How and with what to close a crack in the wall - effective ways. Do-it-yourself wall repair - repairing cracks and eliminating other defects Repairing cracks for painting in an apartment

Due to the movement of the soil layers, the entire structure rolls, then to one side, then to the other. But the building itself stands solidly, due to the good.

In the event that a crack appears in the wall of the house, this may mean that the foundation is doing its job very poorly. But there are many more reasons why cracks can occur even without destroying the foundation.

If the supporting soils do not evenly accept the load, the tape will deform more than the walls of the building can withstand.

It's easy to do this:

If the markers remain intact or the cracks expand or narrow, then this means that the foundation is doing its job well, and there was stress in the wall materials that splashed out in the form of cracks.

To strengthen the wall in the emergency area, apply:

  1. Reinforcement with carbon fiber or steel mesh, on the outside;
  2. Metal frames or anchor fastenings;
  3. Reinforcing elements that are laid along the strobes;
  4. Use the injection method.

So before you start building, consider all the nuances. Well, if troubles did occur, then after reading this article you will know what to do.

We hope that the information in this article was useful to you. We wish you good luck!

The walls are subjected to various deformations and traces of destruction are formed on them. The solution to the question: "how to close a crack in the wall" cannot be postponed. It is necessary to find the cause of the defect and eliminate it. After that, quickly and correctly strengthen the wall in the place of the defect and veneer.

Causes and dynamics of the formation of defects

There are many reasons why cracks form on the wall. Basically, this is poor-quality work done during construction and poor, inappropriate technical documentation, material. Ignoring the results of geological exploration or not conducting soil studies is about half of the reasons for the formation of large defects in the facade. Among the most common causes of wall failure:

  • the use of raw material in the laying of walls;
  • soil subsidence;
  • high groundwater level;
  • weak foundation does not withstand loads;
  • deepening of the foundation is less than the level of soil freezing;
  • violation of construction technology;
  • poor quality building materials;
  • unprotected facade made of hygroscopic material;
  • lack of waterproofing between the basement and the wall.

Strengthening cracks in the wall should begin with identifying the cause of their formation and, if possible, eliminating it. It is necessary to trace the dynamics of the expansion of the gap within a few days, and close it as soon as possible.

Reinforcing mixtures are selected based on their masonry materials, and depend on the location inside or outside.

Installation of beacons

Experts recommend installing beacons on cracks in the wall immediately after detecting a defect and observing the result for 8 to 10 days, while all the necessary materials are being prepared to prevent further destruction. Gypsum and solutions based on it, special devices and strips of paper are used as beacons.

Before installing beacons on a crack in the wall, it is necessary to clean the place of their attachment. Otherwise, the beacon will slide along with the plaster.

Paper strips are stretched across the fault and glued on both sides. When the wall moves, they break.

Gypsum beacons are placed indoors. Stir gypsum with water to a thick putty consistency. From the composition, a kind of dumbbell is made with wide edges and a narrow middle. A beacon is attached across the defect. On it you can put risks on both sides at a certain distance. Then use them to measure the size of the offset.

For external use, a cement-gypsum mixture is used. It is less susceptible to moisture.

Professionals are armed with various devices, including micrometers, which are mounted on the wall and record the slightest displacement in hundredths of a mm in both directions.

Defects in the basement, their elimination

The plinth is in direct contact with the soil, constantly flooded with rainwater and covered with snow. Cracks in the lower part of the house are formed more often than in the walls.

Cinder block and other building blocks

Defects in the block plinth occur mainly due to the mobility of the soil under them. If the foundation is weak, it is advisable to strengthen it by digging a ditch along the perimeter next to it to the full depth and filling it with mortar. This will strengthen the foundation of the house, and cracks will appear much less frequently. When pouring from the roof of the corner of the building, it begins to sag, warping the base and causing deformation.

How to repair cracks in a cinder block wall after eliminating the causes of subsidence of the foundation:

  1. Remove plaster and other finishes.
  2. Clear cracks, remove all pieces that are not firmly held.
  3. Remove dust and sand with a damp sponge.
  4. Hammer the anchors into the crack with a hammer. Fix them with dowels on 2 sides.
  5. Connect the anchors with wire if the crack is narrow. If it is wide, fix the metal mesh.
  6. Fill the crack cavity with cement-sand mortar from the outside and gypsum or gypsum-cement mortar from the inside.
  7. A layer of plaster is applied over the grid. After drying, it is cleaned with a fine sandpaper, leveled and further finishing is done.

