Children's stories about a little boy. "Sadistic rhymes" of our childhood

The little boy was sitting by the side of the road.
The tank ran over his legs.
Kind uncle in a Chinese cap
A bullet in the stomach calmed the poor thing.
The little boy sucked candy
A dump truck drove up to him from behind ...
The next morning the newspapers wrote:
"The boy died by choking on candy."
A little boy walking in the woods
Scared birds with a long trunk
After hooves climbed into a puddle
The Chernobyl forest swayed quietly.
The boy found a neutron bomb
The boy came to school with her ...
She laughed for a long time:
"The school is standing, and there is nobody in it!"

A shot is heard, a desperate cry ...
"Forty-second" - the old man smiled.
A little boy swam on a piece of ice,
The icebreaker came to him from behind.
There is no more gratifying picture in the world:
Half-Petit on the left and half-Petit on the right!
The boy found a mortar behind the forest ...
Nobody else lives in the village
The boy came up with a game - Aviator,
Little sister poked his fingers into the fan.
Sister's fingers fly around the house -
Fun brother and sister play.
A little boy in the woods got lost ...
The bear got a tasty gift.
A little boy climbed into the fridge
With a small foot he pressed the switch.
The snot in the nose quickly froze.
No, he won't finish his sausage.
A little boy slept under a bush,
Uncle crept up and took out the battle.
Blades swing - and the throat is cut:
Gypsies exchange scalps for vodka
Little boy found a piece of paper
Little boy poop went
The kids laughed at him for a long time
This piece of paper was sandpaper.

I accidentally hit the concrete mixer.
Boy's mom went to the store -
Her son is smiling at her from the wall!
Little boy found a gun
Grandfather writhed at the wall for a long time
A little boy walked on a construction site,
A little boy fell from a construction site.
Dogs and cats laughed for a long time,
How to move the eyes of a cake.
The little boy let the snake go
The plane flew right over him.
The thread hit - right into the motor ...
Pakhtakor did not play football anymore.
The kids in the basement were playing hospital
Plumber Sinitsyn died of childbirth
Little Fedenka dug a hole,
Uncle stumbled and fell painfully.
Uncle filled the hole with concrete,
Fedya was put on the bottom before.
The little boy hiccupped all the time
Dad finished the courses for the paramedic.
I closed my nose and mouth with my hand,
Fifteen minutes later he let go.
A little boy walked into the store
Here Georgians come out of the tram.
The boy bent down to pick up the toy ...
He entered the list at number five.
The kids in the basement were playing the Gestapo
Plumber Potapov is brutally tortured
The little boy walked by the stroller ...
Sister's eyes are swimming in the soup
Little Johnny played with dolls.
The doll quietly took off her skirt.
The mother looks at the boy happily:
Learns to bathe dolls
A little boy was walking at a construction site,
A tower crane nearby was lifting the load.
The old rope could not stand the severity, -
The boy's ears are attached to the sandals.
Little Petya lay on the grass,
Misha accidentally fell from the roof.
Parents in the morgue did not make out:
"Where are whose hands, and where are whose legs?"
A little boy walked on a construction site,
A dump truck drove up to him from behind,
There was no scream, there was no groan,
Baby feet sticking out of the concrete
The boy climbed a tree for a pear,
Old Pakhom takes out his sawn-off shotgun.
A shot is heard, and the watchman fell:
The boy took out the Winchester faster
The little boy was sitting on the roof,
The sunbeam warmed his head.
The roof collapsed, the bones cracked ...
No, we are not going to visit the boy.
The little boy in the Nile was swimming
A crocodile was approaching him from behind
The old man crocodile groaned for a long time
The Oktyabrsky badge is stuck in the woman
A little boy sat on a mine
The poor boy was sweating with fear.
The drop rolled down, closed the contacts ...
Use Karpaty cream!

