Is it possible to take a car? Is it possible to rent a car in installments?

Currently, most automotive market experts recommend that car enthusiasts take it for a test drive. Unfortunately, in our society, such a service is new and many drivers do not know how to take a car for a test drive at a car dealership and what to look for. There are even individuals who use this simply for fun, simply because they wanted to drive an expensive foreign car.

How it works

Many car manufacturers, especially foreign ones, give their potential customers the opportunity to “break in” the car they like before purchasing it. In order to use this service, one simple phone call is often enough. By calling the car dealership, you can easily agree with the manager on the date and time of testing the “four-wheeled friend” that interests you. In addition, you can always visit the salon without an appointment and, if the car is free, take it for a ride. However, it is better to add it to your schedule than to test the car you like chaotically and without preparation.

Please note that it is best to test the car on weekends, when there are no major traffic jams on the roads and you can test it for speed. But there is one thing - you shouldn’t get carried away with high-speed driving, since the responsibility for complying with traffic rules lies with you!

Another nuance is the equipment of the tested vehicle. Unfortunately, it may not always coincide with the configuration you have stated. You can take the car to the showroom for a test drive with the maximum configuration. This will allow you to enjoy all the delights of the model and further cut off unnecessary “bells and whistles”.

Wrong test drive

To begin with, let us disappoint fans of the domestic automobile industry; it is much more difficult to buy than an expensive foreign car. Most VAZ car dealerships do not offer such a service, explaining this by the fact that everyone is already aware of the operation of cars of domestic brands. This is a fundamentally wrong approach. It sounds even more strange if the manager still invites you to try out the car, but only in dry weather and only on the territory of the auto repair center. This means that he will then sell the car you tested at full price, although according to the rules, the test copy should be sold at a deep discount.

A lap of honor around a car dealership with a vigilant co-driver - the manager of the enterprise - can also be considered incorrect. The latter distracts the client from the car with his constant conversations, praise and persuasion to make a purchase quickly. Zombifying customers is a whole science, so don't fall for the bait. In order to silence the seller, simply ask him a question “to the point”, about any specific characteristic of the car.

Down with fears

Many car enthusiasts refuse because they are afraid of damaging the car they are testing. Get it right - you won't get anything for damaging your car during a test drive! The test copy must be insured before first use. The insurance fully covers all types of damage, even such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

Video about test drives in car dealerships:

Thus, if the manager, before testing, asks you to sign a document confirming damages in case of damage to the car, feel free to turn around and leave!

What is possible and what is not

Each car dealership has a specific route, which is agreed upon with the traffic police, for carrying out. Most often, a test drive of a car lasts no less than 10 minutes and no more than 40 minutes.

Expensive cars can be checked throughout the day. However, to do this you need to be a regular customer, that is, buy a new model car once a year. Such applications are reviewed only by the sales director, who also issues permits for a long test drive. This service is provided free of charge, but an insurance policy is issued for the client.

Many drivers have no idea what documents are needed to test the car they like. This once again proves the backwardness of domestic automobile service. Attention, For a test drive you need a driver's license and passport! Your registration, marital status and appearance should not interest anyone.

How to behave

In order to understand how to get out of the salon and then make the right choice, you need to adhere to certain recommendations from car service experts. There is a small set of generally accepted rules of conduct while driving a test car:

  1. Before starting the engine, fasten your seat belt and adjust your seat and mirrors comfortably.
  2. Don’t forget about the traffic rules, no one has canceled them for you!
  3. Don’t rush, don’t start abruptly; to correctly assess a car you need calm and concentration.
  4. The manager and other drivers on the road do not need to demonstrate their level of driving. Drive the way you usually drive, otherwise you won't get the feel of the car.
  5. Feel free to entrust your departure from the car dealership to a consultant, he will better navigate the area and know all the features of the route and parking lots.
  6. Avoid road unevenness and potholes. You should know in advance how a car behaves under poor-quality road surface conditions, especially since this is nothing new for Russian roads.
  7. For a more complete car experience, take your future frequent passengers with you.
  8. During your test drive, focus on the car's performance rather than its price and features. You should not talk to a consultant and discuss various personal problems.
  9. Do not forget to check the operation of all climate systems of the car: air conditioning, climate control and heating system.
  10. Bring a disc with you to try out the audio system and get an idea of ​​what your favorite music will sound like.
  11. Check all doors, they should close quietly and not jam when opening. The hood and trunk lids should behave the same way.
  12. During the trip, pay attention to the noise made by the engine, ventilation, tires, trim, etc. You should be comfortable, the sound should not distract from the road.