Slag base and walls

The reason for the formation of cracks in the slag-filling house is in a hurry and a violation of technology. After the formwork was installed, the solution was poured quickly, without ramming it and without releasing the formed air bubbles. Over time, these internal voids become stress concentrators and cracks form along them.

When the temperature changes, condensation forms in the bubbles. Freezing, it bursts concrete particles and destroys it. Several actions are performed to close a crack in the wall of a slag-filled house.

  1. Clear the gap by increasing its width and depth.
  2. Remove all crumbling fragments, sand.
  3. Remove all dust with a wet sponge.
  4. Fill the void with cement mortar.
  5. Put a metal reinforced mesh on top with a margin of 40 - 50 cm in all directions. Fasten it with dowels.
  6. Plaster the entire area with cement-sand mortar.

Further finishing is carried out in accordance with the rest of the plinth. It is advisable to cover the top with a moisture-resistant material to prevent moisture from entering and slow down the destruction.

Often the slots in slag-filled plinths can be through. In this case, they are sealed on both sides, well tamping the cement mortar into the void. Other material is also suitable for sealing a crack in the wall. If it is not load-bearing or lightly loaded, mounting foam is used. After hardening, its excess is cut off 2 mm deep, the mesh is attached and everything is plastered.

External wall repair

Less danger for the destruction of the house are horizontal cracks in the walls. The reason for their formation is related to the design of the house:

  • different depths of the foundation of the outer walls and under the partitions;
  • lack of ligament between internal and external walls;
  • poor quality masonry;
  • closely spaced groundwater wash away the foundation;
  • wind movement of the roof.

Usually, a thin winding crack, several mm wide, runs along the perimeter. It is cut, cleaned of dust and primed. After that, fill with sealant.

An armored belt is made around the perimeter of a metal strip and anchors. After that, the crack in the wall should be repaired from the inside in the same way.

Note! Vertical defects in a load-bearing wall are dangerous, especially if they continue to expand.

Restoration of facade plaster

Timely sealing of cracks in the plaster of the outer walls significantly extends the operational period of the building. If the finishing technology is violated and the proportions of the plaster components are not respected, the facade resembles parched soil. How to remove cracks on the plaster of the walls outside. It is impossible to cut them all, it is easier to completely remove the plaster.

  1. Clean the wall with a metal brush from all particles that are weak to stick to.
  2. Coat with a deep penetration primer. Use a coarse brush and rub the primer in different directions.
  3. Attach polypropylene or fiberglass mesh.
  4. Apply a thin layer of plaster. If it is necessary to even out large differences, plaster in 2 - 3 layers, cleaning and covering with a primer.
  5. Cover the walls with water-based paint or make another facade finish.

By themselves, small cracks in the plaster are not dangerous. But rainwater gets into them, which destroys the wall covering. In winter, it freezes, penetrating deeper into the plaster and then the masonry. That is why it is necessary to close up a crack in the plaster on the wall.

Strengthening brickwork

Small cracks in the brickwork formed instead of the spilled mortar are sealed to prevent water from entering and further destruction. They must be cleaned with a metal brush, blow out the dirt from them and sealed with sealant or mounting foam using a thin nozzle on the gun.

To close a crack in the wall of a brick house with a width of more than 1 cm, especially if it continues to expand, it is necessary with the help of screeds.

  1. The wall is cut perpendicular to the crack or along the horizontal seams between the bricks. Holes are drilled along the edges of the recess.
  2. The reinforced metal bar is welded with the letter "P", the crossbar is equal to the length of the selected recesses. The side pins are inserted into the hole.
  3. A crossbar is welded on the inside. The excess is cut off.

Such through brackets are placed at a distance of 20 cm from each other along the entire length of the crack.

Local cracks in the wall that do not expand are best removed by laying bricks. Dismantle all the broken brick from top to bottom. Lay a new one in its place, with dressing - displacement of bricks.

What solution is better to seal the cracks in the walls of the house so that it does not get enough sleep. You need to add plasticizers. For external walls it is lime and Bustilat glue. In the cement mortar, their content should not exceed 10%.

