Jigsaw sawing rules: diagrams and drawings. Drawings for cutting from plywood: features of creating a template and applying to the surface, cutting technology Simple drawings for cutting with a jigsaw from plywood

All kinds of plywood and wood crafts made by skilled craftsmen are highly valued all over the world, causing everyone to admire. Undoubtedly, carving is a creativity and an art, but you will certainly be able to master it with an effort and constantly honing your skills. This optimal hobby of wood and plywood does not require too much free time from you and equipment that is not very expensive. Of course, this is plywood carving with jigsaws!

Openwork carving

It is rapidly gaining its popularity: who doesn’t want to make an excellent piece of decoration with his own hands, decorating his home, furniture, creating an artistic entourage! Cut products of different thicknesses are optimally integrated into many existing decor styles, and we get, for example, frames for photo cards with ornaments, words, individual letters, curly shelves carved with a jigsaw on plywood. In addition, such creativity is an action that is available to everyone who is interested in the process, even a beginner. You just need to get an idea of ​​how it works. And you can start creating!

It's quite easy to work with a hand jigsaw

Video where to start:

They choose this material from wood for the following reasons:

  • moisture resistant;
  • temperature drops do not have a negative impact;
  • fairly low cost;
  • ease of training in cutting with a jigsaw;
  • low weight of products.

It is also necessary to choose plywood of the 1st and 2nd grades for crafts. The rest are not suitable for creativity: there are cracks with knots and chips on the surfaces (perhaps they can be used for internal substrates). Birch plywood (3-10 mm thick) is most suitable for cutting.

At the present time, this material is divided into a fairly large number of subspecies - each for specific purposes.

  • Experts and craftsmen advise using a sheet made with urea-formaldehyde composition. Such material is marked with "FC". This kind of plywood can be bought "clean" or coated, for example, with varnish. It is most convenient to transfer the drawing to unprocessed plywood sheets for cutting with a jigsaw.
  • Plywood marked "FOF" is intended for the production of furniture, and more often it is produced over 12 millimeters in thickness.
  • The FB brand was originally developed as a boat material, therefore its cost is high (but if it is possible to use it, then it is suitable for cutting with a jigsaw).
  • But "FSF" masters do not recommend buying. Having an attractive appearance purely outwardly, it is toxic, since it is made with the participation of a composition of phenolic resins.

Available grades of working material

Types of plywood carving

It is subdivided into:

  • Openwork,
  • Patterned, on a painted plywood sheet,
  • Sawing,
  • combined method.

What additional materials and tools will be needed

  • Stencils and drawings with pictures for work. They can be invented by yourself or copied on the web.
  • A carbon copy to translate patterns and lines according to the drawing;
  • Glass paper and emery paper, a set of files - for grinding parts;
  • Joiner's (optionally, casein) composition to glue parts;
  • Transparent varnish - for covering;
  • To make holes inside the material for threading the blade - a drill and an awl.
  • Before starting work on sawing with a jigsaw, carefully sand the material with glass paper, and only then translate the patterns according to the drawing.
  • Transfer the elongated forms of the drawings with narrow elements to the plywood so that they are located along the fibers of the "face" of the material.

Artistic cutting with a jigsaw: drawing, stencil and work

Get to know the devices

A jigsaw is a toolkit that is designed to work on different contours. The device includes a blade equipped with teeth, small enough to cut the working material, practically without forming burrs and chips.


The "founder" of the genus, of course, is a hand-held jigsaw. Everything ingenious is simple: a metal U-shaped arc, and a working blade is stretched between the ends, which is fixed with clamps. They hold the files during work, with the help of them, its tension is also regulated. The handle for comfortable work is located on one side of the frame. The tool clamps can be rotated, thus creating a different plane for work, providing opportunities for carving plywood with a jigsaw of increased complexity.

  • When creating with the help of a hand-held device, the utmost care must be taken: the structure is rather fragile, and with intense pressure the blade sometimes breaks and must be replaced. Every novice craftsman should stock up on additional working files.
  • When working with a jigsaw, it is convenient to use an auxiliary board: it also protects the table, and solves problems in the convenient location of the plywood blank.