The video shows an example of a car test drive:

So, it’s not only possible to carry out a test drive before purchasing, but also necessary! Get this from dealers or go to another company. Believe me, effective testing always leads to the right choice of car.

Car rental is still an under-researched topic for many travelers. What is better to take - “automatic” or “manual”? Where to study prices? Which insurance to choose? Why are not all bank cards suitable? And finally, is it possible to rent a car in one country and return it to another? We are going through all the nuances together with the Belarusian representative office of the international company Sixt, which has been renting cars in Europe since 1912.

I'm flying to Europe soon and want to rent a car, but I've never done this before.Where is the best place for me to look at car prices?

Let's start with the main thing: renting a car is easier and cheaper than it seems. Sometimes renting a car allows you to save a lot of money on all the travel and, of course, will help you see much more of the local beauty.

The second important point is that the more days you rent a car, the cheaper it costs you to rent per day. Prices can be found on the websites of car rental companies or aggregator services (we’ll talk about them below).

Call the local representative office of the rental company - they will tell you about promotions, discount cards, and many other “goodies” that you can’t Google on your own. For example, at Sixt you can get a free loyalty card that gives you a discount, the opportunity to upgrade your car to a higher class, etc.

It is important to immediately understand: in order to rent a car, the rental amount alone is not enough. For each class of car, a deposit is provided - several hundred dollars or euros will be “frozen”: they will remain in your account, but you will not be able to use them for the rental period. Therefore, expect that you will pay, for example, € 100, and there should be € 500 in your account.

There are probably some basic tips that will help you save on car rental. Can you tell me?

The simplest saving is not to increase the cost of your rent. If you want to drive with a local navigator or surf the Internet along the road, pay extra. Or you can buy a local SIM card for pennies, download offline maps and not worry about it.

If you are a confident driver and park with your eyes closed, you can try to save on insurance. For example, the Belarusian Sixt includes basic insurance in the rental price, so you don’t have to worry about major problems on the road.

Also note that some car rental companies charge an additional fee if the driver is under 25 years old or over 70 years old (hint: if you are traveling with a group, get a more experienced driver behind the wheel).

Look, cars with automatic transmissions are much more expensive everywhere than cars with manual transmissions.What kind of discrimination is this?

There is no deceit here. The rental price is based on the cost of the car. Therefore, this question should be asked not to rental companies, but to car dealers: cars with an automatic transmission are initially more expensive than those with a manual one. Therefore, if you want to save money, master the “mechanics”!

Lifehack:If you rent a car at a company office, ask what cars are available in the booked class. Sometimes you come across interesting configurations - with fog lights, a heated steering wheel or, for example, diesel or gasoline (hurray, you’ll also save on fuel!).

By the way, is there any information about which countries will rent the most expensive and where will it be cheaper?

In addition to the cost of the car itself, prices also depend on the season. The more often you rent, the faster the car pays for itself and, therefore, the cheaper it becomes. Therefore, the lowest prices are in Europe and the USA, where renting a car is like brushing your teeth, and also in resort towns.

From time to time, travel websites publish ratings of the most expensive countries or cities for car rental in Europe. For example, in 2015 there was news that the most expensive places to rent a car are in the Azores (Portugal), Bergen (Norway) and Reykjavik (Iceland).

What about insurance? What is required to be insured and what is not?

To know what to do with insurance, try to think ahead and soberly assess your driving skills. Are you planning to travel through forests and forests? Most likely, nothing more serious than minor scratches or a tire puncture will happen to you. You can buy insurance specifically for these damages (Glass & Tire Coverage). And if you don’t know how to park, have bad karma, or are afraid of meeting a fool on the road, then you should think about fully covering the damage - in this case, even if you lost all four wheels along the way, you won’t have to pay for the damage.