Concrete wall

A solid and waterproof concrete slab is not eternal. Over time, defects form in it. The façade needs to be inspected from time to time. It is easier to repair small cracks in the wall than to repair a crumbling panel.

  1. Use a jackhammer to clear the crack.
  2. Cover the opened metal reinforcement with a primer so that it does not rust.
  3. Seal the crack with a mortar of cement and water.
  4. From above, plaster with the addition of river sand to the cement.

If there are a large number of small cracks on the concrete wall inside the room, cover with a concrete primer, stick fiberglass and putty.

Elimination of defects in the walls inside the room

Often, small cracks in the masonry appear on the finish: the wallpaper is torn and lagged behind, the tile swells. Sealing cracks in the wall of the apartment begins with the removal of cladding and plaster. Having cleaned to the brickwork, the cracks must be cut, filled with sealant. Then lay a strip of sickle mesh on top and putty. After drying, clean, plaster.

Cracks in plaster

During the repair, small cracks in the wall are sealed. If a vertical gap has formed, and the restoration work is far away, the wall should be restored.

Foam blocks, aerated concrete and other lightweight materials

Often a crack appears in the wall of foam blocks, how to close up a warm, soft material. All blocks manufactured with the introduction of air inside are suitable as a good heat insulator. The material is not designed for heavy loads. In the construction of residential buildings, foam blocks are used for the inner layer of masonry and they have little effect on the strength of the house structure.

How to fix cracks in a foam block wall? Gypsum mortar with the addition of PVA glue as a plasticizer - up to 5% and reinforcing polyethylene or plastic fiber.

  1. Clean the defect with the angle of a metal spatula or a construction knife.
  2. Cover with primer.
  3. Fill with solution.
  4. Fix sickle or polypropylene mesh.
  5. Cover with putty.

After drying, clean and carry out subsequent wall decoration by painting or sticking wallpaper.

Features of working with plaster

Plaster blocks are used to create soundproof and lightweight partitions. If there is no foundation for the internal walls, then it can be laid on beams, choosing hollow slabs. How to repair cracks in plaster walls. The name itself suggests the material. The cracks are sealed with a solution of gypsum with PVA or Bustilat. Small defects and gaps between the boards can be filled with sealant or gypsum adhesive.

A beautiful corner instead of a torn slit

Depending on the size of the defect in the corner, it is reinforced with metal corners or only with mesh. A large gap, especially if it grows, requires urgent repair.

  1. Clean up.
  2. Select at a distance of 20 - 25 cm platforms on both sides of the gap for fastening the corners.
  3. Drill holes, hammer in dowels and fix metal corners with sides on different walls.
  4. Fill a large gap with foam if the wall is brick or foam block. Concrete joint with cement and water.
  5. Lay sickle or fiberglass.
  6. Plaster.
  7. For an even corner, drown a perforated metal corner in the plaster - a profile.
  8. To putty, to clean.

If the house is panel and defects have formed at the junction, it is necessary to inform the homeowner and demand from him external repairs and sealing of the panel joints.

Drywall needs to be replaced

Used for leveling walls, they swell from moisture and warp. When dried, they form gaps in the outer coating. You can close up a fine mesh of defects with putty. But for a long time, a sheet repaired in this way will not last.

How to repair cracks in plasterboard walls? Small defects can be repaired with acrylic. The deformed septum is restored by replacing the swollen GKL. The sheet is neatly trimmed. If it is installed, the fastener is removed. In its place, another plate is placed or glued to the wall. Joints between sheets are sealed.

If defects are formed due to the drying of gypsum plaster, fiberglass can be glued as a reinforcing material.

The appearance of cracks in the walls is a problem. Both for multi-storey buildings and for private ones. It contributes to paint shedding, wallpaper peeling off and other troubles that any owner would like to avoid. You should not be especially afraid, just solve the problem as it appears and do not drag it out - anyway, nothing is eternal. The main thing is that a small crack does not lead to serious damage, otherwise you will have to spend more effort, time and money. Here I will tell you how to fix a crack in the wall with your own hands.

Why cracks appear

The causes are quite varied. If you see cracks no more than a millimeter in your house, then there is no reason to panic. Experts call this a perfectly acceptable phenomenon, in which you should not rush to the hardware store and purchase materials for repairs.

