How to quickly and cheaply build a gazebo in the country with your own hands: step-by-step instructions. DIY wooden gazebo - construction instructions How to build a corner gazebo with your own hands

To start building a gazebo made of wood with your own hands, you need to study the construction process thoroughly. First, you need to determine the appropriate dimensions of the building, the type of foundation, the shape of the building and choose the materials for the walls and roof. The subsequent steps must be performed in stages: draw up a drawing, pour the foundation, assemble the frame and sheathe it. Without experience, we recommend starting with the construction of small structures and the correct shape, which will greatly facilitate the task. This approach will ensure the construction of a wooden gazebo yourself the first time.

Types of wooden arbors

Firstly, wooden gazebos are divided into open and closed. The first option is light seasonal buildings that are not intended for use in the cold season. Closed gazebos are more permanent structures, with a solid roof, often glazed or with one blank wall. Secondly, wood can have a square, rectangular, round shape, and also be hex or octagonal.

Any type of foundation is suitable as a base: shallow tape, slab,. You can even install the gazebo on a cinder block or flat laid logs. The larger the dimensions of the structure, the stronger the foundation for it should be. Another difference is the material for the walls: it can be wooden beams, slats and boards, as well as solid logs.

So, in order to choose the right type of construction, you first need to decide on the purpose. If a gazebo is needed for a family vacation in the summer, an open-type option of small size is suitable. As a base, you can use a cinder block, brick pillars, a columnar foundation made of pipes or logs. If gatherings with friends or celebration of family events in a wide circle are planned in the gazebo, you should pay attention to the spacious closed-type structure with a slab or ribbon base.

It is much easier to build a square or rectangular gazebo than a round or hexagonal one. Using logs and planks to build walls also simplifies the construction process, but curly lattice walls look more sophisticated. All this should be taken into account when choosing materials and drawing up a drawing. In addition, the elements of the gazebo must be combined with the landscape of the site and the residential building.

Column foundation for a gazebo

This is the simplest and most affordable foundation option. To make it you will need:

Support pillars should be located at the corners of the gazebo and under the load-bearing walls every 2 m. If metal pipes or log trimmings are selected as supports, holes for them are prepared using a hand drill. The diameter of the holes is 10 cm larger than the diameter of the pillar, and its depth is approximately 70 cm. For pillars made of brick or cinder block, pits are dug with a shovel, giving them a square shape. The depth of such holes should not be less than 50 cm.

Sand is poured onto the bottom, and then crushed stone, the thickness of each layer is about 10 cm. The metal pipes are cut into equal parts so that after installation in the pits they rise 15-20 cm above the surface. The metal is treated with an anti-corrosion compound and dried. They are lowered into the holes and aligned vertically. A piece of reinforcement is inserted inside each pipe, the length of which is 10 cm longer than the length of the column. Now concrete is poured into the pipes, and the space between the walls of the pit is clogged with soil and stones and tamped.

Instead of pipes, you can take dry, dense logs. They are treated with an antiseptic, and then coated with bitumen mastic and dried. After that, the supports are lowered into the prepared holes, tamped or poured with concrete mortar.

If blocks or bricks are used as pillars, the bottom of the pit is covered with a pillow of sand and crushed stone, a piece of reinforcement 70-80 cm long is driven in the center and the pit is filled with concrete mortar to the top. When the concrete stands, its surface is covered with roofing material, and a brick or cinder block is laid on top. The reinforcement should be in the center of the post and protrude 10 cm above its surface.

This type of foundation is perfect for a small round or square gazebo. The boundaries of the site are marked out, after which the soil is selected to a depth of 40-50 cm. The bottom of the pit is leveled and tamped, covered with sand to a height of 10-15 cm, spilled with water and tamped again. Then crushed stone is poured with a layer of 15 cm and a reinforcing mesh of rods tied with wire is laid.

Having retreated from the edge of 10 cm, at the corners, vertical sections of reinforcement are fixed so that they protrude 15 cm above the foundation.A low plywood is installed around the perimeter, reinforced with spacers, and poured with concrete mortar.

Shallow strip foundation

This option is best suited for a spacious enclosed gazebo. On the site, the boundaries of the base are marked, denoting them with hammered pegs with a rope stretched between them. The width of the tape should be slightly larger than the thickness of the walls, usually 25-30 cm. The depth of the trenches is 50-70 cm, depending on the density of the soil. The bottom of the trench is covered with sand, then gravel or crushed stone, reinforced with a lattice from. The formwork is made low, enough for the foundation to rise 10 cm above the ground.

