Lesson on “History of the Cossacks.

Lesson objectives.

Teaching purpose of the lesson:

1. To give an idea of ​​the features of the historical development and legal culture of the Cossacks.
2. To generalize ideas about the role and place of the Cossacks in the pre-revolutionary history of Russia.

Developing goal of the lesson:

Develop students' research skills in working with historical sources.

Educational purpose of the lesson:

To foster respect for the history of the Cossacks, for the rule of law.

Lesson type: a lesson in consolidating knowledge and developing skills.

This topic is studied in 2 lessons.

Lesson equipment:

  • Didactic handouts;
  • Multimedia projector;
  • Multimedia presentation (see. Annex 1)



Acquaintance with task sheets.



Everyone knows who the Cossacks are. Little by little we all know the history of the Cossacks. Recognizing the image of a Cossack. So who is the COSSACK?

Generalization of the teacher after the answers of the children: “ Cossack is a non-Russian word... It came to us from the steppe nomads who, from time immemorial, raided the lands of the Eastern Slavs. The word “Cossack” or in Turkish and in Tatar “gozak” means “Free man”, a lightly armed equestrian warrior who goes into battle without armor, helmet and chain mail.



Explanation of the teacher.

The question of the origin of the Cossacks is far from being clarified in the historical literature.

  1. As many encyclopedias say, the Cossacks are the South Russian and Ukrainian sub-ethnic groups that appeared in the 15th century on the Lithuanian-Crimean borderland (passing along the Dnieper and Don rivers). But the representatives of this culture themselves do not agree with such a definition of the date of their appearance in Russia.
  2. According to the historian Tatishchev, in Egypt there was a city of Cherkaz (from which the Cossacks were later called Cherkas among the Russians), whose inhabitants moved to the Caucasus and began to be called kosogos ”
  3. LN Gumilyov produces Zaporozhye and suburban Cossacks from the baptized Polovtsians.
  4. In the 1968 Cossack Dictionary (USA), the origin of the Cossacks is associated with the Scythian people of Kos-Saka and the Azov Slavs, who at the beginning of the new era (20 centuries ago!) Mixed with the heterogeneous tribes of the Steppe ... The Khan's Golden Horde for many subsequent years, she specially formed the same flying cavalry detachments from the captured Russian and Ukrainian youths, calling them Cossacks. When civil strife began in the Horde, the Cossacks suffered from the willfulness of the Horde gangs. This forced them to take part in the war of Dmitry Donskoy against Mamai. It is a known fact that the Don Cossacks in 1380 presented Prince Dmitry Donskoy with an icon of the Mother of God on the eve of the Battle of Kulikovo. By agreement with Dmitry Donskoy, the Cossacks remained a military camp on the Don, taking over the protection of the southern borders of Slavic Russia.

Eastern (Don) Cossacks were called Horde, Azov, Western (Dnieper) Zaporozhye, Little Russian, Lithuanian. Dnieper Cossacks were sometimes called Circassians, or Cherkassians. This name probably came from the city of Cherkasy. Gorodets Cossacks were called free people who lived near Kasimov (Meshchersky town, from which the name Meshchera Cossacks also originated), and further near the Volga (hence the name of the Volga Cossacks).



The history of the Cossacks is controversial and interesting. For example, here is how the Donetsk people define their role in Russia: from century to century from the Caucasus, the Caspian and the Black Sea, waves of warlike nomads break out into the Wild Field, looking for food, pastures and prey; Father Don became an obstacle to them, overshadowing Mother Russia.

Many historical evidences speak about the strength of the Don Cossacks:

In 1549, Tsar Ivan the Terrible, sending his ambassador to the Nogai prince Yusuf, ordered him to say in private the following: “A rumor has reached us that the Crimean Tsar does not favor you, for he sent guns and people to the Astrakhan Tsar to help. I, out of your friendship with me, ordered my Putivl and Don Cossacks to fight the Crimean uluses. "

In the same year, the Nogai princes, led by Yusuf, complained to the Moscow Tsar about the insults inflicted on him by the Don Cossacks.

Russia, being then in an almost continuous war with the Nogai hordes and the Crimean Khan, of course, cherished and in every possible way attracted the Don knights to its side. In the letters of the 16th and 17th centuries, the Crimean khans and Turkish sultans constantly complain to the Moscow tsars about the innumerable insults inflicted by the Don Cossacks and insist that they calm them down or take them out of the Don somewhere far away from these restless and dangerous thugs.

One of the campaigns of the Donchaks has become a legend.

Children work with task 1 (see appendix 2)

Addition of the teacher about the Azov seat:

The Donets asked the sovereign to take Azov under their authority. But to accept him meant to dare to go to war with the Turks and Tatars. If successful, the benefits of this war would be very great. It would be possible to protect the southern regions of the state from Tatar raids; it would be possible to resume the enterprise to seize the Crimea, once begun under Grozny at the suggestion of Vishnevetsky and not completed.

In January 1642, a council was called again. Duma clerk Likhachev presented the case of Azov, announced that the Turkish ambassador was going to Moscow and he needed to give him an answer; Finally, he asked the cathedral the following questions: “Should we fight with the Sultan or reconcile and surrender Azov? If you fight, then the war will last more than one year: you will need money and people for more than one year. Where can I get them? " These questions were written down and distributed to the elected people: and they had to answer in writing.

On April 30, 1642, the Turkish ambassador arrived in Moscow for an answer. The tsar sent Zhelyabuzhsky and Bashmakov with an order to the Cossacks to return Azov to the Turks, and return to their homes. In the following year, 1643, the king sent ambassadors to Turkey with assurances of friendly disposition and with furs for gifts. The Cossacks were very annoyed, despite the fact that the Russian ambassador, traveling to Turkey, brought them 2,000 rubles of the royal salary and, in addition, cloth, wine and various supplies.

Why is the Cossacks so strong? Are there any analogies in the history of other countries? We will find the answer in sociology. The “surplus population”, which did not find sufficient means of subsistence in their homeland, always “looked for a better life” in foreign countries. This explains the mass eviction from Western Europe to the New World in the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, the “white” colonization of Africa in the 18th-19th centuries.

Assignment: The population of the Don and other Cossack rivers is constantly replenished with newcomers.

WHO RUNNED TO DON? Explain the highlighted historicisms.

Some were driven here by grief, others by need, others by revenge, but there is no doubt that the main core of the Cossacks consisted of that category of people who “shimmered with zest through their veins”.



(see presentation)

Cossacks usually settled in groups of 80 - 100 people. Such groups made up their own camp, encampment. Hence the name of the Cossack settlements ________?

Did the Cossacks call their houses ___________ in Turkic?

The peculiarities of the life of the Cossacks were reflected in their clothes.

A peculiar kind of Don Cossack clothes evolved over the centuries. Runaways came to the Don in their Russian clothes, and here they wore what the army gave. The look of the clothes is recreated by old Cossack songs.

On shavings, rowers are sitting - daring fellows,
Daring fellows - All Don Cossacks.
They wear sable hats, velvet tops,
Multicolored shirts with gold lace.
Astrakhan half-sash,
With combed stockings,
Yes, all of them.
Green morocco boots, crooked heels.

Where did such rich clothes come from? From "hikes for zipuns".

Cossacks were free to relate to identity in clothing and viewed it as one of the essential signs of their independence. In 1705, the ataman of the Zimoveiskaya stanitsa of the former embassy, ​​Savva Kochet, conveyed gratitude to Peter I on behalf of the entire army: “We were recovered by your mercy more than all subjects, we were not touched by your decree on dress and beards. We wear a dress according to our ancient custom, which anyone will like. One is worn by a Circassian, the other by a Kalmyk, the other in a Russian dress of an old cut and we do not make any complaints or ridicule to each other.

Over time, each Cossack Army has its own military uniform.