The appearance can cause a change in the ground under the house itself plus insufficient bearing capacity of the walls. Such a crack can be decorated with a mirror. But here it is necessary to pay special attention to the material from which the building is made. If brick and concrete are one thing, then a crack in a foam block wall is already a big danger for the entire construction. But the panel house is not too troublesome to repair.

Not the last role is played by swelling and shrinkage - the behavior of the material under humidity and different weather conditions. This also includes the purpose of use of the building and the loads exerted on it.

Constant vibrations, wind, heavy traffic, high temperatures are also important factors that affect the appearance of cracks in one or another element of the house.

Why is a crack dangerous?

The danger appears if the cause of the split is construction defects after a major overhaul or restructuring. To make sure, apply a plaster mark or control strip to the crack. Take a little specially prepared gypsum and apply it to the cracked place, about the width of the palm of your hand. If within three to four weeks the crack does not appear, it is not so scary.

If it appears, wait another eight weeks (experts allow this period to be extended to twelve weeks). When it gets bigger, contact an expert. With it, it will be possible to determine how deep the problem is, and in what way it is best to solve it. You can monitor the changes in the split using special wall beacons. They will help keep track of both vertical and horizontal changes.

Crack in plaster

In order to get rid of such a "guest" in the plaster, you will need the following tools:

  1. brush,
  2. putty knife,
  3. brush,
  4. plaster mortar,
  5. sandpaper.

Repair consists of the following steps:

First of all, thoroughly clean the area from construction debris and dust. If there is, remove the adhesive paint. This is done as follows: the surface is wetted with a brush, and then scraped off with a spatula. Remove dust with a brush, and then thoroughly rinse the place with water.

Make liquid gypsum mortar. Do not forget that the interior walls are suitable for the use of lime mortar plaster. Gently cover the gap with mortar using a spatula.

The filled gap should dry well. Next, use sandpaper and level the wall.

Separately, we will consider how to deal with cracks "cobwebs" that appear in the plaster on the internal and external walls. They may not be so large, but their significant danger lies in the fact that the cobwebs can “spread” all over the wall, justifying their name. The reason for their appearance is usually the broken technology in the process of preparing the solution.

To get rid of them on the interior walls, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • fiberglass mesh or cullet - fiberglass called "spider line";
  • putty knife;
  • brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • putty.

The repair is done like this:

  1. Clean the area where the splits have appeared well;
  2. Prime the surface thoroughly;
  3. Glue the mesh onto the applied layer of putty. Please note that the mesh should cover the entire putty;
  4. Apply putty again on top of the fiberglass mesh and wait until it dries well;
  5. Treat the area with sandpaper;
  6. After that, you can paint the wall or stick wallpaper.

Now let's move on to work with the elimination of "cobwebs" on the outer walls. Usually it is done in private homes. In order to make repairs, you will need:

  • mixture of Ceresit CT-29,
  • reinforced mesh.

Crack in brickwork

Necessary tools, materials:

  1. brush;
  2. putty knife;
  3. sealant;
  4. primer.

Repair steps:

  • Widen a crack in a brick wall (clear and deepen the cracked section of the wall);
  • Carefully apply a layer of primer.

Using a construction gun, seal with seam sealer.

Important! When working with a sealant, pay attention to its composition! If it is a silicone type sealant, then it cannot be used, because it is not suitable for further work with paint and plaster.

  • Remove any excess applied material.

Crack in drywall

You will need:

  1. fiberglass tape;
  2. putty;
  3. putty knife.

Repair steps:

  • Carefully apply a layer of putty to the resulting crack. Treat both angled sides of the split;
  • Apply fiberglass tape to the area treated with putty.
  • The excess part of the tape can be removed;

  • Then, using a spatula, apply an even layer of putty to the tape. Proceed as follows: start from the middle and carefully move towards the edges. It is worth pressing the tapes with a spatula so that a little putty protrudes from under the tape itself.

All of the above is more suitable for small cracks. The big ones are a little more difficult. But since large splits are much more dangerous than small ones, I will tell you how to close them in both internal and external walls.

When sealing a large crack inside, you will need:

  • small spatula;
  • large spatula (will go for decoration);
  • sponge;
  • brush;
  • gypsum mortar;
  • reinforced tape (but gauze is also suitable).

The repair process is as follows:

  1. Clean the area well with a damp sponge.

Make a gypsum grout (exactly as described in the point about small cracks), but add more vinegar or wood glue. These additives will help slow down the setting of the solution.

