Extra-curricular work in chemistry as a way of forming interest in the subject and a way of vocational guidance for students. Career guidance for students in chemistry lessons and in extracurricular activities Plan for career guidance in biology lessons

MOU Sudislavskaya secondary school

Speech at the pedagogical council of the teacher of chemistry Kabanova N.N. on the topic

"Components of career guidance in chemistry lessons

and in extracurricular activities

Dear colleagues!

Based on the analysis of work programs in chemistry for basic general and complete secondary general education, it can be concluded that more than 50% of the lessons have a career guidance component. Namely, the material of 39 lessons in the chemistry program in grades 8, 42 lessons - in grades 9, 38 - in grades 10 and 33 - in grades 11 out of 68 lessons, respectively, in each grade has a vocational orientation.

At chemistry lessons devoted to the study of new substances, the obligatory blocks are "Obtaining" and "Application", during the study of which, students receive initial ideas about technological processes, conditions for the production technology and use of substances, which means they receive initial ideas about the profession of a chemist - technologist at various chemical plants and other professions, one way or another related to chemical technology. For example, in the 8th grade, when studying the topic “Salts”, we definitely stop at the salts used in the production of confectionery, medicines, and fertilizers. When studying the topic “Acids”, we promote prestigious working professions, such as a stained-glass artist who uses hydrofluoric acid in his work, with which glass is melted; technologies of pyrro-, hydro- and electrometallurgy.

In laboratory and practical work, when performing experiments, students learn the basics of the profession of a chemist - laboratory assistant, and when performing the simplest analyzes of substances - the profession of an analytical chemist.

If the material of grade 8 is aimed at forming initial ideas about professions related to chemistry, then grade 9 chemistry significantly expands and deepens these ideas, forming knowledge of the subject of the profession. On topics such as “Production of sulfuric acid”, “Production of ammonia”, “Production of nitric acid”, students try on the role of a chemical production technologist for themselves, working out the conditions for the flow of processes, the arrangement of apparatus designed for certain stages of a particular synthesis.

In the upper grades, the preliminary professional choice of students is naturally taken into account and, accordingly, a component of those professions that our graduates traditionally choose is organically included in the lesson material. For example, focusing on the formed group of future military chemists, in order to immerse them in the profession, we select material for the relevant topics of lessons on toxic substances, for example, in the topic "Acids" we focus on hydrocyanic acid - a general toxic agent, and its toxic cyanide salts, in topic "Halogens" - about the poisonous gas chlorine, the history of its use as a poisonous substance during World War I and modern poisonous substances based on chlorine, such as phosgene, diphosgene and mustard gas, as well as measures for their neutralization, which are directly involved military chemists. At the lessons of organic chemistry in grades 10, much attention is paid to medicine and pharmacology, since this area is also in demand among graduates and our task is to expand their horizons. In the topic “Oil and its processing”, we will definitely enter the production of medicines, dressings, antiseptics and their use in medical practice. It may be believed that all career guidance work in the classroom comes down to a story, an explanation of the teacher, this is not so, a whole system of creative tasks with a career guidance orientation has been developed, which are successfully performed by students sometimes on the whole front, more often individually, recently at the request of the student, which, on in my opinion gives better results. Be sure to introduce students to successfully functioning and dynamically developing nearby enterprises, such as the Yaroslavl Oil Refinery named after D.I. Mendeleev (JSC "Mendeleev Group"), Buysky Chemical Plant (BHZ), Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant "Severstal", OJSC "Cherepovets Azot" , JSC "Galich Truck Crane Plant", plant "Kronastar" and others. With creative works we participate in various competitions, taking prizes. For example, 10b grade student Olga Shabalina took second place in the competition with international participation "The Best Abstract" of the Intertechinformurok project. Of course, I hope that with our classroom and extracurricular activities, we to some extent orient students towards our profession - a teacher of chemistry, which graduates of our school successfully receive at N.A. Nekrasov and YarGU named after P.G. Demidov, where, along with the qualification of a teacher, they are awarded the qualification of a chemist to work in laboratories and in production.

Introduction…………………………………………………………… 3

Professional orientation of training and ways

Its implementation in chemistry lessons. (Literature review)……… 4

1.1. Basic principles and components of work on

Vocational guidance of schoolchildren………………. 4

2. Professional orientation of schoolchildren

When teaching chemistry…………………………………………. 8

3. Experience of chemistry teachers in organization

Career guidance work with schoolchildren…………….14

2. Tasks and methods of research…………………………… 22

3. Organization and implementation of career guidance

Work at chemistry lessons……………………………………… 23

3. 1. Planning career guidance ..…………… 23

3. 2. Student demonstration experiment………….. 23

3. 3. Business game ……………………………………………….. 29

4. Discussion of the results of the work…………………………… 40

5. Abstract. Brief conclusions………………………………… 45
Literature………………………………………………………… 46


The modern concept of general secondary education provides for its practice-oriented orientation and compliance of the content with the modern needs of the individual, society and the state.

The development of science and technology determines the need of society for highly qualified specialists of new professions. Moreover, the requirements for the level of knowledge and skills necessary for mastering a specialty are constantly increasing. The role of the school system of labor training is also constantly growing, providing for the formation of habits and inclinations in students to realize their actions, readiness for work. It is the educational work associated with the acquisition of knowledge and skills that has a decisive impact on the development of working capacity, instilling a culture of work and the skills of its organization.

A person who works with interest not only brings joy to himself, but also a huge benefit to society. And the origins of such interest are formed at school, when there is a desire to understand and learn this or that area of ​​science and technology. During the first nine years of study, the foundations of a conscious attitude to choosing a profession are laid.