For those who remember ... Read more


"A little boy found a machine gun / walked on the roof / climbed a cherry tree / rode an elevator ..." - in a word, it's harder to name what the ever-memorable little boy did NOT do. How all this usually ended, we remember from childhood. Undoubtedly, one of the brightest pre-Internet memes and the main genres of school folklore of all time are "sadistic rhymes", also known as "sadistic ditties", "sadistic couplets", "little children", etc. Despite the fact that during the 90s the genre was losing popularity, "rhymes" continue to live and spread, including via the Internet. According to some estimates, the total number of their stories is approaching four hundred. Poems are quatrains with paired rhyming lines (less often two verses), which tell about the death or injury of the main character, and usually as a result of some kind of man-made impact.

The kids in the basement were playing the Gestapo
Plumber Potapov is brutally tortured
His whole life is yet to come
... if he takes the dagger out of his chest

A dump truck drove up behind him.
There was no cry, no groan,
Only the shoes are sticking out of the concrete.

A little boy walked on a construction site,
I accidentally hit a barrel of gasoline.
I began to choke, stuck out my nose
A kind uncle brought up a match! The happy mother laughed for a long time -
You don't have to take your son to the crematorium!

A little boy walked on a construction site,
I accidentally hit an empty barrel.
A slab of three hundred tons fell from above,
And it turned out "Breakfast of a tourist".

A little boy walking on a construction site
The kind worker watched him.
The crowbar whistled like Chingachgook's spear,
Grandmother has no cute grandson.

A little boy fell off the balcony
Soon below, his cry was cut off.
Grandmother rushed into the room with a deer ...
No, he didn't touch the pot of geraniums!

A helicopter flew overhead in the sky.
The turbine shakes the fishing line on the shaft ...
The boy got into MI8 as a "stinger"!

Ninth floor, narrow cornice,
The little boy is falling down!
A surprised mother looks from below -
No, the boy will not learn to fly!

The old woman did not suffer for long
On high voltage wires
Her charred carcass
Found Timurovtsy in the bushes.

The boy asked: "Give me, mom, candy!"
Mom said: "Put your finger in the socket!"
The guests laughed at the joke for a long time
Watching baby bones smolder

I asked the electrician Petrov:
"Why did you put a wire around your neck?"
Petrov does not answer anything,
Only the wind shakes his corpse.

A little boy found a machine gun.
With a small foot he pressed the butt.
With a small hand he pulled the trigger,
With a screech, brains sunk into the ceiling

A little boy found a machine gun
Nobody else lives in the village.

Masha found a grenade on the field,
What is this daddy? she asked
Pull the ring, - Dad said.
For a long time the bow flew over the field.

The girl Masha was looking for raspberries,
She stepped on the mine with her foot.
For a long time they will appear in my dreams
Those blue eyes on the pine

Another ending option:
... The shot rang out, the watchman fell:
The father was covering the boy from behind.

The boys in the field played the Indians
Girls in the field were picking flowers
Masha bent down - an ax in the ass
Aptly throws Indian Yegor

Little boy found a razor
With a razor, this he came to dad
Dad exclaimed, "Harmonica!"
The crumb's smile is wider and wider.

A little boy bought a kimono
He saw many tricks in the cinema,
Shouting "cue!" and with a kick
Daddy's balls slipped into boots
Daddy responded with the same blow
The boy's eggs were found under the sofa.

Little boy cooked compote,
Instead of a lemon, I put a lemon,
Sister wanted to taste the foam -
For a long time the brains were torn from the wall.

A little boy walked along the sleepers,
I was holding my sister by the handle.
An express from Siberia rushed by quickly:
There were two of them - now there are four.

Fast train Tbilisi-Baku,
The doors pressed the peasant's head down.
The train started, the man ran,
I watched him for a long time ...

The little boy was bathing in the bath,
He swam, dived, doused himself with water.
Mom crept up, rustling her skirt:
Fucking a stool - and no baby.

A little boy swam down the Nile
A crocodile swam up behind him

The old crocodile groaned for a long time
Pioneer badge stuck in the ass

A little boy swam on a piece of ice,
The icebreaker came to him from behind.
There is no more gratifying picture in the world:
Half-Petit on the left and half-Petit on the right!

A little boy climbed into the fridge
With a small foot he pressed the switch.
The snot in the nose quickly froze.
No, he won't finish his sausage

The girl found a pineapple in the field.
It turned out to be a fascist land mine.
She took out a knife, wanted to eat ...
Ass found six kilometers.

