Do-it-yourself one-sided arch step by step instructions. Do-it-yourself drywall arch

By removing the swing doors, the owners increase the usable area. The device instead of a plasterboard arch is the simplest and most affordable option.

Types of arched structures - we choose for our apartment

Plasterboard arches create a very different shape, differing mainly in the upper part. Many styles have been developed - from the simplest to the most complex. We will focus on those that even people without special skills can do. Having mastered the basics of creating arched openings, you can move on to more sophisticated designs.

One of the popular styles is classic with a strict top shape. It is a semicircle with a radius equal to half the width of the doorway. It looks good in an apartment of sufficient height when the doorway is at least 2.5 m. Suitable for any interior, but the best application is the entrance to the kitchen or a long corridor.

The portal is close to the classical style, only it has a strict rectangular shape along the entire height. The option is ideal for wooden houses, apartments with clear horizontal and vertical lines. Right angles in this design look elegant. Often they add additional originality with carved wooden decorative elements.

The style of the classic semicircular arch in the elliptical one is practically preserved. Its arch is made of different heights. Formula: The height of the vault is half the width, does not apply. Ideal for apartments with low ceilings.

An even more simplified vault is characteristic of the romantic style. The craftsmen gave it the name "with rounded corners". The shape allows you to create structures of large width and relatively low. Ideal for decorating a passage to a balcony connected to a room.

The top of the Art Nouveau arch has a small radius of curvature, a sharp transition at the junction with the vertical parts. Looks good in rooms with simple design. Often installed instead of a door to a balcony or office.

The trapezoidal shape attracts supporters of custom design. The asymmetrical interior arch also emphasizes the originality of the taste of the owners. A popular form of recent times is the semi-arch. One side is semicircular, the other remains straight. Fits into modern styles of minimalism, hi-tech, art decor.

The shape and design must match the overall design. The width of the arch and the height of the room are taken into account. Before making the arch, we determine the parameters, especially those related to the radius of curvature. The classic is suitable for apartments with ceilings from three meters. For arches in place of standard doorways, rounded corners are recommended. It is better to arrange a wide opening in the Art Nouveau style.

Tip: to visually assess how the door arch will fit into the interior, make a template and apply it to the doorway.

Preparation - project, materials, opening, installation of profiles

We start with a project that we draw to scale. We outline the location, type of arch. We indicate the dimensions and all the distinctive features. It is even better to make a template that will help for further work, especially for a novice master.

In the work you will need tools: a perforator with a drill, a screwdriver or drill, a jigsaw, a drywall knife, a hammer. For measurements, you need a tape measure, a level. We fix everything with self-tapping screws, if the opening is brick - with dowels. From the materials we purchase UD and CD profiles. For a wooden frame, you will need pieces of timber. We buy drywall for ordinary rooms simple, for places with high humidity - moisture resistant.

Next, we prepare the doorway: we dismantle the canvas and the frame. Depending on the intended size, you may need to expand the space. Plastering the sidewalls is not worth it: everything will be covered with sheets of drywall. We remove the peeled plaster, align the side parts. We do not achieve an ideal vertical state: it is important that the sidewalls are more or less even for reliable fastening of the profile rails.

If we are planning a backlight, we wiring in advance. On uneven walls, the depth of the arch is determined by its greatest thickness. We carry out all measurements in several places so as not to be mistaken. The arched vault takes up to 15 cm, and the distance to the ceiling is required at least 20. Do not forget about this, calculating and marking the arch.

Cut off two pieces of a metal profile along the width of the arch. Four more are needed for the sidewalls. Their length is equal to the height minus the thickness of the profile rail. For installation on a concrete or brick wall, we make holes with a puncher, install dowels, fasten the profiles with self-tapping screws. For fastening to wooden walls, we do without dowels, we use self-tapping screws 50 mm long.

We retreat from the plane of the wall to a distance equal to the thickness of the drywall. For the plaster, add another 2 mm. After 50 cm, we install reinforcing cross-members, which reach from below to the place where the upper arcuate piece of drywall will join the sidewalls. To fix the arcuate element, you will need to install additional profiles, but at this stage we do not mount them. We have come out with a base to which we will attach the skin.