  1. Use a chisel and hammer to trim the edges of the crack.

Apply a neat layer of putty. It is necessary to make sure that not only the crack is closed, but also part of the wall around it. In this case, you will have a guarantee that cracking will not go further.

  1. After that, cover the treated area with gauze or reinforced tape.

Proceed to putty work. Your goal is to putty so that the glued tape (gauze) is not visible.

  1. Then you can safely glue the wallpaper (paint the walls).

Large splits in the outer walls can also be repaired independently. To do this, prepare:

  • lime-cement mortar;
  • putty knife;
  • plaster.

The work steps are as follows:

  1. Clean the split area well;
  2. Make a lime-cement mortar. Provided that the crack is very large and through, pieces of brick can be added to the mortar;
  3. The finished solution is applied to the crack. Wait for it to dry;
  4. Carefully plaster the repaired area.

It happens that entire sections can move. Then it is necessary to make a screed of steel strips and brackets.

Using the methods described above, you can easily and quickly seal the cracks that have arisen in your walls. The main thing is to carefully read the tips and act in stages, then success and a worthy appearance of the walls are guaranteed!

Video “Cracks in the walls of the house. How to avoid it"

Video about the causes of cracks in the walls of the house and methods for their elimination.

It seems to many residents of the private sector and low-rise brick houses that they will not be affected by the problem with cracks in the wall. However, any structure ages, shrinks unevenly, and redevelopment for many houses is generally destructive. If a foundation pit is made for a new building next to a panel high-rise building and work is underway, then cracks in the load-bearing wall appear. Even if there are no noticeable cracks in the house, they are also found during repairs under the old wallpaper. Therefore, it is important to know how to close a crack in the wall, no matter how big or small. Even better - to prevent further spreading at the seams in places of noticeable destruction of the vertical outer and inner planes.

Causes of cracks in the wall

In some regions, cracks in the walls almost never form, in other places they are quite common, especially if the foundation laying technology in unstable soils is violated.

The main reason for the occurrence of a crack in the walls of the house is uneven shrinkage or displacement of soil layers under the foundation. This happens for 3 reasons:

  • violation of technologies by developers;
  • unstable and heterogeneous soils;
  • insufficient foundation depth required under given conditions.

Those who have never encountered building technologies have no idea that not every soil is suitable for construction. That is why fertile soil outside the city is often allocated for garden partnerships, but it is forbidden to build two-story and massive houses there. This is due to heterogeneous soils and the specific composition of the soil, which is why it is unacceptable to exceed the design load. In some regions, a narrow foundation cannot be laid, in other places, piles are needed around the perimeter of the house, or a deep monolithic foundation is required.

The construction also takes into account the slope of the terrain or the natural sliding of the soil, which is not obvious. A change in the terrain is often indicated only by satellite images taken after a few years, and visually this is not noticeable, as with mudflows or landslides. The stability of the foundation is also affected by the movement of groundwater and the movement of soil in places where tectonic plates break.

Cracks in the foundation, which can lead to the destruction of the entire structure, are sometimes not visible if they are on the inside or outside under the finish. It gradually collapses over time, especially if the house was made in haste, using the most affordable and low-quality natural materials that are not suitable for capital construction. For example, a foundation mortar was poured from cement of the wrong grade, which is recommended, with unsifted sea sand (instead of river sand), using rubble stone from a nearby quarry. Then you have to deal with the sealing of cracks in the walls on your own.

When a monolithic reinforced foundation is laid at a sufficient depth during the construction of a house, uneven shrinkage is usually not observed. However, any foundation must stand for a year or two, and only then are walls and roofs built. This is especially true for multi-storey private buildings without an architectural project. The foundation will sink with excess load and may give cracks that will go along the walls. The most risky is to lay the foundation of unreinforced natural stone, which does not have rectangular edges. Violation of the blind area over time will also show the shortcomings of the builders.

If we talk about the Russian soil, then it is impossible to immediately briefly talk about all the regions. But a significant part of the flat soils of the central part of Russia is loam and clay soil, subject to the so-called "frost heaving". That is, groundwater is perfectly absorbed, and freezing, the loam expands. As a result, the soil, as it were, "pushes" the new foundation out of itself. And when there is an active flood, the clay soil is saturated to the limit with melt water and becomes plastic, like plasticine. It is for this reason that a shallow foundation gives cracks and distortions of the walls.