This device works with electricity. It is a body where the mechanism is located, the control handle is also located there. The saw element is located at the bottom of the instrument at the front. The blade is protected, and this allows you to cut along the contour very evenly, without deviations. Professional models of equipment have many attachments that greatly facilitate the process of work, for example, leveling the edge of the material. Jigsaw blades can also have teeth that differ in shape and size. They should be selected in accordance with the material for the file, so that damage to the plywood sheets does not come out during operation.

  • Electric household jigsaws for non-production purposes, as a rule, of low power (from 350 to 500 W). For beginners, this is the most common option when you are just learning to cut crafts and figures from plywood (usually of small thickness). It is quite safe to work with such a device, especially when it is equipped with protection.
  • The professional jigsaw is intended for industrial purposes, has a power of more than 700 W, high speed and cutting accuracy. It can cut sheets over 10 cm thick, aluminum, thin steel.

Video: a simple jigsaw:


Sometimes this device is used for threading. It is a kind of special hand tool, with the assistance of which, in domestic conditions, you can perform various types of work on wood and plywood. However, a certain skill is required to work with it; on the other hand, craftsmen who deftly handle this equipment can create the most real highly artistic masterpieces of folk art.

Cooking a stencil

Drawings for creative work come in different sizes, depending on the scale of the products being made. For example, for diagrams of a shelf or a piece of furniture, for a volumetric toy, you should take a sheet of Whatman paper in A1 format, a roll of wallpaper remaining after repair may also work, and for small figures (such as souvenirs) we take office paper (A4 or A3 format).

On the surface of the paper with a marker or pencil, draw the contours of the future object, adhering to the specified dimensions. The templates are openly available in a wide range, we choose the appropriate one (for beginners, as a rule, not too complicated). Or you can come up with your own options for cutting with a jigsaw and then transfer it to a paper base.

Then we transfer the images to the surface of the working material (plywood, boards). To do this, we cut out a shape out of paper, apply it to the plywood and carefully draw around the contour with a pencil. The lines must be precise and straight. Correct if necessary by erasing with an eraser.

The contours are applied "from the rear" of the material, so that the remnants of the drawing are not noticeable on the finished form. Internal areas can also be shaded so as not to cut off an extra piece, thereby denoting an inviolable fragment.

Examples of drawings


How to carve plywood

Working with the device will not be difficult if you properly prepare for the creative process.

  • The work area must have good lighting;
  • The work plane must be protected from damage. You can, for example, lay a plywood sheet or cover it with film;
  • All necessary tools and spare blades should be prepared in advance. And you can start.

The first step should start by drawing the inner outline of the drawing or drawing. For this, slots should be made into which the blades of the device will be inserted. Usually, when cutting large contours, there is no problem, but in small residues, working with a jigsaw from the inside is capable of causing chips, burrs or dissections. You should act very carefully.

Jigsaw work

How to saw with a hand jigsaw

  1. Secure the piece of plywood with one hand and hold the cutter by the handle with the other.
  2. Begin to move along the marked contours, wielding the jigsaw up / down. This should be done around the perimeter of the drawing.

Hand jigsaw

As you can see, there is nothing super complicated in this work. And you will acquire the most real creative hobby, learning how to manage these devices.

How to cut plywood with a jigsaw

Sawing with an electric or hand jigsaw on plywood is undoubtedly a creative process. And you will be able to create decorative products of various directions with your own hands: from fairy-tale characters from cartoons for children to decorations for furniture and home.

Photo gallery of examples of work

You can make so many decorative items and useful little things from carved wood and plywood that it is foolish to limit the scope of the work. In fact, it can be absolutely everything that has enough imagination: caskets, covers for decorative and collectible books, lampshades, panels, shutters, furniture elements, platbands, cornices ... But the most attractive thing about creating exclusive works is that everyone can do them willing, if he makes a certain amount of effort.

Slotted wood carving: photographs, drawings and sketches

The main key to success in creating interesting gizmos with slotted carvings is the choice of pattern. It is he who conveys the general concept and sets the aesthetic tone for the entire product.

The easiest way for beginners will be to complete geometric patterns, as in the photo.

Carved drawings of floristic and animalistic themes are classic ornaments for any field of application.