Arch installation is the main way to create any structures

For some reason, for many, an arched detail causes special difficulty. You can read many instructions for making it with calculations and formulas. Maybe lovers of mathematics use them, but in practice everything comes out much easier, you don't need to remember the school course.

We take a piece of plasterboard, equal in width to the doorway, from which we will cut an arc. You will need a straight, preferably a wooden rail, at one end of which we drive in a carnation. Find the middle on the sheet, draw a line. For a classic arch, from the second end of the rail, we also drive in a nail at a length from the first, equal to half the width of the arch.

Along the axial line, we retreat from the top of the sheet so that the upper nail is at its edge, and the lower one is pressed into the drywall. We've got a kind of compass. We take the top of the plank and draw a semicircle, leaving a trace from the top stud. We have outlined the dimensions of the upper part of the classic arch. If you need an oval one, move the lower point down the axis, as much as you want to reduce the height, and outline the cutting line.

We cut out an arc along the outlined contour. We do this with a drywall file or for metal. You can use a jigsaw, but there is a lot of dust from it. The uneven cut, which may be possible, is leveled with sandpaper, ensuring that the curve comes out in an ideal shape.

We perform further actions in the following sequence:

  1. 1. Use self-tapping screws to fasten the rectangle with the cut out arc to the frame. On the opposite side, temporarily screw the same.
  2. 2. Take a square, put it on an unmarked piece of paper and draw points with a pencil that correspond to the cut out arc. We make them larger in order to draw the most accurate curve along them.
  3. 3. Remove a piece of sheet and draw a line along the points. Cut off the excess and set the second arc to a permanent place.

A copy of the first arc should not be made: asymmetry is not excluded, therefore, installing the second sheet with absolute coincidence of the contours is problematic.

We take the ironer so that its width is enough for two sheets, and we level them. Then we install profiles between them. They need to be bent. We make cuts in the sidewalls with scissors, bend them, adjust them in place. Fasten with screws to drywall, holding the rail with a bar so as not to injure your fingers. We set the back of the profile rail flush with the edge of the arcuate element.

After attaching both strips, we install jumpers between them. We cut the profile into pieces with a length that is less than the depth of the arch by 1 cm. In the places where the jumpers are attached on the installed profile, we cut out the sidewalls from the inside and install the prepared fragments. The lintels provide the required rigidity.

Next, we fasten the sidewalls on both sides. The arc also needs to be closed with drywall. To do this, you have to bend it. To the uninformed, this may seem impossible, because they are convinced that the standard gypsum board is both fragile and tough - it does not want to bend, it breaks. How to give it the desired bend, we will talk ahead.

Drywall technology - how bends are made

For surfaces with curved lines, thin drywall is available. You can buy a sheet and set the required length. But the logic turns on: why buy a whole, if you need a small piece, which is full of purchased sheets of standard thickness? In general, everything is correct: a thick sheet can also be bent.

A simple and quick method is usually used. Place the cut-to-size workpiece face up on a flat surface. We take a square and after 10 cm draw lines across with a pencil. We make cuts along them, approximately ⅔ of the thickness. The square is optional, but desirable: in parallel, the bend will be better. For arches with large curves, this method is most suitable.

We turn the workpiece over with notches upwards, apply it to the arch. We fix the upper part with screws. We gradually move from the center to the end. We screw in the self-tapping screws every 10 cm on both sides. The effort required is small, the sequence is mirrored. We do everything gradually, without haste, then the gypsum board will bend almost perfectly.

For those who do not like or do not know how to plaster, another method is recommended. Indeed, on drywall, curved according to the previous method, more than one layer of plaster will have to be applied. A very sharp bend by the proposed method, which is called wet, is difficult to obtain, but possible. Its advantages are that the bent fragment remains intact; you will not have to mask the damage with plaster: an ordinary finishing layer is applied.