Based on the preparedness of the class and the availability of study time, it is possible for the teacher to tell about traditions of the Cossacks, about the features Cossack education.

The strength of the Cossack spirit is described in proverbs and sayings:

The Cossack would sooner die than leave his native land.
And there is only one soldier in the field, if he is cut like a Cossack.
Cossack courage will destroy any fortress.
Where there is anxiety, there is a Cossack and the road.



But Don had to be “pacified” for a long and difficult time.

Let's remember the Donchak folk heroes. Let's define their role in the history of Russia. A table is laid out in front of the students on the desks (see Appendix 4).

But what is interesting in the history of Razinovism. We are meeting here using political technology - leaflets sent to villages and fortresses in Russia. The leaflets are called Lovely Letters.

Assignment 2: 1. Explain the origins of Lovely Letters historicism.

2. In sociology, the homely and golutven Cossacks would be defined by the terms: _____________________________

3. “I have come to give you freedom,” - this is how Razin addressed in his letters to the alleged electorate. How did he represent this will for different categories of the population of Russia?

In an effort to attract to his side the bulk of the Cossacks, K. Bulavin also sent to all the towns "Lovely letters". They said: “From Kandraty Bulavin and from the entire army marching from the Pier down the Khopr and along the Don to atamans and hammers. It is known to them to repair so that in all the villages of all the verstatets in half and to be ready for horse and arms, and for one half to go on a campaign, and the other to be in kurens. Which often a letter to which the village will come, that used village was ready at the same hour for the campaign. For the sake of standing for all of them, together for the house of the Most Holy Theotokos, for the true Christian faith and for the pious sovereign and for the entire Don Army, so that the Hellenic faith is evil on them. And they know the atamans hammers, how their grandfathers and fathers laid down and they were born, before this they transferred everything to the old field and considered it nothing, and so that they would not lose the old field. And all of the Zaporozhye Cossacks, Bulavin, and the Belogorotsk Horde and other hordes gave him their word that they would be at the same time with him. And whoever or by which stanitsa will be disgusted with that military letter, they will not become a verstatist in half, or whoever is not in the top ten, and that Cossack will be sentenced to death. And the verstattsa to cut the freemen and send that letter to the towns hastily, and to the mouth of Buzuluk, and to the mouth of the Bear. After writing off, send up along Buzuluk and along the Medveditsa ”.


Assignment 4: Will or State? If the state, then what form of government?

After the answers of the children addition of the teacher. We are talking about the Cossack river republics. In the republic, all the highest authorities are elected or formed for a certain period. The Cossacks had an electoral system that made the government legitimate.

All the affairs of the village were discussed and decided __________?

Assignment: Why a circle? What are your versions?

After the answers of the children addition of the teacher.

Usually, the circle gathered on the Maidan (square) and if there was a chapel, then all the villagers stood around it facing each other, if there was no chapel, then the icon was taken out to the square, put it on a lectern, and a circle was drawn around the icon.

Even on sea voyages, gathering for conferences, the Cossacks swam in boats, forming a wide circle, in land raids they turned their horses' heads to the center and also stood in a circle. This was done so that during meetings and casting votes, everyone could see all the comrades, so that everyone could boldly and openly express their opinion and so that decisions were not made from the voice of a few impudent bawkers.

The circle will eventually become a holiday of the army:

Let's recall the main features of the state:

  • division of people by territory,
  • the presence of a separate public authority;
  • levying taxes.
  • the presence of a single territorial organization of power;
  • the presence of a special management apparatus and coercion;
  • development and adoption of legal norms;
  • sovereignty of state power.

Assignment: Try to concretize each feature, correlating it with the political and legal relations of the Don Host.

The main leader of the entire Don Army was called military Ataman. He was elected by the military circle. Elections were held annually and were decided by a majority vote. And as it happens in elections, there was a struggle of competitors, which among this unbridled freemen often ended in a bloody fight.

The military chieftain in peacetime was only the eldest among equals, although he was surrounded by the honor of his comrades, but the picture changed abruptly as soon as the chieftain sat on a horse or boat and raised his pernach... Let's look at the symbols of the Cossack power.

Conversation with the class: And for comparison, let us remember and explain the symbols of the king's power.

Cossack power was demonstrated differently.



Historians of the Cossacks were lucky, because the legal source of the Cossacks, dating back to the 18th century, has been preserved. These are “the precepts of Ignat Nekrasov”. After the defeat of the Bulavin revolt, part of the Cossacks, led by Ataman Ignat Nekrassy, ​​retired to the Kuban, and with the approach of the Russian border moved to Turkey. In a distant Basurman country, the Nekrasovites sacredly revered their customs, passing them on from generation to generation in the form of Covenants-laws. The code of laws was recorded in the Ignatov Book, which was kept in a sacred casket in a church on Lake Minos.

The main economic occupation of the Minos was fishing, cattle breeding, hunting, says another English traveler, Hamilton, who visited Minos in 1837. Men from 15 to 55 years old went fishing (August 15, to Assumption, and returned in April) by artels (gangs ) for 18-25 people, headed by "Chieftain". They fished in the Marmara, Black, Aegean, Mediterranean seas and lakes of Turkey. On the duties of the "chieftain" lay all the trouble of concluding contracts for fishing and delivery of fish and taking care of the members of the gang. He had to monitor the moral behavior of the members of the artel, their everyday needs, kept records of income. At the end of the season, with the participation of all employees, he divided the income equally. When returning to Minos, each fisherman gave one third of his earnings to the military treasury.

One of the main behests: "Tsarism cannot be obeyed, under tsarism you cannot return to Raseya."

Other covenants stated that children work with task 5(cm. Appendix 6)

Assignment: Read the “Covenants of Ignat” and group these covenants by branch of law. It can be marked with appropriate letters (For example, the Constitutional right should be marked with the letter “K”).

After the children's answer, the teacher's conclusion: the "Testaments" represent all the main branches of law. Constitutional, Criminal, Family, Procedural, Tax.



These letters were given to Ivan Petrovich Novosiltsev, who was sent by Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible to the Turkish Sultan Selim.

Here is the full text of one of these letters.

“And behold, such is the letter given to Ivan and Novosiltsov.

From the Tsar and Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich of All Russia in the Donets Severskaya, the Cossack ataman and the Cossack are all unchanged. I have sent Ivan Petrovich Novosiltsov to Azov for their business, and where he will teach you to send you for our business, or to send you, for care, where he tells you to go with him, and you would listen to Ivan in all our affairs without any disobedience, so Naturally, they served us, and we want to pay you for your service. Written in Moscow, summer 7078, Genvarya on day 3 ”.

After the war, Stepan Razin Don was again forced to swear allegiance to the Moscow Tsar.

For four days there were arguments on the Circle. The Cossacks shouted that they were glad to serve the great sovereign even without kissing the cross and kissing the cross was useless. But it was decided that "with all the army to the great sovereign a promise to make before the Gospel." The oath was taken in the square in front of the co6or. The names of the sworn oaths were included in the book sent from the Ambassadorial Order.

On August 28, 1671, the Don Cossacks became subjects of the Moscow Tsar, and the Don Host became part of the Russian state.

The Volga State Cossack Host, created by Anna Ioanovna in the 1730s (according to the idea of ​​Peter the Great!), Did not last long. Already in 1777-1778, for active participation in the Pugachev movement, it was repressed and most of it was resettled to the Caucasus on the Mozdok watch line.

With the Dnieper Cossacks, Catherine the Great did the same following the results of the Russo-Turkish wars, sending them to the Caucasus, to the Kuban River.

With the expansion of Russian borders, Cossack Troops appeared even in the Far Eastern outskirts of Russia. Russian monarchs, showing patience, creating and abolishing new Cossack Troops as necessary, were able to “tame” the Cossack freemen and gradually achieve unconditional obedience to the state.