Lettering is a modern use for wood and plywood carving. At the same time, you will hardly be able to find drawings and sketches on the network - they will have to be compiled purely individually for personal requirements for sizes, fonts, words.

Stencils for slotted carving

However, unlike cut-out lettering on plywood, drawings with plant, animal and fantasy themes can be found on the net. So feel free to choose the stencils you like in the album, and ideas for creativity will last for a long time!

The simplest sketches are suitable both for training at the very beginning of the path of manufacturing products, and can become separate elements of a complex design. For example, this is how carved houses are decorated.

More complex patterns will take some skill and patience, but the results will be worth it. Such pictures can serve as an independent product, even a gift.

Whole compositions with an idea and meaning usually serve as either a separate piece, or form the basis of a work.

Slotting tools: jigsaw or router

However, the choice of drawing is only a third of the success. Another important aspect that must be considered before starting the work itself. Namely - the choice of the tool that will be used to carve wood or plywood.

Depends on the equipment:

  • how thin the thread will turn out;
  • the complexity of the pictures;
  • cutting speed;
  • accuracy of work.

Therefore, it is important to evaluate all the pros, cons, possibilities and limitations of each of the traditional sawing tools:

A jigsaw is a device for curly cutting out parts. It is quite laborious to work with a hand tool, but it allows you to very accurately perform cutting according to the drawing. The power tool allows you to quickly produce curly plywood products, but requires caution.

A router is a tool that gives a flat-relief slotted thread a thinner and more complete look. It is with its help that it turns out to round off the edges, remove chips, make valances, and carry out the most difficult cutting.

Theoretically, a milling cutter can perform the same work as a jigsaw, and even more, but in fact, such handling of the tool is fraught with its quick failure, frequent replacement of the frieze.

Slotted thread materials

In most cases, plywood is chosen for this type of work - it is uniformly thin, has a pleasant color and structure, it does not lead during further use or storage, unlike solid wood. It is the choice of material that becomes the third pillar of successful work.

The modern market is replete with different types of materials, so it is easy and confusing. For such work, you should choose:

  • FC plywood - harmless to humans and the environment, durable, easy to cut, practical;
  • FB plywood is also safe for humans, but resistant to aggressive environments, since it undergoes special processing and receives a protective coating, which can cost an order of magnitude more.

Note! In no case, do not choose plywood of the FSF class for interior work - it is processed with carcinogenic preservatives and is permissible for use only in the fresh air - they are perfectly lined with a bathhouse or a house outside.

Photo of carved wooden houses

For Russia, slotted carving is of particular importance as a decoration for building facades. For a long time, ornaments carved on birch bark and other similar materials adorn huts, baths, churches, which are colorfully demonstrated by photographs.

Wood milling video with a hand router

If you have just decided to try your hand at curly slotted carving, it will be useful to watch a video with a master class. It will help you better understand how drawings are created, and how such a home beauty appears.

Drawings for cutting out of plywood allow you to create products of various topics and purposes. Cutting out decorative panels, toys and household items is provided with a jigsaw. Among the additional materials, it is permissible to use plastic, ceramics, and metal.

Attention! A narrow file is used to cut straight and create intricate patterns.

Working with a jigsaw

Sawing with a jigsaw will require a little skill. With straight cuts, there will be no questions, but with beautiful curly patterns, the correct selection of files will be required. For a more detailed consideration of the recommendations, you can use the following list:

  1. Sawing with a jigsaw from plywood according to drawings requires an even cut. For this, the correct selection of files for the equipment is provided.
  2. On the face side, the cut will not have scoring, provided that a thin file with teeth directed downward is used.
  3. The product presented for processing requires a firm fixation. Otherwise, the cut will be uneven.

Choosing a jigsaw

It will be easier to saw toys with a jigsaw according to the drawings if you use the basic parameters :

  • Saw or side divorce. Alternating right and left bending of the teeth and coarse teeth provide fast, straight cuts. The edges are rough, so they are finished with abrasive paper. Below you can see how the jigsaw is cut out of plywood correctly in the photo.
  • Undercut. The prongs do not form a divorce. They are suitable for fine and clean cuts. However, the speed of work is decreasing. With a small divorce, the process will speed up. The main bias is towards the quality of the cut.