You will have to buy a roller with needles and make a template for bending. No special skills are required, but the process is lengthy, technological breaks must be observed. We do as follows:

  1. 1. Cut out semicircular templates from a fairly rigid material. We install them vertically and fasten them together.
  2. 2. A sheet of drywall of the required size is laid on a plane and rolled with a roller. Moisten with water, but not strongly so that it appears slightly damp.
  3. 3. After 10 minutes of exposure, place the blank on the template - the unrolled side from below. The workpiece itself begins to sag, we help carefully, without applying excessive efforts.
  4. 4. Wait about half an hour, until you feel moisture to the touch. There is no need to wait any longer, it may dry out and fragility will return.

Plastering and design - we give the product a complete look

The frame sheathed with plasterboard is a semi-finished product, it was better not to start without high-quality finishing at the finish. Many people do not like this stage - it is better to cut, drill, fasten than to deal with mortar and sandpaper. Yes, the work is not easy, but necessary, since we have undertaken to do everything ourselves.

First apply a primer and let it dry. Those who ignore this step, wanting to save money and time, are wrong. It is the primer layer that allows the plaster to reliably adhere to the surface and not be torn away over time. We use acrylic putty, but it is better to apply a special one for drywall joints on the seams. It is more durable, does not crack later.

We close up joints, possible defects on drywall and screw heads. We try not to apply a lot of putty, otherwise we will have to remove it later. We pass with a spatula, taking away the excess. To hide irregularities, give strength, prevent cracking, cover the joints with fiberglass mesh. We put the pieces of the required length on the fresh putty. We make sure that there are no folds. If it fails to align, it is best to tear off and try again.

We glue the arch bend with a mesh. Wrinkles will appear here. To eliminate them, we cut the mesh in these places and glue it. Immediately apply the second layer over the mesh. We are waiting for it to dry: it will become completely white. Smooth the surfaces with sandpaper. Do not overdo it: the mesh should not be exposed. If this happens in some places - undesirable, but not scary.

We clean it from dust and apply the next layer over the entire surface. Again, wait until it dries, and grind, but with paper with a finer grain. Apply the finishing layer on a thoroughly cleaned surface. We are waiting long enough for the putty to dry well. The next day we grind using the finest sandpaper.

Sometimes it is enough to paint the arch to give it a finished and elegant look. But many want to achieve originality using the following techniques:

  • sheathed with wood or plastic;
  • we paste over with wallpaper, veneer;
  • we use artificial stone decoration;
  • decorate with mirrors, mosaics;
  • we decorate with stucco, columns;
  • we arrange backlighting.

You can use any option, the main thing is harmony with the general style.

The interior of a living space can be monotonous and boring, since most of the apartments are built according to standard designs and resemble one another. You can add variety and originality to your home by replacing the standard doorway with a more elegant and aesthetic arch.

Knowing how to make an arch in an apartment, many experts assure that all work can be done independently using inexpensive building materials.

Arch advantages

The best solution is a drywall arch, since this building material is very popular, it can be found in any store and even choose the one that will be more suitable in your case according to the main characteristics. In addition, it is easy to process, bend and does not require special cutting tools.

To make an arch, you need drywall of different thicknesses - the one that will be on top may be slightly thinner than what will be placed below. In addition to the facing material, you will need a metal profile of two types - a guide and a rack.

The profile frame will make your arch more durable and reliable, which is important when it comes to frequently used premises. You will also need self-tapping screws designed for working with wood and large dowels.

Where is the best place to make an arch

An arched opening is relevant in the hallway or in the kitchen - places where you do not need to close the doors often. However, these rooms are some of the most commonly used spaces, and therefore care must be taken to keep your archway as long as possible.

It should also be taken into account that the cladding will take up some space, and the opening will decrease in size, so if the doorways in your apartment are not very high, big problems may arise with the work.

After the material is purchased, you can proceed directly to the workflow itself. To make it easier for you to make an arch with your own hands and in order to avoid mismatches, you need to carefully measure the opening.

The width, height, and wall thickness of the original object are key factors. After that, you can start cutting drywall. The hardest part is cutting out a semicircle for the top edge of the arch.