Question to the class: What form of territorial-state structure presupposes such an agreement? And what about the form of government on the Don? What about the type of political regime?

We hope that these lessons have helped you appreciate the role and place of the Cossacks in Russian history. And the lesson will complete the lesson with words from a combat Cossack song:

For our Cossack Family,
Yes, for the Russian all the people,
For the honor of the Cossacks,
The wisdom of the old;
For the native Father's house,
Beloved look outside the window
For fallen friends
Widows and Mothers.
For the glory of the Cossack, but for the glory of Russia -
Let's be strong in heart
Brothers Cossacks!

Lesson topic: The emergence of the Cossacks on the Don

(slide 1)

Pedagogical tasks

  • to provide conditions for studying the events associated with the appearance of the Cossacks on the Don;
  • create conditions for the development of skills to work with a historical source;
  • to give students a holistic idea of ​​the historical originality of their native land;
  • develop students' interest in their home history.

Planned results:

Students must:

  • get acquainted with the events associated with the appearance of the Cossacks on the Don;
  • know about the Cossack settlement of the Lower and Upper Don, about the first Cossack towns;
  • get acquainted with management in the Cossack army and the main occupations of the Don Cossacks in the 16th century,
  • know about the first written mentions of the Don Cossacks, the Don Army;
  • explain and apply the concepts: Cossack, Ataman, Esaul, Army Circle, Mace, Insect.


  • upbringing of a diversified personality of a citizen of Russia, spiritually connected with a small homeland, knowing and respecting its history, culture, national traditions, oriented in the system of values ​​and needs of modern life


  • the ability to consciously organize and regulate their activities;
  • possession of the ability to analyze and generalize facts, formulate and substantiate conclusions;
  • use various sources of information;


  • the ability to study and organize information from various historical and modern sources (textual, visual);
  • knowledge of the chronology of the studied period;
  • knowledge of historical facts of the studied period;
  • a story about historical events, their participants;
  • correlation of historical facts and general phenomena.

During the classes:

I Organizational moment.

II Learning new material.

1.The appearance of the Cossacks on the Don.

(slide 2) Motherland! Fatherland. Favorite edge. Blazing dawns in the morning, bottomless sky in the stars, pink haze of blooming gardens, endless sea of ​​ripe bread, tart wormwood smell of steppe winds. This is the land of your grandfathers and great-grandfathers, this is a sweet corner to which your heart has become attached, which you will never forget, never stop loving. All have one homeland. And the homeland ... this is the place where you were born ...

L. P. Alexandrovskaya

Teacher: The place where a person was born and lives, we call a small homeland.

Question : What is the name of our small homeland? (slide 3)

Teacher: Blue expanses, fogs,

Feathers, and wormwood, and weeds ..

The breadth of the earth and the heavenly molding!

Spilled, unrolled in the wild

Pontian Wild Field,

Dark Cimmerian steppe.

All covered with burial grounds

Without names, without end, without number ...

All hoofed, but blown up by a spear,

Seeded with bone, watered with blood,

Yes, the folk has grown tight.

M. Voloshin

In ancient times it was called the Wild Field. From Voronezh to the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov, the Wild Field stretched - an immense gray feather-grass steppe. In summer, hot winds roamed the steppe, in winter blizzards hung, storms boiled with groans and snow dust swirled like whirlwinds. The steppe was harsh and inhospitable in bad weather. And only in the spring did she become affectionate and generous. There were many hares, wild goats, wolves, foxes, and all kinds of birds. Fish were caught in huge quantities in the rivers.

Since the end of the 15th century, the vast expanses of the Don steppes increasingly attracted decisive and courageous people who fled from the Moscow state and dreamed of freeing themselves from serfdom. They also came to the Don from other lands and countries. They united and led a life full of anxiety and danger. The name "Cossacks" was assigned to them. (slide 4)

Student speechwith the message "When and who were called" Cossacks "

Among the Persians, this word meant people who were in the service paid by the treasury; among the Arabs, this is a horseman fighting for the faith and law of the prophet; in Mongolian, this word means "free warrior, armor, shield and stronghold for border protection, military guard"; in Turkic - a homeless wanderer, a homeless exile. In Russian sources, a Cossack is, first of all, a free person who, for some reason, broke with the environment to which he belonged before. Cossacks called those who carried out military service. For example, in Russian epics one of his favorite heroes - Ilya Muromets - is called "the old Cossack". Cossacks were called messengers sent with news or letters from Moscow to the Crimea. In the 16th century, servicemen were called Cossacks. These could be Russians, Tatars, and representatives of other peoples.

Teacher : Thus, we can conclude thatthe word "Cossack" in the 16th century was used to describe free people hiring for military service.(writing in a notebook)

2. The first Cossack townships.

At first, the Cossacks had temporary dwellings: huts and dugouts. Armed detachments of Cossacks - stanitsa - set up their camps in impregnable places, in dense forests, on islands overgrown with reeds, in the bends of rivers. Over time, a small town grew out of the camp. The first small towns began to appear on the Don in the middle of the 16th century. (slide 5)

The first documentary mention of Cossack towns belongs to 1549 year (entry in the notebook). Then the Nogai prince Yusuf complained to Tsar Ivan IV: "Your serfs, nehto Sary-Azman, say, on the Don in three and four places the city was done ... Yes, our ambassadors ... and people are guarded and smashed."

Questions to the document:

  1. What was the name of the Don chieftain?
  2. What were the Cossack settlements called?
  3. What does the Nogai prince complain about?

Exercise: From the picture, describe how the Cossack town looked like.

Supplement to student answers: The Cossacks fortified their towns with an earthen rampart, a wooden palisade with sharp stakes was erected on the rampart. The outer side was hung with sharp thorns of old acacia or thorns. Later, the Cossacks began to enclose the towns with strong and high walls, three or even five meters. At the corners of these walls, special fortifications were built - bastions, or rumblings, like the Cossack. Powerful cast-iron cannons have always stood on these rumblings. The Cossacks fought them off from their enemies, and later, when they began to receive salaries from the Moscow government, the guns were sent to the Don from Moscow.

(slide 6) The most ancient Cossack towns were Migulin, Kargaly, Uryupin, Makhin, Cherkassky.

The Cossacks, who founded towns in the lower reaches of the Don, were called grassroots. Cossacks who lived on the Upper Don- riding.

3. Management in the Cossack army.(slide 7)

Teacher: Don Cossacks considered themselves the Don army. To solve their affairs, the Cossacks gathered for a general gathering - the Army Circle, it was the highest authority on the Don. The most important issues of Cossack life were resolved on a rug: who to declare war and with whom to conclude peace, when to go on a campaign and where to send ambassadors, whom to choose ataman and where to lay a new town. On the Circle they were accepted into the Cossacks, they married the Cossacks and, on the contrary, were bred. Usually the Cossack Circle met once a year - in the spring. All men at least seventeen years old had the right to come to the Circle. Women were not allowed.

In the intervals between meetings, power belonged to the chieftain.

Ataman - elective leader, leader of the Cossacks. Esaul - assistant chieftain, if necessary, could replace him. The military chieftain was elected for a year. At the end of his service life, he appeared on Kroogi, bowing to the Cossacks on all four sides, folding the signs of his power - an incision and a mace. (Entry in notebooks)

Mace - sign of the ataman power. Consisted of a short stick of walnut or other lightweight and durable wood. A silver ball with gilding was attached to the end. The handle was trimmed with silver.

Insect - sign of the ataman power. A long wand of sturdy wood, on which notches were made according to the number of the chosen chieftains. The chieftain held the mace in his right hand, and the incision in his left, leaning on it like a staff.

If the ataman showed himself to be an intelligent and skillful organizer, a brave commander, then he could be elected for the next term and for several more terms. If the ataman did not meet the expectations, he was removed without even waiting for the deadline.

