A little bedtime story about the kindness of God. Short stories about good and evil

What is the value of a bedtime story? Happy ending. So the fairy tale about the sea urchin was no exception. The whole fairy tale is a chain of incredible events, but the most interesting thing happened at the end ...

Listen to a fairy tale (4min21sec)

Bedtime story about the sea urchin

Once upon a time there was a sea urchin. He had sharp needles with which he knew how to move along the seabed. And the seabed is a series of dangers. Near the seabed, you can find a viper fish, a large-mouth eel, a giant spider crab, and many others. But the needles of the sea urchin were sharp, and he knew how to defend himself.

And how many legs he had! When the sea urchin was not in the mood, the astrologer fish said that the hedgehog got up on the wrong foot today. Interestingly, and with what the wrong foot, if he has a thousand! The sea urchin did all the work quickly - he took his legs in his hands and immediately got down to business. "Feet in hand" is just an expression that the sea urchin was very fond of.

He lived in a very salty sea, because all his relatives, brothers and sisters, did not feel very well in the salty seas. The sea urchin has long been accustomed to the sea, to its inhabitants. And everything was fine. But then one day his grandmother read to her grandson a fairy tale about a hedgehog who lives in the far away. He can run, somersaults, roll along a forest path, and most importantly, he has only four legs!

- How does he live like that? - thought the sea urchin. - Only four legs - how little! Here I have a thousand of them and all are dear to me. It would be nice to have at least one eye look at the forest hedgehog. But I cannot leave the sea, otherwise my body will quickly start losing water, and I will become miserable and flattened.

“On the other hand,” the sea urchin reasoned, “my forest brother will not be able to sink into the sea, because he is a land hedgehog. This means that we will never meet.

- What a pity that I will never meet my brother, the forest hedgehog! - shouted the sea urchin to the familiar seagull, which sank into the water.

“I’ll ask the carrier pigeon to send your photo to the hedgehog and send him your regards,” the seagull said.

- Hooray! - the sea urchin was delighted. And so they did.

Some time passed, and the carrier pigeon reappeared at the seagull. He sent a small parcel from the forest urchin to the sea. It contained a jar of salted mushrooms, a photograph, and a greeting card. The sea urchin was very happy. He liked the mushrooms, because the sea urchin was omnivorous, he loved everything tasty.

Before going to bed, he thought for a long time about the forest hedgehog. I imagined the forest, thought about its secrets, about how everything in the world is arranged in an interesting and surprising way. The sea urchin had a good, fabulous dream.

Fabulous dreams and you, my friend!

There are words delicious, tasty. Say such a word - and immediately drooling will flow. For example, "banana". And remember "pineapple", and the mouth water will flow even more.

There are words soft, fluffy and affectionate. For example, "kitten" and "chicken".

And there are also scary ones. Here is one such word - "barracuda". Say it out loud:
-BAR-R-RAKUDA! - And immediately everyone will be scared. Even for those who do not know what it is.
And the barracuda is a sea pike, so big and long. Even longer than a sofa or bed. She has large sharp teeth and small predatory eyes.

She lives in the ocean and hunt for all living things that come across her on the way. Her scales are silvery, shimmering blue. Therefore, in clear water, barracuda is almost invisible. And when he looks out for prey, he freezes. Only its toothed mouth with the lower jaw protruding forward now opens and closes. As if she is making faces at someone. That's how terrible she is!
Once I met a barracuda lobster and said:
- Langouste - sea crayfish, I'll eat you!

And he said nothing. Once. You need to save yourself. He darted into a deep hole, and only his mustache sticks out from there. Do not get the barracuda spiny lobster.

A nimble fish hid behind the corals, whose body was densely covered with needles.

Found her barracuda and says:
- Fish-hedgehog, I'll eat you!
The fish got scared, swelled in all directions from fear.
Became round, round, like a ball. Frozen in the water, and thorny needles spread wide: do not come near! Not a fish, but some kind of spiky balloon.

I tried the barracuda to bite the fish ball. Where there! Needles do not give. Sharp, and even poisonous, stick out in all directions. So the barracuda sailed away, not salty.
Meanwhile, a shell was crawling along the bottom. She carried her heavy shell-house on herself.
- A curly shell, I'll eat you!

And the shell hid in its stone-solid house and fell silent. Try it, get it out of there!

I saw a barracuda swimming away octopus.
- Octopus cephalopod, I'll eat you!

As soon as she said, he splashed dark ink directly in her eyes. As the barracuda looked around, the octopus disappeared.

The sea, ships, pirates, sea monsters and other inhabitants of reservoirs have always attracted children. We have selected nine books on big water for children of all ages.

Loud scandal in the Pacific Ocean

Pronto, per. Natalia Morozova

An excellent book from a series of detective books-seekers "School of detectives". You will have to work hard and think hard to solve all the riddles and puzzles collected in these books, but the secrets are worth it!

Actions take place on board the liner, which plows the Pacific Ocean. Three mysterious crimes take place on the ship: exquisite delicacies have disappeared from the ship's kitchen, someone destroyed the cabin of the capricious princess Nesmeyana, and a robber stole the passengers' jewelry. Only the most observant detective can solve crimes.

They are not scary at all here, and spy puzzles will be solved much more fun if your suspects are characters with unusual names - Phil O "log, Nikola Nidvora, Beck Vmeshkah, Emil Pardon and others.

For whom. For children from 10 years old

Emil. Good octopus

Tomi Ungerer

Half a century ago, this book was presented to children by the famous artist, winner of the Anderson Prize, creator of the well-known boa constrictor Kriktor and no less popular Hryullops piglets, Tomi Ungerer. His work leaves no one indifferent. They inspire both adults and children, and excite the imagination.