When the foundation has stood and hardened, you can proceed with the installation of floor slabs. This will require:

  • dry timber with a section of 10x10 mm;
  • edged board with a thickness of 2 cm ;;
  • nails;
  • hammer;
  • drill;
  • level;
  • jigsaw.

If the gazebo is rectangular, installation of the floor will not take much time. The timber is treated with an antiseptic, dried in air and cut to the width of the arbor. First, the beams are laid along the perimeter of the foundation, using reinforcement protruding from the concrete for fastening. To do this, holes are drilled in the tree, rods are threaded through them and bent with a hammer.

DIY garden gazebo - drawing

Next, intermediate logs are laid at a distance of 30-40 cm, be sure to check their horizontal position in order to exclude the slope of the floor. The logs are fastened together with nails or self-tapping screws. After that, the timber is sheathed with solid boards, pre-treated with a primer. For round and hexagonal arbors, this method is not suitable, where the bars are mounted either in the form of rays diverging from the center, or in the form of trapezoidal cells.

For a log gazebo, a frame made of timber is not needed; construction immediately begins with laying the walls. Roofing material is laid on the foundation, and the first row of logs is fixed on top. The logs should be located along the perimeter, excluding only the doorway. At the ends of the logs, grooves are cut out and the corners are fastened. It is advisable to join the logs only at the corners, so the appearance of the gazebo will be more attractive.

Having laid 3-4 rows of logs around the entire perimeter, they move to the corners of the structure. The logs are sawn into pieces about half a meter long, grooves are cut and laid at the joints of the walls. You can make trapezoidal corners by using different lengths and shrinking them as you build the walls. When the structure gains the required height, the logs are again laid around the entire perimeter, reinforcing the upper crown with metal brackets or spacers. The space between adjacent corners can be closed with a curly wooden lattice, forged lattice, or left as it is. Now it remains to mount the roof, and the gazebo will be ready.

Find out how to build, as well as consider the nuances of planning and construction, in our new article.

Arbor made of timber and slats

To erect an open wooden frame-type gazebo, you will need:

  • timber with a section of 80x80 mm;
  • slats 20x40 mm;
  • plumb line;
  • screws and nails;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • antiseptic primer.

When installing the floor of the gazebo, the lower rail from the bar has already been laid. Now you need to install vertical supports and sheathe the walls of the building. For vertical supports, a dry flat bar of 80x80 mm is used. First, they mount the corner posts, fix them with temporary spacers and set them strictly vertically. The racks are nailed to the lower trim or fastened with metal plates and bolts. Intermediate supports are installed between the corner supports, at a distance of 1-1.25 m from each other.

When all vertical supports are mounted, they should be secured with a top strapping. As a strapping, the same 80x80 mm beam is used, it is laid on top of the corner posts, leveled horizontally and nailed. All elements of the upper trim must be in the same horizontal plane. At the end of the installation, temporary spacers are removed and the walls are sheathed with slats.

The slats can be stuffed horizontally, leaving gaps between them from 3 to 7 cm, make vertical shields out of them, and fasten them diagonally between the posts. But walls made of wooden lattices with diamond-shaped cells look best. For the manufacture of such gratings, the slats are stuffed at an angle of 45 degrees. In this case, the grilles should not be solid: it is recommended to leave free space above the doorway and in each wall in the form of an arch or a semicircular cutout.

Prices for various types of timber

Installation of the gazebo roof

The roof for the gazebo can be made single-pitched, or in the form of a tent. The simplest option is a single-pitched roof, but most often there is a four-pitched hipped roof. For its arrangement, they take 4 beams with a section of 80x80 or 100x100 mm, knock them down on the ground so that they form a regular pyramid, and raise them up. It is recommended to use metal plates and bolts to attach the rafters to the top rail. Also, with the help of plates, the beams are fixed in the center of the roof.

For strengthening between the rafters, horizontal struts are stuffed from a bar of a smaller section. If the gazebo is very large and has a rectangular shape, it is better to mount a gable roof. To do this, triangular trusses are knocked down from 80x80 cm beams and installed on the upper harness. The distance between the trusses is 1 m, they are fastened with a tie-in into horizontal beams and fixed with spacers. On the upper edge, the trusses are connected by a ridge beam.

"Nice gazebo, but they rarely pour!" And if there is also no gazebo in the yard, then the guests will remain completely unhappy with the event. The first problem can be easily solved by making a small investment in a few boxes of "combustible material", but with a gazebo it is not so simple. Here you need to be moderately rich or hardworking enough.