Psychologists believe that the inclinations and interests of schoolchildren should be identified and developed as early as possible, using the means of school subjects for this, and thereby contributing to an earlier professional orientation of students.

Chemistry teachers have a fairly large and varied experience of such work. After all, the possibilities of the subject of chemistry in this regard are quite large. Its study, according to the curriculum of the basic school, should form students' understanding of chemistry not only as one of the areas of natural science, but also as a field of human practical activity. The chemistry course provides for the study of a number of chemical industries, acquaintance with chemical professions, excursions to local industries, etc.

The ninth grade is the most significant for the implementation of vocational guidance, since after graduation, many students leave school, entering either production or vocational schools, or continue their education in specialized classes.

In this regard, the task of this work was to identify, form and develop the professional interests of ninth-graders by means of the subject of chemistry.

Professional orientation of training

and ways of its implementation in chemistry lessons.

(Literature review).

1.1. Basic principles and components of work on professional orientation of schoolchildren.

Professional orientation is a complex complex program.

In terms of its methods and content, it is psychological-pedagogical and medical-physiological, in terms of its scope it is social, and its results affect the economic life of the country, since “vocational guidance” is the most important means of reproducing the labor force.

Scholars define this concept in different ways. Representatives of pedagogical science believe that career guidance should be understood as the activities of teaching staff of schools, families, teaching staff of vocational schools, the public, carried out with the aim of making the right choice of future professions for schoolchildren in accordance with their personal interests, inclinations, abilities, mental and physical data and social the economic needs of society.

Many school graduates dream of one profession, but choose another one. Often this happens because students cannot assess their psychophysiological capabilities. In this regard, there is a need for joint work of teachers, psychologists and doctors on the vocational guidance of schoolchildren, as a result of which it will be possible to solve the following tasks: 1) help a teenager choose a profession in accordance with his interests, abilities and health; 2) warn him against choosing a profession that can lead to rapid deterioration of the body; 3) in the presence of any disease, find a profession for a teenager in which this danger is minimal. ,

Work on professional orientation of schoolchildren is based on the following principles:

Consciousness. It predetermines a good idea of ​​the profession: the necessary knowledge and skills, working conditions, wages, where you can get this profession, what are the prospects for professional growth in this area of ​​work.

Scientific. It consists in building the entire system of professional orientation on the latest scientific data.

Independence. In the process of vocational guidance, having previously identified the interests, inclinations and abilities of students, the school, family, industry, and the public should, through the joint efforts, recommend to each of the students the appropriate profession; but the final right in choosing a profession remains with the student.

^ Freedom to choose a profession, taking into account the needs of the national economy and their individual psychological characteristics, as well as the state of health.

Compliance with the above principles in vocational guidance contributes to the correct choice of their profession by young people, and this, in turn, is a necessary prerequisite for labor satisfaction arising from the natural need of people to work in accordance with their inclinations and abilities.

There are diagnostic and educational aspects in the organization of career guidance. They must be carried out in close unity and interdependence.

^ The diagnostic aspect involves the identification of personality traits for orientation to a certain type of work, to a certain profession. For these purposes, the following methods of studying schoolchildren can be used: pedagogical observation, analysis of documents and products of schoolchildren's activity, conversation-interview, statistical method, instrumental method, test method, pedagogical experiment.

^ The educational aspect of vocational guidance is closely related to the diagnostic one. After studying professional interests, abilities, orientation, motives for choosing a profession, educational activities are developed aimed at strengthening the preparation of the student for the profession recommended to him or his choice.

The constituent components of activities for the vocational guidance of schoolchildren are basically defined: these are preliminary professional diagnostics, vocational education, vocational consultation, partly vocational selection (selection) and vocational adaptation. The basis of career guidance for schoolchildren is labor polytechnic training and education, carried out throughout the entire school education in mastering the basics of science, in labor lessons and electives, in the process of organizing socially useful, productive labor, extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

^ Preliminary professional diagnostics is aimed at studying the personality of a student for the purpose of subsequent career guidance. In this case, the following methods can be successfully applied:

observation. Cognition of the student's personality occurs in the process of direct and feedback between the researcher and the subject of observation.

^ Analysis of documents and products of students' activities: personal files, results of medical examinations, class journals, creative essays, products, etc.
Analysis of the practical actions of students at school, in public places, in the family, at work. Summing up the implementation of the life plans of school graduates.
Questioning. The survey method is not universal and has its drawbacks: to a certain extent it is subjective, since its results are affected by the influence of the questionnaire and the manifestation of elements of subjectivity of the respondents, the latter can also give false data.

Conversations-interviews, which are characterized by a thematic focus.

^ Pedagogical experiment. It can be carried out in the natural conditions of the educational process and used to study the effectiveness of various forms of career guidance.
^ Method of generalization of independent characteristics. All teachers working in the class give their own characteristics of the student and at the same time recommend him to choose one or another profession. The characteristics compiled in this way help them choose the right electives and future profession and take into account the individual abilities of students. In the process of professional education, its main part is carried out - professional information, that is, familiarization of students with various types of labor in society, the diversity and characteristics of professions, and their development trends. In the course of professional consultation, a professional orientation is formed that corresponds to the interests and abilities of a person. As a result of professional consultation, a conclusion is given: restrictions in the choice of professions, recommendations for the type of work activity, profession. An integral component of career guidance is also professional selection (selection), that is, the selection of persons who are most likely to be able to successfully master this profession and perform labor duties related to it. In the process of this selection (selection), the professional suitability of a person is determined depending on his physical and intellectual characteristics. The final component of vocational guidance is professional adaptation - this is a system of successful adaptation of students to working conditions. ^ All links in the system of vocational guidance for schoolchildren are closely interconnected and interdependent. ,
1.2. Vocational guidance for schoolchildren in teaching chemistry.

