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1 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 8, 009 N 559 "On the submission of information on income, property and property obligations by citizens applying for positions in the federal public service and federal civil servants" On the application of the provisions of this Decree, see letter from the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of November 009 N In accordance with Article 8 of the Federal Law of December 5, 008 N 7-FZ "On Combating Corruption" I decide :. To approve the attached: a) Regulations on the submission of information on income, property and property obligations by citizens applying for positions in the federal civil service and federal civil servants; By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 04, N 460, subparagraph "b" was declared invalid from January 05. b) the form of a certificate of income, property and property obligations of a citizen claiming to fill the position of the federal public service; By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 04, N 460, subparagraph "c" was declared invalid from January 05 c) the form of a certificate of income, property and property obligations of a spouse and minor children of a citizen applying for the position of a federal state service; By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 04, N 460, subparagraph "g" was declared invalid from January 05 d) the form of a certificate of income, property and property obligations of a federal civil servant; By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 04, N 460, subparagraph "e" was declared invalid from January 05 e) the form of a certificate of income, property and property obligations of the spouse and minor children of a federal civil servant. By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 04, N 460, the item was set out in a new edition, which comes into force from July 05. See the text of the item in the future edition. Establish that information on income, property and liabilities of a property nature, submitted in accordance with the Regulations and according to the forms of certificates, which are approved by paragraph of this Decree, by federal civil servants filling positions of the federal civil service in federal state bodies, information about employees of which relate to state secrets, are presented in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on state secrets .. Recommend the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies to be guided by this Decree when developing and approving provisions on submission by citizens applying for positions in the state civil service

2 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal service, state civil servants of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal employees information on income, property and property obligations. 4. To declare invalid: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 5, 997 N 484 "On the submission of information on income and property by persons holding public positions of the Russian Federation and persons holding public positions in public service and positions in local self-government bodies" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 997, N 0, Art. 9); Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 4, 998 N 7 "On Amendments and Additions to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 5, 997 N 484" and positions in local governments, information on income and property "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 998, N 0, Art. 60); subparagraph" a "of paragraph of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 999 N 680" On approval of the Regulations on Personnel Department of the President of the Russian Federation "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 999, No. Federation, 000, N, Art This Decree shall enter into force on the day of its official publication President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev Mosk VA, the Kremlin May 8, 009 N 559 Regulations on the submission by citizens applying for positions in the federal public service, and federal civil servants information about income, property and property obligations (approved. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 8, 009 N 559). This Regulation determines the procedure for citizens applying for positions in the federal civil service (hereinafter referred to as civil service positions) and federal civil servants of information about their income, property belonging to them by right of ownership, and their property obligations, as well as information on the income of the spouse and minor children, on the property belonging to them by right of ownership, and on their property obligations (hereinafter - information on income, property and property obligations). ... The Duty to Provide Information on Income, Property and Property Obligations in Accordance with Federal Laws

3 is imposed on a citizen applying for a civil service position provided for by the list of positions approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 8, 009 N 557 (hereinafter - citizen), and on a federal civil servant filling a civil service position provided for by this list of positions (hereinafter referred to as a civil servant). By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 04, N 460, amendments were made to the paragraph, which come into force from July 05. See the text of the paragraph in the future edition. Information on income, property and property obligations shall be submitted according to the approved forms of certificates: a) by citizens - when appointing to positions in the civil service, provided for by the list of positions specified in paragraph of these Regulations; b) civil servants filling civil service positions (with the exception of civil service positions in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation) provided for by the list of positions specified in clause of these Regulations - annually, no later than April 0 of the year following the reporting year; c) civil servants filling civil service positions in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, provided for by the list of positions specified in clause of these Regulations - annually, no later than April of the year following the reporting year. 4. When a citizen is appointed to a civil service position, he submits: a) information about his income received from all sources (including income at the previous place of work or place of filling an elective position, pensions, benefits, other payments) for the calendar year preceding the year of filing documents to fill a civil service position, as well as information about the property belonging to him by right of ownership and about his property obligations as of the first day of the month preceding the month of filing documents for filling the civil service position (as of the reporting date); b) information about the income of the spouse (spouse) and minor children received from all sources (including salary, pensions, benefits, other payments) for the calendar year preceding the year the citizen submits documents for filling a civil service position, as well as information about property, owned by them on the right of ownership, and on their property obligations as of the first day of the month preceding the month the citizen submits documents to fill a civil service position (as of the reporting date). 5. A civil servant submits annually: a) information on his income received during the reporting period (from January to December) from all sources (including salaries, pensions, benefits, other payments), as well as information on property belonging to him by right property, and about their property obligations as of the end of the reporting period; b) information on the income of the spouse and minor children received during the reporting period (from January to December) from all sources (including wages, pensions, benefits, other payments), as well as information on property owned by them , and about their obligations of property

4 character as of the end of the reporting period. 6. A federal civil servant filling a federal civil service position not included in the list of positions approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 8, 009 N 557, and applying for a civil service position included in this list of positions, submits the specified information in in accordance with clause, subclause "a" of clause and clause 4 of these Regulations. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 0 N 878, paragraph 7 was amended See the text of the paragraph in the previous edition 7. Information on income, property and liabilities of a property nature is submitted to the personnel service of the federal state body in the manner established by the head of the federal state body. Information on income, property and property obligations provided by citizens applying for positions in the civil service, the appointment and release from which are carried out by the President of the Russian Federation or on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation, by citizens applying for the posts of first deputy and deputies of the General the Prosecutor of the Russian Federation, the appointment and release from which are carried out on the proposal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, by citizens applying for the positions of heads and deputy heads of the Office of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Office of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Office of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation Federation and the apparatus of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, as well as those represented by civil servants filling the indicated positions These civil service are sent by the personnel service of the federal state body to the Office of the President of the Russian Federation on anti-corruption issues. Information on income, property and liabilities of a property nature, submitted by citizens applying for filling positions in the civil service, the appointment and release from which are carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as submitted by civil servants filling these positions of the civil service, are sent by the personnel service of the federal state body to a subdivision of the Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation, determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 04, N 45, amendments were made to clause 8, taking effect from August 04. See the text of clause in the previous edition 8. state body information on income, property and liabilities of a property nature is not reflected or is not fully reflected any information or there are errors, they have the right to submit updated information in the manner prescribed by this Regulation. A civil servant may submit updated information within one month after the end of the period specified in subparagraph "b" or "c" of paragraph of these Regulations. A citizen appointed to the position of a state