Step-by-step instruction

To do this, you can use an old proven tool - a lace and a pencil. Take the width of your doorway and add about an additional 20 centimeters to it, and then cut a strip of drywall to that size. Once the layout is ready, mark a point in the center of the base, only a few centimeters away from the bottom edge.

The end of the lace is attached at this point. Most often, for reliability, it is fixed with a bolt or nail. A pencil is tied to the other end. The distance between the attachment of the first end of the rope and the pencil is half the width of your doorway.

With the help of this simple device, we draw the correct arc of the required dimensions and cut out an arched opening along the resulting line. There should be two such templates, since the arch needs to be decorated in two directions. The second template is much easier to cut, using the first one instead of a template.

Further, speaking about how to make an arch in an apartment, you need to take care of the correct installation and fastening of the profile. The guide profile must be placed at the top, making sure that it follows the outline of your arch exactly.

The result obtained must be reinforced with a more rigid post profile. Dowels should be used to secure the profile.

Working with drywall

It should also be noted that when fixing the drywall, the surface of the product will rise slightly, and if you want your arch to merge with the wall, it is better to install the profile a little deeper, stepping back from the outer edge of the opening inward by a few millimeters.

Next, the cut templates are attached to the profile. The work is done using self-tapping screws, and the heads of each screw should be slightly pressed into the surface so that there are no problems with the final finishing. To fill the space between the templates, you need to use a strip of drywall, pre-treated with moisture.

This will give the material sufficient flexibility and in places of a semicircle it can be easily leaned against the profile. You can apply moisture with a good cloth, you can use a roller.

After that, you need to wait a few hours before the drywall is dry and in the right state for fixing. The strip width should be the same as the original opening width.

The final touch in the self-production of the arch is to putty the seams and finish the finished arched opening. For these purposes, there is a special drywall putty, which is more delicate in handling. It lays down in a thin layer and hides all the external imperfections of the "raw" product.

An arch can give a room a more elegant look, enliven the atmosphere and make your apartment stand out from a number of other typical buildings. If you do all the work with your own hands, you will be able to take into account all the subtleties, and the result will be as accurate and functional as possible in your conditions.

Photo tips how to make an arch in an apartment with your own hands

Starting to renovate an apartment or house, people strive to make their home as comfortable, stylish and elegant as possible. One of the most popular design ideas is the design of the doorway in the form of a semicircular arch. Having studied the technology, it is quite possible to make an arch from gypsum plasterboard with your own hands.

Using an arched structure, you can influence the design of the entire environment and set the tone for the arrangement of the entire interior.

Arched-type structures are used not only for the design of doorways, but also for the zonal division of the corridor. In this article, you will learn how to make an arch from gypsum plasterboard with your own hands.

Necessary tools and material

From the tools you will need a screwdriver, tape measure, construction square, pencil, spatula, grater, container, knife, sponge, drill, jigsaw, metal scissors.

Draw the outline of the arch on the drywall. To draw the upper part of the arched structure, use a homemade compass from a self-tapping screw screwed into drywall and a thread with a pencil tied to it

The longer the thread is, the larger the radius of the arc will be. Here you have the opportunity to experiment until you get the arch shape you want.

The blade of the tool must cut through the material strictly according to the markings - the quality of the arch directly depends on this. Next, start creating an arched frame. It can be metal or wood. Both options have their own advantages: the aluminum profile is characterized by evenness and lightness, and the wood is distinguished by great strength.

If you have a wall of concrete, then you first need to make holes with a drill, insert dowels into them and only then screw in the screws.

Then, after attaching all the profiles to the wall, start installing the gypsum board. Installation of sheets is done using a screwdriver. The size of the screws depends on the thickness of the drywall.

Secure the curved aluminum profile to the edge of the plasterboard. This will increase the rigidity of the structure. First, attach both ends of the curved rail to the metal frame, and then screw the plasterboard to it. You need to screw in the self-tapping screws in increments of 0.1-0.15 m.

Mount the perpendicular sections of the profile to connect the side walls of the arched structure with each other.