  • Wavy stains. For small, narrow saws that produce wider cuts, the cutting edge is wave-shaped. Usually such tools are used when working with metal elements, but often they are used for processing plywood. This allows you to get a narrow, clean cut in a short amount of time.

Creating patterns

For the implementation of sketches on plywood, it is necessary to provide a number of works:

  • The pattern is transferred to a sheet of paper.
  • A stencil is cut using a clerical knife or scalpel.
  • A stencil is applied to the coating and traced with a simple pencil.
  • The pattern is cut out.

Implementation of work:

  • Curved cutting is carried out with a narrow blade file.
  • You can cut a circle in the panel using a special nozzle - a circular cutter. It is fixed in the center of the circle.
  • Creation of grooves in solid wood blanks is carried out with a rasp instead of a file. It also serves to clean uneven cuts.
  • Perfectly precise and even cuts are ensured by the parallel stop. Its attachment to the jigsaw is provided using screws.
  • A guide fence is mounted on the "ski" to ensure the cut is parallel to the straight edges.
  • A construction guide is used to create a straight long cut. The jigsaw moves along a longitudinal fixed bar. This tool provides cuts with an incline of up to 45 degrees. The slope can be set on a scale.

Drank the gaps. When forming ornaments, the master makes gaps in the plywood sheet. This is facilitated by 2 options:

In the first case, a recess is drilled with an electric drill, then a file is inserted into it and a pattern is cut out.

The second case is the technology of plunge cuts or plunger cuts. The starting gap is not drilled. The equipment is installed on the front edge of the "ski" without touching the workpiece with the cloth.

The engine turns on and the fork slowly lowers, introducing the electric saw into the array until it forms a vertical position, and the "ski" touches the workpiece.

Correct jigsaw setting

Important! The plunge cut begins at the exit section of the plywood.

The tool should enter the panel far from the cutting line to prevent material damage.

If you are cutting thick boards, you can use a file with pointed ends. Initially, the workpiece is sawn from one part, then it is turned and sawn from the reverse part. For cutting curly elements, equipment is mounted at the bottom of the desktop. With a uniform and smooth feed of the workpiece, you can get a cut that has clean, even edges.

Preparation of equipment and materials

Plywood. The best option would be to use a thin sheet, including multi-layered hardwood. Ordinary or moisture resistant material is used.

Among the tools, you can pick up a regular jigsaw or a power tool, if you need to do voluminous work.

The awl creates gaps for the cuts. The saw starts after inserting the file into the grooves created with an awl or electric drill.

Files are used to properly clean all cut edges.

A thrust board serves to strengthen materials and equipment.

Transferring the drawing to plywood

For artistic cutting, tracing paper is used. Transferring the pattern to the workpiece is done manually.

What are jigsaws

Alternatively, there is a projector projected onto the work surface. It is not allowed to move the plywood, it is important to provide for the most durable fastening. The use of the projector is carried out with small sketch parameters.

The jigsaw is used when gluing self-adhesive paper to the coating. By means of a printer, an image is printed, followed by a sticker on plywood.

Sawing with a hand jigsaw from plywood requires attention and time. The result is beautiful, practical products.

A hand saw is used to process the material in order to create decorative elements. As a result of processing wood, plywood, plastics, crafts are created that are of practical use and aesthetic value.

Figured sawing is an exciting hobby that brings practical, moral and material benefits. Plywood and wood blanks can be used to make:

  • a vase for sweets;
  • basket;
  • table stand for postcards;
  • lamp;
  • a hanger in the hallway, living room;
  • photo frame;
  • needle cushion;
  • bread bin;
  • panels;
  • candlestick;
  • hot stand for eggs;
  • casket.

For beginners for carving, you can choose light drawings, simple diagrams, drawings of crafts, sketches that have a pleasant appearance. After mastering the cutting technique, you can try your hand at jewelry models with openwork fragments.

With the help of a jigsaw, you can make platbands for home design. A variety of sketches allows you to create this element, which will provide an interior decoration. You can make wood crafts by curly carving.