5 service, can provide updated information within one month from the date of submission of information in accordance with subparagraph "a" of paragraph of these Regulations. 9. If, for objective reasons, civil servants fail to provide information on income, property and property obligations of the spouse and minor children, this fact is subject to consideration by the appropriate commission for compliance with the requirements for official behavior of federal civil servants and the settlement of conflicts of interest. 0. Verification of the accuracy and completeness of information on income, property and property obligations submitted in accordance with this Regulation by a citizen and a civil servant is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. See the Regulation on verifying the accuracy and completeness of information submitted by citizens applying for positions in the federal civil service and federal civil servants, and compliance by federal civil servants with the requirements for official conduct, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 009 N 065. Information about income, property and liabilities of a property nature, submitted in accordance with this Regulation by a citizen and a civil servant, are information of a confidential nature, unless by federal law they are classified as information constituting a state secret. This information is provided to the head of the federal state body and other officials of the federal state body empowered to appoint and dismiss civil servants, as well as to other officials in cases stipulated by federal laws. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 0, 0 N 74, the paragraph was amended See the text of the paragraph in the previous edition. Information on income, property and property obligations of a civil servant, his wife (spouse) and minor children in accordance with the procedure approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 8, 0 N 6, are posted on the official website of the corresponding federal state body, and in the absence of this information on the official website of the corresponding federal state body, it is provided to the all-Russian mass media for publication at their request. disclosure or use for purposes not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 4. Information on income, property and liabilities of a property nature, submitted in accordance with this Regulation by a citizen or a federal civil servant specified in paragraph 6 of this Regulation, upon appointment to a civil service position, as well as submitted to a civil servant annually, and information on the results verification of the accuracy and completeness of this information is attached to the personal file

6 civil servants. In the event that a citizen or a federal civil servant specified in clause 6 of these Regulations, who submitted to the personnel service of the federal state body certificates of their income, property and property obligations, as well as income, property and property obligations of their spouse (spouse ) and minor children, were not appointed to a civil service position included in the list of positions approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 8, 009 N 557, these certificates are returned to them upon their written application along with other documents. 5. In case of failure to submit or submission of deliberately false information about income, property and property obligations, a citizen cannot be appointed to a civil service position, and a civil servant is dismissed from the civil service position or is subject to other types of disciplinary liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 04 N 460, subparagraph "b" of the paragraph of the Decree, which approved this certificate, was declared invalid from January 05. See this form in the MS-Excel editor APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 8, 009 N 559 B (the name of the personnel department of the federal state body is indicated) INFORMATION on income, property and property obligations of a citizen applying for the position of the federal public service I, (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth), (main place of work or service, position held; in the absence of the main place of work or service - occupation) residing at the address: (address of the place of residence), I provide information * about my income, about property belonging to me on the right of ownership, about deposits in banks, securities, about liabilities of a property nature: * Information, with the exception of information on income, is indicated as of

7th day of the month preceding the month of submission of documents for filling the position of the federal public service (as of the reporting date). Chapter. Information on income * Type of income Amount of income ** Income at the main place of work Income from teaching activities Income from scientific activities 4 Income from other creative activities 5 Income from deposits in banks and other credit institutions 6 Income from securities and shares in commercial organizations 7 Other income (indicate the type of income): 8 Total income for the reporting period * Indicates income (including pensions, benefits, other payments) for the year preceding the year of filing documents for filling the position of the federal public service. ** Income received in foreign currency is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the date of receipt of the income. Chapter. Property information .. Real estate Property type and name Property type * Location (address) Area (sq. M.) 4 5 Land plots **: Residential buildings: Apartments:

8 4 Summer cottages: 5 Garages: 6 Other immovable property: * Indicate the type of property (individual, general); for joint ownership, other persons (full name or name) are indicated who own the property; for shared ownership, the share of a citizen applying for a position in the federal public service, who provides information, is indicated. ** Indicate the type of land plot (share, share): for individual housing construction, summer cottage, garden, backyard, vegetable garden and others ... Vehicles Type and brand of transport Type of ownership * Place of registration of the vehicle 4 Passenger cars: Trucks: Trailers: 4 Motor vehicles: 5 Agricultural machinery: 6 Water transport: 7 Air transport:

9 8 Other vehicles: * Indicate the type of property (individual, general); for joint ownership, other persons (full name or name) are indicated who own the property; for shared ownership, the share of a citizen applying for a position in the federal public service, who provides information, is indicated. Chapter. Information on funds held in accounts with banks and other credit institutions Name and address of a bank or other credit institution Account type and currency * Account opening date Account number Account balance ** * The type of account (deposit, current, settlement, loan and others) and account currency. ** Account balance is indicated as of the reporting date. For accounts in foreign currency, the balance is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date. 4 5 Section 4. Information on securities 4 .. Shares and other participation in commercial organizations Name and legal form of organization * (Location of the organization (address) Authorized capital * () Share of participation * (Basis of participation * (4)

10 * (Indicate the full or abbreviated official name of the organization and its organizational and legal form (joint stock company, limited liability company, partnership, production cooperative, etc.). * (The authorized capital is indicated in accordance with the constituent documents of the organization as of the reporting date. capital denominated in foreign currency, the authorized capital is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date. * (The share of participation is expressed as a percentage of the authorized capital. For joint-stock companies, the par value and number of shares are also indicated. * (4) The basis for acquiring the share is indicated. participation (constituent agreement, privatization, purchase, exchange, donation, inheritance and others), as well as details (date, number) of the corresponding agreement or act Other securities Type of security * Person who issued the security Nominal value of the obligation Total amount Total value * * Total for Section 4 "Information on Valuables nd securities "the total declared value of securities, including shares of participation in commercial organizations ,. * Indicates all securities by type (bonds, promissory notes and others), with the exception of the shares specified in the subsection "Shares and other participation in commercial organizations". ** The total value of securities of this type is indicated based on the cost of their acquisition (and if it cannot be determined - on the basis of market value or par value). For liabilities denominated in foreign currency, the cost is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date. Section 5. Information on liabilities of a property nature 5 .. Real estate objects in use * (Type of property * (Type and terms of use * (Basis for use * (Location Area (sq.m))