The troops had their own laws, based on custom. Punished for cowardice by a verdict in a sump in the water. For the perfect feat, the Cossack was taken in his arms and rocked with a shout of "hurray."

4. Classes of the Don Cossacks.

The life of the Don Cossacks was restless, it went on in campaigns and battles. The war has become for them one of the most important trades. Agility, resourcefulness, fast horse, flying lasso, well-aimed arrow and bullet saved the Cossacks in the endless expanses of the steppe. Cossacks went on land and sea campaigns. Everything obtained in the campaigns (various fabrics, weapons, prisoners) was divided among themselves - duvan was blown.

Exercise: read an excerpt from the book "How it was with us on the quiet Don" (authors L. Novak, N Fradkina) and determine what other classes the Cossacks had (entry in the notebook)

“The nature of the Don region, the high grasses in which the rider drowned like in a green sea, the dense forests that hid numerous wild animals, the innumerable fish wealth disposed to peaceful pursuits - hunting and fishing. they went far from their camps ..., went to the steppe, where they hunted for two or three months. On a light canoe, hollowed out of a large tree, the Cossacks went out to fish ... From the campaigns they drove herds of horses and herds of cattle. On the Don there were excellent pastures with dense grass…. For a long time, the Cossacks did not engage in agriculture: the continuous raids of nomads who destroyed crops interfered. The circle even forbade farming, so that military trades would not be hindered ”(slide 8)

III Consolidation of the studied material. (slide 9)

Assignment: fill in the gaps in the text

V. Summing up, grading.

Vi. Homework.

Prepare a crossword puzzle (at least 8 words) or a presentation (at the students' choice) on the topic of the lesson

VII Final reflection

Card with the task "Continue phrase":

It was interesting to me...

I realized today that ...

In the next lesson, I want ...

Are you satisfied with your job?


“How it was with us on the quiet Don”, Novak L, Fradkina N., Rostov-on-Don: Rostov Book Publishing House 1985

"Slaven Don",. Astapenko M.P., Rostov-on-Don:Rostov Book Publishing House 1985

History of the Don Territory, Astapenko M.P., Astapenko E.M., Rostov-on-Don: LLC "Mini Type", 2005

History of the Don Territory, O. G. Veryaskina,Rostov-on-Don: Rostov Publishing House, 2004

Lesson development

"An unusual lesson in the Museum"

A special people are the Cossacks.

“The Hoper's theme in“ Quiet Don ”" defines the theme of our lesson, which we devote to the richest history of the Cossacks and their historical traditions.

The purpose of the extracurricular activity: to acquaint students with the history of the Cossacks in connection with the study of M. Sholokhov's novel "Quiet Don"

Dear Guys!

Today we have an unusual lesson. It is unusual that we hold it in the Museum of Regional Studies, where the hospitable hosts showed us an exposition on the history of the Cossacks. The idea of ​​this lesson was not accidental. After all, we have begun with you to get acquainted with the greatest novel by M. Sholokhov "Quiet Don", which introduces us to a special people - the Cossacks.

/ Viewing fragments of the film "Quiet Don"

In this small fragment, we saw magnificent pictures of the Don nature, which inspired M. Sholokhov to create an epic novel, observed pictures of the peaceful life of the Cossacks.

Service was one of the main occupations for the Cossack.

It is about the service of thought of Grigory Melekhov after leaving home: “We walked half asleep, thoughts smoothly and evenly, like a longboat downstream and suddenly ran into something, as if stranded; it became dreary, uncomfortable; tossed and turned, fought in conjectures ... And in the morning I woke up and remembered: Service! Where are we going with Aksyutka? In the spring - to the camp, and in the fall to the service ...

In addition to service, another concept defining the life of a Cossack was EARTH.

The Cossack cannot but go to work and cannot leave his land, Grigory Aksinye says about this in the episode when she persuades him to run away from the farm to the mine:

« Where will I go from the farm? Again, to serve me for this year. I'm not going anywhere from the ground. "

With all his novel, M. Sholokhov convinces us: we must keep good traditions, study them, connecting them with a new civilization

After all, there is nothing more harmful than enmity, "whites with reds", Donets with Khopers, Russians - with other peoples. And as Khoper joins the Don, so people from different regions, different convictions must find a common language - these words of Professor V.S. Vakhrushev from the article "Khoperskaya theme in" Quiet Don "" define the topic of our lesson, which we devote to the richest history of quality. , and their historical traditions.

    We will learn about the history of the Cossacks as a military estate in Russia.

    Let's get acquainted with the Cossack symbols, ranks and titles.

    With age-old traditions and commandments

    We will listen to the history of the revival of the Cossacks in our Khoperskaya land.

And then the images of the heroes of The Quiet Don will become closer and clearer to us. Indeed, for the first time in world literature, the hero of this novel is not a titan, not a tsar or a military leader, but a simple worker, a Cossack. We better understand that in the image of Grigory Melekhov the fate of not only the Don Cossacks was embodied, but to a large extent the fate of all mankind of the 20th century.

The tragedy of “Quiet Don” is our common tragedy, because, as never before, we are losing touch with nature, with the earth, with our culture, and traditions of our ancestors.

To prevent this from happening, we are conducting our today's lesson.

Introducing guests:

1. Shalatov Viktor Ivanovich - Cossack Major General.

2. Filchashkin Sergei Ivanovich - Cossack colonel

3. Neverov Vyacheslav Dmitrievich - esaul, chieftain of the village of Pinerovskaya.

4. Smotrov Vladimir Vasilievich - military sergeant major

5.Artists of the ensemble "Khopyorskaya volnitsa"

Representation of the research group of students of literary scholars and historians:

    Muzalkov Maxim.

    Minov Vasily

    Gerashchenko Alexander

    Matveev Pyotr

    Samodurova Kristina

    Vetrova Ekaterina

    Bogantseva Victoria

    Cousin Olesya

    Irina Belousova

    Loshchakova Zhanna

.. (The anthem of the Don Cossacks sounds)

1. Let's turn to the history of the Cossacks based on our reading experience. Back in 7th grade

We got acquainted with the wonderful story of Nikolai Gogol "Taras Bulba", where we observed

Morals and customs of the Zaporozhye Cossacks and the embodiment in the story of the writer's dream of a just free society: So here it is, Sich! This is the nest from where all those proud and strong as lions fly out! This is where the will and the Cossacks spread throughout Ukraine! "

/ Quote from the story "Taras Bulba" /

“The whole Sich was an extraordinary phenomenon ... The death of the people came to the Sich

And at least someone asked them where they were from, as if they were returning to their house, from which they had left an hour before. The one who came only came to the koshevoi, who usually said: “Hello! What, do you believe in Christ? " - "I believe!" - answered the visitor. - "And you believe in the Holy Trinity?" - "I believe" - ​​And you go to church? " - "I go!" - "Well, cross yourself!" The one who came was baptized. “Well, good,” answered Koshevoy,

Go, where you yourself know the kuren. " This ended the whole ceremony.

Gogol does not idealize the Sich, shows its spontaneity, willfulness, and unbridledness. But everything disappears when a peaceful life ends and war times come. At the first call of the Fatherland, the Cossacks abandon everything and take up arms : “And whatever was,

They mounted a horse. In a word, the Russian character received a mighty, wide scope here,

Hefty appearance "- wrote N.V. Gogol.

2. Another famous Cossack chieftain, cavalry general, Count Matvey

Ivanovich Platove mentions Griboyedov in the famous comedy "Woe from Wit", calling him "the hero of Ochakov and the conquest of the Crimea." Legendary chieftain Platov is also a hero

Leskov's original story "Lefty".