You can cut out beautiful decorative elements from plywood. Using stencils for a jigsaw, it is easy to make frames for a photo, mirrors and much more from blanks. Handmade will complement the design of the room, emphasize the chosen style.

Operating procedure

To get a quality product and minimize the formation of defects, you need to work slowly, focus on the process. Before starting work, it is recommended to make sure that the thickness of the plywood is equal to the height of the groove in the printed sketch.

Stencil preparation

Patterns for sawing with a tool can be of different sizes. To create a drawing of an interior item, for example, a shelf, you will need to use Whatman paper in A1 or A0 format, and for toys you can use a standard sheet of cardboard.

The contour of the product is applied to the surface, observing the exact dimensions. You can find templates for sawing with a hand jigsaw on dedicated resources. But it's easier to come up with your own compositions based on the type of workpiece. An individual approach to the development of the product scheme will allow you to emphasize the texture of the wood.

Transferring the image to the surface of plywood or boards

For a high-quality contour on the surface of plywood or wood, print the template on thick paper. Transferring a drawing from an A4 drawing can be a lot of hassle if you draw an ornament with a pencil.

In order to apply contours, complex patterns, you can use auxiliary methods. One way is to use carbon paper. To do this, a carbon copy is placed on the workpiece. A template is placed on top and lines are drawn.

The drawing can be glued to the plywood with 2-sided tape. When using glue, it is required to clean the surface with sandpaper. An available method involves using a stencil made with nail scissors. After preparation, the template is applied to the surface and each fragment is outlined with a pencil.

For convenience, the sheet is fixed with tape or insulating tape. The drawing can be applied thermally. For this, an inkjet printer is used, with which the diagram is printed. After that, the pattern is applied to the surface with the front side and processed with a heated iron.

Sawing process technology

Sawing out of plywood is carried out after drawing the drawing on the workpiece. Processing begins with the internal elements of the product, and then the outer contour is cut out. This order of work allows you to get a straight line, provides a convenient clamping of the workpiece.

Holes for the canvas must be drilled in the sharp points of the inner contour. This requires attention, as chips can form on the back. To avoid this, it is recommended that the holes are not completely drilled.

You can limit the depth by using insulating tape around the drill. After that, turn the workpiece over and process the hole with an awl. After finishing work, the product is sanded with a file or file.

Small items require delicate handling, so it is advisable to be smart when handling. To do this, cut off a thin strip of sandpaper and insert it into the jigsaw file instead of the blade.

Sawing with a hand tool requires the equipment of a special machine with a clamp. This fixture is used as a base. During processing, the workpiece is fixed at chest level, which provides convenience and allows you to closely monitor the process.

For beginners, it is important to be careful when using a jigsaw in order to work out smooth movements. Jigsaw cutting blade fragile, therefore, it is recommended to avoid distortions, sudden movements, overheating.

When machining a workpiece, the movements must be reciprocating, and the tool must be positioned vertically. Using an electric jigsaw requires securing the workpiece to a workbench. When using this equipment, you can process workpieces with a thickness of 5 cm.

Defects in work

If the workpiece processing technology is violated, the tool may shift. The jigsaw can cut crooked when the tool is tilted or incorrectly fastened. If the blade is stuck at the stage of forming curly elements, then you will need to carefully draw a new line parallel to the fragment with a defect.

A little about safety

The jigsaw for curly cutting is an arched frame. The tool is equipped with a handle, 2 attachments for a cutting blade, which allow you to cut patterns of varying complexity.

Depending on the type of work, different attachments are selected. Thick saws are used to cut out the contours, and thin blades are used for openwork work. You can mechanize the processing of workpieces using an electric tool. To speed up the process, individual models are equipped with a pendulum movement.

A stationary electric tool that is mounted on a static surface resembles a sewing machine in principle. The use of this type of equipment eliminates the errors of the perpendicular cut.

Sawing with a jigsaw requires compliance with safety rules. The workplace must be properly equipped. It is recommended to use personal protective equipment during work.

All photos from the article

Historically, the mass production of plywood dates back to the early nineteenth century. And since this material at that time was produced exclusively for decorating and manufacturing furniture, practically at the same time, such a kind of craft appeared as with your own hands.