So, the main cause of cracks in the wall of the house is the displacement of the foundation or its movement, as well as the uneven shrinkage of the structure under increased pressure. Among other reasons, it is also worth mentioning:

  • insufficient level of laying the foundation;
  • heterogeneous soil on the site;
  • a large slope of the terrain;
  • the impact of groundwater and underground rivers;
  • destruction of the foundation from time to time;
  • use of poor quality building materials.

Among the most common violations of building technologies, it is worth pointing out:

  • incorrect dressing of the masonry of internal and load-bearing walls;
  • incorrect structural repairs;
  • engineering communications are laid after the completion of construction through a trench under the foundation;
  • lack of waterproofing and storm water;
  • wrong choice of foundation type;
  • excavation of an unplanned basement without strengthening the foundations;
  • "Sagging" of foundation fragments due to pipe laying.

The deformation of the base reaches a critical point, after which the brickwork and the foundation cannot remain intact, this leads to the formation of cracks in the brick walls. When there is no competent architectural design, and construction is carried out “by eye”, without a thorough check of the horizontal and vertical of all surfaces, the structure is distorted. Brick walls (exterior finishes) sometimes crack due to improper bonding between bricks and weak mortar.

What to do if cracks are found in the walls?

It should be learned that when the crack expands, "cosmetic" plastering is not enough, it is necessary to stop the walls from spreading. Without eliminating the cause, it is impossible to deal with the consequences of a construction error. Sometimes the situation can be somehow saved by “tying” the cracked walls with a metal structure. After that, it is really possible to sheathe the outer surface with siding, foam the walls, and reinforce the inside with a reinforcing stack and plaster.

When the problem is not so obvious, the crack does not expand, then small wall defects can be hidden by competent repairs. In some cases, the house becomes emergency, and its collapse is a matter of time. Here, the issue cannot be solved with plaster and reinforcement, and one will have to move out of such a house over time. In addition, water and cold penetrate through the cracks of the emergency house, fungus and mold start up, and housing becomes unusable. When strengthening the foundation, sometimes the situation can be saved, but this should be done by specialists.

Attention: Cracks in the load-bearing wall are not the problem itself, but an indicator of the destruction that occurs in the building. If the extension or redevelopment of the house was done without effective reinforcement, cracks in the walls are inevitable.

How to fix cracks in the wall?

Found cracks in the wall - what to do? First of all, do not think about the worst, it is not a fact that the house is in emergency condition. And if the crack does not increase, then conventional finishing methods to eliminate defects are sufficient. For example, the gap is foamed on both sides if it is through, and a small crack on the wall or ceiling is plastered under the reinforcing mesh. On top of the puna outside, waterproofing is needed so that moisture does not penetrate into the house. However, it is important to fix any crack and clean it from unstable particles.

Attention: In the event of a crack in the walls of the apartment, it is necessary to contact specialists who are able to determine the cause of the split in the building and assess the degree of resolution. If the house is in disrepair, an act is required.

1. Small cracks in the ceiling or wall.

You can get by with cosmetic repairs - re-plaster the wall or hide the defect with putty. Cleaning the crack from unstable particles, it is necessary to increase it a little. But it's better than making repeated repairs if the exfoliated debris cracks again. Cleaning the problem area is done:

  • spatula;
  • metal brush;
  • vacuum cleaner or heat blower.

Next, the crack is slightly moistened with a spray gun and treated with a primer. Be sure to clean the dry surface of the plaster with an abrasive material, then prepare the ceiling or wall for finishing - whitewashing, wallpapering, painting or tiling. After that, small cracks in the plaster walls are not visible.

2. Noticeable defects on the ceiling or wall.

How to fix such a crack in the wall? It all depends on what material the wall is made of, and the total depth of the crack. Often a crack is only visible on the inside of load-bearing walls or on the ceiling of a dwelling. In such a situation, the gap is freed from crumbling materials and sealed with cement mortar or gypsum. After the initial embedding and drying of the solution, the finished plaster or putty is applied to the problem area, covered with a reinforcing mesh and again plastered with the finishing mixture. Next, a general leveling of the surface is carried out in order to finally hide the traces of the crack. Next, the surface is covered with a finish - paper wallpapers are often torn in crevices, so it is better to use more plastic non-woven wallpaper for painting.