11) 4) (address) * (Indicated as of the reporting date. * (Indicates the type of immovable property (land, residential building, summer residence, etc.). * (Indicates the type of use (rent, free use, etc.) and terms of use . * (4) The basis of use (agreement, actual provision, etc.), as well as the details (date, number) of the corresponding agreement or act are indicated. 5 .. Other obligations * (Content of obligation * () Creditor (debtor) * (Ground * (4) Amount of obligation * (5) Conditions of obligation * (6) I confirm the accuracy and completeness of this information. of the person who accepted the certificate) * (Indicates the urgent financial obligations at the reporting date in an amount exceeding 00 times the minimum wage established on the reporting date. * (Indicates the substance of the obligation (loan, credit, etc.) ... * (The second party of the obligation is indicated: the creditor or the debtor, his last name, first name and patronymic (name of the legal entity), address. * (4) The basis for the occurrence of the obligation (agreement, transfer of money or property, etc.), as well as details (date, number) of the corresponding agreement or act. * (5) Indicate the amount of the main obligation (without the amount of interest). For obligations denominated in foreign currency, the amount is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date. * (6) Indicate the annual interest rate of the obligation property pledged to secure the obligation;

12 By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 04, N 460, subparagraph "c" of the paragraph of the Decree, which approved this certificate, was declared invalid from January 05. See this form in the MS-Excel editor APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 8, 009 No. N 559 B (the name of the personnel department of the federal state body is indicated) INFORMATION on income, property and property obligations of the spouse and minor children of a citizen applying for the position of the federal public service * I, (surname, name, patronymic, date of birth ), (main place of work or service, position held; in the absence of main place of work or service - occupation) residing at the address: (address of residence), I provide information ** about the income of my (my), (spouse) , minor daughter, minor son), (surname, name, patronymic, date of birth) (main place of work or service, position held; in the absence of main place of work or service - occupation) on property belonging to her (him) on the basis of ownership, on deposits in banks, securities, on property obligations: * Information is submitted separately for the spouse and for each of the minor children of the citizen applying for the position of the federal public service, which provides information. ** Information, with the exception of information on income, is indicated as of the -th day of the month preceding the month of submission of documents for filling the position of the federal public service (as of the reporting date). Chapter. Information about income * Type of income Amount of income **

13 Income at the main place of work Income from teaching Income from scientific activities 4 Income from other creative activities 5 Income from deposits in banks and other credit institutions 6 Income from securities and shares in commercial organizations 7 Other income (indicate the type of income): 8 Total income for the reporting period * Indicates income (including pensions, benefits, other payments) for the year preceding the year of filing documents to fill the position of the federal public service. ** Income received in foreign currency is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the date of receipt of the income. Chapter. Property information .. Real estate Property type and name Property type * Location (address) Area (sq.m.) 4 5 Land plots **: Residential buildings: Apartments: 4 Summer cottages: 5 Garages:

14 6 Other immovable property: * The type of property is indicated (individual, general); for joint ownership, other persons (full name or name) are indicated who own the property; for shared ownership, the share of a family member of a citizen applying for a position in the federal public service, who provides information, is indicated. ** Indicate the type of land plot (share, share): for individual housing construction, summer cottage, garden, backyard, vegetable garden and others ... Vehicles Type and brand of transport Type of ownership * Place of registration of the vehicle 4 Passenger cars: Trucks: Trailers: 4 Motor vehicles: 5 Agricultural machinery: 6 Water transport: 7 Air transport: 8 Other vehicles: * Indicate the type of property (individual, general); for joint ownership, other persons are indicated (full name or name), owned

15 of which the property is located; for shared ownership, the share of a family member of a citizen applying for a position in the federal public service, who provides information, is indicated. Chapter. Information on funds held in accounts with banks and other credit institutions 4 5 Name and address of a bank or other credit institution Type and currency of account * Date of account opening Account number Account balance ** * The type of account (deposit, current, settlement, loan and others) and account currency. ** Account balance is indicated as of the reporting date. For accounts in foreign currency, the balance is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date. 4 5 Section 4. Information about securities 4 .. Shares and other participation in commercial organizations Name and organizational and legal form of the organization * (Location of the organization (address) Authorized capital * (Share of participation * (Basis of participation * (4) * (The full or abbreviated official name of the organization and its organizational and legal form (joint-stock company, limited liability company, partnership, production cooperative, etc.) are indicated. * (The authorized capital is indicated in accordance with the constituent documents of the organization as of the reporting date. For authorized capitals, denominated in foreign currency, the authorized capital is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date.

16 * (The share of participation is expressed as a percentage of the authorized capital. For joint-stock companies, the par value and number of shares are also indicated. * (4) The basis for the acquisition of a share of participation (memorandum of association, privatization, purchase, exchange, donation, inheritance, etc.) is indicated, and also details (date, number) of the relevant agreement or act Other securities Type of security * Person who issued the security Nominal value of the obligation Total amount Total value ** Total for section 4 "Information on securities" total declared value of securities, including shares participation in commercial organizations. * Indicates all securities by type (bonds, promissory notes and others), with the exception of shares specified in the subsection "Shares and other participation in commercial organizations." ** Indicates the total value of securities of this type based on the cost their acquisition (and if it cannot be determined based on market value or nominal value). For securities denominated in foreign currency, the value is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date. Section 5. Information on liabilities of a property nature 5 .. Real estate objects in use * (Type of property * (Type and terms of use * () Basis of use * (4) Location (address) Area (sq. M) * ( Indicated as of the reporting date. * (The type of immovable property (land plot, residential building, cottage and others) is indicated.

17 * (The type of use (rent, free use, etc.) and the terms of use are indicated. * (4) The basis of use (agreement, actual provision, etc.), as well as the details (date, number) of the corresponding agreement or act are indicated. 5 .. Other obligations * (Content of obligation * (Creditor (debtor) * (Ground of occurrence * (4) Amount of obligations a * (5) Conditions of obligations a * (6) I confirm the accuracy and completeness of this information. "" 0 year (signature of the citizen applying for a position of the federal public service, which provides information) (full name and signature of the person who accepted the certificate) * (Indicates urgent financial obligations on the reporting date in an amount exceeding 00 times the minimum wage, established on the reporting date. * (Indicates the substance of the obligation (loan, credit, etc.). * (Indicates the second party of the obligation: the creditor or the debtor, his last name, first name and patronymic (name of the person), address. * (4) The basis for the occurrence of the obligation (agreement, transfer of money or property, etc.), as well as the details (date, number) of the corresponding agreement or act are indicated. * (5) Indicate the amount of the main liability (excluding the amount of interest). For liabilities denominated in foreign currency, the amount is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date. * (6) Indicates the annual interest rate of the obligation pledged in the security of the obligation property, issued as security for the obligation of the guarantee and surety. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 04, N 460, subparagraph "g" of clause of the Decree, which approved this certificate, was declared invalid from January 05. See the overview of problematic issues arising when filling out certificates of income, property and property obligations given in clarifications of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 5, 0 See this form in the MS-Excel editor and a sample of its filling APPROVED by Presidential Decree