The traditions of teaching chemistry in the Russian school include a deep interest in issues that have an applied focus. This situation was largely historically determined by the worldview of the active part of society, which included the technical intelligentsia, doctors, a certain part of entrepreneurs and the military. An important role in the development of the applied orientation of education belonged to the classics of science, who successfully combined in their research the solution of fundamental problems with the implementation of specific practical tasks and the promotion of knowledge. In this regard, the most remarkable activity of D. I. Mendeleev, especially the preparation and reading by him at the Institute of Noble Maidens of the course of agricultural chemistry. Such a bright pedagogical event supported the emerging pragmatic trends in Russian educational institutions and contributed to the publication of chemistry textbooks that were new in content.

The formation of the Soviet school was marked by the search for new teaching methods, which in the early 1930s led to the creation of balanced programs. In them, chemistry was assigned the tasks of forming a system of knowledge necessary for understanding the processes occurring in nature and the problems of the chemicalization of the country. The last task in the pedagogical literature was associated with the study by schoolchildren of the main chemical industries, which was interpreted as the polytechnicization of education.

Undoubtedly, the difficult task of linking the study of chemistry at school with the preparation of students for the practical use of the acquired knowledge in technology, agriculture, and in everyday life was not only justified, but also urgently needed. ,

Consideration of the connection between the teaching of chemistry and the realities of life today seems to be a very difficult problem: it is extensive, diverse, to a certain extent contradictory, in addition, the abstractness of chemical concepts, as well as existing human prejudices, affects. Therefore, despite the enthusiasm of many teachers, authors of textbooks and methodologists, the effectiveness of developing this problem turned out to be insignificant. Indeed, even one of the main goals of the so-called polytechnicalization of school chemistry - vocational guidance for students from year to year was carried out mediocrely. Unfortunately, the shortcomings were not noticed and were not publicly commented on.

Moreover, the requirements for the polytechnicalization of school chemistry increased. Thus, in the 1970s, a position was put forward on the need to disclose to schoolchildren the ideas of optimizing chemical production. Particularly striking installations were included in the program published in 1990: “For the purpose of polytechnic training, the program provides an opportunity to acquaint students with chemical industries and the main directions of their development: the development of new sources of raw materials, the introduction of progressive technological processes, devices of optimal unit power, the use of automated means control and microprocessor technology. Students receive information about specific measures to protect the environment. In order to provide career guidance to students, they are given a description of the professions of an apparatchik, operator, laboratory assistant in chemical production.

Of course, under the circumstances, an ordinary student was not ready to accept most of the program requirements. The authors of school textbooks could not fulfill them either. They only imitated "polytechnicalization": photographs of factories, workshops, some data about a particular process were included in the study, supplementing the paragraphs in the chapters of the textbook.

Success in the problem under discussion can be achieved not by shuffling program proposals, highlighting any topics among others, or otherwise stimulating activity, but by developing a new concept of school chemistry and implementing it in new programs, textbooks and other components of the educational and methodological complex. Some provisions related to the applied training of schoolchildren can already be cited today.

To ensure harmonious training in chemistry, school chemistry courses must remain systematic.

It is necessary to link the study of theoretical and applied aspects of chemistry.

Applied questions do not have to be related to industrial topics. They can also relate to the field of agriculture, medicine, culture, and everyday life. For example, the use of soap can be discussed in the topic "Chemical properties of carboxylic acids", the creation of paints can be illustrated in a number of topics of inorganic and organic chemistry, "soil chemistry" - a method of selecting fertilizers, and more.

Environmental issues should be taken very seriously. It must be remembered that a person receives the most important component of environmental education only at school. The school should not only orient its graduates in matters of public ecology, but also show examples of environmental management, which is usually based on chemical knowledge.

It is necessary to significantly improve the teaching of chemistry at school in the area of ​​applied knowledge. This is possible only after improving the preparation of students in pedagogical universities.

It is necessary not declaratively, but really to strengthen the connection between theory and applied chemical training of students of the modern school. As far back as A. S. Makarenko, the problem of combining education with productive labor was widely considered. He wrote that the main task is to teach children to love work, to develop physical and mental strength. Not sometime, but as soon as possible, cardinal changes are needed, since success in this work can truly provide motivation for an interested study of chemistry at school, remove the halo of abstraction and mistrust from a significant part of the population from chemistry, and make it possible for chemistry to fulfill those tasks. which objectively follow from the needs of modern society.

In the process of preparing students for an independent choice of a profession related to chemistry, it is useful to use the whole variety of forms of career guidance: conducting industrial excursions to industrial and agricultural facilities, taking into account the local history principle; preparation and holding of thematic evenings, conferences, debates dedicated to the choice of profession, with performances by advanced workers, technicians, engineers; organization of the work of the chemical circle, etc.,

All forms and types of extracurricular work must be subject to certain requirements: scientific, accessible (i.e., the content must correspond to the age characteristics of students, stimulate the desire for knowledge, research activities), relevance, practical significance, connection with life, entertainment. ,

Vocational guidance work is of great importance for combining into a single process of professional education and professional education of schoolchildren, for forming their interest in a particular profession.