The kids in the basement were playing the Gestapo
Plumber Potapov was brutally tortured.
Potapov will not say, Potapov is silent:
The wrench sticks out between the ribs.

Stars in a bunch, bones in a row
The tram was run over by a detachment of Octobrists.

Red ties are flying over the square:
The bomb hit the pioneers' palace.

Two lovers lay in the rye
Quietly the harvester stood at the border
He started quietly, went quietly ...
Someone found half a dick in a loaf

Daddy slammed a grenade from work
To show it to my son Ignat.
The boy hid the grenade in the oven ...
Dad will not survive, no matter how you treat.

The head teacher caught the repeater Vasya,
Nailed it to the wall in class.
Anatomy lesson soon -
The teacher will have an exhibit.

Red Square, green Christmas trees.
Misha broke three needles by the tree.
Black Volga rushed, rustling, -
Mother will not wait for the baby home

The little boy was flying a snake.
The plane was flying in the sky above him.
The turbine pulled the fishing line into the engine
.Pakhtakor did not play football anymore!

The boy climbed a tree for a pear,
Caretaker Pakhom pulls out his sawn-off shotgun:
The shot rang out, a desperate cry ...
Here is "forty-first," said the old man.

The boy climbed a tree for a plum,
Caretaker Pakhom pulls out his sawn-off shotgun:
A shot is heard, a desperate cry ...
“Forty-second,” the old man smiled.

The boy climbed a tree for cherries,
Caretaker Pakhom pulls out his sawn-off shotgun:
A shot rang out and the watchman fell.
The boy got his "Mauser" earlier!
Option: "Dad was covering the boy from behind"!

The kids in the basement were playing the Gestapo
Plumber Potapov is brutally tortured
but he still has everything ahead
if he pulls the crowbar out of his chest
another variant
arms and legs nailed to the back of the head
but still did not give out where he hides the bottle

Grandmother was waiting for her granddaughter from school
potassium cyanide in a mortar
grandfather beat grandmother
I nailed my granddaughter to the fence

Little boy found a machine gun
no one lives in the village anymore
and no one lives in the city either
but where does he take the bastard cartridges
another variant
only Matryona's grandmother remained in the village
oh sorry she didn't have enough bullets

Grandmother loved her granddaughter very much
she put a bomb in her bed
at night there were two powerful explosions
granddaughter loved grandmother too

The girl Masha loved to be chemistry
poured something, added something
there was an imposing explosion at night
it was a genius powerful impulse

Prokhorov Anton fed pigeons
threw a loaf ten pieces killed))))

Little boy found Pershing 2
I pressed the red button at the wing
For a long time the Yankees could not understand
What kind of fungus grows in the distance

Little boy playing diver
He measured the depth of the toilet
Kind uncle pressed the pedal
And the boy ran off into the underwater distance

Black in the front, black in the back
Blacks are at the Moscow parade.

A little boy walked on a construction site,
He pressed different buttons
For a long time the Chinese could not understand
What kind of fungus grows in the distance ...

Little boy dough chopped
I began to gorge myself, I was rude to everyone
In the evening they took the boy to the forest ...
The business stayed, the boy disappeared

Little boy at gloomy dawn
Closed a live rat in the toilet
Daddy went there first ... Poor thing!
It will be hard for him to live without buttocks ...

A little boy played on the river
Having fun from the bridge into the water dived ...
It is unlikely that the water will carry away his body -
I put the pitchfork at the bottom skillfully!

A little boy walked on the roof
TU-104 slightly overtook.
The roof ran out - and mom then
For a long time I collected brains with a scoop

Little boy knocked on the door
- Give me some water, - he said quietly
He was handed a glass of acid
Flowers did not grow on the grave for a year

The boy on the rails sawed the cable,
Suddenly, unexpectedly, rain poured down.
No, he won't become a sailor now,
He became an excellent guide.

Little Petya was playing on the rails.
Quietly the tram drove up the rails ...
There is nothing more fun in the world -
Half-Petit on the right and half-Petit on the left!

A little boy went down to the basement
There his grandfather Mikhail was waiting
He tortured the boy in the basement for a long time
How could it be otherwise? The footcloths are gone!