The protagonist of this story is a very kind and cute octopus who rescues drowning people and those in trouble in the depths of the sea, loves children very much, can transform into different animals and play chess with a diver at the bottom of the sea. Children will definitely fall in love with these nondescript-looking sea reptiles, but they are unlikely to be able to eat them after this book.

For whom. For children from 2 to 5 years old

Julia Donaldson

The book about the underwater world from the British creators of the world bestseller about Gruffalo tells incredible stories of the dreamer-sprat (it turns out, there is such a fish - sprat!) In verse. An excellent translation by Maria Boroditskaya, as well as drawings by Axel Scheffler with his signature, perfectly recognizable colorful style, will make you and your children reopen this book more than once, and maybe even learn it by heart.

Many different inhabitants study at the marine school, and only one of them is always late because of some kind of adventure, in which only she believes. But suddenly she really gets into trouble, and for some reason completely unfamiliar fish and animals come to her aid. Why? The sea is also full of rumors. No less sea book by the same authors - "The Snail and the Whale" - can serve as an excellent addition to reading with children at sea.

For whom... For children from 2 years old

Little Cod Adventure

Ulaf Cusheron

For some reason, children's writers and artists love to devote their books and cartoons to marine life. Probably because this world is almost unknown to us, and also because they are mysterious and silent.

The publishing house "Compass Guide" some time ago, for the first time in the last half century, republished a book by a Norwegian writer about the adventures of an inquisitive, like all children, a fry of cod named Trond. In addition to an interesting fairy tale plot, this small encyclopedia contains a lot of popular science facts about the underwater world. It will help adults answer many of the children's "why" that arise when a child finds himself in an unfamiliar environment - at sea. How gills and swim bladders are arranged in fish, why they do not drown, and a dolphin or a whale can drown, what does a starfish or stingray eat, how different fish breed, seahorses and corals - everything is here.

For whom. For children 3-4 years old.

How I became a traveler

Fedor Konyukhov

The sea for children is associated not only with fish and the underwater world, but also with ships. And this means - with travel, pirates and exciting adventures. In this small in volume, but very interesting and instructive book, a famous traveler, conqueror of seas and oceans, as well as mountain peaks and ice, Fyodor Konyukhov tells children about his incredible wanderings and why he chose this path. As a 15-year-old, he single-handedly crossed the Sea of ​​Azov on the oars, and a little later, at 50 - already the whole Atlantic Ocean, conquered all the highest mountain peaks. He encountered whales, pirates and polar bears. And the most interesting thing is that all this is not the inventions of writers and not at all fairy tales, but the pure truth!

“A traveler should cherish all our beautiful Earth in his heart with care and love,” he instructs future sailors and rock climbers.

For whom. For children from 4 to 10 years old

Over water, on water, under water

Nikolay Vatagin

An excellent mini-encyclopedia in pictures of all vehicles associated with the water space. Concise, but informative text and most importantly - wonderful illustrations by Nikolai Vatagin, in the smallest details, without words, children and adults are told all the most interesting about the structure of ships, water planes or submarines.

For whom... For children from 3 to 6 years old.

The picture book, without a single word, conveys all the shades of emotions and experiences of a child playing with the sea element. The author of the illustrations, a young Korean artist Suzie Lee, has received many honorary international awards for this book.

The masterful combination of black and white drawings of a girl and seagulls on one page and the azure blue sea opposite is mesmerizing. Children, like in a mirror, look at the reflection in the sea wave of the emotions of a girl who is teasing, frolicking, frightened, then playing tenderly with her.

For whom. For all ages

Hello my brother Bzou!

Evgeny Rudashevsky

The debut story of the writer and journalist Yevgeny Rudashevsky, even in the manuscript, was awarded the Kniguru prize and brought the author the main prize. This is a documentary story about the friendship between a boy and a dolphin on the eve of the war. In the yard in 1980, 17-year-old Amza, together with his older brother, rescues a dolphin that has washed ashore and gradually becomes his friend.

Against the background - the rough life and customs of the Abkhaz village, whose inhabitants plow the land for centuries, go to the sea and, frankly, do not quite understand the boy's unusual friendship with the dolphin. Soon Amze should turn 18, which means that he is waiting for a military call, which promises the hero something more terrible than separation from a friend that occupies all his thoughts. Most interestingly, there is practically no war in the book. Rudashevsky's heroes do not really know what it is, but that is why their confusion and timidity look even more piercing. The feeling of the senselessness of the impending catastrophe and the premonition of separation from the usual way of life are perhaps the main motive that Rudashevsky managed to convey.

For whom. For children from 12 years old

"Vasa" goes to sea!

Mats Val

If you have been to Stockholm, you have probably visited the Vasa Museum - a ship of the early seventeenth century from the time of the Swedish king Gustav II Adolf, which was supposed to become the largest warship in the world, but sank without sailing even 20 minutes. It did not sink forever, but it was discovered and raised to the surface only in 1961.

"Vasa" is not just a historical Swedish attraction, but also an important witness of the era, because it has almost entirely preserved all the decoration and equipment. Therefore, the writer Mats Val has two stories: first, a fictional one - a story about how Vasa was built, and then a documentary one - a detailed story about its decks, holds, which adorned its magnificent wooden sculptures. Of particular value here are the drawings by Sven Nordqvist, an artist familiar to everyone from stories about Petson and Findus and known for his attention to detail: not a single detail escapes his gaze.

For whom. For children from 6 years old.