3. Significant through cracks on the walls.

How to close up a clear through crack in the wall? With obvious defects, it is impossible to do without strengthening the walls in order to prevent further spreading. If the building is used as temporary housing, then it is enough to treat the cracks with foam filler. But remember that too much foam contributes to the expansion of the crack, and its remains should not stick out. Therefore, mounting foam is applied in stages to add in those areas where it is not enough. Next, the remaining foam is cut off, waterproofed and covered with cement mortar on the outside and gypsum plaster on the inside. The gap must be reinforced and closed with a finishing putty.

There are frequent cases when it is necessary to reduce the load on a cracked wall - to dismantle the extension, and then install a jumper or metal reinforcement. The corners are tightened with long bolts, but this is effective on monolithic walls, the brickwork will crack further. On a brick wall, it is easiest to eliminate an external defect, but it is difficult to keep the wall from destruction.

Attention: the best way to prevent further formation of cracks is to strengthen the walls, which is done by various methods. It is best to contact specialists, but sometimes it is easy to do it yourself.

Cracked monolithic walls are repaired using monolithic reinforcing belts around the entire perimeter, after which the exterior walls are finished. A belt of reinforcement is made both at the roof and above the foundation, sometimes in several rows. After that, they proceed to repair the cracks in the wall.

Tip: The crack being treated must be filled tightly, to the full depth, in layers, actively working with a spatula across the crack. On a fresh seal, it is advisable to lay a tape, mesh or other reinforcing material that is slightly trampled into the seam. Upon completion of work, be sure to check the vertical with a plumb line or a universal laser level.

Specialists fill monolithic walls with a plastic polymer-cement mortar, which is supplied with a spray gun. For a home master for different types of cracks in houses of a typical layout, it is recommended to use:

  • gypsum mixes;
  • starting plaster;
  • mounting foam;
  • self-adhesive tape;
  • cement-based adhesive for ceramic tiles;
  • mixtures based on PVA glue, sand and cement M400.

Wall repairs are carried out at room temperature in a ventilated room, without drafts, with normal air humidity.

Tip: Be sure to use comfortable working tools and protective clothing. With obvious cracks in the ceiling, beware of collapses!

Important: If the walls of a new country house cracked even at the construction stage, in no case do not complete the top floor or attic, limiting yourself to light ceiling and roofing materials!

One of the most popular materials for the construction of various objects is brick. However, this material is not ideal, and flaws and damage may occur in buildings made from it during their operation.

The most common flaw is cracks in the wall. Correcting such a shortcoming will not be difficult. To do this, you need to find out the cause of the crack and choose the necessary technological method to eliminate it.


The appearance of cracks on brick wall surfaces is a bad sign. However, with a properly laid foundation and proper masonry, cracks should not occur.

Any visible defect signals non-compliance with the standards of construction or use and needs to be immediately corrected for the cause of its occurrence. The level of difficulty in sealing cracks in wall surfaces depends on their thickness and depth (sometimes it is necessary to disassemble the required area of ​​​​brickwork).

You can close the crack with your own hands, if you follow our recommendations. We will help you fix any imperfections (such as a cracked surface of a load-bearing wall).

Causes of cracks

There are several reasons that create an unpleasant problem.

  • The absence or unsuitability of the link between the blocks. It manifests itself in the form of a vertical crack along the entire height of the wall (occurs during the construction of an extension to an existing building or if the work is not carried out correctly). You can get rid of the gap only if a preliminary screed is made with a reinforced belt.
  • Disadvantages when laying the foundation of the building: pouring the foundation to a shallow depth (less than the level of ground freezing), the use of granular or mineral blocks, the use of concrete with poor strength and resistance to frost. External manifestations: gaps in the corner areas or rapidly growing cracks in the upper parts of the brick wall surfaces.

This can be avoided by reinforcing the perimeter of the foundation by creating a concrete belt.

  • Erroneous determination of soil quality, due to which errors occur when taking into account the load. This also includes the deformation of soils as a result of vibrations, natural phenomena (eg active groundwater), as well as work carried out in the vicinity of the object. All this leads to the appearance of large cracks on the entire surface of the walls.
  • Settling of the structure during the first year of operation. This manifests itself in the form of small and shallow cracks, which do not increase in size in the future. To eliminate them, only minor repairs are needed.
  • . Cracks occur in areas of greatest stress. To avoid this, it is necessary to distribute the load evenly and make a coupler in the necessary places.