Many construction companies and individuals offer to build gazebos at a price from 60,000 rubles for a simple wooden structure 3 by 3 meters. Beautiful and exclusive gazebos are already from 450,000 to 3-3.5 million rubles, an important role in pricing is played by area and materials (frame and metal are always more expensive). But not everyone will be able to pay such a sum for some small architectural form in their backyard.

It is far from a secret that materials for building a gazebo cost a penny (compared to its market value) and up to 85% of money is taken for the work itself... Also consider the cost of foundation and land work. Now we will consider a detailed guide to building a gazebo with our own hands and with its help we will make a high-quality wooden product that will be in no way inferior to the "factory" options!

Choosing a place to build a gazebo

The gazebo is built to solve many problems. It should simultaneously host a large noisy company and serve as a place for a romantic dinner, so the owner himself should choose its location on his site. In most cases, this is the most secluded place that is not visible from all sides and where there are no drafts. You also need to consider the following points:

  1. The construction of wooden arbors should be carried out away from septic tanks, sewer canals and sedimentation tanks on a private site. Nothing should interfere with your relaxation, especially unpleasant smells.
  2. It is necessary to take into account not only the upcoming stages of the construction of the gazebo, but also what will happen next. Brazier or tandoor can become a problem in the future if the structure is located next to the house. It is better to retreat at least 3 meters from all buildings.
  3. You will certainly want to look at the pond or forest after a hearty dinner. It is better to place it in the most picturesque corner of the yard.
  4. Pay attention to the drainage system. Depressions in the yard must be excluded - there is a high probability of undermining the foundation.
  5. A place sheltered from the wind. Sit down more quietly - you will continue.

We figured out the basics of choosing a location for deployment, now we will move on to the phased construction of a gazebo and consider how to make an excellent structure from inexpensive materials without wasting a lot of money down the drain.

DIY garden gazebo foundation

Is it obligatory to make a foundation? No, you can do without it, if you are not worried about skewed structures and periodic spring restorations of the gazebos. Without a foundation, the supports will sag under the weight of the roof and the entire structure; they can be washed away by spring waters or simply go to the side after the soil freezes / thaws in the spring. In any case, it must be done - so right. Consider several options for how to install a foundation at no extra cost.

... It's easy enough to make it. We take a drill with a diameter of 50-60 centimeters (it's easier to borrow from a neighbor) and start making a gazebo out of wood with our own hands. We make markings (for example, 4 by 4 meters), drill 4 holes 1 meter deep, pour concrete. You can use M300 cement, proportion with sand and crushed stone - as for foundations. After 15-20 days, you can safely build the ground part of the structure.

Brickwork ... A very simple method that suits everyone who knows how to wield a shovel and trowel. The essence of this method is as follows: dig a hole 60x60x60 cm, then pour 1-2 buckets of concrete on the bottom, lay 2 silicate bricks along and 1 side by side. Lay all subsequent rows of bricks in a checkerboard pattern until the "column" is about 20 centimeters above ground level. So lay out 4 columns (or 6 pieces, if you are planning to make a hexagonal wooden gazebo with your own hands), after 15-20 days you can start further construction.

Buried block ... We take a shovel and go to bury the treasure in the yard. A regular concrete block 50-90 centimeters long will do. It is necessary to dig an appropriate hole, pour 10 cm of crushed stone (if it turns out to ram it, it's generally excellent), 5 cm of sand and lower the block. So repeat for each column.

All of the above methods are suitable if you are making a simple gazebo with your own hands (up to 30-40 square meters). Heavier structures (including those with multi-level roofs) are installed only on strip and deep columnar foundations, since the mass of the structure can deform brickwork, blocks or poorly made concrete. In some cases (for example, two-story gazebos), even drainage systems will be required.

According to all SNiP and recommendations, the foundation should stand for at least 24 days, but the actual period of its hardening is much shorter, since it will not be affected by heavy loads until the roof is built and all the furniture is installed. You can start "light" work as early as 5-10 days after filling it - nothing will happen to it. Now is the time to consider the features of assembling a gazebo with your own hands, drawings and dimensions of the structure, materials.

Making a wooden frame

Let's start with the racks. Actually, you won't be able to start from another. We will use a wooden beam of 30 by 30 centimeters, since it looks much better (massive parts are always in fashion) and it will be easier to attach a body kit to it. The minimum dimensions of the timber are 10 by 12 cm. Now you have 4 supports that need to be fixed on concrete posts, and this can be done in several ways.