In the Encyclopedic Dictionary, we learn about him as a colleague of Suvorov and Kutuzov, a hero of the Patriotic War of 1812. Platov was the initiator and organizer of the Don Cossack militia against the French invaders. "

From our pure hearts we owe Platov's crown. " This is how simple Cossacks sang about their chieftain on the Don after 1812.

3. Since ancient times, the life of the Cossacks has been surrounded by rumors, legends and conjectures.

Everyone knows that the view on the Cossacks as diehard fighters for "Faith, Tsar and Fatherland" has long been widespread. The opinion about the eternal rebellion and willfulness of the Cossacks is no less popular. It is believed that it was the Cossacks who supported all the impostors to the Russian throne during the Time of Troubles. Often it was the Cossacks, who did not tolerate the oppression of the tsarist autocracy, who organized and took part in popular uprisings.

So even A.S. Pushkin wrote in his “History of Pugachev”: “Finally, in 1771, the rebellion of the Yaik Cossacks was revealed in all its strength ... strict and necessary measures restored only external order, but calm was unreliable. "There will still be roofing felts!" - said the rebels - is this how we will shake Moscow again ".

Then the well-known events under the leadership of Pugachev were reflected in "The Captain's Daughter".

    In the 18th century, the "golden age" of the Russian Cossacks passed.

Gradually, the times of violent freemen, privileged Cossack autonomies, which were a kind of "state within a state", were gradually declining. But then the Cossack communities still felt at ease on the outskirts of Russia, paying for their "will" with bloody battles with the surrounding nomads.

The regular army created under Peter the Great devalued the Cossacks as a military force.

5. As you know, the Don military government did not recognize the victory of the Bolsheviks in October 1917, but the overwhelming majority of the Cossacks, tired of the war, remained neutral. At the beginning of 1918, the Don government fell. Small groups of Cossacks retreated into the steppe, then were united by General Popov, more than 500 Don Cossacks were part of the Volunteer Army of General Kornilov, then Wrangel.

According to most researchers, after the Civil War, about 40 thousand Cossacks emigrated from Russia. Fate threw the Cossacks into America, Australia, Africa, and many European states.

6.One of these emigrants, who lived most of his life in France, was a talented poet who was able to express with amazing force the anguish of exile and the tragedy of the Cossacks, which were almost destroyed after the 17th year. He returned to his homeland 20 years after his death. But he returned with his poems.

Listen to the lines from his poem dedicated to the Motherland.

We left Crimea

Among the smoke and fire

I'm from the stern all the time

He shot at his horse.

I gave the best years to you

I entrusted everything to you, without hiding, -

France, the land of my freedom

My merry stepmother.

It's time my old friend it's time

We both healed with you,

And the elderly cadets

Standing at attention at the coffin.

But in separation from you I do not say goodbye,

My distant fatherly home

I am not ashamed before the Lord

Call yourself a Don Cossack!

/ Proposed number X / C Cossack song …………………………………………

7. A word to Vladimir Vasilievich SMOTROV.

We turn to you as an expert, connoisseur of Cossack history. Did all the guys speak correctly? And of course, we want to hear more interesting, exciting moments in the history of the Cossacks.

Cossack, speaking about himself, always emphasized the triad : You have to be born as a Cossack! You need to become a Cossack! You have to be a Cossack! Then you will gain the Kingdom of Heaven and Glory in your descendants!

To decipher these principles of the Cossack worldview, we we will ask SHALATOV Viktor Ivanovich.


- The rights and obligations of the Cossack.

-What is the Cossack circle? And the order of its holding.

-Admission to the Cossacks and "taking under the overcoat"

In addition, Viktor Ivanovich is now a deputy of the district council, and can tell us about the functions and role of the Cossacks in our district.

8.The story of the Cossack SYMBOLS

9.The story of ROOTS AND RANKS

Closing remarks from the teacher:

Thus, the Cossacks were a separate class, distinguished by their desire for independence, love of freedom, diligence, and respect for the elders. The Cossacks are an original people with a long and interesting history, culture and language.

And today, the revived Cossacks play an important role in society.


1 THEME OF THE LESSON. THE HISTORY OF THE COSSACKS. Lesson topic 1. To acquaint students with the history of the emergence and development of the Cossacks in Russia. Show the role of the Cossacks on the territory of our region. 2. Continue work to revive the country's national traditions. 3. Teach students to work with historical material. Lesson type: lesson in learning new material. Lesson type: lesson - research. Plan 1. Historical roots of the Cossacks 2. Cossack power. Cossack symbols and signs. 3. The role of the Cossacks in the history of Russia. 4. Large military Cossack associations in our region. 5. History of the villages of the Unech region, founded by the Cossacks. 6. Cossacks in modern Russia. Russia today is going through a rather difficult and difficult time. The economy, politics and public life are being rebuilt. The old principles, norms, rules are hastily discarded, new contours of the social, political and spiritual life of our society are being drawn with difficulty. But at the same time, the understanding of the need to use the traditions accumulated over the centuries is maturing. Interest in specific institutions of power is growing. At the state level, questions about the place of the Cossacks in the structure of power are being discussed. It is about the Cossacks that will be discussed today. COSSACKS a nationality formed at the beginning of a new era, as a result of genetic ties between the Scythian people of Kasaka and the Azov Slavs. From ancient times to the present day, the sound and style of the word "Cossack" underwent minor changes. Initially, among the ancient Greeks, they wrote "Kossakhi", which meant white deer (the deer was the totem sign of the mighty Scythian tribe). Only in the Middle Ages did the word "Cossack" appear. In the interpretations of the researchers of Siberia, it was translated as a person of a military team that participated in the movement to the East. The Manchurian dialect interprets this word as a free, free person (ka sak). In Norwegian about the Cossack (kad sak). In the Norwegian language, the Cossack (kad sak) is also referred to as a free person, a reveler. Also, the word "Cossack" is meant in Russia. The folk epic, born before the Mongol Tatars came to Russia, tells us about the epic Cossacks. Since its existence, the Cossacks have never turned to Moscow for military assistance in protecting the borders of their native land.

2 to the government. In the same way, the Russian heroes of the heroic epic hoped only for their strength. Epic stories about Ilya Muromets as an epic hero were created not only in centuries, but also in centuries, when he actually became a Cossack. In the epic epic Ilya Muromets appears as an "old Cossack", and the Cossacks in Russia were known even before the Mongols by the name of "watchmen", "choroba men" who guarded the borders from the invasion of nomadic tribes and stood in their way with a "hedge". Although Ilya Muromets appears in the epics as an "old Cossack", he is almost the "youngest" among all the epic heroes in the Cossack environment, since the epics about him continued to appear in the 18th century. We also know the Tver Cossack Ileyka Muromets (aka Ilya Gorchakov, Ilya Korovin), one of the impostors of the Time of Troubles, who operated on the Volga and the Caspian Sea. In the epics, the exploits of Ilya Muromets are always associated with the task of serving the family. Under his leadership, the heroic outposts were guarded by Dobrynya Nikitich (deputy chieftain), Alyosha Popovich (esaul). So there is someone to be proud of and someone to look up to. Today, these heroes, in my opinion, are the descendants of Ilya Muromets, the Cossacks, who have preserved through the centuries the worthy name of the guardians of the Russian land. What are the historical roots of the Cossacks? From ancient times to the present day, the life of the Cossacks is associated with the northwestern part of Asian Scythia. Tribes, known to history as Toretov, Torpetov, Torkov, Udzov, Berengenrov, Sirakov, Bradas Brodnikov lived here. In the 5th century, after the invasion of the Huns, most of these tribes were pushed back into the space between the Volga and Yaik. The sedentary part of these tribes, remaining in the Caucasus, obeyed the Huns, Bulgarians and Asam-Alans. In 860, after the preaching of St. Cyril, the Kassaks converted to Christianity. Entering an independent tribal union in the Khazar Kaganate, the Kassaks drove the Pechenegs out of the Volga and forced them to leave for the Donets and Dnieper. In 965 the Kasak Land was conquered by Kiev. In 988, it was transferred to the management of one of the Rurikovichs, Mstislav Vladimirovich, who, after the death of his father, abandoned Kiev and, with his Kossaks and Kazars, occupied the Podonsk and Don steppes to Chernigov. In the battle near Listven, Mstislav defeated the Kiev Novgorod prince Yaroslav and became the sovereign of the Tmutorakan state. Cossacks were ruled by the khans until the end of the 14th century. When civil strife began in the Horde, the Cossacks who lived far from the ruling centers, many