In order to close a crack in the wall of a brick house, you should follow a simple instruction:

  • carefully inspect the entire building, recognize and eliminate the centers of cracks;
  • periodically check the condition of the wall surfaces;
  • if the slightest cracks are found, everything possible must be done immediately to prevent the spread of defects;
  • when cracks form, it is necessary to clear the necessary internal area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cracks, as well as to maximize interaction with finishing agents;
  • after checking the walls and treating the cracks, the discovered cavities should be covered up and the outer insulation (or finish) should be made.

Before determining the cause of the defect, it is pointless to do anything to correct it.

In addition, it is necessary to constantly check the rate of crack growth. To do this, the gap must be marked with markings from putty composition or concrete mortar. The desired dimensions of the strips are 100×40 mm with a layer thickness of less than ten millimeters. There is also an easier method using paper. Checking for tears should be done every day for five weeks. If problems arise, a major overhaul of the base of the structure and the help of a professional is necessary.

It is worth remembering that a crack width of more than twenty millimeters is critical. In such a situation, it is necessary to additionally strengthen the edges of the cracks and strengthen the brick structures. Areas subject to destruction need to be dismantled.

If, after checking, you noted that the crack has not increased, then you can use the simple method of sealing a gap in a brick wall.

Methods for fixing cracks

It is worth remembering that the occurrence of vertical crevices with a width of ten millimeters is a harbinger of the destruction of the walls of the structure. Therefore, it will not work to repair this crack with cement mortar without a strong metal screed. In this regard, there are several options for repair.

  • Driving in special anchors from metal into dowels mounted along the edges of the crack.
  • Installation of longitudinal metal brackets with bends along the edges into pre-made holes in the wall surfaces (later they should be covered with cement mortar). This method is the easiest and most reliable when fixing through cracks from the outside.

  • Strengthening brickwork from the inside with special fastening joints. When mounting fasteners into the wall surface, they must be sunk to a great depth (more than half of the entire thickness of the wall). It is quite possible to alternate fasteners. In practice, the sealing of cracks in brick wall surfaces is carried out after the installation of fixing structures.
  • Reinforcing mesh use it is rational, if desired, to strengthen the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure, because even a careful calculation of the foundation does not guarantee the absence of the risk of shrinkage. When choosing a method and material to eliminate cracks, it is necessary to take into account the upcoming exterior finish. All parts made of metal material are treated with anti-corrosion compounds and masked by painting or covered with plaster.

How to fix cracks

Compositions for covering gaps depend on the location of the flaws (inside, outside the house or even under the window). Indoors, it is possible to tighten the crack with a gypsum-based composition or a mixture of lime and cement. For outdoor installation, it is better to choose the most moisture-resistant materials (otherwise, the finish will not last long).

  • For minor cracks(less than five millimeters wide) repair with cement mortar is suitable. In situations where shrinkage microscopic cracks do not exceed one millimeter, it is better to cover them with epoxy resin.
  • For defects with a length of five to ten millimeters sealing can be done with a composition of cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 3. To achieve a plastic consistency, water must be added.
  • For more problematic cracks in wall structures made of bricks (as well as in structures with a layer of air), foam for installation will be an excellent solution. Such material requires mandatory protection from sunlight, therefore, after solidification, foaming excess is removed.

  • For defects of various types suitable cement composition with the addition of polymers from the category of grades M400. The compositions are passed through a fine grate with a medium-sized grain of sand or wood glue based on polyvinyl acetate and water. PVA in such cases is added in excess (from one liter per bucket) and is added to the composition last.
  • For problem areas of the wall(on the inside or outside), silicone-based sealant can be used. The advantages of such a tool include plasticity and a long service life of the material, tolerance to changes in temperature and humidity, ease of repairing cracks with a mounting gun. The disadvantage of this method is the high financial costs, so it is not suitable for large areas and volumes.
  • If necessary, eliminate defects from the outside and in the presence of an outdated solution, mixtures with the addition of brick crumbs are used.

At the end of the repair, the condition of the brick surfaces must be carefully examined within two months.