Secure the lower arched arch section. Using a tape measure, measure the length and width of the arc. Cut the appropriate piece out of the plasterboard. Attach it to the bottom of the arch, bending gently to shape.

The edges of the plasterboard rectangle should be flush with the walls of the arch. Secure the section with self-tapping screws on both sides of the arc. Read from the center of the arch.

Inspect the resulting structure and remove minor defects. Start finishing. Tape the edges of the plasterboard with fiberglass mesh or paper tape.

Apply putty (minimum 3 coats). Sand thoroughly with a trowel. The arch is ready. It remains only to paint it.

Varieties of arches

There are different types of drywall arches. They usually differ in the configuration of the top, and in some cases in the way they are connected to the vertical segments.

The photo of drywall arches shows that they are usually divided into six types:

  • Classic.
  • Modern.
  • Romance.
  • Ellipse.
  • Trapezium.
  • Portal.

The semi-arch is also distinguished separately.

It is not so difficult to make and mount an arched structure yourself. You just need to study the technology and choose a suitable design for a drywall arch. We wish you success.

Photo of a drywall arch

For an interesting apartment interior, you can choose an oriental style, which is distinguished by its singularity and beauty. And quite often, as an element of this style, do-it-yourself made interior arches are used, which can also be performed by home craftsmen.

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An arched doorway gives the room some freedom, as well as an increase in space. Therefore, many people use this type of finish, performing these works after the completion of the main repair. At the same time, different materials can be used for work, which makes the interior arch more accessible to any person.

What do you need to work?

You cannot build an arch with your bare hands, so it is worth preparing the necessary tools, which you cannot do without. In any case, you will need:

  • hacksaw
  • hammer and scalpel
  • tape measure and pencil
  • ladder
  • liquid nail gun

Regardless of the material used, the listed tools will make all the work much easier. In addition, the speed of work, as well as their quality, will be much higher than when working without using a power tool.

Materials for interior arches

For such an interesting design, which, of course, is an arch, you can use various materials. In addition to wooden arched structures, plastic interior arches are quite popular today, which are produced in factories and are supplied for sale ready-made. But this is not the only material that is used during apartment renovation. are also quite popular among the population, especially since they are able to repeat any shape. The use of other materials is allowed as finishing of the arched structure, which allows you to get unusual and interesting options for the interior.

Opening preparation

Before starting the manufacture and installation of the arched structure, it is necessary to prepare the doorway. To do this, you need to remove the door leaf and dismantle the old door frame, which was part of the door block that stood in the opening.

To get a semicircular top of the doorway, you need to round off the edges of the opening itself. This can be done using a frame, especially in cases where drywall will serve as the finishing material.


For a wooden structure, a frame is also required, which must be made of wood.

These works must be tackled at the next stage of creating an arched structure.

Arch frame

Before making an arch with your own hands, you need to do the work on the arrangement of its foundation. For drywall arches, metal profiles are used for the frame. To make the base even, and both sides are the same, you can prepare a template that will completely copy the final shape of the future structure.

The profile itself must be prepared for bending. This can be done by cutting the side members of the profile, after which it can bend to any radius. The more cuts are made, the rounder the opening will be. All that remains is to fix all the elements on the wall.

What can be used for fastening?

In order to make a metal frame for an arched structure, it is necessary to have nails with which the guide profiles are attached. But to connect the profiles into a single structure, you need to use self-tapping screws with a press washer, which have a flat and wide head, due to which they allow much stronger fastening of all profiles to each other.

To tighten the screws, a screwdriver is used, on which a bit is installed, which has a cross recess. The type of slot is selected depending on the configuration of the self-tapping screw, therefore, when buying the necessary attachment for the screwdriver, it is worth taking with you the self-tapping screw, which will need to be tightened.

Wireframe creation

Ready-made elements

Interior arches made of wood also require the installation of a frame, on which it will be necessary to fix all the wooden parts of the arched structure. To work with wood, you need to prepare a jigsaw or a sharp hacksaw. This is necessary in order to qualitatively and accurately cut, varnished or laminated, finished parts of the future arch.