3 suffered from the willfulness of the Horde gangs. This prompted them to take part in the uprising of the Moscow prince Dmitry. However, the defeat of Mamai's troops on the Kulikovo field in 1380 was fatal for the Cossacks. The Tatars began exterminating the Christians of the Cossacks on the Don, forcing them to seek refuge not only in the upper reaches of the Don, but also further in the North up to the Kama, the Northern Dvina and the White Sea. In the face of constant Tatar-Turkish threat, it became necessary to serve two dynasties: the Rurikovichs in Moscow and the Gediminovichs in Lithuania. Removed hundreds and thousands of kilometers from the then state centers, the Cossacks had to create power for themselves on the spot. The Cossacks were commanded by the Cossacks. Both the officer and the ordinary Cossack grew up together in the same village, as their fathers and grandfathers grew up together. One was educated and became an officer, a commander by profession; the education of the other was the local school and after serving active service, he returned to the village, was engaged in agriculture. The Cossack officer knew well the psychology of each of his Cossacks, what he was good for, how he would behave in battle and what he could achieve. In turn, the Cossacks believed their commander, believed that he would not lead them blindly, would not give an unbearable task, would not send them to the slaughter. There was an elective power "Military Ataman", limited in their actions only by the will of the people's assembly of the Cossacks of the "Army Circle". All the armed forces were subordinate to the chieftain, as well as the elected executive authorities in the Army. At their national assemblies, the Cossacks worked out the norms according to which this power operated. Once a decision was made, on any issue, it was remembered in the people's memory and applied in similar cases, it became a custom, and thus the "Military Law" was created, which regulated all aspects of Cossack life. The spiritual life of the Cossacks was led by the clergy, who were also elected and were elected by the Cossacks from the most respected, literate and religious people. The priest not only satisfied the religious needs of the Cossacks, but was also a teacher and judge for them. The Moscow Tsar was recognized by the Cossacks as the supreme power. In their eyes, he was the bearer of the state and national unity of Russia. Cossack symbols and signs The banner is a symbol of the regimental, military formations. A shrine for which the Cossack is obliged to fight, not sparing his life, not allowing his insult or desecration. Bunchuk the sign of the Headquarters, the symbol of Ataman on the campaign, belonged to the military formation, on the campaign and in battle he followed the commander. In time of peace

4 was kept in the church, was taken out only on holidays, as a confirmation of its importance and the presence of the chieftain. Mace, pernach symbol of military power, which is endowed with the ataman (among the Cossacks, hetman) The chieftain's caftan and cap belonged to the Cossack community and were passed along with the symbols of chieftaincy. They were kept at the next Ataman or Ataman administration. The seal on the handle or on the ring was given to the chieftain during elections. The symbol of the chieftain's economic and diplomatic function. All documents were fastened with it. It belonged to the community and was passed from the chieftain to the chieftain. The saber is usually decorated, the old one is also one of the symbols of atamanism. Personally, it did not belong to him, but was in his custody for the duration of his reign. It could be kept in the church and put on on Kroogi and on holidays. The medal is the personal badge of the chieftain, worn around the neck, over a tie, it was released onto the caftan in the split of the gate. On the front side there were inscriptions: "Ataman of the village", later a portrait of the sovereign. On the reverse side the name and surname of the chieftain and the years of his reign were engraved. Whip sign of Esaults and Bailiffs on the circle. In everyday life, a full-fledged combatant Cossack has a sign of power. Not every hat, special design. Initially, "Klobuk with a flyk", a hat, and then a cap is a sign of the Cossack's possession of legal full rights. The saber, originally a saber, is a symbol of all the full rights of the Cossack, as well as the possession of a share of land. It was handed over to the Cossack by old people at the age of 17, without a lanyard. At the age of 21, when sent to the service, the Cossack received shoulder straps, cockade and lanyard. Every year, with the onset of winter, the Cossacks sent a large embassy (over 100 people) to Moscow along the established sled route, which was to convey to the tsar a petition about the needs of the Cossacks and accept the tsar's salary. The royal salary consisted of a certain amount of money, firearms, and then bread and cloth. Under Peter 1, Cossack liberties were significantly curtailed. In 1721, the Cossack regions were transferred from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Ministry of War: the right of the Cossacks to elect an ataman in a circle was destroyed and military atamans were appointed by the supreme power. Gradually, the Cossack lands entered the administrative system of the Russian state, while retaining, however, a significant share of autonomy in internal management and in the use of economic benefits. The Cossacks retained personal freedom, freedom from taxes, but they carried military service without exception, sending at their own expense, that is, acquiring for their own money not only linen, shoes, dresses, but also military

5 uniforms, edged weapons, a horse with a saddle: the Cossack received only a rifle from the treasury. During the war years in the Cossack regiments there was seniority: 1. Colonel of the city regiment 2. Head of the regimental train 3. Regimental judge 4. Regimental podskariy treasurer 5. Head of the regimental chancellery 6. Regimental esauls were in charge of military affairs, in peacetime they were in charge of equipment. In the 18th century, the Cossacks not only participated in the warriors led by the Moscow state, but also fought on their own against the powerful Turkish Empire, the Kingdom of Poland and the Crimean Khan. The Cossacks and the Don people swam across the Black Sea in their boats and besieged Turkish and Crimean cities. The Don Cossacks, with the help of the Cossacks, took the strongest Turkish fortress of Azov in 1637, which stood at the mouth of the Don and blocked the Cossacks from entering the Sea of ​​Azov. Taking Azov, the Cossacks sent an embassy to Moscow and offered the Moscow government to accept this fortress. The Moscow state had just gone through 15 years of turmoil (years), it was weak and did not dare to accept Azov, fearing a war with Turkey. The Don Cossacks themselves had to defend Azov from the Turkish army. The Cossacks defended the fortress (the famous Azov seat), but then they were forced to leave it, later they had to groom under Azov twice together with the regiments of Peter 1, at which this fortress was finally taken in 1698. During the 19th century, the Russian state used the Cossacks as a predominantly military force. For example, during Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812, the Cossacks entered the general service, ranging from the age of 17 to 60 years. Under the leadership of the ataman of the Don Army M.I. Platov, the Cossacks significantly contributed to the defeat of the French army. The Cossacks were not only military, but also researchers in various fields of science and technology. Name the Cossacks who remain in the memory of our people? The famous traveler I. N. Semenov, gene. N.M. Przhevalsky used the help of the Cossacks in their exploration of the hitherto unknown Asian regions. Russia knows and remembers not only the names of the Cossack generals, generals MI Platov, Count AK Denisov, AI Ilovoisky - heroes of the war with Napoleon in 1812; Baklanov, Sleptsova - Kukharenko of the heroes of the Caucasian war: A.M. Kaledin, L.G. Kornilov, P.N. Krasnov, the heroes of the first plague war, but also the names of scientists; geologist professor A.F.Shcherbina, A.V. Pashutin; A.N. Krasnov geographer. N.P. Aseeva