18 of the Russian Federation of May 8, 009 N 559 B (the name of the personnel department of the federal state body is indicated) INFORMATION on income, property and property obligations of the federal civil servant I, (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth), (place of service and the position held) residing at the address: (address of residence) I provide information about my income for the reporting period from January 0 to December 0, about property belonging to me on the right of ownership, about deposits in banks, securities, about liabilities of a property nature as of the end of the reporting period (as of the reporting date): Section. Information on income * Type of income Amount of income ** Income at the main place of work Income from teaching activities Income from scientific activities 4 Income from other creative activities 5 Income from deposits in banks and other credit institutions 6 Income from securities and shares in commercial organizations 7 Other income (indicate the type of income): 8 Total income for the reporting period * Indicates income (including pensions, benefits, other payments) for the reporting period. ** Income received in foreign currency is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the date of receipt of the income. Chapter. Property information .. Immovable property

19 Type and name of property Type of property * Location (address) Area (sq. M) 4 5 Land plots **: Residential buildings: Apartments: 4 Summer cottages: 5 Garages: 6 Other real estate: * The type of property is indicated (individual, total ); for joint ownership, other persons (full name or name) are indicated who own the property; for shared ownership, the share of the federal civil servant who provides the information is indicated. ** Indicate the type of land plot (share, share): for individual housing construction, summer cottage, garden, backyard, vegetable garden and others ... Vehicles Type and brand of transport Type of ownership * Place of registration of the vehicle 4 Passenger cars: Trucks:

20 Trailers: 4 Motor vehicles: 5 Agricultural machinery: 6 Water transport: 7 Air transport: 8 Other vehicles: * Indicate the type of property (individual, shared); for joint ownership, other persons (full name or name) are indicated who own the property; for shared ownership, the share of the federal civil servant who provides the information is indicated. Chapter. Information on funds held in accounts with banks and other credit institutions Name and address of a bank or other credit institution Account type and currency * Account opening date Account number Account balance ** * The type of account (deposit, current, settlement, loan and others) and account currency. ** Account balance is indicated as of the reporting date. For accounts in foreign currency, the balance is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date. Section 4. Information on securities 4 .. Shares and other participation in commercial organizations

21 4 5 Name and organizational and legal form of the organization * (Location of the organization (address) Authorized capital * (Share of participation * (Basis of participation * (4) * (Indicate the full or abbreviated official name of the organization and its organizational and legal form (joint stock company, limited liability company, partnership, production cooperative and others.) * (The authorized capital is indicated in accordance with the constituent documents of the organization as of the reporting date. For authorized capitals denominated in foreign currency, the authorized capital is indicated in rubles at the rate of the Bank of Russia date. * (The share of participation is expressed as a percentage of the authorized capital. For joint-stock companies, the par value and the number of shares are also indicated. * (4) The basis for the acquisition of the share of participation is indicated (memorandum of association, privatization, purchase, exchange, donation, inheritance, and others), as well as details (date, number) of the corresponding agreement or act Other securities Ви d of the security * The person who issued the security Nominal amount of the obligation Total amount Total value ** Total for section 4 "Information on securities" the total declared value of securities, including participation interests in commercial organizations. * Indicates all securities by type (bonds, promissory notes and others), with the exception of the shares specified in the subsection "Shares and other participation in commercial organizations".

22 ** The total value of securities of this type is indicated based on the cost of their acquisition (and if it cannot be determined - on the basis of market value or par value). For liabilities denominated in foreign currency, the cost is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date. Section 5. Information on liabilities of a property nature 5 .. Real estate objects in use * (Type of property * (Type and terms of use * () Basis of use * (4) Location (address) Area (sq. M) * ( Indicated as of the reporting date. * (Indicates the type of immovable property (land plot, residential building, summer cottage, etc.). * (Indicates the type of use (rent, free use, etc.) and terms of use. * (4) Indicates the basis for use ( agreement, actual provision and others), as well as details (date, number) of the relevant agreement or act. 5) Terms of obligation * (6) I confirm the accuracy and completeness of this information. financier on the nature in an amount exceeding 00 times the minimum wage established at the reporting date. * (Indicate the essence of the obligation (loan, credit, etc.). * (Indicate the second party of the obligation: the creditor or the debtor, his last name, first name and patronymic (name of the legal entity), address.

23 * (4) The basis for the occurrence of the obligation (agreement, transfer of money or property, etc.), as well as the details (date, number) of the corresponding agreement or act are indicated. * (5) Indicate the amount of the main liability (excluding the amount of interest). For liabilities denominated in foreign currency, the amount is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date. * (6) Indicates the annual interest rate of the obligation pledged in the security of the obligation property, issued as security for the obligation of the guarantee and surety. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 04, N 460, subparagraph "e" of the paragraph of the Decree, which approved this certificate, was declared invalid from January 05. See the overview of problematic issues arising when filling out certificates of income, property and property obligations given in clarifications of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 5, 0 See this form in the MS-Excel editor APPROVED by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 8, 009 N 559 B character of the spouse (spouse) and minor children of a federal civil servant * I, (surname, name, patronymic, date of birth), (place of service, position held) residing at: (address of residence), I am reporting income information for the reporting period from January 0 to December 0 of my (my) (spouse, minor daughter, minor son), (surname, name, oh identity, date of birth), (main place of work or service, position held; in the absence of the main place of work or service - occupation) about property belonging to her (him) by right of ownership, about deposits in banks, securities, about property obligations under

24 as of the end of the reporting period (as of the reporting date): * Information is provided separately for the spouse and for each of the minor children of the federal civil servant who submits the information. Chapter. Information on income * Type of income Amount of income ** Income at the main place of work Income from teaching Income from scientific activities 4 Income from other creative activities 5 Income from deposits in banks and other credit institutions 6 Income from securities and shares in commercial organizations 7 Other income (indicate the type of income): 8 Total income for the reporting period * Indicates income (including pensions, benefits, other payments) for the reporting period. ** Income received in foreign currency is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the date of receipt of the income. Chapter. Property information .. Real estate Property type and name Property type * Location (address) Area (sq. M.) 4 5 Land plots **: Residential buildings: Apartments:

25 4 Summer cottages: 5 Garages: 6 Other immovable property: * Indicate the type of property (individual, general); for joint ownership, other persons (full name or name) are indicated who own the property; for shared ownership, the share of the family member of the federal civil servant who provides the information is indicated. ** Indicate the type of land plot (share, share): for individual housing construction, summer cottage, garden, backyard, vegetable garden and others ... Vehicles Type and brand of transport Type of ownership * Place of registration of the vehicle 4 Passenger cars: Trucks: Trailers: 4 Motor vehicles: 5 Agricultural machinery: 6 Water transport: 7 Air transport:

26 8 Other vehicles: * Indicate the type of property (individual, general); for joint ownership, other persons (full name or name) are indicated who own the property; for shared ownership, the share of the family member of the federal civil servant who provides the information is indicated. Chapter. Information on funds held in accounts with banks and other credit institutions Name and address of a bank or other credit institution Account type and currency * Account opening date Account number Account balance ** * The type of account (deposit, current, settlement, loan and others) and account currency. ** Account balance is indicated as of the reporting date. For accounts in foreign currency, the balance is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date. 4 5 Section 4. Information on securities 4 .. Shares and other participation in commercial organizations Name and organizational and legal form of the organization * (Location of the organization (address) Authorized capital * (Share of participation * (Basis of participation * (4) * (Indicate the full or abbreviated official name of the organization and its organizational and legal form (joint stock company, limited liability company, partnership, production cooperative and others).

27 * (The authorized capital is indicated in accordance with the constituent documents of the organization as of the reporting date. For authorized capitals denominated in foreign currency, the authorized capital is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date. * (The share of participation is expressed as a percentage of the authorized capital. For of joint-stock companies, the par value and number of shares are also indicated. * (4) The basis for the acquisition of a participation interest (memorandum of association, privatization, purchase, exchange, donation, inheritance and others), as well as the details (date, number) of the corresponding agreement or act Other valuable securities Type of security * Person who issued the security Nominal value of the obligation Total amount Total value ** Total for section 4 "Information on securities" total declared value of securities, including participation interests in commercial organizations. * All securities are indicated by type (bonds, promissory notes and others), with the exception of the shares specified in the subsection le "Shares and other participation in commercial organizations". ** The total value of securities of this type is indicated based on the cost of their acquisition (and if it cannot be determined - on the basis of market value or par value). For liabilities denominated in foreign currency, the cost is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date. Section 5. Information on liabilities of a property nature 5 .. Real estate objects in use * (Type of property * (Type and terms of use * () Basis of use * (4) Location (address) Area (sq. M)

28 * (Indicated as of the reporting date. * (Indicates the type of immovable property (land plot, residential building, summer cottage, etc.). * (Indicates the type of use (rent, free use, etc.) and terms of use. * (4) Indicates basis of use (agreement, actual provision, etc.), as well as details (date, number) of the relevant agreement or act. 5 .. Other obligations * (Content of obligation * (Creditor (debtor) * (Ground of origin * (4) Amount of obligations a * (5) Conditions of obligation * (6) I confirm the accuracy and completeness of this information. date of urgent financial commitments in an amount exceeding 00 times the minimum wage established at the reporting date. * (Indicates the substance of the obligation (loan, credit, etc.). * (Indicates the second party of the obligation: the creditor or the debtor, his last name, first name and patronymic (name of the legal entity), address. * (4) The basis for the occurrence of the obligation (agreement, transfer of money or property, etc.), as well as the details (date, number) of the corresponding agreement or act are indicated. * (5) Indicate the amount of the main liability (excluding the amount of interest). For liabilities denominated in foreign currency, the amount is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date. * (6) Indicates the annual interest rate of the obligation pledged in the security of the obligation property, issued as security for the obligation of the guarantee and surety.



INITIAL OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION On the submission of information on income by citizens applying for positions in the federal civil service and federal civil servants,


Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 8, 009 9 "On the submission of the gr. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 8, 009. 9"


ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE CHECHEN REPUBLIC from 0.2009 Grozny ZM On representation by citizens applying for positions in the state civil service of the Chechen Republic, and state

MEETING OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE SHIGON MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF THE SAMARA REGION DECISION 9 dated 9.04.00 44670, p. Shigony, pl. Lenin, "On the approval of the Regulations on the representation by citizens claiming to replace


The document is provided by ConsultantPlus March 0, 00 74 CHAPTER OF THE REPUBLIC OF KALMYKIA

Appendix to the resolution of the administration of the urban settlement of the city of Semiluki from 0g. PROCEDURE FOR REPRESENTATION BY CITIZENS APPLYING FOR REPLACEMENT OF POSITIONS OF THE MUNICIPAL SERVICE, AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES


On Amending the Resolution of the Administration of the Municipal Formation of the Resort City of Gelendzhik dated March 00, 675 “On Approving the Regulation on the Procedure for Submission by Citizens of the Russian Federation,

MOSCOW MAYOR ORDER of March 1, 2013 N 13-UM "On the submission of information on income, property and property obligations by citizens applying for filling positions of leaders

From 30.02013 443-5 OD Veliky Novgorod Russian Federation NOVGOROD REGIONAL DUMA P O S T A N O V L E N E


ADMINISTRATION OF THE TEGULDET DISTRICT DECREE 0.0.0 On the approval of the Rules for submission by a person applying for the position of the head of a municipal institution, as well as the head of a municipal

LAW OF ST. PETERSBURG dated 9.04.0 N 5-4 On representation by citizens applying for positions of heads of state institutions of St. Petersburg, and heads of state institutions

ADMINISTRATION OF THE ZDVINSKY DISTRICT OF THE NOVOSIBIRSK REGION DECREE from 0.0.0 55-pas On the Procedure for presentation by a person applying for the post of head of a municipal institution of Zdvinsky district by the head

Law of the Tambov Region of July 25, 2009 No. 551-З "On the Submission of Information on Income, Property and Property Obligations by Citizens Applying for Positions of State


APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 8.0.009 9 (the name of the personnel department of the federal state body is indicated) INFORMATION on income on property and liabilities


HEAD of the urban settlement of Sofrino, Pushkinsky municipal district of the Moscow region 141270, Moscow region, Pushkinsky district, pos. Sofrino, st. Pochtovaya, house 4 RESOLUTION Tel .: 53-1-34-23, 993-24-45


Approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Buryatia dated 09.24.2009 318 В (the name of the personnel department of the state body of the Republic of Buryatia is indicated)


Butinsky Village Council of the Almetyevsky Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan DECISION 74 February 27, 2013 On the observance of persons applying for the position of the head of a municipal institution,

APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.05.009 558 B

APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.05.009 559 B

Appendix 2 APPROVED by the Decree of the head of the Elban urban settlement of 2013. TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE ELBAN CITY SETTLEMENT CERTIFICATE on income, property and property character of the municipal

Verkhneaktash Village Council of the Almetyevsk Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan

APPROVED by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2009 N 559 B

(as amended by the Decree of the Head of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 16, 2012 87) Approved by the Decree of the Head of the Komi Republic dated August 24, 2009 98 (Appendix 5) Form of income statement, property and property obligations


Approved by the decree of the Governor of the Murmansk region dated September 5, 009 7-PG B (the name of the personnel department of the state body is indicated) REFERENCE ON INCOME, PROPERTY AND OBLIGATIONS


DECISION of the Council of the Kamsko-Ustinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan in March 0 58 On amendments and additions to the Decision of the Council of the Kamsko-Ustinsky municipal district dated 6.0.00 64

Appendix to the Rules for the Submission of Information by a Person Applying for the Position of the Head of a Federal State Institution, as well as by the Head of a Federal State Institution

Approved by the Resolution of the Administration of the Suoyarvi urban settlement dated 04.16.2014 69 Form B (the name of the local government of the Suoyarvi urban settlement is indicated) INFORMATION on income,

TAMBOV REGION UMYETSKY DISTRICT COUNCIL OF PEOPLE'S DEPUTIES SEVENTY-SIXTH SESSION FOURTH CONVOCATION RESOLUTION February 25, 2013 129 r.p. Is able to approve the Provision on the provision by the person,

Appendix to the decree of the Mayor of Moscow dated September 7, 009 6-UM V (the name of the personnel department of the state body of the city of Moscow is indicated) REFERENCE ON INCOME, PROPERTY AND PROPERTY OBLIGATIONS

Registered in the Department of the Ministry of Justice of Russia for SD on March 7, 0 RU8000000096 GOVERNMENT OF THE UDMURT REPUBLIC DECREE dated February 5, 0, 85 ON THE PROCEDURE FOR PRESENTATION BY A PERSON APPLYING FOR A POSITION

1 Russian Federation Irkutsk Region Bratsk District Klyuchi-Bulak Municipal Formation Duma Klyuchi-Bulak Rural Settlement DECISION 102 of 03/14/2016 On amendments to the Regulations on

GOVERNMENT OF THE KALININGRAD REGION P O ST A N O V L E N E dated March 20, 2015 124 Kaliningrad On Amending the Resolution of the Kaliningrad Region Government dated February 27, 2013

APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 08.05.009 559 B

Administration of the Municipal Formation "Seltinsky District" "Sjolta Yoros" Municipality Kyldytetlen Administration RESOLUTION February 26, 2013 106 p.

ANNEX No. 1 to the Rules for the presentation of information by a person applying for the position of the head of a federal state institution, as well as by the head of a federal state institution

APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05/18/2009 559 To the Administration of the JV “Village Khotisino” (the name of the personnel department of the federal state body is indicated) REFERENCE

APPROVED by the Regional Law of September 29, 2009 9-z "On the provision by citizens applying for government positions in the Smolensk region,


Appendix to the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Status of Judges in the Russian Federation" In the Nineteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal INFORMATION about a judge's income, property belonging to him by right of ownership,

Appendix 2 to the Decree of the President of the Udmurt Republic of August 27, 2009 231 B INFORMATION on income, property and property character I, (full name, date of birth) (main place of work

"On approval of the form of a certificate of income, expenses, property and property obligations and amendments to some acts of the President of the Russian Federation" June 23

Appendix to the Law of the Russian Federation of June 1999 -I "On the status of judges in the Russian Federation" B (the name of the qualification collegium of judges is indicated) Information on the income of a spouse and minors


Draft On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Kursk Region "On the Status of a Deputy of the Kursk Regional Duma" Adopted by the Kursk Regional Duma in 2012 Article 1. To amend the Law of the Kursk Region of July 5


APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 05/18/2009 559 To the Federal State Budgetary Institution "State Natural Biosphere Reserve" Daursky "(the name of

Appendix to the decree of the Mayor of Moscow dated September 7, 009 - UM B (the name of the personnel department of the state body of the city of Moscow is indicated) S P R A V K A on income, property and obligations

Size: px

Start showing from page:


1 EXAMPLE OF COMPLETION Approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 23, 2014.460 B Department of Personnel Policy and Human Resources of the Bank of Russia (indicate the name of the personnel department of a federal state body, other body or organization) REFERENCE<1>on income, expenses, property and liabilities of a property nature<2>I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, b., Series passport, issued by the city of Moscow, OVD for the Levoberezhny district, (surname, name, patronymic, date of birth, series and number of the passport, date of issue and issuing authority passport) Department of Cash Circulation, Deputy Director of the Department, (place of work (service), occupied (replaced) position; in the absence of the main place of work (service) - occupation; position for which the citizen applies (if applicable)) registered at the address:, Moscow, st. Lavochkina, 6, apt. 105, in fact I live at the address:, Moscow region, Khimki, st. Lenina, 13, apt. 30, (address of the place of registration) I am giving information about the income, expenses of my wife (spouse), a minor child (underline the necessary) Ivanova Margarita Yurievna, b., Passport, issued by the city, g . Moscow, OVD "Yaroslavsky" (surname, name, patronymic, year of birth, series and number of the passport, date of issue and the authority that issued the passport), Moscow, Lavochkina st., 6, apt. 105, actually living at address: Moscow region, Lenina st., 13, apt. 30 (address of the place of registration, main place of work (service), position held (replaced)) to accountant LLC "Begonia" (in the absence of the main place of work ( service) - occupation) from February - a housewife for the reporting period from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 about the property owned by Ivanova Margarita Yuryevna (surname, name, patronymic) on the basis of ownership, about deposits in banks, securities , on liabilities of a property nature as of December 31, 2014 1 _Filled in with your own hand or using the use of specialized software in the manner prescribed by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. 2 _The information is submitted by the person filling the position, the exercise of powers under which entails the obligation to submit such information (by a citizen applying for such a position) separately for himself, for his spouse and for each minor child.

2 Section 1. Information on income<3>Type of income Amount of income<4>Income at the main place of work, 00 2 Income from teaching and research activities 0 3 Income from other creative activities 0 4 Income from deposits in banks and other credit institutions 12,870.00 5 Income from securities and shares in commercial organizations 0 6 Other income (indicate the type of income): 0 7 Total income for the reporting period 93457.00 3 _Specify income (including pensions, benefits, other payments) for the reporting period. _ 4 _Income received in foreign currency is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the date of receipt of the income.