When implementing the construction of wooden gazebos with your own hands, you should use the level as often as possible, especially in the case of concreting the supports, because it will be impossible to fix it. It should form a right angle with the concrete base and be perfectly level with respect to the plumb line.

Now you can go to the lower strapping of the supports and laying the logs. It is necessary to make the most stable surface that can easily support the weight of the flooring and a large number of people who will be on it. Consider the process of building the floor of a gazebo for a summer residence with your own hands, step by step.

STEP 1: strapping. We use a beam of 10 by 15 cm (this is with a margin), which must be laid between the concrete posts and screwed to the supports below. It should go strictly horizontally, measure with a level. When the angle deviates, you need to put something on the support, which is lower in level.

STEP 2: we make the center reinforcement bar. We fasten a 5x10 cm bar exactly in the middle of both sides of the arbor trim. It will prevent the planks or any other flooring in the gazebo from sinking. If the structure has sides more than 3 meters, the number of bridges must be increased. Approximately 1 gain per 120-150 centimeters.

STEP 3: we stuff the boards on top. You can use boards 250 wide and 3-4 cm thick - the best option for solid loads. The length can be chosen as full (through the entire arbor and fasteners to the reinforcements), and partial (only between the reinforcements). It is better to use short boards, they will last much longer and it will be cheaper to replace them in case of damage. You can use both nails and screws, it doesn't matter.

STEP 4: open with anti-corrosion protection. The usual inexpensive impregnation will do. A good varnish can be processed after the end of all work, its consumption will be much less after the initial impregnation of the wood, which you will do now.

When fixing floor joists and all reinforcements, it is better to use metal corners with perforated sides. You can find them in every hardware store. It is better to choose the height of the clamp according to the height of the wooden beam in order to fix it as best as possible. It will be appropriate to start a powerful screwdriver, since you will have to tighten a lot of large screws, you can do this with a screwdriver, but it is quite difficult.

Additional support posts with a gazebo length of up to 4 meters can not be used, but if the structure is larger, then it is necessary to strengthen the upper harness. In the middle of the wooden bar of the lower strapping, you need to fix a metal stand (a 30-45 mm square is suitable) and level it, it will "support" the upper wooden strapping, which we will install in the next section of the article.

DIY gazebo roof construction - step by step instructions

Now let's move on to a more complex process - building a roof. There are a lot of options for how to make it, up to the construction of multi-level Chinese structures with bent corners. But our main goal is a do-it-yourself gazebo from scrap materials that can be found in any market or in the warehouse of a thrifty owner, so we will make a simple and reliable design.

STEP 1: top rail. Everything is exactly the same as below, only now we use a beam of 10x10 centimeters. The load on it will be much less than on the floor, so there is no point in making the structure heavier and transferring money. If the roof is made of shingles or roofing felt, you can put a beam of 50x60 mm at all. We twist in the middle with additional support legs, which we considered in the previous section.

STEP 2: main rafters. A wooden beam 80x30 mm is suitable for a gazebo with parameters of 4x4 meters or less. Install from the corners of the upper harness to the middle of the room, it would be better to use a plumb line and a professional level in order to equally expose and fix all 4 rafters. Cut the upper edge of the bars at an angle of 45 degrees so that the rafters converge in the center of the room without gaps and protrusions.

STEP 3: auxiliary rafters. We find the center at each side of the upper harness and from it we lay auxiliary bars (40x30 mm) up to the center. They will support the roofing material and prevent the roof from sinking. Be sure to lay everything according to the level, maintain the same value. Check the evenness of the structure, if nothing protrudes anywhere, you can twist everything with screws and fasten with metal clamps at the top.

STEP 4: we lay sheets of plywood or OSB. Everything is simple here if the rafters are well leveled beforehand. Screw every 20 centimeters to the main and auxiliary rafters. You will definitely need to cut the sheets, it is easier to do this on the ground, having previously marked the necessary lines.

STEP 5: roofing material. Now you can lay anything you want, but euroruberoid or flexible shingles will look beautiful. We begin to lay it from below, or from above, slipping each next sheet under the bottom of the previous one with an overlap of 4-5 centimeters. A “ridge” can be made on top to prevent moisture ingress. On the main rafters, you can easily tuck the edge of the material and screw it on to avoid ugly metal protection against water.

We examined how to build a gazebo with our own hands and you only need to additionally varnish the entire tree so that it does not corrode. It is better to do this at the end, because during the construction process materials are always damaged and will have to be painted over.