At the same time, one should not forget that the main career guidance work should be carried out in the classroom, especially when the production topics of the school course are studied. Career guidance in teaching chemistry should not be isolated from the study of the fundamentals of the subject, but it should also not violate the system of teaching chemical knowledge or turn into an ordinary illustration of the material being presented.

In chemistry lessons devoted to the study of purely chemical, silicate, metallurgical, petrochemical and other industries, including lessons preparing for industrial excursions, or final lessons (depending on the content of the educational material), the following techniques can be used:

To ensure the connection of the studied production material with the present, the prospects for the development of this branch of the national economy and the need for personnel in local industries;

Establish interdisciplinary connections of a polytechnical nature;

Solve problems with production content;

Reveal the importance of acquired chemical knowledge for a particular profession of a chemical profile;

Show the wide use of the studied substances, materials, chemical processes, chemical control methods in various branches of modern production;

Reveal the application of chemical laws and theories in technology;

to develop in students the ability to apply chemical knowledge in the future and independently acquire new knowledge about the use of chemistry by workers of various professions.

Study tours are an important means of polytechnic education, labor education and career guidance for students. The connection of excursions with the previous and subsequent presentation of educational material, illustrated by visual aids and chemical experiments, gives an idea of ​​the practical use of chemicals and chemical processes in production.

Educational excursions are of great importance for the promotion of mass working professions in the chemical profile. Polytechnic education should provide students with the opportunity to freely choose a profession. To do this, it is not enough to know the technique and production technology. It is necessary that students get acquainted with the nature of work in individual industries and get an idea of ​​the content of the work of workers in at least some basic professions.

The choice of excursions to the production is huge. This is an excursion to the oxygen shop, to the water treatment plant, to the fire station, to the pharmacy, to the heating boiler room, to the brick factory, to the sugar factory, to the biochemical production and others.

Properly organized career guidance work should be carried out in inseparable unity with general chemistry education, labor and moral education based on the implementation of the polytechnic principle in teaching chemistry.

In the conditions of secondary school, one of the effective ways of pre-professional preparation for future work is the rationally organized educational work of schoolchildren directly in the classroom, since the education of labor qualities begins, as is known, with the conscientious fulfillment by each student of his educational duties.

When teaching chemistry, the formation of experimental skills and abilities in students is of great importance. Practical exercises and laboratory experiments contribute both to the assimilation of the training course and to the education of a general culture of work - they form the ability to plan work, keep the workplace clean, observe safety rules, carefully

conduct labor operations, monitor the results of the labor process.

Of particular importance in orienting students to professions related to chemistry are educational excursions to local industrial and agricultural production facilities, as well as to the workshops of basic enterprises.

to raise the level and quality of general educational knowledge of students in chemistry, to strengthen the connection between teaching and life, with local production;

to strengthen the polytechnic orientation of teaching chemistry as a theoretical basis for career guidance by highlighting the achievements of modern production, the prospects for its development and unresolved problems;

to teach schoolchildren to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems, determine the optimal conditions for conducting chemical reactions and managing chemical processes in production;

to improve the organization, content and methods of career guidance, to acquaint students in the classroom and with the help of excursions with the main branches of production, leading professions, labor functions of workers in organic unity with the study of the industrial production of substances so that the profession is not an addition, but becomes an integral element of the polytechnic education that students acquire in teaching chemistry;

expand extracurricular activities, strengthen the practical orientation of chemical circles, develop the creative abilities of students, the ability to design devices, model typical production apparatuses and installations, encourage the rationalization and research activities of schoolchildren;

take into account the needs of the national economy in personnel of workers of certain professions, systematically inform students about mass professions in which enterprises feel the need, and ways to acquire the appropriate profession, advise schoolchildren and their parents on choosing a profession and employment.

Role-playing games are an active teaching method with a clearer work and professional orientation. The game is an active learning activity for simulation

The studied systems, phenomena and processes, as well as professional activities.

During the game, trying on the role of specific specialists: technologists, engineers, etc., students get acquainted with the content and significance of the work of representatives of chemical professions. As a result, intellectual skills and abilities, interest in chemistry are formed.

Role-playing games require the use of a combination of various teaching methods and teaching aids. This assumes the maximum degree of activity and independence of students. This explains the advantage of role-playing over other types of cognitive activity:

Unusual, entertaining content;

Obtaining practical or socially significant knowledge;

Orientation to the practical role of each participant in the game.

^ 1.3. The experience of chemistry teachers in organizing career guidance work with schoolchildren.

Teachers have extensive experience in developing a professional interest in chemistry.

One of the ways to solve the problem of vocational guidance and labor training of schoolchildren is the creation of a system of labor practicums. These workshops should take into account the capabilities of the school and the peculiarities of its working environment. They contribute to polytechnic education.

A deeply reasoned approach to the development of the content of the workshop and the methodology for its implementation is proposed by O. V. Glazkova, M. K. Kleyankina, O. S. Zaitsev. The authors consider it appropriate to present the workshops as a system of certain stages: creating motivation for subsequent action; familiarization of students with future cognitive activity and the knowledge required for its implementation; the formation of an action in a material (independent performance of experiments) form; the use of oral and written speech (the action is formed in inner speech, passes into the mental plane and becomes a mental action). In practice, interest in chemistry and creativity develop better.

Under the guidance of T.S. Nazarova, a workshop on general chemistry for grade 11 was developed. It includes more than ten works, which are accompanied by theoretical, analytical, technological issues.

Chemical workshops were also developed by S. A. Soloveichik and Yu. B. Dodonov for grades 10-11 and by V. I. Tolkunov for secondary school.