For more than 2 centuries, this art form has not lost its relevance. It is loved for its simplicity and the end product of decent quality.

By and large, anyone, regardless of gender and age, can practice this art form. A huge plus is the lack of serious financial investments.

In addition to a great desire of your own, you only need a sheet of plywood, the jigsaw itself and stencils or, as they are also called by the masters, drawings for artistic cutting out of plywood with a jigsaw.

Preparation for work

Despite the seeming simplicity of this type of creativity, it should be taken seriously. Success here largely depends on how carefully you prepare. Namely, you will select and process a plywood sheet and choose the drawings that are suitable for your product that you can cut out of plywood with a jigsaw.

Choosing a quality sheet

Now plywood is divided into many types, each of them was developed for specific purposes. And strange as it may sound, not every material is safe to work with.

Speaking about artistic cutting, it should be remembered that during work you will inevitably breathe fine dust and fumes from plywood, and at the moment they are not always safe.

  • Experienced craftsmen prefer to work with sheets made on the basis of urea-formaldehyde compounds, they can be easily recognized by the first letters of the "FC" marking... Such plywood can already come with a decorative coating such as varnish or have a clean "shirt". In the latter case, it is more convenient to apply drawings to the sheet for cutting with a hand-held jigsaw from plywood;
  • Sheets marked "FOF" are focused on furniture production and are often quite safe as well. But they have another drawback, they most often relate to and have a thickness of more than 12 mm;

  • The FB brand was developed as plywood for the construction or decoration of all kinds of boats and yachts, so the price of such material is too far from democratic, although this plywood is also safe;
  • What you definitely shouldn't mess with is FSF plywood... No matter how beautiful it looks, it should be clearly remembered that in its production, compounds with a high content of phenol are used, which in itself is considered one of the serious and rather poisonous carcinogens.

Important: for artwork, especially for cutting with a jigsaw, it is highly discouraged to take sheets on which there are knots in the top shirt. They will fall out during operation.

Let's move on to the drawings

The easiest way to make, for example, drawings of animals for cutting out of plywood with a hand jigsaw, is to use scrap materials and a simple carbon copy. Everyone in the house has a lot of printed material such as old postcards with birds, fish and other animals.

A pre-prepared carbon copy is superimposed on the prepared and polished sheet, the image or photo of your favorite animal of your choice is superimposed on top of it, and fixed with clerical buttons (now you can use scotch tape for this purpose). After that, you will need to clearly trace the outline of the image.

Important: do not worry that the carbon copy will stain the blank sheet while you push your drawings for artistic cutting with a jigsaw from plywood. After the workpiece is cut out, in any case it will need to be sanded with emery; in the process of such processing, all contamination will be removed.

You should not immediately tackle complex, highly artistic products with thin fragments. For an inexperienced craftsman, it will be difficult to process small parts without damaging them with careless pressure.

If there are children next to you, then it is better to use, for example, simple drawings for cutting a car out of plywood with a jigsaw or to make a cutting board. Thus, you will not only get basic work skills, but also please the little ones.

Important: do not forget that professional drawings of plywood boxes for cutting with a jigsaw necessarily contain fasteners that are part of the overall plate. Therefore, it is better to start here by cutting out internal cavities and fragments.

If you are missing a selection of images from your home archive, we advise you to turn to ready-made collections. Now such stencils are used not only for cutting on plywood, but a number of artistic crafts take them as a basis, so it will not be difficult for you to buy such sets in stationery stores, and sometimes even in underground passages.

Advanced users who have a good printer at home can download one of the common graphics programs to their computer and use it to create professional copyrighted works.

Cutting process

Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of the jigsaw. As mentioned, it's best to start with the manual option. The price of such a tool and instructions for working with it are available to almost everyone. A couple of decades ago, such work was part of the compulsory labor education program for boys in schools.

Initially, the cutting blade should be correctly secured. The blade teeth should only point down towards the handle. First, one of the edges of the blade is securely clamped, after which the other end of the jigsaw is slightly compressed by 10 - 15 mm and the opposite edge of the blade is fixed. It is not necessary to stretch too much, the blade may burst during operation.