3 Section 2. Information on expenses<5>Type of property acquired Amount of transaction Source of funds from which the property was acquired Basis for acquisition<6>Land plots: 3) 2 Other immovable property: 3 Vehicles: 4 Securities: 5 _Data on expenses shall be submitted in the cases established by Article 3 of the Federal Law of December 3, 2012 No. 230-FZ "On control over the compliance of expenses of persons replacing state positions, and other persons to their income ". If there are no legal grounds for submitting the specified information, this section is not completed. 6 _The name and details of the document, which is the legal basis for the emergence of ownership, are indicated. A copy of the document is attached to this certificate.

4 Section 3. Information about the property 3.1. Immovable property Type and name of property Type of property<7>Location (address) Area (sq. M) Basis of acquisition and source of funds<8>1 Land plots<9>: which are part of dacha, horticultural and horticultural associations Dolevaya (1 / Moscow region, Istrinsky district, Petrovo village, DNT Stroitel, uch, 00 Certificate of ownership AA from, sale and purchase agreement from Residential houses, summer cottages: construction Joint (spouse Ivan Ivanovich Ivanovich, city) Moscow region, Istrinsky district, village Petrovo, DNT "Stroitel", uch, 0 Certificate of ownership of explosives from the Apartment: do not have 4 Garages: do not have 5 Other real estate: do not have 7 _Specifies the type of ownership (individual, shared, common); for joint ownership, indicate other persons (full name or name) who own the property; for shared ownership, indicate the share of the person whose property information is provided. the name and details of the document that is the legal basis for the emergence of ownership, as well as in the cases provided for in part 1 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of the Act of May 7, 2013 79-FZ "On the prohibition of certain categories of persons to open and have accounts (deposits), keep cash and valuables in foreign banks located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, own and (or) use foreign financial instruments ", the source of the funds through which the property was acquired. 9 _Specifies the type of land plot (share, share): for individual housing construction, country house, garden, backyard, vegetable garden and others.

5 3.2. Vehicles Type, make, model of vehicle, year of manufacture Type of ownership<10>Place of registration Passenger cars: DEU Matiz, 2009 individual 3 dep. MOTOTRER STSI ATC for the Central Administrative District of Moscow 2 Trucks: 3 Motor vehicles: 4 Agricultural machinery: 5 Water transport: 6 Air transport: 7 Other vehicles: 10 Indicate the type of ownership (individual, general); for joint ownership, other persons (full name or name) are indicated who own the property; for shared ownership, the share of the person whose property information is being submitted is indicated.

6 Section 4. Information on accounts with banks and other credit organizations Name and address of the bank or other credit organization Type and currency of the account<11>Account opening date Account balance<12>The amount of funds received on the account<13>1 OJSC Sberbank of Russia, Moscow, Vavilova st., 19 2 OJSC Sberbank of Russia, Moscow, Vavilova st., 19 Deposit, ruble Current, ruble g, g, 12 11 _ accounts (deposit, current, settlement, loan and others) and account currency. 12 _Account balance is indicated as of the reporting date. For accounts in foreign currency, the balance is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date. 13 _Specifies the total amount of cash receipts to the account for the reporting period in cases where the specified amount exceeds the total income of the person and his spouse for the reporting period and two years preceding it. In this case, a statement of the cash flow on this account for the reporting period is attached to the certificate. For accounts in foreign currency, the amount is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date.

7 Section 5. Information on securities 5.1. Shares and other participation in commercial organizations and funds Name and legal form of organization<14>Location of the organization (address) Share capital<15>Share of participation<16>Basis for participation<17>1 Does not have 14 _The full or abbreviated official name of the organization and its organizational and legal form (joint-stock company, limited liability company, partnership, production cooperative, fund and others) are indicated. 15 _ The authorized capital is indicated in accordance with the constituent documents of the organization as of the reporting date. For authorized capital denominated in foreign currency, the authorized capital is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date. 16 _ Share of participation is expressed as a percentage of the share capital. For joint stock companies, the par value and number of shares are also indicated. 17 _The basis for the acquisition of a participation interest (memorandum of association, privatization, purchase, exchange, donation, inheritance and others), as well as the details (date, number) of the corresponding agreement or act are indicated.

8 5.2. Other securities Type of securities<18>Issuer of the security Nominal amount of the liability Total amount Total value<19>1 None Total for section 5 "Information on securities" total declared value of securities, including shares in commercial organizations. 18 _All securities by type (bonds, promissory notes and others) shall be indicated, except for the shares specified in subsection 5.1 "Shares and other participation in commercial organizations and funds". 19 _The total value of securities of this type is indicated based on the cost of their acquisition (if it cannot be determined - on the basis of market value or par value). For liabilities denominated in foreign currency, the cost is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date.

9 Section 6. Information about property obligations 6.1. Real estate objects in use<20>Property type<21>Type and terms of use<22>Basis for use<23>Location (address) Area (sq. M) 1 Apartment Gratuitous use from 2014 to the present time the actual provision by Ivanov I.I. (spouse) Moscow region, Khimki, Lenina st., 13, apartment 30 78.0 Moscow, Slavochkina st., 6, apt, 1 3 Residential building Gratuitous use from 2014 to the present time the actual provision by Ivanov I.I. (spouse) Spain, Catalonia, Salou, Allee Jaime, I spruce Conquistodor, 4 50.0 20 _ Indicated as of the reporting date. 21 _Specifies the type of real estate (land plot, residential building, cottage and others). 22 _The type of use (rent, free use, etc.) and the terms of use are indicated. 23 _The basis of use (agreement, actual provision, etc.), as well as details (date, number) of the corresponding agreement or act are indicated.

10 6.2. Financial time liabilities<24>Content of the obligation<25>Creditor (debtor)<26>Ground of occurrence<27>The amount of the liability / the amount of the liability as of the reporting date<28>Terms of commitment<29>1 does not have 2 3 I confirm the accuracy and completeness of this information. February 10, 2015 (signature) Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich (signature of the person presenting the information) (full name and signature of the person who accepted the certificate) rub., the creditor or debtor of which is the person, information about the obligations of which is presented. 25 The essence of the obligation (loan, credit and others) is indicated. 26 The second party of the obligation is indicated: the creditor or the debtor, his surname, name and patronymic (name of the legal entity), address. 27 The basis for the occurrence of the obligation, as well as the details (date, number) of the corresponding agreement or act are indicated. 28 The amount of the principal liability (excluding the amount of interest) and the amount of the liability as of the reporting date are indicated. For liabilities denominated in foreign currency, the amount is indicated in rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date. 29 Indicates the annual interest rate of the obligation pledged in the security of the obligation property issued as security for the obligation of the guarantee and surety.