Quite often, in stores you can find cashing for arched structures, which has a groove on the inner surface into which you can insert any part ready for use. For example, an extension for a door frame, which has sufficient rigidity, and at the same time has an attractive appearance.

Drywall cutting

When the frame is fully prepared, you can begin to cover it with plasterboard sheets. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a hacksaw or jigsaw in order to cut two identical elements of the opening. If a template was previously made to facilitate the assembly and installation of the arch frame, now it can serve as a model for the side parts of the future arched opening.

Use a pencil to mark the cutting line. In order for the door arch to be as even and symmetrical as possible with your own hands, it is necessary to use a template that can serve as a door frame, if an arched door must be installed in the opening. If there is no such template, then you need to cut out one side part of the arch, and cut the second part along it.

Frame sheathing

Plasterboard installation

The side parts of the arch are ready, which means it is time to install them on the frame of the opening. To do this, you need to use self-tapping screws with a fine thread, the length of which is 35 mm. While tightening the screws, you need to carefully monitor the force of attraction of the screw to the drywall sheet.


If it is exceeded, then the self-tapping screw will pass through the drywall sheet and the fastening will not be achieved.

After completing the installation of the side parts, it is necessary to close the space that formed after their installation. To do this, you need to remove the size of the opening width and measure its length. You can cut the insert for the arched opening using a simple knife. But the edges of the insert must be processed with a plane so that they are even and neat.

How to fold drywall?

After the drywall part is cut out, it must be installed in the interior arch. But the installation of even drywall on the bend of the arch can damage the installed part. Therefore, before installation, it must be bent. Only in this case, do-it-yourself interior arches will look stylish and beautiful.

In order to bend the plasterboard element, it is necessary to moisten it slightly with water. After it dries, a slight bend will occur naturally. As soon as this happens, you can begin to install this element in place. The bent drywall will freely take on the new shape that the arch frame has. It remains only to finish the new section of the interior of the room.

Plasterboard sheathing

Putty, painting, gluing

The finished arch must be given an attractive appearance. To do this, it must be plastered and painted with paint to match other interior items or pasted over with wallpaper. The corners of the arched structure need to be strengthened. This can be done using a special painting angle, which, thanks to its design, takes the shape of any angle.

The corner is installed on the applied putty, which is used to putty the entire surface of the interior arch. After installing the corners, the arch is putty again, and after it dries, they begin to sand. The finishing stage will be painting the entire structure or full or partial wallpapering. This is how the interior arches are installed with their own hands and their subsequent decoration.

How to make an arch with your own hands video:

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The doorway will look more aesthetically pleasing if you design it in the form of a semicircular arch. You can make it out of drywall yourself without resorting to the services of professional builders.

Arch markings

A significant disadvantage of this design is the reduction in the size of the doorway. To see if the arch will fit well into a particular doorway, it is best to first cut a blank out of paper or cardboard and fasten it above the door. If the opening height is less than 2.5 m, it may be necessary to reduce the bend of the arch or make small bends only at the corners of the arch.

Installation of an arch with a small bending radius

To draw the upper part of the arch on the blank, we will use compass... You can make it from improvised means: a self-tapping screw or an awl, fixed in the center of a circle, thread and a pencil. Pulling the thread evenly, draw the required arc. The longer the length of the thread, the flatter the arch will be.

Draw a circle

You can also make a compass from trimming a metal profile

Drywall cutting

1. First, cut through the first layer of cardboard and the gypsum core. To do this, apply a ruler to the intended line, and draw along it several times with a sharp knife or metal file.

Cutting through the first two layers

2. To finally break the gypsum core, put the drywall on the edge and lightly tap the cut point. If the part to be cut has a small width, you can break the plaster by simply pressing on the edge of the sheet.

Cutting the second layer

4. To remove roughness along the edge of the cut, it is processed sandpaper or rasp.

Important! For ideal joining of sheets along the edges of drywall with a sharp knife, remove chamfer 45 °.