If you want to decorate the structure, you can install wicker panels on the lower strapping or lay a wooden beam - this will be much more comfortable and tidy inside. But if you are looking for a way to make a gazebo with your own hands with minimal investment, then you will have to abandon such decorations. One panel (400 by 80 centimeters) made of wicker vine or planks will cost at least 4,000 rubles.

The gazebo is an ideal addition to any summer cottage, because it is nice to retire here over a cup of tea, talk with friends, and celebrate a family celebration. Do you want to become the owner of such a functional and comfortable building? There is nothing easier - you can make it yourself using the most common materials at hand. In order to 100% cope with the task at hand, we propose to gradually understand the construction technology: for your attention detailed instructions on how to build a gazebo beautifully, but quickly and cheaply, as well as photos and videos that will serve as a useful visual guide in your work.

Stage 1: Determining the parameters of the gazebo

In order for the construction of the gazebo not to result in large time, power and financial costs, it is important to think over every detail of the future structure to the smallest detail. In particular:

  • dimensions;
  • shape;
  • roof view;
  • type of foundation;
  • materials for the frame.

The dimensions of the gazebo are best calculated using the formula: 1 person = 1 sq. M. space. The shape of the structure determines the level of complexity of the construction, so if this is your first time taking on such work, give preference to the traditional rectangular gazebo.

The roof of the gazebo can be single-pitched, gable, rounded or pyramidal. Naturally, it is cheaper and easier to install a pitched roof.

As for materials, it is best to build a gazebo from wooden beams and metal racks - it is much easier to work with them than with brick, stone, logs or wrought iron gratings. Plus, these materials are very budgetary.

Stage 2: Preparing for construction

As you can see, the ideal option for a novice builder is a rectangular gazebo with a pitched roof on a slab-type foundation. To build such an extension, you will need the following consumables:

  • bars of two types - with a section of 50 x 50 and 100 x 100 mm;
  • wooden boards 30 x 150 mm and 50 x 150 mm;
  • sheets of corrugated board;
  • reinforcement rods;
  • large crushed stone;
  • concrete solution;
  • sand;
  • screws and screws;
  • primer;
  • dye.

Do not forget about working tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • jigsaw;
  • hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • anchor bolts:
  • steel corners
  • hammer;
  • level;
  • rule.

After all the materials and tools are prepared, it is necessary to choose a place for mounting the gazebo and make markings on it. To do this, you first need to determine the four corners of the future structure, taking into account the previously thought out dimensions, and outline them with beacons. Then, between the beacons, you need to pull the string. As a result, you should get a rectangle - this is the area your gazebo will be.

Stage 3: We equip the foundation

Pouring the foundation begins with the preparation of the pit. Its depth should be 20-30 cm. You can dig it with a simple shovel: remove the soil, level and tamp the bottom. Make sure that the walls of the pit are vertical, without slopes. A 10 cm layer of sand should be poured into the finished recess. It should be moistened and tamped tightly. When you make sure that the layer is perfectly even, set formwork from boards around the perimeter of the pit. Its height should be no more than 10 cm. Next, you need to fix the formwork with beams.

The next step is to fill the pit with large rubble. Then, in the corners of the future gazebo, reinforcement rods must be installed in the rubble. For the stability of the extension, the rods should rise 10-15 cm above the foundation level. Then fill the foundation pit with concrete mortar.

Advice. After pouring, be sure to level the concrete according to the rule so that the base is perfectly flat. Start further construction work only after the foundation has completely hardened!

Stage 4: Assembling the frame

Installing the frame of the gazebo is one of the most difficult and responsible work of the entire construction process, therefore it is very important to carry it out in a clear sequence:

  • Prepare 4 bars with a section of 100 x 100 mm and cut them to the height of the structure. Treat the finished elements with a primer.

Important! The front bars should be at least 15 cm longer than the rear ones to be able to form a roof slope.

  • Drill each support bar in the bottom end. The diameter of the hole should be equal to the diameter of the reinforcement rods installed at the corners of the foundation.
  • Slide the support blocks over the bars and level them vertically with a spirit level. Secure them with anchor bolts.
  • Connect the corner beams with 50 x 150 mm planks and install special braces for the rafters.
  • At a distance of 10 cm from the upper part of the structure and 50 cm from the floor, connect the posts with jumpers made of bars with a cross section of 50 x 50 m, securing them with bolts. Between these jumpers, fix the vertical bars every 50 cm using steel corners and self-tapping screws. Only the entrance area should remain free.