A little boy dived from the pier
Suddenly he saw a shark fin:
God, he thought, what a misfortune -
Too late, only the legs were sticking out of the mouth

A little boy ran on the roof
Waving a pen, screeching loudly
The roof ran out - a whistle was heard,
The janitor was in for a New Year's surprise ...

The little boy found mine
Took her in my bag, got on the bus
People looked askance at the boy ...
Then only the wheels went

The little boy was fishing
A crocodile swam quietly to him ...
The old crocodile suffered for a long time
Pioneer badge stuck in the ass!

Little boy played diver
He dived boldly to the bottom of the toilet,
Kind mother pressed the pedal
The boy ran off into the stinking distance

A little boy found a bomb
With her, he immediately entered the entrance
As if something thundered there like thunder
Handles to the right, legs to the left

A little boy climbed into the fridge
I pressed the switch with a small foot
The snot in the nose quickly froze
No, he won't finish his sausage

The little boy in the quarry was swimming,
The wire broke off the high voltage.
Apparently, the current in the wire was steep -
The boy ran on the water like a saint

Little boy walked into the transformer
A second terminator came out of there.

A little boy was digging a dugout
Found a piece of iron, knocked on a stump
Feet on the tree, hands under the oak tree,
A mine cannot be treated so rudely!

A little boy found a tamagotchi
Stuck on all the buttons for three days and three nights
He did not eat for a long time and did not sleep for a long time,
After which he became a schizophrenic

A little boy is sitting in a stroller
With one eye it looks into the sky,
Scratches the prosthesis with a fingerless pen,
The child is tormented by the disease diathesis

Little boy found a gun
Mom has no more lovers.
A little boy found a machine gun -
Nobody else lives in the village!
A little boy found a scooter:
There are no more pillars in the village!

Little boy was cleaning
I was shaking a heavy curtain on the balcony.
In an old house there is a fragile cornice,
With a terrible crash the balcony collapsed down
Mom will have to wash for a long time,
Favorite curtain from blood with brains

The little boy was bathing in the bathroom
The little boy enjoyed the water.
Mom crept up, rustling with a robe,
Hit with a stool and no toddler

Little boy found the rope
With this find he came to school
Perky children laughed for a long time
Bald director hanging in the toilet

The little boy gave up driving,
Squeezing into the seat, the instructor was trembling
Moans, curses, thuds ...
The instructor had nightmares for a month

If a boy doesn't sing, doesn't play ball,
This boy does not live - this is a dead boy

Boy asked mom for candy
Mom said put your finger in the socket
Shriveled skin, charred bones
The guests laughed at the joke for a long time

The little boy went to Zenith
Loudly he shouted: "Spartacus will win!"
They kicked a dead body for a long time,
I would intervene, but they beat for the cause

Little boy drove pigeons
Higher and higher faster and faster
The roof ended, there was a slap
Dad collects brains in a scoop

Little boy with a broken leg
She eats soup with an aluminum spoon.
The milf looks at her son affectionately:
- When will you get drunk, lame brute.

A little boy walked on the roof
All nothing would just fall from the roof
The shabby cat laughed for a long time
How she blinked a cake from the asphalt

A little boy walking on a construction site
He pressed various buttons,
A crane drove up behind 300 tons
And it turned out to be a tourist's breakfast

A little boy walking in the woods
Nearby a mushroom picker was picking mushrooms
The cleaver in the hands of a pioneer will not falter
Poacher's guts hung on the branches

Little boy walking on a construction site
Accidentally fell into a barrel of gasoline
I began to choke and stuck out my nose -
Kind uncle brought a match

I suggest you remember such a genre of yard poetry as sadistic or "black" rhymes. It was very popular among children in the 80s.

“A little boy found a machine gun / walked on the roof / climbed a cherry tree / rode in an elevator…” - in a word, it's harder to name what the ever-memorable little boy did NOT do. How it all usually ended, we remember from childhood. Undoubtedly, one of the brightest pre-Internet memes and the main genres of school folklore of all time are "sadistic rhymes", also known as "sadistic ditties", "sadistic couplets", "little children", etc. Despite the fact that during the 90s the genre was losing popularity, the "poems" continue to live and spread, including via the Internet.