An interesting experience of organizing a chemical workshop is described in the work. So, every year about 10% of graduates of school No. 82, Chernogolovka village, Moscow region. work as laboratory assistants in chemical and biochemical laboratories. Eleventh-graders, along with purely chemical experiments, carry out work on biochemistry and agrochemistry. This is due to the location of the village and the needs of the industrial environment. Teachers allocate a special day of the week for the labor workshop. The lesson lasts 4 hours, and during this time, students manage to conduct a rather complex chemical experiment. Acquired experimental skills are an important element in their further career guidance.

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher reports the theoretical foundations of the topic being studied, reveals the purpose of the work being done. The preparatory stage takes no more than 25% of the workshop time. Then each student receives a description of this practical work and does it individually. Protection of work is also carried out individually. The final mark includes an assessment for the result obtained, design, experimental technique and answers to questions.

During the labor workshop, teachers pay great attention to the formation of quantitative calculation skills, which are very important for the profession of a chemist. Students are asked to determine the density, concentration, boiling point, melting point, pH and other characteristics.

Performing the first work of the labor workshop, students improve the technique of laboratory work. They also pay attention to such important issues as behavior in a chemical laboratory, safety precautions, workplace maintenance, handling of glassware, reagents and various devices.

From the very first lessons, students master laboratory equipment. A new cycle of work is associated with solutions. Performing practical work on the preparation and study of solutions, the guys see the fruits of their labors, use them, they develop a careful and economical attitude towards reagents. Then they perform work on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of substances. The works of eleventh graders have an agrochemical focus. Next, students perform work related to the separation and purification of substances. Then graduates get acquainted with physical and chemical methods of analysis. The final work allows you to apply the entire arsenal of accumulated knowledge and skills. These include practical work on the isolation of DNA from animal tissues and organic syntheses (ethyl acetate and diethyl ketone).

At the end of the second year of study, students take an examination by the Qualification Commission. According to the results of the exam, the commission assigns students the qualification of a chemist-laboratory assistant. The majority of graduates (about 80%) continue their studies or work in the specialty they received at school.

Students of school No. 624, when studying chemical production, design technological schemes, draw up a technical passport of the invention and defend their projects. In these lessons, a group form of organization of educational work is used. The groups include the director of the enterprise, the chief engineer, the process engineer, the laboratory assistant and others.

In a number of schools, chemistry teachers with foremen of training industries have begun work on compiling vocational polytechnic maps, in which, taking into account the labor training of high school students, carried out on the basis of plants or factories, the corresponding sections of the chemistry course are singled out for in-depth study.

V. M. Baykova offers an excursion to the "Marcial Waters" in Karelia. "Marcial waters" in their composition refer to ferruginous nitrogen hydrocarbonate-sulfate mineral waters with a complex cationic composition. Chemical studies allow students to conclude: the largest amount of ferrous iron is contained in the water of source No. 4 (4 sources in total) - 96 mg / l. Students are invited to make an album "Martial waters", conduct a chemical analysis of these waters in the laboratory, prepare a message for presentation at the circle.

V. M. Baikova, on the basis of many years of experience at school, prefers excursions, where much attention is paid to the history of chemistry, research based on excursion materials, preparation of reports, abstracts, and exhibitions. Particular attention is paid to research work. For example, students get dandelion rubber: they collect white juice in a test tube (5 ml), add 5 ml. water and 1g. ammonium sulfate. Ethanol is added dropwise until the rubber begins to flake. Evaporate and isolate pure rubber. Conducting lessons-excursions with research contribute to the formation of interest in chemical science and strengthening the practical orientation of education.

Teachers in lyceum No. 44 and gymnasium No. 12 in Lipetsk make up the system of tasks "Why". When completing these tasks, students must explain some fact that they received as a result of the experiment. For example, “The process of evaporating water from a salt solution is a physical phenomenon because…”.

E. V. Bystritskaya offers students tasks with practical content related to real material objects, since they are interesting and understandable to students. Here the knowledge of facts is fixed in the applied activity of a creative nature. At the first lesson, they study the compound formula, composition, structure. Then physical and chemical properties - and all this is based on experiment. In the next lesson, tasks with a practical focus are performed. Schoolchildren are aware of the importance of chemical production; the number of students with a steady interest in the subject is increasing.

In secondary school No. 1016 in Moscow, teachers conduct chemistry evenings that arouse cognitive interest in chemistry and related sciences. Every year at the end of September, the All Colors of Autumn festival is held. It is an oral journal. Biochemists and doctors speak on its pages, explaining the role of vegetables in the process of human life. It tells about vitamins, amino acids, mineral salts and more. And cooks give useful advice on cooking dishes from vegetables, and the evening ends with their tasting.

In secondary school No. 66 in Lipetsk, a biological and chemical circle operates in a summer camp. The program of the circle includes the play "Poltergeist on the Table". Before the performance, the guys perform various tasks, do practical work, for example, determine the content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in the soil, prepare solutions of indicators from plant material, and obtain paper from mud. The performance itself is built on various problem situations that the guys solve with the help of the knowledge gained during the assignments.