EXAMPLE OF FILLING IN * green color indicates information, the indication of which is desirable (recommended) APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 014 460 To the Department of Asset Protection of the State Corporation

Approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2014 460 В (the name of the personnel department of the federal state body, other body or organization is indicated) REFERENCE

B (the name of the personnel unit of the local government body or its sectoral body performing the functions and powers of the founder of the municipal institution is indicated) INFORMATION ON INCOME,

To the Council of the MR "Chernyshevsky District" APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 06.014 460 (the name of the personnel division of the federal state body, another body or


APPROVED by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.06.2014 460 To the Department of Control and Personnel of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

Official APPROVED by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2014 460 To the Department of Civil Service, Personnel and Administration of the Ministry (the name of the personnel

APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 06.04 460 In the Office of the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Kaliningrad Region (the name of the personnel department of the federal

APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2014 460 To the Department of Administrative Affairs of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation

APPROVED by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 04 460

Approved. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2014 460 To the Administration of the Ust-Gryaznukhinsky rural settlement (the name of the personnel department of the federal state body, other body

Approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2014 460 B _ the administration of the municipal formation Zarinsky village council (the name of the personnel department of the federal

To the commission for monitoring the accuracy of information on income, property and property obligations of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly, his wife (spouse) and minor children

CONTROL AND ACCOUNTING CHAMBER OF THE NARO-FOMINSK MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF THE MOSCOW REGION ORDER dated 12.03.2015 9 Naro-Fominsk On approval of the form of a certificate of income, expenses, property and liabilities

INFORMATION on income, expenses, property and liabilities of a property nature (approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 3.06.014 460) 3.07.015 APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 3.06.014 460

APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 014 460 To the administration of the Administration of the Shimsky municipal district (the name of the personnel division of the federal state

APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 06/04 460 To the office of the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Kaliningrad Region

APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 06.04 460 To the personnel and civil service department of the Ministry of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Bashkortostan (the name of

APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 8.0.009 9 (the name of the personnel department of the federal state body is indicated) INFORMATION on income on property and liabilities

Approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2009 559 To the Office of the President of the Russian Federation on issues of civil service and personnel (the name of the personnel division is indicated

APPROVED by the Decree of the Head of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania dated August 9, 204. 23 To the Central Election Commission of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania INFORMATION on income, expenses, property and obligations

To the Central Election Commission of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania INFORMATION ON INCOME, EXPENDITURE, PROPERTY AND PROPERTY LIABILITIES I, GRECHANY Vladimir Grigorievich, October 31

Appendix to the Rules for the Submission of Information by a Person Applying for the Position of the Head of a Federal State Institution, as well as by the Head of a Federal State Institution

Results of logical control of data List of warnings of logical control 1 You indicated data on accounts in banks when completing section 4. Information on accounts in banks and other credit organizations,

Appendix to the decree of the Mayor of Moscow dated September 7, 009 6-UM V (the name of the personnel department of the state body of the city of Moscow is indicated) REFERENCE ON INCOME, PROPERTY AND PROPERTY OBLIGATIONS

APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 06/03/04 460 To the personnel department, office work and work with settlements of the Gremyachinsky municipal district administration (the name of the personnel


To the personnel and civil service department of the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Mari El, INFORMATION on income, property and property character of a federal civil servant I, born in 19,

ADMINISTRATION OF MUNICIPAL EDUCATION "KOTLAS" P O ST A N O V L E N E dated February 12, 2015 395 KOTLAS On the provision by citizens applying for positions of heads of municipal

To the personnel and civil service department of the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Mari El Information about the income of the applicant for the position of judge, about the property belonging to him by right of ownership, and x property

Appendix to the decree of the Mayor of Moscow dated September 7, 009 - UM B (the name of the personnel department of the state body of the city of Moscow is indicated) S P R A V K A on income, property and obligations

APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 3, 014 460 To the Administration of the Korovyakovsky village council (the name of the personnel division of the federal state body is indicated,

To the education department of the administration of the Leninsk-Kuznetsk urban district (the name of the state body is indicated) INFORMATION on income, property and property obligations

Within the framework of the declaration campaign, APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2014 460 By the Office of the President of the Russian Federation on anti-corruption issues (indicated

Within the framework of the declaration campaign, APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 23, 2014 460 In the Administrative Department of Rosstat (the name of the personnel division of the federal

APPROVED BY Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 23, 2014 460 V _ Department of Civil Service and Personnel of the Office of the Government of the Murmansk Region (indicated


LAW OF ST. PETERSBURG dated 9.04.0 N 5-4 On representation by citizens applying for positions of heads of state institutions of St. Petersburg, and heads of state institutions


APPROVED by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 23, 2014 460 In the ORLS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Kirov (the name of the personnel division of the federal state body, other

Before sending an electronic appeal to the Ministry of Construction of Russia, please read the rules for the operation of this interactive service set out below.

1. Electronic applications within the competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, completed in accordance with the attached form, are accepted for consideration.

2. An electronic appeal may contain a statement, complaint, proposal or request.

3. Electronic appeals sent through the official Internet portal of the Ministry of Construction of Russia are submitted to the department for work with citizens' appeals for consideration. The Ministry ensures an objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of applications. Consideration of electronic applications is free of charge.

4. In accordance with the Federal Law of 02.05.2006 N 59-FZ "On the Procedure for Considering Appeals of Citizens of the Russian Federation" electronic appeals are registered within three days and sent, depending on the content, to the structural divisions of the Ministry. The appeal is considered within 30 days from the date of registration. An electronic appeal containing questions the solution of which is not within the competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia is sent within seven days from the date of registration to the appropriate body or the relevant official, whose competence includes the solution of the issues raised in the appeal, with notification of this to the citizen who sent the appeal.

5. Electronic appeal is not considered when:
- absence of the name and surname of the applicant;
- indication of an incomplete or inaccurate postal address;
- presence of obscene or offensive language in the text;
- the presence in the text of a threat to the life, health and property of the official, as well as his family members;
- using a non-Cyrillic keyboard layout or only capital letters when typing;
- the absence of punctuation marks in the text, the presence of incomprehensible abbreviations;
- the presence in the text of a question to which the applicant has already been given a written answer on the merits in connection with the previously sent appeals.

6. The response to the applicant is sent to the mailing address indicated when filling out the form.

7. When considering an appeal, it is not allowed to disclose information contained in the appeal, as well as information concerning the private life of a citizen, without his consent. Information about the personal data of the applicants is stored and processed in compliance with the requirements of the Russian legislation on personal data.

8. Applications received through the site are summarized and submitted to the leadership of the Ministry for information. Answers to the most frequently asked questions are periodically published in the sections "for residents" and "for specialists"