6 (metallurgist) and G.N. Potapin; as well as writers FD Kryukov, RM Kumov, poets AA, Leonov, NN Turoverov and artist academician NN Dubovsky. Military associations of the Cossacks existed in many territories of our Motherland. The seniority of the Cossack troops: Donskoe - from 1570 Terskoe - from 1577 Siberian - from 1582 Ural - from 1591 Kuban - from 1696 Astrakhan - from 1750 Black Sea - from 1787 Amur - from 1858 Ussuri - from 1889 Where were large military Cossack associations formed on the territory of our region? In the middle of the 18th century, the left-bank Ukraine was divided into several military administrative districts called regiments. The territory of the Unech region was part of the Starodub Cossack regiment, the richest and most numerous, established in 1663, with its center in ancient Starodub. The villages of the Unech district were part of the Byklanskaya, Mglinskaya, Novometskaya, regimental hundreds. Cossack detachments in Starodubshchyna were the first to appear in the middle of the 16th century. The Moscow government attracted "free" Cossacks and "eager" people to the service. However, the mass provision of the population of Starodubshchyna fell on the period of the liberation war under the leadership of Bohdan Khmelnytsky. According to the revision of 1723, there were over 200 Cossack households on the territory of the region, and from 1781 more than 780 households. 1812 In a short time in August in the Chernigov region, the 1st regiment of 18 thousand people was formed from the Cossacks, the 2nd Chernigov regiment (commanded by Colonel Potresov) was formed mainly from the Cossacks of Starodubkovsky and Novozybkovsky districts, in the 6th Chernigov regiment (commander Major Gurchaninov ) included 213 Cossacks of Starodubsky and 374 Mglinsky districts. The Cossacks of Starodubshchyna in the first days of the June war allocated 17 trucks, 19 oxen and money. In 1882, a decree was issued on the obligation of the Little Russian Cossacks regarding military service and other duties. The Cossacks were declared a special class, and the lands inherited from their ancestors were forever Cossack. But after the liberation of the peasants, the Cossacks were again ranked among the rural inhabitants along with the peasants. By this time, the feats of arms of the Starodub Cossacks were already more reminiscent of legends. As, for example, the Pogarsk centurion Afanasy Eremenko in 1693 defeated a Polish detachment with his Cossacks near Lyshchichi

7 M. Patsa. How our fellow countrymen participated in campaigns against the Tatars, and in 1693. smashed the horde near the river Taneyev, as they participated with Sheremetyev in the battle near Narva, beat the Swedes near Warsaw, stormed Zamoć. In 1706, Colonel Miklashevsky, Pogarsk centurion Eremenko, and a hundred Cossacks laid down their heads near Nesvizh in a battle with the Swedes. In addition to Starodubsky, another Sevsky regiment was formed on the territory of our region. At the beginning of the 16th century, the Grand Duke of Moscow Ioann Vasilievich made it his goal to strengthen the southern borders from the raids of nomadic tribes. Free Cossacks living on the border of the Russian state in small border villages were to form a protective line. In order to control the guard line, from each of the outskirts of the city in turn sent "guards" numbering from 2 to 12 horsemen. In their duties, they were charged with vigilant tracking of the terrain, communication with other "watchmen", tracking down the movements of the enemy. From the middle of the 16th century, every landowner had to exhibit armed men for service. Their number depended on the size of the estate. According to the "Code of Service" John 4 made the main measure 100 quarters of "good good land", from which one warrior was exhibited on horseback in full combat gear. Thus, in the Russian state, the cavalry of the "Russian system" was created - the local cavalry. Such a cavalry was created in Sevsk - the Sevsky Dragoon Regiment. He took part in the war with Poland in the late 20s of the 17th century, suppressed the Moscow uprising in 1682, participated in the Crimean campaign in the 17th century, in the war with Turkey in the Patriotic War of 1812. It was disbanded in 1918. On the territory of our region there are several villages and villages founded by the Cossacks or for a long time completely belonging to them. Tell us about them ?. One of these settlements is the village of Borozdino. it appeared on the river Rassukha Borozdnaya during the rule of Lithuania. In 1618, according to the Deulinsky armistice agreement, the northern land was ceded to Poland. Sent to Starodub and Mglin, Polish officials began to establish their own rules, redistribute possessions. Cossacks, who came to the service of the Poles on their own horse, were given a plot of land "for each horse." According to the act of 1620, the Polish commissar Baltozar Stravinsky: "To approve the village of Borozdino beyond the furrows, its founders." After the expulsion of the Poles, with whom the Cossacks who served in the Polish army fled, all the peasants of the village, left without lords, went over to the class of Cossacks and actively participated in the struggle against Poland. The village remained a military until the end of the 18th century, Cossacks without lords lived in two houses, and one independent multi-family Cossack even had three houses.

8 No later than the second half of the 18th century, the village of Lupeki (now Luzhki) appeared. In 1723, there were 9 courtyards in it, and according to the second revision of the courtyard. The population of Lupek until the end of the 18th century remained Cossack, Fully belonged to the Cossacks until the end of the 18th century, the village of Trukhanovo, the village of Borshchovo, the village of Vysokoe, the village of Yelensk. The Cossacks have a fighting and glorious tradition. Today, attempts are being made at the state level to revive the Cossacks as a separate military entity. Since the beginning of the 1990s. the Russian government began to take measures to re-establish the Cossack self-government. July 16, 1992 The Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation adopted a Resolution “On the rehabilitation of the Cossacks”. In 1994. the Council for Cossack Affairs under the President of the Russian Federation was created. The Council for Cossack Affairs is an advisory and consultative body under the President of the Russian Federation, formed to facilitate the implementation of state policy in relation to the Russian Cossacks. B1995 the legal foundations of the state service of the Cossacks were developed, and already in 1996. the first Cossack army Volzhskoe - assumed obligations to carry out the civil service. July 3, 2008 The President of the Russian Federation adopted the concept of the state policy of the Russian Federation in relation to the Russian Cossacks, which states that the goals of the state policy of the Russian Federation in relation to the Cossacks are: the formation and development of the state and other service of the Russian Cossacks; revival and development of the spiritual and cultural foundations of the Russian Cossacks, family traditions; the implementation of patriotic education of the Cossack youth. February 9, 2010 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev approved the identity card, uniform and ranks of the Cossacks, as well as the coat of arms and banners of the military Cossack societies. Today, the Russian Cossacks are citizens of the Russian Federation who consider themselves to be Cossacks. Cossack societies and public associations of the Russian Cossacks have been created on the territory of more than 70 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Areas of compact residence of Cossacks still exist today in the Republic of North Ossetia Alania, Krasnodar, Khabarovsk Territories, Rostov, Volgograd, Orenburg, Omsk, Chelyabinsk Regions, Khanty Mansi and Yamalo Nenets Autonomous Districts and a number of other regions of Russia. There are 10 registered military Cossack societies in Russia: the Great Host of the Don, Kuban, Tersk, Volga, Orenburg, Siberian, Yenisei, Irkutsk, Ussuriysk. The largest of them are the Great Don Host, the Kuban Cossack Host, and the Siberian Cossack Host. The 11th army will appear soon - the Central, now it exists de facto and is being registered with the Ministry of Justice. In Russia, there are 24 Cossack cadet corps, more than a thousand Cossack classes in educational institutions, in which more than 40 thousand pupils study. Every year, on a national scale,

9 events related to the military patriotic education of Cossack youth.