Stage 5: We mount the roof and decorate the gazebo

Installing the roof does not require much time and effort, since the pitched structures are very easy to install. So, first install the joists on the boards that connect the corner bars. The average step is 30-40 cm. Then sheathe them with a board of 30 x 150 mm, leaving gaps of 10 cm between them. Next, cover the boards with glassine and fill thin strips on top. Place sheets of corrugated board on these slats and fix them with self-tapping screws or nails. Actually, the roof is ready.

After the main construction work is completed, proceed with the design of the gazebo. To begin with, it must be treated with an anti-corrosion agent. Then the structure can be painted, varnished or even sheathed with clapboard. After that, install electricity and install the necessary furniture. And finally, you can hang the walls of the gazebo with light tulle to give the space even more comfort.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the construction of a summer cottage. If you follow our simple instructions, you can get a beautiful corner for a comfortable outdoor recreation without unnecessary time and money.

Not a single site can do without a gazebo today. Summer cottages and private houses are already being designed with the condition of being located on the territory of a special corner where you can relax with family or friends, eat in the fresh air, do handicrafts, read, and so on. There are a large number of different types, designs and materials for the manufacture of simple and complex gazebos for summer cottages. Let's consider step by step all the main points to which it is very important to pay attention.


Before starting work, you should figure out what kind of a simple summerhouse gazebo will look like. Much depends on its location, the characteristics of the site itself and functionality. First of all, let's go through the main types and their features.

Wicker gazebo

The simplest, with a touch of primitiveness, design. The main production material is vine. Moreover, it is used not only in the construction of the roof, but also in support posts, a fence. Wicker country furniture is also very popular now.

Additional materials you may need:

  • wooden beams - for the construction of the frame of the gazebo and roof;
  • lining, boards or concrete screed - for the floor.

The main advantage of the wicker construction is its mobility. Some modern craftsmen easily make collapsible gazebos for themselves, which are simply removed to the barn, garages, and so on for the winter.

Gazebo umbrella

Only a tree hanging over the dining area can be simpler than this design. The base of the gazebo is a strong heavy trunk, which additionally serves as a support for the canopy. The base of the central pipe is concreted and buried in the ground. Any material from a waterproof fabric with a special impregnation to the ubiquitous PVC film can act as a roof. The spacers should be light in weight, so profile or wooden slats are usually used.

The disadvantages of such a gazebo will be weak wind resistance, relatively small dimensions, and the absence of walls. In any case, when deciding in favor of such an option, it is necessary to carefully weigh the features of placing it on the site and the nuances of use as carefully as possible.

PVC gazebo

The most versatile material of all. Compared to the previous two, the cost may slightly exceed, but the functionality of such a gazebo will not disappoint you.

What the structure of PVC film consists of:

  • floor - concrete screed, wooden platform or leveled area;
  • frame - the basis for stretching the film;
  • roof and walls - the second is stretched at will.

A feature of pavilions made of PVC film is its durability, ease of use and material care. If necessary, the canvases can be removed and hidden until the season begins. PVC films are resistant to weather conditions, do not fade in the sun, do not deform.


Recently it has been popular.

Gazebos made of such material delight users with their advantages.

  • Simplicity of construction. Starting from the frame of the structure ending with polycarbonate fastening.
  • Variability. From this material, you can build a roof and a gazebo of any shape and size. Experts advise, when designing, to take into account the fact that polycarbonate sheets have standard dimensions of 2.1x6 m, so the area of ​​the gazebo should be calculated taking into account the minimum waste residue.
  • The opportunity to save money. It is very easy to build such a structure yourself. Having previously prepared the frame of the gazebo, it remains only to order the required amount of polycarbonate and screw it to the base with your own hands.

Wooden gazebos

Durable, beautiful, environmentally friendly. This option can hardly be called economical. But lovers of wood and fresh air will appreciate this design. The minimum of materials that will be needed to build the simplest gazebo with your own hands includes wooden blocks and an edged board. But you can also use a rail to make a wicker lathing. As a roof for such a gazebo, professionals recommend slate, metal tiles, polycarbonate or flexible types of roofing.

Brick gazebo

It is a more solid structure, but also not particularly difficult for self-erection. The main convenience of such a building is the ability to insulate it and make it an all-season resting place. However, the decision in favor of its permanent or temporary use should be made at the design stage in order to include windows, doors and other additional nuances in the construction plan. And also do not forget that such a solid gazebo must have a solid foundation.