So, I heard that not all bank cards can rent a car.What could be the catch here?

It’s good that you immediately understood: it’s basically impossible to rent a car without a bank card, because... The deposit is a mandatory condition of the rental. After a special operation, a certain amount of money on the card will be frozen (usually the bank removes the block within one month - this depends solely on the efficiency of the local bankers). It is impossible to carry out such an operation with the simplest cards such as MasterCard Maestro or Visa Electron. You need at least Visa Classic, MasterCard Standard and higher. Typically, such cards are produced within a couple of days, and their maintenance is inexpensive.

Lifehack:holders of Gold, Platinum and similar cards can book a car for free through the concierge service and sometimes receive other nice bonuses.

A very specific question: is it cheaper to book at the airport or in the city?

This is another question to ask the rental company. The rental price itself is the same everywhere (whether in the city or outside the city), but in some cases - at the airport, at a hotel, at a railway station or somewhere else - the price may increase due to additional costs incurred by the rental company company (for example, the rental rate at the airport can be several times higher than in the city; parking fees at the station; paid entry to the airport, etc.).

Is it better to use aggregator sites like or directly the websites of the companies themselves?

The most attractive prices are actually more often found on aggregator sites. The most famous of them is the service (a kind of in the world of car rentals). The big advantage of aggregators is that they can compare offers for cars in a particular city from different rental companies. But don’t screw up on insurance: with such sites it’s cheap as bread, and in 90% of cases it doesn’t really work. For example, in Belarus there is not a single official representative of selection sites, so in the event of force majeure, the proceedings turn into correspondence, which drags on for many months. This means that all this time your deposit remains frozen.

Another popular joke that travelers who rent a car through aggregators sometimes encounter is when you arrive at your destination and the car you ordered is not available. Yes, you will most likely be offered a replacement, but it is not a fact that the car will meet your expectations.

In short, aggregators sometimes offer cheaper options, but various problems arise with them more often. Therefore, practical experience suggests that it is better to act directly, working with the rental company. For example, through the Belarusian representative office of Sixt you can rent a car anywhere in Europe, find out all the points you don’t understand in your native language and pay for the service in your native currency.

Pah-pah, of course, but just in case I want to clarify. What if I suddenly get into an accident in a rented car?What should I do then and in what order?

The same as always in such cases: call the local traffic police. As a rule, before issuing the car, you are immediately informed of the hotline number - it can also be found in the contract or brief instructions for the car.

If you have purchased full insurance, you can be calm about your savings. Most likely, a couple of hours after the accident, a replacement car will be driven to you - and you will forget everything like a bad dream.

Mobility, comfortable and fast movement around the city, freedom of travel: the advantages of having a car are obvious to everyone.

Few people are ready to pay for a new car right away; several million or hundreds of thousands of rubles are a large sum for most Russians. In this case, people usually turn to banks.

Is it worth taking out a car loan? What problems can this cause for a car owner? How to get a loan with minimal risk for yourself?

When buying a car, you need to remember that there are no loans that are profitable for the buyer and that the most profitable thing is full payment upon purchase.

If you decide to take out a car loan, but don’t know how to do it profitably, consider a number of useful tips:

The bank’s website will not tell you how much a car loan actually costs: to do this, you need to prepare a package of documents and apply in person.

The consultant will calculate the cost taking into account the rate that can be offered to you based on your income level, taking into account the amount, term, make and condition of the car.

Only then will you find out under what conditions you can take out a car loan, and how much you will have to overpay for the car.

Let’s take as an example the car loan programs of VTB24 Bank, there are many of them - “Driver”, State Program for Subsidizing Car Loans, “Freedom of Choice”, “AutoPrivilege”, “Car Loan with Remaining Payment”.

The interest rate varies in each program (from 5.5 to 11.9%), as does the amount of the down payment (from 0 to 20% and above) and the loan amount (from 1 to 7 million).

The programs, of course, are different, each has its own requirements and features, and the bank indicates its own criteria with the wording “From” such and such an amount or period, which is quite difficult to obtain in reality.