Chemistry teacher of secondary school No. 1 in Zuevka, V. M. Kropachev, developed a system for familiarizing students in grades 8-11 with various professions of the national economy: grade 8 - plant grower, electric welder, blacksmith, plasterer, galvanizer, thermist, laboratory assistant, apparatchik, machinist, locksmith , doctor, teacher, fireman, disinfector, pharmacist; Grade 9 - chemist, glass etcher, foundry worker, textile worker, agronomist, nurse, dentist, photographer; Grades 10-11 - crystallographer, geologist, pyrotechnician, vulcanizer, rubber mixer driver, chemical engineer, technologist of synthetic resins and plastics, moulder, furnace. After the lessons, the deepening and replenishment of knowledge about these professions continues in laboratory and practical classes, in chemical circles and electives, on excursions to chemical enterprises. Thus, a chemistry teacher in the process of teaching his subject is able to introduce students to 32 different professions. V. M. Kropachev drew attention to the ratio of the number of professions that require a certain education for mastering. It turned out that out of the total number of named professions, 7 require higher education, 4 specialized secondary education, and 21 general secondary education. This means that the teacher can introduce students not only to professions of higher, secondary, but also mass qualifications.

G. A. Kapetskaya offers a chemical “evening on a farm near Dikanka”. This evening with the production of numerous experiments is held in order to consolidate the knowledge and develop the interest of schoolchildren in chemistry. Characters: students, Solokha, devil, sexton, Vakula.

Deacon. I don't like juice, it's better to drink clean water.

Solokha. Yes, please, Osip Nikiforovich.

(An acid is added to an alkali solution with phenolphthalein. The crimson color disappears).

Deacon. Thanks. And I, precious Solokha, would not refuse milk.

Solokha. There is nothing easier, dear guest.

(Alkali is added to a solution of calcium chloride), etc.

Then the teacher talks to the children about what he saw: how Solokha managed to turn juice into water, and water into milk, etc.

The teacher of school No. 607 in Moscow, D.V. Bolotov, also conducts chemistry evenings. By the day they are held, students publish chemical newspapers, on separate posters - quiz questions, chemical crossword puzzles. "Initiation into chemists" plays an important role. The plan, composition and number of participants are determined by creative groups of 8-11 grades.

G. L. Marshanova from secondary school No. 1016 in Moscow conducts a chemical evening “On the benefits of apples”. It has become a tradition in their school. Participants: hosts, cooks, biochemists.

Tour is a traditional form of using natural science museums for educational purposes. Unfortunately, her teaching potential is limited: the best guide is able to hold the attention of a group, especially a teenager, for no more than 30-40 minutes.

At the same time, schoolchildren are mainly interested in the novelty of the situation in which they find themselves, the personality of the guide and some unusual facts that he reports.

It is very difficult to organize systematic educational activities in this situation. This is due to the fact that students usually visit the museum, not having a clear idea of ​​why and why they do it. The purpose of the visit, as a rule, is formulated by the teacher, but for most children it remains abstract, not growing out of

Manina Olga Borisovna
Chemistry and biology teacher
Municipal budgetary educational institution
"Secondary school No. 4", Chernogorsk
Career guidance at chemistry lessons

The main career guidance work should be carried out in the classroom, especially when the production topics of the school course are being studied. Career guidance in teaching chemistry should not be isolated from the study of the fundamentals of the subject, but it should also not violate the system of teaching chemical knowledge or turn into an ordinary illustration of the material being presented.
In chemistry lessons devoted to the study of purely chemical, silicate, metallurgical, petrochemical and other industries, including in the classroom, you can use the following techniques
to ensure the connection of the studied production material with the present, the prospects for the development of this branch of the national economy and the need for personnel in local industries;
establish interdisciplinary connections of a polytechnical nature;
solve problems with production content;
reveal the importance of acquired chemical knowledge for a particular profession of a chemical profile;
show the wide use of the studied substances, materials, chemical processes, chemical control methods in various branches of modern production;
identify the application of chemical laws and theories in technology;
to develop in students the ability to apply chemical knowledge in the future and independently acquire new knowledge about the use of chemistry by workers of various professions.

Properly organized career guidance work should be carried out in inseparable unity with general chemistry education, labor and moral education based on the implementation of the polytechnic principle in teaching chemistry.
In the conditions of secondary school, one of the effective ways of pre-professional preparation for future work is the rationally organized educational work of schoolchildren directly in the classroom, since the education of labor qualities begins, as is known, with the conscientious fulfillment by each student of his educational duties.
When teaching chemistry, the formation of experimental skills and abilities in students is of great importance. Practical exercises and laboratory experiments contribute both to the assimilation of the training course and to the education of a general culture of work - they form the ability to plan work, keep the workplace clean, observe safety rules, carefully
conduct labor operations, monitor the results of the labor process.
For 9th grade students, I conduct an elective course "Food Chemistry", where students not only improve their practical skills, but also get acquainted with the professions of food industry technologist, laboratory assistant, etc.
Performing the first work of the workshop, students improve the technique of laboratory work. They also pay attention to such important issues as behavior in a chemical laboratory, safety precautions, workplace maintenance, handling of glassware, reagents and various devices.
From the very first lessons, students master laboratory equipment. Performing practical work, the guys see the fruits of their labors, they develop a careful and economical attitude to reagents.
Of great importance are tasks with practical content related to real material objects, since they are interesting and understandable to schoolchildren. Here the knowledge of facts is fixed in the applied activity of a creative nature. At the first lesson, they study the compound formula, composition, structure. Then physical and chemical properties - and all this is based on experiment. Schoolchildren realize the importance of chemical production
The 8th grade chemistry course allows students to get acquainted with professions - a plant grower, an electric welder, a blacksmith, a plasterer, an electroplater, a thermist, a laboratory assistant, an apparatchik, a machinist, a locksmith, a doctor, a teacher, a fireman, a disinfector, a pharmacist; in grade 9 e - chemist, glass etcher, foundry worker, textile worker, agronomist, nurse, dentist, photographer; 10-11 grades - crystallographer, geologist, pyrotechnician, vulcanizer, rubber mixer driver, chemical engineer, technologist of synthetic resins and plastics, moulder.
When studying the production of sulfuric acid in the 9th grade, I introduce students to economic terms, which contributes to acquaintance with the profession of an economist, I talk about the profession of a pharmacist.
When studying the topic "Silicate industry" in the 9th grade, students get acquainted with the professions of a molder of porcelain and faience products, a painter, and a glass etcher. As a result, knowledge about the silicate industry, its main industries (ceramics, cement and glass production) is expanding, interest and labor orientation are being formed. The technological process for the production of reinforced concrete, bricks in the city of Chernogorsk is operated by enterprises: the Chernogorsk concrete goods plant, the Montenegrin brick factory. Enterprise for the production of colored bricks "Coliseum". Excursions to these enterprises made it possible to acquaint students with the technological process of production of reinforced concrete, bricks.
The topic "Coke-chemical production" allows you to apply local material on SUEK (Siberian Coal Energy Company). I acquaint students with the peculiarities of the profession of a coal preparation operator.
Role-playing games are an active teaching method with a clearer work and professional orientation. The game is an active educational activity in simulation modeling of the studied systems, phenomena and processes, as well as professional activities.
“The role-playing game “The Meeting of Two Worlds” (a general lesson on the topic “Water”), trying on the role of specific specialists: a geochemist, an ecologist, a technologist, a pharmacist, a hydrologist, an art historian, a geochemist, a meteorologist, a pharmacist, an oceanologist, students get acquainted with the content and the importance of the work of representatives of not only chemical professions. As a result, intellectual skills and abilities, interest in certain professions are formed.