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Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 9, 2010 N 168 "On the establishment of the emblems and banners of military Cossack societies included in the state register of Cossack societies in the Russian Federation" Published

QUESTIONS ABOUT THE HISTORY OF THE COSSACKS 1. Quality in the Russian Empire is ... 2. At the turn of the XIX XX centuries, the following Cossack troops existed in the European part of the Russian Empire: ... 3. At the turn of the XIX XX centuries


Russia after the Troubles Lecturer Kiyashchenko A.A. Revival of autocracy A strong group of supporters led by his father Filaret rallied around the young tsar. As the power strengthened, it began to descend

1. IX XII. POLYANE Tribal associations of the Eastern Slavs in the 9th-10th centuries. Middle Transnistria is a cultural center around which the Old Russian state was formed Directions of military campaigns of Old Russian squads


Russian history. Part 1. L.V. Selezneva Testing time 25 min Number of questions 30 Number of questions per 5 26 Number of questions per 4 21 Number of questions per 3 15 1. Central government strengthened

Completed: pupils of grade 5 B, secondary school, secondary school 33, Taganrog Bykova D., Brazhnikova A. Supervisor: teacher of informatics Sinyavina V.V. 1. A little history 2. Order "Victory" 3. Order of Glory (I, II and III degrees)

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education Center for out-of-school work "Harmony", Tikhoretsk Developed by: teacher-organizer Vera Viktorovna Belavina, Tikhoretsk 2016. The date of the:


Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school of the Kenadsky rural settlement of the Vaninsky municipal district of the Khabarovsk Territory Considered: Agreed: Approved:

NOVEMBER 4 DAY OF PEOPLE'S UNITY Students of the 6th grade under the guidance of class teacher Merkulova D.A. prepared a presentation on the history of the National Unity Day holiday and in a lesson on


Section 5. RUSSIA IN THE XVI-XVII CENTURIES: FROM THE GREAT PRINCIPALITY TO THE KINGDOM Topic 5.1. The Russian state in the 16th early 17th century. Topic of the lesson: Russia during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. Time of Troubles at the beginning of the 17th century.

Adapted work program for students with disabilities with EE in history grade 7 Developer: V.P. Melnikova, teacher of history and social studies 2017 1. Explanatory note This program has been drawn up

Ivan IV the Terrible (1547-1584) Along with internal transformations, he led an energetic foreign policy.

Board of Svyatoslav (962-972) 972) Lecturer Kiyashchenko A.A. The first steps Svyatoslav continued the unification of the East Slavic lands and the centralization of the management system. 1. Subdued the Vyatichi. 2. Began to send

St. George ribbon at Russian awards, history of St. George ribbon St. George ribbon, history of origin and use In 1769, Empress Catherine II established an award for officers

Formation of the Russian state Reasons for the rise of Moscow The first Moscow princes. Ivan III the founder of the Russian state 2 Prerequisites for the unification of the Russian lands The invasion changed the political and geographical

Russia and the Golden Horde Lesson plan 1. The formation of the Golden Horde. Horde dominion in Russia. 2. Duties of the Russian population 3. The struggle of the Russian people against the Horde domination. Russia and the Horde under Alexander

The history of the Russian Border Guard Service is rooted in the distant past. Already under the first Russian princes, the forces of squads, the militia and the border population were erected to protect the border, heroic outposts,

EDUCATION OF THE BARBARIAN KINGDOMS. THE STATE OF FRANKS IN VI VIII CENTURY. I S T O R I S R E D N I H V E K O V 6 K L A S Let us repeat what we have learned 1. What period of time does the history of the Middle Ages cover? 2. Why

Option I 1. 1 Indicate when the Union of Lublin was concluded, which united the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland into a single state of the Commonwealth. 2. 2 Indicate who led the uprising

Section 4. HISTORY OF NEW TIME Topic 4.3. Russia in the XVI XVIII century. Lecture 4.3.3. Russia in the era of Peter's transformations Plan 1. Beginning of the reign of Peter I. The first transformations. 2. Northern War. 3. Reforms

In honor of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Tasks of the equestrian crossing Equestrian crossing of the Cossacks of southern Russia along the Volgograd Sevastopol route is dedicated to the anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War

Municipal autonomous educational institution secondary school 7 named after G.K. Zhukov, the city of Armavir, Krasnodar Territory. Summary of a lesson in the 6th grade on Cuban studies "The struggle of highlanders against

Kalmyks as part of the Don Cossacks (XVII XX centuries) Oirats (Kalmyks), having migrated in the 1630s to the Volga region, came into contact with the Don Cossacks already in the early 1640s. Integration of the Kalmyk Khanate with

MBUK "Centralized system of public libraries" of Bryansk LIBRARY 3 To the 70th anniversary of the formation of the Bryansk region Bryansk 2014 The 70th anniversary of the formation of the Bryansk region is approaching. Bryansk region was formed

Final test on history, grade 6 FSES (demo version) Option 1 1. The battle on the Kalka River, where the Russian princes first met the Mongolotatars, took place in: 1. 1223 2. 1240 3. 1380

Presentation for children of the senior group "Defender of the Fatherland Day" educator of the MADOU "Kindergarten 1" of Tobolsk Sozonova Anastasia Valerievna February, February, winter and sun! And the first birds have a call! Today

Kovaleva SS, UIRO, SVRT, Moscow Officers of the Siberian Cossack army, participants of the First World War The Siberian Cossack army as an irregular army in the Russian Empire existed since the 16th century.

1 Purpose: - on the example of specific historical events and personalities, to foster patriotic feelings for their Fatherland PROCESS OF THE EVENT: (1 slide) Children are approaching the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day". Many

The first Russian princes Rurik 862-879 Rurik (862-879) - the son of the Norman king Gadliv, the grandson of the Novgorod head of Gostomysl. He was invited by some of the residents of Novgorod to "volode" them. According to

St. George Ribbon I remember, I'm proud! Kudasheva M.F. teacher of history and social studies St. George ribbon two-color orange and black. She leads her story from the ribbon to the soldier's order of the Saint

Bogatyr and knight as moral ideals Bogatyr and knight as moral ideals You will learn What is common between heroes and knights. What influence did they have on modern moral concepts?

Antiquity and the Middle Ages 1. Establish a correspondence between the events and the years when they occurred: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position of the second column. EVENTS OF THE YEAR A) battle

Analytical note on the implementation of the work plan of the commission for interaction of the Administration of the Morozovsky district with the Cossack societies of the Morozovsky district 1 quarter 1.1 On the implementation of the municipal program

Coat of arms of the Ermolov family The book "The Ermolov Family" by Vasily Fedorovich Ermolov, Stavropol landowner, boyar and steward (? -1718). From 1703 he was retired, in Moscow on parcels. In 1667 he was enrolled in the regiment of Prince J.F.


"APPROVED" by the Decree of the Council of Atamans of the Union of Cossacks of Russia 5 of February 19, 2006 P O L O W E N I E on the rank of the All-Russian public organization "Union of Cossacks" 1. These Regulations

1 Systematization of historical information: multiple choice Answers to tasks are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write down your answer without spaces, commas, etc.

Warlords and commanders of the Second World War Completed Kirichenko Svetlana and Marakova Yulia 11a grade. Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov Biography Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov Future Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich

SUPPORTING KNOWLEDGE FOR LESSON 2 1. Key dates and events 1359-1389 - the reign of Dmitry Ivanovich (Donskoy) in Moscow. 1380 - Battle of Kulikovo. 1462-1505 - reign of Grand Duke Ivan III. 1480 - the end of addiction


Lesson on the world around in grade 4 Topic: "Ancient Rus" Teacher: Yu.S. Smolina Objectives: to tell when and where the unification of the Novgorod and Kiev principalities took place, to acquaint with epics about the Grand Duke

FEDOR ARTUROVICH KELLER FEDOR ARTUROVICH KELLER (October 12, 1857 December 8, 1918) Officially: Count, General of the Cavalry. Unofficially: Russia's first checker. The last knight of the Empire (Knight of Russia)

Test work on the outside world (March) Traditional program School of Russia Grade 4 Dear parents, print this work. The student must do it by hand. Circle selected answer

ARMY OF THE TROOPS HISTORY OF THE TITLE PERSONALITY FORM 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 The branch of the army 100 The most numerous branch of the ground forces,

Famous public and military figures who left their mark in the history of Dalnerechensk Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich, the future Emperor Nicholas II, the Autocrat of All Russia. First of the most senior