Metal construction

This is a version of the gazebo that can be created from almost nothing. Literally from the remains of metal sheets, rods, profiles, corners and so on. It is very convenient for designing for craftsmen who own the art of working on a welding machine. Forged elements add sophistication and additional appeal to the simplest design. It is not a budget option, but it may well be a simple but convenient addition to your summer cottage.

Design features

The main elements that make up any simple summer cottage include:

  1. base;
  2. frame;
  3. roof.

A gazebo for giving with your own hands does not have any special difficulties. But you should pay close attention to some points so that the resting place will delight you in the allotted time. Let's take a closer look at each stage and element of the gazebo's hand-made construction.

Of course, before proceeding with the construction, it is necessary to make drawings, which will indicate not only the dimensions of the future structure, but also the types of each of its components.


The structure can start from the foundation, if the soil on the site does not please with its evenness, stability and, in general, you just want to feel the floor under your feet. There are a lot of options for the execution of this element: from the simplest belt or on screw piles to the original ones made of tires.

The optimal and widely used type is considered to be a columnar foundation for a gazebo made of any material without walls. The heavier the structure itself, the more thoroughly its support should be.

Those who are more fortunate with the placement may consider the option of a gazebo without a floor. The prevailing landscape of the site will act as a cover under the structure.


As already mentioned, there can be many options for the frame of the gazebo. The most common for self-erection are wooden beams and metal rods or corners.

Construction professionals focus on simple rules that will help you build a cozy resting place in the country as quickly and for a long time as possible.

  1. Do not use wood and concrete together in close contact. Wooden elements begin to rot over time, which increases the risk of collapse of the entire structure.
  2. When designing a brick or aerated concrete gazebo, you must immediately take into account the location of windows and doors. Even if at first it was decided to make only a summer structure, closer to the cold weather there may be a desire to insulate it and use it in the cold season. Openings not included in the original design will be much more difficult to implement at the end of the season.
  3. As a fence, you can use eurolining and polycarbonate, which are perfectly combined and adjacent to any materials.
  4. The simplest gazebos can be built right on the ground. For example, a metal frame is very often installed on a site covered with sand. It is then simply covered with existing rugs or floor scraps.


First of all, it is worth deciding on the shape: single-slope, gable, hip (four-slope), semicircular, hexagonal, hipped, round. Of course, in most cases, the type of roof directly depends on the shape of the gazebo itself. Most often, when building a simple summer cottage with their own hands, craftsmen are determined in favor of one- or gable structures.

As for the coverage, here each owner chooses individually. But also the roofing material is calculated taking into account the use of the gazebo: all-season or only in summer. There is even a category of mobile roofs that can be folded down for the winter and removed before the onset of heat.

To get inspired and find for yourself the best option for a summer cottage, consider the most unusual, but simple projects.

Original ideas

A simple yet functional garden gazebo. If you wish, you can stretch flexible windows - PVC film to protect vacationers from wind or rain.

For almost every person, a dacha is a second home or a favorite vacation spot. Caring for a garden and a vegetable garden, as well as performing construction work in a house are labor-intensive processes that require investment of finance and physical labor. The gazebo is not only a beautiful addition to the site, but also serves as a great place to relax. When choosing materials for building a gazebo, most people prefer wood. Self-production of the gazebo will significantly save money.

The main advantages of wooden arbors:

  1. The beauty. Undoubtedly, the creativity of ordinary people sometimes pleasantly surprises.
  2. Environmental friendliness. The wood does not contain harmful substances.
  3. Adequate price. Wood can be easily purchased from hardware stores at an affordable price.
  4. Easy to use. Wood is quite comfortable to work with and does not require any special professional skills.
  5. At high temperatures, especially in summer, wooden gazebos do not heat up.

The disadvantages include:

  • Fragility. The tree can rot and the likelihood of damage by carpenter beetles is high. To extend the service life, it is necessary at the end of the summer cottage to remove the fallen leaves from the floor in order to avoid rotting. It is also necessary to treat wood surfaces with special antiseptic compounds, this is done immediately after construction is completed, but before painting / varnishing wooden structures. Cracks that have appeared over time need to be putty. In winter, for the safety of the gazebo, the roof should be covered with stretch film and it is advisable to transfer all unnecessary items to a closed room.
  • High flammability. Due to the high risk of fire, it is unsafe to install barbecues and braziers in the gazebo. The likelihood of a fire is reduced when wood is treated with special compounds that minimize the risks of such a disaster.

At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to choose the location, size and type of structure, style of construction and building materials. The choice of the size of the gazebo depends on the main purpose of the construction of the structure. For family or friendly gatherings, a large gazebo is needed, for personal needs a small one is enough.