Career guidance for students in chemistry lessons and in extracurricular activities

O.V. Zaloznykh,

chemistry teacher

first qualification category

municipal budgetary

educational institution

"Secondary school No. 51"

city ​​of Kursk

It so happened that most of my teaching activities I am the class teacher of 10-11 grades. It is at this age that the professional definition of students takes place, and my task, both as a class teacher and as a subject teacher, is to help them with this. Systematically in the classroom and outside of school hours, I conduct career guidance work - I inform students about various professions in the field of chemistry, connect cognitive facts about professions and industries with the topic and content of the lesson.

In the modern world, technological specialties are the most demanded and promising. Students can get acquainted with them and try them on themselves, work out the conditions for the flow of processes, get acquainted with the arrangement of devices designed for certain stages of a particular synthesis, while studying such topics as “Methods for producing metals”, “Production of sulfuric acid”, “Production ammonia", "Nitric acid production", etc.

When getting acquainted with mineral fertilizers in such topics as “Ammonia and its salts”, “Phosphorus and its compounds”, “Nitric acid salts”, I focus the attention of students on such professions as an agronomist, gardener (green farm worker, florist), master of agricultural production - farmer, landscape designer, where this knowledge can be useful.

Acquaintance with the profession of a cook can be included in the study of such topics as “Salts”, “Proteins”, “Vitamins”, because it is the people of this specialty who should be able to properly boil meat so that it turns out to be more juicy, or vegetables so that they remain as good as possible. more vitamins; bake sumptuous pies, etc. This is where chemistry can help. As a confirmation, we can offer the guys to check, using a qualitative reaction, the presence of proteins in the bouillon cubes "Maggi" or "Galina Blanca" and conclude that there are no proteins in them. Therefore, they cannot be considered a valuable food product.

When studying organic chemistry, I pay attention to the use of substances in medicine, perfumery, pharmacology, the military industry, etc. This increases the interest of students in these professions. For example, in the topic “Oil and its processing”, we will definitely enter the production of medicines, dressings, antiseptics and their use in medical practice. In the same topic, you can introduce students to such a profession as an oilman, since now it is considered one of the most popular. When studying ways to obtain various substances and their processing, it is important to observe the environmental aspect. This is how an acquaintance with the profession of ecologist, its role in the modern world and society takes place.

The connection of chemistry with different professions can also be shown through tasks, if their conditions include the use of certain substances or processes, qualitative reactions. In this case, it is more appropriate to use trivial names of substances, for example, lime water, burnt magnesia, marble, etc. Solving such problems, students see the connection between science and real life, which, in my opinion, gives a better result.

Career guidance of students is also facilitated by extracurricular activities - thematic class hours, questionnaires, conversations, meetings with representatives of various professions (doctors and other medical workers, pharmacists, hairdressers, etc.) and school graduates studying at the relevant faculties, visiting higher and secondary educational chemical establishments during open days (medical and pharmaceutical colleges, KSMU, KSAA, KSU), excursions to chemical industry enterprises.

In general, all this leads to the correct choice of specialty by high school students, which means that in the future they will be in demand in our state, which is the main goal of the general educational organization.

All links in the system of vocational guidance for schoolchildren are closely interconnected and interdependent. ,
1.3. The experience of chemistry teachers in organizing career guidance work with schoolchildren.
2. Tasks and research methods.
3. Organization and implementation of professional
3. 2. Student demonstration experiment.
Reagents and equipment
3. 3. Business game.
Neighborhood resident
Neighborhood resident
Head of chemical laboratory
Question from the floor
Chief Engineer
Chief Engineer
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Introduction…………………………………………………………… 3

  1. Professional orientation of training and ways
its implementation in chemistry lessons. (Literature review)……… 4

1.1. Basic principles and components of work on

Vocational guidance of schoolchildren………………. 4

  1. 2. Professional orientation of schoolchildren
when teaching chemistry…………………………………………. 8
  1. 3. Experience of chemistry teachers in organization
career guidance work with schoolchildren…………….14

2. Tasks and methods of research…………………………… 22

3. Organization and implementation of career guidance

Work at chemistry lessons……………………………………… 23

3. 1. Planning career guidance ..…………… 23

3. 2. Student demonstration experiment………….. 23

3. 3. Business game ……………………………………………….. 29

4. Discussion of the results of the work…………………………… 40

5. Abstract. Brief conclusions………………………………… 45

Literature………………………………………………………… 46


The modern concept of general secondary education provides for its practice-oriented orientation and compliance of the content with the modern needs of the individual, society and the state.

The development of science and technology determines the need of society for highly qualified specialists of new professions. Moreover, the requirements for the level of knowledge and skills necessary for mastering a specialty are constantly increasing. The role of the school system of labor training is also constantly growing, providing for the formation of habits and inclinations in students to realize their actions, readiness for work. It is the educational work associated with the acquisition of knowledge and skills that has a decisive impact on the development of working capacity, instilling a culture of work and the skills of its organization.

A person who works with interest not only brings joy to himself, but also a huge benefit to society. And the origins of such interest are formed at school, when there is a desire to understand and learn this or that area of ​​science and technology. During the first nine years of study, the foundations of a conscious attitude to choosing a profession are laid.

Psychologists believe that the inclinations and interests of schoolchildren should be identified and developed as early as possible, using the means of school subjects for this, and thereby contributing to an earlier professional orientation of students.

Chemistry teachers have a fairly large and varied experience of such work. After all, the possibilities of the subject of chemistry in this regard are quite large. Its study, according to the curriculum of the basic school, should form students' understanding of chemistry not only as one of the areas of natural science, but also as a field of human practical activity. The chemistry course provides for the study of a number of chemical industries, acquaintance with chemical professions, excursions to local industries, etc.

The ninth grade is the most significant for the implementation of vocational guidance, since after graduation, many students leave school, entering either production or vocational schools, or continue their education in specialized classes.

In this regard, the task of this work was to identify, form and develop the professional interests of ninth-graders by means of the subject of chemistry.

  1. Professional orientation of training
and ways of its implementation in chemistry lessons.

(Literature review).

1.1. Basic principles and components of work on professional orientation of schoolchildren.

Professional orientation is a complex complex program.

In terms of its methods and content, it is psychological-pedagogical and medical-physiological, in terms of its scope it is social, and its results affect the economic life of the country, since “vocational guidance” is the most important means of reproducing the labor force.

Scholars define this concept in different ways. Representatives of pedagogical science believe that career guidance should be understood as the activities of teaching staff of schools, families, teaching staff of vocational schools, the public, carried out with the aim of making the right choice of future professions for schoolchildren in accordance with their personal interests, inclinations, abilities, mental and physical data and social the economic needs of society.

Many school graduates dream of one profession, but choose another one. Often this happens because students cannot assess their psychophysiological capabilities. In this regard, there is a need for joint work of teachers, psychologists and doctors on the vocational guidance of schoolchildren, as a result of which it will be possible to solve the following tasks: 1) help a teenager choose a profession in accordance with his interests, abilities and health; 2) warn him against choosing a profession that can lead to rapid deterioration of the body; 3) in the presence of any disease, find a profession for a teenager in which this danger is minimal. ,

Work on professional orientation of schoolchildren is based on the following principles:

Consciousness. It predetermines a good idea of ​​the profession: the necessary knowledge and skills, working conditions, wages, where you can get this profession, what are the prospects for professional growth in this area of ​​work.

Scientific. It consists in building the entire system of professional orientation on the latest scientific data.

Independence. In the process of vocational guidance, having previously identified the interests, inclinations and abilities of students, the school, family, industry, and the public should, through the joint efforts, recommend to each of the students the appropriate profession; but the final right in choosing a profession remains with the student.

freedom of choice professions, taking into account the needs of the national economy and their individual psychological characteristics, as well as the state of health.

Compliance with the above principles in vocational guidance contributes to the correct choice of their profession by young people, and this, in turn, is a necessary prerequisite for labor satisfaction arising from the natural need of people to work in accordance with their inclinations and abilities.

There are diagnostic and educational aspects in the organization of career guidance. They must be carried out in close unity and interdependence.

Diagnostic aspect provides for the identification of personality traits for orientation to a certain type of work, to a certain profession. For these purposes, the following methods of studying schoolchildren can be used: pedagogical observation, analysis of documents and products of schoolchildren's activity, conversation-interview, statistical method, instrumental method, test method, pedagogical experiment.

educational aspect Career guidance is closely related to the diagnostic. After studying professional interests, abilities, orientation, motives for choosing a profession, educational activities are developed aimed at strengthening the preparation of the student for the profession recommended to him or his choice.

The constituent components of activities for the vocational guidance of schoolchildren are basically defined: these are preliminary professional diagnostics, vocational education, vocational consultation, partly vocational selection (selection) and vocational adaptation. The basis of career guidance for schoolchildren is labor polytechnic training and education, carried out throughout the entire school education in mastering the basics of science, in labor lessons and electives, in the process of organizing socially useful, productive labor, extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

Preliminary professional diagnostics is aimed at studying the personality of the student for the purpose of subsequent career guidance. In this case, the following methods can be successfully applied:

observation. Cognition of the student's personality occurs in the process of direct and feedback between the researcher and the subject of observation.

Document analysis and products of students' activities: personal files, medical examination results, class magazines, creative essays, products, etc.