According to some estimates, the total number of their stories is approaching four hundred. Poems are quatrains with paired rhyming lines (less often two verses), which tell about the death or injury of the main character, and usually as a result of some kind of man-made impact.

A little boy walked on a construction site,
A dump truck drove up behind him.
There was no cry, no groan,
Only the shoes are sticking out of the concrete.

I accidentally hit a barrel of gasoline.
I began to choke, stuck out my nose
A kind uncle brought up a match!
The happy mother laughed for a long time -
You don't have to take your son to the crematorium!

A little boy walked on a construction site,
I accidentally hit an empty barrel.
A slab of three hundred tons fell from above,
And it turned out "Breakfast of a tourist".

A little boy walking on a construction site
The kind worker watched him.
The crowbar whistled like Chingachgook's spear,
Grandmother has no cute grandson.

A little boy fell off the balcony
Soon below, his cry was cut off.
Grandmother rushed into the room with a deer ...
No, he didn't touch the pot of geraniums!

The little boy was flying a snake.
A helicopter flew overhead in the sky.
The turbine shakes the fishing line on the shaft ...
The boy got into MI8 as a "stinger"!

Ninth floor, narrow cornice,
The little boy is falling down!
A surprised mother looks down below -
No, the boy will not learn to fly!

The old woman did not suffer for long
On high voltage wires
Her charred carcass
Found Timurovtsy in the bushes.

The boy asked: "Give me, mom, candy!"
Mom said: "Put your finger in the socket!"
The guests laughed at the joke for a long time
Watching baby bones smolder

I asked the electrician Petrov:
"Why did you put a wire around your neck?"
Petrov does not answer anything,
Only the wind shakes his corpse.

A little boy found a machine gun.
With a small foot he pressed the butt.
With a small hand he pulled the trigger,
With a screech, brains sunk into the ceiling

A little boy found a machine gun
Nobody else lives in the village.

Masha found a grenade on the field,
What is this daddy? she asked
Pull the ring, - Dad said.
For a long time the bow flew over the field.

The girl Masha was looking for raspberries,
She stepped on the mine with her foot.
For a long time they will appear to me in a dream
Those blue eyes on the pine

The boy climbed a tree for a pear,
Caretaker Pakhom pulls out his sawn-off shotgun:
A shot is heard, a desperate cry ...
“Forty-second,” the old man smiled.
Another ending option:
... The shot rang out, the watchman fell:
The father was covering the boy from behind.

The boys in the field played the Indians
Girls in the field were picking flowers
Masha bent down - an ax in the ass
Aptly throws Indian Yegor

Little boy found a razor
With a razor, this he came to dad
Dad exclaimed, "Harmonica!"
The crumb's smile is wider and wider.

A little boy bought a kimono
He saw many tricks in the cinema,
Shouting "cue!" and with a kick
Daddy's balls slipped into boots
Daddy responded with the same blow
The boy's eggs were found under the sofa.

Little boy cooked compote,
Instead of a lemon, I put a lemon,
Sister wanted to taste the foam -
For a long time the brains were torn from the wall.

A little boy walked along the sleepers,
I was holding my sister by the handle.
An express from Siberia rushed by quickly:
There were two of them - now there are four.

Fast train Tbilisi-Baku,
The doors pressed the peasant's head down.
The train started, the man ran,
I watched him for a long time ...

The little boy was bathing in the bath,
He swam, dived, doused himself with water.
Mom crept up, rustling her skirt:
Fucking a stool - and no baby.

A little boy swam down the Nile
A crocodile swam up behind him
The old crocodile groaned for a long time
Pioneer badge stuck in the ass

A little boy swam on a piece of ice,
The icebreaker came to him from behind.
There is no more gratifying picture in the world:
Half-Petit on the left and half-Petit on the right!

A little boy climbed into the fridge
With a small foot he pressed the switch.
The snot in the nose quickly froze.
No, he won't finish his sausage

The girl found a pineapple in the field.
It turned out to be a fascist land mine.
She took out a knife, wanted to eat ...
Ass found six kilometers.

The kids in the basement were playing the Gestapo
Plumber Potapov was brutally tortured.
Potapov will not say, Potapov is silent:
The wrench sticks out between the ribs.

Stars in a bunch, bones in a row
The tram was run over by a detachment of Octobrists.
Red ties are flying over the square:
The bomb hit the pioneers' palace.

Two lovers lay in the rye
Quietly the harvester stood at the border
He started quietly, went quietly ...
Someone found half a dick in a loaf

Daddy slammed a grenade from work
To show it to my son Ignat.
The boy hid the grenade in the oven ...
Dad will not survive, no matter how you heal.

The head teacher caught the repeater Vasya,
Nailed it to the wall in class.
Anatomy lesson soon -
The teacher will have an exhibit.

Red Square, green Christmas trees.
Misha broke three needles by the tree.
Black Volga rushed, rustling, -
Mother will not wait for the baby home

Grandfather gave a dagger to his grandson,
The grandson sharpened that dagger well
Grandpa in the armchair lies as if sleeping
A gift sticks out between the shoulder blades.

Little Boy Found Pershing 2
He pressed the red button lightly
for a long time the Japanese could not understand
What kind of fungus grows in the distance

Red Square, blue Christmas trees.
Little boy in a green T-shirt.
The "Seagull" rustled quietly.
For a long time they cleaned the baby off the wheels

The boy is crawling on the floor
All pink with blood.
It's daddy playing with him
In Pavlik Morozov

Children stood on the shore
And without knowing why
At the bottom lay a swollen Petya
The game in MU-MU is over

A little boy walking on a construction site
The brick hit him right
A blood pool and a bunch of brains
Aptly throws the foreman Ivanov

The kids in the basement were playing the Gestapo
Plumber Potapov was brutally tortured.
Potapov's mother took revenge on them,
She closed the doors and turned on the water.

Tanya with a tiger in the jungle collided ...
To the grandmother in a tiger fur coat returned

Little Johnny that was strong
I sawed the handles of my sister with a hacksaw ...
Vzmok, poor fellow, but the little hands are intact.
Make nails out of this girl !!!

Vaska was swimming in the river.
The alligator was splashing around him ...
Strange, but the crocodile swam away intact.
The boy probably was well fed.

The old woman did not suffer for long
In high voltage wires.
Her charred carcass
Found Timurovtsy in the bushes

A little boy found "Topol-2"
He pressed the red button first.
For a long time the Japanese could not understand
What a fungus grows in the distance.

A little boy floats down the river
Grandfather Afanasy took out a machine gun
Short line, choked scream
"Wow Chapaev," the old man laughs

A little boy walked on the roof
the wind blew and he fell from the roof
the stupid cat laughed for a long time
while a cake was blinking on the asphalt

A little boy found a machine gun -

A little boy found a machine gun -
A kindergarten is in the mass grave.

The girl found a grenade in the field.
- What is it, uncle? she asked.
- Pull the ring, - her uncle told her ...
For a long time the bow flew over the field.

My daughter asked her mother for candy.
Mom said: - Put your fingers in the socket!
The dress was burnt, the bones were charred -
The guests laughed at the joke for a long time.

Bones in a row, stars in a row -
The tram was run over by a detachment of Octobrists.

Two lovers lay in the rye.
Behind the harvester stood at the border.
Quietly wound up, quietly went ...
Someone found a dickhead in a loaf.

Grandmother was waiting for her granddaughter from school -
Potassium cyanide in a mortar pounded ...
Grandfather was ahead of grandmother -
I nailed my granddaughter to the fence.

A rocket hit the bathhouse -
Naked women are flying across the sky.

Looking into the distance on a rope
Komsomol secretary.

Grandma picked raspberries in the forest,
She stepped on an old mine.
For a long time, for a long time I remember
Her blue eyes are on a pine tree.

A dump truck drove up behind him.
There was no cry, no groan,
Only the sandalwood sticks out of the concrete.

The kids in the basement were playing the Gestapo -
Plumber Potapov is brutally tortured
Hands and feet nailed to the back of the head
But he did not say where he hid the bottle!

The kids in the basement were playing hospital -
The plumber Sinitsyn died of childbirth.

The kids in the basement were playing at the hospital
Our house manager died of childbirth.

Girl Nina went swimming,
Dived on Wednesday, surfaced on Saturday.

The girl went to the sea in the evening.
Do-o-olgo bathed. The next morning I surfaced.

The boy put two fingers in the socket.
All that was left was collected in a newspaper.
Daddy weeps over a pile of coals -
Where is the suit for forty rubles ?!

A little boy found a bomb
I put it in the stove and went to school.
In the evening, grandmother stoked the stove,
Many people buried her.

Boy Andreyka found three kopecks,
This was noticed by a man in a quilted jacket,
The crowbar whistled like Chingachgook's spear,
No, grandmother will not wait for her grandson.

Little boy played diver
Boldly descended to the bottom of the toilet.
The fat aunt pressed the pedal -
The boy ran off into the stinking distance.

A little boy walked along the shore
A crocodile approached him from behind.
The old crocodile groaned for a long time -
Pioneer badge stuck in the ass.

The boy was playing in a transformer box.
Now forget-me-nots grow on the grave.

Masha and Misha played on the roof.
After two shots, it became quieter.

My mother gouged out my eyes as a child,
So that I don't find jam in the closet.
Now I don’t go to the movies and I don’t read fairy tales
But I smell and hear well.

Olya and Tolya sat on the rails,
Olya and Tolya looked at the sleepers.
The express from Siberia rushed by quickly.
There were two of them, and now there are four.

I accidentally hit a barrel of cement,
Mom went to the store today -
Her son smiles at her from the wall.

Black Sea, bloody goulash -
Our plane landed on the beach.

A little boy walked on the roof
The roof is over, the boy fell
Grandma rushed into the room with a deer -
No, he didn't touch the pot of geraniums!

Grandpa found a grenade in the field,
I came to the regional committee with this grenade.
He pulled the ring and threw it out the window.
Old grandfather - he doesn't care.

A little boy climbed onto the cornice
He crossed himself and rushed down.
Mom's joy has no end
Fresh meat lies by the porch.

Stirlitz was brutally tortured by Muller,
He made him sniff his footcloths.
Fortunately, the ugly person did not know -
Stirlitz liked the smells of the Motherland.

Little boy, lame since childhood,
Soup sipped from a large plate.
- Everything, took a sip, the brute is lame, -
Mom said, pulling out an ax.

The little boy was sitting on the roof,
If he were a butterfly, he flew.
Someone crept up behind with a club,
So the idiot's dream has come true.

Little boy found dynamite
There is his jaw hanging from a branch.

A little boy walked on a construction site,
He pressed different buttons.
Well-oiled press worked well -
A warm pancake fell under the canopy.

A little boy walked on a construction site,
What would be spizd here, I stubbornly searched.
Resoundingly hit a brick in the back of the head -
Our watchman Kuzmich is apt throws!

A little boy found a machine gun
Nobody else lives in the village.
Only the old woman Matryona remained,
It is a pity that there was not enough cartridge for it.

The little boy climbed into the refrigerator.
The older brother pressed the switch.
Baby snot froze in my nose.
No, he won't finish his sausage!

Old Vasilich found a pineapple -
I have never seen a land mine in my life.
I took out a knife, got ready to eat -
The eggs were found six kilometers away.

A little boy was cooking jellied meat.
The legless father was crying in the room.

Uncle was standing in the tram at the exit.
When leaving, my uncle accidentally fell.
But the cap did not fall off into the box,
Nailed tightly to the back of the head.

The little boy at the construction site was playing
A crane drove up behind him.
Quietly the slab sank into the sand -
There will be a colored ceiling in the apartment!

A boy on an ice floe pricked wood,
An icebreaker approached him from behind.
The little hands were tightly grasping the piece of ice.
We pissed over this picture!

The old woman did not suffer for long
In high voltage wires
Her charred carcass
Hedgehogs gnawed in the bushes.

Little boy - striped shirt
Sitting on the roof, he planed the board.
Bones hit the ground with a crunch -
No, he will not go to visit his grandmother!