy to explain, because it is possible to very quickly and effortlessly get a flat surface, which can have a different design. It is important to take into account one feature when you need to choose a fillet for such a coating: the side of the part that will face the ceiling remains without adhesive. That is, the fixation is carried out directly to the wall. Therefore, the products must have the following qualities:

  1. Low weight. In this case, foam, polystyrene foam, plastic and some types of polyurethane are suitable. At the same time, we glue the ceiling plinth to compounds that have a quick and reliable fixation.
  2. The side facing the ceiling should be smaller than the side facing the wall.
  3. Additional support points will be needed to set up wooden moldings. These can be: dowels, hidden anchors.

Designers advise choosing PVC products, they are in best harmony with tension structures.

GKL ceilings

How to glue skirting boards to plasterboard surfaces? This is a fairly simple procedure, because the base is almost perfect. A little attention should be paid to the joints of the gypsum boards, because they may contain the rest of the putty. Any irregularities can be easily removed with sandpaper.

On a note! Any fillets are suitable for such surfaces. But it should be borne in mind that the use of drywall leads to the fact that the size of the room is reduced, especially when mounted on a frame. Therefore, the designers came up with an excellent solution - to place the wider side of the baguettes on the ceiling, which visually enlarges the room.

Plastered ceilings

Such surfaces have their drawbacks. Therefore, before installing the ceiling plinth on a plastered ceiling or wall, their evenness is checked. If the defects are small, then there is no need to fix them. For such a case, you can use fillets with soft edges, which will not create very noticeable irregularities.

Summarizing the above, it becomes very clear that the work on the installation of baguettes requires proper treatment. All the talk about how to quickly glue skirting boards to the ceiling, but maintain quality, does not make sense, since this is a guarantee that the desired effect will not be achieved.

At the last stage of repair work, the question of how to glue the ceiling plinth is very relevant. The process requires care and accuracy, otherwise the fragments will fall off, cracks will appear. Of all the known methods, two fastening technologies are distinguished - using putty and glue.

How to glue a ceiling plinth with putty

The method is suitable for renovation work, when the finishing has not yet begun. Thanks to the untreated surface, it is possible to achieve a better grip. Glueing the ceiling plinth to the putty is considered the easiest way.

Getting started, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Fillet. With the help of a filler, you can attach ceiling moldings of almost any type;

  • Putty. The mixture is sold in ordinary hardware stores, you can also use the remnants after repairs. When choosing a material, two factors are taken into account: date of manufacture and integrity. If the putty has lost its friability, then it is not suitable;

  • Priming. The purpose of the composition is to improve the quality of adhesion to surfaces. It is better to use a soil with deep penetration.

Learning how to glue the ceiling plinth, you can find advice - use a plaster composition. The material is suitable, but it sets quickly, which is a big drawback, because defects cannot be corrected, and it will be necessary to apply the solution and fix the baguette very quickly.

To attach fillets to the ceiling with putty, you need the following tools:

  1. Hacksaw for metal cutting. If the width of the baguette is about 2 cm, but not more, a clerical knife is used. Otherwise, the quality of the skirting board will deteriorate.
  2. Miter box for forming corners.
  3. Medium-length spatula (8-10 cm).
  4. Sandpaper. It is needed to give smoothness to the fillet surface if it turns out to be rough. Otherwise, it will be more difficult to glue the skirting boards.

So that the work does not drag out, all the specified tools and materials are pre-purchased. When gluing decorative strips, accuracy and precision are more important than extensive knowledge of decoration.

  1. Inspection of the place chosen for the baguette. After applying the finish, defects often appear on the surface. Their elimination is the task of sandpaper, attached for convenience to a block. It is best to prepare the surface in advance.
  2. Primer treatment. The composition is preliminarily prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions. If a concentrate is used, dilute it. The primer is applied to the completely dried previous layer.
  3. Markup. The plinth is applied to the place of the future attachment and a line is drawn along its edge. It is she who will serve as a guide.
  4. Trimming parts. When using a foam fillet, you should be careful - the material crumbles from improper exposure. The corners are formed by the miter box. It is recommended to practice beforehand.
  5. Putty preparation. The material is kneaded immediately before starting work. Then it will not lose its properties. The dry mixture is poured into the container, which is diluted with water. The instructions and the proportions of the components are indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. As a result, you should get a mixture without lumps, thick enough.
  6. Fixation. The selected composition is evenly applied to the inner side of the baguette. The procedure is performed with a spatula. It is important to ensure that the mixture does not get onto the outside of the skirting board. Do not take too much solution at a time.
  7. Installation. The baguette is attached to the place marked in advance with a line. Do not push too hard on the baseboard. If the mortar is fresh, the baguette will fix quickly. Excess mixture that appears from under the edges is immediately removed before it dries.

To attach the second piece, it is important to connect the planks correctly. . To do this, apply a minimum amount of putty to the end of the skirting board. The fragment is pressed to the marked place and combined with the already attached element. The ends must match perfectly, because even a slight skew is clearly visible. If you know how to properly glue the ceiling plinth , then the finish will be very neat and will not require correction.

Wait approximately 24 hours for the planks to fully adhere to the surface.

The second method is with glue

The technology is used when the wall decoration has already been completed. Having resorted to this method, it should be remembered that the coating must be firmly glued. Otherwise, due to its defects, the baguette will begin to lag behind the wall.

When getting started, it is important to choose the right glue. Of all the existing options, the following are in demand:

  1. Standard formulations. Suitable for polystyrene and similar materials. The funds are a viscous, long-solidifying mass. The disadvantage is inconvenient use. They have to be applied to the surface for a long time, and then hold the baguette for several minutes until the adhesion is strong enough. They are used to glue foam products.
  2. Liquid Nails. The composition is the most popular because it is easy to use. It is available in construction pistol tubes. When buying liquid nails, it is important to make sure they are suitable for the baguette you choose. You can clarify this point with a consultant in the store.
  3. Acrylic sealant. The material can be used when there are no other options. When buying a product, you should take into account the components of the composition and choose proven ones from reliable manufacturers.

Fixing baguettes with glue

Having chosen the correct composition and tools, it remains to exactly repeat the prescribed actions. Fastening the strips with glue can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Preparation of walls and ceilings. The surface is examined, if there are flaws, they are eliminated. Then the bar will not bend and will attach tightly.
  2. Marking and preparation of parts. Neglecting this step will lead to poor quality results.
  3. Glue application. The composition is distributed over the center of the inner side of the planks.
  4. Fastening the skirting board to the selected location. Each type of glue requires an individual approach. Therefore, you should read the instructions before starting work.
  5. Laying the rest of the parts. How long it takes to fully fix depends on the type of glue. Fill joints and gaps with sealant if necessary.

If there are too many defects, it is better to hide them under the paint. With the help of glue, the ceiling strips are fixed quickly in time. But the quality of the result depends on how well the features of the chosen composition are taken into account.

How to make corners on skirting boards

When attaching a baguette to a prepared wall, there are no big difficulties. But not everyone knows how to dock the ceiling plinth in the corners. The parts are connected with the ends very neatly and accurately. Any excess glue or other compound is removed immediately.

Knowing how to properly cut a corner on a skirting board will help you get the job done better. The tool is selected based on the material of the baguette. A special saw is suitable for a wooden product. Foam and polymer baguettes are cut with a sheet for metal.

To avoid problems during work, you should get used to the tool. Practice by trimming or filing a small piece of material is recommended. To achieve the correct angle on the baguette, you can use the following tools:

  • miter box. The skirting board must be correctly positioned in the tool in order to obtain an exact outer or inner corner;
  • with a clerical knife. It is useful for working with polyurethane baguettes;
  • decorative corners. An easy way to connect parts is to place ready-made, factory products between them. They can be trimmed slightly with a clerical knife.

If several parts of the skirting board are attached, and there is very little left to the corner, you need to cut off the next plank with a margin. The remainder is cut off after several fittings and fitting. In this case, the miter box is replaced with a knife. You need to cut it strictly perpendicular to the baguette so that the cut is even and ideally docked with the ends of the already attached elements.

How to glue a Styrofoam ceiling plinth

Both options described above are equally suitable for attaching foam decor. The type of material is the most in demand. Styrofoam ceiling slats have such advantages as:

  • easy installation;
  • aesthetics;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • excellent grip;
  • low flammability;
  • affordable price.

The disadvantages of foam include the inability to withstand shock and pressure, fragility. The material is compatible with almost any adhesive. Styrofoam skirting boards are fixed with putty, liquid nails and compounds based on rubber and formaldehyde resins in the same way as other types of fillets.

How to remove a ceiling plinth without damaging the wallpaper

Dismantling of old baguettes is performed due to their damage or loss of presentable appearance. The following tools are required to remove the strips:

  • chisel, spatula;
  • knife, scrap.

In order not to spoil the finish, a sheet of plywood should be substituted. A sharp tip of a chisel is driven in between the plinth and the wall, and a crowbar is inserted into the gap formed and the bar is separated.

If you do the work carefully and slowly, you will be able to save the wallpaper. Styrofoam baguettes should be dismantled carefully, as they can fall off with the finish due to fragility. Dismantling tools are selected based on the method of fastening and the material of the baguette. With leisurely work, sometimes it is even possible to leave the baseboard intact and reuse it.

Today skirting boards are often glued to the ceiling. It is not at all difficult to screw it on, and the ceiling covering with a plinth looks more stylish. But it is necessary to file it down, dock it correctly and stick it on. Such repairs will not take much of your time.


Ceiling skirting boards, they are also fillets, baguettes and moldings, are used for:

  • concealment of defects in the connection of the wall and ceiling. After all, it is much easier to glue the fillet than to align the corners;
  • decor of the beveled line of wallpaper;
  • smoothing corners in order to transform the room;
  • hiding wires and other communications.

Modern skirting boards are made of various materials, but regardless of this, the length is standard for all types - two meters, therefore, with a greater distance of the curb, it is necessary to join the strips.

Gluing ceiling plinths is not at all as easy as it might seem at first glance. If you do not take into account the peculiarities of the material, the adhesive, the strips are not accurately cut correctly, the result can be disastrous: the parts will fall off, crevices will appear in the joints, and uneven corners will cut the eye. It is not difficult to glue on straight sections; beginners, as a rule, have difficulties when working with corners.


Today the skirting board market is full of offers from budget foam to luxury wood.

Foam skirting boards lightweight, they are distinguished by ease of installation. Their price is low, however, its domain structure belongs to the disadvantages of foam plastic. A simple knife is suitable for cutting it. However, it should not be blunt, otherwise, instead of cutting, it will push through the foam, round particles will break out. During installation, you need to be careful, because you can crush the surface by pressing firmly with your finger. After gluing, the foam must be putty and painted so that no grooves remain on the surface, which will gradually become dirty with dust. This material is soft and cannot be washed.

Styrofoam skirting boards usually a little more expensive than Styrofoam. They are lighter and more flexible and have a smoother surface. You also need to saw it with a sharpened knife. You can not paint, but just cover up the joints. Also, expanded polystyrene is stronger - it will not work to crumple its surface with ordinary pressure. The skirting boards are easy to clean with plain water.

This material is quite flexible - a 2 meter long skirting board bends at right angles, which is great for framing drywall on the ceiling.

Modern manufacturers make baguettes from duropolymer - the same expanded polystyrene, additionally processed under high pressure. Thanks to this treatment, its strength is increased.

Polyurethane skirting boards are particularly durable. They do not create dust, are easy to clean and undemanding to care for. In addition, they can be used at high humidity, that is, in bathrooms, kitchens. This type of fillets can be painted without problems. But its main advantage is flexibility. You have to try very hard to break such a plinth, moreover, it does not crumble. Flexibility is essential when framing curved plasterboard structures. Also, polyurethane adheres well to many types of glue.

PVC skirting boards there are a variety of shapes, textures and colors. They have such advantages as lightness, strength and different prices. However, they do not bend, as a result of which they are more demanding on the surface. It should be perfectly flat. You will need a hacksaw for cutting, since a simple knife is indispensable here.

Plaster skirting boards- a good option for classic interiors, since gypsum is very plastic and any sophisticated decorative surfaces are made from it. They are also durable and environmentally friendly. The disadvantages include fragility and high price.

Wooden skirting boards much more expensive and more difficult to assemble than previous types. However, the appearance is much more solid and richer. Docking them is much more difficult: you will have to cut it with a hacksaw with fine teeth, and then adjust it with a file. It is impossible to make mistakes in this case, since the putty will no longer help.

Fastening them to the ceiling is also more problematic: the glue will not withstand the wood alone, so you must first drill the holes for the fasteners, and then fix the fillet itself. There is another drawback - the tree rots, and if there is a danger of flooding by neighbors, then it is better to choose a plastic border.

Adhesive selection

Having chosen fillets, you can stick to the selection of an adhesive composition. First of all, pay attention to the glue recommended by the manufacturer. However, you must also choose it taking into account the presence or absence of wallpaper.

There are different types of adhesives today. For our task, the following are suitable:

  • Universal substances Are viscous transparent solutions that solidify for a long time.

The most running are called "Titanium"... The range of application of this glue is extensive, it is also suitable for fillets. It is transparent and colorless, there are no fillers in the composition. The adhesive is composed of polymers. Works well with styrofoam. Moderately toxic and safe for the skin.

Another representative of the station wagon class - Eco-Set... It is generally similar to the Titan. The problem with these adhesives is the inconvenience associated with long hold times. Here can come to the rescue "Moment"... It has similar characteristics, but solidifies immediately. The disadvantage of this glue is its price.

  • Liquid Nails- a fairly convenient practical composition, produced in the form of tubes for construction guns. Many professionals prefer liquid nails. There are acrylic and neopropylene liquid nails. The former emit a mild odor, harmless to health, and are unsuitable for work in the cold. The latter are perfect for rooms and areas with high humidity. The room temperature when working with neopropylene does not play any role.

  • Acrylic sealant- a universal option, suitable even for uneven walls, because the cracks can be sealed with the same sealant.

  • Adhesive putty- homemade composition of dry putty, PVA and water. The process of making such glue begins with the fact that the putty is poured into a container together with PVA glue in a ratio of 4 to 1, that is, 4 parts of putty and 1 part of PVA glue. After that, everything is mixed with a gradual, uniform addition of water. As a result, a mixture is formed that is homogeneous and thick in consistency. Then, for about ten minutes, this mixture is infused and mixed again. After two hours, the solution is ready. The main thing is to make sure that there are no clots in it and that it is completely homogeneous.


Fillets are often glued over the wallpaper, in which case it is imperative to make sure that they are glued reliably and adjust it to the standards. Then you need to start preparing the surface. It should be free of moisture, grease stains, it should be clean. It is necessary to inspect and check it for mechanical defects and irregularities, cut out all defects. If there are any, then everything must be done to eliminate them, otherwise the planks will not press down and the skirting boards will bend.

One of the problematic points is trimming the skirting board from the end... Each fillet strip must be docked with the adjacent one in the corner of the room at exactly 45 degrees. To solve this problem, you need a miter box. It has slots at different angles - from 45 to 90 degrees. It is necessary to insert the molding into the miter box at an angle of 45 degrees and cut off with a knife, then smooth the ends. The lower edge of the fillet should be firmly pressed against the miter box, and the upper part should be held by hand. First, you need to start cutting out the corners, and only then do you adjust the footage.

By the way, you can not buy wort in a hardware store, but make it yourself from improvised means, since this is a very primitive tool. You just need to put together a couple of boards at the right angle and cut out in the right place. Having made such a miter box, you can cut the planks directly on the weight, pressing the plank against the boards.

If you cut the corner incorrectly, you have to cut it again, so the bar will become shorter, that is, there will be a gap in the ceiling. In order to facilitate the whole process, you can buy special corners that are placed on top right at the docking point. However, they are quite expensive.

So, the following tools are needed:

  • a hacksaw for metal, a clerical or construction knife will help cut the material;
  • pencil and ruler;
  • miter box;
  • brush, spatula and mixing container (when using putty);
  • rags and brushes to moisten the ceiling when applying putty;
  • stepladder or some other support.

How to glue?

Skirting boards are glued in two ways: over the wallpaper or before gluing the wallpaper onto a leveled primed surface. The second method is priority, but more labor-intensive. When replacing the wallpaper in the second case, it will not be necessary to re-install the fillet. Also, if the walls are uneven, then it will be much more difficult to seal the holes. So it is better to start gluing wallpaper only after installing the ceiling plinths.

First you need to choose a place for gluing the first element. It is preferable to start at the corners and then work towards the perimeter. There will be no problems with straight sections around the perimeter if everything is in order in the corners.

If you have a stretch canvas installed, then the skirting boards need to be glued only to the walls. It is advisable to close the cloth before this with polyethylene.

The rest of the process is the same as described above. However, when choosing skirting boards, one must be guided by the specifics of fastening the canvas. The main requirement for baguettes installed in a room with a stretch ceiling is that the lower part is much wider than the upper one. Wooden skirting boards paired with a stretch panel are excluded as the surface may be damaged.

If you are going to install lighting in the ceiling plinth, then the main thing before gluing the plinth is to start laying the wire, otherwise there are no differences.

You need to approach the gluing, making sure your hands are clean, so as not to stain the white baseboards. A thin strip of glue is applied with a gun or a spatula to the back of the fillet, the one that will be pressed against the ceiling and wall. In the version with a stretch ceiling, it is applied only to the lower one, adjacent to the wall.

After directly gluing the skirting board, you need to wait a little, then press it to the right place. Part of the glue will protrude from under the strip, it must be removed with a dry cloth. For gluing, the trimmed piece of the skirting board must be used so that it duplicates the cut profile. It is necessary to repeat this technology to the end.

After gluing, you may find gaps and holes between the planks. They are removed with a white sealant.... Perhaps you have not yet whitewashed and painted the ceiling, in which case you need to run through the glued strips with putty. It is necessary to coat the strips with paint, and after they dry, remove the excess with fine sandpaper or a plaster sponge. After that, the ceiling will merge with the slats into a single whole and the gaps are guaranteed to disappear.

Also, after gluing and eliminating defects, you can paint the skirting boards. Painting is generally optional, but for greater visual appeal, it's still worth doing. Moreover, if the plinth is white, then it is necessary to paint, otherwise over time it will gradually acquire a shade of unpleasant yellowness. For this, water-based, latex and acrylic dyes are usually used. Or you can use nitro paint, but in this case, the surface of the planks will have to be primed.

The ceiling plinth, which is correctly called a fillet, gives the room a neat and finished look. If you glue it correctly, paint it white and make an even seam, then the plinth will visually expand the room.

How many skirting boards do you need to buy?

It is necessary to measure the perimeter of the room. For example, let's take a room 5 by 4 meters (20m2). The perimeter of the room is 18 meters. The length of one fillet is 2 meters, so you need to buy 8 fillets + 1 in stock, for a total of 9 pieces.

The higher the ceiling, the wider you can buy the fillet, and she will not seem overweight... If the ceiling is about 3 meters high, then a 5 cm wide fillet is quite suitable.

Types of skirting boards and their cost

  • polyurethane 300-500 rubles apiece
  • plastic from 40 rubles apiece
  • expanded polystyrene from 20 rubles per piece

When buying planks, you need to pay attention:

  • So that the skirting boards are of the same color from the same batch
  • Without defects
  • No curvature

Step-by-step instruction

We will need:

  • fillet
  • roulette
  • can laser builder
  • a miter box and a hacksaw for metal (or a miter saw, or a sharp knife, or a grinder)

The workpieces are cut using a miter box and a hacksaw according to the marking.

If the wallpaper has not yet been glued

  • PVA glue
  • mixing container
  • putty knife
  • putty (read about and)
  • water-based paint and brush
  • sandpaper

If the wallpaper is glued or the baseboard in the bathroom between the tiles and the ceiling

  • white acrylic sealant
  • assembly adhesive Moment Assembly Express decor white
  • assembly gun
  • rags

How to cut a corner and make a blank?

First you need to understand what angles are in the room and mark your workpieces for each type (they are different!).

  • Outside corner- in this case, the length of the base of the workpiece will be equal to the length of the span, and the cut angle will be obtuse (that is, the upper edge of the workpiece will be longer than the length of the lower edge, 135 degrees).
  • Inner corner- in this case, the length of the base of the workpiece will be equal to the length of the span, and the cut angle will be sharp (the upper edge of the workpiece is shorter than the lower edge, 45 degrees).

The saw must be worked carefully and clearly in order to prevent chips.

The workpieces are cut using a miter box and a hacksaw according to the marking. To check the correctness of the cut out blanks, you can dock "your creation" on the floor. If all corners converge correctly, then you can proceed with gluing and join them already in place.

To check the correctness of the cut out blanks, simulate "your creation" on the floor. If all corners come together correctly, then you can start gluing.

If the corners do not converge, we make the blank over a new one - for this we bought fillets with a margin.

Often the angles between walls in rooms are not 90 degrees. In such cases, you need to mark the workpieces "in place" and cut the corner without using a miter box. For this, templates made of paper and cardboard, and then a fillet is cut out along them with a sharp clerical or boot knife.

How to glue a ceiling plinth before wallpapering


  • Do not stain the wallpaper
  • It is more convenient to stick the plinth evenly if the wall is uneven, leveling with putty on the go (we wrote about the finishing putty under the wallpaper in)
  • You don't need to dismantle the baseboard to change the wallpaper (by the way, read a good article on liquid wallpaper)
  • The fillet adheres more strongly to a bare wall than to wallpaper.

Preparation of the putty mixture

We prepare a mixture of putty and PVA glue for gluing the ceiling plinth to the wall and ceiling, as well as for sealing cracks and corner joints. 4 parts of plaster and 1 part of PVA glue knead with water until sour cream, let stand for 5 minutes and mix again. After that, you can use the mixture for 1.5 hours.

  1. Dust the workpiece and the wall / ceiling section before applying the glue.
  2. Apply putty in the center of the fillet along the entire length, press for 10 seconds, release, remove excess mixture.
  3. We begin to glue from the corner and from the wall opposite the door.
  4. You can draw a line around the perimeter using a laser builder and glue a fillet along it.
  5. We join pre-made blanks in the corners. If spans over 2 meters, make a straight fillet joint.
  6. We close the slots in the course of gluing with the prepared mixture.
  7. The next day, after the putty has dried, sand the irregularities and cover the plinth with water-based paint.

Press the ceiling fillet gently and smoothly so as not to leave fingerprints and breaks on it.

Fillets or baguettes (decorative ceiling plinths) help to hide flaws in decoration, align the upper edges of the wallpaper, visually increase the height of the room, and simply create a unique decor. So, here's how to glue ceiling skirting boards so that they hold firmly and look perfect.

Types of ceiling plinths

Baguettes are an important part of the decoration, so their choice must be thought out. They are divided into several types:

from foam: inexpensive products, outwardly quite aesthetic, but, unfortunately, the material crumbles heavily, and it is not very convenient to cut it; plus it is absolutely not flexible, therefore, even with small bends of the wall and ceiling, it will be problematic to glue it; in this case, it is better to choose polyurethane, which adhere better to the surface;

Styrofoam baguettes

polyurethane: it is not difficult to work with them, they are more durable and elastic, they do not crumble when cutting, they adhere tightly to the wall, even arches can be made out with such flexible fillets; moisture resistant, not afraid of mold, if necessary, they can be washed; plus the choice of colors and textures is greater than that of foam products;

Polyurethane baguettes

gypsum: massive fillets, attached only to plaster putty; while it dries, they are temporarily fixed on self-tapping screws, which are subsequently removed, and the holes are covered with putty;

Plaster ceiling plinths

wooden: baguettes made of this material look presentable, but it is more difficult to work with them - on the walls and ceilings they are fixed only on self-tapping screws, burying them a couple of millimeters into the tree; the attachment point is then sealed with a putty, matched in color to the tone of the tree.

Wooden ceiling moldings

Glue or putty?

High-quality glue should not only firmly fix the baguettes, but also dry quickly. Otherwise, you will have to stand for a long time with your hands raised up, waiting for it to grasp. The following compounds can be used for gluing ceiling skirting boards:

Neopropylene or acrylic liquid nails: suitable for any kind of baguette, glued skirting boards hold firmly, neopropylene can be used in humid rooms, the disadvantages include a sharp chemical odor - the room must be ventilated before the composition dries; acrylic adhesives moisture cannot be tolerated, but absolutely safe;

Polymer type "Titanium" or "Moment": quickly set, give a strong hold, can be used for wet rooms.

If after the repair there is little putties, when mixed with PVA glue, you can get a good composition for fixing ceiling plinths. Thick and pliable, it fills all cracks and adheres well to plastered surfaces. It is easy to apply, does not flow, and after drying gives a strong seam. But it is better to glue baguettes to stretch or suspended ceilings with glue.

Ceiling skirting adhesives

An adhesive composition based on a putty can be made as follows:

Mix PVA with a light finishing putty in a ratio of 1: 4;

If there are height differences in the places of gluing, it is better to replace it with plaster;

Pour water into the solution gradually, in small portions, and stir it thoroughly; any, even small lumps are unacceptable;

Let the composition stand for 5-10 minutes, mix it again; now you can get to work.

Important! Be sure to check with the seller which of the adhesives is suitable for installing skirting boards. The fact is that some formulations may turn yellow and show through a layer of gypsum, foam or polyurethane.

How to glue the corners of a ceiling plinth

1. Cut dense polyurethane or gypsum products only with a hacksaw for metal - a hacksaw for wood will "tear" the cut. Styrofoam products can be cut with a sharp drywall or wallpaper knife.

How to join the corners of the skirting board

2. The most convenient way to cut skirting boards is miter box... This inexpensive bevel cutting tool can be purchased at a local store or made from any suitable sized piece of wood.

Miter box

3. You can replace the miter box cardboard template(see photo) with lines drawn on it at an angle of 45 °.

Cardboard template for cutting

4. If there is an ornament on the baguette, it must coincide at the joint, otherwise the cut point will be conspicuous.

5. Pay attention to cutting direction adjacent fillets. The first of them is cut at 45 with a tilt to the left, and the second with a tilt to the right (see photo).

Cutting adjacent fillets

6. When building skirting boards they are also cut at an angle. So the joints are less conspicuous.

Extension of skirting boards

Gluing ceiling skirting boards

1. Fillets are mounted before painting ceilings and wallpapering... After all, drops of glue accidentally hitting the ceiling will not look aesthetically pleasing. It is also not worth “driving” the wallpaper under the skirting boards - otherwise the skirting boards will have to be dismantled during new repairs.

2. For sealing joints, you can purchase special corners... But you should not combine them with patterned baguettes - the corners will be striking. They are installed first, and only then fillets are glued to them.

Corners for ceiling moldings

3.With the help of a building level, draw on the wall line, along which the skirting boards will be attached.

Draw a line of attachment with a pencil

4. To protect the wall from drips, glue along it paper construction tape.

5. We process the location of the skirting boards acrylic primer to improve grip. If you do not want the baguettes to lag behind under the influence of drafts or temperature changes in the room, you should not skip this stage.

6. Putty or adhesive is evenly distributed only on the two side edges of the skirting board- where it touches the wall and ceiling.

Putty or glue is applied from two edges of the baguette

7. If stretch ceilings, then it is necessary to coat only the side that is in contact with the wall. The side facing the ceiling is not treated with glue.

8. Remove excess mortar with a spatula and then with a damp cloth or sponge.

Remove excess solution

9. After coating with glue or putty, the baguette is firmly pressed against the wall for at least 30-40 seconds so that the glue has time to set. It is more convenient to mount a skirting board with a length of 2 m together.

10. The polyurethane or plastic fillets easily leave hand marks or dents, so they should be pressed down with a rag. You can put on before starting work cloth gloves.

Advice! Fillets that are too wide at low ceilings will look out of place. The selection of the pattern is no less important. Textured ceiling plinths decorated with ornaments will only be combined with plain wallpaper or tiles. If they already have a drawing, it is better to choose fillets without patterns.

Skirting trim

Small gaps between the plinth, wall and ceiling always remain, so all joints and corners must be sealed with putty. Only after this will the fillets take on a finished look. It is more convenient to do this with a flexible rubber spatula:

The slots must be filled to the full depth - a small layer may fall out over time;

We immediately remove excess mixture, first with a spatula, and then with a damp cloth;

After the putty has dried, the baguettes are painted with an acrylic compound twice.

Advice! If you paint the skirting boards to match the walls, then the ceilings will visually look higher. If you choose a color to match the ceiling, then the room will look more spacious.

Baguette coloring

Video: How to glue a ceiling plinth