But at the same time, the minimum rate for a consumer loan is significantly higher than the minimum for any car loan and ranges from 15%. This is one of the banks with strict requirements for a package of documents and confirmation of income.

Let's look at another bank, for example, Raiffeisenbank. A couple of years ago, he had an extensive offer of car loans with the possibility of purchasing: foreign cars, domestic cars, new or used, from an unofficial dealer, with buyback, with refinancing.

Rates dropped to 5% for a car loan, while maintaining 12.9% for the most profitable consumer loan. Attractive! But now the bank has curtailed all car loans - all pages on this topic have been deleted on the official website.

It remains to be assumed that the risks for the bank in such conditions turned out to be greater than the potential benefits.

A bank with “soft” requirements will offer a higher rate than a bank with strict requirements for documents and proof of income.

For example, Vostochny Bank offers a car loan on the same day, with an amount of up to 1 million, without CASCO, for used cars, with a minimum package of documents. Let's look at the rate: 19%!

Answering the question whether it’s worth taking out a car loan in 2019, let’s say: it all depends on the bank. Please note that if previously almost every credit institution had such offers, now many have refused to provide these loans.

On the official website of Sberbank you will not see programs intended for purchasing a car.

For a car loan, banks usually require:

First you need to apply for a loan and submit all the necessary documents.

They are reviewed quickly - within 1-5 working days, then a period is provided during which you can use the approved application. If the deadline is missed, you will have to apply again with a full package of documents.

The purchase itself occurs in stages. When it comes to a new car, there are usually 5 steps:

  1. Selecting a salon and car.
  2. Concluding purchase and sale agreements on credit terms and insurance.
  3. Applying for a loan and pledging a car as collateral.
  4. Payment to the salon account.
  5. Acceptance of the car according to the act.

When purchasing a car on the secondary market, the number of stages and participants increases. The bank will not approve the transaction and will not provide money if there are 2 individuals involved, so this operation is carried out through a salon or other organization. The intermediary, naturally, will demand his percentage.

Each salon offers to purchase a car on credit on the spot: a representative of a bank is always present there.

Such offers should be treated with great caution: usually the interest rates on such loans are several times higher than the rates on car loans from well-known banks. The only advantage is the speed of making a purchase - all actions are carried out in one day.

If you decide to agree, carefully study the documents offered for signature, pay special attention to the payment schedule, the amount of overpayment, insurance conditions, penalties for missing a payment.

Regarding insurance, we note that the law allows the car owner to choose an insurance company voluntarily. At the same time, both banks and salons usually insist on the insurance specified by them.

Additional marketing programs can be an advantage of purchasing from a car dealership.. At their expense, you can get a discount even when purchasing on credit.

Many sell out collections towards the end of the year, many provide additional services (sharely free), cash backs, affiliate programs, etc.

It’s good if such conditions exist, but we need to evaluate them objectively. If the discount amount is 50 tr, and the amount of overpayment when lending in the salon is 250 tr, maybe it’s still worth contacting the bank?

Sometimes salons offer purchases on installment plans or interest-free loans. They should also be viewed with suspicion. Often sellers resort to such tricks in order to “disguise” a significant increase in the cost of the car itself or to sell slow-selling goods.

Interest-free installment plan is a truly advantageous offer. But first make sure it is transparent and keep in mind that:

  • until final payments, the car remains the property of the salon if the installment plan is issued as an interest-free loan;
  • at the slightest violation, the owner can take the car back;
  • Usually there is a significant down payment - in the amount of 40-50%.

A comparative innovation is the buy-back purchasing system, which provides for a deferred repayment of the debt and the possibility of the car being bought back by the dealership.

This scheme usually has a slightly confusing calculation system. Part of the amount is paid in equal monthly installments, and the other part is paid with a significant deferment or on other conditions.

In fact, the car is taken for temporary use, for which a monthly fee is paid, and after a set period the user can sell the car back and use the proceeds from the sale to cover the debt on the loan balance.

The option is not always transparent, but it may be of interest to those who like to change cars or need a vehicle for a certain period of time.

It should be understood that the car always runs the risk of being damaged in an accident, stolen, scratched, etc. But such goods cannot always be “returned”.

There is no need to return the car: if the owner likes it, he can keep it, repaying the debt under established conditions.


Buying a car on credit involves many risks and nuances. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to buy a car without a car loan, it is better to take advantage of it.

The main rule of a loan: do not take it if there is a risk of being left without income and falling into a debt trap!

When applying for a loan, it is better to choose a reliable bank, carefully study its terms and conditions and compare them with other offers. The same should be done when choosing an insurance company.

In most cases, a car loan is preferable to a consumer loan. All signed documents must be read carefully; in this matter, it is sometimes worth enlisting the support of professionals.

Interest-free loans and installment plans, as well as quickly applying for a loan in a salon, must be approached with great caution and not make rash purchases.

Do you have any expectations regarding the future car. For example, let's say you want to go on picnics with friends every weekend. Or you want a two-seater car, just for yourself and your significant other.

But reality makes its own adjustments: friends are always busy, and there is an addition to the family.

This is not so important if you can change the car at any time. But such opportunities are the exception rather than the rule. When you choose a model, imagine that it will be with you for many years.

2. Uneconomical car

If you don’t have driving experience, then you can hardly imagine how much money it actually costs to fill the gas station.

Fuel prices are not encouraging and are unlikely to be encouraging in the near future. The cost of gasoline when buying an uneconomical car can unsettle you, especially if you start using the car actively.

Car maintenance is an expensive pleasure. And you will quickly feel that money is flying down the exhaust pipe.

The same applies to the cost of spare parts. The car will still have to be repaired, even if only for small things. Before buying, look at how much you will have to spend on standard repairs.

Visit forums where owners of cars of the brand you are interested in talk about their cars. You will immediately find out about the problem areas of the car. And then think about whether your wallet can bear such expenses.

3. Unexpected repairs

“Buy used! Why do you need a new one right away?” - this advice is often given to beginners.

Of course, used cars are cheaper. And it’s not so bad to scratch them, for example. But even experienced motorists cannot determine whether everything is normal in a used car. To do this you need to be an experienced auto mechanic.

They even advise checking the car at reliable, “our” stations, and not at those recommended by the seller. Hidden defects can be very expensive. So, if you decide to choose a used car, go shopping with a mechanic. Even if his services cost several thousand, you will save more.

And this is not to mention the fact that a car malfunction can cost not only money, but also health.

4. Machine “for slaughter”

“Buy something worse: you won’t mind breaking it, and you’ll learn to drive!” - this is generally advice number one from experienced drivers.

Now think about why you are taking a car. To break it or to ride it? To be sure to learn how to repair yourself or to move from point A to point B?

Beginners feel uncomfortable behind the wheel. If you put them in prison for driving a “killed” car, it will only get worse. Why create additional difficulties for yourself and take risks when you can buy not the most expensive, but reliable car and get comfortable on the roads with it - it’s unclear.

5. Car for show off

Before choosing a car, think about what you will do with it. The car should be reliable, easily take you to your destination and accommodate the things you usually carry with you. Cars are full of upgrade opportunities, but basic functions cannot be expanded.

There is an opinion that a beautiful and fashionable car will impress others and make your life better. However, just a good, reliable car can do the same thing.

Approach choosing a car like choosing a tool and don't let emotions control your decision.

6. Hopes for future profits

Cars are expensive, but this does not mean that investing in a car will pay off (we are not talking about business now, but about a personal car). When resold, any car loses value only due to the fact of a change of owner. At the dealership they will recommend you a more expensive car and will tell you that it will cost a lot even when sold. This is not an argument worth listening to. Let's say an automatic transmission will cost more when sold. But this will have little effect on the overall reduction in the value of a used car.

So the car is not an investment. Keep expenses to a minimum and buy a safe and reliable vehicle.

7. Purchase without haggling

If you went to buy a used car, then keep in mind: the price tag set by the seller is indicative. You can and should bargain; as a rule, sellers are ready to lower the price. To achieve this, you need to carefully inspect the car and ask questions about its condition. An attentive and experienced buyer can reduce the price by tens of thousands of rubles. Either study the forums to understand what to ask, or still take a mechanic with you who will ask for you.

8. Car loan right in the showroom

When buying a car is almost a done deal, there's one last pitfall to avoid. Especially if you decide to take out a car loan. So, you are standing in front of your car, and then the dealer says that you can buy it right now under special conditions. Just sign the loan agreement, and then every month you will only have to pay nothing.

This is where you need to make a strong-willed effort and not sign. Read carefully what conditions are offered to you. Loans in salons are often unprofitable and are given at a high interest rate. It’s better to study the banks’ offers and find the best option. Do this before going to the salon so as not to tempt yourself.

Tell us in the comments how you chose your first car? Share stories and insights.

The methods of buying a new car themselves do not contain anything new. First- we pay for the car immediately. The entire amount is deposited into the car dealership's cash register. Second- the car is bought on credit. It doesn’t matter whether you lack 50 thousand or 1 million rubles. Anyway, you take out the missing money on credit from a financial institution, for example, a bank. Third- purchasing a car on lease. Previously, only legal entities could use this form of purchasing a car. Now this service is available to ordinary citizens. Options for returning a new car are described.

Cash purchase

You have decided to buy a car. To do this, you must at least have a certain amount of money. You can save it up, receive a bonus or inheritance, and ultimately borrow it from relatives and friends. We calculated our financial capabilities, chose a car, went to a car dealership and bought it. The simplest and fastest option. But there are still disadvantages. It takes a long time to save for a car, but you want to drive now. In addition, inflation and the floating exchange rate of the ruble constantly increase the cost of the car. An increase of 10 to 20% per year is normal, but during a crisis prices can rise by 30–50%. Another disadvantage is dishonest dealers who sell cars without documents. There were many of these during the last crisis of 2008–2009, and they still appear today. Buyers, having paid the full price of the car, cannot pick it up from the dealer, and those who managed to take it off the lot admire the new car in the garage. You cannot drive such a car; without documents it will not be registered and registration numbers will not be issued. Litigation with dealers can last for more than one month, and the new car is laid up.

Purchase on credit

I really want to buy a car, but I don’t have the money to buy it. The solution to the problem is to take out a loan from a bank. Loans can be targeted (in our case, for the purchase of a car) and consumer (without limiting the type of product). They differ in interest rate. A targeted loan is more profitable; its interest rate for the consumer can reach 0%. But the bank will still receive its interest, albeit not from you, but from the dealer or importer. You can save on this if you repay the loan ahead of schedule within one or two months. Everything would be fine, but a targeted loan has a big disadvantage.

You need to take out comprehensive insurance, and in rare cases, even insure your life. Experienced drivers over 25 years old, with over 10 years of driving experience, should not worry; insurance by today's standards is cheap, from 30 thousand to 100 thousand rubles. depending on the selected machine. Young drivers no older than 23 years old and with less than 3 years of experience are out of luck; they have the maximum insurance premium; for some companies it can reach up to 250–300 thousand rubles. Almost the same amount will have to be paid if you take out a loan of 1 million rubles. for 3 years at 21.5% per annum. For such drivers, it is better to use a consumer loan, although it is more expensive, you will save on insurance. For non-credit cars there are more favorable conditions, especially since you can consider the option with a deductible of 80%. In the event of an accident, you will have to restore the car at your own expense, but theft, fire and complete destruction of the car will be paid by the insurance company. From an economic point of view, it is a profitable option, unless, of course, you get into an accident every month. In this case, it is probably better to use a taxi.

Let's calculate how much it will cost us, say, to buy a Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0 CVT 4WD in the Intense configuration. Now the discounted car costs RUB 1,304,990. This amount includes metallic paint (15 thousand rubles). Let’s assume that the buyer has a 2008 Nissan X-trail 2.0 CVT with a mileage of 90 thousand km. We rent it out under the trade-in program, for which we receive a discount on the purchased car in the amount of 40 thousand rubles. On automobile Internet sites, a used X-Trail is now priced at RUB 599,000. Knowing that dealers underestimate the cost of the cars they purchase, we assume that we will receive 600 thousand rubles in our hands. Of this, we will spend 500 thousand rubles on the purchase of a new car as a down payment. Next we get the following calculations:

As you can see, today it is profitable to buy a car by taking out a simple consumer loan. The only insurance you can take out is compulsory motor liability insurance (you won’t be able to drive a car without it). But if you are afraid that your new car will be stolen, you can enter into a lightweight comprehensive insurance agreement - in our calculation we used exactly this preferential offer. In this case, only the risks of theft and complete destruction of the car in an accident, natural disaster or arson are insured. This type of insurance is noticeably cheaper. With a targeted loan, it is necessary to have a full comprehensive insurance policy, and in some cases, the life and health of the borrower, which makes it unprofitable. Only an experienced driver over 45 years of age with more than 25 years of experience can consider special credit offers from dealers, and then only if they pay no more than 5% per annum for three years. And as we see in the example of Mitsubishi, they lure us with an interest rate of 5.9% per annum (in reality - 12.9%).

Leasing for individuals

A new, unfamiliar scheme for purchasing a car. We heard about leasing for legal entities, and now, to boost sales, we have created a similar program for individuals. What is leasing? In a nutshell, the car belongs to a leasing company, it transfers it for operation to a private person, that is, you, and you pay it money for it. After a certain period, which is specified in the contract, you can hand over the car to the company or buy it back at a fixed price. This price is determined initially when concluding the contract. You drive it, you like the car, you buy it, if you don’t like it, you buy another one.

But even here the devil is in the details. How much will it cost to own a car? And who benefits from this option? We asked the company providing such leasing services to calculate the cost of owning a car. We took the same Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0 CVT 4WD Intense, but 8% cheaper - RUB 1,186,708. for a car in white and with a corporate discount to the lessor. It can reach 15% depending on the brand and model. In addition, a one-time discount on advance payment in the amount of up to 10% of the purchase price of the car, but not more than 500 thousand per car. Our discount amounted to 118,679 rubles. Not bad at all, we love discounts! The residual value after three years of operation, for which we can buy the car, is 806,244 rubles. Judging by the sites that post car offers, this is a very good price to buy. Let's also write it down as a plus.

Now about expenses. When concluding a contract, you will need to make a deposit payment in the amount of 10% of the cost of the car, or 118,679 rubles. If all the terms of the contract are met, this deposit is subsequently returned. What about our monthly payments? This depends on several factors: whether we will make an initial payment, whether we take into account insurance costs and the term of the contract. To be able to compare our three options, let’s keep the original conditions: a three-year contract with an initial payment of 500 thousand rubles. and taking into account all the costs of car insurance. The policyholder is a man aged 45 years with 25 years of driving experience. If you are younger or have less driving experience, your monthly payments will increase significantly.

Bottom line

At the first place It turned out that the entire amount for the car was paid at once. This is understandable: you don’t borrow at interest, you don’t have to pay anything back. The main thing is to find the required amount.

In second place- buying a car using a consumer loan. And this despite exorbitant interest rates! It's all about the lack of compulsory comprehensive insurance. Now it is prohibitive, but if you wish, you can still insure your car on preferential terms, while paying several times less.

Third and fourth places divided the target loan and leasing among themselves. The final amount that a consumer will pay for a car is almost the same for these two purchasing methods. In both the first and second cases, you will have to pay not only interest on the loan, but also apply for a full comprehensive insurance policy. But leasing still has a number of advantages compared to a conventional loan. To purchase a car, you only need to have 10% of its value (deposit amount), which will be returned to you at the end of the lease term. The application review process is more loyal, unlike banks, where the refusal rate is now more than 60%. In addition, leasing can also be used by a foreign citizen for whom a consumer or targeted loan is not available. Finally, in the first year of operation, you are given various gifts, such as an additional mileage package, the “Sober Driver” service and the search for a forcibly towed vehicle and delivery to a storage location. But there are also restrictions - the machine must be used only in the home region. It is determined when concluding a contract; you can no longer go on vacation abroad or to neighboring Belarus - a control system is installed in the car. Mileage per year is also limited, from 15 or 30 thousand km.