Cutting blanks for the upper arch

The most convenient way to work with jigsaw or a special plane for drywall... With the help of them, you can cut any shapes out of drywall. Moreover, with this method, gypsum practically does not generate dust, and the resulting edges almost do not require additional processing.

Jigsaw cutting

You can also trim curly edges using drywall knife saw-shaped or fine-toothed metal files... However, this will take some skill. A knife or a file is carried out along the marked line so that the blade penetrates as deeply as possible into the sheet. In this case, the tool must go strictly perpendicular to the surface. Next, tap the cut point with a hammer, if necessary, draw a knife over it several more times.

Cutting with a plasterboard saw

Then cut through reverse side of the sheet, on which traces of knife pressure are already visible. Then the excess pieces are cut off, and the edges of the sheet are trimmed with sandpaper. If the cut lines are large enough, it is better to cut the sheet inside the outline into segments.

For getting holes (for example, to mount lamps or sockets), you can use an electric drill with a crown-shaped attachment.

Drill bit

Cutting and bending metal guides

Aluminum rails are cut with conventional scissors for metal... To attach the top of the arch, you will need a special arched profile... You can buy it in the store or do it yourself.

To bend the profile on it are made incisions... The distance between them depends on the bend radius - the larger it is, the more often the notches should be made. For bending, it is better to choose an L-shaped profile - it will be much easier to work with it, and you will have to make cuts only on one side.

Profile bending

Drywall bending

For the device arch can be purchased arched drywall... It is more flexible and, since its thickness is less than ordinary sheets, it bends easily. However, buying a whole sheet is quite expensive. Some stores sell such material not in sheets, but in pieces, which is very convenient. If it is not possible to purchase a small piece, you can also bend an ordinary drywall sheet.

Thin arched drywall bends easily, but costs more

There are two ways to do this: wet and dry. In the first case, in order for moisture to better penetrate deep into the sheet, the drywall blank should be rolled before flexible needle roller.

Before bending, the workpiece is rolled with a needle roller

Further the sheet evenly moistened with water and laid on a curved surface repeating the shape of an arch, pressing down with a load. The workpiece dryer can be cut from drywall or plywood residues.

Wet bending

Important! With any bending method, it should be noted that drywall bends well only along the length of the sheet.

When dry bending cuts are made along the entire length of the fold. Moreover, the larger the bending radius, the more often such notches should be applied. This can be done quickly with a grinder, however, since a lot of gypsum dust is formed in this process, it is better to do the work outdoors.

Dry bending drywall

Installing the frame

After dismantling the door frame, the surface is cleaned of peeled plaster, dust and dirt and knocks down all irregularities. Further, on the sides of the doorway, using self-tapping dowels with a step of 20-30 cm, are fixed two rack metal profiles... In this case, 11-12 mm should be retreated from the edge for mounting drywall and applying putty. If the width of the opening is large (more than 1 m), between two guides are attached lintels... Small sections of profiles connecting the two side rails are also mounted in the lower part of the opening. They should rest on the floor.

At the top of the doorway are mounted two arched profiles... If necessary, they are also connected with jumpers.

Fixing the upper part of the profile

Fastening a profile with jumpers

The sections of the profile are fastened together with self-tapping screws

Fastening drywall

The very first self-tapping screws with a pitch of 25-35 cm blanks for the upper semicircle of the arch are attached. Their width should be equal to the width of the doorway plus 10-15 mm. Self-tapping screws should not be fastened too close to the corners - it is necessary to indent 1-1.5 cm, otherwise cracks will appear at the attachment points.

Plasterboard installation

Fixing corners

Important! So that the screws do not stick out above the surface, they should be sunk into the sheet by a couple of millimeters. In the future, the holes from them are covered with putty.

The finished structure is plastered with a wide trowel at the beginning starting, and then finishing putty... The solution is applied to the inner side of the arch, and then, after it has completely dried, to the side walls. At the joints of drywall, to protect the solution from cracking with putty, it is attached painting net.

After the installation is completed, the arch is covered with putty

Attaching the painting net