Site selection is a responsible process. The durability of the structure depends on this factor. If a structure is built in a lowland, then due to frequent precipitation, it can rot. The wind protection factor is also important. Endless drafts are unlikely to give pleasure from sitting in the gazebo. In terms of landscape design, the view from the intended gazebo should be good. The ideal option is to build a structure deep in the garden.

For complete harmony, it is necessary that the gazebo be designed in the style of building a house, otherwise such a dissonance will stand out strongly on the site.

Gazebos can be classified according to the following criteria:

  • by type of construction;
  • in shape.

Common shapes are rectangular, hexagonal and round.

By type, arbors can be divided into open, semi-closed and closed. Closed canopies are universal for use at any time of the year. Semi-closed gazebos resemble a small house.

An important nuance is taking into account the style of construction in accordance with the landscape design. The most common gazebo styles include classic, Victorian, rustic, oriental, and custom.

The classic style of construction is characterized by clear lines. The design is based on hexagonal and quadrangular bases.

Ornamental and ordinary plants are inherent in the Victorian style, therefore, when building with this nuance in mind, the base of the gazebo is built along with a special lattice.

The oriental style differs from others in the shape of the roof and extraordinary ornaments.

Having decided on the style and type of the proposed gazebo, it is necessary to draw up drawings. Thanks to them, you will be able to understand how to make the necessary building. A correctly drawn up project will help save time during the construction of a structure, calculate the exact amount of required building materials, take into account all the nuances before starting construction in order to obtain a high-quality and durable structure.

The project diagram should include a view of the proposed structure from all sides with an indication of the dimensions.

In accordance with the planned project of a wooden structure, the construction process involves the presence of the following materials:

  • wooden blocks;
  • piles;
  • boards;
  • cement;
  • crushed stone;
  • sand;
  • nails or screws;
  • metal corners;
  • roof covering materials;
  • fittings;
  • brick;
  • roofing material.

The required tools are:

  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • drill / screwdriver;
  • spanners;
  • electric plane;
  • Circular Saw.

After the preparatory stage, the construction work process follows, which includes the sequential execution of the steps:

  1. Clearing and leveling the construction site. At this stage, you need to clear the area of ​​debris, cut trees and bushes if necessary, level the area.
  2. The choice of the foundation. A well-laid foundation is the basis for the success and longevity of a building. There are such base options - tape, slab and columnar. The simplest and not requiring large financial investments is columnar. To do this, it is necessary to mark the territory of the future gazebo with wooden posts and ropes stretched between them. Then, remove the top soil layer at the allocated area with a depth of at least 0.5 m. After that, lay sand (10 cm), crushed stone (10 cm), concrete mortar (30 cm) in succession. Such a solution is made from sand, gravel and cement. Next, lay a layer of roofing material on the concrete layer. Then you need to make posts of brick in three or four rows in order to create space between the ground and the gazebo in order to avoid rotting wood. At the final stage of creating the foundation, you need to re-lay the layer of roofing material.
  3. Floor installation. To accomplish this task, it is necessary to choose the option of installing the floor: on the basis of the structure or taking into account the emphasis on the floor of the walls. The second option is quite simple. For the arrangement of the floor, wooden beams are used, treated with layers of copper sulfate in order to prevent them from rotting and eating by insects.
  4. Construction of the frame and roof. When performing such work, it is important to focus on the supporting beams, because they are responsible for the stability of the gazebo. When assembling the frame, wooden boards and beams are used. The bearing supports are assembled from wooden blocks. The basis of the frame is made up of special beams that are placed on concrete blocks. Floor joists and vertical posts are attached to the base of the structure. To the frame - vertical posts using metal corners and self-tapping screws. For the vertical arrangement of the base, it is necessary to use special props. When building the frame, the so-called upper straps (special horizontal beams) are used. The easiest way to build a roof is to use timber logs to create geometric outlines for the building.
  5. Wall cladding. At this construction stage, the choice of material is important: sheet metal, boards, slate and others. The main disadvantage when choosing sheet material is the lack of sound insulation, especially in rainy weather. The easiest option is to use wall cladding with wooden planks. Depending on the style and design of the planned structure, solid or lattice walls can be made.
  6. Improvement of the gazebo. The final stage is filling in and creating the necessary interior of the resulting structure.

The choice of furniture and the availability of electricity already depend on the desire and imagination of the owner.


Photo: original gazebos


The diagrams will help you design your own gazebo made of wood: